def test_process_event_mouse_button_up_inside(self, _init_pygame: None,
                                                  default_ui_manager: UIManager,
                                                  _display_surface_return_none: None):
        button = UIButton(relative_rect=pygame.Rect(10, 10, 150, 30),
                          text="Test Button",
                          tool_tip_text="This is a test of the button's tool tip functionality.",

        # create a tool tip
        button.hover_time = 9999.0
        button.while_hovering(0.01, pygame.math.Vector2(150.0, 115.0))

        # process a mouse button down event
        processed_down_event = button.process_event(pygame.event.Event(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN,
                                                                       {'button': 1,
                                                                        'pos': (50, 25)}))

        # process a mouse button up event
        processed_up_event = button.process_event(pygame.event.Event(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP,
                                                                     {'button': 1,
                                                                      'pos': (50, 25)}))

        assert (
                    processed_down_event is True and processed_up_event is True and button.held is False and
                    button.pressed_event is True and default_ui_manager.focused_element is None)
Exemple #2
    def test_while_not_hovering(self, _init_pygame, default_ui_manager):
        button = UIButton(relative_rect=pygame.Rect(100, 100, 150, 30),
                          text="Test Button",
                          tool_tip_text="This is a test of the button's tool tip functionality.",

        # fail to create the tool tip
        button.hover_time = 0.0
        button.while_hovering(0.01, pygame.math.Vector2(250.0, 250.0))

        assert button.tool_tip is None
    def test_while_hovering(self, _init_pygame, default_ui_manager,
        button = UIButton(relative_rect=pygame.Rect(100, 100, 150, 30),
                          text="Test Button",
                          tool_tip_text="This is a test of the button's tool tip functionality.",

        # create the tool tip
        button.hover_time = 9999.0
        button.while_hovering(0.01, pygame.math.Vector2(150.0, 115.0))

        assert button.tool_tip is not None
Exemple #4
    def test_on_unhovered(self, _init_pygame, default_ui_manager):
        button = UIButton(relative_rect=pygame.Rect(100, 100, 150, 30),
                          text="Test Button",
                          tool_tip_text="This is a test of the button's tool tip functionality.",

        # create the tool tip
        button.hover_time = 9999.0
        button.while_hovering(0.01, pygame.math.Vector2(150.0, 115.0))

        # stop hovering and kill the tool tip
        assert button.tool_tip is None and button.image == button.drawable_shape.get_surface("normal")
Exemple #5
    def test_kill(self, _init_pygame, default_ui_manager):
        button = UIButton(relative_rect=pygame.Rect(100, 100, 150, 30),
                          text="Test Button",
                          tool_tip_text="This is a test of the button's tool tip functionality.",

        # create the tool tip
        button.hover_time = 9999.0
        button.while_hovering(0.01, pygame.math.Vector2(150.0, 115.0))

        # should kill everything

        assert button.alive() is False and button.tool_tip.alive() is False
Exemple #6
    def test_on_unhovered(self, _init_pygame, default_ui_manager, _display_surface_return_none):
        button = UIButton(relative_rect=pygame.Rect(100, 100, 150, 30),
                          text="Test Button",
                          tool_tip_text="This is a test of the button's tool tip functionality.",

        # create the tool tip
        button.hover_time = 9999.0
        button.while_hovering(0.01, pygame.math.Vector2(150.0, 115.0))

        # stop hovering and kill the tool tip

        unhovered_event_fired = any((event.type == pygame_gui.UI_BUTTON_ON_UNHOVERED and
                                     event.ui_element == button) for event in

        assert unhovered_event_fired
        assert button.tool_tip is None