def __init__(self, screen, color, fps): self.fps = fps self.end = False self.screen = screen self.color = color = Surface((1024, 50)) self.ground = load('Resources\images\Sprites\Tiles\\0.png') self.pause_bg = load('Resources\images\\bg.png') self.pause = load('Resources\images\pause.png') self.pause.set_colorkey((179, 179, 179)) self.bomb_info = load('Resources\images\\bomb.png') self.life_info = load('Resources\images\life.png') self.power_info = load('Resources\images\power.png') self.main_menu = load('Resources\images\Buttons\Main menu.png') self.continue_btn = load('Resources\images\Buttons\Continue.png') self.pause_text = load('Resources\images\Buttons\Pause.png') self.bomb = load('Resources\images\\bomb.png') self.lvl = 1 self.scores = 0 self.start = 0 self.lives = 3 self.max_bombs = 1 self.strength = 1 set_visible(False) self.load_level() self.result = 0 set_visible(True) set_repeat()
def __init__(self): pygame.init() set_repeat(20) self._keys_down = set([]) self._keys_up = set([]) self._user_events = {} self._clock = Clock()
def __init__(self): if hasattr(EventManager, "_singleton"): return key.set_repeat(DELAY, RATE) event.set_allowed(None) event.set_allowed([KEYDOWN, JOYBUTTONDOWN, JOYAXISMOTION, JOYBUTTONUP, PLAYER]) for i in range(joystick.get_count()): joystick.Joystick(i).init() # Information for joystick repeat. self._last_press = [None, None] self._last_press_start = [0, 0] self._last_press_times = [0, 0] # Maps key values to player numbers. self.players = { K_w: 0, K_a: 0, K_s: 0, K_d: 0, K_q: 0, K_e: 0, K_i: 1, K_j: 1, K_k: 1, K_l: 1, K_u: 1, K_o: 1, K_LEFT: 0, K_RIGHT: 0, K_UP: 0, K_DOWN: 0, K_SPACE: 0, K_KP_ENTER: 0, K_RETURN: 0, K_2: 1, K_1: 0, K_BACKSPACE: 1 } # Maps key values to internal event keys. = { K_w: UP, K_a: LEFT, K_s: DOWN, K_d: RIGHT, K_q: ROT_CC, K_e: ROT_CW, K_i: UP, K_j: LEFT, K_k: DOWN, K_l: RIGHT, K_u: ROT_CC, K_o: ROT_CW, K_LEFT: LEFT, K_RIGHT: RIGHT, K_UP: UP, K_DOWN: DOWN, K_SPACE: ROT_CC, K_KP_ENTER: CONFIRM, K_RETURN: CONFIRM, K_2: CONFIRM, K_BACKSPACE: CONFIRM, K_1: CONFIRM } Singleton.__init__(self)
def init(): """base.init () -> None Initializes the globally used variables and objects. Initializes the globally used variables and objects for the widgets package such as a global style and the pygame engine """ global GlobalStyle global DoubleClickRate GlobalStyle = Style() DoubleClickRate = 250 pygameinit() key.set_repeat(500, 30)
def init (): """base.init () -> None Initializes the globally used variables and objects. Initializes the globally used variables and objects for the widgets package such as a global style and the pygame engine """ global GlobalStyle global DoubleClickRate GlobalStyle = Style () DoubleClickRate = 250 pygameinit () key.set_repeat (500, 30)
def __init__(self): = None pygame.init() key.set_repeat(100, 100) self.zoom = DisplayOptions('FreeMono.ttf', False, 16, 18) self.definefont() self.makescreen((1400,800)) display.set_caption(_(u'Hex Grid')) self.child = None self.done = False
def game_pause(self): set_visible(True) set_repeat(0, 0) self.screen.blit(self.pause_bg, (0, 0)) is_paused = True start_pause = get_ticks() self.hero.ismoved = False n = 0 while is_paused: for event in get(): if event.type == QUIT: exit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: n = 0 is_paused = False elif event.key == K_UP: n = 0 elif event.key == K_DOWN: n = 1 elif event.key == 13: is_paused = False elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION or event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: [x, y] = event.pos if 405 <= x <= 620 and 360 <= y <= 408: n = 0 is_paused = event.type == MOUSEMOTION elif 380 <= x <= 650 and 440 <= y <= 486: n = 1 is_paused = event.type == MOUSEMOTION if not is_paused: if n == 1: self.end = True self.screen.blit(self.pause, (310, 240)) self.screen.blit(self.pause_text, (345, 255)) self.screen.blit(self.continue_btn, (405, 360)) self.screen.blit(self.main_menu, (380, 440)) self.screen.blit(self.bomb, (360 - n * 25, 365 + n * 80)) update() set_repeat(1, 1) set_visible(False) pause_time = get_ticks() - start_pause self.hero.update(self.screen, Group(), pause_time) self.start = self.start + pause_time
def physics(handle): """ """ window = display.set_mode(windowSize) display.set_caption('Test') screen = display.get_surface() key.set_repeat(10, 1) reportInterval = 10 reportCounter = 0 distanceMatrix = matrix(handle) particles = map(lambda x: point(), range(distanceMatrix.numberOfParticles)) while True: inp = input(event.get()) if inp != None: for particle in particles: particle.impulse(impulseResolution * 0.01 * inp) for i in range(distanceMatrix.numberOfParticles): for j in range(distanceMatrix.numberOfParticles): if i != j: direction = 1 temp = torusPosition(particles[i].position, particles[j].position) if (dist(particles[i].position, temp) < distanceMatrix.distance(i, j)): direction = -1 particles[j].impulse( direction * impulseResolution * (particles[i].position - temp) * abs( dist(particles[i].position, temp) - distanceMatrix.distance(i, j))) #if for particle in particles: render(screen, particle) if not reportCounter % reportInterval: sys.stdout.write( "%f\r" % sum(map(lambda x: sum(abs(x.velocity)), particles))) sys.stdout.flush() #if reportCounter += 1
def play_game(self): """ detects pressing the keyboard's arrows, calculates new coordinates of MacGyver and moves him """ # movement when an arrow is held down key.set_repeat(FAST[0], FAST[1]) # this loop continues while game_result == 0 while self.game_result == 0: # browses the list of all the events received for evt in event.get(): if evt.type == QUIT: # if an event is "QUIT" pygame.quit() # deactivates the Pygame library exit() # stop the game if evt.type == KEYDOWN: self.test_destination_after_keydown(evt.key) self.display_maze_game()
def __init__(self): init() font.init() display.set_caption(TITLE) key.set_repeat() self.playing = False self.screen = display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) self.clock = time.Clock() self.dt = self.clock.tick(FPS) / 1000 self.labels = list() self.infos = list() self.all_sprites = Group() self.adventure = Home(self) = Camera(, self.score = Score("Renato") self.game_over = False, 5)) # FIN pathfinding # FIN ''' #---------------------Some variables--------------------# mylaby = laby(5, 5) mylaby.generate_laby() perso = Perso(mylaby) perso_time = 0 liste_b1 = Fonction.liste_bip(WW, WH) liste_b2 = Fonction.fill_liste_b2(liste_b1) display.flip() key.set_repeat(50, 55) # FIN if joystick.get_count() > 0: Joy = joystick.Joystick(0) Joy.init() while True: time.Clock().tick(30) Window.fill(const.Porange) for event in handle_widgets(): if event.type == QUIT: quit()
#!/usr/bin/python2 RELEASE = False from math import pi, cos, sin, hypot from datetime import datetime import random, os, sys, json import pygame from pygame import draw, display, image, key, font, transform, mouse pygame.init() #mouse.set_visible(False) key.set_repeat(10, 75) try: import android except ImportError: android = None import particles if RELEASE: modes = display.list_modes() VWIDTH, VHEIGHT = modes[0] else: VWIDTH, VHEIGHT = 1080, 960 FPS = 60 TURNS = 10 color_schemes = ["blue", "red", "green", "yellow"]
def main(difficulty): #---------------------Pygame init--------------------# myfont = font.SysFont("monospace", 15) #Création de la fenêtre WW, WH = 640, 480 Window = display.set_mode((WW, WH)) #icone = image.load("Bipo.png") #icone.set_colorkey( #display.set_icon(icone) # FIN if difficulty == 0: time_limit = 40 elif difficulty == 1: time_limit = 30 elif difficulty == 2: time_limit = 20 #---------------------Some variables--------------------# mylaby = laby(5, 5) mylaby.generate_laby() perso = Perso(mylaby) perso_time = 0 display.flip() key.set_repeat(50, 55) # FIN first_time = time.time() while True: current_time = time.time() Window.fill(const.Porange) time_play = int(current_time - first_time) label = myfont.render(str(time_limit - time_play), 1, (0, 0, 0)) Window.blit(label, (200, 0)) if time_play >= time_limit: return -1 for event in handle_widgets(): if event.type == QUIT: quit() exit() pygame.time.wait(50) keys = key.get_pressed() if keys: if keys[K_UP]: if not perso.che_jaune: perso.move(const.up) if keys[K_DOWN]: if not perso.che_jaune: perso.move(const.down) if keys[K_LEFT]: if not perso.che_jaune: perso.move(const.left) if keys[K_RIGHT]: if not perso.che_jaune: perso.move(const.right) render_widgets() display.flip() if perso.x == perso.laby.w - 1 and perso.y == perso.laby.h - 1: return 0
def __init__(self, window): key.set_repeat(300, 1000/60) self.window = window window.autoupdate = False window.font = assets.font
