Exemple #1
 def Mode(self):
     # type: (...) -> AnyStr
     """Get simulation mode."""
     if self._mode != '':
         return self._mode.upper()
     mode_dict = self.filein_tab.find_one({ModelCfgFields.tag: FieldNames.mode})
     self._mode = mode_dict[ModelCfgFields.value]
     if is_string(self._mode):
         self._mode = str(self._mode)
     return self._mode.upper()
Exemple #2
    def mask_raster(in_raster, mask, out_raster):
        Mask raster data.
            in_raster: list or one raster
            mask: Mask raster data
            out_raster: list or one raster

        if is_string(in_raster) and is_string(out_raster):
            in_raster = [str(in_raster)]
            out_raster = [str(out_raster)]
        if len(in_raster) != len(out_raster):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'input raster and output raster must have the same size.')

        maskr = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(mask)
        rows = maskr.nRows
        cols = maskr.nCols
        maskdata = maskr.data
        temp = maskdata == maskr.noDataValue
        for inr, outr in zip(in_raster, out_raster):
            origin = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(inr)
            if origin.nRows == rows and origin.nCols == cols:
                masked = numpy.where(temp, origin.noDataValue, origin.data)
                masked = numpy.ones((rows, cols)) * origin.noDataValue
                # TODO, the following loop should be optimized by numpy or numba
                for i in range(rows):
                    for j in range(cols):
                        if maskdata[i][j] == maskr.noDataValue:
                        # get the center point coordinate of current cell
                        tempx, tempy = maskr.get_central_coors(i, j)
                        tempv = origin.get_value_by_xy(tempx, tempy)
                        if tempv is None:
                        masked[i][j] = tempv
            RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(outr, maskr.nRows, maskr.nCols,
                                             masked, maskr.geotrans, maskr.srs,
Exemple #3
    def mask_raster(in_raster, mask, out_raster):
        Mask raster data.
            in_raster: list or one raster
            mask: Mask raster data
            out_raster: list or one raster

        if is_string(in_raster) and is_string(out_raster):
            in_raster = [str(in_raster)]
            out_raster = [str(out_raster)]
        if len(in_raster) != len(out_raster):
            raise RuntimeError('input raster and output raster must have the same size.')

        maskr = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(mask)
        rows = maskr.nRows
        cols = maskr.nCols
        maskdata = maskr.data
        temp = maskdata == maskr.noDataValue
        for inr, outr in zip(in_raster, out_raster):
            origin = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(inr)
            if origin.nRows == rows and origin.nCols == cols:
                masked = numpy.where(temp, origin.noDataValue, origin.data)
                masked = numpy.ones((rows, cols)) * origin.noDataValue
                # TODO, the following loop should be optimized by numpy or numba
                for i in range(rows):
                    for j in range(cols):
                        if maskdata[i][j] == maskr.noDataValue:
                        # get the center point coordinate of current cell
                        tempx, tempy = maskr.get_central_coors(i, j)
                        tempv = origin.get_value_by_xy(tempx, tempy)
                        if tempv is None:
                        masked[i][j] = tempv
            RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(outr, maskr.nRows, maskr.nCols, masked,
                                             maskr.geotrans, maskr.srs,
                                             origin.noDataValue, origin.dataType)
Exemple #4
    def raster_dilation(rasterfile):
        """Dilate the raster image.

         Find the max pixel's value in 8-neighborhood. Then change the compute
         pixel's value into the max pixel's value.

            rasterfile: input original raster image, type can be filename(string,
            like "test1.tif"), rasterfile(class Raster) or numpy.ndarray.

            dilation_raster: raster image after dilation, type is numpy.ndarray.
        if is_string(rasterfile):
            origin_raster = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(str(rasterfile))
        elif isinstance(rasterfile, Raster):
            origin_raster = rasterfile.data
        elif isinstance(rasterfile, numpy.ndarray):
            origin_raster = rasterfile
            return 'Your rasterfile has a wrong type. Type must be string or ' \
                   'numpy.array or class Raster in pygeoc.'
        min_value_raster = origin_raster.min()
        dilation_raster = numpy.zeros(
            (origin_raster.shape[0], origin_raster.shape[1]))
        # In order to compute the raster edges, we need to expand the original
        # raster's rows and cols. We need to add the edges whose pixels' value is
        # the max pixel's value in raster.
        add_row = numpy.full((1, origin_raster.shape[1]), min_value_raster)
        temp_origin_raster = numpy.vstack((numpy.vstack(
            (add_row, origin_raster)), add_row))
        add_col = numpy.full((origin_raster.shape[0] + 2, 1), min_value_raster)
        expand_origin_raster = numpy.hstack((numpy.hstack(
            (add_col, temp_origin_raster)), add_col))
        # Dilate the raster.
        for i in range(origin_raster.shape[0]):
            for j in range(origin_raster.shape[1]):
                max_pixel_value = min_value_raster
                # Find the max pixel value in the 8-neighborhood.
                for k in range(3):
                    for l in range(3):
                        if expand_origin_raster[i + k,
                                                j + l] >= max_pixel_value:
                            max_pixel_value = expand_origin_raster[i + k,
                                                                   j + l]
                            # After this loop, we get the max pixel's value of the
                            # 8-neighborhood. Then we change the compute pixel's value into
                            # the max pixel's value.
                    dilation_raster[i, j] = max_pixel_value
        # Return the result.
        return dilation_raster
Exemple #5
    def raster_dilation(rasterfile):
        """Dilate the raster image.

