Exemple #1
def test_genesis_db():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk2 = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis()
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
    blk2 = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis()
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
Exemple #2
def test_genesis_db():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    db = new_db()
    blk = blocks.genesis(db, {v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk2 = blocks.genesis(db, {v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis(db)
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
    db = new_db()
    blk2 = blocks.genesis(db, {v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis(db)
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
Exemple #3
def test_genesis_db():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk2 = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis()
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
    blk2 = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis()
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
def test_data_feeds():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()    
    scode3 = '''
if !contract.storage[1000]:
    contract.storage[1000] = 1
    contract.storage[1001] = msg.sender
elif msg.sender == contract.storage[1001] and msg.datasize == 2:
    contract.storage[msg.data[0]] = msg.data[1]
    code3 = serpent.compile(scode3)
    # print("AST", serpent.rewrite(serpent.parse(scode3)))
    # print("Assembly", serpent.compile_to_assembly(scode3))
    blk = b.genesis({v: 10**18, v2: 10**18})
    tx10 = t.contract(0, gasprice, startgas, 0, code3).sign(k)
    s, addr = pb.apply_tx(blk, tx10)
    tx11 = t.Transaction(1, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0, '').sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_tx(blk, tx11)
    tx12 = t.Transaction(2, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0, serpent.encode_datalist([500])).sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_tx(blk, tx12)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [0]
    tx13 = t.Transaction(3, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0, serpent.encode_datalist([500, 726])).sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_tx(blk, tx13)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [1]
    tx14 = t.Transaction(4, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0, serpent.encode_datalist([500])).sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_tx(blk, tx14)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [726]
    return blk, addr
Exemple #5
def test_genesis():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    assert blk in set([blk])
    assert blk == blocks.Block.deserialize(blk.serialize())
def test_gas_price_calculation():
    code = [
        'CALLER', 'PUSH1', 69, 'SSTORE', 'PUSH1', 42, 'DUP', 'PUSH1', 16,
        'PUSH1', 0, 'CODECOPY', 'PUSH1', 0, 'RETURN', 'STOP', 'PUSH1', 69,
        'SLOAD', 'CALLER', 'EQ', 'NOT', 'PUSH1', 42, 'JUMPI', 'CALLDATASIZE',
        'PUSH1', 0, 'MLOAD', 'LT', 'NOT', 'PUSH1', 42, 'JUMPI', 'PUSH1', 32,
        'PUSH1', 0, 'MLOAD', 'ADD', 'CALLDATALOAD', 'PUSH1', 0, 'MLOAD',
        'CALLDATALOAD', 'SSTORE', 'PUSH1', 64, 'PUSH1', 0, 'MLOAD', 'ADD',
        'PUSH1', 0, 'MSTORE', 'PUSH1', 9, 'JUMP'
    tx_dict = {
        'nonce': 0L,
        'startgas': 10000L,
        'value': 0L,
        'to': '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        'v': 28L,
        '3`EW`*Q`\x10`\x009`\x00\xf2\x00`EV3\x0e\x0f`*Y6`\x00S\n\x0f`*Y` `\x00S\x015`\x00S5W`@`\x00S\x01`\x00T`\tX',
        'gasprice': 10000000000000L
    assert serpent.compiler.serialize(code) == tx_dict['data']
    block = genesis = blocks.genesis()

    tx = transactions.Transaction(**tx_dict)
    assert block.gas_used == 0
    success, output = processblock.apply_transaction(block, tx)
    GAS_USED_CPP = 1001  # as seen for tx0 in block1 in protocol 17 cpp chain
    assert block.gas_used == GAS_USED_CPP
Exemple #7
def test_genesis():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    assert blk in set([blk])
    assert blk == blocks.Block.deserialize(blk.serialize())
Exemple #8
def mkgenesis(*args, **kargs):
    "set INITIAL_DIFFICULTY to a value that is quickly minable"
    tmp = blocks.INITIAL_DIFFICULTY
    blocks.INITIAL_DIFFICULTY = 2**16
    g = blocks.genesis(*args, **kargs)
    blocks.INITIAL_DIFFICULTY = tmp
    return g
Exemple #9
def test_namecoin():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()

    blk = b.genesis({v: u.denoms.ether * 1})

    code1 = serpent.compile(namecoin_code)
    tx1 = t.contract(0, gasprice, startgas, 0, code1).sign(k)
    s, addr = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx1)

    snapshot = blk.snapshot()

    # tx2
    tx2 = t.Transaction(1, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0,
                        serpent.encode_datalist(['george', 45]))
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx2)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [1]

    # tx3
    tx3 = t.Transaction(2, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0,
                        serpent.encode_datalist(['george', 20])).sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx3)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [0]

