Exemple #1
    def grow_rect(self, rect, growth, rects, direction):
        """Tries to grow a rectangle in the specified direction

        Returns whether the growth succeeded"""
        changed = False
        if growth[direction]:
            left, top, width, height = rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h
            if direction == LEFT:
                left -= 1
                width += 1
            elif direction == RIGHT:
                width += 1
            elif direction == DOWN:
                height += 1
            elif direction == UP:
                top -= 1
                height += 1
            new = Rect(left, top, width, height)
            if not (set(util.points_in(new)) - self.space) and len(new.collidelistall(rects)) == 1:
                rect.left = left
                rect.width = width
                rect.top = top
                rect.height = height
                changed = True
                #if rect.width >= 8 and rect.height >= 8 and random.randrange(5) == 0:
                #    growth[direction] = False
                growth[direction] = False

        return changed
Exemple #2
    def grow_rect(self, i, rect, growth, adjacency, rects, direction):
        """Tries to grow a rectangle in the specified direction

        Returns whether the growth succeeded"""
        if rect.w > 100 or rect.h > 100:
            growth[direction] = False
            return False
        if growth[direction]:
            left, top, width, height = rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h
            if direction == LEFT:
                left -= 1
                width += 1
                if height > 1:
                    collision = Rect(rect.x, rect.y+1, 1, rect.h-2)
                    collision = Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 1, 1)
            elif direction == RIGHT:
                width += 1
                if height > 1:
                    collision = Rect(rect.right-1, rect.y+1, 1, rect.h-2)
                    collision = Rect(rect.right-1, rect.y, 1, 1)
            elif direction == DOWN:
                height += 1
                if width > 1:
                    collision = Rect(rect.x+1, rect.bottom-1, rect.w-2, 1)
                    collision = Rect(rect.x, rect.bottom-1, 1, 1)
            elif direction == UP:
                top -= 1
                height += 1
                if width > 1:
                    collision = Rect(rect.x+1, rect.y, rect.w-2, 1)
                    collision = Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 1, 1)
            building_collisions = collision.collidelistall(rects)
            except ValueError:
            if not (set(Generator.get_rect(collision)) - self.space) and len(building_collisions) == 0:
                rect.left = left
                rect.width = width
                rect.top = top
                rect.height = height
                #if rect.width >= 8 and rect.height >= 8 and random.randrange(5) == 0:
                #    growth[direction] = False
                return True
                growth[direction] = False
                if building_collisions:
                    care_about = [j for j in building_collisions if j < len(self.points)]
                    # If we collided with a building, make a note.
                    adjacency[i] += care_about
                    for j in care_about:

        return False
    def test_collidelistall(self):

        # __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.rect.Rect.collidelistall:

        # Rect.collidelistall(list): return indices
        # test if all rectangles in a list intersect
        # Returns a list of all the indices that contain rectangles that
        # collide with the Rect. If no intersecting rectangles are found, an
        # empty list is returned.

        r = Rect(1, 1, 10, 10)

        l = [Rect(1, 1, 10, 10), Rect(5, 5, 10, 10), Rect(15, 15, 1, 1), Rect(2, 2, 1, 1)]
        self.assertEqual(r.collidelistall(l), [0, 1, 3])

        f = [Rect(50, 50, 1, 1), Rect(20, 20, 5, 5)]
Exemple #4
    def grow_room(self, room, growing, max_size, pad_v=0, pad_h=0, space=None):
        """Tries to grow a room in the specified direction

