Exemple #1
    def get_ports(cls, serial: str = None):
        found_devices = []

        if serial is not None:
            if not serial.endswith('(I2C)'):
                return found_devices
            serial = serial[:-5]
            found = Ftdi.find_all([(Ftdi.DEFAULT_VENDOR, 0x6014)],
        except USBError:
            return found_devices
        except ValueError:
            return found_devices

        for d in found:
            if serial is not None:
                if d[2] == serial:
                    return found_devices


        return found_devices
Exemple #2
def find():
    supported = {'pm342': (0x0403, 0x6011)}
    vps = supported.values()
    products = []

    for vid, pid, serial, interfaces, description in Ftdi.find_all(vps):
        product = Product(vid, pid, description, serial)


    return products
Exemple #3
    def get_ports(cls, serial=None):
        found_devices = list()

        found = Ftdi.find_all([(Ftdi.DEFAULT_VENDOR, 0x6014)])
        for d in found:
            if serial is not None:
                if d[2] == serial:
                    return cls(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4])
                    found_devices.append(cls(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4]))

        return found_devices
Exemple #4
class FTDI_DAQ(Instrument):
    _ports = []
    _port = None
    _last_byte = chr(0)
    _aliases = {}

    def __init__(self, name, serial=None, port='A', baudrate=115200):
            discover and initialize Tunnel_DAC hardware
                serial - serial number of the FTDI converter
                channel - 2 character channel id the DAC is connected to;
                    the first byte identifies the channel (A..D for current devices)
                    the second byte identifies the bit within that channel (0..7)
                numdacs - number of DACs daisy-chained on that line
                delay - communications delay assumed between PC and the USB converter
        logging.info(__name__ + ': Initializing instrument Tunnel_DAC')
        Instrument.__init__(self, name, tags=['physical'])

        self._conn = Ftdi()
        # VIDs and PIDs of converters used
        vps = [
            (0x0403, 0x6011),  # FTDI UM4232H 4ch
            (0x0403, 0x6014)  # FTDI UM232H 1ch
        # explicitly clear device cache of UsbTools
        #UsbTools.USBDEVICES = []
        # find all devices and obtain serial numbers
        devs = self._conn.find_all(vps)
        # filter list by serial number if provided
        if (serial != None):
            devs = [dev for dev in devs if dev[2] == serial]
        if (len(devs) == 0):
            logging.error(__name__ + ': failed to find matching FTDI devices.')
        elif (len(devs) > 1):
                __name__ +
                ': more than one converter found and no serial number given.')
            logging.info(__name__ + ': available devices are: %s.' %
                         str([dev[2] for dev in devs]))
        vid, pid, self._serial, ports, description = devs[0]
        self._ports = [chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(ports)]

        # open device
        (self._port, bit) = self._parse_channel_string(port)
                        interface=ord(self._port) - ord('A') + 1,
        logging.info(__name__ +
                     ': using converter with serial #%s' % self._serial)
        self._conn.set_bitmode(0xFF, Ftdi.BITMODE_BITBANG)

        # provide user interface
        self.add_parameter('port', type=str, flags=Instrument.FLAG_GET)
        #self.add_parameter('aliases', type=types.DictType, flags=Instrument.FLAG_GETSET)

    def do_get_port(self):
        return self._port

    def set_aliases(self, aliases):
            define channel aliases
            accepts a dictionary that resolves alias names to internal channel names
        self._aliases = aliases

    def get_aliases(self):
            retrieve channel aliases
        return self._aliases

    def digital_out(self, channel, status):
            set a bit/byte on a FTDI channel
        (port, bit) = self._parse_channel_string(channel)
        if (bit != None):
            if (status):
                byte = chr(ord(self._last_byte) | (1 << bit))
                byte = chr(ord(self._last_byte) & ~(1 << bit))
            byte = chr(0xff) if status else chr(0)
        self._last_byte = byte

    def digital_stream(self, channel, samples, rate):
            write a serial bit/byte stream to the device
            rate max 6 MHz for ft4232h chip
        (port, bit) = self._parse_channel_string(channel)
        # convert bit stream into byte stream
        if (bit != None):
            byte = 1 << bit
            samples = [(chr(ord(self._last_byte) | byte) if x else
                        (chr(ord(self._last_byte) & ~byte)))
                       for x in BitArray(samples)]
        # output data on the device
        self._last_byte = samples[-1]

    def _parse_channel_string(self, channel):
            parses a channel string into a (port, bit) tuple
        # translate aliases
        if (self._aliases.has_key(channel)):
            channel = self._aliases[channel]

        # parse & mangle channel string
        m = re.match('(?P<port>[A-Z]+[0-9]*)(?P<bit>:[0-9]+)?',
        if (m == None):
            raise ValueError('channel identifier %s not understood.' % channel)
        port = m['port']
        if (m['bit'] != None):
            bit = int(m['bit'].lstrip(':'))
            bit = None

        # check if the channel exists on this device
        if (not (port in self._ports)):
            raise ValueError('prot %s not supported by this device.' % port)
        if ((self._port != None) and (port != self._port)):
            raise ValueError(
                'this implementation can not change the port identifier outside __init__.'
        if ((bit != None) and ((bit < 0) or (bit > 7))):
            raise ValueError('bit number must be between 0 and 7, not %d.' %

        return (port, bit)

    def _set_baudrate(self, baudrate):
            change baud rate of the FTDIs serial engine
        # 80k generates bit durations of 12.5us, 80 is magic :(
        # magic?: 4 from incorrect BITBANG handling of pyftdi, 2.5 from 120MHz instead of 48MHz clock of H devices
        self._baudrate = baudrate
        self._conn.set_baudrate(baudrate / 80)
Exemple #5
from pyftdi.ftdi import Ftdi
import codecs
import sys
import time
from random import randint

VID = 0x0403
PID = 0x6010
#BAUDRATE = 9600
BAUDRATE = 921600

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ft = Ftdi()
    dev_list = ft.find_all([(VID, PID)], True)
    if (len(dev_list) > 0):
        print("Device found:\n\t", dev_list)
        ft.open(vendor=VID, product=PID, interface=2)
        print("Opened device!")
        # if you don't do this, first byte sent never arrives to the other side
        # if you happen to know why, let us know :)
        # dummy = self.ft.read_data(1) #empty buffer
        print("Device not connected!")

    print("Baudrate set to {}".format(BAUDRATE))
    N = 2
    i = 0
    fifo_rd = []
Exemple #6
from pyftdi.ftdi import Ftdi
from time import sleep

ftdi1 = Ftdi()
ftdi1.open(vendor=0x403, product=0x6015, interface=1)

vps = [(0x0403, 0x6015)]

for x in range(5):
    print("If#1: ", hex(ftdi1.poll_modem_status()))
    print("Read Pins:", bin(ftdi1.read_pins()))
    print("Devices:", bin(ftdi1.find_all(vps)))

Exemple #7
import pygame
import time

# Pygame init

size = width, height = 752, 480
black = 0, 0, 0

screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)

ls = [(0x0403, 0x6014)]

datasize = 16 + 752 * 480 + 752 + 16
ret = Ftdi()

ret.open(1027, 24596)
ret.set_bitmode(0xff, 0)

ret.set_bitmode(0xff, 0x40)
except ValueError:
    print('Cannot write')
Exemple #8
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pyftdi.ftdi import Ftdi

ft232h_pid = (Ftdi.PRODUCT_IDS[Ftdi.FTDI_VENDOR]['ft232h'])
id_tuple = (Ftdi.FTDI_VENDOR, ft232h_pid)

devices = Ftdi.find_all([id_tuple])
if devices:
    for device in devices:
    print('No FT232H devices found.')
Exemple #9
class FTDI_DAQ(Instrument):
    _ports = []
    _port = None
    _last_byte = chr(0)
    _aliases = {}

    def __init__(self, name, serial = None, port = 'A', baudrate = 115200):
            discover and initialize Tunnel_DAC hardware
                serial - serial number of the FTDI converter
                channel - 2 character channel id the DAC is connected to;
                    the first byte identifies the channel (A..D for current devices)
                    the second byte identifies the bit within that channel (0..7)
                numdacs - number of DACs daisy-chained on that line
                delay - communications delay assumed between PC and the USB converter
        logging.info(__name__+ ': Initializing instrument Tunnel_DAC')
        Instrument.__init__(self, name, tags=['physical'])
        self._conn = Ftdi()
        # VIDs and PIDs of converters used
        vps = [
            (0x0403, 0x6011), # FTDI UM4232H 4ch
            (0x0403, 0x6014)  # FTDI UM232H 1ch
        # explicitly clear device cache of UsbTools
        #UsbTools.USBDEVICES = []
        # find all devices and obtain serial numbers
        devs = self._conn.find_all(vps)
        # filter list by serial number if provided
        if(serial != None):
            devs = [dev for dev in devs if dev[2] == serial]
        if(len(devs) == 0):
            logging.error(__name__ + ': failed to find matching FTDI devices.')
        elif(len(devs) > 1):
            logging.error(__name__ + ': more than one converter found and no serial number given.')
            logging.info(__name__ + ': available devices are: %s.'%str([dev[2] for dev in devs]))
        vid, pid, self._serial, ports, description = devs[0]
        self._ports = [chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(ports)]

