Exemple #1
    def _get_plugins(self):
        plugins = []

        for s in self.cfg.sections():
            if (m := re.match('soln-plugin-(.+?)(?:-(.+))?$', s)):
                cfgsect, name, suffix = m.group(0), m.group(1), m.group(2)

                # Instantiate
                plugins.append(get_plugin(name, self, cfgsect, suffix))
Exemple #2
    def _get_plugins(self):
        plugins = []

        for s in self.cfg.sections():
            m = re.match('soln-plugin-(.+?)(?:-(.+))?$', s)
            if m:
                cfgsect, name, suffix = m.group(0), m.group(1), m.group(2)

                # Instantiate
                plugins.append(get_plugin(name, self, cfgsect, suffix))

        return plugins
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Current and minimum time steps
        self._dt = self.cfg.getfloat('solver-time-integrator', 'dt')
        self.dtmin = 1.0e-12

        # Solution filtering frequency
        self._fnsteps = self.cfg.getint('soln-filter', 'nsteps', '0')

        # Bank index of solution
        self._idxcurr = 0

        # Solution cache
        self._curr_soln = None

        # Accepted and rejected step counters
        self.nacptsteps = 0
        self.nrjctsteps = 0
        self.nacptchain = 0

        # Stats on the most recent step
        self.stepinfo = []

        # Event handlers for advance_to
        self.completed_step_handlers = proxylist([])

        # Record the starting wall clock time
        self._wstart = time.time()

        # Load any plugins specified in the config file
        for s in self.cfg.sections():
            m = re.match('soln-plugin-(.+?)(?:-(.+))?$', s)
            if m:
                cfgsect, name, suffix = m.group(0), m.group(1), m.group(2)

                # Instantiate
                plugin = get_plugin(name, self, cfgsect, suffix)

                # Register as an event handler

        # Delete the memory-intensive elements map from the system
        del self.system.ele_map