Exemple #1
    def test_scrap_put_text(self):
        scrap.put(pygame.SCRAP_TEXT, as_bytes("Hello world"))
        self.assertEqual(scrap.get(pygame.SCRAP_TEXT), as_bytes("Hello world"))

        scrap.put(pygame.SCRAP_TEXT, as_bytes("Another String"))
                         as_bytes("Another String"))
Exemple #2
    def test_scrap_put_text (self):
        scrap.put (pygame.SCRAP_TEXT, as_bytes("Hello world"))
        self.assertEquals (scrap.get (pygame.SCRAP_TEXT),
                           as_bytes("Hello world"))

        scrap.put (pygame.SCRAP_TEXT, as_bytes("Another String"))
        self.assertEquals (scrap.get (pygame.SCRAP_TEXT),
                           as_bytes("Another String"))
    def test_put__text(self):
        """Ensures put can place text into the clipboard."""
        scrap.put(pygame.SCRAP_TEXT, as_bytes("Hello world"))

        self.assertEqual(scrap.get(pygame.SCRAP_TEXT), as_bytes("Hello world"))

        scrap.put(pygame.SCRAP_TEXT, as_bytes("Another String"))

        self.assertEqual(scrap.get(pygame.SCRAP_TEXT), as_bytes("Another String"))
Exemple #4
    def test_render(self):

        f = pygame_font.Font(None, 20)
        s = f.render("foo", True, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("xxx", True, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("", True, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("foo", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("xxx", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("xxx", False, [0, 0, 0])
        s = f.render("   ", False, [0, 0, 0])
        s = f.render("   ", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        # null text should be 1 pixel wide.
        s = f.render("", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertEqual(s.get_size()[0], 1)
        # None text should be 1 pixel wide.
        s = f.render(None, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertEqual(s.get_size()[0], 1)
        # Non-text should raise a TypeError.
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.render, [], False, [0, 0, 0],
                          [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.render, 1, False, [0, 0, 0],
                          [255, 255, 255])
        # is background transparent for antialiasing?
        s = f.render(".", True, [255, 255, 255])
        self.failUnlessEqual(s.get_at((0, 0))[3], 0)
        # is Unicode and bytes encoding correct?
        # Cannot really test if the correct characters are rendered, but
        # at least can assert the encodings differ.
        su = f.render(as_unicode("."), False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        sb = f.render(as_bytes("."), False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        self.assert_(equal_images(su, sb))
        u = as_unicode(r"\u212A")
        b = u.encode("UTF-16")[
            2:]  # Keep byte order consistent. [2:] skips BOM
        sb = f.render(b, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
            su = f.render(u, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        except pygame.error:
            self.assert_(not equal_images(su, sb))

        # If the font module is SDL_ttf based, then it can only supports  UCS-2;
        # it will raise an exception for an out-of-range UCS-4 code point.
        if UCS_4 and not hasattr(f, 'ucs4'):
            ucs_2 = as_unicode(r"\uFFEE")
            s = f.render(ucs_2, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
            ucs_4 = as_unicode(r"\U00010000")
            self.assertRaises(UnicodeError, f.render, ucs_4, False, [0, 0, 0],
                              [255, 255, 255])

        b = as_bytes("ab\x00cd")
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, f.render, b, 0, [0, 0, 0])
        u = as_unicode("ab\x00cd")
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, f.render, b, 0, [0, 0, 0])
    def test_render(self):

        f = pygame_font.Font(None, 20)
        s = f.render("foo", True, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("xxx", True, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("", True, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("foo", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("xxx", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("xxx", False, [0, 0, 0])
        s = f.render("   ", False, [0, 0, 0])
        s = f.render("   ", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        # null text should be 1 pixel wide.
        s = f.render("", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertEqual(s.get_size()[0], 1)
        # None text should be 1 pixel wide.
        s = f.render(None, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertEqual(s.get_size()[0], 1)
        # Non-text should raise a TypeError.
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.render,
                          [], False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.render,
                          1, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        # is background transparent for antialiasing?
        s = f.render(".", True, [255, 255, 255])
        self.failUnlessEqual(s.get_at((0, 0))[3], 0)
        # is Unicode and bytes encoding correct?
        # Cannot really test if the correct characters are rendered, but
        # at least can assert the encodings differ.
        su = f.render(as_unicode("."), False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        sb = f.render(as_bytes("."), False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        self.assert_(equal_images(su, sb))
        u = as_unicode(r"\u212A")
        b = u.encode("UTF-16")[2:] # Keep byte order consistent. [2:] skips BOM
        sb = f.render(b, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
            su = f.render(u, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        except pygame.error:
            self.assert_(not equal_images(su, sb))