         Find the max pixel's value in 8-neighborhood. Then change the compute
         pixel's value into the max pixel's value.

            rasterfile: input original raster image, type can be filename(string,
            like "test1.tif"), rasterfile(class Raster) or numpy.ndarray.

            dilation_raster: raster image after dilation, type is numpy.ndarray.
        if is_string(rasterfile):
            origin_raster = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(str(rasterfile))
        elif isinstance(rasterfile, Raster):
            origin_raster = rasterfile.data
        elif isinstance(rasterfile, numpy.ndarray):
            origin_raster = rasterfile
            return 'Your rasterfile has a wrong type. Type must be string or ' \
                   'numpy.array or class Raster in pygeoc.'
        min_value_raster = origin_raster.min()
        dilation_raster = numpy.zeros((origin_raster.shape[0], origin_raster.shape[1]))
        # In order to compute the raster edges, we need to expand the original
        # raster's rows and cols. We need to add the edges whose pixels' value is
        # the max pixel's value in raster.
        add_row = numpy.full((1, origin_raster.shape[1]), min_value_raster)
        temp_origin_raster = numpy.vstack((numpy.vstack((add_row, origin_raster)), add_row))
        add_col = numpy.full((origin_raster.shape[0] + 2, 1), min_value_raster)
        expand_origin_raster = numpy.hstack((numpy.hstack((add_col, temp_origin_raster)), add_col))
        # Dilate the raster.
        for i in range(origin_raster.shape[0]):
            for j in range(origin_raster.shape[1]):
                max_pixel_value = min_value_raster
                # Find the max pixel value in the 8-neighborhood.
                for k in range(3):
                    for l in range(3):
                        if expand_origin_raster[i + k, j + l] >= max_pixel_value:
                            max_pixel_value = expand_origin_raster[i + k, j + l]
                            # After this loop, we get the max pixel's value of the
                            # 8-neighborhood. Then we change the compute pixel's value into
                            # the max pixel's value.
                    dilation_raster[i, j] = max_pixel_value
        # Return the result.
        return dilation_raster
Exemple #6
    def export_landuse_lookup_files_from_mongodb(cfg, maindb):
        """export landuse lookup tables to txt file from MongoDB."""
        lookup_dir = cfg.dirs.lookup
        property_namelist = ModelParamDataUtils.landuse_fields
        property_map = dict()
        query_result = maindb['LANDUSELOOKUP'].find()
        if query_result is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'LanduseLoop Collection is not existed or empty!')
        count = 0
        for row in query_result:
            # print(row)
            value_map = dict()
            for i, p_name in enumerate(property_namelist):
                if StringClass.string_match(p_name, 'USLE_P'):
                    # Currently, USLE_P is set as 1 for all landuse.
                    value_map[p_name] = 1
                    # I do not know why manning * 10 here. Just uncommented now. lj
                    # if StringClass.string_match(p_name, "Manning"):
                    #     value_map[p_name] = row.get(p_name) * 10
                    # else:
                    v = row.get(p_name)
                    if is_string(v):
                        v = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(
                    value_map[p_name] = v
            count += 1
            property_map[count] = value_map

        n = len(property_map)
        for propertyName in property_namelist:
            with open('%s/%s.txt' % (
                      encoding='utf-8') as f:
                f.write('%d\n' % n)
                for prop_id in property_map:
                    s = '%d %f\n' % (int(property_map[prop_id]['LANDUSE_ID']),
                    f.write('%s' % s)
Exemple #7
 def get_suitable_bmps(self, types='LANDUSE'):
     # type: (Union[AnyStr, List[AnyStr]]) -> None
     """Construct the suitable BMPs for each slope position."""
     if is_string(types):
         types = [types]
     for bid, bdict in self.bmps_params.items():
         for type in types:
             if type not in bdict:
             if type not in self.suit_bmps:
                 self.suit_bmps.setdefault(type, dict())
             suitsp = bdict[type]
             for sp in suitsp:
                 if sp not in self.suit_bmps[type]:
                     self.suit_bmps[type][sp] = [bid]
                 elif bid not in self.suit_bmps[type][sp]:
         if 'EFFECTIVENESS' in bdict:
             self.bmps_grade[bid] = bdict['EFFECTIVENESS']
Exemple #8
def ReadRasterFromMongoDB(ip, port, db_name, gfsname, gfilename):
    client = ConnectMongoDB(ip, port)
    conn = client.get_conn()
    maindb = conn[db_name]
    spatial_gfs = GridFS(maindb, gfsname)
    if not spatial_gfs.exists(filename=gfilename):
        raise ValueError('WARNING: %s is not existed in %s:%s!' %
                         (gfilename, db_name, gfsname))
        gfsdata = maindb[DBTableNames.gridfs_spatial].files.find(
            {'filename': gfilename}, no_cursor_timeout=True)[0]
    except NetworkTimeout or Exception:
        # In case of unexpected raise
        return None

    ysize = int(gfsdata['metadata'][RasterMetadata.nrows])
    xsize = int(gfsdata['metadata'][RasterMetadata.ncols])
    xll = gfsdata['metadata'][RasterMetadata.xll]
    yll = gfsdata['metadata'][RasterMetadata.yll]
    cellsize = gfsdata['metadata'][RasterMetadata.cellsize]
    nodata = gfsdata['metadata'][RasterMetadata.nodata]
    srs = gfsdata['metadata'][RasterMetadata.srs]
    if is_string(srs):
        srs = str(srs)
    srs = osr.GetUserInputAsWKT(srs)
    geotransform = [0] * 6
    geotransform[0] = xll - 0.5 * cellsize
    geotransform[1] = cellsize
    geotransform[3] = yll + (ysize - 0.5) * cellsize  # yMax
    geotransform[5] = -cellsize

    array_data = spatial_gfs.get(gfsdata['_id'])
    total_len = xsize * ysize
    fmt = '%df' % (total_len, )
    array_data = unpack(fmt, array_data.read())
    array_data = numpy.reshape(array_data, (ysize, xsize))
    return Raster(ysize, xsize, array_data, nodata, geotransform, srs)
Exemple #9
    def ogrwkt2shapely(input_shape, id_field):
        """Return shape objects list and ids list"""
        # Because shapely is dependent on sqlite, and the version is not consistent
        #    with GDAL executable (e.g., located in C:\GDAL_x64\bin), thus the shapely
        #    must be locally imported here.
        from shapely.wkt import loads as shapely_loads
        shapely_objects = list()
        shape_area = list()
        id_list = list()
        # print(input_shape)
        shp = ogr_Open(input_shape)
        if shp is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'The input ESRI Shapefile: %s is not existed or has '
                'no read permission!' % input_shape)
        lyr = shp.GetLayer()

        for n in range(0, lyr.GetFeatureCount()):
            feat = lyr.GetFeature(n)
            # This function may print Failed `CDLL(/opt/local/lib/libgeos_c.dylib)` in macOS
            # Don't worry about that!
            wkt_feat = shapely_loads(feat.geometry().ExportToWkt())
            if is_string(id_field):
                id_field = str(id_field)
            id_index = feat.GetFieldIndex(id_field)
            fldid = feat.GetField(id_index)
            if fldid not in id_list:
            else:  # if multipolygon, take the polygon part with largest area.
                exist_id_idx = id_list.index(fldid)
                if shape_area[exist_id_idx] < wkt_feat.area:
                    shape_area[exist_id_idx] = wkt_feat.area
                    shapely_objects[exist_id_idx] = wkt_feat
        return shapely_objects, id_list
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, cf):
        # 1. Directories
        self.base_dir = None
        self.clim_dir = None
        self.spatial_dir = None
        self.observe_dir = None
        self.scenario_dir = None
        self.model_dir = None
        self.txt_db_dir = None
        self.preproc_script_dir = None
        self.seims_bin = None
        self.mpi_bin = None
        self.workspace = None
        # 1.1. Directory determined flags
        self.use_observed = True
        self.use_scernario = True
        # 2. MongoDB configuration and database, collation, GridFS names
        self.hostname = ''  # localhost by default
        self.port = 27017
        self.climate_db = ''
        self.bmp_scenario_db = ''
        self.spatial_db = ''
        # 3. Climate inputs
        self.hydro_climate_vars = None
        self.prec_sites = None
        self.prec_data = None
        self.Meteo_sites = None
        self.Meteo_data = None
        self.thiessen_field = 'ID'
        # 4. Spatial inputs
        self.prec_sites_thiessen = None
        self.meteo_sites_thiessen = None
        self.dem = None
        self.outlet_file = None
        self.landuse = None
        self.landcover_init_param = None
        self.soil = None
        self.soil_property = None
        self.fields_partition = False
        self.fields_partition_thresh = list()
        self.additional_rs = dict()
        # 5. Option parameters
        self.d8acc_threshold = 0
        self.np = 4
        self.d8down_method = 's'
        self.dorm_hr = -1.
        self.temp_base = 0.
        self.imper_perc_in_urban = 0.
        self.default_landuse = -1
        self.default_soil = -1
        # 1. Directories
        if 'PATH' in cf.sections():
            self.base_dir = cf.get('PATH', 'base_data_dir')
            self.clim_dir = cf.get('PATH', 'climate_data_dir')
            self.spatial_dir = cf.get('PATH', 'spatial_data_dir')
            self.observe_dir = cf.get('PATH', 'measurement_data_dir')
            self.scenario_dir = cf.get('PATH', 'bmp_data_dir')
            self.model_dir = cf.get('PATH', 'model_dir')
            self.txt_db_dir = cf.get('PATH', 'txt_db_dir')
            self.preproc_script_dir = cf.get('PATH', 'preproc_script_dir')
            self.seims_bin = cf.get('PATH', 'cpp_program_dir')
            self.mpi_bin = cf.get('PATH', 'mpiexec_dir')
            self.workspace = cf.get('PATH', 'working_dir')
            raise ValueError('[PATH] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.')
        if not (FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.base_dir)
                and FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.model_dir)
                and FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.txt_db_dir)
                and FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.preproc_script_dir)
                and FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.seims_bin)):
            raise IOError(
                'Please Check Directories defined in [PATH]. '
                'and CPP_PROGRAM_DIR are required!')
        if not FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.mpi_bin):
            self.mpi_bin = None
        if not FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.workspace):
            try:  # first try to make dirs
                # os.mkdir(self.workspace)
            except OSError as exc:
                self.workspace = self.model_dir + os.path.sep + 'preprocess_output'
                print('WARNING: Make WORKING_DIR failed! Use the default: %s' %
                if not os.path.exists(self.workspace):

        self.dirs = DirNameUtils(self.workspace)
        self.logs = LogNameUtils(self.dirs.log)
        self.vecs = VectorNameUtils(self.dirs.geoshp)
        self.taudems = TauDEMFilesUtils(self.dirs.taudem)
        self.spatials = SpatialNamesUtils(self.dirs.geodata2db)
        self.modelcfgs = ModelCfgUtils(self.model_dir)
        self.paramcfgs = ModelParamDataUtils(self.preproc_script_dir +
                                             os.path.sep + 'database')

        if not FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.clim_dir):
                'The CLIMATE_DATA_DIR is not existed, try the default folder name "climate".'
            self.clim_dir = self.base_dir + os.path.sep + 'climate'
            if not FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.clim_dir):
                raise IOError(
                    'Directories named "climate" MUST BE located in [base_dir]!'

        if not FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.spatial_dir):
                'The SPATIAL_DATA_DIR is not existed, try the default folder name "spatial".'
            self.spatial_dir = self.base_dir + os.path.sep + 'spatial'
            raise IOError(
                'Directories named "spatial" MUST BE located in [base_dir]!')

        if not FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.observe_dir):
            self.observe_dir = None
            self.use_observed = False

        if not FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.scenario_dir):
            self.scenario_dir = None
            self.use_scernario = False

        # 2. MongoDB related
        if 'MONGODB' in cf.sections():
            self.hostname = cf.get('MONGODB', 'hostname')
            self.port = cf.getint('MONGODB', 'port')
            self.climate_db = cf.get('MONGODB', 'climatedbname')
            self.bmp_scenario_db = cf.get('MONGODB', 'bmpscenariodbname')
            self.spatial_db = cf.get('MONGODB', 'spatialdbname')
            raise ValueError(
                '[MONGODB] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.')
        if not StringClass.is_valid_ip_addr(self.hostname):
            raise ValueError('HOSTNAME illegal defined in [MONGODB]!')

        # 3. Climate Input
        if 'CLIMATE' in cf.sections():
            self.hydro_climate_vars = self.clim_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'CLIMATE', 'hydroclimatevarfile')
            self.prec_sites = self.clim_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'CLIMATE', 'precsitefile')
            self.prec_data = self.clim_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'CLIMATE', 'precdatafile')
            self.Meteo_sites = self.clim_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'CLIMATE', 'meteositefile')
            self.Meteo_data = self.clim_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'CLIMATE', 'meteodatafile')
            self.thiessen_field = cf.get('CLIMATE', 'thiessenidfield')
            raise ValueError(
                'Climate input file names MUST be provided in [CLIMATE]!')

        # 4. Spatial Input
        if 'SPATIAL' in cf.sections():
            self.prec_sites_thiessen = self.spatial_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'SPATIAL', 'precsitesthiessen')
            self.meteo_sites_thiessen = self.spatial_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'SPATIAL', 'meteositesthiessen')
            self.dem = self.spatial_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'SPATIAL', 'dem')
            self.outlet_file = self.spatial_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'SPATIAL', 'outlet_file')
            if not os.path.exists(self.outlet_file):
                self.outlet_file = None
            self.landuse = self.spatial_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'SPATIAL', 'landusefile')
            self.landcover_init_param = self.txt_db_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'SPATIAL', 'landcoverinitfile')
            self.soil = self.spatial_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'SPATIAL', 'soilseqnfile')
            self.soil_property = self.txt_db_dir + os.path.sep + cf.get(
                'SPATIAL', 'soilseqntext')
            if cf.has_option('SPATIAL', 'additionalfile'):
                additional_dict_str = cf.get('SPATIAL', 'additionalfile')
                tmpdict = json.loads(additional_dict_str)
                tmpdict = {
                    str(k): (str(v) if is_string(v) else v)
                    for k, v in list(tmpdict.items())
                for k, v in list(tmpdict.items()):
                    # Existence check has been moved to mask_origin_delineated_data()
                    #  in sp_delineation.py
                    self.additional_rs[k] = v
            # Field partition
            if cf.has_option('SPATIAL', 'field_partition_thresh'):
                ths = cf.get('SPATIAL', 'field_partition_thresh')
                thsv = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(ths)
                if thsv is not None:
                    self.fields_partition_thresh = [int(v) for v in thsv]
                    self.fields_partition = True
            raise ValueError(
                'Spatial input file names MUST be provided in [SPATIAL]!')

        # 5. Optional parameters
        if 'OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS' in cf.sections():
            self.d8acc_threshold = cf.getfloat('OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS',
            self.np = cf.getint('OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS', 'np')
            self.d8down_method = cf.get('OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS', 'd8downmethod')
            if StringClass.string_match(self.d8down_method, 'surface'):
                self.d8down_method = 's'
            elif StringClass.string_match(self.d8down_method, 'horizontal'):
                self.d8down_method = 'h'
            elif StringClass.string_match(self.d8down_method, 'pythagoras'):
                self.d8down_method = 'p'
            elif StringClass.string_match(self.d8down_method, 'vertical'):
                self.d8down_method = 'v'
                self.d8down_method = self.d8down_method.lower()
                if self.d8down_method not in ['s', 'h', 'p', 'v']:
                    self.d8down_method = 's'
            self.dorm_hr = cf.getfloat('OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS', 'dorm_hr')
            self.temp_base = cf.getfloat('OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS', 't_base')
            self.imper_perc_in_urban = cf.getfloat(
                'OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS', 'imperviouspercinurbancell')
            self.default_landuse = cf.getint('OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS',
            self.default_soil = cf.getint('OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS', 'defaultsoil')
Exemple #11
    def __init__(
        bin_dir='',  # type: AnyStr # The directory of SEIMS binary
        model_dir='',  # type: AnyStr # The directory of SEIMS model
        nthread=4,  # type: int # Thread number for OpenMP
        lyrmtd=0,  # type: int # Layering method, can be 0 (UP_DOWN) or 1 (DOWN_UP)
        host='',  # type: AnyStr # MongoDB host address, default is `localhost`
        port=27017,  # type: int # MongoDB port, default is 27017
        db_name='',  # type: AnyStr  # Main spatial dbname which can diff from dirname
        scenario_id=-1,  # type: int # Scenario ID defined in `<model>_Scenario` database
        calibration_id=-1,  # type: int # Calibration ID used for model auto-calibration
        subbasin_id=0,  # type: int # Subbasin ID, 0 for whole watershed, 9999 for field version
        version='OMP',  # type: AnyStr # SEIMS version, can be `MPI` or `OMP` (default)
        nprocess=1,  # type: int # Process number for MPI
        mpi_bin='',  # type: AnyStr # Full path of MPI executable file, e.g., './mpirun`
        hosts_opt='-f',  # type: AnyStr # Option for assigning hosts,
        # e.g., `-f`, `-hostfile`, `-machine`, `-machinefile`
        hostfile='',  # type: AnyStr # File containing host names,
        # or file mapping process numbers to machines
        simu_stime=None,  # type: Optional[datetime, AnyStr] # Start time of simulation
        simu_etime=None,  # type: Optional[datetime, AnyStr] # End time of simulation
        out_stime=None,  # type: Optional[datetime, AnyStr] # Start time of outputs
        out_etime=None,  # type: Optional[datetime, AnyStr] # End time of outputs
        args_dict=None  # type: Dict[AnyStr, Optional[AnyStr, datetime, int]]
        # type: (...) -> None
        #  Derived from input arguments
        if args_dict is None:  # Preferred to use 'args_dict' if existed.
            args_dict = dict()
        bin_dir = args_dict['bin_dir'] if 'bin_dir' in args_dict else bin_dir
        model_dir = args_dict[
            'model_dir'] if 'model_dir' in args_dict else model_dir
        self.version = args_dict[
            'version'] if 'version' in args_dict else version
        suffix = '.exe' if sysstr == 'Windows' else ''
        if self.version == 'MPI':
            self.seims_exec = '%s/seims_mpi%s' % (bin_dir, suffix)
            self.seims_exec = '%s/seims_omp%s' % (bin_dir, suffix)
            if not FileClass.is_file_exists(
                    self.seims_exec):  # If not support OpenMP, use `seims`!
                self.seims_exec = '%s/seims%s' % (bin_dir, suffix)
        self.seims_exec = os.path.abspath(self.seims_exec)
        self.model_dir = os.path.abspath(model_dir)

