Exemple #1
    def test_eigenvectors(self):
        P = self.bdc.transition_matrix()

        # k==None
        ev = eigvals(P)
        ev = ev[np.argsort(np.abs(ev))[::-1]]
        Dn = np.diag(ev)

        # right eigenvectors
        Rn = eigenvectors(P)
        # left eigenvectors
        Ln = eigenvectors(P, right=False)
        # orthogonality
        Xn = np.dot(Ln.T, Rn)
        di = np.diag_indices(Xn.shape[0])
        Xn[di] = 0.0

        # k!=None
        Dnk = Dn[:,0:self.k][0:self.k,:]
        # right eigenvectors
        Rn = eigenvectors(P, k=self.k)
        # left eigenvectors
        Ln = eigenvectors(P, right=False, k=self.k)
        # orthogonality
        Xn = np.dot(Ln.T, Rn)
        di = np.diag_indices(self.k)
        Xn[di] = 0.0
    def test_eigenvectors(self):
        P = self.bdc.transition_matrix()
        ev, L, R = eig(P, left=True, right=True)
        ind = np.argsort(np.abs(ev))[::-1]
        R = R[:, ind]
        L = L[:, ind]
        Rn = eigenvectors(P)
        assert_allclose(R, Rn)

        Ln = eigenvectors(P, right=False)
        assert_allclose(L, Ln)
        """k is not None"""
        Rn = eigenvectors(P, k=self.k)
        assert_allclose(R[:, 0:self.k], Rn)

        Ln = eigenvectors(P, right=False, k=self.k)
        assert_allclose(L[:, 0:self.k], Ln)
    def test_eigenvectors(self):
        ev, L, R=eig(P, left=True, right=True)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(R, Rn))

        Ln=eigenvectors(P, right=False)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(L, Ln))

        """k is not None"""
        Rn=eigenvectors(P, k=self.k)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(R[:,0:self.k], Rn))

        Ln=eigenvectors(P, right=False, k=self.k)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(L[:,0:self.k], Ln))
Exemple #4
    def test_eigenvectors(self):
        P_dense = self.bdc.transition_matrix()
        P = self.bdc.transition_matrix_sparse()
        ev, L, R = eig(P_dense, left=True, right=True)
        ind = np.argsort(np.abs(ev))[::-1]
        ev = ev[ind]
        R = R[:, ind]
        L = L[:, ind]
        vals = ev[0:self.k]

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Rn = eigenvectors(P)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            Ln = eigenvectors(P, right=False)

        """k is not None"""
        Rn = eigenvectors(P, k=self.k)
        assert_allclose(vals[np.newaxis, :] * Rn, P.dot(Rn))

        Ln = eigenvectors(P, right=False, k=self.k)
        assert_allclose(P.transpose().dot(Ln), vals[np.newaxis, :] * Ln)

        """k is not None and ncv is not None"""
        Rn = eigenvectors(P, k=self.k, ncv=self.ncv)
        assert_allclose(vals[np.newaxis, :] * Rn, P.dot(Rn))

        Ln = eigenvectors(P, right=False, k=self.k, ncv=self.ncv)
        assert_allclose(P.transpose().dot(Ln), vals[np.newaxis, :] * Ln)
Exemple #5
def pcca_connected(P, n, return_rot=False):
    PCCA+ spectral clustering method with optimized memberships [1]_
    Clusters the first n_cluster eigenvectors of a transition matrix in order to cluster the states.
    This function assumes that the transition matrix is fully connected.
    P : ndarray (n,n)
        Transition matrix.
    n : int
        Number of clusters to group to.
    chi by default, or (chi,rot) if return_rot = True
    chi : ndarray (n x m)
        A matrix containing the probability or membership of each state to be assigned to each cluster.
        The rows sum to 1.
    rot_mat : ndarray (m x m)
        A rotation matrix that rotates the dominant eigenvectors to yield the PCCA memberships, i.e.:
        chi = np.dot(evec, rot_matrix

    [1] S. Roeblitz and M. Weber, Fuzzy spectral clustering by PCCA+: 
        application to Markov state models and data classification.
        Adv Data Anal Classif 7, 147-179 (2013).

