Exemple #1
def del_license(fitsfile, keys):
    """Delete license information from FITS"""
        for key in keys:
            pyfits.delval(fitsfile, key)
    except KeyError:
        print("License information not found.", file=sys.stderr)
 def headerRenameKey2(self, key, newkey):
     for filename in self._matchingFiles:
         self._logger.notice('rename %s: %s= %s' % (filename, key, newkey))
             value = pyfits.getval(filename, key)
             pyfits.setval(filename, newkey, value)
             pyfits.delval(filename, key)
Exemple #3
def speccombine(fs=None):
    if fs is None:
        fs = glob('trm/sci*c?.fits')
    if len(fs)==0:
        print("No flux calibrated images to combine.")
    nsteps = 8001
    lamgrid = np.linspace(2000.0, 10000.0, nsteps)

    nfs = len(fs)
    # for each aperture
    # get all of the science images
    specs = np.zeros((nfs, nsteps))
    specerrs = np.zeros((nfs, nsteps))
    ap = 0
    for i, f in enumerate(fs):
        hdu = pyfits.open(f)
    #	print ('---hdu.data---')
    #	print (hdu[0].data)
    # 	print ('-----w-----')
    #	print(w)
        # get the wavelengths of the pixels
        npix = hdu[0].data.shape[2]
    #	print('-----npix-----')
    #	print(npix)
        lam = w.all_pix2world(np.linspace(0, npix - 1, npix), 0, 0, 0)[0]
    #	print('-----lam-----')
    #	print(lam)
        # interpolate each spectrum onto a comman wavelength scale

        specs[i] = interp(lamgrid, lam, hdu[0].data[0][ap],
                          left=0.0, right=0.0)
        # Also calculate the errors. Right now we assume that the variances
        # interpolate linearly. This is not stricly correct but it should be
        # close. Also we don't include terms in the variance for the
        # uncertainty in the wavelength solution.
        specerrs[i] = interp(lamgrid, lam, hdu[0].data[3][ap] ** 2.0) ** 0.5
    #print ('-----specs-----')
    #print (specs)
    # minimize the chi^2 given free parameters are multiplicative factors
    # We could use linear or quadratic, but for now assume constant
    p0 = np.ones(nfs)

    results = optimize.minimize(combine_spec_chi2, p0,
                                args=(lamgrid, specs, specerrs),
                                options={'maxfev': 1e5, 'maxiter': 1e5})

    # write the best fit parameters into the headers of the files
    # Dump the list of spectra into a string that iraf can handle
    iraf_filelist = str(fs).replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace("'", '')

    # write the best fit results into a file
    lines = []
    for p in results['x']:
        lines.append('%f\n' % (1.0 / p))
    f = open('flx/scales.dat', 'w')
    # run scombine after multiplying the spectra by the best fit parameters
    combfile = 'sci_com.fits'
    if os.path.exists(combfile):
    iraf.scombine(iraf_filelist, combfile, scale='@flx/scales.dat',
                  reject='avsigclip', lthreshold=-2e-16)

    # Remove the other apertures [TBD]
    # remove the sky and arc bands from the combined spectra. (or add back?? TBD)

    # remove some header keywords that don't make sense in the combined file
    delkws = ['GR-ANGLE','FILTER','BANDID2','BANDID3','BANDID4']
    for kw in delkws:

    # combine JD (average), AIRMASS (average), EXPTIME (sum)
    #   we assume there is a c1.fits file for each image
    c1fs = [f for f in fs if 'c1.fits' in f]
    avgjd = np.mean([pyfits.getval(f,'JD') for f in c1fs])
    pyfits.setval(combfile,'JD',value=avgjd, comment='average of multiple exposures')
    print "average JD = " + str(avgjd)
    sumet = np.sum([pyfits.getval(f,'EXPTIME') for f in c1fs])
    pyfits.setval(combfile,'EXPTIME',value=sumet,comment='sum of multiple exposures')
    print "total EXPTIME = " + str(sumet)
    avgam = np.mean([pyfits.getval(f,'AIRMASS') for f in c1fs])
    pyfits.setval(combfile,'AIRMASS',value=avgam,comment='average of multiple exposures')
    print "avg AIRMASS = " + str(avgam)

    # update this to used avg jd midpoint of all exposures? 
    print "barycentric velocity correction (km/s) = ", 
    pyfits.setval(combfile,'UTMID',comment='added by RVSAO task BCVCORR')
    pyfits.setval(combfile,'GJDN',comment='added by RVSAO task BCVCORR')
    pyfits.setval(combfile,'HJDN',comment='added by RVSAO task BCVCORR')
    pyfits.setval(combfile,'BCV',comment='added by RVSAO task BCVCORR (km/s)')
    pyfits.setval(combfile,'HCV',comment='added by RVSAO task BCVCORR (km/s)')
    pyfits.setval(combfile,'DOPCOR01',comment='barycentric velocity correction applied')

 def headerDeleteKey(self, key):
     for filename in self._matchingFiles:
         self._logger.notice('delete %s: %s' % (filename, key))
         pyfits.delval(filename, key)
Exemple #5
def speccombine(fs=None):
    if fs is None:
        fs = glob('flx/sci*c?.fits')
    if len(fs)==0:
        print("No flux calibrated images to combine.")
    nsteps = 8001
    lamgrid = np.linspace(2000.0, 10000.0, nsteps)

    nfs = len(fs)
    # for each aperture
    # get all of the science images
    specs = np.zeros((nfs, nsteps))
    specerrs = np.zeros((nfs, nsteps))
    ap = 0
    for i, f in enumerate(fs):
        hdu = pyfits.open(f)
        w = WCS(f)
        # get the wavelengths of the pixels
        npix = hdu[0].data.shape[2]
        lam = w.all_pix2world(np.linspace(0, npix - 1, npix), 0, 0, 0)[0]
        # interpolate each spectrum onto a comman wavelength scale

        specs[i] = interp(lamgrid, lam, hdu[0].data[0][ap],
                          left=0.0, right=0.0)
        # Also calculate the errors. Right now we assume that the variances
        # interpolate linearly. This is not stricly correct but it should be
        # close. Also we don't include terms in the variance for the
        # uncertainty in the wavelength solution.
        specerrs[i] = interp(lamgrid, lam, hdu[0].data[3][ap] ** 2.0) ** 0.5

