def _mouse_move(self, event):
        """ Handles the mouse moving over the window.
        # Update tooltips if no mouse button is currently pressed:
        if self._dragging is None:
            feature = self._feature_at(event)
            if feature is not self._tooltip_feature:
                self._tooltip_feature = feature
                tooltip = ''
                if feature is not None:
                    tooltip = feature.tooltip

            # Check to see if the mouse has left the window, and mark it
            # completed if it has:
            x, y = event.GetX(), event.GetY()
            dx, dy = self.control.GetSizeTuple()
            if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= dx) or (y >= dy):
                self._tooltip_feature = None
                self.completed = True


        # Check to see if we are in 'drag mode' yet:
        if not self._dragging:
            x, y = self._xy
            if (abs(x - event.GetX()) + abs(y - event.GetY())) < 3:

            self._dragging = True

            # Check to see if user is trying to drag a 'feature':
            feature = self._feature
            if feature is not None:

                prefix = button = ''
                if event.RightIsDown():
                    button = 'right_'
                if event.ControlDown():
                    prefix = 'control_'
                elif event.AltDown():
                    prefix = 'alt_'
                elif event.ShiftDown():
                    prefix = 'shift_'

                object = getattr(feature, '%s%sdrag' % (prefix, button))()
                if object is not None:
                    self._feature = None
                    self.completed = True
                    PythonDropSource(self.control, object)
                    self._dragging = None
Exemple #2
    def _element_begin_drag_changed(self, element):
        """ Called when a drag is started on a element. """

        # We ask the label provider for the actual value to drag.
        drag_value = self.label_provider.get_drag_value(self, element)

        # Start the drag.
        PythonDropSource(self.control, drag_value)

Exemple #3
    def _mouse_move(self, event):
        """Handles the mouse being moved."""
        if self._x is not None:
            if (abs(self._x - event.GetX()) +
                    abs(self._y - event.GetY())) >= 3:
                self._x = None
                if self._is_file:
                    FileDropSource(self.control, self.value)
                    PythonDropSource(self.control, self.value)

    def _begin_drag(self, event):
        """Handles the user beginning a drag operation with the left mouse
        if PythonDropSource is not None:
            adapter = self.adapter
            object, name = self.object,
            index = event.GetIndex()
            selected = self._get_selected()
            drag_items = []

            # Collect all of the selected items to drag:
            for index in selected:
                drag = adapter.get_drag(object, name, index)
                if drag is None:


            # Save the drag item indices, so that we can later handle a
            # completed 'move' operation:
            self._drag_indices = selected

                # If only one item is being dragged, drag it as an item, not a
                # list:
                if len(drag_items) == 1:
                    drag_items = drag_items[0]

                # Perform the drag and drop operation:
                ds = PythonDropSource(self.control, drag_items)

                # If moves are allowed and the result was a drag move:
                if (ds.result == wx.DragMove) and (
                    self._drag_local or self.factory.drag_move
                    # Then delete all of the original items (in reverse order
                    # from highest to lowest, so the indices don't need to be
                    # adjusted):
                    indices = self._drag_indices
                    for index in indices:
                        adapter.delete(object, name, index)
                self._drag_indices = None
                self._drag_local = False
Exemple #5
    def _on_tree_begin_drag(self, event):
        """ Called when a drag operation is starting on a tree item. """

        # Get the node, its id and the point where the event occurred.
        data, wxid, flags, point = self._unpack_event(event, event.GetItem())

        if point == (0, 0):
            # Apply workaround for GTK.
            point = self.point_left_clicked
            wxid, flags = self.HitTest(point)
            data = self.control.GetItemData(wxid)

        if data is not None:
            populated, node = data

            # Give the model a chance to veto the drag.
            if self.model.is_draggable(node):
                # We ask the model for the actual value to drag.
                drag_value = self.model.get_drag_value(node)

                # fixme: This is a terrible hack to get the binding x passed
                # during a drag operation.  Bindings should probably *always*
                # be dragged and our drag and drop mechanism should allow
                # extendable ways to extract the actual data.
                from pyface.wx.drag_and_drop import clipboard

                clipboard.node = [node]

                # Make sure that the tree selection is updated before we start
                # the drag. If we don't do this then if the first thing a
                # user does is drag a tree item (i.e., without a separate click
                # to select it first) then the selection appears empty.
                self.selection = self._get_selection()

                # Start the drag.
                PythonDropSource(self.control, drag_value, self)

                # Trait event notification.
                self.node_begin_drag = node