    # test connectivity
    from pyemma.msm.estimation import connected_sets
    labels = connected_sets(P)
    n_components = len(
    )  #(n_components, labels) = connected_components(P, connection='strong')
    if (n_components > 1):
        raise ValueError(
            "Transition matrix is disconnected. Cannot use pcca_connected.")

    # right eigenvectors, ordered
    from pyemma.msm.analysis import eigenvectors
    evecs = eigenvectors(P, n)

    # Is there a significant complex component?
    if not np.alltrue(np.isreal(evecs)):
        raise Warning(
            "The given transition matrix has complex eigenvectors, so it doesn't exactly fulfill detailed balance "
            "forcing eigenvectors to be real and continuing. Be aware that this is not theoretically solid."
    evecs = np.real(evecs)

    # create initial solution using PCCA+. This could have negative memberships
    (chi, rot_matrix) = pcca_connected_isa(evecs, n)

    # optimize the rotation matrix with PCCA++.
    rot_matrix = opt_soft(evecs, rot_matrix, n)
    #print "optimized rot matrix: \n",rot_matrix

    # These memberships should be nonnegative
    memberships = np.dot(evecs[:, :], rot_matrix)

    # We might still have numerical errors. Force memberships to be in [0,1]
    memberships = np.maximum(0.0, memberships)
    memberships = np.minimum(1.0, memberships)
    for i in range(0, np.shape(memberships)[0]):
        memberships[i] /= np.sum(memberships[i])

    return memberships
Exemple #6
def _pcca_connected(P, n, return_rot=False):
    PCCA+ spectral clustering method with optimized memberships [1]_
    Clusters the first n_cluster eigenvectors of a transition matrix in order to cluster the states.
    This function assumes that the transition matrix is fully connected.
    P : ndarray (n,n)
        Transition matrix.
    n : int
        Number of clusters to group to.
    chi by default, or (chi,rot) if return_rot = True
    chi : ndarray (n x m)
        A matrix containing the probability or membership of each state to be assigned to each cluster.
        The rows sum to 1.
    rot_mat : ndarray (m x m)
        A rotation matrix that rotates the dominant eigenvectors to yield the PCCA memberships, i.e.:
        chi = np.dot(evec, rot_matrix

    [1] S. Roeblitz and M. Weber, Fuzzy spectral clustering by PCCA+: 
        application to Markov state models and data classification.
        Adv Data Anal Classif 7, 147-179 (2013).

    # test connectivity
    from pyemma.msm.estimation import connected_sets

    labels = connected_sets(P)
    n_components = len(
    )  # (n_components, labels) = connected_components(P, connection='strong')
    if (n_components > 1):
        raise ValueError(
            "Transition matrix is disconnected. Cannot use pcca_connected.")

    from pyemma.msm.analysis import stationary_distribution

    pi = stationary_distribution(P)
    # print "statdist = ",pi

    from pyemma.msm.analysis import is_reversible

    if not is_reversible(P, mu=pi):
        raise ValueError(
            "Transition matrix does not fulfill detailed balance. "
            "Make sure to call pcca with a reversible transition matrix estimate"
    # TODO: Susanna mentioned that she has a potential fix for nonreversible matrices by replacing each complex conjugate
    #      pair by the real and imaginary components of one of the two vectors. We could use this but would then need to
    #      orthonormalize all eigenvectors e.g. using Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization. Currently there is no theoretical
    #      foundation for this, so I'll skip it for now.

    # right eigenvectors, ordered
    from pyemma.msm.analysis import eigenvectors

    evecs = eigenvectors(P, n)

    # orthonormalize
    for i in range(n):
        evecs[:, i] /= math.sqrt(np.dot(evecs[:, i] * pi, evecs[:, i]))
    # make first eigenvector positive
    evecs[:, 0] = np.abs(evecs[:, 0])

    # Is there a significant complex component?
    if not np.alltrue(np.isreal(evecs)):
        raise Warning(
            "The given transition matrix has complex eigenvectors, so it doesn't exactly fulfill detailed balance "
            "forcing eigenvectors to be real and continuing. Be aware that this is not theoretically solid."
    evecs = np.real(evecs)

    # create initial solution using PCCA+. This could have negative memberships
    (chi, rot_matrix) = _pcca_connected_isa(evecs, n)