    # tx4
    tx4 = t.Transaction(3, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0,
                        serpent.encode_datalist(['harry', 60])).sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx4)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [1]


    assert blk.to_dict()
    assert blk.to_dict()['state'][addr]['code']
def test_data_feeds():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    scode3 = '''
if !contract.storage[1000]:
    contract.storage[1000] = 1
    contract.storage[1001] = msg.sender
elif msg.sender == contract.storage[1001] and msg.datasize == 2:
    contract.storage[msg.data[0]] = msg.data[1]
    code3 = serpent.compile(scode3)
    logger.debug("AST", serpent.rewrite(serpent.parse(scode3)))
    blk = b.genesis({v: 10 ** 18, v2: 10 ** 18})
    tx10 = t.contract(0, gasprice, startgas, 0, code3).sign(k)
    s, addr = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx10)
    tx11 = t.Transaction(1, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0, '').sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx11)
    tx12 = t.Transaction(2, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0,
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx12)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [0]
    tx13 = t.Transaction(3, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0,
                         serpent.encode_datalist([500, 726])).sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx13)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [1]
    tx14 = t.Transaction(4, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0,
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx14)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [726]
    return blk, addr
Exemple #11
def test_deserialize_commit():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    db = new_db()
    blk = blocks.genesis(db)
    db.put(blk.hash, blk.serialize())
    assert blk == blocks.get_block(db, blk.hash)
def mkgenesis(*args, **kargs):
    "set INITIAL_DIFFICULTY to a value that is quickly minable"
    tmp = blocks.INITIAL_DIFFICULTY
    blocks.INITIAL_DIFFICULTY = 2 ** 16
    g = blocks.genesis(*args, **kargs)
    blocks.INITIAL_DIFFICULTY = tmp
    return g
Exemple #13
def test_genesis_state_root(genesis_fixture):
    # https://ethereum.etherpad.mozilla.org/12
    genesis = blocks.genesis()
    for k, v in blocks.GENESIS_INITIAL_ALLOC.items():
        assert genesis.get_balance(k) == v
    assert genesis.state_root.encode(
        'hex') == genesis_fixture['genesis_state_root']
def test_genesis_state_root():
    # https://ethereum.etherpad.mozilla.org/12
    genesis = blocks.genesis()
    for k, v in blocks.GENESIS_INITIAL_ALLOC.items():
        assert genesis.get_balance(k) == v
    assert genesis.state_root.encode(
Exemple #15
def test_genesis_state_root(genesis_fixture):
    # https://ethereum.etherpad.mozilla.org/12
    genesis = blocks.genesis()
    for k, v in blocks.GENESIS_INITIAL_ALLOC.items():
        assert genesis.get_balance(k) == v
    assert genesis.state_root.encode(
        'hex') == genesis_fixture['genesis_state_root']
Exemple #16
def test_genesis_state_root():
    # https://ethereum.etherpad.mozilla.org/12
    genesis = blocks.genesis()
    for k, v in blocks.GENESIS_INITIAL_ALLOC.items():
        assert genesis.get_balance(k) == v
    assert genesis.state_root.encode(
Exemple #17
def test_genesis_hash():
    genesis = blocks.genesis()
    cpp: https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum/libethereum/BlockInfo.cpp#L64
    h256() << sha3EmptyList << h160() << stateRoot << h256() << c_genesisDifficulty << 0 << 0 << 1000000 << 0 << (uint)0 << string() << sha3(bytes(1, 42));

    PoC5 etherpad: https://ethereum.etherpad.mozilla.org/11
    Genesis block is: ( B32(0, 0, ...), B32(sha3(B())), B20(0, 0, ...), B32(stateRoot), B32(0, 0, ...), P(2^22), P(0), P(0), P(1000000), P(0), P(0) << B() << B32(sha3(B(42))) )

    Genesis hash: 69a7356a245f9dc5b865475ada5ee4e89b18f93c06503a9db3b3630e88e9fb4e

    YP: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum/latexpaper/master/Paper.tex
    0256 , SHA3RLP(), 0160 , stateRoot, 0256 , 2**22 , 0, 0, 1000000, 0, 0, (), SHA3(42), (), ()

    Where 0256 refers to the parent and state and transaction root hashes, 
    a 256-bit hash which is all zeroes; 
    0160 refers to the coinbase address, 
    a 160-bit hash which is all zeroes; 
    2**22 refers to the difficulty; 
    0 refers to the timestamp (the Unix epoch); 
    () refers to the extradata and the sequences of both uncles and transactions, all empty. 
    SHA3(42) refers to the SHA3 hash of a byte array of length one whose first
    and only byte is of value 42. 
    SHA3RLP() values refer to the hashes of the transaction and uncle lists in RLP, 
    both empty.
    The proof-of-concept series include a development premine, making the state root 
    hash some value stateRoot. The latest documentation should be consulted for 
    the value of the state root.