        # open device
        (self._port, bit) = self._parse_channel_string(port)
        self._conn.open(vid, pid, interface = ord(self._port) - ord('A') + 1, serial = self._serial)
        logging.info(__name__ + ': using converter with serial #%s'%self._serial)
        self._conn.set_bitmode(0xFF, Ftdi.BITMODE_BITBANG)

        # provide user interface
        self.add_parameter('port', type=types.StringType, flags=Instrument.FLAG_GET)
        #self.add_parameter('aliases', type=types.DictType, flags=Instrument.FLAG_GETSET)

    def do_get_port(self):
        return self._port

    def set_aliases(self, aliases):
            define channel aliases
            accepts a dictionary that resolves alias names to internal channel names
        self._aliases = aliases
    def get_aliases(self):
            retrieve channel aliases
        return self._aliases

    def digital_out(self, channel, status):
            set a bit/byte on a FTDI channel
        (port, bit) = self._parse_channel_string(channel)
        if(bit != None):
                byte = chr(ord(self._last_byte) | (1<<bit))
                byte = chr(ord(self._last_byte) & ~(1<<bit))
            byte = chr(0xff) if status else chr(0)
        self._last_byte = byte

    def digital_stream(self, channel, samples, rate):
            write a serial bit/byte stream to the device
        (port, bit) = self._parse_channel_string(channel)
        # convert bit stream into byte stream
        if(bit != None):
            byte = 1<<bit
            samples = [(chr(ord(self._lastbyte) | byte) if x else (chr(ord(self._lastbyte) & ~byte))) for x in BitArray(samples)]
        # output data on the device
        self._last_byte = samples[-1]

    def _parse_channel_string(self, channel):
            parses a channel string into a (port, bit) tuple
        # translate aliases
            channel = self._aliases[channel]
        # parse & mangle channel string
        m = re.match('(?P<port>[A-Z]+[0-9]*)(?P<bit>:[0-9]+)?', channel).groupdict()
        if(m == None):
            raise ValueError('channel identifier %s not understood.'%channel)
        port = m['port']
        if(m['bit'] != None): 
            bit = int(m['bit'].lstrip(':'))
            bit = None
        # check if the channel exists on this device
        if(not (port in self._ports)):
            raise ValueError('prot %s not supported by this device.'%port)
        if((self._port != None) and (port != self._port)):
            raise ValueError('this implementation can not change the port identifier outside __init__.')
        if((bit != None) and ((bit < 0) or (bit > 7))):
            raise ValueError('bit number must be between 0 and 7, not %d.'%bit)
        return (port, bit)
    def _set_baudrate(self, baudrate):
            change baud rate of the FTDIs serial engine
        # 80k generates bit durations of 12.5us, 80 is magic :(
        # magic?: 4 from incorrect BITBANG handling of pyftdi, 2.5 from 120MHz instead of 48MHz clock of H devices
        self._baudrate =  baudrate
Exemple #10
class Tunnel_DAC(Instrument):