        self.nthread = args_dict[
            'nthread'] if 'nthread' in args_dict else nthread
        self.lyrmtd = args_dict['lyrmtd'] if 'lyrmtd' in args_dict else lyrmtd
        self.host = args_dict['host'] if 'host' in args_dict else host
        self.port = args_dict['port'] if 'port' in args_dict else port
        self.db_name = args_dict['db_name'] if 'db_name' in args_dict \
            else os.path.split(self.model_dir)[1]
        self.scenario_id = args_dict[
            'scenario_id'] if 'scenario_id' in args_dict else scenario_id
        self.calibration_id = args_dict['calibration_id'] \
            if 'calibration_id' in args_dict else calibration_id
        self.subbasin_id = args_dict[
            'subbasin_id'] if 'subbasin_id' in args_dict else subbasin_id
        self.nprocess = args_dict[
            'nprocess'] if 'nprocess' in args_dict else nprocess
        self.mpi_bin = args_dict[
            'mpi_bin'] if 'mpi_bin' in args_dict else mpi_bin
        self.hosts_opt = args_dict[
            'hosts_opt'] if 'hosts_opt' in args_dict else hosts_opt
        self.hostfile = args_dict[
            'hostfile'] if 'hostfile' in args_dict else hostfile
        self.simu_stime = args_dict[
            'simu_stime'] if 'simu_stime' in args_dict else simu_stime
        self.simu_etime = args_dict[
            'simu_etime'] if 'simu_etime' in args_dict else simu_etime
        self.out_stime = args_dict[
            'out_stime'] if 'out_stime' in args_dict else out_stime
        self.out_etime = args_dict[
            'out_etime'] if 'out_etime' in args_dict else out_etime
        if is_string(
                self.simu_stime) and not isinstance(self.simu_stime, datetime):
            self.simu_stime = StringClass.get_datetime(self.simu_stime)
        if is_string(
                self.simu_etime) and not isinstance(self.simu_etime, datetime):
            self.simu_etime = StringClass.get_datetime(self.simu_etime)
        if is_string(
                self.out_stime) and not isinstance(self.out_stime, datetime):
            self.out_stime = StringClass.get_datetime(self.out_stime)
        if is_string(
                self.out_etime) and not isinstance(self.out_etime, datetime):
            self.out_etime = StringClass.get_datetime(self.out_etime)

        # Concatenate executable command
        self.cmd = self.Command
        self.run_success = False
        self.output_dir = self.OutputDirectory

        # Model data read from MongoDB
        self.outlet_id = -1
        self.subbasin_count = -1
        self.scenario_dbname = ''
        self.start_time = None
        self.end_time = None
        self.output_ids = list()  # type: List[AnyStr]
        self.output_items = dict()  # type: Dict[AnyStr, Union[List[AnyStr]]]

        # Data maybe used after model run
        self.timespan = dict(
        )  # type: Dict[AnyStr, Dict[AnyStr, Union[float, Dict[AnyStr, float]]]]
        self.obs_vars = list(
        )  # type: List[AnyStr]  # Observation types at the outlet
        self.obs_value = dict(
        )  # type: Dict[datetime, List[float]] # Observation value
        self.sim_vars = list(
        )  # type: List[AnyStr]  # Simulation types, part of `obs_vars`
        self.sim_value = dict(
        )  # type: Dict[datetime, List[float]] # Simulation value
        # The format of sim_obs_dict:
        #         {VarName: {'UTCDATETIME': [t1, t2, ..., tn],
        #                    'Obs': [o1, o2, ..., on],
        #                    'Sim': [s1, s2, ..., sn]},
        #         ...
        #         }
        self.sim_obs_dict = dict(
        )  # type: Dict[AnyStr, Dict[AnyStr, Union[float, List[Union[datetime, float]]]]]
        self.runtime = 0.
        self.runlogs = list()  # type: List[AnyStr]

        self.mongoclient = None  # type: Union[MongoClient, None]  # Set to None after use
Exemple #12
def calculate_95ppu(sim_obs_data, sim_data, outdir, gen_num,
                    vali_sim_obs_data=None, vali_sim_data=None,
                    plot_cfg=None  # type: Optional[PlotConfig]
    """Calculate 95% prediction uncertainty and plot the hydrographs."""
    if plot_cfg is None:
        plot_cfg = PlotConfig()
    plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out'
    plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out'
    plt.rcParams['font.family'] = plot_cfg.font_name
    plt.rcParams['timezone'] = 'UTC'
    plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'custom'
    plt.rcParams['mathtext.it'] = 'STIXGeneral:italic'
    plt.rcParams['mathtext.bf'] = 'STIXGeneral:italic:bold'
    if len(sim_data) < 2:
    var_name = sim_obs_data[0]['var_name']
    for idx, var in enumerate(var_name):
        plot_validation = False
        if vali_sim_obs_data and vali_sim_data and var in vali_sim_obs_data[0]['var_name']:
            plot_validation = True
        ylabel_str = var
        if var in ['Q', 'QI', 'QG', 'QS']:
            ylabel_str += ' (m$^3$/s)'
        elif 'CONC' in var.upper():  # Concentrate
            if 'SED' in var.upper():
                ylabel_str += ' (g/L)'
                ylabel_str += ' (mg/L)'
        elif 'SED' in var.upper():  # amount
            ylabel_str += ' (kg)'
        cali_obs_dates = sim_obs_data[0][var]['UTCDATETIME'][:]
        if is_string(cali_obs_dates[0]):
            cali_obs_dates = [StringClass.get_datetime(s) for s in cali_obs_dates]
        obs_dates = cali_obs_dates[:]
        order = 1  # By default, the calibration period is before the validation period.
        if plot_validation:
            vali_obs_dates = vali_sim_obs_data[0][var]['UTCDATETIME']
            if is_string(vali_obs_dates[0]):
                vali_obs_dates = [StringClass.get_datetime(s) for s in vali_obs_dates]
            if vali_obs_dates[-1] <= cali_obs_dates[0]:
                order = 0
                obs_dates = vali_obs_dates + obs_dates
                obs_dates += vali_obs_dates
        obs_data = sim_obs_data[0][var]['Obs'][:]
        if plot_validation:
            if order:
                obs_data += vali_sim_obs_data[0][var]['Obs'][:]
                obs_data = vali_sim_obs_data[0][var]['Obs'][:] + obs_data

        cali_sim_dates = list(sim_data[0].keys())
        if is_string(cali_sim_dates[0]):
            cali_sim_dates = [StringClass.get_datetime(s) for s in cali_sim_dates]
        sim_dates = cali_sim_dates[:]
        if plot_validation:
            vali_sim_dates = list(vali_sim_data[0].keys())
            if is_string(vali_sim_dates[0]):
                vali_sim_dates = [StringClass.get_datetime(s) for s in vali_sim_dates]
            if order:
                sim_dates += vali_sim_dates
                sim_dates = vali_sim_dates + sim_dates
        sim_data_list = list()
        caliBestIdx = -1
        caliBestNSE = -9999.
        for idx2, ind in enumerate(sim_data):
            tmp = numpy.array(list(ind.values()))
            tmp = tmp[:, idx]
            if sim_obs_data[idx2][var]['NSE'] > caliBestNSE:
                caliBestNSE = sim_obs_data[idx2][var]['NSE']
                caliBestIdx = idx2
            tmpsim = tmp.tolist()
            if plot_validation:
                tmp_data = numpy.array(list(vali_sim_data[idx2].values()))[:, idx].tolist()
                if order:
                    tmpsim += tmp_data
                    tmpsim = tmp_data + tmpsim

        sim_best = numpy.array(list(sim_data[caliBestIdx].values()))[:, idx]
        sim_best = sim_best.tolist()
        if plot_validation:
            tmp_data = numpy.array(list(vali_sim_data[caliBestIdx].values()))[:, idx].tolist()
            if order:
                sim_best += tmp_data
                sim_best = tmp_data + sim_best
        sim_data_list = numpy.array(sim_data_list)
        ylows = numpy.percentile(sim_data_list, 2.5, 0, interpolation='nearest')
        yups = numpy.percentile(sim_data_list, 97.5, 0, interpolation='nearest')

        def calculate_95ppu_efficiency(obs_data_list, obs_dates_list, sim_dates_list):
            # type: (...) -> (float, float)
            count = 0
            ylows_obs = list()
            yups_obs = list()
            for oi, ov in enumerate(obs_data_list):
                    si = sim_dates_list.index(obs_dates_list[oi])
                    if ylows[si] <= ov <= yups[si]:
                        count += 1
                except Exception:
            p = float(count) / len(obs_data_list)
            ylows_obs = numpy.array(ylows_obs)
            yups_obs = numpy.array(yups_obs)
            r = numpy.mean(yups_obs - ylows_obs) / numpy.std(numpy.array(obs_data_list))
            return p, r

        # concatenate text
        p_value, r_value = calculate_95ppu_efficiency(sim_obs_data[0][var]['Obs'],
        txt = 'P-factor: %.2f\nR-factor: %.2f\n' % (p_value, r_value)
        txt += u'某一最优模拟\n' if plot_cfg.plot_cn else 'One best simulation:\n'
        txt += '    $\mathit{NSE}$: %.2f\n' \
               '    $\mathit{RSR}$: %.2f\n' \
               '    $\mathit{PBIAS}$: %.2f%%\n' \
               '    $\mathit{R^2}$: %.2f' % (sim_obs_data[caliBestIdx][var]['NSE'],
        # concatenate text of validation if needed
        vali_txt = ''
        if plot_validation:
            p_value, r_value = calculate_95ppu_efficiency(vali_sim_obs_data[0][var]['Obs'],
            vali_txt = 'P-factor: %.2f\nR-factor: %.2f\n\n' % (p_value, r_value)
            vali_txt += '    $\mathit{NSE}$: %.2f\n' \
                        '    $\mathit{RSR}$: %.2f\n' \
                        '    $\mathit{PBIAS}$: %.2f%%\n' \
                        '    $\mathit{R^2}$: %.2f' % (vali_sim_obs_data[caliBestIdx][var]['NSE'],
        # plot
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 4))
        ax.fill_between(sim_dates, ylows.tolist(), yups.tolist(),
                        color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), label='95PPU')
        observed_label = u'实测值' if plot_cfg.plot_cn else 'Observed points'
        ax.scatter(obs_dates, obs_data, marker='.', s=20,
                   color='g', label=observed_label)
        besesim_label = u'最优模拟' if plot_cfg.plot_cn else 'Best simulation'
        ax.plot(sim_dates, sim_best, linestyle='--', color='red', linewidth=1,
        ax.set_xlim(left=min(sim_dates), right=max(sim_dates))
        date_fmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%m-%d-%y')
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', bottom=True, top=False, length=5, width=2, which='major',
        ax.tick_params(axis='y', left=True, right=False, length=5, width=2, which='major',
        plt.xlabel(u'时间' if plot_cfg.plot_cn else 'Date time',
        plt.ylabel(ylabel_str, fontsize=plot_cfg.axislabel_fsize)
        # plot separate dash line
        delta_dt = (sim_dates[-1] - sim_dates[0]) // 9
        delta_dt2 = (sim_dates[-1] - sim_dates[0]) // 35
        sep_time = sim_dates[-1]
        time_pos = [sep_time - delta_dt]
        time_pos2 = [sep_time - 2 * delta_dt]
        ymax, ymin = ax.get_ylim()
        yc = abs(ymax - ymin) * 0.9
        if plot_validation:
            sep_time = vali_sim_dates[0] if vali_sim_dates[0] >= cali_sim_dates[-1] \
                else cali_sim_dates[0]
            cali_vali_labels = [(u'验证期' if plot_cfg.plot_cn else 'Calibration'),
                                (u'率定期' if plot_cfg.plot_cn else 'Validation')]
            if not order:
            time_pos = [sep_time - delta_dt, sep_time + delta_dt2]
            time_pos2 = [sep_time - 2 * delta_dt, sep_time + delta_dt2]
            ax.axvline(sep_time, color='black', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2)
            plt.text(time_pos[0], yc, cali_vali_labels[0],
                     fontdict={'style': 'italic', 'weight': 'bold',
                               'size': plot_cfg.label_fsize},
            plt.text(time_pos[1], yc, cali_vali_labels[1],
                     fontdict={'style': 'italic', 'weight': 'bold',
                               'size': plot_cfg.label_fsize},