        # If the font module is SDL_ttf based, then it can only supports  UCS-2;
        # it will raise an exception for an out-of-range UCS-4 code point.
        if UCS_4 and not hasattr(f, 'ucs4'):
            ucs_2 = as_unicode(r"\uFFEE")
            s = f.render(ucs_2, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
            ucs_4 = as_unicode(r"\U00010000")
            self.assertRaises(UnicodeError, f.render,
                              ucs_4, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])

        b = as_bytes("ab\x00cd")
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, f.render, b, 0, [0, 0, 0])
        u = as_unicode("ab\x00cd")
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, f.render, b, 0, [0, 0, 0])
    def test_put(self):
        """Ensures put can place data into the clipboard
        when using a user defined type identifier.
        DATA_TYPE = "arbitrary buffer"

        scrap.put(DATA_TYPE, as_bytes("buf"))
        r = scrap.get(DATA_TYPE)

        self.assertEqual(r, as_bytes("buf"))
Exemple #7
 def test_as_bytes(self):
     ords = [0, 1, 0x7F, 0x80, 0xC3, 0x20, 0xC3, 0xB6, 0xFF]
     s = ''.join([chr(i) for i in ords])
     self.failUnlessEqual(len(s), len(ords))
     b = compat.as_bytes(s)
     self.failUnless(isinstance(b, compat.bytes_))
     self.failUnlessEqual([compat.ord_(i) for i in b], ords)
Exemple #8
    def test_get_raw_more(self):
        """ test the array interface a bit better.
        import platform
        IS_PYPY = 'PyPy' == platform.python_implementation()

        if IS_PYPY:
        from ctypes import pythonapi, c_void_p, py_object

            Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyBytes_FromString
            Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyString_FromString
        Bytes_FromString.restype = c_void_p
        Bytes_FromString.argtypes = [py_object]
            samples = as_bytes('abcdefgh') # keep byte size a multiple of 4
            snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)
            raw = snd.get_raw()
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw, bytes_))
            self.assertNotEqual(snd._samples_address, Bytes_FromString(samples))
            self.assertEqual(raw, samples)
Exemple #9
 def test_get_raw(self):
     samples = as_bytes('abcdefgh')  # keep byte size a multiple of 4
     snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)
     raw = snd.get_raw()
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw, bytes_))
     self.assertEqual(raw, samples)
    def test_get_raw_more(self):
        """ test the array interface a bit better.
        import platform
        IS_PYPY = 'PyPy' == platform.python_implementation()

        if IS_PYPY:
        from ctypes import pythonapi, c_void_p, py_object

            Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyBytes_FromString
            Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyString_FromString
        Bytes_FromString.restype = c_void_p
        Bytes_FromString.argtypes = [py_object]
            samples = as_bytes('abcdefgh')  # keep byte size a multiple of 4
            snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)
            raw = snd.get_raw()
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw, bytes_))
            self.assertEqual(raw, samples)
 def test_as_bytes(self):
     ords = [0, 1, 0x7F, 0x80, 0xC3, 0x20, 0xC3, 0xB6, 0xFF]
     s = ''.join([chr(i) for i in ords])
     self.failUnlessEqual(len(s), len(ords))
     b = compat.as_bytes(s)
     self.failUnless(isinstance(b, compat.bytes_))
     self.failUnlessEqual([compat.ord_(i) for i in b], ords)
 def test_as_bytes(self):
     ords = [0, 1, 0x7F, 0x80, 0xC3, 0x20, 0xC3, 0xB6, 0xFF]
     s = "".join([chr(i) for i in ords])
     self.assertEqual(len(s), len(ords))
     b = compat.as_bytes(s)
     self.assertIsInstance(b, compat.bytes_)
     self.assertEqual([compat.ord_(i) for i in b], ords)
    def test_string_with_null_bytes(self):
        b = as_bytes("a\x00b\x00c")
        encoded_string = encode_string(b, etype=SyntaxError)
        encoded_decode_string = encode_string(b.decode(), "ascii", "strict")

        self.assertIs(encoded_string, b)
        self.assertEqual(encoded_decode_string, b)
 def test_refcount(self):
     bpath = as_bytes(" This is a string that is not cached.")[1:]
     upath = bpath.decode('ascii')
     before = getrefcount(bpath)
     bpath = encode_string(bpath)
     self.assertEqual(getrefcount(bpath), before)
     bpath = encode_string(upath)
     self.assertEqual(getrefcount(bpath), before)
    def test_render(self):
        f = pygame_font.Font(None, 20)
        s = f.render("foo", True, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("xxx", True, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("", True, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("foo", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("xxx", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        s = f.render("xxx", False, [0, 0, 0])
        s = f.render("   ", False, [0, 0, 0])
        s = f.render("   ", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        # null text should be 0 pixel wide.
        s = f.render("", False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertEqual(s.get_size()[0], 0)
        # None text should be 0 pixel wide.
        s = f.render(None, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertEqual(s.get_size()[0], 0)
        # Non-text should raise a TypeError.
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.render, [], False, [0, 0, 0],
                          [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.render, 1, False, [0, 0, 0],
                          [255, 255, 255])
        # is background transparent for antialiasing?
        s = f.render(".", True, [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertEqual(s.get_at((0, 0))[3], 0)
        # is Unicode and bytes encoding correct?
        # Cannot really test if the correct characters are rendered, but
        # at least can assert the encodings differ.
        su = f.render(as_unicode("."), False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        sb = f.render(as_bytes("."), False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        self.assertTrue(equal_images(su, sb))
        u = as_unicode(r"\u212A")
        b = u.encode("UTF-16")[
            2:]  # Keep byte order consistent. [2:] skips BOM
        sb = f.render(b, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        try:  # FIXME why do we do this try/except ?
            su = f.render(u, False, [0, 0, 0], [255, 255, 255])
        except pygame.error:
            self.assertFalse(equal_images(su, sb))

        b = as_bytes("ab\x00cd")
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, f.render, b, 0, [0, 0, 0])
        u = as_unicode("ab\x00cd")
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, f.render, b, 0, [0, 0, 0])
Exemple #16
    def test_get_raw(self):
        """Ensure get_raw returns the correct bytestring."""
        samples = as_bytes('abcdefgh')  # keep byte size a multiple of 4
        snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)

        raw = snd.get_raw()

        self.assertIsInstance(raw, bytes_)
        self.assertEqual(raw, samples)
    def test_init__reinit(self):
        """Ensures reinitializing the scrap module doesn't clear its data."""
        data_type = pygame.SCRAP_TEXT
        expected_data = as_bytes("test_init__reinit")
        scrap.put(data_type, expected_data)


        self.assertEqual(scrap.get(data_type), expected_data)
Exemple #18
    def test_get_raw(self):

            samples = as_bytes('abcdefgh') # keep byte size a multiple of 4
            snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)
            raw = snd.get_raw()
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw, bytes_))
            self.assertEqual(raw, samples)
Exemple #19
    def test_metrics(self):
        # Ensure bytes decoding works correctly. Can only compare results
        # with unicode for now.
        f = pygame_font.Font(None, 20)
        um = f.metrics(as_unicode("."))
        bm = f.metrics(as_bytes("."))

        self.assertEqual(len(um), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(bm), 1)
        self.assertEqual(um, bm)

        u = u"\u212A"
        b = u.encode("UTF-16")[
            2:]  # Keep byte order consistent. [2:] skips BOM
        bm = f.metrics(b)

        self.assertEqual(len(bm), 2)

        try:  # FIXME why do we do this try/except ?
            um = f.metrics(u)
        except pygame.error:
            self.assertEqual(len(um), 1)
            self.assertNotEqual(bm[0], um[0])
            self.assertNotEqual(bm[1], um[0])

        if UCS_4:
            u = u"\U00013000"
            bm = f.metrics(u)

            self.assertEqual(len(bm), 1)

        return  # unfinished
        # The documentation is useless here. How large a list?
        # How do list positions relate to character codes?
        # What about unicode characters?

        # __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame_font.Font.metrics:

        # Font.metrics(text): return list
        # Gets the metrics for each character in the pased string.
        # The list contains tuples for each character, which contain the
        # minimum X offset, the maximum X offset, the minimum Y offset, the
        # maximum Y offset and the advance offset (bearing plus width) of the
        # character. [(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, advance), (minx, maxx, miny,
        # maxy, advance), ...]

Exemple #20
 def test_array_interface(self):
     mixer.init(22050, -16, 1, allowedchanges=0)
     snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=as_bytes('\x00\x7f') * 20)
     d = snd.__array_interface__
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(d, dict))
     if pygame.get_sdl_byteorder() == pygame.LIL_ENDIAN:
         typestr = '<i2'
         typestr = '>i2'
     self.assertEqual(d['typestr'], typestr)
     self.assertEqual(d['shape'], (20, ))
     self.assertEqual(d['strides'], (2, ))
     self.assertEqual(d['data'], (snd._samples_address, False))
Exemple #21
 def test_array_interface(self):
     mixer.init(22050, -16, 1, allowedchanges=0)
     snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=as_bytes("\x00\x7f") * 20)
     d = snd.__array_interface__
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(d, dict))
     if pygame.get_sdl_byteorder() == pygame.LIL_ENDIAN:
         typestr = "<i2"
         typestr = ">i2"
     self.assertEqual(d["typestr"], typestr)
     self.assertEqual(d["shape"], (20, ))
     self.assertEqual(d["strides"], (2, ))
     self.assertEqual(d["data"], (snd._samples_address, False))
Exemple #22
    def test_get_raw(self):
        """Ensure get_raw returns the correct bytestring."""
            samples = as_bytes("abcdefgh")  # keep byte size a multiple of 4
            snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)

            raw = snd.get_raw()

            self.assertIsInstance(raw, bytes_)
            self.assertEqual(raw, samples)
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(pygame.error, "mixer not initialized"):
Exemple #23
 def test_array_interface(self):
     mixer.init(22050, -16, 1)
         snd = mixer.Sound(as_bytes('\x00\x7f') * 20)
         d = snd.__array_interface__
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(d, dict))
         if pygame.get_sdl_byteorder() == pygame.LIL_ENDIAN:
             typestr = '<i2'
             typestr = '>i2'
         self.assertEqual(d['typestr'], typestr)
         self.assertEqual(d['shape'], (20,))
         self.assertEqual(d['strides'], (2,))
         self.assertEqual(d['data'], (snd._samples_address, False))
Exemple #24
    def test_samples_address(self):
        """Test the _samples_address getter."""
        from ctypes import pythonapi, c_void_p, py_object

            Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyBytes_FromString  # python 3
            Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyString_FromString  # python 2

        Bytes_FromString.restype = c_void_p
        Bytes_FromString.argtypes = [py_object]
        samples = as_bytes('abcdefgh')  # keep byte size a multiple of 4
        sample_bytes = Bytes_FromString(samples)

        snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)

        self.assertNotEqual(snd._samples_address, sample_bytes)
    def test_samples(self):

        null_byte = as_bytes("\x00")

        def check_sample(size, channels, test_data):
                pygame.mixer.init(22050, size, channels, allowedchanges=0)
            except pygame.error:
                # Not all sizes are supported on all systems.
                __, sz, __ = pygame.mixer.get_init()
                if sz == size:
                    zeroed = null_byte * (
                        (abs(size) // 8) * len(test_data) * channels)
                    snd = pygame.mixer.Sound(buffer=zeroed)
                    samples = pygame.sndarray.samples(snd)
                    self._assert_compatible(samples, size)
                    ##print ('X %s' % (samples.shape,))
                    ##print ('Y %s' % (test_data,))
                    samples[...] = test_data
                    arr = pygame.sndarray.array(snd)
                        alltrue(samples == arr),
                        "size: %i\n%s\n%s" % (size, arr, test_data),

        check_sample(8, 1, [0, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0xFF])
        check_sample(8, 2,
                     [[0, 0x80], [0x2D, 0x41], [0x64, 0xA1], [0xFF, 0x40]])
        check_sample(16, 1, [0, 0x00FF, 0xFF00, 0xFFFF])
            16, 2,
            [[0, 0xFFFF], [0xFFFF, 0], [0x00FF, 0xFF00], [0x0F0F, 0xF0F0]])
        check_sample(-8, 1, [0, -0x80, 0x7F, 0x64])
        check_sample(-8, 2,
                     [[0, -0x80], [-0x64, 0x64], [0x25, -0x50], [0xFF, 0]])
        check_sample(-16, 1, [0, 0x7FFF, -0x7FFF, -1])
        check_sample(-16, 2,
                     [[0, -0x7FFF], [-0x7FFF, 0], [0x7FFF, 0], [0, 0x7FFF]])

        if SDL2:
            check_sample(32, 2, [[0.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 0], [1.0, 0], [0, 1.0]])
    def test_metrics(self):
        # Ensure bytes decoding works correctly. Can only compare results
        # with unicode for now.
        f = pygame_font.Font(None, 20);
        um = f.metrics(as_unicode("."))
        bm = f.metrics(as_bytes("."))
        self.assert_(len(um) == 1)
        self.assert_(len(bm) == 1)
        self.assert_(um[0] is not None)
        self.assert_(um == bm)
        u = as_unicode(r"\u212A")
        b = u.encode("UTF-16")[2:] # Keep byte order consistent. [2:] skips BOM
        bm = f.metrics(b)
        self.assert_(len(bm) == 2)
            um = f.metrics(u)
        except pygame.error:
            self.assert_(len(um) == 1)
            self.assert_(bm[0] != um[0])
            self.assert_(bm[1] != um[0])

        if UCS_4:
            u = as_unicode(r"\U00013000")
            bm = f.metrics(u)
            self.assert_(len(bm) == 1 and bm[0] is None)
        return # unfinished
        # The documentation is useless here. How large a list?
        # How do list positions relate to character codes?
        # What about unicode characters?

        # __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame_font.Font.metrics:

          # Font.metrics(text): return list
          # Gets the metrics for each character in the pased string.
          # The list contains tuples for each character, which contain the
          # minimum X offset, the maximum X offset, the minimum Y offset, the
          # maximum Y offset and the advance offset (bearing plus width) of the
          # character. [(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, advance), (minx, maxx, miny,
          # maxy, advance), ...]

Exemple #27
    def test_get_raw_more(self):
        """ test the array interface a bit better.
        from ctypes import pythonapi, c_void_p, py_object

            Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyBytes_FromString
            Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyString_FromString
        Bytes_FromString.restype = c_void_p
        Bytes_FromString.argtypes = [py_object]
        samples = as_bytes('abcdefgh')  # keep byte size a multiple of 4
        snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)
        raw = snd.get_raw()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw, bytes_))
        self.assertNotEqual(snd._samples_address, Bytes_FromString(samples))
        self.assertEqual(raw, samples)
Exemple #28
    def test_samples(self):

        null_byte = as_bytes('\x00')

        def check_sample(size, channels, test_data):
                pygame.mixer.init(22050, size, channels)
            except pygame.error:
                # Not all sizes are supported on all systems.
                __, sz, __ = pygame.mixer.get_init()
                if sz == size:
                    zeroed = null_byte * (
                        (abs(size) // 8) * len(test_data) * channels)
                    snd = pygame.mixer.Sound(buffer=zeroed)
                    samples = pygame.sndarray.samples(snd)
                    self._assert_compatible(samples, size)
                    ##print ('X %s' % (samples.shape,))
                    ##print ('Y %s' % (test_data,))
                    samples[...] = test_data
                    arr = pygame.sndarray.array(snd)
                        alltrue(samples == arr),
                        "size: %i\n%s\n%s" % (size, arr, test_data))

        check_sample(8, 1, [0, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff])
        check_sample(8, 2,
                     [[0, 0x80], [0x2D, 0x41], [0x64, 0xA1], [0xff, 0x40]])
        check_sample(16, 1, [0, 0x00ff, 0xff00, 0xffff])
            16, 2,
            [[0, 0xffff], [0xffff, 0], [0x00ff, 0xff00], [0x0f0f, 0xf0f0]])
        check_sample(-8, 1, [0, -0x80, 0x7f, 0x64])
        check_sample(-8, 2,
                     [[0, -0x80], [-0x64, 0x64], [0x25, -0x50], [0xff, 0]])
        check_sample(-16, 1, [0, 0x7fff, -0x7fff, -1])
        check_sample(-16, 2,
                     [[0, -0x7fff], [-0x7fff, 0], [0x7fff, 0], [0, 0x7fff]])

        if pygame.get_sdl_version()[0] >= 2:
            check_sample(32, 2, [[0.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 0], [1.0, 0], [0, 1.0]])
    def test_get_raw(self):
        from ctypes import pythonapi, c_void_p, py_object

            Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyBytes_FromString
            Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyString_FromString
        Bytes_FromString.restype = c_void_p
        Bytes_FromString.argtypes = [py_object]
            samples = as_bytes('abcdefgh') # keep byte size a multiple of 4
            snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)
            raw = snd.get_raw()
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw, bytes_))
            self.assertNotEqual(snd._samples_address, Bytes_FromString(samples))
            self.assertEqual(raw, samples)
    def test_samples(self):
        if not arraytype:
            self.fail("no array package installed")

        null_byte = as_bytes('\x00')
        def check_sample(size, channels, test_data):
                pygame.mixer.init(22050, size, channels)
            except pygame.error:
                # Not all sizes are supported on all systems.
                __, sz, __ = pygame.mixer.get_init()
                if sz == size:
                    zeroed = null_byte * ((abs(size) // 8) *
                                          len(test_data) *
                    snd = pygame.mixer.Sound(buffer=zeroed)
                    samples = pygame.sndarray.samples(snd)
                    self._assert_compatible(samples, size)
                    ##print ('X %s' % (samples.shape,))
                    ##print ('Y %s' % (test_data,))
                    samples[...] = test_data
                    arr = pygame.sndarray.array(snd)
                    self.failUnless(alltrue(samples == arr),
                                    "size: %i\n%s\n%s" %
                                    (size, arr, test_data))

        check_sample(8, 1, [0, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff])
        check_sample(8, 2,
                    [[0, 0x80], [0x2D, 0x41], [0x64, 0xA1], [0xff, 0x40]])
        check_sample(16, 1, [0, 0x00ff, 0xff00, 0xffff])
        check_sample(16, 2, [[0, 0xffff], [0xffff, 0],
                            [0x00ff, 0xff00], [0x0f0f, 0xf0f0]])
        check_sample(-8, 1, [0, -0x80, 0x7f, 0x64])
        check_sample(-8, 2,
                    [[0, -0x80], [-0x64, 0x64], [0x25, -0x50], [0xff, 0]])
        check_sample(-16, 1, [0, 0x7fff, -0x7fff, -1])
        check_sample(-16, 2, [[0, -0x7fff], [-0x7fff, 0],
                             [0x7fff, 0], [0, 0x7fff]])
Exemple #31
    def test_samples_address(self):
        """Test the _samples_address getter."""
            from ctypes import pythonapi, c_void_p, py_object

                Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyBytes_FromString  # python 3
                Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyString_FromString  # python 2

            Bytes_FromString.restype = c_void_p
            Bytes_FromString.argtypes = [py_object]
            samples = as_bytes("abcdefgh")  # keep byte size a multiple of 4
            sample_bytes = Bytes_FromString(samples)

            snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)

            self.assertNotEqual(snd._samples_address, sample_bytes)
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(pygame.error, "mixer not initialized"):
class BufferProxyLegacyTest(unittest.TestCase):
    content = as_bytes('\x01\x00\x00\x02') * 12
    buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(content)
    data = (ctypes.addressof(buffer), True)

    def test_length(self):

        # __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.bufferproxy.BufferProxy.length:

        # The size of the buffer data in bytes.
        bf = BufferProxy({
            'shape': (3, 4),
            'typestr': '|u4',
            'data': self.data,
            'strides': (12, 4)
        self.assertEqual(bf.length, len(self.content))
        bf = BufferProxy({
            'shape': (3, 3),
            'typestr': '|u4',
            'data': self.data,
            'strides': (12, 4)
        self.assertEqual(bf.length, 3 * 3 * 4)

    def test_raw(self):