    def __init__(self, name, serial = None, channel = 'A0', numdacs=3, delay = 1e-3):
            discover and initialize Tunnel_DAC hardware
                serial - serial number of the FTDI converter
                channel - 2 character channel id the DAC is connected to;
                    the first byte identifies the channel (A..D for current devices)
                    the second byte identifies the bit within that channel (0..7)
                numdacs - number of DACs daisy-chained on that line
                delay - communications delay assumed between PC and the USB converter
        logging.info(__name__+ ': Initializing instrument Tunnel_DAC')
        Instrument.__init__(self, name, tags=['physical'])
        self._conn = Ftdi()
        # VIDs and PIDs of converters used
        vps = [
            (0x0403, 0x6011), # FTDI UM4232H 4ch
            (0x0403, 0x6014)  # FTDI UM232H 1ch
        # explicitly clear device cache of UsbTools
        #UsbTools.USBDEVICES = []
        # find all devices and obtain serial numbers
        devs = self._conn.find_all(vps)
        # filter list by serial number if provided
        if(serial != None):
            devs = [dev for dev in devs if dev[2] == serial]
        if(len(devs) == 0):
            logging.error(__name__ + ': failed to find matching FTDI devices.')
        elif(len(devs) > 1):
            logging.error(__name__ + ': more than one converter found and no serial number given.')
            logging.info(__name__ + ': available devices are: %s.'%str([dev[2] for dev in devs]))
        vid, pid, self._serial, channels, description = devs[0]
        # parse channel string
        if(len(channel) != 2):
            logging.error(__name__ + ': channel identifier must be a string of length 2. ex. A0, D5.')
        self._channel = 1 + ord(channel[0]) - ord('A')
        self._bit = ord(channel[1]) - ord('0')
        if((self._channel < 1) or (self._channel > channels)):
            logging.error(__name__ + ': channel %c is not supported by this device.'%(chr(ord('A')+self._channel-1)))
        if((self._bit < 0) or (self._bit > 7)):
            logging.error(__name__ + ': subchannel must be between 0 and 7, not %d.'%self._bit)

        # open device
        self._conn.open(vid, pid, interface = self._channel, serial = self._serial)
        logging.info(__name__ + ': using converter with serial #%s'%self._serial)
        self._conn.set_bitmode(0xFF, Ftdi.BITMODE_BITBANG)
        # 80k generates bit durations of 12.5us, 80 is magic :(
        # magic?: 4 from incorrect BITBANG handling of pyftdi, 2.5 from 120MHz instead of 48MHz clock of H devices
        # original matlab code uses 19kS/s

        # house keeping        
        self._numdacs = numdacs
        self._sleeptime = (10. + 16.*self._numdacs)*12.5e-6 + delay # 1st term from hardware parameters, 2nd term from USB  
        self._minval = -5000.
        self._maxval = 5000.
        self._resolution = 16 # DAC resolution in bits
        self._voltages = [0.]*numdacs
        self.add_parameter('voltage', type=types.FloatType, flags=Instrument.FLAG_SET, channels=(1, self._numdacs),
                           minval = self._minval, maxval = self._maxval, units='mV', format = '%.02f') # tags=['sweep']

    def _encode(self, data, channel = 0, bits_per_item = 16, big_endian = True):
            convert binary data into line symbols
            the tunnel electronic DAC logic box triggers on rising 
            signal edges and samples data after 18us. we use a line
            code with three bits of duration 12us, where a logical 1
            is encoded as B"110" and a logical 0 is encoded as B"100".
            the line data is returned as a byte string with three bytes/symbol.
                data - a vector of data entities (usually a string or list of integers)
                channel - a number in [0, 7] specifying the output bit on the USB-to-UART chip
                bits_per_item - number of bits to extract from each element of the data vector
        # build line code for the requested channel
        line_1 = chr(1<<channel)
        line_0 = chr(0)
        line_code = [''.join([line_0, line_1, line_1]), ''.join([line_0, line_1, line_0])]
        # do actual encoding
        result = []
        for item in data:
            for bit in (range(bits_per_item-1, -1, -1) if big_endian else range(0, bits_per_item)):
                result.append(line_code[1 if(item & (1<<bit)) else 0])
        return ''.join(result)

    def commit(self):
            send updated parameter values to the physical DACs via USB
        # normalize, scale, clip voltages
        voltages = [-1+2*(x-self._minval)/(self._maxval-self._minval) for x in self._voltages]
        voltages = [max(-2**(self._resolution-1), min(2**(self._resolution-1)-1, int(2**(self._resolution-1)*x))) for x in voltages]
        # encode and send
        data = self._encode(reversed(voltages), self._bit, self._resolution)
        # wait for the FTDI fifo to clock the data to the DACs

    def do_set_voltage(self, value, channel):
            immediately update voltage on channel ch
            parameter checking is done by qtlab
        self._voltages[channel-1] = value

    def set_voltages(self, valuedict):
            update voltages on several channels simultaneously
            todo: update instrument panel display
        for channel, value in valuedict.iteritems():
            # bounds checking & clipping
            if((channel < 1) or (channel > self._numdacs)):
                logging.error(__name__ + ': channel %d out of range.'%channel)
            value = float(value)
            if((value < self._minval) or (value >= self._maxval)):
                logging.error(__name__ + ': value %f out of range. clipping.'%value)
                value = max(self._minval, min(self._maxval, value)) # does not handle maxval correctly
            self._voltages[channel-1] = value