Exemple #1
def load(filename, namehint=""):
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
        c_surface = sdl.IMG_Load(filename)
    except SDLError:
        # filename is not a string, try as file object
            rwops = rwops_from_file(filename)
            if namehint:
                name, ext = path.splitext(namehint)
            elif hasattr(filename, 'name'):
                name, ext = path.splitext(filename.name)
                # No name info, so we pass an empty extension to
                # SDL to indicate we can only load files with
                # suitable magic format markers in the file.
                name, ext = '', ''
            if len(ext) == 0:
                ext = name
            ext = rwops_encode_file_path(ext)
            c_surface = sdl.IMG_LoadTyped_RW(rwops, 1, ext)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("file argument must be a valid path "
                            "string or file object")
    if not c_surface:
        raise SDLError(ffi.string(sdl.IMG_GetError()))
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(c_surface)
Exemple #2
def load(filename, namehint=""):
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
        c_surface = sdl.IMG_Load(filename)
    except SDLError:
        # filename is not a string, try as file object
            rwops = rwops_from_file(filename)
            if namehint:
                name, ext = path.splitext(namehint)
            elif hasattr(filename, 'name'):
                name, ext = path.splitext(filename.name)
                # No name info, so we pass an empty extension to
                # SDL to indicate we can only load files with
                # suitable magic format markers in the file.
                name, ext = '', ''
            if len(ext) == 0:
                ext = name
            ext = rwops_encode_file_path(ext)
            c_surface = sdl.IMG_LoadTyped_RW(rwops, 1, ext)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("file argument must be a valid path "
                            "string or file object")
    if not c_surface:
        raise SDLError(ffi.string(sdl.IMG_GetError()))
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(c_surface)
Exemple #3
def save(surface, filename):
    """ save(Surface, filename) -> None
    save an image to disk
    surf = surface._c_surface
    if surf.flags & sdl.SDL_OPENGL:
        raise NotImplementedError()
    if not isinstance(filename, string_types):
        raise TypeError("Expected a string for the file arugment: got %s"
                        % type(filename).__name__)

    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
    fn_normalized = filename.lower()
    result = 0
    # TODO: prep/unprep surface
    if fn_normalized.endswith(b'bmp'):
        # save as BMP
        result = sdl.SDL_SaveBMP(surf, filename)
    elif (fn_normalized.endswith(b'jpg')
          or fn_normalized.endswith(b'jpeg')):
        # save as JPEG
        result = save_jpg(surf, filename)
    elif fn_normalized.endswith(b'png'):
        # save as PNG
        result = save_png(surf, filename)
        # save as TGA
        result = save_tga(surf, filename, True)
    if result == -1:
        raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
Exemple #4
def save(surface, filename):
    """ save(Surface, filename) -> None
    save an image to disk
    surf = surface._c_surface
    if surf.flags & sdl.SDL_OPENGL:
        raise NotImplementedError()
    if not isinstance(filename, string_types):
        raise TypeError("Expected a string for the file arugment: got %s" %

    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
    fn_normalized = filename.lower()
    result = 0
    # TODO: prep/unprep surface
    if fn_normalized.endswith(b'bmp'):
        # save as BMP
        result = sdl.SDL_SaveBMP(surf, filename)
    elif (fn_normalized.endswith(b'jpg') or fn_normalized.endswith(b'jpeg')):
        # save as JPEG
        result = save_jpg(surf, filename)
    elif fn_normalized.endswith(b'png'):
        # save as PNG
        result = save_png(surf, filename)
        # save as TGA
        result = save_tga(surf, filename, True)
    if result == -1:
        raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
Exemple #5
def queue(filename):
    """ queue(filename) -> None
    queue a music file to follow the current
    global _queue_music
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
        _queue_music = sdl.Mix_LoadMUS(filename)
    except SDLError:
        # try as file object
        rwops = rwops_from_file(filename)
        _queue_music = sdl.Mix_LoadMUS_RW(rwops)

    if not _queue_music:
        raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
Exemple #6
def queue(filename):
    """ queue(filename) -> None
    queue a music file to follow the current
    global _queue_music
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
        _queue_music = sdl.Mix_LoadMUS(filename)
    except SDLError:
        # try as file object
        rwops = rwops_from_file(filename)
        _queue_music = sdl.Mix_LoadMUS_RW(rwops)

    if not _queue_music:
        raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, font, fontsize):
        if not isinstance(fontsize, int):
            raise TypeError("expected an integer, but got %r" % type(fontsize))

        if fontsize < 1:
            fontsize = 1

        file_obj = None
        if font is None or font == _font_defaultname:
            file_obj = getResource(_font_defaultname)
            self._font_file = file_obj
            # Scaling as from pygame/src/font.c
            fontsize = int(fontsize * 0.6875)
            if fontsize < 1:
                fontsize = 1
        elif isinstance(font, (bytes_, unicode_)):
            filepath = rwops_encode_file_path(font)
            # According to the pygame comments, we need to ensure the
            # file exists and is readable before calling out to SDL
            f = open(filepath, 'r')
            # pygame raises IOError if this fails, so we don't catch the
            # exception
            self._sdl_font = sdl.TTF_OpenFont(filepath, fontsize)
            file_obj = font

        if file_obj:
            # Get a new handle on the file to load the font from.
            # Otherwise, if the file handle is closed elsewhere, font
            # rendering will segfault.
            if self._font_file is None:
                file_obj = open(os.path.abspath(file_obj.name))
                self._font_file = file_obj

            rwops = rwops_from_file(file_obj)
            self._sdl_font = sdl.TTF_OpenFontRW(rwops, 1, fontsize)

        if not self._sdl_font:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, font, fontsize):
        if not isinstance(fontsize, int):
            raise TypeError("expected an integer, but got %r" % type(fontsize))

        if fontsize < 1:
            fontsize = 1

        file_obj = None
        if font is None or font == _font_defaultname:
            file_obj = getResource(_font_defaultname)
            self._font_file = file_obj
            # Scaling as from pygame/src/font.c
            fontsize = int(fontsize * 0.6875)
            if fontsize < 1:
                fontsize = 1
        elif isinstance(font, (bytes_, unicode_)):
            filepath = rwops_encode_file_path(font)
            # According to the pygame comments, we need to ensure the
            # file exists and is readable before calling out to SDL
            f = open(filepath, 'r')
            # pygame raises IOError if this fails, so we don't catch the
            # exception
            self._sdl_font = sdl.TTF_OpenFont(filepath, fontsize)
            file_obj = font

        if file_obj:
            # Get a new handle on the file to load the font from.
            # Otherwise, if the file handle is closed elsewhere, font
            # rendering will segfault.
            if self._font_file is None:
                file_obj = open(os.path.abspath(file_obj.name))
                self._font_file = file_obj

            rwops = rwops_from_file(file_obj)
            self._sdl_font = sdl.TTF_OpenFontRW(rwops, 1, fontsize)

        if not self._sdl_font:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
Exemple #9
def load(filename, namehint=""):
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
        c_surface = sdl.IMG_Load(filename)
    except SDLError:
        # filename is not a string, try as file object
            rwops = rwops_from_file(filename)
            if namehint:  
                name, ext = path.splitext(namehint)
                name, ext = path.splitext(filename.name)
            if len(ext) == 0:
                ext = name
            c_surface = sdl.IMG_LoadTyped_RW(rwops, 1, ext)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("file argument must be a valid path "
                            "string or file object")
    if not c_surface:
        raise SDLError(ffi.string(sdl.IMG_GetError()))
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(c_surface)
Exemple #10
def load(filename, namehint=""):
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
        c_surface = sdl.IMG_Load(filename)
    except SDLError:
        # filename is not a string, try as file object
            rwops = rwops_from_file(filename)
            if namehint:
                name, ext = path.splitext(namehint)
                name, ext = path.splitext(filename.name)
            if len(ext) == 0:
                ext = name
            c_surface = sdl.IMG_LoadTyped_RW(rwops, 1, ext)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("file argument must be a valid path "
                            "string or file object")
    if not c_surface:
        raise SDLError(ffi.string(sdl.IMG_GetError()))
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(c_surface)
Exemple #11
def load(obj):
    """load(filename): return None
       load(object): return None

       Load a music file for playback"""
    global _current_music, _queue_music
    if isinstance(obj, (bytes_, unicode_)):
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(obj)
        new_music = sdl.Mix_LoadMUS(filename)
        rwops = rwops_from_file(obj)
        new_music = sdl.Mix_LoadMUS_RW(rwops)
    if not new_music:
        raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()

    # Cleanup
    if _current_music:
    if _queue_music:
        _queue_music = None

    _current_music = new_music
Exemple #12
def load(obj):
    """load(filename): return None
       load(object): return None

       Load a music file for playback"""
    global _current_music, _queue_music
    if isinstance(obj, (bytes_, unicode_)):
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(obj)
        new_music = sdl.Mix_LoadMUS(filename)
        rwops = rwops_from_file(obj)
        new_music = sdl.Mix_LoadMUS_RW(rwops)
    if not new_music:
        raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()

    # Cleanup
    if _current_music:
    if _queue_music:
        _queue_music = None

    _current_music = new_music
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, obj=None, **kwargs):
        self.chunk = None
        self._mem = None