        Returns whether the growth succeeded"""
        space = space if space is not None else self.interior_space
        for d, grow in enumerate(growing):
            if not grow:
            if (((d == LEFT or d == RIGHT) and room.w > max_size) or
                    ((d == UP or d == DOWN) and room.h > max_size)):
                growing[d] = False
            left, top, width, height = room.x, room.y, room.w, room.h
            if d == LEFT:
                left -= 1
                width += 1
                if room.w <= 1:
                    collision = None
                    collision = Rect(room.x - pad_h, room.y + 1 - pad_v,
                                     1 + pad_h, max(1, room.h + 2 * pad_v - 2))
            elif d == RIGHT:
                width += 1
                if room.w <= 1:
                    collision = None
                    collision = Rect(room.right - 1 - pad_h, room.y + 1,
                                     1 + pad_h, max(1, room.h + 2 * pad_v - 2))
            elif d == DOWN:
                height += 1
                if room.h <= 1:
                    collision = None
                    collision = Rect(room.x + 1 - pad_h, room.bottom - 1,
                                     max(1, room.w - 2 + 2 * pad_h), 1 + pad_v)
            elif d == UP:
                top -= 1
                height += 1
                if room.h <= 1:
                    collision = None
                    collision = Rect(room.x + 1 - pad_h, room.y - pad_v,
                                     max(1, room.w - 2 + 2 * pad_h), 1 + pad_v)
            if collision is not None:
                building_collisions = collision.collidelistall([r.rect for r in self.shapes if isinstance(r, Room)])
                building_collisions = []
            if not (set(Generator.get_rect(collision)) - space) and len(building_collisions) == 0:
                room.left = left
                room.width = width
                room.top = top
                room.height = height
                print room.rect, collision, d, building_collisions, (set(Generator.get_rect(collision)) - space)
                growing[d] = False
    def test_collidelistall(self):

        # __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.rect.Rect.collidelistall:

          # Rect.collidelistall(list): return indices
          # test if all rectangles in a list intersect
          # Returns a list of all the indices that contain rectangles that
          # collide with the Rect. If no intersecting rectangles are found, an
          # empty list is returned.

        r = Rect(1, 1, 10, 10)

        l = [
            Rect(1, 1, 10, 10), 
            Rect(5, 5, 10, 10),
            Rect(15, 15, 1, 1),
            Rect(2, 2, 1, 1),
        self.assertEqual(r.collidelistall(l), [0, 1, 3])

        f = [Rect(50, 50, 1, 1), Rect(20, 20, 5, 5)]
Exemple #6
    def collision(self, dx, dy):
        collide_objects = Bot.enemy + [Bot.hero] + [
            ob for ob in Bot.objects if ob.Collide
        ] + Bot.bot

        for n in Rect.collidelistall(self.rect, collide_objects):
            if collide_objects[n] != self:
                if dx > 0:
                    self.rect.right = collide_objects[n].rect.left
                    self.dx = 0
                    self.x = self.rect.centerx
                if dx < 0:
                    self.rect.left = collide_objects[n].rect.right
                    self.dx = 0
                    self.x = self.rect.centerx
                if dy > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = collide_objects[n].rect.top
                    self.dy = 0
                    self.y = self.rect.centery
                if dy < 0:
                    self.rect.top = collide_objects[n].rect.bottom
                    self.dy = 0
                    self.y = self.rect.centery

        for n in Bot.houses:
            num = self.rect.collidelist(n.rect)
            if num != -1:
                if dx > 0:
                    self.rect.right = n.rect[num].left
                    self.dx = 0
                    self.x = self.rect.centerx
                if dx < 0:
                    self.rect.left = n.rect[num].right
                    self.dx = 0
                    self.x = self.rect.centerx
                if dy > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = n.rect[num].top
                    self.dy = 0
                    self.y = self.rect.centery
                if dy < 0:
                    self.rect.top = n.rect[num].bottom
                    self.dy = 0
                    self.y = self.rect.centery
Exemple #7
    def collision(self, dx, dy):
        collide_objects = [n for n in Player.enemy if n.visible] + [b for b in Player.bot if b.visible] + \
                          [ob for ob in Player.objects if ob.Collide]
        for n in Rect.collidelistall(self.rect, collide_objects):
            if dx > 0:
                self.rect.right = collide_objects[n].rect.left
                self.dx = 0
                self.x = self.rect.centerx
            if dx < 0:
                self.rect.left = collide_objects[n].rect.right
                self.dx = 0
                self.x = self.rect.centerx
            if dy > 0:
                self.rect.bottom = collide_objects[n].rect.top
                self.dy = 0
                self.y = self.rect.centery
            if dy < 0:
                self.rect.top = collide_objects[n].rect.bottom
                self.dy = 0
                self.y = self.rect.centery

