def plot_pop(self): pop_size, rdm_individuals, populations = self.get_population_data() #CHART 1 x = range(len(pop_size)) chart1 = pygal.XY(style=DarkStyle, legend_at_bottom=True, show_dots=False, fill=True, include_x_axis=True) chart1.title = str('Population size over ' + str(len(pop_size)) + ' generations.') chart1.add('Population size', list(zip(x, pop_size))) chart1.render_to_file('charts/Sexual_reproduction_1.svg') #CHART 2 genes = sorted(self.get_genes_data(rdm_individuals)) x2 = map(str, range(len(genes))) chart2 = pygal.StackedBar(style=DarkStyle, legend_at_bottom=True, truncate_label=-1) chart2.title = ( 'Genome of a random individual from the population over \n ' + str(len(pop_size)) + ' generations. \n Monogamy: ' + str(self.population.monogamy) + ', Long term: ' + str(self.population.long_term)) chart2.x_labels = self.get_x_lables(pop_size) for x2_, genes_ in genes: chart2.add(x2_, genes_) chart2.render_to_file('charts/Sexual_reproduction_2.svg') #CHART 3 for population in populations: if populations.index(population) % 50 == 0: genes = sorted(self.get_genes_data(population)) x2 = map(str, range(len(genes))) chart2 = pygal.StackedBar(style=DarkStyle, legend_at_bottom=True, truncate_label=-1) chart2.title = ('Gentoype of each individual of generation #' + str(populations.index(population)) + '. \n Monogamy: ' + str(self.population.monogamy) + ', Long term: ' + str(self.population.long_term)) for x2_, genes_ in genes: chart2.add(x2_, genes_) chart2.render_to_file('charts/Genes_' + str(populations.index(population)) + '.svg')
def pygal_bar_stacked(data, chartname, file_name): bar_chart = pygal.StackedBar() bar_chart = pygal.StackedBar(print_values=True, style=DefaultStyle( value_font_family='googlefont:Raleway', value_font_size=30, value_colors=('white', ))) bar_chart.title = chartname for ds in data: for key, value in ds.items(): bar_chart.add(key, value) bar_chart.render_to_file(file_name + '.svg') bar_chart.render_to_png(file_name + '.png') return True
def prepare_bar_plot(): result, years, no_of_projects = languageStatistic() my_style = define_style() my_config = pygal.Config() my_config.x_label_rotation = 45 my_config.title_font_size = 30 my_config.label_font_size = 25 my_config.major_label_font_size = 20 my_config.truncate_label = 15 my_config.show_y_guides = False my_config.width = 1300 result.loc[:, result.columns != 'Language'] = ( result.loc[:, result.columns != 'Language'] / result.loc[:, result.columns != 'Language'].sum()) * 100 bar_plot = pygal.StackedBar(my_config, style=my_style) bar_plot.title = 'Timeline analysis' year_start, year_end = min(years), max(years) bar_plot.x_labels = map(str, range(year_start, year_end + 1)) for i, lang in enumerate(result['Language']): cut_lang = result.loc[:, result.columns != 'Language'] values_yearly = list(cut_lang.iloc[i]) bar_plot.add(lang, values_yearly) return bar_plot
def _report_2(request, ctx): ctx['report_title'] = 'Presupuestos expandidos (en el tiempo)' chart = pygal.StackedBar(legend_at_bottom=True, y_title="$", x_label_rotation=20) # @UndefinedVariable chart.title = ctx['report_title'] cursor = connection.cursor() # FIXME: use only accepted quotes! (not canceled, or rejected by customer) cursor.execute( "SELECT " " lsq.created AS \"date_for_report\"," " lsq.cost AS \"orig_cost\"," " lsqa.cost AS \"selected_quote_alternative_cost\"," " AS \"customer\"" " FROM lumina_session AS ls" " JOIN lumina_sessionquote AS lsq ON lsq.session_id =" " JOIN lumina_customer AS c ON ls.customer_id =" " LEFT OUTER JOIN lumina_sessionquotealternative AS lsqa" " ON lsq.accepted_quote_alternative_id =" " WHERE ls.studio_id = %s", []) desc = cursor.description values_as_dict = [ dict(list(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row))) for row in cursor.fetchall() ] # pprint.pprint(values_as_dict) group_by_date = defaultdict(list) for item in values_as_dict: group_by_date[(item['date_for_report'].year, item['date_for_report'].month)].append(item) dates = list(group_by_date.keys()) dates.sort()"group_by_date: %s", pprint.pformat(group_by_date)) serie_cost = [] serie_alt_quote = [] labels = [] for year, month in dates: acum_cost = 0.0 acum_alt_quote = 0.0 for item in group_by_date[(year, month)]: acum_cost += float(item['orig_cost']) if item['selected_quote_alternative_cost']: acum_alt_quote += float( item['selected_quote_alternative_cost']) labels.append("{}/{}".format(month, year)) serie_cost.append(acum_cost) serie_alt_quote.append(acum_alt_quote) chart.x_labels = labels chart.add('Presupuesto original', serie_cost) chart.add('Presupuesto expandido', serie_alt_quote) chart.print_values = False ctx['svg_chart'] = chart.render() ctx['show_form_2'] = True
def create_chart(hvgc, hhgc, msw): """ Create chart """ chart = pygal.StackedBar(truncate_label=5, style=CleanStyle, fill=True, dots_size=1.75, interpolate='cubic') chart.x_title = 'Year' chart.y_title = 'Video Games Amount' chart.x_labels = [i for i in range(1980, 2017)] chart.x_labels_major_count = 8 chart.show_minor_x_labels = False chart.y_labels = [i for i in range(0, 18001, 2000)] chart.legend_at_bottom = True chart.legend_at_bottom_columns = 3 chart.legend_box_size = 16 chart.add("Home Video Game Consoles", hvgc) chart.add("Handheld Game Consoles", hhgc) chart.add("Microsoft Windows", msw) chart.render_to_file('growth.svg')
def create_missing_emotions_chart_V2(trusted_src_dict): custom_style = Style(label_font_size = 14, major_label_font_size=14,value_font_size=14,value_label_font_size=14) keys = trusted_src_dict.keys() sadness_vals = [] anger_vals = [] joy_vals = [] disgust_vals = [] fear_vals = [] for key in trusted_src_dict.keys(): sadness_vals.append(trusted_src_dict[key]['sadness']) anger_vals.append(trusted_src_dict[key]['anger']) joy_vals.append(trusted_src_dict[key]['joy']) disgust_vals.append(trusted_src_dict[key]['disgust']) fear_vals.append(trusted_src_dict[key]['fear']) line_chart = pygal.StackedBar(x_label_rotation=90,style=custom_style) line_chart.x_labels = keys line_chart.add('sadness', sadness_vals) line_chart.add('anger', anger_vals) line_chart.add('joy', joy_vals) line_chart.add('disgust', disgust_vals) line_chart.add('fear', fear_vals) line_chart.render_to_png('./example_missing_emotion.png')
def graphSentenceWordUse(sentences, top=0, fileName=args.args.file): num = len(sentences) + 1 chart = pygal.StackedBar(print_labels=True, show_legend=False) chart.title = 'Word Use By Sentence' if top > 0: chart.title += ' Of Top ' + str(top) + ' Words' mostUsed = most_used_words.mostUsed(fileName, top=top) mostUsed = {word['label']: word['value'] \ for word in mostUsed} chart.x_labels = map(str, range(1, num)) sentencesByWord = [[taxonomy.sanitize(word) for word in sentence.split()] \ for sentence in sentences] allWords = {} for sentence in sentencesByWord: for word in sentence: allWords[word] = {'label': word, 'value': 0} wordCounts = [copy.deepcopy(allWords) for sentence in sentencesByWord] for i in xrange(0, len(sentencesByWord)): for word in sentencesByWord[i]: wordCounts[i][word]['value'] += 1 perWord = {} for i in xrange(0, len(wordCounts)): for word in wordCounts[i]: if not word in perWord: perWord[word] = [] if wordCounts[i][word]['value'] < 1 or \ (top > 0 and not word in mostUsed): wordCounts[i][word]['label'] = '' wordCounts[i][word]['value'] = 0 perWord[word].append(wordCounts[i][word]) for word in perWord: chart.add(word, perWord[word]) fileName = chart.title.lower().replace(' ', '_') chart.render_to_png(taxonomy.outdir(fileName + '.png'))
def stacked_bar(): chart = pygal.StackedBar() chart.title = 'starked_bar' chart.x_labels = map(str, range(size)) chart.add('Number 1 Test one', get_random_data(size)) chart.add('Number 2 Test two', get_random_data(size)) chart.render_to_file(get_file_name(inspect.stack()[0][3]))
def stacked(data, dirname): data = deepcopy(data) tasks = sorted(data.keys()) # Use a fixed order of methods in the plot methods = ("mel", "cmds", "PyMEL", "cmdx") # [group1 result, group2 result, ... of MEL] # [group1 result, group2 result, ... of cmds] # ... cols = list() for method in methods: col = list() for task in tasks: col += [data[task].get(method, {}).get("min", 0)] cols.append(col) # Normalise along Y-axis rows = zip(*cols) for index, row in enumerate(rows[:]): rows[index] = [100.0 * col / sum(row) for col in row] cols = zip(*rows) line_chart = pygal.StackedBar() line_chart.title = "cmdx performance plot (in %)" line_chart.x_labels = tasks for method, col in enumerate(cols): line_chart.add(methods[method], col) fname = os.path.join(dirname, "stacked.svg") line_chart.render_to_file(fname)
def graph(total): # this is the name of each county and the total votes print("--- graph test ---") county_and_votes = {} county_names = [] county_votes = [] for county_name, d in total.items(): county_names.append(county_name) total_votes = 0 for party_name, count in total[county_name].items(): total_votes = total_votes + total[county_name][party_name] county_and_votes[county_name] = total_votes top_five_names = Nmaxelements(county_and_votes, 5) my_config = pygal.Config() my_config.x_label_rotation = 0 my_config.x_label_font_size = 14 my_config.show_legend = True my_config.truncate_label = 15 my_config.width = 1000 chart = pygal.StackedBar(my_config) chart.title = 'Parties' chart.x_labels = top_five_names chart.add('UNA', [total[x]['UNA'] for x in top_five_names]) chart.add('DEM', [total[x]['DEM'] for x in top_five_names]) chart.add('REP', [total[x]['REP'] for x in top_five_names]) chart.add('LIB', [total[x]['LIB'] for x in top_five_names]) chart.add('GRE', [total[x]['GRE'] for x in top_five_names]) chart.add('CST', [total[x]['CST'] for x in top_five_names]) chart.render_in_browser()
def weekly_users(): # unique active users per week # Get URL parameters number_of_weeks = int(request.args.get('weeks', 4)) selected_filter = request.args.get('filter', 'version') # Create a list with the number of weeks you want to compare sunday = ( - datetime.timedelta( + datetime.timedelta(days=6, weeks=-1)) week_list = list(reversed([(sunday - datetime.timedelta(days=(x + 1) * 7), (sunday - datetime.timedelta(days=+1)) - datetime.timedelta(days=(x) * 7)) for x in range(0, number_of_weeks-1)])) week_list.append([sunday,]) if selected_filter is not None: filter_list = get_filter_list(selected_filter, week_list[0][0], week_list[-1][1]) users_per_week = [] for filter in filter_list: filter, = filter week_data = [filter, []] for week in week_list: week_data[1].append(len(get_users_between_dates(week[0], week[1], selected_filter, filter))) users_per_week.append(week_data) line_chart = pygal.StackedBar() line_chart.title = 'Weekly unique users count, segmented by {}'.format(selected_filter) line_chart.x_labels = [(str(week_list[i][0])+'/'+str(week_list[i][1])) for i in range(0, len(week_list))] for week in users_per_week: line_chart.add(week[0], week[1]) return line_chart.render_data_uri()
def stacked_bar(news_src, num_pos, num_neg, num_neut): totals = [ num_pos[0] + num_neg[0] + num_neut[0], num_pos[1] + num_neg[1] + num_neut[1], num_pos[2] + num_neg[2] + num_neut[2], num_neut[3] + num_pos[3] + num_neg[3], num_pos[4] + num_neg[4] + num_neut[4], num_pos[5] + num_neg[5] + num_neut[5] ] bar_chart = pygal.StackedBar() bar_chart.title = 'Sentiment Across News Sources' bar_chart.x_labels = [ news_src[0], news_src[1], news_src[2], news_src[3], news_src[4], news_src[5] ] bar_chart.add('Positive', [(num_pos[0] / totals[0]), (num_pos[1] / totals[1]), (num_pos[2] / totals[2]), (num_pos[3] / totals[3]), (num_pos[4] / totals[4]), (num_pos[5] / totals[5])]) bar_chart.add('Negative', [(num_neg[0] / totals[0]), (num_neg[1] / totals[1]), (num_neg[2] / totals[2]), (num_neg[3] / totals[3]), (num_neg[4] / totals[4]), (num_neg[5] / totals[5])]) bar_chart.add('Neutral', [(num_neut[0] / totals[0]), (num_neut[1] / totals[1]), (num_neut[2] / totals[2]), (num_neut[3] / totals[3]), (num_neut[4] / totals[4]), (num_neut[5] / totals[5])]) bar_chart.render_to_file('stacked_bar.svg')
def _generar_grafico_de_barras_de_llamadas_entrantes(self, estadisticas): grafico = pygal.StackedBar(show_legend=True, style=ESTILO_VERDE_GRIS_NEGRO) nombres_campanas = [] atendidas = [] expiradas = [] abandonadas = [] abandonadas_anuncio = [] por_campana = estadisticas['tipos_de_llamada_por_campana'][str( Campana.TYPE_ENTRANTE)] for datos_campana in por_campana.values(): nombres_campanas.append(datos_campana['nombre']) atendidas.append(datos_campana['atendidas']) abandonadas.append(datos_campana['abandonadas']) abandonadas_anuncio.append(datos_campana['abandonadas_anuncio']) expiradas.append(datos_campana['expiradas']) grafico.x_labels = nombres_campanas grafico.add(_(u'Atendidas'), atendidas) grafico.add(_(u'Abandonadas'), abandonadas) grafico.add(_(u'Abandonadas durante anuncio'), abandonadas_anuncio) grafico.add(_(u'Expiradas'), expiradas) self.graficos[ 'barra_campana_llamadas_entrantes'] = adicionar_render_unicode( grafico)
def percent_graph(): hours = int(request.args.get('hours', 24)) since = - timedelta(hours=hours) stats_query = db.session.query(WorkerStat).filter( WorkerStat.created > since).with_entities(WorkerStat.created, WorkerStat.toots, WorkerStat.tweets, WorkerStat.instas) df = pd.read_sql(stats_query.statement, stats_query.session.bind) df.set_index(['created'], inplace=True) df.groupby(level=0).sum() r = df.resample('h').sum() r = r.fillna(0) r['total'] = r['toots'] + r['tweets'] + r['instas'] r['tweets_p'] = r['tweets'] / r['total'] r['toots_p'] = r['toots'] / r['total'] r['instas_p'] = r['instas'] / r['total'] toots_p = r['toots_p'].tolist() tweets_p = r['tweets_p'].tolist() instas_p = r['instas_p'].tolist() chart = pygal.StackedBar( title=f"Ratio of Incoming Messages ({timespan(hours)})", human_readable=True, legend_at_bottom=True) chart.add('Toots', toots_p) chart.add('Tweets', tweets_p) chart.add('Instas', instas_p) return chart.render_response()
def _generar_grafico_de_barras_de_llamadas_dialer(self, estadisticas): grafico = pygal.StackedBar(show_legend=True, style=ESTILO_ROJO_VERDE_GRIS_NEGRO) nombres_campanas = [] no_atendidas = [] conectadas = [] expiradas = [] abandonadas = [] por_campana = estadisticas['tipos_de_llamada_por_campana'][str( Campana.TYPE_DIALER)] for datos_campana in por_campana.values(): nombres_campanas.append(datos_campana['nombre']) no_atendidas.append(datos_campana['efectuadas'] - datos_campana['atendidas']) conectadas.append(datos_campana['conectadas']) abandonadas.append(datos_campana['abandonadas']) expiradas.append(datos_campana['expiradas']) grafico.x_labels = nombres_campanas grafico.add(_(u'No contactadas'), no_atendidas) grafico.add(_(u'Procesadas'), conectadas) grafico.add(_(u'Abandonadas'), abandonadas) grafico.add(_(u'Expiradas'), expiradas) self.graficos[ 'barra_campana_llamadas_dialer'] = adicionar_render_unicode( grafico)
def __init__(self, start_time, end_time, study_groups, **kwargs): style = custom_style() style.colors = ["#4c7e80", "#FC7100", "#FFBC1A", "#B7D500", "#05C6B4"] self.chart = pygal.StackedBar(style=style, order_min=0, y_title="Number of ratings", x_label_rotation=30, **kwargs) self.study_groups = study_groups self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time
def plot_memory(data): chart = pygal.StackedBar(CONFIG) _plot_generic( data, chart, 'Peakmem', lambda p: p[VALID_ATTRS['peakmem']] ) return chart.render(is_unicode=True)
def create_issue_classification_chart(domain): line_chart = pygal.StackedBar(height=200) selected_domain = Domain.objects.get(name=domain) libraries = selected_domain.library_set.all() library_names = [] performance_issues = [] security_issues = [] performance_security_issues = [] no_classification_issues = [] for library in libraries: library_names.append( performance_issues.append(library.issue_set.all().filter( performance_issue=True, security_issue=False).count()) security_issues.append(library.issue_set.all().filter( security_issue=True, performance_issue=False).count()) performance_security_issues.append(library.issue_set.all().filter( security_issue=True, performance_issue=True).count()) no_classification_issues.append(library.issue_set.all().filter( security_issue=False, performance_issue=False).count()) line_chart.x_labels = library_names line_chart.add('Performance', performance_issues) line_chart.add('Security', security_issues) line_chart.add('Both', performance_security_issues) line_chart.add('None', no_classification_issues) data = line_chart.render_data_uri() saveData(data, domain + '_issue_classification_chart.pkl') return data
def plot_dist_lengths(lengths, length_limit, x_step, max_x, y_step, max_y, outimg): """ Plot a length distribution over sentences Inputs: - lengths: list of numerical lenghts - length_limit: maximum allowed length - x_step: step in the horizontal axis - max_x: maximum value in the horizontal axis - y_step: step in the vertical axis - max_y: maximum value in the vertical axis - outimg: output image """ # count number of occurrences for each length value c = Counter(lengths) max_val = min(max_x, max(max_x, max(c.keys()))) # output in svg format xdata = list(range(1, max_val + x_step + 1)) ydata_used = [c[k] if k in c and k <= length_limit else 0 for k in xdata] ydata_unused = [c[k] if k in c and k > length_limit else 0 for k in xdata] line_chart = pygal.StackedBar(width=1300, height=800, x_label_rotation=-45, x_title='Number of words', y_title='Number of sentences', show_minor_x_labels=False) line_chart.x_labels = xdata line_chart.x_labels_major = list(set([x // x_step * x_step for x in xdata])) line_chart.y_labels = range(0, max_y + 1, y_step) line_chart.add('Truncated data', ydata_unused) line_chart.add('Unchanged data', ydata_used) # circumvent potential svg styling problems line_chart.render_to_file(outimg) cairosvg.svg2svg(url=outimg, write_to=outimg)
