class EyelinkGraphics(custom_display): """ Implements the EyeLink graphics that are shown on the experimental PC, such as the camera image, and the calibration dots. This class only implements the drawing operations, and little to no of the logic behind the set-up, which is implemented in PyLink. """ def __init__(self, libeyelink, tracker): """ Constructor. Arguments: libeyelink -- A libeyelink object. tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay.__init__(self) # objects self.libeyelink = libeyelink self.display = libeyelink.display self.screen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=None, timeout=0) self.mouse = Mouse(timeout=0) if DISPTYPE == "pygame": self.kb.set_timeout(timeout=0.001) # If we are using a DISPTYPE that cannot be used directly, we have to # save the camera image to a temporary file on each frame. # if DISPTYPE not in ('pygame', 'psychopy'): import tempfile import os self.tmp_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "__eyelink__.jpg") # drawing properties self.xc = self.display.dispsize[0] / 2 self.yc = self.display.dispsize[1] / 2 self.extra_info = True self.ld = 40 # line distance self.fontsize = libeyelink.fontsize self.title = "" self.display_open = True # menu self.menuscreen = Screen(disptype=DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Eyelink calibration menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 6 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=int(2 * self.fontsize), antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="%s (pygaze %s, pylink %s)" % (libeyelink.eyelink_model, pygaze.version, pylink.__version__), pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 5 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=int(0.8 * self.fontsize), antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press C to calibrate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 3 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press V to validate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 2 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press A to auto-threshold", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 1 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press I to toggle extra info in camera image", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 0 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press Enter to show camera image", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 1 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="(then change between images using the arrow keys)", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 2 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press Escape to abort experiment", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 4 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press Q to exit menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 5 * self.ld), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) # beeps self.__target_beep__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=440, length=50, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=880, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=220, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) # Colors self.color = { pylink.CR_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color("white"), pylink.PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color("white"), pylink.PUPIL_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color("green"), pylink.SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color("red"), pylink.MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR: pygame.Color("red"), "font": pygame.Color("white"), } # Font pygame.font.init() self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier New", 11) # further properties self.state = None self.pal = None self.size = (0, 0) self.set_tracker(tracker) self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.bit64 = "64bit" in platform.architecture() self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def close(self): """ Is called when the connection and display are shutting down. """ self.display_open = False def new_array(self): """ Creates a new array with a system-specific format. Returns: An array. """ # On 64 bit Linux, we need to use an unsigned int data format. # < # sending-eye-image-to-display-PC&highlight=ubuntu+pylink> if == "posix" and self.bit64: return array.array("I") return array.array("L") def set_tracker(self, tracker): """ Connects the tracker to the graphics environment. Arguments: tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ self.tracker = tracker self.tracker_version = tracker.getTrackerVersion() if self.tracker_version >= 3: self.tracker.sendCommand("enable_search_limits=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("track_search_limits=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("autothreshold_click=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("autothreshold_repeat=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("enable_camera_position_detect=YES") def setup_cal_display(self): """ Sets up the initial calibration display, which contains a menu with instructions. """ # show instructions self.display.fill(self.menuscreen) def exit_cal_display(self): """Exits calibration display.""" self.clear_cal_display() def record_abort_hide(self): """TODO: What does this do?""" pass def clear_cal_display(self): """Clears the calibration display""" self.display.fill() def erase_cal_target(self): """TODO: What does this do?""" self.clear_cal_display() def draw_cal_target(self, x, y): """ Draws calibration target. Arguments: x -- The X coordinate of the target. y -- The Y coordinate of the target. """ self.play_beep(pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP) self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype="dot", pos=(x, y)) self.display.fill(screen=self.screen) def play_beep(self, beepid): """ Plays a sound. Arguments: beepid -- A number that identifies the sound. """ if beepid == pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP: # For some reason, playing the beep here doesn't work, so we have # to play it when the calibration target is drawn. if EYELINKCALBEEP: elif beepid == pylink.CAL_ERR_BEEP or beepid == pylink.DC_ERR_BEEP: # show a picture self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="calibration lost, press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) self.display.fill(self.screen) # play beep elif beepid == pylink.CAL_GOOD_BEEP: self.screen.clear() if self.state == "calibration": self.screen.draw_text( text="Calibration succesfull, press 'v' to validate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) elif self.state == "validation": self.screen.draw_text( text="Validation succesfull, press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) else: self.screen.draw_text( text="Press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font="mono", fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True, ) # show screen self.display.fill(self.screen) # play beep else: # DC_GOOD_BEEP or DC_TARG_BEEP pass def draw_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorindex): """ Unlike the function name suggests, this draws a single pixel. I.e. the end coordinates are always exactly one pixel away from the start coordinates. Arguments: x1 -- The starting x. y1 -- The starting y. x2 -- The end x. y2 -- The end y. colorIndex -- A color index. """ x1 = int(self.scale * x1) y1 = int(self.scale * y1) x2 = int(self.scale * x2) y2 = int(self.scale * y2) pygame.draw.line(self.cam_img, self.color[colorindex], (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) def draw_lozenge(self, x, y, w, h, colorindex): """ desc: Draws a rectangle. arguments: x: desc: X coordinate. type: int y: desc: Y coordinate. type: int w: desc: A width. type: int h: desc: A height. type: int colorindex: desc: A colorindex. type: int """ x = int(self.scale * x) y = int(self.scale * y) w = int(self.scale * w) h = int(self.scale * h) pygame.draw.rect(self.cam_img, self.color[colorindex], (x, y, w, h), 2) def draw_title(self): """ desc: Draws title info. """ y = 0 for line in self.title: surf = self.font.render(line, 0, self.color["font"]) self.cam_img.blit(surf, (1, y)) y += 12 def get_mouse_state(self): """ desc: Gets the mouse position and state. returns: desc: A (pos, state) tuple. type: tuple. """ button, pos, time = self.mouse.get_clicked() if button == None: button = -1 if pos == None: pos = self.mouse.get_pos() return pos, button def get_input_key(self): """ Gets an input key. Returns: A list containing a single pylink key identifier. """ # Don't try to collect key presses when the display is no longer # available. This is necessary, because pylink polls key presses during # file transfer, which generally occurs after the display has been # closed. if not self.display_open: return None try: key, time = self.kb.get_key(keylist=None, timeout="default") except: self.esc_pressed = True key = "q" if key == None: return None # Escape functions as a 'q' with the additional esc_pressed flag if key == "escape": key = "q" self.esc_pressed = True # Process regular keys if key == "return": keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY self.state = None elif key == "space": keycode = ord(" ") elif key == "q": keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY self.state = None elif key == "c": keycode = ord("c") self.state = "calibration" elif key == "v": keycode = ord("v") self.state = "validation" elif key == "a": keycode = ord("a") elif key == "i": self.extra_info = not self.extra_info keycode = 0 elif key == "up": keycode = pylink.CURS_UP elif key == "down": keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN elif key == "left": keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT elif key == "right": keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT else: keycode = 0 # Convert key to PyLink keycode and return return [pylink.KeyInput(keycode, 0)] # 0 = pygame.KMOD_NONE def exit_image_display(self): """Exits the image display.""" self.clear_cal_display() def alert_printf(self, msg): """ Prints alert message. Arguments: msg -- The message to be played. """ print "eyelink_graphics.alert_printf(): %s" % msg def setup_image_display(self, width, height): """ Initializes the buffer that will contain the camera image. Arguments: width -- The width of the image. height -- The height of the image. """ self.size = width, height self.clear_cal_display() self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def image_title(self, text): """ Sets the current image title. Arguments: text -- An image title. """ while ": " in text: text = text.replace(": ", ":") self.title = text.split() def draw_image_line(self, width, line, totlines, buff): """ Draws a single eye video frame, line by line. Arguments: width -- Width of the video. line -- Line nr of current line. totlines -- Total lines in video. buff -- Frame buffer. imagesize -- The size of the image, which is (usually?) 192x160 px. """ # If the buffer hasn't been filled yet, add a line. for i in range(width): try: self.imagebuffer.append(self.pal[buff[i]]) except: pass # If the buffer is full, push it to the display. if line == totlines: self.scale = totlines / 320.0 self._size = int(self.scale * self.size[0]), int(self.scale * self.size[1]) # Convert the image buffer to a pygame image, save it ... self.cam_img = pygame.image.fromstring(self.imagebuffer.tostring(), self._size, "RGBX") if self.extra_info: self.draw_cross_hair() self.draw_title(), self.tmp_file) # ... and then show the image. self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_image(self.tmp_file, scale=1.5 / self.scale) self.display.fill(self.screen) # Clear the buffer for the next round! self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def set_image_palette(self, r, g, b): """ Sets the image palette. TODO: What this function actually does is highly mysterious. Figure it out! Arguments: r -- The red channel. g -- The green channel. b -- The blue channel. """ self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() self.clear_cal_display() sz = len(r) i = 0 self.pal = [] while i < sz: rf = int(b[i]) gf = int(g[i]) bf = int(r[i]) self.pal.append((rf << 16) | (gf << 8) | (bf)) i += 1
