Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, display):
        self.display = display
        self.state = "menu"
        self.game_reference = None

        # Background Setup
        self.background = pygame_gui.Image(paths.uiMenuPath + "background.png", 0, 0)

        # Title / Header setup
        self.title = pygame_gui.Text(
            50, constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"],
            250, 150)

        # Making panel around text, with padding.
        title_rect = pygame.Rect(self.title.get_rect())
        title_padding = 5
        title_rect.x -= title_padding
        title_rect.width += title_padding*2
        self.title_panel = pygame_gui.Panel(title_rect, 150, constants.COLOURS["panel"])

        self.title_logo = pygame.image.load(paths.uiMenuPath + "logo-big.png")
        self.logo_panel = pygame_gui.Panel([title_rect.right, title_rect.y, title_rect.height, title_rect.height],
                                           150, (0, 0, 0))

        # Menu location (New, Load and Leaderboard)
        self.menux = 425
        self.menuy = 370

        # GUI Menu Setup
        self.newgame_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
            [self.menux, self.menuy, 150, 40],
            220, 200,
            "new game",
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["large"], constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"])

        self.continue_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
            [self.menux, self.menuy + 40, 150, 40],
            220, 200,
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["large"], constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"])

        self.leaderboard_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
            [self.menux, self.menuy + 80, 150, 40],
            220, 200,
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["large"], constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"])

        self.about_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
            [5, self.display.get_height() - 45, 80, 40],
            220, 200,
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["large"], constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"])

        self.show_about = False
        self.about = About(self)

Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, display):
        self.display = display
        self.state = "menu"

        # Background Setup
        self.background = pygame_gui.Image(
            paths.imagePath + "background-menu.png", 0, 0)

        # Title / Header setup
        self.title = pygame_gui.Text(constants.DISPLAY_NAME, 45,
                                     constants.FONTS["main"], 430, 180)

        # Making panel around text, with padding.
        title_rect = pygame.Rect(self.title.get_rect())
        title_padding = 5
        title_rect.x -= title_padding
        title_rect.width += title_padding * 2
        self.title_panel = pygame_gui.Panel(title_rect, 150,

        # Menu location (New, Load and Leaderboard)
        self.menux = 420
        self.menuy = 300

        # GUI Menu Setup
        self.continue_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
            [self.menux, self.menuy + 40, 150, 40], constants.COLOURS["panel"],
            constants.COLOURS["panel-hover"], "select level",
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["large"], constants.FONTS["colour"],

        self.editor_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
            [self.menux, self.menuy + 90, 150, 40], constants.COLOURS["panel"],
            constants.COLOURS["panel-hover"], "editor",
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["large"], constants.FONTS["colour"],

        self.version = pygame_gui.Text(constants.version,
                                       constants.FONTS["main"], 3,
                                       constants.DISPLAY_SIZE[1] - 20)

        self.project_github = WebLink("GitHub Page",
                                      470, constants.DISPLAY_SIZE[1] - 20)

        self.personal_site = WebLink("By Ben Ryder",
                                     constants.DISPLAY_SIZE[0] - 87,
                                     constants.DISPLAY_SIZE[1] - 20)

Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, GUI):
        self.GUI = GUI

        size = [350, 200]
        self.rect = [constants.DISPLAY_SIZE[0] / 2 - size[0] / 2,  # center of screen
                     constants.DISPLAY_SIZE[1] / 2 - size[1] / 2,

        self.background = pygame_gui.Panel([self.rect[0], self.rect[1], self.rect[2], self.rect[3]], 230, (0, 0, 0))

        self.title = pygame_gui.Text(
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["medium"], constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"],
            self.rect[0] + 5, self.rect[1] + 5)

        self.project_title = pygame_gui.Text(
            "Project Home:",
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["medium"], constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"],
            self.rect[0] + 5, self.rect[1] + 40)

        self.project_github = WebLink("https://github.com/Ben-Ryder/Conqueror-of-Empires",
                                      self.rect[0] + 5, self.rect[1] + 60)

        self.project_message = pygame_gui.Text(
            "(feel free to suggest improvements, rasie issues etc)",
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["small"], (200, 200, 200), constants.FONTS["main"],
            self.rect[0] + 5, self.rect[1] + 77)

        self.personal_title = pygame_gui.Text(
            "Developed by Ben Ryder",
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["medium"], constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"],
            self.rect[0] + 5, self.rect[1] + 110)

        self.personal_site = WebLink("https://ben-ryder.github.io",
                                     self.rect[0] + 5, self.rect[1] + 130)

        self.version = pygame_gui.Text(
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["medium"], constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"],
            self.rect[0] + 5, self.rect[1] + self.rect[3] - 20)

        ok_rect = [self.rect[0] + self.rect[2] - 35, self.rect[1] + self.rect[3] - 30, 35, 30]
        self.ok_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
            0, 100,
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["large"], constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"])
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, display, reason):
        self.display = display

