Exemple #1
 def raw_encrypt(data, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, curve='sect283r1',
                 ephemcurve=None, ciphername='aes-256-cbc'):
     if ephemcurve is None:
         ephemcurve = curve
     ephem = ECC(curve=ephemcurve)
     key = sha512(ephem.raw_get_ecdh_key(pubkey_x, pubkey_y)).digest()
     key_e, key_m = key[:32], key[32:]
     pubkey = ephem.get_pubkey()
     iv = OpenSSL.rand(OpenSSL.get_cipher(ciphername).get_blocksize())
     ctx = Cipher(key_e, iv, 1, ciphername)
     ciphertext = ctx.ciphering(data)
     mac = hmac_sha256(key_m, ciphertext)
     return iv + pubkey + ciphertext + mac
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, key, iv, do, ciphername='aes-256-cbc'):
     do == 1 => Encrypt; do == 0 => Decrypt
     self.cipher = OpenSSL.get_cipher(ciphername)
     self.ctx = OpenSSL.EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new()
     if do == 1 or do == 0:
         k = OpenSSL.malloc(key, len(key))
         IV = OpenSSL.malloc(iv, len(iv))
             self.ctx, self.cipher.get_pointer(), 0, k, IV, do)
         raise Exception("RTFM ...")
Exemple #3
 def decrypt(self, data, ciphername='aes-256-cbc'):
     Decrypt data with ECIES method using the local private key
     blocksize = OpenSSL.get_cipher(ciphername).get_blocksize()
     iv = data[:blocksize]
     i = blocksize
     curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i2 = ECC._decode_pubkey(data[i:])
     i += i2
     ciphertext = data[i:len(data)-32]
     i += len(ciphertext)
     mac = data[i:]
     key = sha512(self.raw_get_ecdh_key(pubkey_x, pubkey_y)).digest()
     key_e, key_m = key[:32], key[32:]
     if hmac_sha256(key_m, ciphertext) != mac:
         raise RuntimeError("Fail to verify data")
     ctx = Cipher(key_e, iv, 0, ciphername)
     return ctx.ciphering(ciphertext)
Exemple #4
 def gen_IV(ciphername):
     cipher = OpenSSL.get_cipher(ciphername)
     return OpenSSL.rand(cipher.get_blocksize())
Exemple #5
 def get_blocksize(ciphername):
     cipher = OpenSSL.get_cipher(ciphername)
     return cipher.get_blocksize()