Exemple #1
def fill(target, color, area=None):
    """Fills a certain rectangular area on the passed target with a color.

    If no area is provided, the entire target will be filled with
    the passed color. If an iterable item is provided as area (such as a list
    or tuple), it will be first checked, if the item denotes a single
    rectangular area (4 integer values) before assuming it to be a sequence
    of rectangular areas.
    color = prepare_color(color, target)
    rtarget = _get_target_surface(target)

    varea = None
    if area is not None and isiterable(area):
        # can be either a single rect or a list of rects)
        if len(area) == 4:
            # is it a rect?
                varea = rect.SDL_Rect(int(area[0]), int(area[1]),
                                      int(area[2]), int(area[3]))
                # No, not a rect, assume a seq of rects.
        if not varea:  # len(area) == 4 AND varea set.
            varea = []
            for r in area:
                varea.append(rect.SDL_Rect(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]))

    if varea is None or isinstance(varea, rect.SDL_Rect):
        sdlsurface.fill_rect(rtarget, varea, color)
        sdlsurface.fill_rects(rtarget, varea, color)
Exemple #2
    def dispatch(self, obj, event):
        """Passes an event to the given object.

        If obj is a World object, UI relevant components will receive
        the event, if they support the event type.

        If obj is a single object, obj.events MUST be a dictionary
        consisting of SDL event type identifiers and EventHandler
        instances bound to the object. obj also must have a 'uitype' attribute
        referring to the UI type of the object.
        If obj is an iterable, such as a list or set, every item within
        obj MUST feature an 'events' and 'uitype' attribute as described
        if event is None:

        handler = self.handlers.get(event.type, self.passevent)
        if isinstance(obj, World):
            for ctype in self.componenttypes:
                items = obj.get_components(ctype)
                items = [
                    (v, e)
                    for v in items
                    for e in (event,)
                    if hasattr(v, "events") and hasattr(v, "uitype") and e.type in v.events
                if len(items) > 0:
                    arg1, arg2 = zip(*items)
                    map(handler, arg1, arg2)
        elif isiterable(obj):
            items = [(v, e) for v in obj for e in (event,) if e.type in v.events]
            if len(items) > 0:
                for v, e in items:
                    handler(v, e)
        elif event.type in obj.events:
            handler(obj, event)
        if self._nextactive is not None:
            self._nextactive = None