Exemple #1
    def _validate_arguments(self):
        """method to sanitize model parameters


        # dtype
        if self.dtype not in ['numerical', 'categorical']:
            raise ValueError("dtype must be in ['numerical','categorical'], "\
                             "but found dtype = {}".format(self.dtype))

        # fit_linear XOR fit_splines
        if self.fit_linear == self.fit_splines:
            raise ValueError('term must have fit_linear XOR fit_splines, but found: '
                             'fit_linear= {}, fit_splines={}'.format(self.fit_linear, self.fit_splines))

        # penalties
        if not isiterable(self.penalties):
            self.penalties = [self.penalties]

        for i, p in enumerate(self.penalties):
            if not (hasattr(p, '__call__') or
                    (p in PENALTIES) or
                    (p is None)):
                raise ValueError("penalties must be callable or in "\
                                 "{}, but found {} for {}th penalty"\
                                 .format(list(PENALTIES.keys()), p, i))

        # check lams and distribute to penalites
        if not isiterable(self.lam):
            self.lam = [self.lam]

        for lam in self.lam:
            check_param(lam, param_name='lam', dtype='float', constraint='>= 0')

        if len(self.lam) == 1:
            self.lam = self.lam * len(self.penalties)

        if len(self.lam) != len(self.penalties):
            raise ValueError('expected 1 lam per penalty, but found '\
                             'lam = {}, penalties = {}'.format(self.lam, self.penalties))

        # constraints
        if not isiterable(self.constraints):
            self.constraints = [self.constraints]

        for i, c in enumerate(self.constraints):
            if not (hasattr(c, '__call__') or
                    (c in CONSTRAINTS) or
                    (c is None)):
                raise ValueError("constraints must be callable or in "\
                                 "{}, but found {} for {}th constraint"\
                                 .format(list(CONSTRAINTS.keys()), c, i))

        return self
Exemple #2
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if self._has_terms() and name in self._super_get('_plural'):
            # get the total number of arguments
            size = np.atleast_1d(flatten(getattr(self, name))).size

            # check shapes
            if isiterable(value):
                value = flatten(value)
                if len(value) != size:
                    raise ValueError('Expected {} to have length {}, but found {} = {}'\
                                     .format(name, size, name, value))
                value = [value] * size

            # now set each term's sequence of arguments
            for term in self._get_terms()[::-1]:

                # skip intercept
                if term.isintercept:

                # how many values does this term get?
                n = np.atleast_1d(getattr(term, name)).size

                # get the next n values and set them on this term
                vals = [value.pop() for _ in range(n)][::-1]
                setattr(term, name, vals[0] if n == 1 else vals)


        super(MetaTermMixin, self).__setattr__(name, value)
Exemple #3
    def _parse_terms(self, args, **kwargs):
        m = len(args)
        if m < 2:
            raise ValueError('TensorTerm requires at least 2 marginal terms')

        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if isiterable(v):
                if len(v) != m:
                    raise ValueError('Expected {} to have length {}, but found {} = {}'\
                                    .format(k, m, k, v))
                kwargs[k] = [v] * m

        terms = []
        for i, arg in enumerate(np.atleast_1d(args)):
            if isinstance(arg, TensorTerm):
                raise ValueError('TensorTerm does not accept other TensorTerms. '\
                                 'Please build a flat TensorTerm instead of a nested one.')

            if isinstance(arg, Term):
                if self.verbose and kwargs:
                    warnings.warn('kwargs are skipped when Term instances are passed to TensorTerm constructor')

            kwargs_ = {'n_splines': self._N_SPLINES}
            kwargs_.update({k: v[i] for k, v in kwargs.items()})

            terms.append(SplineTerm(arg, **kwargs_))

        return terms
Exemple #4
 def _has_terms(self):
     """bool, whether the instance has any sub-terms
     loc = self._super_get('_term_location')
     return self._super_has(loc) \
            and isiterable(self._super_get(loc)) \
            and len(self._super_get(loc)) > 0 \
            and all([isinstance(term, Term) for term in self._super_get(loc)])