y = random.randint(1,DISPSIZE[1]-1) # set mouse position mouse.set_pos(pos=(x,y)) #mouse.get_pos() scr.clear() scr.draw_text("The dot should follow your mouse movements") disp.fill(scr) mouse.set_visible(visible=True) key = None while not key == 'space': # get new key key, presstime = kb.get_key(timeout=1) # new states mpos = mouse.get_pos() # draw to screen scr.clear() scr.draw_text("The dot should follow your mouse movements") scr.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', pos=mpos, pw=3, diameter=15) disp.fill(scr) mouse.set_visible(visible=False) scr.clear() #mouse.get_pressed() key = None while not key == 'space': # get new key key, presstime = kb.get_key(timeout=1) # new position
class Dummy(DumbDummy): """A dummy class to run experiments in dummy mode, where eye movements are simulated by the mouse""" def __init__(self, display): """Initiates an eyetracker dummy object, that simulates gaze position using the mouse arguments display -- a pygaze display.Display instance keyword arguments None """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, Dummy) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass self.recording = False self.blinking = False self.bbpos = (settings.DISPSIZE[0]/2, settings.DISPSIZE[1]/2) self.resolution = settings.DISPSIZE[:] self.simulator = Mouse(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousebuttonlist=None, timeout=2, visible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, keylist=None, timeout=None) self.angrybeep = Sound(osc='saw',freq=100, length=100, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.display = display self.screen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) def calibrate(self): """Dummy calibration""" print("Calibration would now take place") clock.pause(1000) def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """Dummy drift correction""" print("Drift correction would now take place") if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) if pos == None: pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2 # show mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) # show fixation dot self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) # perform drift check errdist = 60 # pixels (on a 1024x768px and 39.9x29.9cm monitor at 67 cm, this is about 2 degrees of visual angle) pressed = None while True: # check for keyboard input pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q','escape','space'], timeout=1) # quit key if pressed in ['q','escape']: # hide mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return False # space bar elif pressed == 'space': # get sample gazepos = self.sample() # sample is close enough to fixation dot if ((gazepos[0]-pos[0])**2 + (gazepos[1]-pos[1])**2)**0.5 < errdist: # hide mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return True # sample is NOT close enough to fixation dot else: # show discontent def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=30, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=10): """Dummy drift correction (fixation triggered)""" print("Drift correction (fixation triggered) would now take place") if pos == None: pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2 # show mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) # show fixation dot self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) while True: # loop until we have sufficient samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # pressing escape enters the calibration screen if self.kb.get_key(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=0)[0] != None: self.recording = False print("libeyetracker.libeyetracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): 'q' pressed") self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return False # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]: # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # collect samples else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) # check if samples are within max. deviation if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx) avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0]) ** 2 + (avg_y - pos[1]) ** 2)**0.5 if d < max_dev: self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return True else: lx = [] ly = [] def start_recording(self): """Dummy for starting recording, prints what would have been the recording start""" self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) dumrectime = clock.get_time() self.recording = True print(("Recording would have started at: " + str(dumrectime))) def stop_recording(self): """Dummy for stopping recording, prints what would have been the recording end""" self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) dumrectime = clock.get_time() self.recording = False print(("Recording would have stopped at: " + str(dumrectime))) def close(self): """Dummy for closing connection with eyetracker, prints what would have been connection closing time""" if self.recording: self.stop_recording() closetime = clock.get_time() print(("eyetracker connection would have