def __init__(self,

             - (string) global_perm:
                a series of letters referencing the users permissions;
                defaults to "elradfmw" which means full read and write
                access for everybody (except anonymous).

             - (list) allowed_users:
                a list of users which are accepted for authenticating
                against the FTP server; defaults to [] (no restrictions).

             - (list) rejected_users:
                a list of users which are not accepted for authenticating
                against the FTP server; defaults to [] (no restrictions).

             - (bool) require_valid_shell:
                Deny access for those users which do not have a valid shell
                binary listed in /etc/shells.
                If /etc/shells cannot be found this is a no-op.
                Anonymous user is not subject to this option, and is free
                to not have a valid shell defined.
                Defaults to True (a valid shell is required for login).

             - (string) anonymous_user:
                specify it if you intend to provide anonymous access.
                The value expected is a string representing the system user
                to use for managing anonymous sessions;  defaults to None
                (anonymous access disabled).

             - (string) msg_login:
                the string sent when client logs in.

             - (string) msg_quit:
                the string sent when client quits.
            BaseUnixAuthorizer.__init__(self, anonymous_user)
            self.global_perm = global_perm
            self.allowed_users = allowed_users
            self.rejected_users = rejected_users
            self.anonymous_user = anonymous_user
            self.require_valid_shell = require_valid_shell
            self.msg_login = msg_login
            self.msg_quit = msg_quit

            self._dummy_authorizer = DummyAuthorizer()
            self._dummy_authorizer._check_permissions('', global_perm)
            if require_valid_shell:
                for username in self.allowed_users:
                    if not self._has_valid_shell(username):
                        raise ValueError("user %s has not a valid shell" %
def main():
    authorizer = DummyAuthorizer()
    authorizer.add_user('user', '12345', '.', perm='elradfmw')
    handler = AntiFloodHandler
    handler.authorizer = authorizer
    ftpd = FTPServer(('', 21), handler)
        def __init__(self,

             - (string) global_perm:
                a series of letters referencing the users permissions;
                defaults to "elradfmw" which means full read and write
                access for everybody (except anonymous).

             - (list) allowed_users:
                a list of users which are accepted for authenticating
                against the FTP server; defaults to [] (no restrictions).

             - (list) rejected_users:
                a list of users which are not accepted for authenticating
                against the FTP server; defaults to [] (no restrictions).

             - (string) anonymous_user:
                specify it if you intend to provide anonymous access.
                The value expected is a string representing the system user
                to use for managing anonymous sessions.
                As for IIS, it is recommended to use Guest account.
                The common practice is to first enable the Guest user, which
                is disabled by default and then assign an empty password.
                Defaults to None (anonymous access disabled).

             - (string) anonymous_password:
                the password of the user who has been chosen to manage the
                anonymous sessions.  Defaults to None (empty password).

             - (string) msg_login:
                the string sent when client logs in.

             - (string) msg_quit:
                the string sent when client quits.
            self.global_perm = global_perm
            self.allowed_users = allowed_users
            self.rejected_users = rejected_users
            self.anonymous_user = anonymous_user
            self.anonymous_password = anonymous_password
            self.msg_login = msg_login
            self.msg_quit = msg_quit
            self._dummy_authorizer = DummyAuthorizer()
            self._dummy_authorizer._check_permissions('', global_perm)
            # actually try to impersonate the user
            if self.anonymous_user is not None: