def makeFlat(self, combine='median', flatlist=[], output='flatima.fits'): ''' Combines the flat field frames to a single flat frame. :note: this does not do any sigma clipping at the moment ''' self.combinedFlat = output if len(flatlist) == 0: flatlist = self.flatFiles if self.dataWeird: filedata = [pf.getdata(x, ignore_missing_end=True)[0] for x in flatlist] else: filedata = [pf.getdata(x, ignore_missing_end=True) for x in flatlist] if len(set(x.shape for x in filedata)) > 1:'FLAT images are not of same size! Program will exit..') sys.exit('FLAT images are not of same size! Program will exit..') #combine the files cmd = 'np.' + combine + '(filedata, axis=0)' self.flat = eval(cmd)'FLAT frames combined with {0:>s}'.format(cmd)) #write the output hdu = pf.PrimaryHDU(self.flat) hdulist = pf.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist.writeto(self.combinedFlat)'Combined flat saved to {0:>s}'.format(self.combinedFlat)) return self.flat
def do_trace_align(im,fibers2,params): imdat, imhead = pf.getdata(im), pf.getheader(im) outname = im[:-5]+'_t.fits' #outer = pl.array( [ pl.arange(len(dat[0]))*0 for i in range(params.FIBER_WIDTH*len(fibers2)) ] ) outer = pf.getdata(im)*0 # DONT DO IT IF THE FILE EXISTS globber = gl.glob(outname) if len(globber)==1: return outname for fib in fibers2: fib_cnt = 1 for f in range(len(fib.xy)): xy = fib.xy[f] rescale = fib.rescale[f] #rescaled_vals = dat[ xy[1] , xy[0] ] * rescale # print 'xy = ',xy # print 'rescale = ',rescale # print 'rescaled = ',rescaled_vals for y in range( len(rescale) ): rescaled_val = imdat[ xy[1][y] ][ xy[0] ] ###* rescale[y] outer[(len(rescale)+1)*][xy[0]] = rescaled_val fib_cnt += 1 pf.writeto( outname, outer, header=imhead ) return outname
def bfixpix(image_file, mask_file, outsuffix='_f', msksuffix='_s'): """ Inputs --------- image_file : string input image file to fix bad pixels on mask_file : string mask file (0 == good pixels, >0 == bad pixels outsuffix : string suffix for fixed image. default = '_f' msksuffix : string suffix for bad pixels significance mask. default = '_s' """ outf = image_file.replace('.fits', outsuffix + '.fits') outm = image_file.replace('.fits', msksuffix + '.fits') util.rmall([outf, outm]) print("bfixpix: {0} -> {1}".format(image_file, outf)) # fetch the image, fetch the mask img, hdr = pyfits.getdata(image_file, header=True) msk = pyfits.getdata(mask_file) # median the image medimg = ndimage.median_filter(img, 3, mode='nearest') # generate the pixel files outf_img = np.where(msk == 0, img, medimg) outm_img = np.where(msk == 1, (img - medimg), 0) pyfits.writeto(outf, outf_img, hdr) pyfits.writeto(outm, outm_img, hdr)
def whole_image(X,Y,imagefile,PARAMS,preset): centroids = zip(X,Y); if len(centroids) == 0: logging.warning("No objects in given (X,Y lists). Finishing."); return False; # Run Sextractor over the whole image: _Dsex = sextractor.run_segobj(imagefile,PARAMS,preset=preset); segimg = pyfits.getdata(_Dsex['SEGMENTATION']); objimg = pyfits.getdata(_Dsex['OBJECTS']); objIDs = [ segimg[o_o[1],o_o[0]] for o_o in centroids ]; objIDs = list(set(objIDs)-set([0])); # Take only the objects of interest... # from image: selobjimg = imcp.copy_objects(objimg,segimg,objIDs); del segimg,objimg; # and catalog: cathdu =['CATALOG'])[1]; selobjhdu = fts.select_entries(cathdu,'NUMBER',*objIDs); del cathdu; # Re-identify each object: for i in range(len(objIDs)):'NUMBER')[i] = i; return (selobjimg,selobjhdu);
def get_1d_2d_spectra(IDtuple): """ Given a tuple of mask id, quadrant number, slit_id and object number, return the 1d extracted flux, error, the 2d image of the slit in which the object falls, and the y-coordinate of the objet in the slit. Note each slit can have several objects (up to 9?), each one has a different object number. The object y centres and edges are in object_?, start_? and end_?, where '?' is the object number in the slit. Returns ------- wa, fl, er, sky, image, (ystart, yobj, yend) """ quad, iext, slit_id, obj = IDtuple image = pyfits.getdata('mos_science_flux_extracted.fits', iext) fluxes = pyfits.getdata('mos_science_flux_reduced.fits', iext) skies = pyfits.getdata('mos_sci_sky_reduced.fits', iext) errors = pyfits.getdata('mos_sci_error_flux_reduced.fits', iext) hd = pyfits.getheader('mos_science_flux_extracted.fits', iext) wa = hd['CRVAL1'] + np.arange(hd['NAXIS1']) * hd['CD1_1'] i0, i1, pos, ind = get_pos_ind(IDtuple) fl = fluxes[ind] er = errors[ind] sky = skies[ind] return wa, fl, er, sky, image[i0:i1, :], pos-i0
def SavePreviewRGC(config,filename_rgc,n_gals_preview=10): """ Function for eyeballing the contents of the created mock RGC catalogs. Arguments --------- config config dict filename_rgc filename of the newly created real galaxy catalog fits n_gals_preview how many plots to produce (default=10) """ # open the RGC table =[1].data # get the image and PSF filenames fits_gal = table[0]['GAL_FILENAME'] fits_psf = table[0]['PSF_FILENAME'] import pylab # loop over galaxies and save plots for n in range(n_gals_preview): img_gal = pyfits.getdata(fits_gal,ext=n) img_psf = pyfits.getdata(fits_psf,ext=n) pylab.subplot(1,2,1) pylab.imshow(img_gal,interpolation='nearest') pylab.title('galaxy') pylab.subplot(1,2,2) pylab.imshow(img_psf,interpolation='nearest') pylab.title('PSF') filename_fig = 'fig.previewRGC.%s.%d.png' % (config['args'].filename_config,n) pylab.savefig(filename_fig)