        # __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.bufferproxy.BufferProxy.raw:

        # The raw buffer data as string. The string may contain NUL bytes.

        bf = BufferProxy({
            'shape': (len(self.content), ),
            'typestr': '|u1',
            'data': self.data
        self.assertEqual(bf.raw, self.content)
        bf = BufferProxy({
            'shape': (3, 4),
            'typestr': '|u4',
            'data': self.data,
            'strides': (4, 12)
        self.assertEqual(bf.raw, self.content)
        bf = BufferProxy({
            'shape': (3, 4),
            'typestr': '|u1',
            'data': self.data,
            'strides': (16, 4)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr, bf, 'raw')

    def test_write(self):

        # __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.bufferproxy.BufferProxy.write:

        # B.write (bufferproxy, buffer, offset) -> None
        # Writes raw data to the bufferproxy.
        # Writes the raw data from buffer to the BufferProxy object, starting
        # at the specified offset within the BufferProxy.
        # If the length of the passed buffer exceeds the length of the
        # BufferProxy (reduced by the offset), an IndexError will be raised.
        from ctypes import c_byte, sizeof, addressof, string_at, memset

        nullbyte = '\x00'.encode('latin_1')
        Buf = c_byte * 10
        data_buf = Buf(*range(1, 3 * sizeof(Buf) + 1, 3))
        data = string_at(data_buf, sizeof(data_buf))
        buf = Buf()
        bp = BufferProxy({
            'typestr': '|u1',
            'shape': (sizeof(buf), ),
            'data': (addressof(buf), False)
            self.assertEqual(bp.raw, nullbyte * sizeof(Buf))
            self.assertEqual(bp.raw, data)
            memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf))
            bp.write(data[:3], 2)
            raw = bp.raw
            self.assertEqual(raw[:2], nullbyte * 2)
            self.assertEqual(raw[2:5], data[:3])
            self.assertEqual(raw[5:], nullbyte * (sizeof(Buf) - 5))
            bp.write(data[:3], bp.length - 3)
            raw = bp.raw
            self.assertEqual(raw[-3:], data[:3])
            self.assertRaises(IndexError, bp.write, data, 1)
            self.assertRaises(IndexError, bp.write, data[:5], -1)
            self.assertRaises(IndexError, bp.write, data[:5], bp.length)
            self.assertRaises(TypeError, bp.write, 12)
            bp = BufferProxy({
                'typestr': '|u1',
                'shape': (sizeof(buf), ),
                'data': (addressof(buf), True)
            self.assertRaises(pygame.BufferError, bp.write,
            # Make sure bp is garbage collected before buf
            bp = None
 def test_get_BytesIO(self):
     BytesIO = compat.get_BytesIO()
     b1 = compat.as_bytes("\x00\xffabc")
     b2 = BytesIO(b1).read()
     self.failUnless(isinstance(b2, compat.bytes_))
     self.failUnlessEqual(b2, b1)
Exemple #34
 def test_put (self):
     scrap.put ("arbitrary buffer", as_bytes("buf"))
     r = scrap.get ("arbitrary buffer")
     self.assertEquals (r, as_bytes("buf"))
 def test_path_with_null_bytes(self):
     b = as_bytes("a\x00b\x00c")
     self.assert_(encode_file_path(b) is None)
 def test_etype(self):
     b = as_bytes("a\x00b\x00c")
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, encode_file_path, b, TypeError)
 def test_smp(self):
     utf_8 = as_bytes("a\xF0\x93\x82\xA7b")
     u = as_unicode(r"a\U000130A7b")
     b = encode_string(u, 'utf-8', 'strict', AssertionError)
     self.assertEqual(b, utf_8)
 def test_string_with_null_bytes(self):
     b = as_bytes("a\x00b\x00c")
     self.assert_(encode_string(b, etype=SyntaxError) is b)
     u = b.decode()
     self.assert_(encode_string(u, 'ascii', 'strict') == b)
 def test_string_with_null_bytes(self):
     b = as_bytes("a\x00b\x00c")
     self.assert_(encode_string(b, etype=SyntaxError) is b)
     u = b.decode()
     self.assert_(encode_string(u, 'ascii', 'strict') == b)
 def test_obj_bytes(self):
     b = as_bytes("encyclop\xE6dia")
     self.assert_(encode_string(b, 'ascii', 'strict') is b)
 def test_etype(self):
     b = as_bytes("a\x00b\x00c")
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, encode_file_path, b, TypeError)
Exemple #42
class Font(_Font):
    """Font(filename, size) -> Font
       Font(object, size) -> Font
       create a new Font object from a file (freetype alternative)

       This Font type differs from font.Font in that it can render glyphs
       for Unicode code points in the supplementary planes (> 0xFFFF).

