Exemple #1
# adding MSE quantification
# run real predictions 100 times. Allows for each subject to be randomly allocated to the testing third multiple times.
for split in range(0,100):
# for a few different train and test splits
	# Train and test split from data frame
	# make dataframe of non-brain variables to regress covariates from EF in training
	# transpose so subjects are rows
	# regress covariates from EF in training sample (Linear GAM still has spline term)
	GAMFit=LinearGAM(s(0,n_splines=5) + l(1)).fit(dft,dft[:,2])
	# get residuals
	# set ytrain to residuals
	# make equivalent dataframe for testing sample, but fit age and motion effects from training model
	# apply model to unseen data to get those residuals for testing set
	# replace y test with age/motion controlled EF
	# fit model with gcv
	lm_AI = sklearn.linear_model.RidgeCV(alphas=alphas, store_cv_values=True).fit(xtrain_AI,ytrain_AI)
	# set prediction alpha to best performing alpha in training set
	# save regularization weightings for this split
Exemple #2
def bcorsis(y, x, x_num, d="small", weight="constant", method="standard", dst_y=False, params=(5, 5), num_thread=0):
    Generic non-parametric sure independence screening (SIS) procedure based on Ball Correlation. 
    Ball correlation is a generic multivariate measure of dependence in Banach space.  

    x : numeric matirx
        included n rows and p columns. Each row is an observation vector and each column corresponding
        to a explanatory variable, generally p >> n.
    y : numeric vector, matrix
    x_num : array_like
        the array or list contains all the dimension of each variable. The length of x_num is the number of the variables
    d : integer, optional
        the hard cutoff rule suggests selecting d variables. Setting d = "large" or d = "small" means n - 1
        or floor(n/log(n)) variables are selected. If d is a integer, d variables are selected. Default: d = "small".
    weight : {'constant', 'probability', 'chisquare'}, optional
        a character string used to choose the weight form of Ball Covariance statistic.. Input must be one of "constant", "probability", or "chisquare".
        Default: weight = FALSE.
    method : {'standard', 'interaction', 'lm', 'gam'}, optional
        specific method for the BCor-SIS procedure. It must be one of "standard", "interaction", "lm" or "gam". Setting method = "standard" means
        performing standard SIS procedure while the options "lm" and "gam" mean carrying out iterative SIS procedure with ordinary linear regression
        and generalized additive models, respectively. The options "interaction" is designed for detecting variables with potential linear interaction 
        and associated with left censored responses, respectively. Default: method = "standard".
    dst_y : 'True' or 'False', optional
        if dst_y = TRUE, y will be considered as a distance matrix.
        Default: distance = FALSE.
    params : array_like
        parameters list only available when method = "lm" or "gam".        
    num_threads : integer
        Number of threads. If num_threads = 0, then all of available cores will be used. Default num_threads = 0.
    A list of target variables  

    bcorsis simultaneously computing Ball Correlation statistics with "constant", "probability", and "chisquare" weights. 
    Users can get other Ball Correlation statistics with different weight.
    "gam" method is slower than other methods when the number of variables is large.
    .. [1]Wenliang Pan, Xueqin Wang, Weinan Xiao & Hongtu Zhu (2018) A Generic Sure Independence Screening Procedure, Journal of the
    American Statistical Association   
    .. [2]Jin, Zhu, Wenliang Pan, Wei Zheng, and Xueqin Wang (2018). Ball: An R package for detecting distribution difference and
    association in metric spaces.

    >>> np.random.seed(10)    
    >>> x = np.random.normal(0, 1, n*p).reshape((n, p))
    >>> error = np.random.normal(0, 1, n)
    >>> y = 3 * x[:, 1] * x[:, 5] * x[:, 10] + error
    >>> result = bcorsis(y, x, x_num, method = "interaction", d=10)
    [1, 10, 567, 5, 1661]
    >>> np.random.seed(1000)
    >>> n = 150
    >>> p = 3000
    >>> mean = np.zeros(p)
    >>> cov = np.array([0.5]*np.square(p)).reshape((p, p))
    >>> cov[np.diag_indices(3000)] = 1
    >>> x = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, n)
    >>> error = np.random.normal(0, 1, n)
    >>> y = 4*np.square(x[:, 2])+6*np.square(x[:, 1])+8*x[:, 3]-10*x[:,4]+error
    >>> x_num = np.ones(3000)
    >>> target = [4, 1, 924, 2, 692, 3, 400, 2241, 2839, 2194, 170]
    >>> result = bcorsis(y, x, x_num, method="lm", params = [5, 3], d = 11)
    [4, 1, 924, 2, 692, 3, 400, 2241, 2839, 2194, 170]
    x = np.array(x).T.flatten()
    examine_x_num_arguments(x, x_num)