    h256 = "\x00" * 32
    sr = CPP_PoC5_GENESIS_STATE_ROOT_HEX_HASH.decode('hex')
    genisi_block_defaults = [
        ["prevhash", "bin", h256],  # h256()
        ["uncles_hash", "bin",
         utils.sha3(rlp.encode([]))],  # sha3EmptyList
        ["coinbase", "addr", "0" * 40],  # h160()
        ["state_root", "trie_root", sr],  # stateRoot
        ["tx_list_root", "trie_root", h256],  # h256()
        ["difficulty", "int", 2**22],  # c_genesisDifficulty
        ["number", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["min_gas_price", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["gas_limit", "int", 1000000],  # 1000000
        ["gas_used", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["timestamp", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["extra_data", "bin", ""],  # ""
        ["nonce", "bin", utils.sha3(chr(42))],  # sha3(bytes(1, 42));

    cpp_genesis_block = rlp.decode(CPP_PoC5_GENESIS_HEX.decode('hex'))
    cpp_genesis_header = cpp_genesis_block[0]

    for i, (name, typ, genesis_default) in enumerate(genisi_block_defaults):
        # print name, repr(getattr(genesis, name)),  repr(genesis_default)
        assert utils.decoders[typ](cpp_genesis_header[i]) == genesis_default
        assert getattr(genesis, name) == genesis_default
    assert genesis.hex_hash() == CPP_PoC5_GENESIS_HEX_HASH
def _recv_Status(self, data):
    #old_status(self, data)
    h = blocks.genesis().hash
    print('Status RECEIVED')
    head_hash = data[3]
    print "head_hash", head_hash.encode('hex')
    print "head difficulty", idec(data[2])
    assert not len(collected_blocks)
    self.send_GetBlockHashes(head_hash, NUM_BLOCKS_PER_REQUEST)
def test_genesis_hash():
    genesis = blocks.genesis()
    cpp: https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum/libethereum/BlockInfo.cpp#L64
    h256() << sha3EmptyList << h160() << stateRoot << h256() << c_genesisDifficulty << 0 << 0 << 1000000 << 0 << (uint)0 << string() << sha3(bytes(1, 42));

    PoC5 etherpad: https://ethereum.etherpad.mozilla.org/11
    Genesis block is: ( B32(0, 0, ...), B32(sha3(B())), B20(0, 0, ...), B32(stateRoot), B32(0, 0, ...), P(2^22), P(0), P(0), P(1000000), P(0), P(0) << B() << B32(sha3(B(42))) )

    Genesis hash: 69a7356a245f9dc5b865475ada5ee4e89b18f93c06503a9db3b3630e88e9fb4e

    YP: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum/latexpaper/master/Paper.tex
    0256 , SHA3RLP(), 0160 , stateRoot, 0256 , 2**22 , 0, 0, 1000000, 0, 0, (), SHA3(42), (), ()

    Where 0256 refers to the parent and state and transaction root hashes, 
    a 256-bit hash which is all zeroes; 
    0160 refers to the coinbase address, 
    a 160-bit hash which is all zeroes; 
    2**22 refers to the difficulty; 
    0 refers to the timestamp (the Unix epoch); 
    () refers to the extradata and the sequences of both uncles and transactions, all empty. 
    SHA3(42) refers to the SHA3 hash of a byte array of length one whose first
    and only byte is of value 42. 
    SHA3RLP() values refer to the hashes of the transaction and uncle lists in RLP, 
    both empty.
    The proof-of-concept series include a development premine, making the state root 
    hash some value stateRoot. The latest documentation should be consulted for 
    the value of the state root.

    h256 = "\x00" * 32
    sr = CPP_PoC5_GENESIS_STATE_ROOT_HEX_HASH.decode('hex')
    genisi_block_defaults = [
        ["prevhash", "bin", h256],  # h256()
        ["uncles_hash", "bin", utils.sha3(rlp.encode([]))],  # sha3EmptyList
        ["coinbase", "addr", "0" * 40],  # h160()
        ["state_root", "trie_root", sr],  # stateRoot
        ["tx_list_root", "trie_root", h256],  # h256()
        ["difficulty", "int", 2 ** 22],  # c_genesisDifficulty
        ["number", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["min_gas_price", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["gas_limit", "int", 1000000],  # 1000000
        ["gas_used", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["timestamp", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["extra_data", "bin", ""],  # ""
        ["nonce", "bin", utils.sha3(chr(42))],  # sha3(bytes(1, 42));

    cpp_genesis_block = rlp.decode(CPP_PoC5_GENESIS_HEX.decode('hex'))
    cpp_genesis_header = cpp_genesis_block[0]

    for i, (name, typ, genesis_default) in enumerate(genisi_block_defaults):
        # print name, repr(getattr(genesis, name)),  repr(genesis_default)
        assert utils.decoders[typ](cpp_genesis_header[i]) == genesis_default
        assert getattr(genesis, name) == genesis_default
    assert genesis.hex_hash() == CPP_PoC5_GENESIS_HEX_HASH
Exemple #20
def _recv_Status(self, data):
    #old_status(self, data)
    h = blocks.genesis().hash
    print('Status RECEIVED')
    head_hash = data[3]
    print "head_hash", head_hash.encode('hex')
    print "head difficulty", idec(data[2])
    assert not len(collected_blocks)
    self.send_GetBlockHashes(head_hash, NUM_BLOCKS_PER_REQUEST)
Exemple #21
def test_genesis_hash(genesis_fixture):
    py current:     7e2c3861f556686d7bc3ce4e93fa0011020868dc769838aca66bcc82010a2c60
    fixtures 15.10.:f68067286ddb7245c2203b18135456de1fc4ed6a24a2d9014195faa7900025bf
    py poc6:        08436a4d33c77e6acf013e586a3333ad152f25d31df8b68749d85046810e1f4b
    fixtures 19.9,: 08436a4d33c77e6acf013e586a3333ad152f25d31df8b68749d85046810e1f4b
    genesis = blocks.genesis(new_db())
    assert genesis.hex_hash() == genesis_fixture['genesis_hash']
Exemple #22
def test_genesis_hash(genesis_fixture):
    genesis = blocks.genesis()
    YP: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum/latexpaper/master/Paper.tex
    0256 , SHA3RLP(), 0160 , stateRoot, 0256 , 2**22 , 0, 0, 1000000, 0, 0, (),
    SHA3(42), (), ()

    Where 0256 refers to the parent and state and transaction root hashes,
    a 256-bit hash which is all zeroes;
    0160 refers to the coinbase address,
    a 160-bit hash which is all zeroes;
    2**22 refers to the difficulty;
    0 refers to the timestamp (the Unix epoch);
    () refers to the extradata and the sequences of both uncles and
    transactions, all empty.
    SHA3(42) refers to the SHA3 hash of a byte array of length one whose first
    and only byte is of value 42.
    SHA3RLP() values refer to the hashes of the transaction and uncle lists
    in RLP
    both empty.
    The proof-of-concept series include a development premine, making the state
    root hash some value stateRoot. The latest documentation should be
    consulted for the value of the state root.

    h256 = '\00' * 32
    sr = genesis_fixture['genesis_state_root'].decode('hex')
    genesis_block_defaults = [
        ["prevhash", "bin", h256],  # h256()
        ["uncles_hash", "bin", utils.sha3(rlp.encode([]))],  # sha3EmptyList
        ["coinbase", "addr", "0" * 40],  # h160()
        ["state_root", "trie_root", sr],  # stateRoot
        ["tx_list_root", "trie_root", trie.BLANK_ROOT],  # h256()
        ["difficulty", "int", 2 ** 22],  # c_genesisDifficulty
        ["number", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["min_gas_price", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["gas_limit", "int", 10 ** 6],  # 10**6 for genesis
        ["gas_used", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["timestamp", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["extra_data", "bin", ""],  # ""
        ["nonce", "bin", utils.sha3(chr(42))],  # sha3(bytes(1, 42));

    cpp_genesis_block = rlp.decode(
    cpp_genesis_header = cpp_genesis_block[0]

    for i, (name, typ, genesis_default) in enumerate(genesis_block_defaults):
        assert utils.decoders[typ](cpp_genesis_header[i]) == genesis_default
        assert getattr(genesis, name) == genesis_default

    assert genesis.hex_hash() == genesis_fixture['genesis_hash']

    assert genesis.hex_hash() == utils.sha3(
Exemple #23
def test_genesis_hash(genesis_fixture):
    genesis = blocks.genesis()
    YP: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum/latexpaper/master/Paper.tex
    0256 , SHA3RLP(), 0160 , stateRoot, 0256 , 2**22 , 0, 0, 1000000, 0, 0, (),
    SHA3(42), (), ()

    Where 0256 refers to the parent and state and transaction root hashes,
    a 256-bit hash which is all zeroes;
    0160 refers to the coinbase address,
    a 160-bit hash which is all zeroes;
    2**22 refers to the difficulty;
    0 refers to the timestamp (the Unix epoch);
    () refers to the extradata and the sequences of both uncles and
    transactions, all empty.
    SHA3(42) refers to the SHA3 hash of a byte array of length one whose first
    and only byte is of value 42.
    SHA3RLP() values refer to the hashes of the transaction and uncle lists
    in RLP
    both empty.
    The proof-of-concept series include a development premine, making the state
    root hash some value stateRoot. The latest documentation should be
    consulted for the value of the state root.

    h256 = '\00' * 32
    sr = genesis_fixture['genesis_state_root'].decode('hex')
    genesis_block_defaults = [
        ["prevhash", "bin", h256],  # h256()
        ["uncles_hash", "bin",
         utils.sha3(rlp.encode([]))],  # sha3EmptyList
        ["coinbase", "addr", "0" * 40],  # h160()
        ["state_root", "trie_root", sr],  # stateRoot
        ["tx_list_root", "trie_root", trie.BLANK_ROOT],  # h256()
        ["difficulty", "int", 2**22],  # c_genesisDifficulty
        ["number", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["min_gas_price", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["gas_limit", "int", 10**6],  # 10**6 for genesis
        ["gas_used", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["timestamp", "int", 0],  # 0
        ["extra_data", "bin", ""],  # ""
        ["nonce", "bin", utils.sha3(chr(42))],  # sha3(bytes(1, 42));

    cpp_genesis_block = rlp.decode(
    cpp_genesis_header = cpp_genesis_block[0]

    for i, (name, typ, genesis_default) in enumerate(genesis_block_defaults):
        assert utils.decoders[typ](cpp_genesis_header[i]) == genesis_default
        assert getattr(genesis, name) == genesis_default

    assert genesis.hex_hash() == genesis_fixture['genesis_hash']

    assert genesis.hex_hash() == utils.sha3(
Exemple #24
def test_block_serialization_other_db():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    # mine two blocks
    a_blk = blocks.genesis()
    a_blk2 = mine_next_block(a_blk)