        # nasty mangling of parameters!
        # if 1 position arg: could be filename, file or buffer
        # if 1 keyword arg: could be filename, file, buffer or array where
        # filename and file use the same keyword 'file'
        if obj is not None:
            if kwargs:
                raise TypeError("Sound takes either 1 positional or "
                                "1 keyword argument")

            filename = None
            buff = None
            err = None
            if isinstance(obj, string_types):
                filename = obj
                if not isinstance(obj, unicode_):
                    buff = obj
            elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
                # For python3, we need to try both paths
                filename = obj
                buff = obj
            elif isinstance(obj, IOBase):
                rwops = rwops_from_file(obj)
                self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
                buff = obj

            if filename is not None:
                    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
                    rwops = rwops_from_file_path(filename)
                    self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
                except SDLError as e:
                    err = e

            if not self.chunk and buff is not None:
                if isinstance(buff, unicode_):
                    raise TypeError("Unicode object not allowed as "
                                    "buffer object")
                except TypeError:
                    # Pygame is special here, and falls through to a
                    # different error if the object doesn't support
                    # the buffer interface.
            if len(kwargs) != 1:
                raise TypeError("Sound takes either 1 positional or "
                                "1 keyword argument")

            # Py3k Dictionary Views are iterables, not iterators
            arg_name, arg_value = next(iter(kwargs.items()))
            if arg_name == 'file':
                if isinstance(arg_value, string_types):
                    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(arg_value)
                    rwops = rwops_from_file_path(filename, 'rb')
                elif isinstance(arg_value, bytes):
                    # Needed for python 3
                    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(arg_value)
                    rwops = rwops_from_file_path(filename, 'rb')
                    rwops = rwops_from_file(arg_value)
                self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
            elif arg_name == 'buffer':
                if isinstance(arg_value, unicode_):
                    raise TypeError("Unicode object not allowed as "
                                    "buffer object")
            elif arg_name == 'array':
                raise NotImplementedError("Loading from array not "
                                          "implemented yet")
                raise TypeError("Unrecognized keyword argument '%s'" %

        # pygame uses the pointer address as the tag to ensure
        # uniqueness, we use id for the same effect
        # Since we don't have the some automatic casting rules as
        # C, we explicitly cast to int here. This matches pygames
        # behaviour, so we're bug-compatible
        self._chunk_tag = ffi.cast("int", id(self.chunk))
        if not self.chunk:
            if not err:
                raise TypeError("Unrecognized argument (type %s)" %
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, obj=None, **kwargs):
        self.chunk = None

        # nasty mangling of parameters!
        # if 1 position arg: could be filename, file or buffer
        # if 1 keyword arg: could be filename, file, buffer or array where
        # filename and file use the same keyword 'file'
        if obj is not None:
            if kwargs:
                raise TypeError("Sound takes either 1 positional or "
                                "1 keyword argument")

            filename = None
            buff = None
            err = None
            if isinstance(obj, basestring):
                filename = obj
                if not isinstance(obj, unicode):
                    buff = obj
            elif isinstance(obj, file):
                rwops = rwops_from_file(obj)
                self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
                buff = obj

            if filename is not None:
                    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
                    rwops = rwops_from_file_path(filename)
                    self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
                except SDLError as e:
                    err = e

            if not self.chunk and buff is not None:
                raise NotImplementedError("Loading from buffer not "
                                          "implemented yet")
                # TODO: check if buff implements buffer interface.
                # If it does, load from buffer. If not, re-raise
                # error from filename if filename is not None.

            if len(kwargs) != 1:
                raise TypeError("Sound takes either 1 positional or "
                                "1 keyword argument")

            arg_name = kwargs.keys()[0]
            arg_value = kwargs[arg_name]
            if arg_name == 'file':
                if isinstance(arg_value, basestring):
                    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(arg_value)
                    rwops = rwops_from_file_path(filename, 'rb')
                    rwops = rwops_from_file(arg_value)
                self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
            elif arg_name == 'buffer':
                if isinstance(arg_name, unicode):
                    raise TypeError("Unicode object not allowed as "
                                    "buffer object")
                raise NotImplementedError("Loading from buffer not "
                                          "implemented yet")
            elif arg_name == 'array':
                raise NotImplementedError("Loading from array not "
                                          "implemented yet")
                raise TypeError("Unrecognized keyword argument '%s'" %

        # pygame uses the pointer address as the tag to ensure
        # uniqueness, we use id for the same effect
        # Since we don't have the some automatic casting rules as
        # C, we explicitly cast to int here. This matches pygames
        # behaviour, so we're bug-compatible
        self._chunk_tag = ffi.cast("int", id(self.chunk))
        if not self.chunk:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, obj=None, **kwargs):
        self.chunk = None
        self._mem = None