def combine_bins(targetSN, bins=None, outfile="a.fits"): """ Combine spectra of given bins. """ data = pf.getdata("binned_sn{0}.fits".format(targetSN), 0) error = pf.getdata("binned_sn{0}.fits".format(targetSN), 1) binimg = pf.getdata("voronoi_sn{0}.fits".format(targetSN)).flatten() for i,bin in enumerate(bins): N = np.where(binimg==bin)[0].size spec = data[bin-1,:] specerr = error[bin-1,:] if i == 0: combined = N * spec comberr = N * specerr Ntot = N else: combined += N * spec Ntot += N * spec comberr += N * specerr h = pf.getheader("binned_sn{0}.fits".format(targetSN)) h["NAXIS"] = 1 del h["NAXIS2"] hdu0 = pf.PrimaryHDU(combined, h) hdu1 = pf.ImageHDU(comberr, h) hdulist = pf.HDUList([hdu0, hdu1]) hdulist.writeto(outfile, clobber=True) return
def main(): '''Input a set of R G B images and return a color image''' # Setup command line options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Coadd R,G,B fits images and return color png') parser.add_argument("rFile", help='Input R image', default='r.fits') parser.add_argument("gFile", help='Input G image', default='g.fits') parser.add_argument("bFile", help='Input B image', default='b.fits') parser.add_argument('--addNoise', dest="noise", nargs='+', type=float, help='Gaussian noise to add to each image', default=[0,0,0]) parser.add_argument('--outputFile', dest="outputFile", help='Output PNG file name', default='rgb.png') args = parser.parse_args() images = [] images.append(pyfits.getdata(args.rFile,0)) images.append(pyfits.getdata(args.gFile,0)) images.append(pyfits.getdata(args.bFile,0)) # add noise if (args.noise != [0,0,0]): addNoise(images,args.noise) # scale image scaledImages = scaleAsinh(images, scales =[1.,1.,1.]) # create RGB mode='RGB' pngImage =, scaledImages[0].shape) pngImage.paste(createRGB(scaledImages),(0,0))
def spt_mapping_images_to_jpeg(): spti = pyfits.getdata("swarp.SPT-CLJ0307-5042.2x2.i.fits") sptv = pyfits.getdata("swarp.SPT-CLJ0307-5042.2x2.r.fits") sptb = pyfits.getdata("swarp.SPT-CLJ0307-5042.2x2.g.fits") # sptb=sptb[5066-587:5066+587,5262-587:5262+587] ##sptv=sptv[5441-587:5441+587,5372-587:5372+587] # sptv=sptv[5066-587:5066+587,5262-587:5262+587] # spti=spti[5066-587:5066+587,5262-587:5262+587] spti = spti[5262 - 587 : 5262 + 587, 5066 - 587 : 5066 + 587] sptv = sptv[5372 - 587 : 5372 + 587, 5441 - 587 : 5441 + 587] sptb = sptb[5262 - 587 : 5262 + 587, 5066 - 587 : 5066 + 587] skypi, sigpi = plotim(spti) skypv, sigpv = plotim(sptv) skypb, sigpb = plotim(sptb) print skypi, sigpi, skypv, sigpv, skypb, sigpb sptii = spti - skypi sptii = sptii / sigpi sptiv = sptv - skypv sptiv = sptiv / sigpv sptib = sptb - skypb sptib = sptib / sigpb acut = 0.3 icut = 50.0 * acut vcut = 60.0 * acut bcut = 30.0 * acut sptii = cut_out_tails(sptii, 0, icut) sptiv = cut_out_tails(sptiv, 0, vcut) sptib = cut_out_tails(sptib, 0, bcut) sptii = (sptii * 255 / icut).astype(int) sptiv = (sptiv * 255 / vcut).astype(int) sptib = (sptib * 255 / bcut).astype(int) im = np.zeros((3, 1174, 1174), dtype=np.uint8) im[0, :, :] = sptii im[1, :, :] = sptiv im[2, :, :] = sptib # figure() # contour(sptii) # figure() # contour(sptiv) # figure() # contour(sptib) # show() im = np.uint8(im) scipy.misc.imsave("spt_comp.jpg", im) return 0
def twilightFlatMaker(flatImagesPath,flatDarkImagesPath,masterFlatSavePath,plots=False): ''' Make a master flat using a series of images taken at twilight by fitting the individual pixel intensities over time using least-squares and use the intercept as the normalizing factor in the master flat. INPUTS: flatImagesPath - Path to the flat field exposures flatDarkImagesPath - Path to the flat field darks masterFlatSavePath - Where to save the master flat that is created plots - Plot the master flat on completion when plots=True ''' ## Create zero array with the dimensions of the first image for the flat field [dim1, dim2] = np.shape(pyfits.getdata(flatImagesPath[0])) flatSum = np.zeros([dim1, dim2]) ## Create N-dimensional array for N dark frames, where the first ## two dimensions are the dimensions of the first image darks = np.zeros([len(flatDarkImagesPath),dim1,dim2]) ## Take mean of all darks for i in range(0,len(flatDarkImagesPath)): darks[i,:,:] = pyfits.getdata(flatDarkImagesPath[i]) dark = np.mean(darks,axis=0) ## Create N-dimensional array for N flat frames, where the first ## two dimensions are the dimensions of the first image flats = np.zeros([len(flatImagesPath),dim1,dim2]) ## Assemble data cube of flats for i in range(0,len(flatImagesPath)): flats[i,:,:] = pyfits.getdata(flatImagesPath[i]) - dark def linearFitIntercept(x,y): '''Use least-squares to find the best-fit y-intercept ''' return np.linalg.lstsq(np.vstack([x,np.ones(len(x))]).T,y)[0][1] ## Returns intercept flat = np.zeros([dim1,dim2]) for i in range(0,dim1): print 'Master flat computing step:',i+1,'of',dim1 for j in range(0,dim2): flat[i,j] = linearFitIntercept(range(len(flats[:,i,j])),flats[:,i,j]) masterFlat = flat/np.mean(flat) if plots: ## If plots == True, plot the resulting master flat fig = plt.figure() a = plt.imshow(masterFlat,interpolation='nearest') a.set_cmap('gray') plt.title('Normalized Master Flat Field') fig.colorbar(a) fig.canvas.set_window_title('oscaar2.0 - Master Flat') ## Write out both a Numpy pickle (.NPY) and a FITS file'.npy',masterFlat) pyfits.writeto(masterFlatSavePath+'.fits',masterFlat)
