def setUp(self): super(SimplePipeLineTest, self).setUp() self.templates = TemplateLookup( directories=[os.path.join(self.datadir, 'simple-pipeline')]) self.output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w').name self.signer = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w').name self.signer_template = self.templates.get_template('signer.fd') self.validator = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w').name self.validator_template = self.templates.get_template('validator.fd') self.md_signer = MDRepository() self.md_validator = MDRepository() with open(self.signer, "w") as fd: fd.write(self.signer_template.render(ctx=self)) with open(self.validator, "w") as fd: fd.write(self.validator_template.render(ctx=self)) self.signer_result = plumbing(self.signer).process(self.md_signer, state={ 'batch': True, 'stats': {} }) self.validator_result = plumbing(self.validator).process( self.md_validator, state={ 'batch': True, 'stats': {} })
def setUp(self): = MDRepository() = make_store_instance() self.datadir = resource_filename('metadata', 'test/data') self.xml_source = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'test01.xml') self.swamid_source = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'swamid-2.0-test.xml') self.swamid = root(parse_xml(self.swamid_source)) self.t = parse_xml(self.xml_source) self.non_metadata = parse_xml( resource_filename("not-metadata.xml", self.datadir))
def exec_pipeline(self, pstr): md = MDRepository() p = yaml.safe_load(six.StringIO(pstr)) print("\n{}".format(yaml.dump(p))) pl = Plumbing(p, pid="test") res = pl.process(md, state={'batch': True, 'stats': {}}) return res, md
def run_pipeline(self, pl_name, ctx=None, md=None): if ctx is None: ctx = dict() if md is None: md = MDRepository() templates = TemplateLookup( directories=[os.path.join(self.datadir, 'simple-pipeline')]) pipeline = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w').name template = templates.get_template(pl_name) with open(pipeline, "w") as fd: fd.write(template.render(ctx=ctx)) res = plumbing(pipeline).process(md, state={ 'batch': True, 'stats': {} }) os.unlink(pipeline) return res, md, ctx
def main(): """ The main entrypoint for the pyFF cmdline tool. """ args = parse_options("pyff", __doc__) log_args = {'level': config.loglevel} if config.logfile is not None: log_args['filename'] = config.logfile logging.basicConfig(**log_args) config.modules.append('pyff.builtins') for mn in config.modules: importlib.import_module(mn) config.update_frequency = 0 try: md = MDRepository() for p in args: plumbing(p).process(md, state={'batch': True, 'stats': {}}) sys.exit(0) except Exception as ex: logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logging.error(ex) sys.exit(-1)
class TestRepo(TestCase): def setUp(self): = MDRepository() = make_store_instance() self.datadir = resource_filename('metadata', 'test/data') self.xml_source = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'test01.xml') self.swamid_source = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'swamid-2.0-test.xml') self.swamid = root(parse_xml(self.swamid_source)) self.t = parse_xml(self.xml_source) self.non_metadata = parse_xml( resource_filename("not-metadata.xml", self.datadir)) def test_md_exists(self): assert ( is not None) def test_clone(self): entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID'), entity_id) nstore = deepcopy( assert (nstore.size() == assert (nstore.lookup(entity_id) is not None) def test_sha1_hash(self): entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID'), entity_id) e = assert (sha1_id( e[0]) == "{sha1}568515f6fae8c8b4d42d543853c96d08f051ef13") assert (hash_id( e[0], 'sha1', prefix=False) == "568515f6fae8c8b4d42d543853c96d08f051ef13") def test_entity_attribute(self): entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID') set_entity_attributes(root(self.t), {"": "foo"}), entity_id) e ="{%s}%s" % ("", 'foo'))[0] assert (e is not None) assert (e.get('entityID') == entity_id) def test_utils(self): entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID'), entity_id) e =[0] assert (is_idp(e)) assert (not is_sp(e)) icon = entity_icon_url(e) assert ('url' in icon) assert ('' in icon['url']) assert ('width' in icon) assert ('358' == icon['width']) assert ('height' in icon) assert ('63' == icon['height']) assert ('62' != icon['height']) domains = entity_domains(e) assert ('' in domains) assert ('' in domains) assert ('' not in domains) assert ('' not in domains) edup = deepcopy(e) name, desc = entity_extended_display(e) assert (name == 'Example University') assert (desc == 'Identity Provider for Example University') disp = entity_display_name(e) assert (disp == 'Example University') for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}DisplayName" % NS['mdui']): elt.getparent().remove(elt) disp = entity_display_name(e) assert (disp == 'The Example University') for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}OrganizationDisplayName" % NS['md']): elt.getparent().remove(elt) disp = entity_display_name(e) assert (disp == 'ExampleU') for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}OrganizationName" % NS['md']): elt.getparent().remove(elt) disp = entity_display_name(e) assert (disp == entity_id) e = edup subs = entity_domains(e) assert ('' in subs) assert ('' in subs) assert ('' not in subs) summary = entity_simple_summary(e) assert (summary['title'] == 'Example University') assert (summary['descr'] == 'Identity Provider for Example University') assert (summary['entityID'] == entity_id) assert ('domains' in summary) assert ('id' in summary) empty = entity_simple_summary(None) assert (not empty) def test_display(self): swamid = root(self.swamid), swamid.get('Name')) funet_connect = '')[0] name, desc = entity_extended_display(funet_connect) assert (name == 'FUNET E-Meeting Service') dn = entity_extended_display(funet_connect) def test_missing(self): swamid = root(self.swamid), swamid.get('Name')) missing ='') assert (len(missing) == 0) def test_non_metadata(self): e = root(self.non_metadata) assert metadata_expiration(e) is None try: annotate_entity(e, "kaka", "x", "y") set_entity_attributes(e, dict(a=1)) assert False except MetadataException: pass
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server from pyff.api import mkapp from pyff.repo import MDRepository md = MDRepository() app = mkapp(md=md) def app_factory(global_config, **local_config): local_config['md'] = md return mkapp(global_config, **local_config) def server_runner(*args): _app = args[0] local_config = args[1] port = int(local_config.get('bind_address', 8080)) host = local_config.get('port', '') s = make_server(host, port, _app) s.serve_forever() def main(): server_runner(mkapp(md=md), bind_address='', port=8080) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def mkapp(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: md = kwargs.pop('md', None) if md is None: md = MDRepository() if config.devel_memory_profile: launch_memory_usage_server() with Configurator(debug_logger=log) as ctx: ctx.add_subscriber(add_cors_headers_response_callback, NewRequest) if config.aliases is None: config.aliases = dict() if config.modules is None: config.modules = [] ctx.registry.config = config config.modules.append('pyff.builtins') for mn in config.modules: importlib.import_module(mn) pipeline = None if args: pipeline = list(args) if pipeline is None and config.pipeline: pipeline = [config.pipeline] ctx.registry.scheduler = md.scheduler if pipeline is not None: ctx.registry.pipeline = pipeline ctx.registry.plumbings = [plumbing(v) for v in pipeline] ctx.registry.aliases = config.aliases = md if config.caching_enabled: ctx.registry.cache = TTLCache(config.cache_size, config.cache_ttl) else: ctx.registry.cache = NoCache() ctx.add_route('robots', '/robots.txt') ctx.add_view(robots_handler, route_name='robots') ctx.add_route('webfinger', '/.well-known/webfinger', request_method='GET') ctx.add_view(webfinger_handler, route_name='webfinger') ctx.add_route('search', '/api/search', request_method='GET') ctx.add_view(search_handler, route_name='search') ctx.add_route('status', '/api/status', request_method='GET') ctx.add_view(status_handler, route_name='status') ctx.add_route('resources', '/api/resources', request_method='GET') ctx.add_view(resources_handler, route_name='resources') ctx.add_route('pipeline', '/api/pipeline', request_method='GET') ctx.add_view(pipeline_handler, route_name='pipeline') ctx.add_route('call', '/api/call/{entry}', request_method=['POST', 'PUT']) ctx.add_view(process_handler, route_name='call') ctx.add_route('request', '/*path', request_method='GET') ctx.add_view(request_handler, route_name='request') start = utc_now() + timedelta(seconds=1) if config.update_frequency > 0: ctx.registry.scheduler.add_job( call, 'interval', id="call/update", args=['update'], start_date=start, misfire_grace_time=10, seconds=config.update_frequency, replace_existing=True, max_instances=1, timezone=pytz.utc, ) return ctx.make_wsgi_app()
def load(self): return mkapp(config.pipeline, md=MDRepository())