        # nasty mangling of parameters!
        # if 1 position arg: could be filename, file or buffer
        # if 1 keyword arg: could be filename, file, buffer or array where
        # filename and file use the same keyword 'file'
        if obj is not None:
            if kwargs:
                raise TypeError("Sound takes either 1 positional or "
                                "1 keyword argument")

            filename = None
            buff = None
            err = None
            if isinstance(obj, string_types):
                filename = obj
                if not isinstance(obj, unicode_):
                    buff = obj
            elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
                # For python3, we need to try both paths
                filename = obj
                buff = obj
            elif isinstance(obj, IOBase):
                rwops = rwops_from_file(obj)
                self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
                buff = obj

            if filename is not None:
                    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
                    rwops = rwops_from_file_path(filename)
                    self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
                except SDLError as e:
                    err = e

            if not self.chunk and buff is not None:
                if isinstance(buff, unicode_):
                    raise TypeError("Unicode object not allowed as "
                                    "buffer object")
                except TypeError:
                    # Pygame is special here, and falls through to a
                    # different error if the object doesn't support
                    # the buffer interface.
            if len(kwargs) != 1:
                raise TypeError("Sound takes either 1 positional or "
                                "1 keyword argument")

            # Py3k Dictionary Views are iterables, not iterators
            arg_name, arg_value = next(iter(kwargs.items()))
            if arg_name == 'file':
                if isinstance(arg_value, string_types):
                    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(arg_value)
                    rwops = rwops_from_file_path(filename, 'rb')
                elif isinstance(arg_value, bytes):
                    # Needed for python 3
                    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(arg_value)
                    rwops = rwops_from_file_path(filename, 'rb')
                    rwops = rwops_from_file(arg_value)
                self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
            elif arg_name == 'buffer':
                if isinstance(arg_value, unicode_):
                    raise TypeError("Unicode object not allowed as "
                                    "buffer object")
            elif arg_name == 'array':
                raise NotImplementedError("Loading from array not "
                                          "implemented yet")
                raise TypeError("Unrecognized keyword argument '%s'" % arg_name)

        # pygame uses the pointer address as the tag to ensure
        # uniqueness, we use id for the same effect
        # Since we don't have the some automatic casting rules as
        # C, we explicitly cast to int here. This matches pygames
        # behaviour, so we're bug-compatible
        self._chunk_tag = ffi.cast("int", id(self.chunk))
        if not self.chunk:
            if not err:
                raise TypeError("Unrecognized argument (type %s)" % type(obj).__name__)
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self, obj=None, **kwargs):
        self.chunk = None

        # nasty mangling of parameters!
        # if 1 position arg: could be filename, file or buffer
        # if 1 keyword arg: could be filename, file, buffer or array where
        # filename and file use the same keyword 'file'
        if obj is not None:
            if kwargs:
                raise TypeError("Sound takes either 1 positional or "
                                "1 keyword argument")

            filename = None
            buff = None
            err = None
            if isinstance(obj, basestring):
                filename = obj
                if not isinstance(obj, unicode):
                    buff = obj
            elif isinstance(obj, file):
                rwops = rwops_from_file(obj)
                self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
                buff = obj

            if filename is not None:
                    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
                    rwops = rwops_from_file_path(filename)
                    self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
                except SDLError as e:
                    err = e

            if not self.chunk and buff is not None:
                raise NotImplementedError("Loading from buffer not "
                                          "implemented yet")
                # TODO: check if buff implements buffer interface.
                # If it does, load from buffer. If not, re-raise
                # error from filename if filename is not None.

            if len(kwargs) != 1:
                raise TypeError("Sound takes either 1 positional or "
                                "1 keyword argument")

            arg_name = kwargs.keys()[0]
            arg_value = kwargs[arg_name]
            if arg_name == 'file':
                if isinstance(arg_value, basestring):
                    filename = rwops_encode_file_path(arg_value)
                    rwops = rwops_from_file_path(filename, 'rb')
                    rwops = rwops_from_file(arg_value)
                self.chunk = sdl.Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rwops, 1)
            elif arg_name == 'buffer':
                if isinstance(arg_name, unicode):
                    raise TypeError("Unicode object not allowed as "
                                    "buffer object")
                raise NotImplementedError("Loading from buffer not "
                                          "implemented yet")
            elif arg_name == 'array':
                raise NotImplementedError("Loading from array not "
                                          "implemented yet")
                raise TypeError("Unrecognized keyword argument '%s'" % arg_name)

        # pygame uses the pointer address as the tag to ensure
        # uniqueness, we use id for the same effect
        # Since we don't have the some automatic casting rules as
        # C, we explicitly cast to int here. This matches pygames
        # behaviour, so we're bug-compatible
        self._chunk_tag = ffi.cast("int", id(self.chunk))
        if not self.chunk:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()