closed at: " + str(closetime))) def pupil_size(self): """Returns dummy pupil size""" return 19 def sample(self): """Returns simulated gaze position (=mouse position)""" if self.blinking: if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttondown self.simulator.set_pos(pos=(self.bbpos[0],self.resolution[1])) # set position to blinking position elif not self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttonup self.simulator.set_pos(pos=self.bbpos) # set position to position before blinking self.blinking = False # 'blink' stopped elif not self.blinking: if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttondown self.blinking = True # 'blink' started self.bbpos = self.simulator.get_pos() # position before blinking self.simulator.set_pos(pos=(self.bbpos[0],self.resolution[1])) # set position to blinking position return self.simulator.get_pos() def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """Returns starting time and starting position when a simulated saccade is started""" # function assumes that a 'saccade' has been started when a deviation of more than # maxerr from the initial 'gaze' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse) spos = self.sample() # starting position maxerr = 3 # pixels while True: npos = self.sample() # get newest sample if ((spos[0]-npos[0])**2 + (spos[1]-npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr: # Pythagoras break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a simulated saccade is ended""" # function assumes that a 'saccade' has ended when 'gaze' position remains reasonably # (i.e.: within maxerr) stable for five samples # for saccade start algorithm, see wait_for_fixation_start stime, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() maxerr = 3 # pixels # wait for reasonably stable position xl = [] # list for last five samples (x coordinate) yl = [] # list for last five samples (y coordinate) moving = True while moving: # check positions npos = self.sample() xl.append(npos[0]) # add newest sample yl.append(npos[1]) # add newest sample if len(xl) == 5: # check if deviation is small enough if max(xl)-min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl)-min(yl) < maxerr: moving = False # remove oldest sample xl.pop(0); yl.pop(0) # wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves) clock.pause(10) return clock.get_time(), spos, (xl[len(xl)-1],yl[len(yl)-1]) def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """Returns starting time and position when a simulated fixation is started""" # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when 'gaze' position remains reasonably # stable for five samples in a row (same as saccade end) maxerr = 3 # pixels # wait for reasonably stable position xl = [] # list for last five samples (x coordinate) yl = [] # list for last five samples (y coordinate) moving = True while moving: npos = self.sample() xl.append(npos[0]) # add newest sample yl.append(npos[1]) # add newest sample if len(xl) == 5: # check if deviation is small enough if max(xl)-min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl)-min(yl) < maxerr: moving = False # remove oldest sample xl.pop(0); yl.pop(0) # wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves) clock.pause(10) return clock.get_time(), (xl[len(xl)-1],yl[len(yl)-1]) def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """Returns time and gaze position when a simulated fixation is ended""" # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than maxerr # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse) stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() maxerr = 3 # pixels while True: npos = self.sample() # get newest sample if ((spos[0]-npos[0])**2 + (spos[1]-npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr: # Pythagoras break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_blink_start(self): """Returns starting time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttondown)""" # blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing # of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening. while not self.blinking: pos = self.sample() return clock.get_time(), pos def wait_for_blink_end(self): """Returns ending time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttonup)""" # blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing # of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening. # wait for blink start while not self.blinking: spos = self.sample() # wait for blink end while self.blinking: epos = self.sample() return clock.get_time(), epos def set_draw_drift_correction_target_func(self, func): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.draw_drift_correction_target = func # *** # # Internal functions below # # *** def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y): """ Draws the drift-correction target. arguments x -- The X coordinate y -- The Y coordinate """ self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=settings.FGC, \ pos=(x,y), pw=0, diameter=12) self.display.fill(self.screen)
y = random.randint(1, DISPSIZE[1] - 1) # set mouse position mouse.set_pos(pos=(x, y)) #mouse.get_pos() scr.clear() scr.draw_text("The dot should follow your mouse movements") disp.fill(scr) mouse.set_visible(visible=True) key = None while not key == 'space': # get new key key, presstime = kb.get_key(timeout=1) # new states mpos = mouse.get_pos() # draw to screen scr.clear() scr.draw_text("The dot should follow your mouse movements") scr.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', pos=mpos, pw=3, diameter=15) disp.fill(scr) mouse.set_visible(visible=False) scr.clear() #mouse.get_pressed() key = None while not key == 'space': # get new key key, presstime = kb.get_key(timeout=1) # new position