    __encode_file_path = staticmethod(encode_file_path)
    __get_default_resolution = staticmethod(get_default_resolution)
    __default_font = encode_file_path(get_default_font())

    __unull = as_unicode(r"\x00")
    __bnull = as_bytes("\x00")

    def __init__(self, file, size=-1):
        if size <= 1:
            size = 1
        if isinstance(file, unicode_):
                bfile = self.__encode_file_path(file, ValueError)
            except ValueError:
                bfile = ''
            bfile = file
        if isinstance(bfile, bytes_) and bfile == self.__default_font:
            file = None
        if file is None:
            resolution = int(self.__get_default_resolution() * 0.6875)
            if resolution == 0:
                resolution = 1
            resolution = 0
        super(Font, self).__init__(file, size=size, resolution=resolution)
        self.strength = 1.0 / 12.0
        self.kerning = False
        self.origin = True
        self.pad = True
        self.ucs4 = True
        self.underline_adjustment = 1.0

    def render(self, text, antialias, color, background=None):
        """render(text, antialias, color, background=None) -> Surface
           draw text on a new Surface"""

        if text is None:
            text = ""
        if (isinstance(text, unicode_) and self.__unull in text):
            raise ValueError("A null character was found in the text")
        if (isinstance(text, bytes_) and self.__bnull in text):
            raise ValueError("A null character was found in the text")
        save_antialiased = self.antialiased
        self.antialiased = bool(antialias)
            s, r = super(Font, self).render(text, color, background)
            return s
            self.antialiased = save_antialiased

    def set_bold(self, value):
        """set_bold(bool) -> None
           enable fake rendering of bold text"""

        self.wide = bool(value)

    def get_bold(self):
        """get_bold() -> bool
           check if text will be rendered bold"""

        return self.wide

    bold = property(get_bold, set_bold)

    def set_italic(self, value):
        """set_italic(bool) -> None
           enable fake rendering of italic text"""

        self.oblique = bool(value)

    def get_italic(self):
        """get_italic() -> bool
           check if the text will be rendered italic"""

        return self.oblique

    italic = property(get_italic, set_italic)

    def set_underline(self, value):
        """set_underline(bool) -> None
           control if text is rendered with an underline"""

        self.underline = bool(value)

    def get_underline(self):
        """set_bold(bool) -> None
           enable fake rendering of bold text"""

        return self.underline

    def metrics(self, text):
        """metrics(text) -> list
           Gets the metrics for each character in the passed string."""

        return self.get_metrics(text)

    def get_ascent(self):
        """get_ascent() -> int
           get the ascent of the font"""

        return self.get_sized_ascender()

    def get_descent(self):
        """get_descent() -> int
           get the descent of the font"""

        return self.get_sized_descender()

    def get_height(self):
        """get_height() -> int
           get the height of the font"""

        return self.get_sized_ascender() - self.get_sized_descender() + 1

    def get_linesize(self):
        """get_linesize() -> int
           get the line space of the font text"""

        return self.get_sized_height()

    def size(self, text):
        """size(text) -> (width, height)
           determine the amount of space needed to render text"""

        return self.get_rect(text).size
 def test_path_with_null_bytes(self):
     b = as_bytes("a\x00b\x00c")
     self.assert_(encode_file_path(b) is None)
                    print ("Type %s : None" % (t,))
                    print ("Type %s : '%s'" % (t, r.decode('ascii', 'ignore')))
                if "image" in t:
                    namehint = t.split("/")[1]
                    if namehint in ['bmp', 'png', 'jpg']:
                        f = BytesIO(r)
                        loaded_surf = pygame.image.load(f, "." + namehint)
                        screen.blit(loaded_surf, (0,0))

        elif e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_p:
            # Place some text into the selection.
            print ("Placing clipboard text.")
            scrap.put (SCRAP_TEXT,
                       as_bytes("Hello. This is a message from scrap."))

        elif e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_a:
            # Get all available types.
            print ("Getting the available types from the clipboard.")
            types = scrap.get_types ()
            print (types)
            if len (types) > 0:
                print ("Contains %s: %s" %
                       (types[0], scrap.contains (types[0])))
                print ("Contains _INVALID_: ", scrap.contains ("_INVALID_"))