        for n in Player.houses:
            num = self.rect.collidelist(n.rect)
            if num != -1:
                if dx > 0:
                    self.rect.right = n.rect[num].left
                    self.dx = 0
                    self.x = self.rect.centerx
                if dx < 0:
                    self.rect.left = n.rect[num].right
                    self.dx = 0
                    self.x = self.rect.centerx
                if dy > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = n.rect[num].top
                    self.dy = 0
                    self.y = self.rect.centery
                if dy < 0:
                    self.rect.top = n.rect[num].bottom
                    self.dy = 0
                    self.y = self.rect.centery
Exemple #8
 def get_idx_at(self, pos):
     colliderect = Rect(pos, (0, 0))
     return colliderect.collidelistall(self._spritelist)
Exemple #9
class Tank(Sprite):
    All = []
    def __init__(self, color, x, y):
        self.color = color
        self.x, self.y = x, y
        Sprite.__init__(self, y)
        self.bodies = load_multiimage('tank_body.png', 8, color)
        self.turrets = load_multiimage('tank_turret.png', 8, color)
        self.sx, self.sy = self.bodies[0].get_size() # size
        width = self.sx
        self.rect = Rect(x-width/2, y-width/2, width, width).inflate(-8,-8)
        self.heading = self.facing = 3 # SE
        self.sound = None
        self.mire = Mire(self.color, x, y)
        self.readyamo = 3
        self.reloading = 0
        # Controls:
        self.headto, self.fire, self.targetx, self.targety = None, 0, x, y

    def putface(self, face):
        self.faces = load_multiimage('memes/'+face+'8.png', 8, self.color)
        fw,fh = self.faces[0].get_size()
        self.faceoffset = XY((self.sx-fw)/2,16-fh)

    def dissapear(self):
        if self.sound: self.sound.stop()
        #for t in self.trail: t.dissapear()

    def noise(self, sound):
        if self.sound != sound:
            if self.sound:
            self.sound = sound
            if sound:

    def update(self):
        if self.headto == self.heading:
            newxy = ( self.x + DIRECTIONS[self.heading][0]
                    , self.y + DIRECTIONS[self.heading][1] )
            self.rect.center = newxy
            # Check for obstacles:
            if self.rect.collidelist(Wall.All) != -1 or 1<len(self.rect.collidelistall(Tank.All)):
                self.rect.center = self.x, self.y
                self.x, self.y = newxy
        elif self.headto != None:
            if (self.headto+8-self.heading)&7 <= 4:
                self.heading += 1
                self.heading -= 1
            self.heading &= 7

        self.mire.aim(self.targetx, self.targety)
        dx,dy = self.targetx - self.x, self.targety - self.y
        self.facing = direction(dx, dy)

        if self.fire and self.readyamo:
            self.fire -= 1
            self.readyamo -= 1
            self.reloading = RELOAD_TIME # STRATEGY: Firing restarts reload
            Bullet(self.x, self.y, dx, dy)
        elif self.reloading:
            self.reloading -= 1
            if not self.reloading:
                self.readyamo += 1
                if self.readyamo < MAX_BULLETS:
                    self.reloading = RELOAD_TIME

    def render(self, xy):
        #draw.line(SCREEN, BLACK, (self.x-30, self.y/2), (self.x+30, self.y/2))
        #draw.line(SCREEN, BLACK, (self.x, self.y/2-20), (self.x, self.y/2+20))
        BLIT(self.bodies[self.heading], xy)
        BLIT(self.turrets[self.facing], xy)
        BLIT(self.faces[self.facing], self.faceoffset + xy)

    def draw(self):

    def hit(self):
        Explosion(self.sx, self.rect.center)
Exemple #10
def sub_collide(rtrn: list, rect_list: list, chck: pygame.Rect):
    def draw(self, surface, bgd=None):
        Draws all sprites on the surface you pass in.
        You can pass the background too. If a background is already set, 
        then the bgd argument has no effect.
        # speedups
        _orig_clip = surface.get_clip()
        _clip = self._clip
        if _clip is None:
            _clip = _orig_clip