class Dummy(DumbDummy): """A dummy class to run experiments in dummy mode, where eye movements are simulated by the mouse""" def __init__(self, display): """Initiates an eyetracker dummy object, that simulates gaze position using the mouse arguments display -- a pygaze display.Display instance keyword arguments None """ # try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do # not need it for actual functioning of the code) try: copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, Dummy) except: # we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied # docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs # in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost pass self.recording = False self.blinking = False self.bbpos = (settings.DISPSIZE[0]/2, settings.DISPSIZE[1]/2) self.resolution = settings.DISPSIZE[:] self.simulator = Mouse(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousebuttonlist=None, timeout=2, visible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, keylist=None, timeout=None) self.angrybeep = Sound(osc='saw',freq=100, length=100, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.display = display self.screen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) def calibrate(self): """Dummy calibration""" print("Calibration would now take place") clock.pause(1000) def drift_correction(self, pos=None, fix_triggered=False): """Dummy drift correction""" print("Drift correction would now take place") if fix_triggered: return self.fix_triggered_drift_correction(pos) if pos == None: pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2 # show mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) # show fixation dot self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) # perform drift check errdist = 60 # pixels (on a 1024x768px and 39.9x29.9cm monitor at 67 cm, this is about 2 degrees of visual angle) pressed = None while True: # check for keyboard input pressed, presstime = self.kb.get_key(keylist=['q','escape','space'], timeout=1) # quit key if pressed in ['q','escape']: # hide mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return False # space bar elif pressed == 'space': # get sample gazepos = self.sample() # sample is close enough to fixation dot if ((gazepos[0]-pos[0])**2 + (gazepos[1]-pos[1])**2)**0.5 < errdist: # hide mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return True # sample is NOT close enough to fixation dot else: # show discontent def fix_triggered_drift_correction(self, pos=None, min_samples=30, max_dev=60, reset_threshold=10): """Dummy drift correction (fixation triggered)""" print("Drift correction (fixation triggered) would now take place") if pos == None: pos = settings.DISPSIZE[0] / 2, settings.DISPSIZE[1] / 2 # show mouse self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) # show fixation dot self.draw_drift_correction_target(pos[0], pos[1]) while True: # loop until we have sufficient samples lx = [] ly = [] while len(lx) < min_samples: # pressing escape enters the calibration screen if self.kb.get_key(keylist=["escape", "q"], timeout=0)[0] != None: self.recording = False print("libeyetracker.libeyetracker.fix_triggered_drift_correction(): 'q' pressed") self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return False # collect a sample x, y = self.sample() if len(lx) == 0 or x != lx[-1] or y != ly[-1]: # if present sample deviates too much from previous sample, reset counting if len(lx) > 0 and (abs(x - lx[-1]) > reset_threshold or abs(y - ly[-1]) > reset_threshold): lx = [] ly = [] # collect samples else: lx.append(x) ly.append(y) # check if samples are within max. deviation if len(lx) == min_samples: avg_x = sum(lx) / len(lx) avg_y = sum(ly) / len(ly) d = ((avg_x - pos[0]) ** 2 + (avg_y - pos[1]) ** 2)**0.5 if d < max_dev: self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) return True else: lx = [] ly = [] def start_recording(self): """Dummy for starting recording, prints what would have been the recording start""" self.simulator.set_visible(visible=True) dumrectime = clock.get_time() self.recording = True print("Recording would have started at: " + str(dumrectime)) def stop_recording(self): """Dummy for stopping recording, prints what would have been the recording end""" self.simulator.set_visible(visible=False) dumrectime = clock.get_time() self.recording = False print("Recording would have stopped at: " + str(dumrectime)) def close(self): """Dummy for closing connection with eyetracker, prints what would have been connection closing time""" if self.recording: self.stop_recording() closetime = clock.get_time() print("eyetracker connection would have closed at: " + str(closetime)) def pupil_size(self): """Returns dummy pupil size""" return 19 def sample(self): """Returns simulated gaze position (=mouse position)""" if self.blinking: if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttondown self.simulator.set_pos(pos=(self.bbpos[0],self.resolution[1])) # set position to blinking position elif not self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttonup self.simulator.set_pos(pos=self.bbpos) # set position to position before blinking self.blinking = False # 'blink' stopped elif not self.blinking: if self.simulator.get_pressed()[2]: # buttondown self.blinking = True # 'blink' started self.bbpos = self.simulator.get_pos() # position before blinking self.simulator.set_pos(pos=(self.bbpos[0],self.resolution[1])) # set position to blinking position return self.simulator.get_pos() def wait_for_saccade_start(self): """Returns starting time and starting position when a simulated saccade is started""" # function assumes that a 'saccade' has been started when a deviation of more than # maxerr from the initial 'gaze' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse) spos = self.sample() # starting position maxerr = 3 # pixels while True: npos = self.sample() # get newest sample if ((spos[0]-npos[0])**2 + (spos[1]-npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr: # Pythagoras break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_saccade_end(self): """Returns ending time, starting and end position when a simulated saccade is ended""" # function assumes that a 'saccade' has ended when 'gaze' position remains reasonably # (i.e.: within maxerr) stable for five samples # for saccade start algorithm, see wait_for_fixation_start stime, spos = self.wait_for_saccade_start() maxerr = 3 # pixels # wait for reasonably stable position xl = [] # list for last five samples (x coordinate) yl = [] # list for last five samples (y coordinate) moving = True while moving: # check positions npos = self.sample() xl.append(npos[0]) # add newest sample yl.append(npos[1]) # add newest sample if len(xl) == 5: # check if deviation is small enough if max(xl)-min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl)-min(yl) < maxerr: moving = False # remove oldest sample xl.pop(0); yl.pop(0) # wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves) clock.pause(10) return clock.get_time(), spos, (xl[len(xl)-1],yl[len(yl)-1]) def wait_for_fixation_start(self): """Returns starting time and position when a simulated fixation is started""" # function assumes a 'fixation' has started when 'gaze' position remains reasonably # stable for five samples in a row (same as saccade end) maxerr = 3 # pixels # wait for reasonably stable position xl = [] # list for last five samples (x coordinate) yl = [] # list for last five samples (y coordinate) moving = True while moving: npos = self.sample() xl.append(npos[0]) # add newest sample yl.append(npos[1]) # add newest sample if len(xl) == 5: # check if deviation is small enough if max(xl)-min(xl) < maxerr and max(yl)-min(yl) < maxerr: moving = False # remove oldest sample xl.pop(0); yl.pop(0) # wait for a bit, to avoid immediately returning (runs go faster than mouse moves) clock.pause(10) return clock.get_time(), (xl[len(xl)-1],yl[len(yl)-1]) def wait_for_fixation_end(self): """Returns time and gaze position when a simulated fixation is ended""" # function assumes that a 'fixation' has ended when a deviation of more than maxerr # from the initial 'fixation' position has been detected (using Pythagoras, ofcourse) stime, spos = self.wait_for_fixation_start() maxerr = 3 # pixels while True: npos = self.sample() # get newest sample if ((spos[0]-npos[0])**2 + (spos[1]-npos[1])**2)**0.5 > maxerr: # Pythagoras break return clock.get_time(), spos def wait_for_blink_start(self): """Returns starting time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttondown)""" # blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing # of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening. while not self.blinking: pos = self.sample() return clock.get_time(), pos def wait_for_blink_end(self): """Returns ending time and position of a simulated blink (mousebuttonup)""" # blinks are simulated with mouseclicks: a right mouseclick simulates the closing # of the eyes, a mousebuttonup the opening. # wait for blink start while not self.blinking: spos = self.sample() # wait for blink end while self.blinking: epos = self.sample() return clock.get_time(), epos def set_draw_drift_correction_target_func(self, func): """See pygaze._eyetracker.baseeyetracker.BaseEyeTracker""" self.draw_drift_correction_target = func # *** # # Internal functions below # # *** def draw_drift_correction_target(self, x, y): """ Draws the drift-correction target. arguments x -- The X coordinate y -- The Y coordinate """ self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', colour=settings.FGC, \ pos=(x,y), pw=0, diameter=12) self.display.fill(self.screen)
class EyelinkGraphics(custom_display): """ Implements the EyeLink graphics that are shown on the experimental PC, such as the camera image, and the calibration dots. This class only implements the drawing operations, and little to no of the logic behind the set-up, which is implemented in PyLink. """ def __init__(self, libeyelink, tracker): """ Constructor. Arguments: libeyelink -- A libeyelink object. tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ pylink.EyeLinkCustomDisplay.__init__(self) # objects self.libeyelink = libeyelink self.display = libeyelink.display self.screen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=None, timeout=1) self.mouse = Mouse(timeout=1) # If we are using a DISPTYPE that cannot be used directly, we have to # save the camera image to a temporary file on each frame. #if DISPTYPE not in ('pygame', 'psychopy'): import tempfile import os self.tmp_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "__eyelink__.jpg") # drawing properties self.xc = self.display.dispsize[0] / 2 self.yc = self.display.dispsize[1] / 2 self.extra_info = True self.ld = 40 # line distance self.fontsize = libeyelink.fontsize self.title = "" self.display_open = True self.draw_menu_screen() # A crosshair is drawn onto the eye image. This should be scaled in # pylink (tested on Python 2.7) but not on pylink # (tested on Python 3.6). I'm not sure when this change happened, so # it's quite likely we'll have to update the minor version used here. pl_version = pylink.__version__.split(".") if int(pl_version[0]) > 1 or int(pl_version[1]) >= 11: self.scale_lines_in_eye_image = False else: self.scale_lines_in_eye_image = True # Beeps self.__target_beep__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=440, length=50, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__done__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=880, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) self.__target_beep__error__ = Sound(osc="sine", freq=220, length=200, attack=0, decay=0, soundfile=None) # Colors self.color = { pylink.CR_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color("white"), pylink.PUPIL_HAIR_COLOR: pygame.Color("white"), pylink.PUPIL_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color("green"), pylink.SEARCH_LIMIT_BOX_COLOR: pygame.Color("red"), pylink.MOUSE_CURSOR_COLOR: pygame.Color("red"), 'font': pygame.Color("white"), } # Font pygame.font.init() self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier New", 11) # further properties self.state = None self.pal = None self.size = (0, 0) self.set_tracker(tracker) self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.bit64 = "64bit" in platform.architecture() self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def draw_menu_screen(self): """ desc: Draws the menu screen. """ self.menuscreen = Screen(disptype=settings.DISPTYPE, mousevisible=False) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Eyelink calibration menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 6 * self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=int(2 * self.fontsize), antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="{} (pygaze {}, pylink {})".format( \ self.libeyelink.eyelink_model, pygaze.version, pylink.__version__), pos=(self.xc,self.yc-5*self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=int(.8*self.fontsize), antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press C to calibrate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 3 * self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press V to validate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 2 * self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press A to auto-threshold", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 1 * self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="Press I to toggle extra info in camera image", pos=(self.xc, self.yc - 0 * self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Enter to show camera image", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 1 * self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text( text="(then change between images using the arrow keys)", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 2 * self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Escape to abort experiment", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 4 * self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.menuscreen.draw_text(text="Press Q to exit menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc + 5 * self.ld), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) def close(self): """ Is called when the connection and display are shutting down. """ self.display_open = False def new_array(self): """ Creates a new array with a system-specific format. Returns: An array. """ # On 64 bit Linux, we need to use an unsigned int data format. # < # sending-eye-image-to-display-PC&highlight=ubuntu+pylink> if == 'posix' and self.bit64: return array.array('I') return array.array('L') def set_tracker(self, tracker): """ Connects the tracker to the graphics environment. Arguments: tracker -- An tracker object as returned by pylink.EyeLink(). """ self.tracker = tracker self.tracker_version = tracker.getTrackerVersion() if self.tracker_version >= 3: self.tracker.sendCommand("enable_search_limits=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("track_search_limits=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("autothreshold_click=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("autothreshold_repeat=YES") self.tracker.sendCommand("enable_camera_position_detect=YES") def setup_cal_display(self): """ Sets up the initial calibration display, which contains a menu with instructions. """ # show instructions self.display.fill(self.menuscreen) def exit_cal_display(self): """Exits calibration display.""" self.clear_cal_display() def record_abort_hide(self): """TODO: What does this do?""" pass def clear_cal_display(self): """Clears the calibration display""" self.display.fill() def erase_cal_target(self): """TODO: What does this do?""" self.clear_cal_display() def draw_cal_target(self, x, y): """ Draws calibration target. Arguments: x -- The X coordinate of the target. y -- The Y coordinate of the target. """ self.play_beep(pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP) self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_fixation(fixtype='dot', pos=(x, y)) self.display.fill(screen=self.screen) def play_beep(self, beepid): """ Plays a sound. Arguments: beepid -- A number that identifies the sound. """ if beepid == pylink.CAL_TARG_BEEP: # For some reason, playing the beep here doesn't work, so we have # to play it when the calibration target is drawn. if settings.EYELINKCALBEEP: elif beepid == pylink.CAL_ERR_BEEP or beepid == pylink.DC_ERR_BEEP: # show a picture self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_text( text="calibration lost, press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) self.display.fill(self.screen) # play beep if settings.EYELINKCALBEEP: elif beepid == pylink.CAL_GOOD_BEEP: self.screen.clear() if self.state == "calibration": self.screen.draw_text( text="Calibration succesfull, press 'v' to validate", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) elif self.state == "validation": self.screen.draw_text( text= "Validation succesfull, press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) else: self.screen.draw_text(text="Press 'Enter' to return to menu", pos=(self.xc, self.yc), center=True, font='mono', fontsize=self.fontsize, antialias=True) # show screen self.display.fill(self.screen) # play beep if settings.EYELINKCALBEEP: else: # DC_GOOD_BEEP or DC_TARG_BEEP pass def draw_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorindex): """ Unlike the function name suggests, this draws a single pixel. I.e. the end coordinates are always exactly one pixel away from the start coordinates. Arguments: x1 -- The starting x. y1 -- The starting y. x2 -- The end x. y2 -- The end y. colorIndex -- A color index. """ if self.scale_lines_in_eye_image: x1 = int(self.scale * x1) y1 = int(self.scale * y1) x2 = int(self.scale * x2) y2 = int(self.scale * y2) pygame.draw.line(self.cam_img, self.color[colorindex], (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) def draw_lozenge(self, x, y, w, h, colorindex): """ desc: Draws a rectangle. arguments: x: desc: X coordinate. type: int y: desc: Y coordinate. type: int w: desc: A width. type: int h: desc: A height. type: int colorindex: desc: A colorindex. type: int """ if self.scale_lines_in_eye_image: x = int(self.scale * x) y = int(self.scale * y) w = int(self.scale * w) h = int(self.scale * h) pygame.draw.rect(self.cam_img, self.color[colorindex], (x, y, w, h), 2) def draw_title(self): """ desc: Draws title info. """ y = 0 for line in self.title: surf = self.font.render(line, 0, self.color['font']) self.cam_img.blit(surf, (1, y)) y += 12 def get_mouse_state(self): """ desc: Gets the mouse position and state. returns: desc: A (pos, state) tuple. type: tuple. """ button, pos, time = self.mouse.get_clicked() if button == None: button = -1 if pos == None: pos = self.mouse.get_pos() return pos, button def get_input_key(self): """ Gets an input key. Returns: A list containing a single pylink key identifier. """ # Don't try to collect key presses when the display is no longer # available. This is necessary, because pylink polls key presses during # file transfer, which generally occurs after the display has been # closed. if not self.display_open: return None try: key, time = self.kb.get_key(keylist=None, timeout='default') except: self.esc_pressed = True key = 'q' if key == None: return None # Escape functions as a 'q' with the additional esc_pressed flag if key == 'escape': key = 'q' self.esc_pressed = True # Process regular keys if key == "return": keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY self.state = None elif key == "space": keycode = ord(" ") elif key == "q": keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY self.state = None elif key == "c": keycode = ord("c") self.state = "calibration" elif key == "v": keycode = ord("v") self.state = "validation" elif key == "a": keycode = ord("a") elif key == "i": self.extra_info = not self.extra_info keycode = 0 elif key == "up": keycode = pylink.CURS_UP elif key == "down": keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN elif key == "left": keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT elif key == "right": keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT else: keycode = 0 # Convert key to PyLink keycode and return return [pylink.KeyInput(keycode, 0)] # 0 = pygame.KMOD_NONE def exit_image_display(self): """Exits the image display.""" self.clear_cal_display() def alert_printf(self, msg): """ Prints alert message. Arguments: msg -- The message to be played. """ print("eyelink_graphics.alert_printf(): {}".format(msg)) def setup_image_display(self, width, height): """ Initializes the buffer that will contain the camera image. Arguments: width -- The width of the image. height -- The height of the image. """ self.size = width, height self.clear_cal_display() self.last_mouse_state = -1 self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def image_title(self, text): """ Sets the current image title. Arguments: text -- An image title. """ while ': ' in text: text = text.replace(': ', ':') self.title = text.split() def draw_image_line(self, width, line, totlines, buff): """ Draws a single eye video frame, line by line. Arguments: width -- Width of the video. line -- Line nr of current line. totlines -- Total lines in video. buff -- Frame buffer. imagesize -- The size of the image, which is (usually?) 192x160 px. """ # If the buffer hasn't been filled yet, add a line. for i in range(width): try: self.imagebuffer.append(self.pal[buff[i]]) except: pass # If the buffer is full, push it to the display. if line == totlines: self.scale = totlines / 320.0 self._size = int(self.scale * self.size[0]), int(self.scale * self.size[1]) # Convert the image buffer to a pygame image, save it ... try: # This is based on PyLink >= 1.1 self.cam_img = pygame.image.fromstring( self.imagebuffer.tostring(), self._size, 'RGBX') except ValueError: # This is for PyLink <= 1.0. This try ... except construction # is a hack. It would be better to understand the difference # between these two versions. try: self.cam_img = pygame.image.fromstring( self.imagebuffer.tostring(), self.size, 'RGBX') self.scale = 1.0 # In some cases, the conversion fails because the imagebuffer # is too long to begin with. Therefore, we need to make sure # that it's cleared. except ValueError: print( 'EyelinkGraphics.draw_image_line(): clearing invalid imagebuffer' ) self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() return if self.extra_info: self.draw_cross_hair() self.draw_title(), self.tmp_file) # ... and then show the image. self.screen.clear() self.screen.draw_image(self.tmp_file, scale=1.5 / self.scale) self.display.fill(self.screen) # Clear the buffer for the next round! self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() def set_image_palette(self, r, g, b): """ Sets the image palette. TODO: What this function actually does is highly mysterious. Figure it out! Arguments: r -- The red channel. g -- The green channel. b -- The blue channel. """ self.imagebuffer = self.new_array() self.clear_cal_display() sz = len(r) i = 0 self.pal = [] while i < sz: rf = int(b[i]) gf = int(g[i]) bf = int(r[i]) self.pal.append((rf << 16) | (gf << 8) | (bf)) i += 1