def render(self, renderObj, opened): y = 1010 count = self.scroll for message in reversed(self.messages): if count > 0: count -= 1 continue y -= 60 if y > 500 or opened and y > -60: if opened: alpha = 255 else: if self.messages[message] <= CHAT_MESSAGE_FADEOUT_DURATION: alpha = 255 * (self.messages[message] / CHAT_MESSAGE_FADEOUT_DURATION) else: alpha = 255 surface = pygame.Surface((1420, 60)) surface.fill((0, 0, 0)) surface.set_alpha(120 * (alpha / 255)) renderObj.window.surface.blit(surface, (10, y)) renderObj.text(FONT, 56, message[1:], True, (255, 255, 255), None, renderObj.window.surface, x=12, y=y + 2, blit=True, alpha=alpha)
def __init__(self, level, main): self.level = level self.window = main.window self.main = main = pygame.Surface((1, 1)), 0, 0)) self.lastSize = BLOCK_SIZE
def colorTexture(self, texture, color=(255, 0, 0), alpha=100): surface = pygame.Surface((texture.get_width(), texture.get_height())) surface.convert() surface.fill(color) surface.set_alpha(alpha) rTexture = texture.copy() rTexture.blit(surface, (0, 0)) return rTexture
def grid(self, x, y, distance=BLOCK_SIZE, size=None): distance = int(distance) surface = pygame.Surface(self.window.size) surface.fill((255, 255, 255)) surface.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255)) blocksX = int(list(self.window.START_SURFACE_SIZE)[0] / distance + 3) blocksY = int(list(self.window.START_SURFACE_SIZE)[1] / distance + 3) if blocksX / 2 == int(blocksX / 2): x += 0.5 if blocksY / 2 == int(blocksY / 2): y += 0.5 startPosX = (x - int(x)) * -distance startPosY = (y - int(y)) * -distance sizeX = blocksX * distance sizeY = blocksY * distance if size == None: size = distance blitStartPosX = -(list(self.window.START_SURFACE_SIZE)[0] - sizeX) / 2 blitStartPosY = -(list(self.window.START_SURFACE_SIZE)[1] - sizeY) / 2 for blockY in range(blocksY): for blockX in range(blocksX): blitPosX = startPosX + blockX * distance - blitStartPosX blitPosY = startPosY + blockY * distance - blitStartPosY screenBlitPosX, screenBlitPosY = self.window.getScreenCoords( blitPosX, blitPosY) pygame.draw.lines(surface, (0, 0, 0), False, [[screenBlitPosX + size, screenBlitPosY], [screenBlitPosX, screenBlitPosY], [screenBlitPosX, screenBlitPosY + size]]) for gui in self.window.guiHandler.allGuis: x1, y1 = self.window.getScreenCoords(gui.x, gui.y) x2, y2 = self.window.getScreenCoords(gui.x + gui.width, gui.y + gui.height) pygame.draw.polygon(surface, (255, 255, 255), [[x1, y1], [x2, y1], [x2, y2], [x1, y2]]) for graphics in, for graphic in graphics: if graphic.isOpen or graphic.isChanging: vertices = [] for vertex in graphic.renderVertices: coords = self.window.getScreenCoords( vertex[0], vertex[1]) vertices.append([coords[0], coords[1]]) pygame.draw.polygon(surface, (255, 255, 255), vertices) if self.main.editing and self.main.editor.playerCoords != []: screenCoords = [] for coord in self.main.editor.playerCoords: screenCoords.append(list(self.window.getScreenCoords(*coord))) pygame.draw.polygon(surface, (255, 255, 255), screenCoords) if self.window.screenSurfaces == []: self.window.screenSurfaces.append(surface) else: self.window.screenSurfaces[0] = surface
def render(self): if self.alpha == 255: pygame.draw.polygon(self.main.window.surface, (150, 150, 150), self.coords) else: if self.alpha != 0: surface = pygame.Surface( (PLAYER_SIZE[0] * 2 + 1, PLAYER_SIZE[1] * 2 + 1)) surface.fill((150, 150, 150)) surface.set_alpha(self.alpha) self.main.window.surface.blit(surface, self.coords[0]) if self.main.playing or not self.go: self.lifesObj.render(self.renderObj, self.alpha)