def __init__(self, nfiles, mode='obs'): if mode=='obs': self.files = glob.glob("Buzzard*.fit") self.nfil = nfiles = pyfits.getdata(self.files[0]) for i in range(1,nfiles): = np.concatenate((,pyfits.getdata(self.files[i]))) self.ngal = len( print 'Got %2.2f M galaxies.' %(self.ngal/1.0e6)
def shiftRGB(redF,greenF,blueF,blueshiftr=0,blueshiftc=0,greenshiftr=0,greenshiftc=0,redshiftr=0,redshiftc=0,ext=None): """ this code shift the pixels of three r, g, b images. Using g image as reference and shift the other two images. It will return the shifted r,g,b images. each row goes along ra direction each col goes along dec direction CRVAL1 ; ra direction CRVAL2: dec direction """ blueHdr = pf.getheader(blueF,ext) greenHdr = pf.getheader(greenF,ext) redHdr = pf.getheader(redF,ext) bluerow = blueHdr['crval1']*3600./0.27 bluecol = blueHdr['crval2']*3600./0.27 greenrow = greenHdr['crval1']*3600./0.27 greencol = greenHdr['crval2']*3600./0.27 redrow = redHdr['crval1']*3600./0.27 redcol = redHdr['crval2']*3600./0.27 """ col0=int(blueHdr['datasec'].split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(',')[0].split(':')[0])-1 col1=int(blueHdr['datasec'].split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(',')[0].split(':')[1]) row0=int(blueHdr['datasec'].split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(',')[1].split(':')[0])-1 row1=int(blueHdr['datasec'].split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(',')[1].split(':')[1]) """ blue = pf.getdata(blueF,ext) green = pf.getdata(greenF,ext) red = pf.getdata(redF,ext) ctgreenrow = (bluerow+greenrow+redrow)/3. ctgreencol = (bluecol+greencol+redcol)/3. blue = nd.shift(blue,[bluerow - ctgreenrow+blueshiftr,bluecol-ctgreencol+blueshiftc],mode='nearest',order=1) green = nd.shift(green,[greenrow - ctgreenrow+greenshiftr,greencol-ctgreencol+greenshiftc],mode='nearest',order=1) red = nd.shift(red,[redrow - ctgreenrow+redshiftr, redcol-ctgreencol+redshiftc],mode='nearest',order=1) return red,green,blue
def calc_sky_from_seg(infile,segfile): """ Description: Calculates the sky level in an image using only those regions in which SExtractor's segmentation file has a value of 0. Inputs: infile: input fits file segfile: SExtractor segmentation file associated with infile. """ """ Load data """ indat = pf.getdata(infile) segdat = pf.getdata(segfile) """ Set mask region and select associated regions of indat """ mask = segdat == 0 sky = indat[mask] # NB: These preceding 2 lines could have been combined as # sky = indat[segdat==0] """ Calculate statistics """ print "Statistics of sky outside masked regions" print "----------------------------------------" print " N_pix = %d" % sky.size print " Median = %f" % n.median(sky) print " Mean = %f" % n.mean(sky) return
def flatfield(flatF,dataF,outdir=None): flat = pyfits.getdata(flatF) data = pyfits.getdata(dataF) if get_HWP(flatF) != get_HWP(dataF): exit('HWP positions of flat and data do not match!') newData = data / flat hdr = pyfits.getheader(dataF) hdr['FLATFILE'] = (flatF,'Flat applied') hdr['FLATPROC'] = (True, 'Flat-fielded') HWP = get_HWP(dataF) hdr['FILTER'] = HWP hdr['HWP'] = HWP if outdir is None: newName = dataF else: newName = os.path.join(outdir,os.path.basename(dataF)) print 'Writing to %s' % newName pyfits.writeto(newName,newData,header=hdr,clobber=True) return newName
def collapse_cube(w1, w2): """ Collapse a MUSE data cube. Arguments cube : MUSE data cube name containing both data and stat extensions. iext : Initial extension to be used. Default is one for combined cubes. """ fits = "slice_w{0}_{1}.fits".format(w1, w2) outfits = "collapsed_w{0}_{1}.fits".format(w1, w2) data = pf.getdata(fits, 0) error = pf.getdata(fits, 1) h = pf.getheader(fits, 0) h2 = pf.getheader(fits, 1) h["NAXIS"] = 2 del h["NAXIS3"] h2["NAXIS"] = 2 del h2["NAXIS3"] print "Starting collapsing process..." start = time.time() w = wavelength_array(fits) # newdata = np.trapz(data, dx=np.diff(w)[0], axis=0) # newdata = np.nansum(data, axis=0) * np.diff(w)[0] newdata = np.nanmedian(data, axis=0) noise = 1.482602 / np.sqrt(6.) * np.nanmedian(np.abs(2.* data - \ np.roll(data, 2, axis=0) - np.roll(data, -2, axis=0)), \ axis=0) end = time.time() print "Collapsing lasted {0} minutes.".format((end - start)/60.) hdu = pf.PrimaryHDU(newdata, h) hdu2 = pf.ImageHDU(noise, h2) hdulist = pf.HDUList([hdu, hdu2]) hdulist.writeto(outfits, clobber=True) return