def main(difficulty): #---------------------Pygame init--------------------# init() myfont = font.SysFont("monospace", 15) #Création de la fenêtre WW, WH = 640, 480 Window = display.set_mode((WW, WH)) #icone = image.load("Bipo.png") #icone.set_colorkey( #display.set_icon(icone) display.set_caption("Bipo Maze") # FIN if difficulty == 1: taille = 10 elif difficulty == 2: taille = 11 elif difficulty == 3: taille = 12 #---------------------Some variables--------------------# mylaby = laby(taille, taille) mylaby.generate_laby() perso = Perso(mylaby) perso_time = 0 display.flip() key.set_repeat(50, 55) # FIN while True: time.Clock().tick(30) Window.fill(const.Porange) time_play = time.get_ticks()/1000 label = myfont.render(str(time_play), 1, (0,0,0)) Window.blit(label, (200, 0)) for event in handle_widgets(): if event.type == QUIT: quit() exit() keys = key.get_pressed() if keys: if keys[K_UP]: if not perso.che_jaune: perso.move(const.up) if keys[K_DOWN]: if not perso.che_jaune: perso.move(const.down) if keys[K_LEFT]: if not perso.che_jaune: perso.move(const.left) if keys[K_RIGHT]: if not perso.che_jaune: perso.move(const.right) render_widgets() display.flip() if perso.x == perso.laby.w - 1 and perso.y == perso.laby.h - 1: quit() exit()
import pygame, model from pygame import key, event key.set_repeat(20) def obrabotka_sobitiy(): # ОБРАБОТКА СОБЫТИЙ spisok_sobitiy = event.get() for sobitie in spisok_sobitiy: if sobitie.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if sobitie.key == pygame.K_a: model.plat.x -= 10 if sobitie.key == pygame.K_d: model.plat.x += 10 if sobitie.type == pygame.QUIT: exit() if sobitie.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: pos_x = sobitie.pos[0] model.plat.centerx = pos_x
from pygame import image, init, key, transform, font, display, \ event, time from maze import * init() window = pygame.display.get_surface() pos_x = (NBR_SPRITE, SPRITE_SIZE) pos_y = (NBR_SPRITE, SPRITE_SIZE) HOME = image.load("images/acceuil.png") BACKGROUND = image.load("images/fond.jpg") key.set_repeat() main_loop = True while main_loop: window.blit(transform.scale(HOME, (800, 800)), (0, 0)) # print text on the screen FONT = font.Font(None, 50) TEXT_HOME = FONT.render("Press Enter to continue or ECHAP to quit", True, (200, 200, 200)) window.blit(TEXT_HOME, (50, 400)) # refersh the screen display.flip() run_home = True run_game = True # run_home loop while run_home: time.Clock().tick(30) for e in event.get(): if e.type == QUIT or e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE: main_loop = False
def play(self): set_repeat(1, 1) timer = Clock() while not self.end: for event in get(): if event.type == QUIT: exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: k = event.key if k == K_ESCAPE: self.game_pause() if k == K_DOWN: self.hero.rotate(0) self.hero.ismoved = True if k == K_UP: self.hero.rotate(1) self.hero.ismoved = True if k == K_RIGHT: self.hero.rotate(2) self.hero.ismoved = True if k == K_LEFT: self.hero.rotate(3) self.hero.ismoved = True if k == K_SPACE: self.hero.place_bomb(self.sprites_and_bombs) elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key != 32: self.hero.ismoved = False for m in self.mobs: m.strategy() self.screen.fill(self.color) self.grass.update(self.screen) self.bonuses.update(self.screen) self.sprites.update(self.screen) self.hero.update(self.screen, self.sprites) self.mobs.update(self.screen, self.sprites_and_bombs) self.show_info() update() killed = False clock = get_ticks() for ex in self.hero.explosions: if clock + 780 < ex.clear_time: for m in self.mobs: if collide_rect(m, ex): self.scores += 15 m.kill() if collide_rect(self.hero, ex): killed = True if killed or self.hero.collide(self.mobs): self.death() if self.end: break else: for bon in self.bonuses: if bon.visible() and collide_rect(self.hero, bon): if bon.type == 4: self.lives += 1 elif bon.type == 5: self.max_bombs += 1 self.hero.max_bombs += 1 elif bon.type == 6: self.strength += 1 self.hero.strength += 1 bon.remove(self.bonuses) self.scores += 10 if len(self.mobs) == 0: self.lvl += 1 self.scores += 20 self.load_level() timer.tick(self.fps)
FF = font.Font("Purisa.otf", 14) small_FF = font.Font("Purisa.otf", 10) width_lines = 3 radius = 7 t = 0 w = 4 l1 = 100.0 l2 = 300.0 h = 200 v = 250 v_for_red_point = 250 h_for_red_point = 200 done = True razgon = False key.set_repeat(500, 10) while done: for e in event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: done = False if e.type == KEYDOWN: if e.key == K_UP: if l1 > radius*2-1: l1 -= 1 if e.key == K_DOWN: if l1 < 175: l1 += 1 if e.key == K_LEFT: if l2 > radius*2-1: l2 -= 1 if e.key == K_RIGHT: