def save_ureport2(db, ureport, create_component=False, timestamp=None, count=1): """ Save uReport2 """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() osplugin = systems[ureport["os"]["name"]] problemplugin = problemtypes[ureport["problem"]["type"]] db_osrelease = get_osrelease(db, osplugin.nice_name, ureport["os"]["version"]) if db_osrelease is None: raise FafError( "Operating system '{0} {1}' not found in storage".format( osplugin.nice_name, ureport["os"]["version"])) report_hash = problemplugin.hash_ureport(ureport["problem"]) db_report = get_report(db, report_hash) if db_report is None: component_name = problemplugin.get_component_name(ureport["problem"]) db_component = get_component_by_name(db, component_name, osplugin.nice_name) if db_component is None: if create_component:"Creating an unsupported component '{0}' in " "operating system '{1}'".format( component_name, osplugin.nice_name)) db_component = OpSysComponent() = component_name db_component.opsys = db_osrelease.opsys db.session.add(db_component) else: raise FafError("Unknown component '{0}' in operating system " "{1}".format(component_name, osplugin.nice_name)) db_report = Report() db_report.type = db_report.first_occurrence = timestamp db_report.last_occurrence = timestamp db_report.count = 0 db_report.component = db_component db.session.add(db_report) db_report_hash = ReportHash() = db_report db_report_hash.hash = report_hash db.session.add(db_report_hash) if db_report.first_occurrence > timestamp: db_report.first_occurrence = timestamp if db_report.last_occurrence < timestamp: db_report.last_occurrence = timestamp db_reportosrelease = get_reportosrelease(db, db_report, db_osrelease) if db_reportosrelease is None: db_reportosrelease = ReportOpSysRelease() = db_report db_reportosrelease.opsysrelease = db_osrelease db_reportosrelease.count = 0 db.session.add(db_reportosrelease) db_reportosrelease.count += count db_arch = get_arch_by_name(db, ureport["os"]["architecture"]) if db_arch is None: raise FafError("Architecture '{0}' is not supported".format( ureport["os"]["architecture"])) db_reportarch = get_reportarch(db, db_report, db_arch) if db_reportarch is None: db_reportarch = ReportArch() = db_report db_reportarch.arch = db_arch db_reportarch.count = 0 db.session.add(db_reportarch) db_reportarch.count += count reason = ureport["reason"].encode("utf-8") db_reportreason = get_reportreason(db, db_report, reason) if db_reportreason is None: db_reportreason = ReportReason() = db_report db_reportreason.reason = reason db_reportreason.count = 0 db.session.add(db_reportreason) db_reportreason.count += count day = db_daily = get_history_day(db, db_report, db_osrelease, day) if db_daily is None: db_daily = ReportHistoryDaily() = db_report db_daily.opsysrelease = db_osrelease = day db_daily.count = 0 db_daily.unique = 0 db.session.add(db_daily) if "serial" in ureport["problem"] and ureport["problem"]["serial"] == 1: db_daily.unique += 1 db_daily.count += count week = day - datetime.timedelta(days=day.weekday()) db_weekly = get_history_week(db, db_report, db_osrelease, week) if db_weekly is None: db_weekly = ReportHistoryWeekly() = db_report db_weekly.opsysrelease = db_osrelease db_weekly.week = week db_weekly.count = 0 db_weekly.unique = 0 db.session.add(db_weekly) if "serial" in ureport["problem"] and ureport["problem"]["serial"] == 1: db_weekly.unique += 1 db_weekly.count += count month = day.replace(day=1) db_monthly = get_history_month(db, db_report, db_osrelease, month) if db_monthly is None: db_monthly = ReportHistoryMonthly() = db_report db_monthly.opsysrelease = db_osrelease db_monthly.month = month db_monthly.count = 0 db_monthly.unique = 0 db.session.add(db_monthly) if "serial" in ureport["problem"] and ureport["problem"]["serial"] == 1: db_monthly.unique += 1 db_monthly.count += count osplugin.save_ureport(db, db_report, ureport["os"], ureport["packages"], count=count) problemplugin.save_ureport(db, db_report, ureport["problem"], count=count) # Update count as last, so that handlers listening to its "set" event have # as much information as possible db_report.count += count db.session.flush() problemplugin.save_ureport_post_flush()