    # receive in other db
    b_blk = blocks.genesis()
    assert b_blk == a_blk
    b_blk2 = b_blk.deserialize(a_blk2.serialize())
    assert a_blk2.hex_hash() == b_blk2.hex_hash()
    assert a_blk2.hex_hash() == b_blk2.hex_hash()
Exemple #25
def test_transaction():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    tx = get_transaction()
    assert not tx in blk.get_transactions()
    success, res = processblock.apply_tx(blk, tx)
    assert tx in blk.get_transactions()
    assert blk.get_balance(v) == utils.denoms.finney * 990
    assert blk.get_balance(v2) == utils.denoms.finney * 10
Exemple #26
def test_mine_block():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk2 = mine_next_block(blk, coinbase=v)
    assert blk2.get_balance(v) == blocks.BLOCK_REWARD + blk.get_balance(v)
    assert blk.state.db.db == blk2.state.db.db
    assert blk2.get_parent() == blk
Exemple #27
def test_transfer():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    b_v = blk.get_balance(v)
    b_v2 = blk.get_balance(v2)
    value = 42
    success = blk.transfer_value(v, v2, value)
    assert success
    assert blk.get_balance(v) == b_v - value
    assert blk.get_balance(v2) == b_v2 + value
Exemple #28
def test_transfer():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    b_v = blk.get_balance(v)
    b_v2 = blk.get_balance(v2)
    value = 42
    success = blk.transfer_value(v, v2, value)
    assert success
    assert blk.get_balance(v) == b_v - value
    assert blk.get_balance(v2) == b_v2 + value
Exemple #29
def test_genesis():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    db = new_db()
    blk = blocks.genesis(db, {v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    sr = blk.state_root
    assert blk.state.db.db == db.db
    db.put(blk.hash, blk.serialize())
    assert sr in db
    assert sr in db
    blk2 = blocks.genesis(db, {v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis(db)
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
    db = new_db()
    blk2 = blocks.genesis(db, {v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis(db)
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
def _recv_Hello(self, data):
    old_hello(self, data)
    h = blocks.genesis().hash
    print('HELLO RECEIVED')
    head_hash = data[7]
    print "head_hash", head_hash.encode('hex')
    from peer import idec
    print "head difficulty", idec(data[6])
    assert not len(collected_blocks)
    self.send_GetBlockHashes(head_hash, NUM_BLOCKS_PER_REQUEST)
Exemple #31
def test_failing_transfer():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    b_v = blk.get_balance(v)
    b_v2 = blk.get_balance(v2)
    value = utils.denoms.ether * 2
    # should fail
    success = blk.transfer_value(v, v2, value)
    assert not success
    assert blk.get_balance(v) == b_v
    assert blk.get_balance(v2) == b_v2
Exemple #32
def test_failing_transfer():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    b_v = blk.get_balance(v)
    b_v2 = blk.get_balance(v2)
    value =  utils.denoms.ether * 2
    # should fail
    success = blk.transfer_value(v, v2, value)
    assert not success
    assert blk.get_balance(v) == b_v
    assert blk.get_balance(v2) == b_v2
Exemple #33
def test_genesis():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    sr = blk.state_root
    db = DB(utils.get_db_path())
    assert blk.state.db.db == db.db
    db.put(blk.hash, blk.serialize())
    assert sr in db
    assert sr in db
    blk2 = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis()
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
    blk2 = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis()
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
Exemple #34
def test_block_serialization_with_transaction_other_db():
    #k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    # mine two blocks
    a_blk = blocks.genesis()
    tx = get_transaction()
    a_blk2 = mine_next_block(a_blk, transactions=[tx])
    assert tx in a_blk2.get_transactions()
    # receive in other db
    b_blk = blocks.genesis()
    assert b_blk == a_blk
    b_blk2 = b_blk.deserialize(a_blk2.serialize())
    assert a_blk2.hex_hash() == b_blk2.hex_hash()
    assert tx in b_blk2.get_transactions()
    assert a_blk2.hex_hash() == b_blk2.hex_hash()
    assert tx in b_blk2.get_transactions()
Exemple #35
def test_block_serialization_same_db():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    assert blk.hex_hash() == \
    blk2 = mine_next_block(blk)
    assert blk.hex_hash() == \
    assert blk2.hex_hash() == \
Exemple #36
def test_genesis():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    sr = blk.state_root
    db = DB(utils.get_db_path())
    assert blk.state.db.db == db.db
    db.put(blk.hash, blk.serialize())
    assert sr in db
    assert sr in db
    blk2 = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis()
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
    blk2 = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    blk3 = blocks.genesis()
    assert blk == blk2
    assert blk != blk3
Exemple #37
def test_mine_block_with_transaction():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    tx = get_transaction()
    blk2 = mine_next_block(blk, coinbase=v, transactions=[tx])
    assert blocks.get_block(blk2.hash) == blk2
    assert tx.gasprice == 0
    assert blk2.get_balance(
        v) == blocks.BLOCK_REWARD + blk.get_balance(v) - tx.value
    assert blk.state.db.db == blk2.state.db.db
    assert blk2.get_parent() == blk
    assert tx in blk2.get_transactions()
    assert not tx in blk.get_transactions()
Exemple #38
def test_gas_deduction():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    v_old_balance = blk.get_balance(v)
    assert blk.get_balance(blk.coinbase) == 0
    gasprice = 1
    startgas = 10000
    code1 = serpent.compile(namecoin_code)
    tx1 = transactions.contract(0, gasprice, startgas, 0, code1).sign(k)
    success, addr = processblock.apply_transaction(blk, tx1)
    assert success
    assert blk.coinbase != v
    assert v_old_balance > blk.get_balance(v)
    assert v_old_balance == blk.get_balance(v) + blk.get_balance(blk.coinbase)
    intrinsic_gas_used = processblock.GTXCOST + \
        processblock.GTXDATA * len(tx1.data)
    assert v_old_balance - blk.get_balance(v) >= intrinsic_gas_used * gasprice
def test_gas_deduction():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    blk = blocks.genesis({v: utils.denoms.ether * 1})
    v_old_balance = blk.get_balance(v)
    assert blk.get_balance(blk.coinbase) == 0
    gasprice = 1
    startgas = 10000
    code1 = serpent.compile(namecoin_code)
    tx1 = transactions.contract(0, gasprice, startgas, 0, code1).sign(k)
    success, addr = processblock.apply_transaction(blk, tx1)
    assert success
    assert blk.coinbase != v
    assert v_old_balance > blk.get_balance(v)
    assert v_old_balance == blk.get_balance(v) + blk.get_balance(blk.coinbase)
    intrinsic_gas_used = processblock.GTXCOST + \
        processblock.GTXDATA * len(tx1.data)
    assert v_old_balance - blk.get_balance(v) >= intrinsic_gas_used * gasprice
Exemple #40
def test_currency():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()
    scode2 = '''
if !contract.storage[1000]:
    contract.storage[1000] = 1
    contract.storage[0x%s] = 1000
elif msg.datasize == 1:
    addr = msg.data[0]
    from = msg.sender
    fromvalue = contract.storage[from]
    to = msg.data[0]
    value = msg.data[1]
    if fromvalue >= value:
        contract.storage[from] = fromvalue - value
        contract.storage[to] = contract.storage[to] + value
    ''' % v
    code2 = serpent.compile(scode2)
    blk = b.genesis({v: 10 ** 18})
    tx4 = t.contract(0, gasprice, startgas, 0, code2).sign(k)
    s, addr = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx4)
    tx5 = t.Transaction(1, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0, '').sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx5)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [1]
    tx6 = t.Transaction(2, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0,
                        serpent.encode_datalist([v2, 200])).sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx6)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [1]
    tx7 = t.Transaction(3, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0,
                        serpent.encode_datalist([v2, 900])).sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx7)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [0]
    tx8 = t.Transaction(4, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0,
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx8)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [800]
    tx9 = t.Transaction(5, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0,
    s, o = pb.apply_transaction(blk, tx9)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [200]
Exemple #41
def test_gas_price_calculation():
    code = [
        'CALLER', 'PUSH1', 69, 'SSTORE', 'PUSH1', 42, 'DUP', 'PUSH1', 16, 'PUSH1', 0, 'CODECOPY', 'PUSH1', 0, 'RETURN', 'STOP', 'PUSH1', 69, 'SLOAD', 'CALLER', 'EQ', 'NOT', 'PUSH1', 42, 'JUMPI', 'CALLDATASIZE', 'PUSH1', 0,
        'MLOAD', 'LT', 'NOT', 'PUSH1', 42, 'JUMPI', 'PUSH1', 32, 'PUSH1', 0, 'MLOAD', 'ADD', 'CALLDATALOAD', 'PUSH1', 0, 'MLOAD', 'CALLDATALOAD', 'SSTORE', 'PUSH1', 64, 'PUSH1', 0, 'MLOAD', 'ADD', 'PUSH1', 0, 'MSTORE', 'PUSH1', 9, 'JUMP']
    tx_dict = {'nonce': 0L,
               'startgas': 10000L,
               'value': 0L,
               'to': '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
               's': 9504411864285061276187941232604806802531640604671611347567260576513458657555L,
               'r': 23362574597211079051662254624411036839077618676481166419446762923566339937125L,
               'v': 28L,
               'data': '3`EW`*Q`\x10`\x009`\x00\xf2\x00`EV3\x0e\x0f`*Y6`\x00S\n\x0f`*Y` `\x00S\x015`\x00S5W`@`\x00S\x01`\x00T`\tX',
               'gasprice': 10000000000000L}
    assert serpent.compiler.serialize(code) == tx_dict['data']
    block = genesis = blocks.genesis()