        elif e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_i:
            print ("Putting image into the clipboard.")
            scrap.set_mode (SCRAP_CLIPBOARD)
            fp = open (os.path.join(main_dir, 'data', 'liquid.bmp'), 'rb')
 def test_obj_bytes(self):
     b = as_bytes("encyclop\xE6dia")
     self.assert_(encode_string(b, 'ascii', 'strict') is b)
Exemple #46
 def test_sound_args(self):
     def get_bytes(snd):
         return snd.get_buffer().raw
         sample = as_bytes('\x00\xff') * 24
         wave_path = example_path(os.path.join('data', 'house_lo.wav'))
         uwave_path = unicode_(wave_path)
         bwave_path = uwave_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
         snd = mixer.Sound(file=wave_path)
         self.assert_(snd.get_length() > 0.5)
         snd_bytes = get_bytes(snd)
         self.assert_(len(snd_bytes) > 1000)
         self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(wave_path)) == snd_bytes)
         self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=uwave_path)) == snd_bytes)
         self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(uwave_path)) == snd_bytes)
         arg_emsg = 'Sound takes either 1 positional or 1 keyword argument'
         except TypeError:
             self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
             self.fail("no exception")
             mixer.Sound(wave_path, buffer=sample)
         except TypeError:
             self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
             self.fail("no exception")
             mixer.Sound(sample, file=wave_path)
         except TypeError:
             self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
             self.fail("no exception")           
             mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, file=wave_path)
         except TypeError:
             self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
             self.fail("no exception")           
         except TypeError:
             emsg = "Unrecognized keyword argument 'foobar'"
             self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg)
             self.fail("no exception")
         snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path, **{})
         self.assertEqual(get_bytes(snd), snd_bytes)
         snd = mixer.Sound(*[], **{'file': wave_path})          
            snd = mixer.Sound([])
         except TypeError:
             emsg = 'Unrecognized argument (type list)'
             self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg)
             self.fail("no exception")
             snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=[])
         except TypeError:
             emsg = 'Expected object with buffer interface: got a list'
             self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg)
             self.fail("no exception")
         ufake_path = unicode_('12345678')
         self.assertRaises(pygame.error, mixer.Sound, ufake_path)
         except TypeError:
             emsg = 'Unicode object not allowed as buffer object'
             self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg)
             self.fail("no exception")
         self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(buffer=sample)), sample)
         self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(sample)), sample)
         self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=bwave_path)), snd_bytes)
         self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(bwave_path)), snd_bytes)
         snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path)
             mixer.Sound(wave_path, array=snd)
         except TypeError:
             self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
             self.fail("no exception")
             mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, array=snd)
         except TypeError:
             self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
             self.fail("no exception")
         snd2 = mixer.Sound(array=snd)
         self.assertEqual(snd.get_buffer().raw, snd2.get_buffer().raw)
Exemple #47
 def test_put(self):
     scrap.put("arbitrary buffer", as_bytes("buf"))
     r = scrap.get("arbitrary buffer")
     self.assertEquals(r, as_bytes("buf"))
 def test_smp(self):
     utf_8 = as_bytes("a\xF0\x93\x82\xA7b")
     u = as_unicode(r"a\U000130A7b")
     b = encode_string(u, 'utf-8', 'strict', AssertionError)
     self.assertEqual(b, utf_8)
    def OLDBUF_test_oldbuf_arg(self):
        from pygame.bufferproxy import (get_segcount, get_read_buffer,

        content = as_bytes('\x01\x00\x00\x02') * 12
        memory = ctypes.create_string_buffer(content)
        memaddr = ctypes.addressof(memory)
        def raise_exception(o):
            raise ValueError("An exception")

        bf = BufferProxy({'shape': (len(content),),
                          'typestr': '|u1',
                          'data': (memaddr, False),
                          'strides': (1,)})
        seglen, segaddr = get_read_buffer(bf, 0)
        self.assertEqual(segaddr, 0)
        self.assertEqual(seglen, 0)
        seglen, segaddr = get_write_buffer(bf, 0)
        self.assertEqual(segaddr, 0)
        self.assertEqual(seglen, 0)
        segcount, buflen = get_segcount(bf)
        self.assertEqual(segcount, 1)
        self.assertEqual(buflen, len(content))
        seglen, segaddr = get_read_buffer(bf, 0)
        self.assertEqual(segaddr, memaddr)
        self.assertEqual(seglen, len(content))
        seglen, segaddr = get_write_buffer(bf, 0)
        self.assertEqual(segaddr, memaddr)
        self.assertEqual(seglen, len(content))

        bf = BufferProxy({'shape': (len(content),),
                          'typestr': '|u1',
                          'data': (memaddr, True),
                          'strides': (1,)})
        segcount, buflen = get_segcount(bf)
        self.assertEqual(segcount, 1)
        self.assertEqual(buflen, len(content))
        seglen, segaddr = get_read_buffer(bf, 0)
        self.assertEqual(segaddr, memaddr)
        self.assertEqual(seglen, len(content))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, get_write_buffer, bf, 0)

        bf = BufferProxy({'shape': (len(content),),
                          'typestr': '|u1',
                          'data': (memaddr, True),
                          'strides': (1,),
                          'before': raise_exception})
        segcount, buflen = get_segcount(bf)
        self.assertEqual(segcount, 0)
        self.assertEqual(buflen, 0)

        bf = BufferProxy({'shape': (3, 4),
                          'typestr': '|u4',
                          'data': (memaddr, True),
                          'strides': (12, 4)})
        segcount, buflen = get_segcount(bf)
        self.assertEqual(segcount, 3 * 4)
        self.assertEqual(buflen, 3 * 4 * 4)
        for i in range(0, 4):
            seglen, segaddr = get_read_buffer(bf, i)
            self.assertEqual(segaddr, memaddr + i * 4)
            self.assertEqual(seglen, 4)
 def test_refcount(self):
     bpath = as_bytes(" This is a string that is not cached.")[1:]
     upath = bpath.decode('ascii')
     before = getrefcount(bpath)
     bpath = encode_string(bpath)
     self.assertEqual(getrefcount(bpath), before)
     bpath = encode_string(upath)
     self.assertEqual(getrefcount(bpath), before)