def process_symbol(build_id, path, offset, problem_type, create_symbol_auth_key) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], int]: db_ssource = (db.session.query(SymbolSource) .filter(SymbolSource.build_id == build_id) .filter(SymbolSource.path == path) .filter(SymbolSource.offset == offset) .first()) if db_ssource is None: if (create_symbol_auth_key and symbol_transfer_auth_key and create_symbol_auth_key == symbol_transfer_auth_key and problem_type in ("kerneloops", "core")): # We need to attach our symbols to a dummy report in order to set # their type h = sha1() h.update("symbol_transfer_dummy".encode('utf-8')) h.update(problem_type.encode('utf-8')) dummy_report_hash = h.hexdigest() # The thread all our frames and symbols are going to be attached to db_thread = (db.session.query(ReportBtThread) .join(ReportBacktrace) .join(Report) .join(ReportHash) .filter(ReportHash.hash == dummy_report_hash) .first()) if db_thread is None: # Need to potentially create the whole chain of objects db_report = (db.session.query(Report) .join(ReportHash) .filter(ReportHash.hash == dummy_report_hash) .first()) if db_report is None: db_report = Report() db_report.type = problem_type db_report.first_occurence = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) db_report.last_occurence = db_report.first_occurence db_report.count = 0 # Random component db_report.component = db.session.query(OpSysComponent).first() db.session.add(db_report) db_report_hash = ReportHash() db_report_hash.hash = dummy_report_hash = db_report db.session.add(db_report_hash) db_rbt = None if db_rbt = (db.session.query(ReportBacktrace) .filter( == db_report) .first()) if db_rbt is None: db_rbt = ReportBacktrace() = db_report db_rbt.quality = -1000 db.session.add(db_rbt) db_thread = ReportBtThread() db_thread.backtrace = db_rbt # This prevents this dummy thread from being clustered db_thread.crashthread = False db.session.add(db_thread) db_ssource = SymbolSource() db_ssource.build_id = build_id db_ssource.path = path db_ssource.offset = offset db.session.add(db_ssource) max_order = 0 if max_order = (db.session.query(func.max(ReportBtFrame.order)) .filter(ReportBtFrame.thread == db_thread) .scalar() or 0) db_frame = ReportBtFrame() db_frame.thread = db_thread db_frame.symbolsource = db_ssource db_frame.order = max_order + 1 db.session.add(db_frame) db.session.commit() return {"error": "SymbolSource not found but created. Please wait."}, 202 return {"error": "SymbolSource not found"}, 404 if db_ssource.line_number is None: return {"error": "SymbolSource not yet retraced. Please wait."}, 404 return { "Symbol": { "name":, "nice_name": db_ssource.symbol.nice_name, "normalized_path": db_ssource.symbol.normalized_path, }, "SymbolSource": { "build_id": db_ssource.build_id, "path": db_ssource.path, "offset": db_ssource.offset, "func_offset": db_ssource.func_offset, "hash": db_ssource.hash, "source_path": db_ssource.source_path, "line_number": db_ssource.line_number, } }, 200
def save_ureport2(db, ureport, create_component=False, timestamp=None, count=1): """ Save uReport2 """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() osplugin = systems[ureport["os"]["name"]] problemplugin = problemtypes[ureport["problem"]["type"]] db_osrelease = get_osrelease(db, osplugin.nice_name, ureport["os"]["version"]) if db_osrelease is None: raise FafError("Operating system '{0} {1}' not found in storage" .format(osplugin.nice_name, ureport["os"]["version"])) report_hash = problemplugin.hash_ureport(ureport["problem"]) db_report = get_report(db, report_hash) if db_report is None: component_name = problemplugin.get_component_name(ureport["problem"]) db_component = get_component_by_name(db, component_name, osplugin.nice_name) if db_component is None: if create_component:"Creating an unsupported component '{0}' in " "operating system '{1}'".format(component_name, osplugin.nice_name)) db_component = OpSysComponent() = component_name db_component.opsys = db_osrelease.opsys db.session.add(db_component) else: raise FafError("Unknown component '{0}' in operating system " "{1}".format(component_name, osplugin.nice_name)) db_report = Report() db_report.type = db_report.first_occurrence = timestamp db_report.last_occurrence = timestamp db_report.count = 0 db_report.component = db_component db.session.add(db_report) db_report_hash = ReportHash() = db_report db_report_hash.hash = report_hash db.session.add(db_report_hash) if db_report.first_occurrence > timestamp: db_report.first_occurrence = timestamp if db_report.last_occurrence < timestamp: db_report.last_occurrence = timestamp db_reportosrelease = get_reportosrelease(db, db_report, db_osrelease) if db_reportosrelease is None: db_reportosrelease = ReportOpSysRelease() = db_report db_reportosrelease.opsysrelease = db_osrelease db_reportosrelease.count = 0 db.session.add(db_reportosrelease) db_reportosrelease.count += count db_arch = get_arch_by_name(db, ureport["os"]["architecture"]) if db_arch is None: raise FafError("Architecture '{0}' is not supported" .format(ureport["os"]["architecture"])) db_reportarch = get_reportarch(db, db_report, db_arch) if db_reportarch is None: db_reportarch = ReportArch() = db_report db_reportarch.arch = db_arch db_reportarch.count = 0 db.session.add(db_reportarch) db_reportarch.count += count reason = ureport["reason"].encode("utf-8") db_reportreason = get_reportreason(db, db_report, reason) if db_reportreason is None: db_reportreason = ReportReason() = db_report db_reportreason.reason = reason db_reportreason.count = 0 db.session.add(db_reportreason) db_reportreason.count += count day = db_daily = get_history_day(db, db_report, db_osrelease, day) if db_daily is None: db_daily = ReportHistoryDaily() = db_report db_daily.opsysrelease = db_osrelease = day db_daily.count = 0 db.session.add(db_daily) db_daily.count += count week = day - datetime.timedelta(days=day.weekday()) db_weekly = get_history_week(db, db_report, db_osrelease, week) if db_weekly is None: db_weekly = ReportHistoryWeekly() = db_report db_weekly.opsysrelease = db_osrelease db_weekly.week = week db_weekly.count = 0 db.session.add(db_weekly) db_weekly.count += count month = day.replace(day=1) db_monthly = get_history_month(db, db_report, db_osrelease, month) if db_monthly is None: db_monthly = ReportHistoryMonthly() = db_report db_monthly.opsysrelease = db_osrelease db_monthly.month = month db_monthly.count = 0 db.session.add(db_monthly) db_monthly.count += count osplugin.save_ureport(db, db_report, ureport["os"], ureport["packages"], count=count) problemplugin.save_ureport(db, db_report, ureport["problem"], count=count) # Update count as last, so that handlers listening to its "set" event have # as much information as possible db_report.count += count db.session.flush() problemplugin.save_ureport_post_flush()
def process_symbol(build_id, path, offset, problem_type, create_symbol_auth_key): db_ssource = (db.session.query(SymbolSource) .filter(SymbolSource.build_id == build_id) .filter(SymbolSource.path == path) .filter(SymbolSource.offset == offset) .first()) if db_ssource is None: if (create_symbol_auth_key and symbol_transfer_auth_key and create_symbol_auth_key == symbol_transfer_auth_key and problem_type in ("kerneloops", "core")): # We need to attach our symbols to a dummy report in order to set # their type h = sha1() h.update("symbol_transfer_dummy".encode('utf-8')) h.update(problem_type.encode('utf-8')) dummy_report_hash = h.hexdigest() # The thread all our frames and symbols are going to be attached to db_thread = (db.session.query(ReportBtThread) .join(ReportBacktrace) .join(Report) .join(ReportHash) .filter(ReportHash.hash == dummy_report_hash) .first()) if db_thread is None: # Need to potentially create the whole chain of objects db_report = (db.session.query(Report) .join(ReportHash) .filter(ReportHash.hash == dummy_report_hash) .first()) if db_report is None: db_report = Report() db_report.type = problem_type db_report.first_occurence = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) db_report.last_occurence = db_report.first_occurence db_report.count = 0 # Random component db_report.component = db.session.query(OpSysComponent).first() db.session.add(db_report) db_report_hash = ReportHash() db_report_hash.hash = dummy_report_hash = db_report db.session.add(db_report_hash) db_rbt = None if db_rbt = (db.session.query(ReportBacktrace) .filter( == db_report) .first()) if db_rbt is None: db_rbt = ReportBacktrace() = db_report db_rbt.quality = -1000 db.session.add(db_rbt) db_thread = ReportBtThread() db_thread.backtrace = db_rbt # This prevents this dummy thread from being clustered db_thread.crashthread = False db.session.add(db_thread) db_ssource = SymbolSource() db_ssource.build_id = build_id db_ssource.path = path db_ssource.offset = offset db.session.add(db_ssource) max_order = 0 if max_order = (db.session.query(func.max(ReportBtFrame.order)) .filter(ReportBtFrame.thread == db_thread) .scalar() or 0) db_frame = ReportBtFrame() db_frame.thread = db_thread db_frame.symbolsource = db_ssource db_frame.order = max_order + 1 db.session.add(db_frame) db.session.commit() return {"error": "SymbolSource not found but created. Please wait."}, 202 return {"error": "SymbolSource not found"}, 404 if db_ssource.line_number is None: return {"error": "SymbolSource not yet retraced. Please wait."}, 404 return { "Symbol": { "name":, "nice_name": db_ssource.symbol.nice_name, "normalized_path": db_ssource.symbol.normalized_path, }, "SymbolSource": { "build_id": db_ssource.build_id, "path": db_ssource.path, "offset": db_ssource.offset, "func_offset": db_ssource.func_offset, "hash": db_ssource.hash, "source_path": db_ssource.source_path, "line_number": db_ssource.line_number, } }, 200