    tx = transactions.Transaction(**tx_dict)
    assert block.gas_used == 0
    success, output = processblock.apply_transaction(block, tx)
    GAS_USED_CPP = 1001  # as seen for tx0 in block1 in protocol 17 cpp chain
    assert block.gas_used == GAS_USED_CPP
def test_namecoin():
    k, v, k2, v2 = accounts()    
    blk = b.genesis({v: u.denoms.ether * 1})
    scode1 = '''
if !contract.storage[msg.data[0]]:
    contract.storage[msg.data[0]] = msg.data[1]
    code1 = serpent.compile(scode1)
    tx1 = t.contract(0, gasprice, startgas, 0, code1).sign(k)
    s, addr = pb.apply_tx(blk, tx1)
    snapshot = blk.snapshot()
    tx2 = t.Transaction(1, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0, serpent.encode_datalist(['george', 45]))
    s, o = pb.apply_tx(blk, tx2)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [1]
    tx3 = t.Transaction(2, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0, serpent.encode_datalist(['george', 20])).sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_tx(blk, tx3)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [0]
    tx4 = t.Transaction(3, gasprice, startgas, addr, 0, serpent.encode_datalist(['harry', 60])).sign(k)
    s, o = pb.apply_tx(blk, tx4)
    assert serpent.decode_datalist(o) == [1]
        h = n.encode('hex')
        h = "%02x" % n
    l = len(h)
    return "0" * (32 - l) + h

nargs = pad32(1)
d0 = pad32('hi')
print nargs, d0
msg_hash = utils.sha3(nargs + d0)
v, r, s = bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_sign(msg_hash, key)
pubkey = bitcoin.privkey_to_pubkey(key)
verified = bitcoin.ecdsa_raw_verify(msg_hash, (v, r, s), pubkey)

gen = blocks.genesis({addr: 10**18})

print serpent.compile_to_assembly(open("DAOist frame.se").read())
DAOcode = serpent.compile(open("DAOist frame.se").read())

DAOcontract = transactions.contract(0, 1, 10**12, 100, DAOcode)


success, contract_address = processblock.apply_tx(gen, DAOcontract)

DCP = transactions.Transaction(
    1, 10**12, 10000, contract_address, 0,
    serpent.encode_datalist([1, 1, v, r, s, 1, 'hi']))
Exemple #44
 def reset(self):
     self.genesis = blocks.genesis(self.founders)
     self.nonce = Counter()
Exemple #45
def _recv_Hello(self, data):
    old_hello(self, data)
    h = blocks.genesis().hash
    print('HELLO RECEIVED')
Exemple #46
def test_genesis_initial_alloc(genesis_fixture):
    genesis = blocks.genesis(new_db())
    for k, v in blocks.GENESIS_INITIAL_ALLOC.items():
        assert genesis.get_balance(k) == v
Exemple #47
def mkgenesis(initial_alloc={}):
    return blocks.genesis(initial_alloc)
Exemple #48
def mkquickgenesis(initial_alloc={}):
    "set INITIAL_DIFFICULTY to a value that is quickly minable"
    return blocks.genesis(initial_alloc, difficulty=2**16)
Exemple #49
def test_genesis_state_root(genesis_fixture):
    genesis = blocks.genesis(new_db())
    assert genesis.state_root.encode(
        'hex') == genesis_fixture['genesis_state_root']
Exemple #50
def mkquickgenesis(initial_alloc={}):
    "set INITIAL_DIFFICULTY to a value that is quickly minable"
    return blocks.genesis(initial_alloc, difficulty=2 ** 16)
Exemple #51
def mkgenesis(initial_alloc={}):
    return blocks.genesis(initial_alloc)
Exemple #52
 def __init__(self, name, genesis=None):
     self.private_key = utils.sha3(name)
     self.addr = utils.privtoaddr(self.private_key)
     self.genesis = genesis or blocks.genesis({self.addr: self.START_BALANCE})
Exemple #53
root_key = utils.sha3('cow')
root_addr = utils.privtoaddr(root_key)