        # add legend
        handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
        figorders = [labels.index('95PPU'), labels.index(observed_label),
        ax.legend([handles[idx] for idx in figorders], [labels[idx] for idx in figorders],
                  fontsize=plot_cfg.legend_fsize, loc=2, framealpha=0.8)
        # add text
        cali_pos = time_pos[0] if order else time_pos[1]
        plt.text(cali_pos, yc * 0.5, txt, color='red', fontsize=plot_cfg.label_fsize - 1)
        if plot_validation:
            vali_pos = time_pos[1] if order else time_pos[0]
            plt.text(vali_pos, yc * 0.5, vali_txt, color='red', fontsize=plot_cfg.label_fsize - 1)
        # fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation=0, ha='center')
        save_png_eps(plt, outdir, 'Gen%d_95ppu_%s' % (gen_num, var), plot_cfg)
        # close current plot in case of 'figure.max_open_warning'
Exemple #13
    def export_scenario_to_gtiff(self, outpath=None):
        # type: (Optional[str]) -> None
        """Export scenario to GTiff.

        TODO: Read Raster from MongoDB should be extracted to pygeoc.
        if not self.export_sce_tif:
        dist = self.bmps_info[self.cfg.bmpid]['DISTRIBUTION']
        dist_list = StringClass.split_string(dist, '|')
        if len(dist_list) >= 2 and dist_list[0] == 'RASTER':
            dist_name = '0_' + dist_list[1]  # prefix 0_ means the whole basin
            # read dist_name from MongoDB
            # client = ConnectMongoDB(self.modelcfg.host, self.modelcfg.port)
            # conn = client.get_conn()
            conn = MongoDBObj.client
            maindb = conn[self.modelcfg.db_name]
            spatial_gfs = GridFS(maindb, DBTableNames.gridfs_spatial)
            # read file from mongodb
            if not spatial_gfs.exists(filename=dist_name):
                print('WARNING: %s is not existed, export scenario failed!' %
                slpposf = maindb[DBTableNames.gridfs_spatial].files.find(
                    {'filename': dist_name}, no_cursor_timeout=True)[0]
            except NetworkTimeout or Exception:
                # In case of unexpected raise
                # client.close()

            ysize = int(slpposf['metadata'][RasterMetadata.nrows])
            xsize = int(slpposf['metadata'][RasterMetadata.ncols])
            xll = slpposf['metadata'][RasterMetadata.xll]
            yll = slpposf['metadata'][RasterMetadata.yll]
            cellsize = slpposf['metadata'][RasterMetadata.cellsize]
            nodata_value = slpposf['metadata'][RasterMetadata.nodata]
            srs = slpposf['metadata'][RasterMetadata.srs]
            if is_string(srs):
                srs = str(srs)
            srs = osr.GetUserInputAsWKT(srs)
            geotransform = [0] * 6
            geotransform[0] = xll - 0.5 * cellsize
            geotransform[1] = cellsize
            geotransform[3] = yll + (ysize - 0.5) * cellsize  # yMax
            geotransform[5] = -cellsize

            slppos_data = spatial_gfs.get(slpposf['_id'])
            total_len = xsize * ysize
            fmt = '%df' % (total_len, )
            slppos_data = unpack(fmt, slppos_data.read())
            slppos_data = numpy.reshape(slppos_data, (ysize, xsize))

            v_dict = dict()
            for unitidx, geneidx in viewitems(self.cfg.unit_to_gene):
                v_dict[unitidx] = self.gene_values[geneidx]
            # Deprecated and replaced by using self.cfg.unit_to_gene. 03/14/2019. ljzhu.
            # for idx, gene_v in enumerate(self.gene_values):
            #     v_dict[self.cfg.gene_to_unit[idx]] = gene_v

            for k, v in v_dict.items():
                slppos_data[slppos_data == k] = v
            if outpath is None:
                outpath = self.scenario_dir + os.path.sep + 'Scenario_%d.tif' % self.ID
            RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(outpath, ysize, xsize,
                                             slppos_data, geotransform, srs,