    # minimize the chi^2 given free parameters are multiplicative factors
    # We could use linear or quadratic, but for now assume constant
    p0 = np.ones(nfs)

    results = optimize.minimize(combine_spec_chi2, p0,
                                args=(lamgrid, specs, specerrs),
                                options={'maxfev': 1e5, 'maxiter': 1e5})

    # write the best fit parameters into the headers of the files
    # Dump the list of spectra into a string that iraf can handle
    iraf_filelist = str(fs).replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace("'", '')

    # write the best fit results into a file
    lines = []
    for p in results['x']:
        lines.append('%f\n' % (1.0 / p))
    f = open('flx/scales.dat', 'w')
    # run scombine after multiplying the spectra by the best fit parameters
    combfile = 'sci_com.fits'
    if os.path.exists(combfile):
    iraf.scombine(iraf_filelist, combfile, scale='@flx/scales.dat',
                  reject='avsigclip', lthreshold=1e-19)

    # Remove the other apertures [TBD]
    # remove the sky and arc bands from the combined spectra. (or add back?? TBD)

    # remove some header keywords that don't make sense in the combined file
    for kw in delkws:

    # combine JD (average), AIRMASS (average), EXPTIME (sum)
    #   we assume there is a c1.fits file for each image
    c1fs = [f for f in fs if 'c1.fits' in f]
    avgjd = np.mean([pyfits.getval(f,'JD') for f in c1fs])
    print "average JD = " + str(avgjd)
    sumet = np.sum([pyfits.getval(f,'EXPTIME') for f in c1fs])
    print "total EXPTIME = " + str(sumet)
    avgam = np.mean([pyfits.getval(f,'AIRMASS') for f in c1fs])
    print "avg AIRMASS = " + str(avgam)

    return specs
Exemple #6
def speccombine(fs=None):
    if fs is None:
        fs = glob('flx/sci*c?.fits')
    if len(fs)==0:
        print("No flux calibrated images to combine.")
    nsteps = 8001
    lamgrid = np.linspace(2000.0, 10000.0, nsteps)

    nfs = len(fs)
    # for each aperture
    # get all of the science images
    specs = np.zeros((nfs, nsteps))
    specerrs = np.zeros((nfs, nsteps))
    ap = 0
    for i, f in enumerate(fs):
        hdu = pyfits.open(f)
        w = WCS(f)
        # get the wavelengths of the pixels
        npix = hdu[0].data.shape[2]
        lam = w.all_pix2world(np.linspace(0, npix - 1, npix), 0, 0, 0)[0]
        # interpolate each spectrum onto a comman wavelength scale

        specs[i] = interp(lamgrid, lam, hdu[0].data[0][ap],
                          left=0.0, right=0.0)
        # Also calculate the errors. Right now we assume that the variances
        # interpolate linearly. This is not stricly correct but it should be
        # close. Also we don't include terms in the variance for the
        # uncertainty in the wavelength solution.
        specerrs[i] = interp(lamgrid, lam, hdu[0].data[3][ap] ** 2.0) ** 0.5

    # minimize the chi^2 given free parameters are multiplicative factors
    # We could use linear or quadratic, but for now assume constant
    p0 = np.ones(nfs)

    results = optimize.minimize(combine_spec_chi2, p0,
                                args=(lamgrid, specs, specerrs),
                                options={'maxfev': 1e5, 'maxiter': 1e5})

    # write the best fit parameters into the headers of the files
    # Dump the list of spectra into a string that iraf can handle
    iraf_filelist = str(fs).replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace("'", '')

    # write the best fit results into a file
    lines = []
    for p in results['x']:
        lines.append('%f\n' % (1.0 / p))
    f = open('flx/scales.dat', 'w')
    # run scombine after multiplying the spectra by the best fit parameters
    combfile = 'sci_com.fits'
    if os.path.exists(combfile):
    iraf.scombine(iraf_filelist, combfile, scale='@flx/scales.dat',
                  reject='avsigclip', lthreshold=-1e-17)

    # Remove the other apertures [TBD]
    # remove the sky and arc bands from the combined spectra. (or add back?? TBD)

    # remove some header keywords that don't make sense in the combined file
    delkws = ['GR-ANGLE','FILTER','BANDID2','BANDID3','BANDID4']
    for kw in delkws:

    # combine JD (average), AIRMASS (average), EXPTIME (sum)
    #   we assume there is a c1.fits file for each image
    c1fs = [f for f in fs if 'c1.fits' in f]
    avgjd = np.mean([pyfits.getval(f,'JD') for f in c1fs])
    print "average JD = " + str(avgjd)
    sumet = np.sum([pyfits.getval(f,'EXPTIME') for f in c1fs])
    print "total EXPTIME = " + str(sumet)
    avgam = np.mean([pyfits.getval(f,'AIRMASS') for f in c1fs])
    print "avg AIRMASS = " + str(avgam)

    return specs