keys = {}

for x in range(NUM_ACCOUNTS):
  key  = utils.sha3(str(x+4))
  addr = utils.privtoaddr(key)
  keys[addr] = key

endowment = {root_addr: 10**18}

for x in keys:
  endowment[x] = 10**18

genesis = blocks.genesis(endowment)

tx1 = transactions.contract(0, 10**12, 100000, 0, root_code).sign(root_key)

result, contract = processblock.apply_transaction(genesis, tx1)


for address in keys:

  longitude = random.randint(1000, 110000)
  latitude  = random.randint(1000, 110000)
  datalist  = serpent.encode_datalist([0, longitude, latitude])
  tx = transactions.Transaction(0,
Exemple #54
    assert genesis.hex_hash() == genesis_fixture['genesis_hash']

if __name__ == '__main__':

    cpp_genesis_rlp_hex = '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'
    cpp_genesis_rlp = cpp_genesis_rlp_hex.decode('hex')

    poc7_genesis_hash_hex = '955f36d073ccb026b78ab3424c15cf966a7563aa270413859f78702b9e8e22cb'
    cpp_genesis = rlp.decode(cpp_genesis_rlp)
    cpp_genesis_hash_hex = utils.sha3(rlp.encode(cpp_genesis[0])).encode('hex')

    cpp_header = cpp_genesis[0]
    cpp_header_hex = [x.encode('hex') for x in cpp_header]

    py_genesis = rlp.decode(blocks.genesis().serialize())
    py_genesis_hex_hash = blocks.genesis().hex_hash()
    py_header = py_genesis[0]
    py_header_hex = [x.encode('hex') for x in py_header]

    print 'py genesis hash hex', py_genesis_hex_hash
    print 'py state_root', py_header[blocks.block_structure_rev['state_root']
    print 'py genesis rlp', blocks.genesis().hex_serialize()

    assert len(py_header_hex) == len(cpp_header_hex)
    assert cpp_genesis_hash_hex == poc7_genesis_hash_hex
    for i, e in enumerate(py_header_hex):
        print blocks.block_structure[i][0], repr(e)
        print blocks.block_structure[i][0], repr(cpp_header_hex[i])
Exemple #55
def test_transient_block():
    blk = blocks.genesis()
    tb_blk = blocks.TransientBlock(blk.serialize())
    assert blk.hash == tb_blk.hash
    assert blk.number == tb_blk.number
Exemple #56
 def reset(self):
     self.genesis = blocks.genesis(self.founders)
     self.genesis.timestamp = 1388534400  # 2014-01-01
     self.nonce = Counter()
Exemple #57
#require command line args
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print("Usage: %s [price] [recipient: transcation success: 2, transcation deny: 3]  [sender: transcation success: 2, transcation deny: 3]" %sys.argv[0])

code = serpent.compile(escrow)
sender_key = utils.sha3('sender')
sender_addr = utils.privtoaddr(sender_key)
recipient_key = utils.sha3('recipient')
recipient_addr = utils.privtoaddr(recipient_key)
host_key = utils.sha3('host')
host_addr = utils.privtoaddr(host_key)

#initialize the block
genesis = blocks.genesis({sender_addr: 10**18, recipient_addr: 10**18, host_addr: 10**18})

#initialize the contract
tx1 = transactions.contract(0, 10**12, 10000, 0, code).sign(host_key)
result, contract = processblock.apply_transaction(genesis, tx1)

#execute escrow transaction
#nonce, gasprice, startgas, to, value, data
price = int(sys.argv[1]) #user supplied price
tx2 = transactions.Transaction(0, 10**12, 10000, contract, price, serpent.encode_datalist([1,recipient_addr])).sign(sender_key)
result, ans = processblock.apply_transaction(genesis, tx2)
tx3 = transactions.Transaction(0, 10**12, 10000, contract, 0, serpent.encode_datalist([int(sys.argv[2])])).sign(recipient_key)
result, ans = processblock.apply_transaction(genesis, tx3)
tx4 = transactions.Transaction(1, 10**12, 10000, contract, 0, serpent.encode_datalist([int(sys.argv[3])])).sign(sender_key)
result, ans = processblock.apply_transaction(genesis, tx4)
Exemple #58
def test_transient_block():
    db = new_db()
    blk = blocks.genesis(db)
    tb_blk = blocks.TransientBlock(blk.serialize())
    assert blk.hash == tb_blk.hash
    assert blk.number == tb_blk.number