        _surf = surface
        _sprites = self._spritelist
        _old_rect = self.spritedict
        _update = self.lostsprites
        _update_append = _update.append
        _ret = None
        _surf_blit = _surf.blit
        _rect = pygame.Rect
        if bgd is not None:
            self._bgd = bgd
        _bgd = self._bgd

        # -------
        # 0. deside if normal render of flip
        start_time = get_ticks()
        if self._use_update:  # dirty rects mode
            # 1. find dirty area on screen and put the rects into _update
            # still not happy with that part
            for spr in _sprites:
                if 0 < spr.dirty:
                    if spr.source_rect is not None:
                        _union_rect = Rect(spr.rect.topleft,
                        _union_rect = _rect(spr.rect)
                    _union_rect_collidelist = _union_rect.collidelist
                    _union_rect_union_ip = _union_rect.union_ip
                    i = _union_rect_collidelist(_update)
                    while -1 < i:
                        del _update[i]
                        i = _union_rect_collidelist(_update)

                    _union_rect = _rect(_old_rect[spr])
                    _union_rect_collidelist = _union_rect.collidelist
                    _union_rect_union_ip = _union_rect.union_ip
                    i = _union_rect_collidelist(_update)
                    while -1 < i:
                        del _update[i]
                        i = _union_rect_collidelist(_update)
            # can it be done better? because that is an O(n**2) algorithm in
            # worst case

            # clear using background
            if _bgd is not None:
                for rec in _update:
                    _surf_blit(_bgd, rec, rec)

            # 2. draw
            for spr in _sprites:
                if 1 > spr.dirty:
                    if spr._visible:
                        # sprite not dirty, blit only the intersecting part
                        if spr.source_rect is not None:
                            _spr_rect = Rect(spr.rect.topleft,
                            _spr_rect = spr.rect
                        _spr_rect_clip = _spr_rect.clip
                        for idx in _spr_rect.collidelistall(_update):
                            # clip
                            clip = _spr_rect_clip(_update[idx])
                            _surf_blit(spr.image, clip, \
                                       (clip[0]-_spr_rect[0], \
                                            clip[1]-_spr_rect[1], \
                                            clip[2], \
                                            clip[3]))#, spr.blendmode)
                else:  # dirty sprite
                    if spr._visible:
                        if spr.source_rect is not None:
                            _old_rect[spr] = _surf_blit(spr.image, spr.rect, \
                                               spr.source_rect)#, spr.blendmode)
                            _old_rect[spr] = _surf_blit(spr.image, spr.rect)

                    if spr.dirty == 1:
                        spr.dirty = 0
            _ret = list(_update)
        else:  # flip, full screen mode
            if _bgd is not None:
                _surf_blit(_bgd, (0, 0))
            for spr in _sprites:
                if spr.visible:
                    if spr.source_rect is not None:
                        _old_rect[spr] = _surf_blit(
                            spr.image, spr.rect,
                            spr.source_rect)  #,spr.blendmode)
                        _old_rect[spr] = _surf_blit(
                            spr.rect)  #, spr.source_rect)#,spr.blendmode)
            _ret = [_rect(_clip)]  # return only the part of the screen changed

        # timing for switching modes
        # how to find a good treshold? it depends on the hardware it runs on
        end_time = get_ticks()
        if end_time - start_time > self._time_threshold:
            self._use_update = False
            self._use_update = True

##        # debug
##        print "               check: using dirty rects:", self._use_update

# emtpy dirty reas list
        _update[:] = []

        # -------
        # restore original clip
        return _ret