def do_nods(filelist): """ """ headers = [pyfits.getheader(fn) for fn in filelist] for ii,fn in (enumerate(filelist)): if ii==len(filelist)-1: break try: if headers[ii]['BOREOFFX'] == 0 and headers[ii+1]['BOREOFFX'] == -5.9220000000000E-03: fitsfile = fitsfile[0].data -= pyfits.getdata(filelist[ii+1]) matches = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None,fn,filelist[ii+1]).get_matching_blocks() outfilename = fn[matches[0].a:matches[0].size] + fn[matches[0].size:matches[1].a] + "-" + filelist[ii+1][matches[0].size:matches[1].b] + fn[matches[1].a:matches[1].size+matches[1].a] fitsfile.writeto(outfilename) print matches, outfilename elif headers[ii+1]['BOREOFFX'] == 0 and headers[ii]['BOREOFFX'] == -5.9220000000000E-03: fitsfile = fitsfile[0].data = pyfits.getdata(filelist[ii+1]) - fitsfile[0].data matches = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None,fn,filelist[ii+1]).get_matching_blocks() outfilename = fn[matches[0].a:matches[0].size] + filelist[ii+1][matches[0].size:matches[1].b] + "-" + fn[matches[0].size:matches[1].a] + fn[matches[1].a:matches[1].size+matches[1].a] fitsfile.writeto(outfilename) print matches, outfilename except IOError: pass
def imWeightedAve( image1, image2, weight1, weight2, outfile, clobber=False, verbose=False): """ construct a weighted average of image1 and image2: (weight1*image1 + weight2*image2) / (weight1+weight2) Mean image is written to outfile. """ import os import pyfits from numpy import ndarray, nan_to_num import exceptions if os.path.isfile(outfile) : if clobber : os.unlink( outfile ) else : print( "%s exists. Not clobbering."%outfile ) return( outfile ) # read in the sci and wht images im1hdr = pyfits.getheader( image1 ) im1 = pyfits.getdata( image1 ) im2 = pyfits.getdata( image2 ) wht1 = pyfits.getdata( weight1 ) wht2 = pyfits.getdata( weight2 ) meanim = nan_to_num( (wht1*im1 + wht2*im2)/(wht1+wht2) ) # TODO : make a useful header outdir = os.path.dirname( outfile ) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs( outdir ) pyfits.writeto( outfile, meanim, header=im1hdr ) return( outfile )
def irstack(myfiles): data = [] tempfiles = glob("templist")+glob("*b.fits")+glob("*r.fits")+glob("flat.fits") for myfile in tempfiles: os.remove(myfile) for myfile in myfiles: data.append(pyfits.getdata(myfile)) #sky subtract and replace with median mediansky = mean([median(data[i]) for i in range(len(data))]) for i in range(len(myfiles)): fred =[i]) im = fred[0].data im2 = (im.transpose() - median(im,axis=0)).transpose() + mediansky fred[0].data = im2 fred.writeto("%ibb.fits"%i,'ignore',True) iraf.imcomb("*bb.fits","flat",combine="median",reject="sigclip",lsigma=3,hsigma=2) flat = pyfits.getdata('flat.fits') flat /= median(flat) fred.writeto('flat.fits','ignore',True) for i in range(len(myfiles)): fred =[i]) im = fred[0].data im2 = ((im/flat).transpose() - median(im,axis=0)).transpose() fred[0].data = im2 fred.writeto("%irb.fits"%i,'ignore',True) iraf.files("*rb.fits",Stdout="templist") iraf.stack("templist","output",1,'none')
def make_color_ao_image(): h_img = pyfits.getdata(workdir + 'mag05jullgs_h_rot.fits') h_imgScl = img_scale.sqrt(h_img, scale_min=50, scale_max=5500) kp_img = pyfits.getdata(workdir + 'mag05jullgs_kp_rot.fits') kp_imgScl = img_scale.sqrt(kp_img, scale_min=10, scale_max=17000) lp_img = pyfits.getdata(workdir + 'mag05jullgs_lp_rot.fits') lp_imgScl = img_scale.sqrt(lp_img, scale_min=-100, scale_max=60000) sgra = np.array([540, 410]) scale = 0.00995 h_xextent = np.array([0, h_img.shape[0]]) h_yextent = np.array([0, h_img.shape[0]]) h_xextent = (h_xextent - sgra[0]) * -scale h_yextent = (h_yextent - sgra[1]) * scale h_extent = [h_xextent[0], h_xextent[-1], h_yextent[0], h_yextent[-1]] img = np.zeros((h_img.shape[0], h_img.shape[1], 3), dtype=float) img[:,:,0] = lp_imgScl img[:,:,1] = kp_imgScl img[:,:,2] = h_imgScl py.figure(4, figsize=(10, 10)) py.clf() py.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) py.imshow(img, extent=h_extent) ax = py.gca() py.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) py.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) py.xlim(5, -5) py.ylim(-4, 6) py.savefig(workdir + 'img_lgsao_color.png')
def reduceData(data): for filter in data: for file in data[filter]: fh = images = [] for ext in [1,2,3,4]: bias = pyfits.getdata('BIAS%i.fits' % ext, ext=0) flat = pyfits.getdata('FLAT_%s_%i.fits' % (filter, ext), ext=0) image = fh[ext].data hdr = fh[ext].header biassec = hdr['BIASSEC'].strip().replace('[', '').replace(']','').replace(',',':').split(':') overscan = numpy.median(image[int(biassec[2])+1:int(biassec[3])-1, int(biassec[0])+1:int(biassec[1])-1].copy().ravel()) print 'subtracting bias of about ', numpy.mean(bias) if overscan > 5000: img = (1.*image) - bias else: img = (1.*image) - (bias/overscan) - overscan img /= flat images.append(img) fh.close() fh = for ext in [1,2,3,4]: fh[ext].data = images[ext-1] fh.writeto('RED%s' % (file))