        size = [250, 100]
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(display.get_width() / 2 - size[0] / 2,
                                display.get_height() / 2 - size[1] / 2,
                                size[0], size[1])
        self.background = pygame_gui.Panel(self.rect, 255, (10, 10, 10))

        if reason == "won":
            text = "Level Completed"
        elif reason == "lost":
            text = "Level Failed"
            raise Exception("Invalid reason for game end")

        self.title = pygame_gui.Text(text, 26, (255, 255, 255),
                                     constants.FONTS["main-bold"], self.rect.x,
                                     self.rect.y + 10)
            self.rect.centerx - self.title.rect.width / 2, self.title.rect.y)

        sizes = [self.rect.width / 2, self.rect.height / 2]
        self.menu_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
            [self.rect.x, self.rect.centery, sizes[0], sizes[1]], (10, 10, 10),
            (30, 30, 30), "< menu", constants.FONTS["sizes"]["medium"],
            constants.FONTS["colour"], constants.FONTS["main"])

        self.restart_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
            [self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery, sizes[0], sizes[1]],
            (10, 10, 10), (30, 30, 30), "restart >",
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["medium"], constants.FONTS["colour"],

        self.option = "game-over"
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, level, display):
        self.level = level
        self.left_option = None
        self.right_option = None
        self.patrol_focus = None

        # GUI Setup
        # Settings Buttons
        self.menu_button = pygame_gui.TextButton([
            display.get_width() - self.level.EDITOR_SIZE, 0,
            self.level.EDITOR_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE
        ], (20, 20, 20), (40, 40, 40), "back to menu", 20, (200, 200, 200),

        self.level_name = pygame_gui.RectEntry([
            display.get_width() - self.level.EDITOR_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE,
            self.level.EDITOR_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE
        ], 2, (255, 255, 255), (255, 255, 255), (160, 160, 160),
                                               (160, 160, 160),
                                               (255, 255, 255), (30, 100, 30),
                                               (160, 160, 160), (30, 100, 30),
                                               "enter level name", 25,
                                               (0, 0, 0),
                                               constants.FONTS["main"], 10, 5,

        self.save_button = pygame_gui.TextButton([
            display.get_width() - self.level.EDITOR_SIZE / 2,
            self.level.TILE_SIZE * 2, self.level.EDITOR_SIZE / 2,
        ], (10, 40, 10), (20, 100, 20), "save", 20, (200, 200, 200),

        self.load_button = pygame_gui.TextButton([
            display.get_width() - self.level.EDITOR_SIZE,
            self.level.TILE_SIZE * 2, self.level.EDITOR_SIZE / 2,
        ], (40, 40, 40), (60, 60, 60), "load", 20, (200, 200, 200),

        self.tile_size = pygame_gui.RectEntry(
                display.get_width() - self.level.EDITOR_SIZE,
                self.level.TILE_SIZE * 3, self.level.TILE_SIZE,
            ], 2, (255, 255, 255), (220, 220, 220), (160, 160, 160),
            (140, 140, 140), (255, 255, 255),
            (30, 100, 30), (160, 160, 160), (30, 100, 30),
            str(self.level.TILE_SIZE), 25, (0, 0, 0), constants.FONTS["main"],
            8, 4, False)

        self.map_rows = pygame_gui.RectEntry(
                display.get_width() - self.level.EDITOR_SIZE +
                self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE * 3,
                self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE
            ], 2, (255, 255, 255), (220, 220, 220), (160, 160, 160),
            (140, 140, 140), (255, 255, 255), (30, 100, 30), (160, 160, 160),
            (30, 100, 30), str(self.level.MAP_SIZE[0]), 25, (0, 0, 0),
            constants.FONTS["main"], 8, 4, False)

        self.map_columns = pygame_gui.RectEntry(
                display.get_width() - self.level.EDITOR_SIZE +
                self.level.TILE_SIZE * 2, self.level.TILE_SIZE * 3,
                self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE
            ], 2, (255, 255, 255), (220, 220, 220), (160, 160, 160),
            (140, 140, 140), (255, 255, 255), (30, 100, 30), (160, 160, 160),
            (30, 100, 30), str(self.level.MAP_SIZE[1]), 25, (0, 0, 0),
            constants.FONTS["main"], 8, 4, False)

        self.new = pygame_gui.TextButton([
            display.get_width() - self.level.TILE_SIZE * 3,
            self.level.TILE_SIZE * 3, self.level.TILE_SIZE * 3,
        ], (100, 20, 20), (130, 30, 30), "new", 20, (200, 200, 200),