    f_num = len(x_num)
    if type(x_num) == np.ndarray:
        x_num = x_num.astype(int).tolist()
    n = int(len(x) / (np.sum(x_num)))
    d = select_d_arguments(n, d)
    if len(y.shape) > 1 and dst_y == True:
        y = [y[i][j] for i in range(np.alen(y)) for j in range(np.alen(y)) if i < j]
        y = np.array(y).T.flatten()

    method = method.lower()
    if method == "standard":
        bcor_stat = select_bcor_stat(y, x, x_num, f_num, n, dst_y, num_thread, weight)
        ind = []
        for i in range(d):
            bcor_stat[ind[i]] = -1

    elif method == "interaction":
        x_square = np.square(x)
        bcor_stat = select_bcor_stat(y, x, x_num, f_num, n, dst_y, num_thread, weight)
        bcor_square_stat = select_bcor_stat(y, x_square, x_num, f_num, n, dst_y, num_thread, weight)
        ind1 = []
        ind2 = []
        for i in range(d):
            bcor_stat[ind1[i]] = -1
            bcor_square_stat[ind2[i]] = -1

        ind = [index for index in ind1 if index in ind2]

        d1 = params[0]
        d2 = params[1]
        bcor_stat = select_bcor_stat(y, x, x_num, f_num, n, dst_y, num_thread, weight)
        ind_have = []
        for i in range(d1):
            bcor_stat[ind_have[i]] = -1
        ind_last = ind_have

        x = x.reshape((np.sum(x_num), n)).T
        y = y.reshape((int(len(y) / n), n)).T
        ind_rest = [i for i in range(f_num) if i not in ind_have]

        if method == "lm":
            regr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
            while len(ind_have) < d:
                ind1 = get_x_index(ind_have, x_num)
                ind2 = get_x_index(ind_last, x_num)
                ind3 = get_x_index(ind_rest, x_num)

                regr.fit(x[:, ind1], x[:, ind3])
                x_new = x[:, ind3] - regr.predict(x[:, ind1])
                regr.fit(x[:, ind2], y)
                y = y - regr.predict(x[:, ind2])

                x_new = np.array(x_new).T.flatten()
                y = np.array(y).T.flatten()
                temp_x_num = [x_num[i] for i in ind_rest]
                bcor_stat = select_bcor_stat(y, x_new, temp_x_num, len(ind_rest), n, dst_y, num_thread, weight)
                ind_last = []
                for i in range(d2):
                    temp_ind = np.argmax(bcor_stat)
                    bcor_stat[temp_ind] = -1
                ind_have = ind_have + ind_last
                ind_rest = [i for i in ind_rest if i not in ind_have]

            ind = ind_have
            while len(ind_have) < d:
                ind1 = get_x_index(ind_have, x_num)
                ind2 = get_x_index(ind_last, x_num)
                ind3 = get_x_index(ind_rest, x_num)

                gam = LinearGAM().fit(x[:, ind1], x[:, ind3[0]])
                x_new = gam.deviance_residuals(x[:, ind1], x[:, ind3[0]])
                for i in range(len(ind3)):
                    if i == 0: continue
                    gam = LinearGAM().fit(x[:, ind1], x[:, ind3[i]])
                    x_new = np.hstack((x_new, gam.deviance_residuals(x[:, ind1], x[:, ind3[i]])))

                gam = LinearGAM().fit(x[:, ind2], y[:, 0])
                y = gam.deviance_residuals(x[:, ind2], y[:, 0])
                for i in range(y.shape[1]):
                    if i == 0: continue
                    gam = LinearGAM().fit(x[:, ind2], y[:, i])
                    y = np.hstack((y, gam.deviance_residuals(x[:, ind2], y[:, i])))

                temp_x_num = [x_num[i] for i in ind_rest]
                bcor_stat = select_bcor_stat(y, x_new, temp_x_num, len(ind_rest), n, dst_y, num_thread, weight)
                ind_last = []
                for i in range(d2):
                    temp_ind = np.argmax(bcor_stat)
                    bcor_stat[temp_ind] = -1
                ind_have = ind_have + ind_last
                ind_rest = [i for i in ind_rest if i not in ind_have]

            ind = ind_have

    return ind