def plot_image(fits,ax, rms=np.nan, F=np.nan, cont=None, contcol='r', stretch='sqrt'): ax.set_frame_color('k') ax.set_tick_color('k') ax.tick_labels.set_font(size='xx-small') ax.tick_labels.set_xformat('ddd.dd') ax.tick_labels.set_yformat('ddd.dd') head = pf.getheader(fits) try: image = pf.getdata(fits) except: print 'problem with image: ',fits return ximgsize = head.get('NAXIS1') yimgsize = head.get('NAXIS2') pixscale = head.get('CDELT1') if np.isnan(rms): rms = np.std(image) av = np.median(image) n_one = np.ones(image.shape) for i in range(5): #print rms, av within1sigma = np.where((image - av*n_one) < 3.*rms*n_one) av = np.median(image[within1sigma]) rms = np.std(image[within1sigma]) if np.isnan(F): F = image.max() dat = pf.getdata(fits) mean = np.median(dat) sig = np.std(dat) for i in range(10): dat = - mean) > 5.*sig,dat).compressed() mean = np.median(dat) sig = np.std(dat) #, vmid = mean+20*sig ax.show_grayscale(vmin = mean-0.5*sig, vmax = mean+15*sig, stretch=stretch, invert=True) if cont!=None: image = pf.getdata(cont) rms = np.std(image) av = np.median(image) n_one = np.ones(image.shape) for i in range(5): within1sigma = np.where((image - av*n_one) < 3.*rms*n_one) av = np.median(image[within1sigma]) rms = np.std(image[within1sigma]) cont_levels = 3.*rms*np.array([-2.**(1 * j ) for j in range(0, 2 )] + [ 2.**(1. * j ) for j in range(0, 10 ) ] ) ax.show_contour(cont, hdu=0, layer='contour', levels=cont_levels, filled=False, cmap=None, colors=contcol, returnlevels=False, convention=None, slices=[0,1], smooth=None, kernel='gauss') #else: #cont_levels = 3.*rms*np.array([-2.**(1 * j ) for j in range(0, 2 )] + [ 2.**(1. * j ) for j in range(0, 10 ) ] ) #ax.show_contour(fits, hdu=0, layer='contour', levels=cont_levels, filled=False, cmap=None, colors=contcol, returnlevels=False, convention=None, slices=[0,1], smooth=None, kernel='gauss') return
def run(fields, targetSN, bins=None, Nsim=30, run_parallel=False): """ Interface to calculate the errors of the Lick indices. """ for field in fields: os.chdir(os.path.join(data_dir, "combined_{0}".format(field))) specs = "binned_sn{0}.fits".format(targetSN) data = pf.getdata(specs) w = wavelength_array(specs, axis=1, extension=0) ssps_file = os.path.join(templates_dir, 'miles_FWHM_2.51.fits') ssps = pf.getdata(ssps_file, 0) wssps = np.power(np.e, pf.getdata(ssps_file, 1)) databins = wavelength_array(specs, axis=2, extension=0) os.chdir(os.path.join(data_dir, "combined_{0}".format(field), "logs_sn{0}".format(targetSN))) ###################################################################### # If bins are not specified, then look for all available bins if bins == None: bins = databins ###################################################################### if run_parallel: pool = mp.Pool() for bin in bins: spec = data[bin - 1] pool.apply_async(run_mc, args=(field, bin, w, spec, wssps, ssps, Nsim)) pool.close() pool.join() else: for bin in bins: spec = data[bin - 1] run_mc(field, bin, w, spec, wssps, ssps, Nsim)
def unionmask( imfile1, imfile2, outfile, clobber=False, verbose=False): """ construct the union of image1 and image2 badpix masks Returns the name of the output union bad pixel mask file. """ import os import pyfits import exceptions from numpy import array, uint8 # read in the images im1head = pyfits.getheader( imfile1 ) imdat1 = pyfits.getdata( imfile1 ) imdat2 = pyfits.getdata( imfile2 ) if os.path.exists( outfile ) : if not clobber : print( "%s exists. Not clobbering."%outfile) return( outfile ) else : os.remove( outfile ) uniondat = array(imdat1,dtype=uint8) | array(imdat2,dtype=uint8) # TODO : make a useful header im1head.update("SRCIM1",imfile1,"First source image for badpixunion") im1head.update("SRCIM2",imfile2,"Second source image for badpixunion") outdir = os.path.split( outfile )[0] if outdir : if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs( outdir ) pyfits.writeto( outfile, uniondat, header=im1head,clobber=clobber, output_verify='fix') return( outfile )
def OpenLight(): #Open if they are the light frames global lightimages lightimages = askopenfilenames() #This next part is to display the choices made to alow for checking lightbox = Frame(master) lightbox.grid(row=2, rowspan=3) scrolllight = Scrollbar(lightbox, orient=HORIZONTAL) fileslist = Listbox(lightbox, xscrollcommand=scrolllight.set) scrolllight.config(command=fileslist.xview) for item in lightimages: fileslist.insert(END, item) fileslist.pack() scrolllight.pack(fill=X) numlight = len(lightimages) tempfile = PF.getdata(lightimages[0], header=False) ny, nx = tempfile.shape global lightframes lightframes = N.zeros((numlight, ny, nx), dtype=float) #Lets actualy read in the lights now for i in N.arange(numlight): lightframes[i] = PF.getdata(lightimages[i], header=False)
def make_voronoi_intens(targetSN, w1, w2): """ Make image""" image = "collapsed_w{0}_{1}.fits".format(w1, w2) intens = pf.getdata(image) extent = calc_extent(image) vordata = pf.getdata("voronoi_sn{0}_w{1}_{2}.fits".format(targetSN, w1, w2)) vordata =, mask=np.isnan(vordata)) bins = np.unique(vordata)[:-1] combined = np.zeros_like(intens) combined[:] = np.nan for j, bin in enumerate(bins): idx, idy = np.where(vordata == bin) flux = intens[idx,idy] combined[idx,idy] = np.nanmean(flux) vmax = np.nanmedian(intens) + 4 * np.nanstd(intens) fig = plt.figure(1) plt.minorticks_on() make_contours() plt.imshow(combined, cmap="cubehelix_r", origin="bottom", vmax=vmax, extent=extent, vmin=0) plt.xlabel("X [kpc]") plt.ylabel("Y [kpc]") cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_label("Flux [$10^{-20}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$]") plt.savefig("figs/intens_sn{0}.png".format(targetSN), dpi=300) pf.writeto("figs/intens_sn{0}.fits".format(targetSN), combined, clobber=True) return
def __init__(self): ''' Run oscaar.parseRegionsFile() to get the inital guesses for the initial centroids of the stars from the DS9 regions file, create dictionaries in which to store all of the data collected for each star. Allocate the memory for these arrays wherever possible. Parse the init.par file to grab the paths and initial parameters for the run. INPUTS: None. ''' self.parseInit() ## parse init.par using the parseInit() method self.parseObservatory() assert len(self.imagesPaths) > 1, 'Must have at least one data image' if self.flatPath != 'None': self.masterFlat = pyfits.getdata(self.flatPath) self.masterFlatPath = self.flatPath elif self.flatPath == 'None': print 'Using an isotropic ("placebo") master-flat (array of ones)' dim1,dim2 = np.shape(pyfits.getdata(self.imagesPaths[0])) self.masterFlat = np.ones([dim1,dim2]) self.allStarsDict = {} init_x_list,init_y_list = parseRegionsFile(self.regsPath) zeroArray = np.zeros_like(self.imagesPaths,dtype=np.float32) self.times = np.zeros_like(self.imagesPaths,dtype=np.float64) self.keys = [] self.targetKey = '000' for i in range(0,len(init_x_list)): self.allStarsDict[paddedStr(i,3)] = {'x-pos':np.copy(zeroArray), 'y-pos':np.copy(zeroArray),\ 'rawFlux':np.copy(zeroArray), 'rawError':np.copy(zeroArray),'flag':False,\ 'scaledFlux':np.copy(zeroArray), 'scaledError':np.copy(zeroArray), 'chisq':0} self.allStarsDict[paddedStr(i,3)]['x-pos'][0] = init_x_list[i] self.allStarsDict[paddedStr(i,3)]['y-pos'][0] = init_y_list[i] self.keys.append(paddedStr(i,3))
def plot_fits_reg_vs_out(fits_dir, regular, outliers, objids2name): reg_fits = [os.path.join(fits_dir, objids2name[p]) for p in regular] outl_fits = [os.path.join(fits_dir, objids2name[p]) for p in outliers] reg_fits_data = [pyfits.getdata(fit) for fit in reg_fits] outl_fits_data = [pyfits.getdata(fit) for fit in outl_fits] plot_fits_by_size(reg_fits_data, name='-reg') plot_fits_by_size(outl_fits_data, name='-outl')
def get_model(t,g,z): if os.access(get_oriname(t,g,z),os.F_OK): if library == 'P': mf = pyfits.getdata(get_oriname(t,g,z))[Iwav] mhd = pyfits.getheader(get_oriname(t,g,z)) if 'PHXXI_L' in mhd.keys(): mict = float(mhd['PHXXI_L']) else: mict = 2.0 elif library == 'C': mf = pyfits.getdata(get_oriname(t,g,z))[0][Iwav] if g>=2.75: mict = 1. elif g >=1.25 and g<=2.75: mict = 1.8 elif g < 1.25: mict = 2.5 elif library == 'R': mf = pyfits.getdata(get_oriname(t,g,z))[Iwav] if g>=2.75: mict = 1. elif g >=1.25 and g<=2.75: mict = 1.8 elif g < 1.25: mict = 2.5 else: if linear_interpolation: mf,mict = get_linear_interpol(t,g,z) else: mf,mict = get_interpolated(t,g,z) return mf,mict
def mk_image(galaxy): base = './../../images_v5/GS_2.5as_matched/gs_all_' i_img = pyf.getdata(base+str(galaxy)+'_I.fits') j_img = pyf.getdata(base+str(galaxy)+'_J.fits') h_img = pyf.getdata(base+str(galaxy)+'_H.fits') #include 90% of pixels x = pyl.hstack(i_img) i_lim = scoreatpercentile(x,99) x = pyl.hstack(j_img) j_lim = scoreatpercentile(x,99) x = pyl.hstack(h_img) h_lim = scoreatpercentile(x,99) print galaxy, i_lim, j_lim, h_lim img = pyl.zeros((h_img.shape[0], h_img.shape[1], 3), dtype=float) img[:,:,0] = img_scale.asinh(h_img, scale_min=-0.1*h_lim, scale_max=h_lim, non_linear=0.5) img[:,:,1] = img_scale.asinh(j_img, scale_min=-0.1*j_lim, scale_max=j_lim, non_linear=0.5) img[:,:,2] = img_scale.asinh(i_img, scale_min=-0.1*i_lim, scale_max=i_lim, non_linear=0.5) return img
def fitsread(imgname, header = False): """ Read CSUSB telescope FITS image cube. Parameters ---------- image : string FITS image name header : boolean Return FITS image header? Returns ------- img_data : numpy array 2D or 3D numpy array """ try: if header: img_data, header = pyfits.getdata(imgname, ignore_missing_end = True, header = True) return img_data, header else: img_data = pyfits.getdata(imgname, ignore_missing_end = True) return img_data except IOError: print "FITSREAD: Unable to open FITS image %s" %imgname return
def mk_galaxy_struc(): from mk_galaxy_struc_fortable import galaxy galaxies = [] # Add Sample data = pyf.getdata('../samples/sample_1.5_3.5_gs_all.fits') for i in range(len(data)): galaxies.append( galaxy(data['ID'][i], data['RA'][i], data['DEC'][i], data['Imag'][i], data['Zmag'][i], data['Jmag'][i], data['Hmag'][i], data['z'][i])) # Add ICD info data = pyf.getdata('../results/icd_IH.fits') #data = pyf.getdata('../results/IH_icd_20140806.fits') for i in range(len(data)): look = data['ID'][i] for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: galaxy.ICD_IH = data['ICD_IH'][i] galaxy.ICD_IH_ERR = data['ICD_IH_ERR'][i] galaxy.ston_I = data['ston_I'][i] data = pyf.getdata('../results/icd_JH.fits') #data = pyf.getdata('../results/JH_icd_20140806.fits') for i in range(len(data)): look = data['ID'][i] for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: galaxy.ICD_JH = data['ICD_JH'][i] galaxy.ICD_JH_ERR = data['ICD_JH_ERR'][i] galaxy.ston_J = data['ston_J'][i] data = pyf.getdata('../results/icd_VJ.fits') #data = pyf.getdata('../results/VJ_icd_20140806.fits') for i in range(len(data)): look = data['ID'][i] for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: galaxy.ICD_VJ = data['ICD_VJ'][i] galaxy.ICD_VJ_ERR = data['ICD_VJ_ERR'][i] galaxy.ston_V = data['ston_V'][i] # Add FAST results data = pyf.getdata('./data/FAST_result_GS_1.5_3.5.fits') for i in range(len(data)): look = data['id'][i] # note the difference for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: galaxy.Mass = data['lmass'][i] galaxy.AV = data['Av'][i] galaxy.lsfr = data['lsfr'][i] galaxy.lssfr = data['lssfr'][i] # Add EAZY results u = np.loadtxt('./data/photz.153.rf') v = np.loadtxt('./data/photz.155.rf') j = np.loadtxt('./data/photz.161.rf') for ID, u1, v1, j1 in zip(u[:, 0], u[:, 5], v[:, 5], j[:, 5]): look = int(ID) for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: galaxy.Uflux_rest = u1 galaxy.Vflux_rest = v1 galaxy.Jflux_rest = j1 # Add GalFit data data = pyf.getdata('./data/gs_all_candels_ers_udf_f160w_v0.5_galfit.fits') for i in range(len(data)): look = data['id'][i] for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: galaxy.sersic = data['n'][i] galaxy.axis_ratio = data['q'][i] galaxy.halflight = data['re'][i] # Add Color Gradient for GSD hdulist =\'./data/GOODS-S_May2013_colourGradients_diff_all_no-pegs_2013-06-20.fits') tbdata = hdulist[1].data for i in range(len(tbdata.field('ID'))): look = tbdata.field('ID')[i] for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: galaxy.Color_grad = tbdata.field('grad_i-H_obs')[i] #galaxy.Color_grad = tbdata.field('grad_z-H_obs')[i] # MIPS hdulist =\'./data/Sample_MIPS_matched.fits') tbdata = hdulist[1].data for i in range(len(tbdata.field('ID_GSD'))): look = tbdata.field('ID_GSD')[i] for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: galaxy.Mips = tbdata.field('F24')[i] # Add the morphology data. data1 = np.genfromtxt('./gini_m20/gdss-match.txt', names=True) for i in range(len(data1)): look = data1[i]['ID_1'] # ID for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: G = galaxy.Gini = data1[i]['G'] M = galaxy.M20 = data1[i]['M20'] if G <= (-0.14 * M + 0.33) and G > (0.14 * M + 0.80): # E/S0/Sa galaxy.Elliptical = True elif G <= (-0.14 * M + 0.33) and G <= (0.14 * M + 0.80): #Sb-Ir galaxy.Spiral = True elif G > (-0.14 * M + 0.33): # Mergers galaxy.Merger = True # Add extra stuff data = pyf.getdata('./data/gs_all_tf_h_130511b_multi.fits') for galaxy in galaxies: galaxy.stellarity = data['CLASS_STAR'][galaxy.ID - 1] galaxy.halflight = data['FLUX_RADIUS_2'][galaxy.ID - 1] data = np.genfromtxt('./data/centers_removed.dat', names=True) for i in range(len(data)): look = data['ID'][i] for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: galaxy.ICD_IH_cored = data['ICD'][i] data = np.genfromtxt('./data/clumpylist_4steven.dat') for i in range(len(data)): look = data[i][0] for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: # Number of blobs with UV Luminosity L_blob/L_galaxy>0.08 #galaxy.clumps = data[i][5] # Number of blobs with UV Luminosity L_blob/L_galaxy>0.05 galaxy.clumps = data[i][4] # Number of blobs with UV Luminosity L_blob/L_galaxy>0.01 galaxy.clumps = data[i][3] data = np.genfromtxt('./data/sfrs.txt', names=True) for i in data: look = i['UserID'] for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: if i['SFR_Wuyts'] < 0.0: a2800 = 1.79289 * i['FAST_ma05_Av'] #a2800 = 1.79289 * galaxy.AV correction = 10.0**(a2800 / 2.5) galaxy.sfr2800 = i['SFR_2800'] galaxy.sfrtotal = i['SFR_2800'] * correction else: a2800 = 1.79289 * i['FAST_ma05_Av'] #a2800 = 1.79289 * galaxy.AV correction = 10.0**(a2800 / 2.5) galaxy.sfr2800 = i['SFR_2800'] galaxy.sfrir = (i['SFR_Wuyts'] + i['SFR_2800']) / 10**0.2178 galaxy.sfrtotal = (i['SFR_Wuyts'] + i['SFR_2800']) / 10**0.2178 #galaxy.Mass = i['FAST_ma05_lmass'] galaxy.ssfr = galaxy.sfrtotal / 10**galaxy.Mass galaxy.mips24 = i['mips24_cryo'] data = np.genfromtxt('./data/masses_from_CANDELS.txt', names=True) for i in data: look = i['UserID'] for galaxy in galaxies: if look == galaxy.ID: galaxy.mass_candels = i['FAST_ma05_lmass'] x = [galaxy.ID for galaxy in galaxies if galaxy.stellarity > 0.78] # Bad galaxy removal bad = [ 1073.0, 3736.0, 8030.0, 10832.0, 15769.0, 949.0, 1961.0, 3608.0, 4956.0, 10426.0, 18801.0 ] + x galaxies = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ID not in bad, galaxies) pickle.dump(galaxies, open('galaxies_fortable.pickle', 'wb')) '''
def compareLabelLists(labelFile1, labelFile2, magCut=18): t = 2006.580 ## Read in star labels tab1 = name1 = [tab1[0][ss].strip() for ss in range(tab1.nrows)] mag1 = tab1[1].tonumpy() x01 = tab1[2].tonumpy() y01 = tab1[3].tonumpy() vx1 = tab1[6].tonumpy() vy1 = tab1[7].tonumpy() t01 = tab1[10].tonumpy() x1 = x01 + vx1 * (t - t01) / 10**3 y1 = y01 + vy1 * (t - t01) / 10**3 tab2 = name2 = [tab2[0][ss].strip() for ss in range(tab2.nrows)] mag2 = tab2[1].tonumpy() x02 = tab2[2].tonumpy() y02 = tab2[3].tonumpy() vx2 = tab2[6].tonumpy() vy2 = tab2[7].tonumpy() t02 = tab2[10].tonumpy() x2 = x02 + vx2 * (t - t02) / 10**3 y2 = y02 + vy2 * (t - t02) / 10**3 # Image im = pyfits.getdata( '/u/ghezgroup/data/gc/06maylgs1/combo/mag06maylgs1_dp_msc_kp.fits') imgsize = (im.shape)[0] # pixel position (0,0) is at upper left xpix = np.arange(0, im.shape[0], dtype=float) ypix = np.arange(0, im.shape[1], dtype=float) sgra = [1422.6, 1543.8] scale_jpg = 0.00995 xim = (xpix - sgra[0]) * scale_jpg * -1.0 yim = (ypix - sgra[1]) * scale_jpg py.clf() py.grid(True) py.