        # Selector
        origin = [self.level.DISPLAY_SIZE[0], self.level.TILE_SIZE * 5]
        padding = self.level.TILE_SIZE / 3

        self.path_button = SelectorButton(paths.tilePath + "path.png",
                                          paths.tilePath + "path.png",
                                          origin[0] + padding, origin[1])
        self.path_button.resize(self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE)

        self.wall_button = SelectorButton(paths.tilePath + "wall.png",
                                          paths.tilePath + "wall.png",
                                          origin[0] + padding * 5, origin[1])
        self.wall_button.resize(self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE)

        self.spawn_button = SelectorButton(paths.tilePath + "spawn-point.png",
                                           paths.tilePath + "spawn-point.png",
                                           origin[0] + padding * 10, origin[1])
        self.spawn_button.resize(self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE)

        self.safe_button = SelectorButton(paths.tilePath + "safe-point.png",
                                          paths.tilePath + "safe-point.png",
                                          origin[0] + padding * 14, origin[1])
        self.safe_button.resize(self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE)

        self.exit_t_button = SelectorButton(
            paths.tilePath + "exit-closed-top.png",
            paths.tilePath + "exit-closed-top.png", origin[0] + padding,
            origin[1] + padding * 4)
        self.exit_t_button.resize(self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE)

        self.exit_b_button = SelectorButton(
            paths.tilePath + "exit-closed-bottom.png",
            paths.tilePath + "exit-closed-bottom.png", origin[0] + padding * 5,
            origin[1] + padding * 4)
        self.exit_b_button.resize(self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE)

        self.exit_l_button = SelectorButton(
            paths.tilePath + "exit-closed-left.png",
            paths.tilePath + "exit-closed-left.png", origin[0] + padding * 10,
            origin[1] + padding * 4)
        self.exit_l_button.resize(self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE)

        self.exit_r_button = SelectorButton(
            paths.tilePath + "exit-closed-right.png",
            paths.tilePath + "exit-closed-right.png", origin[0] + padding * 14,
            origin[1] + padding * 4)
        self.exit_r_button.resize(self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE)

        self.key_button = SelectorButton(paths.tilePath + "key.png",
                                         paths.tilePath + "key.png",
                                         origin[0] + padding,
                                         origin[1] + padding * 8)
        self.key_button.resize(self.level.TILE_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE)

        # Enemy Selectors
        self.patrol_enemy_button = SelectorButton(
            paths.tilePath + "enemy-patrol.png",
            paths.tilePath + "enemy-patrol.png", origin[0] + padding,
            origin[1] + padding * 13)

        self.random_enemy_button = SelectorButton(
            paths.tilePath + "enemy-random.png",
            paths.tilePath + "enemy-random.png", origin[0] + padding * 5,
            origin[1] + padding * 13)

        self.seeker_enemy_button = SelectorButton(
            paths.tilePath + "enemy-seeker.png",
            paths.tilePath + "enemy-seeker.png", origin[0] + padding * 9,
            origin[1] + padding * 13)

        # Patrol Entry Options (only active if self.patrol_focus is not None)
        self.patrol_focus_indicator = pygame_gui.Label(
                display.get_width() - self.level.EDITOR_SIZE, origin[1] +
                padding * 16, self.level.EDITOR_SIZE, self.level.TILE_SIZE
            ], (60, 60, 60), (60, 60, 60), "Inputting Patrol",
            constants.FONTS["sizes"]["large"], constants.FONTS["colour"],

        self.patrol_reset_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
                display.get_width() - self.level.EDITOR_SIZE, origin[1] +
                padding * 19, self.level.EDITOR_SIZE / 2, self.level.TILE_SIZE
            ], (100, 20, 20), (130, 30, 30), "reset", 20, (200, 200, 200),

        self.patrol_confirm_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
                display.get_width() - self.level.EDITOR_SIZE / 2, origin[1] +
                padding * 19, self.level.EDITOR_SIZE / 2, self.level.TILE_SIZE
            ], (10, 40, 10), (20, 100, 20), "confirm", 20, (200, 200, 200),

        # Toggle Buttons
        self.show_keys = True
        self.show_key_button = pygame_gui.TextButton([
            self.level.DISPLAY_SIZE[1] - self.level.TILE_SIZE,
            self.level.EDITOR_SIZE / 2, self.level.TILE_SIZE
        ], (40, 40, 40), (60, 60, 60), "toggle keys", 17, (200, 200, 200),

        self.show_patrols = True
        self.show_patrols_button = pygame_gui.TextButton(
                self.level.DISPLAY_SIZE[0] + self.level.EDITOR_SIZE / 2,
                self.level.DISPLAY_SIZE[1] - self.level.TILE_SIZE,
                self.level.EDITOR_SIZE / 2, self.level.TILE_SIZE
            ], (40, 40, 40), (60, 60, 60), "toggle patrols", 17,
            (200, 200, 200), constants.FONTS["main"])