    #print "initial chi = \n",chi

    # optimize the rotation matrix with PCCA++.
    rot_matrix = _opt_soft(evecs, rot_matrix, n)

    # These memberships should be nonnegative
    memberships = np.dot(evecs[:, :], rot_matrix)

    # We might still have numerical errors. Force memberships to be in [0,1]
    # print "memberships unnormalized: ",memberships
    memberships = np.maximum(0.0, memberships)
    memberships = np.minimum(1.0, memberships)
    # print "memberships unnormalized: ",memberships
    for i in range(0, np.shape(memberships)[0]):
        memberships[i] /= np.sum(memberships[i])

    # print "final chi = \n",chi

    return memberships
Exemple #7
def _pcca_connected(P, n, return_rot=False):
    PCCA+ spectral clustering method with optimized memberships [1]_
    Clusters the first n_cluster eigenvectors of a transition matrix in order to cluster the states.
    This function assumes that the transition matrix is fully connected.
    P : ndarray (n,n)
        Transition matrix.
    n : int
        Number of clusters to group to.
    chi by default, or (chi,rot) if return_rot = True
    chi : ndarray (n x m)
        A matrix containing the probability or membership of each state to be assigned to each cluster.
        The rows sum to 1.
    rot_mat : ndarray (m x m)
        A rotation matrix that rotates the dominant eigenvectors to yield the PCCA memberships, i.e.:
        chi = np.dot(evec, rot_matrix

    [1] S. Roeblitz and M. Weber, Fuzzy spectral clustering by PCCA+: 
        application to Markov state models and data classification.
        Adv Data Anal Classif 7, 147-179 (2013).

    # test connectivity
    from pyemma.msm.estimation import connected_sets

    labels = connected_sets(P)
    n_components = len(labels)  # (n_components, labels) = connected_components(P, connection='strong')
    if (n_components > 1):
        raise ValueError("Transition matrix is disconnected. Cannot use pcca_connected.")

    from pyemma.msm.analysis import stationary_distribution

    pi = stationary_distribution(P)
    # print "statdist = ",pi

    from pyemma.msm.analysis import is_reversible

    if not is_reversible(P, mu=pi):
        raise ValueError("Transition matrix does not fulfill detailed balance. "
                         "Make sure to call pcca with a reversible transition matrix estimate")
    # TODO: Susanna mentioned that she has a potential fix for nonreversible matrices by replacing each complex conjugate
    #      pair by the real and imaginary components of one of the two vectors. We could use this but would then need to
    #      orthonormalize all eigenvectors e.g. using Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization. Currently there is no theoretical
    #      foundation for this, so I'll skip it for now.

    # right eigenvectors, ordered
    from pyemma.msm.analysis import eigenvectors

    evecs = eigenvectors(P, n)

    # orthonormalize
    for i in range(n):
        evecs[:, i] /= math.sqrt(np.dot(evecs[:, i] * pi, evecs[:, i]))
    # make first eigenvector positive
    evecs[:, 0] = np.abs(evecs[:, 0])

    # Is there a significant complex component?
    if not np.alltrue(np.isreal(evecs)):
        raise Warning(
            "The given transition matrix has complex eigenvectors, so it doesn't exactly fulfill detailed balance "
            + "forcing eigenvectors to be real and continuing. Be aware that this is not theoretically solid.")
    evecs = np.real(evecs)

    # create initial solution using PCCA+. This could have negative memberships
    (chi, rot_matrix) = _pcca_connected_isa(evecs, n)

    #print "initial chi = \n",chi

    # optimize the rotation matrix with PCCA++. 
    rot_matrix = _opt_soft(evecs, rot_matrix, n)

    # These memberships should be nonnegative
    memberships = np.dot(evecs[:, :], rot_matrix)

    # We might still have numerical errors. Force memberships to be in [0,1]
    # print "memberships unnormalized: ",memberships
    memberships = np.maximum(0.0, memberships)
    memberships = np.minimum(1.0, memberships)
    # print "memberships unnormalized: ",memberships
    for i in range(0, np.shape(memberships)[0]):
        memberships[i] /= np.sum(memberships[i])

    # print "final chi = \n",chi

    return memberships