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95) py.imshow(np.log10(im), extent=[xim[0], xim[-1], yim[0], yim[-1]], aspect='equal', vmin=1.9, vmax=6.0, py.xlabel('X Offset from Sgr A* (arcsec)') py.ylabel('Y Offset from Sgr A* (arcsec)') py.title('UCLA/Keck Galactic Center Group', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') thePlot = py.gca() py.axis([15, -15, -15, 15]) idx2 = np.where(mag2 < magCut)[0] py.plot(x2[idx2], y2[idx2], 'ro', color='cyan', mfc='none', mec='cyan') for ii in idx2: py.text(x2[ii], y2[ii], name2[ii], color='cyan', fontsize=10) idx1 = np.where(mag1 < magCut)[0] py.plot(x1[idx1], y1[idx1], 'ro', color='orange', mfc='none', mec='orange') for ii in idx1: py.text(x1[ii], y1[ii], name1[ii], color='orange', fontsize=10)
def plotStarfinderList( starList, hasErrors=True, magCut=18, cooStarList='16C', cooStarLabels='irs16C', scaleList=0.00995, scaleImg=0.00995, image='/u/ghezgroup/data/gc/06maylgs1/combo/mag06maylgs1_dp_msc_kp.fits' ): """ Plot the specified image and overlay the photo_calib.dat sources on top. Coordinates are converted from pixels to arcsec using the coo star and assuming that the angle of the image is 0. This code assumes coordinates are NIRC2 narrow pixels coordaintes. You can modify this by changing the scale. But +x must be to the west in the starlist. """ # Load up the photometric calibraters table. lis = starTables.StarfinderList(starList, hasErrors=hasErrors) labels = starTables.Labels() # Find the coo star in the starlist and in the labels ii1 = np.where( == cooStarList)[0] ii2 = np.where( == cooStarLabels)[0] dt = lis.epoch[0] - labels.t0 labels.x += (labels.vx / 10**3) * dt labels.y += (labels.vy / 10**3) * dt # Convert the pixels in the starlist into arcsec x = ((lis.x - lis.x[ii1]) * -scaleList) + labels.x[ii2] y = ((lis.y - lis.y[ii1]) * scaleList) + labels.y[ii2] im = pyfits.getdata(image) imgsize = (im.shape)[0] # pixel position (0,0) is at upper left xpix = np.arange(0, im.shape[0], dtype=float) ypix = np.arange(0, im.shape[1], dtype=float) # Read in the image coo file # Coo star pixel coordinates _coo = open(image.replace('.fits', '.coo'), 'r') coordsTmp = _coo.readline().split() coords = [float(coo) for coo in coordsTmp] print 'Coordinates for %s:' % cooStarLabels print ' [%10.4f, %10.4f] pixels' % (coords[0], coords[1]) print ' [%10.4f, %10.4f] arcsec' % (labels.x[ii2], labels.y[ii2]) sgrax = coords[0] - (labels.x[ii2] / -scaleImg) sgray = coords[1] - (labels.y[ii2] / scaleImg) sgra = [sgrax, sgray] # Image coordinates (in arcsec) xim = (xpix - sgra[0]) * -scaleImg yim = (ypix - sgra[1]) * scaleImg py.clf() py.close(2) py.figure(2, figsize=(6, 4.5)) py.grid(True) py.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95) py.imshow(np.log10(im), extent=[xim[0], xim[-1], yim[0], yim[-1]], aspect='equal', vmin=1.9, vmax=6.0, py.xlabel('X Offset from Sgr A* (arcsec)') py.ylabel('Y Offset from Sgr A* (arcsec)') py.title('UCLA/Keck Galactic Center Group', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') thePlot = py.gca() py.axis([15, -15, -15, 15]) idx = (np.where((lis.mag < magCut) & (x > xim.min()) & (x < xim.max()) & (y > yim.min()) & (y < yim.max())))[0] py.plot(x[idx], y[idx], 'r+', color='orange') for ii in idx: py.text(x[ii], y[ii],[ii], color='orange', fontsize=10)
def plotPhotoCalib( image, cooStar, photoCalib='/u/ghezgroup/data/gc/source_list/photo_calib.dat'): """ Plot the specified image and overlay the photo_calib.dat sources on top. Coordinates are converted from pixels to arcsec using the coo star and assuming that the angle of the image is 0. """ # Load up the photometric calibraters table. _tab = name = _tab[0].tonumpy() x = _tab[1].tonumpy() y = _tab[2].tonumpy() # Load up the image imageRoot = image.replace('.fits', '') im = pyfits.getdata(imageRoot + '.fits') # Coo star pixel coordinates _coo = open(imageRoot + '.coo', 'r') tmp = _coo.readline().split() cooPixel = [float(tmp[0]), float(tmp[1])] imgsize = (im.shape)[0] xpix = np.arange(0, im.shape[0], dtype=float) ypix = np.arange(0, im.shape[1], dtype=float) cooIdx = np.where(name == cooStar)[0] if len(cooIdx) == 0: print 'Failed to find the coo star %s in %s' % (cooStar, photoCalib) cooArcsec = [x[cooIdx[0]], y[cooIdx[0]]] scale = 0.00994 xim = ((xpix - cooPixel[0]) * scale * -1.0) + cooArcsec[0] yim = ((ypix - cooPixel[1]) * scale) + cooArcsec[1] py.figure(1) py.clf() py.grid(True) py.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95) py.imshow(np.log10(im), extent=[xim[0], xim[-1], yim[0], yim[-1]], aspect='equal', vmin=1.9, vmax=6.0, py.xlabel('X Offset from Sgr A* (arcsec)') py.ylabel('Y Offset from Sgr A* (arcsec)') py.title(imageRoot) thePlot = py.gca() idx = (np.where((x > xim.min()) & (x < xim.max()) & (y > yim.min()) & (y < yim.max())))[0] py.plot(x[idx], y[idx], 'r+', color='orange') for ii in idx: py.text(x[ii], y[ii], name[ii], color='orange', fontsize=12)