def ia_coverage_histogram(rows): """ Note: this returns a raw pygal chart; it does not render it to SVG/PNG """ raw_years = [int(r[0]) for r in rows] years = dict() for y in range(min(raw_years), max(raw_years)+1): years[int(y)] = dict(year=int(y), available=0, missing=0) for r in rows: if r[1]: years[int(r[0])]['available'] = r[2] else: years[int(r[0])]['missing'] = r[2] years = sorted(years.values(), key=lambda x: x['year']) CleanStyle.colors = ("green", "purple") label_count = len(years) if len(years) > 20: label_count = 10 chart = pygal.StackedBar(dynamic_print_values=True, style=CleanStyle, width=1000, height=500, x_labels_major_count=label_count, show_minor_x_labels=False) #chart.title = "Perpetual Access Coverage" chart.x_title = "Year" #chart.y_title = "Releases" chart.x_labels = [str(y['year']) for y in years] chart.add('via Fatcat', [y['available'] for y in years]) chart.add('Missing', [y['missing'] for y in years]) return chart
def create_issue_classification_chart(domain): domain_name = line_chart = pygal.StackedBar(height=200) line_chart.title = "Number of issues of each type per library" selected_domain = Domain.objects.get(name=domain_name) libraries = selected_domain.libraries.all() library_names = [] performance_issues = [] security_issues = [] performance_security_issues = [] no_classification_issues = [] for library in libraries: library_names.append( performance_issues.append( library.issues.filter(performance_issue=True, security_issue=False).count()) security_issues.append( library.issues.filter(security_issue=True, performance_issue=False).count()) performance_security_issues.append( library.issues.filter(security_issue=True, performance_issue=True).count()) no_classification_issues.append( library.issues.filter(security_issue=False, performance_issue=False).count()) line_chart.x_labels = library_names line_chart.add('Performance', performance_issues) line_chart.add('Security', security_issues) line_chart.add('Both', performance_security_issues) line_chart.add('None', no_classification_issues) data = line_chart.render_data_uri() saveData(data, domain_name + '_issue_classification_chart.pkl') save_chart_in_db(line_chart, domain, metric_name="issue classification")
def get_trades_chart(self, days=None): trades = self.bottrade_set.filter( time__gte=now() - datetime.timedelta(days=60), profit_usd__isnull=False, bot_trade=True, ) chart = pygal.StackedBar( x_title="Days", y_title="Value in USD", legend_at_bottom=True, style=CleanStyle(font_family="googlefont:Raleway", value_font_size=10), dynamic_print_values=True, ) chart.value_formatter = lambda x: "$%.2f USD" % x chart.title = "Aggregated profits over time" if days is None: days = [1, 3, 7, 14, 30] chart.x_labels = days profits = {"buy": [], "sell": []} if not self.base: return chart.render_data_uri() movements = get_price_movement(self.base_price_url, self.base) for side in ["buy", "sell"]: running_total = 0 previous_day = 0 for day in days: profit = trades.filter( trade_type=side, time__lt=now() - datetime.timedelta(days=previous_day), time__gte=now() - datetime.timedelta(days=day), ).aggregate(profit=Sum("profit_usd"))["profit"] movement_factor = 1 if movements: movement_factor = (movements.get("number_of_days", {}).get( str(day), {}).get("movement_factor", 1)) if profit: adjusted_profit = profit * movement_factor else: adjusted_profit = 0 running_total += adjusted_profit profits[side].append(running_total) previous_day = day chart.add("Buy", profits["buy"]) chart.add("Sell", profits["sell"]) return chart.render_data_uri()
def chart(data, label): want = 10 line_chart = pygal.StackedBar() line_chart.title = 'skill want top 10' line_chart.x_labels = label[:want] for i, j in data: line_chart.add(i, j[:want]) line_chart.render_to_file('img/allskillwant2.svg')
def _get_bar_chart(self): return pygal.StackedBar( self.config, style=self._get_style(), no_data_text=self.config.no_data_text, disable_xml_declaration=True, # for correct svg in web page explicit_size=True, show_dots=False)
def create_hybrid_month(): """create graph""" bar_chart = pygal.StackedBar(x_label_rotation=90) bar_chart.title = "ผลรวมของรถยนต์ไฮบริดแต่ละประเภทของแต่ละเดือน" bar_chart.x_labels = all_months() for i in np(hybrid_by_month): bar_chart.add(i[0], i[1:]) bar_chart.render_to_file('All_hybrid_each_month.svg')
def get_trades_chart(self, days=None): trades = self.bottrade_set.filter(time__gte=now() - datetime.timedelta(days=60), profit_usd__isnull=False, bot_trade=True) chart = pygal.StackedBar( x_title='Days', y_title='Value in USD', legend_at_bottom=True, style=CleanStyle(font_family='googlefont:Raleway', value_font_size=10), dynamic_print_values=True, ) chart.value_formatter = lambda x: "$%.2f USD" % x chart.title = 'Aggregated profits over time' if days is None: days = [1, 3, 7, 14, 30] chart.x_labels = days profits = {'buy': [], 'sell': []} if not self.base: return chart.render_data_uri() movements = get_price_movement(self.base_price_url, self.base) for side in ['buy', 'sell']: running_total = 0 previous_day = 0 for day in days: profit = trades.filter( trade_type=side, time__lt=now() - datetime.timedelta(days=previous_day), time__gte=now() - datetime.timedelta(days=day)).aggregate( profit=Sum('profit_usd'))['profit'] movement_factor = 1 if movements: movement_factor = movements.get('number_of_days', {}).get( str(day), {}).get('movement_factor', 1) if profit: adjusted_profit = profit * movement_factor else: adjusted_profit = 0 running_total += adjusted_profit profits[side].append(running_total) previous_day = day chart.add('Buy', profits['buy']) chart.add('Sell', profits['sell']) return chart.render_data_uri()
def forecast(): """ render svg graph """ bar_chart = pygal.StackedBar(style=NeonStyle) bar_chart.title = "Hyderabad Forecast" lower,higher,days = get_forecast() bar_chart.add('Kanishtam', lower) bar_chart.add('Garishtam', higher) bar_chart.x_labels = days return Response(response=bar_chart.render(), content_type='image/svg+xml')
def dump_stacked_bar_chart(dirname, filename, title, x_labels, chart_data): if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) filepath = os.path.join(dirname, filename) chart = pygal.StackedBar(show_y_guides=True, x_label_rotation=20) chart.title = title chart.x_labels = x_labels for name, stuff in chart_data.items(): chart.add(name, stuff) chart.render_to_file(filepath)
def get_svg_count_by_day(self): chart = pygal.StackedBar(width=960, height=480, explicit_size=True, show_legend=False) chart.title = "Registered users by day" chart.x_labels = map(lambda d: d.strftime('%d'), chart.add('Activated',['id']) chart.add('Non-activated', self.nonactive['id']) return chart.render()
def barChart(): bar_chart= pygal.StackedBar() datalist = [] proselect = for amountkdj in proselect: datalist.append(amountkdj.amount) label1 = 'amount' bar_chart.add(label1, datalist) bar_chart = bar_chart.render_data_uri() return bar_chart