def __getFrameAsSurface(self, frame): image = frame.to_image() mode = image.mode size = image.size data = image.tobytes() if pygame.K_F11 > 1000: osurface = pyg.image.fromstring(data, size, mode) surface = pygame.Surface(size).convert() for y in range(list(size)[1]): for x in range(list(size)[0]): surface.set_at((x, y), pygame.Color(osurface.get_at( (x, y)))) else: surface = pygame.image.fromstring(data, size, mode).convert() if self.colorkey != None: return setColorkey(self.colorkey, surface) return surface
def mix(self, texture, color, factor, lineWidth, returnSurface=False): if bool(factor): if texture == None: width, height = self.main.blocks.size else: width = texture.get_width() height = texture.get_height() surface = pygame.Surface((width, height)) surface.fill((0, 0, 0)) surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) pygame.draw.polygon( surface, color, [[0, 0], [width, 0], [width, height], [0, height]], lineWidth) if returnSurface: return surface else: texture.blit(surface, (0, 0)) return texture
def block(self, block, x, y, bigger=False, useNormalTexture=False, blockCoords=[-1, -1]): hasOverlay = False try: overlayNumber = self.main.blocks.blocks[block[0]].overlay[str( blockCoords)] overlay = self.main.blocks.blocks[ block[0]].overlayResources[overlayNumber] if self.main.blocks.blocks[ block[0]].overlays[overlayNumber].endswith("mkv"): overlaySurface = overlay.surface else: overlaySurface = overlay hasOverlay = True except KeyError: overlay = None if useNormalTexture: texture = self.main.blocks.blocks[block[0]].texture if texture != None: texture = texture.copy() if hasOverlay: texture.blit(overlaySurface, (0, 0)) else: texture = self.main.blocks.blocks[block[0]].resizedTexture if texture != None and hasOverlay: texture.blit( pygame.transform.scale(overlaySurface, self.main.blocks.size), (0, 0)) if self.main.playing and block[1] != []: distanceToBlock = [ x + BLOCK_SIZE / 2 -[0], y + BLOCK_SIZE / 2 -[1] ] for i in range(2): if distanceToBlock[i] < 0: distanceToBlock[i] = -distanceToBlock[i] distanceColor = (distanceToBlock[0] + distanceToBlock[1]) / 4 if distanceColor > 255: distanceColor = 255 distanceColor = 255 - distanceColor if texture == None: playTexture = pygame.Surface((BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE)) playTexture.fill((255, 255, 255)) else: playTexture = texture if block[1][2] != self.main.blocks.blocks[block[0]].death and ( not block[1][1] or not self.main.blocks.blocks[block[0]].solid): texture = self.colorTexture(playTexture, (255, 0, 0), distanceColor) elif (block[1][1] != self.main.blocks.blocks[block[0]].solid and not block[1][1]) or ( block[1][2] == False and block[1][2] != self.main.blocks.blocks[block[0]].death and (not block[1][1] or not self.main.blocks.blocks[block[0]].solid)): texture = self.colorTexture(playTexture, (255, 255, 255), distanceColor) if block[1] != []: if texture != None: texture = self.rotate(texture, int(block[1][0])) if self.main.editing and texture = self.mix(texture, (255, 0, 0), int(block[1][2]), 20, texture == None) texture = self.mix(texture, (255, 255, 255), 1 - int(block[1][1]), 10, texture == None) if self.main.editing and if texture == None: if useNormalTexture: texture = pygame.Surface((BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE)) else: texture = pygame.Surface(self.main.blocks.size) texture.fill((255, 255, 255)) texture = self.mix( self.mix(texture, (255, 0, 0), self.main.blocks.blocks[block[0]].death, 20, texture == None), (255, 255, 255), not self.main.blocks.blocks[block[0]].solid, 10, texture == None) if self.main.editor.selection != None and self.main.editor.selection[0][0] <= blockCoords[0] and self.main.editor.selection[0][1] <= blockCoords[1] \ and self.main.editor.selection[1][0] >= blockCoords[0] and self.main.editor.selection[1][1] >= blockCoords[1]: texture = self.colorTexture(texture, (100, 100, 255)) if texture != None: if not bigger: self.window.surface.blit(texture, (x, y)) else: self.window.surface.blit( pygame.transform.scale(texture, (BLOCK_SIZE + 20, BLOCK_SIZE + 20)), (x - 10, y - 10))