Exemple #1
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon, datum=None):
        '''Convert this WM coordinate to a geodetic point.

           @param LatLon: Ellipsoidal (sub-)class to return the
                          point (C{LatLon}).
           @keyword datum: Optional datum for ellipsoidal or C{None}
                           for spherical B{C{LatLon}} (C{Datum}).

           @return: Point of this WM coordinate (B{C{LatLon}}).

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{LatLon}} and B{C{datum}} are
                             incompatible or if B{C{datum}} is not


           >>> w = Wm(448251.795, 5411932.678)
           >>> from pygeodesy import sphericalTrigonometry as sT
           >>> ll = w.toLatLon(sT.LatLon)  # 43°39′11.58″N, 004°01′36.17″E
        e = issubclassof(LatLon, _LLEB)
        if e and datum:
            r = LatLon(*self.to2ll(datum=datum), datum=datum)
        elif LatLon and not (e or datum):
            r = LatLon(*self.to2ll(datum=None))
            raise TypeError('%s %r and %s %r' % ('spherical', LatLon,
                                                 'datum', datum))
        return self._xnamed(r)
Exemple #2
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon=None, height=None):
        '''Convert this L{Css} to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic point.

           @keyword LatLon: Optional, ellipsoidal (sub-)class to return
                            the geodetic point (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.
           @keyword height: Optional height for the point, overriding
                            the default height (C{meter}).

           @return: The point (B{C{LatLon}}) or a
                    L{LatLon4Tuple}C{(lat, lon, height,
                    datum)} if B{C{LatLon}} is C{None}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{LatLon}} or B{C{datum}} is not ellipsoidal.
        if LatLon and not issubclassof(LatLon, _LLEB):
            raise TypeError('%s not %s: %r' %
                            ('LatLon', 'ellipsoidal', LatLon))

        a, b = self.latlon
        d = self.cs0.datum
        h = self.height if height is None else height

        r = LatLon4Tuple(a, b, h, d) if LatLon is None else \
                  LatLon(a, b, height=h, datum=d)
        return self._xnamed(r)
Exemple #3
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon=None, datum=None, height=None):
        '''Convert this L{Lcc} to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic point.

           @keyword LatLon: Optional, ellipsoidal (sub-)class to return
                            the geodetic point (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.
           @keyword datum: Optional datum to use, otherwise use this
                           B{C{Lcc}}'s conic.datum (C{Datum}).
           @keyword height: Optional height for the point, overriding
                            the default height (C{meter}).

           @return: The point (B{C{LatLon}}) or a
                    L{LatLon4Tuple}C{(lat, lon, height, datum)}
                    if B{C{LatLon}} is C{None}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{LatLon}} or B{C{datum}} is not ellipsoidal.
        if LatLon and not issubclassof(LatLon, _LLEB):
            raise _IsNotError(_LLEB.__name__, LatLon=LatLon)

        a, b, d = self.to3lld(datum=datum)
        h = self.height if height is None else height

        r = LatLon4Tuple(a, b, h, d) if LatLon is None else \
                  LatLon(a, b, height=h, datum=d)
        return self._xnamed(r)
Exemple #4
 def _xtend(self, namedTuple, *items):
     '''(INTERNAL) Extend this C{_Tuple} with C{items} to an other C{namedTuple}.
     if not (issubclassof(namedTuple, _NamedTuple) and
             (len(self._Names_) + len(items)) == len(namedTuple._Names_)
             and self._Names_ == namedTuple._Names_[:len(self)]):
         raise TypeError('%s%r vs %s%r' %
                         (self.classname, self._Names_, namedTuple.__name__,
     return self._xnamed(namedTuple(*(self + items)))
Exemple #5
 def _latlon3(self, LatLon, datum):
     '''(INTERNAL) Convert cached LatLon
     ll = self._latlon
     if LatLon is None:
         if datum and datum != ll.datum:
             raise TypeError('no %s.convertDatum: %r' % (LatLon, ll))
         return _xnamed(LatLonDatum3Tuple(ll.lat, ll.lon, ll.datum), ll.name)
     elif issubclassof(LatLon, _LLEB):
         ll = _xnamed(LatLon(ll.lat, ll.lon, datum=ll.datum), ll.name)
         return _ll2datum(ll, datum, 'LatLon')
     raise TypeError('%s not ellipsoidal: %r' % ('LatLon', LatLon))
Exemple #6
 def _latlon5(self, LatLon):
     '''(INTERNAL) Convert cached LatLon
     ll = self._latlon
     if LatLon is None:
         r = LatLonDatum5Tuple(ll.lat, ll.lon, ll.datum, ll.convergence,
     elif issubclassof(LatLon, _LLEB):
         r = _xattrs(LatLon(ll.lat, ll.lon, datum=ll.datum), ll,
                     '_convergence', '_scale')
         raise TypeError('%s not ellipsoidal: %r' % ('LatLon', LatLon))
     return _xnamed(r, ll.name)
Exemple #7
 def _latlon5(self, LatLon):
     '''(INTERNAL) Convert cached LatLon
     ll = self._latlon
     if LatLon is None:
         r = LatLonDatum5Tuple(ll.lat, ll.lon, ll.datum, ll.convergence,
     elif issubclassof(LatLon, _LLEB):
         r = _xattrs(LatLon(ll.lat, ll.lon, datum=ll.datum), ll,
                     '_convergence', '_scale')
         raise _IsNotError(_LLEB.__name__, LatLon=LatLon)
     return _xnamed(r, ll.name)
Exemple #8
    def reverse(self, easting, northing, LatLon=None):
        '''Convert a Cassini-Soldner location to (ellipsoidal) geodetic
           lat- and longitude.

           @param easting: Easting of the location (C{meter}).
           @param northing: Northing of the location (C{meter}).
           @keyword LatLon: Optional, ellipsoidal (sub-)class to return
                            the location as (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.

           @return: Geodetic location B{C{LatLon}} or a
                    L{LatLon2Tuple}C{(lat, lon)} if B{C{LatLon}}
                    is C{None}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{LatLon}} is not ellipsoidal.
        r = LatLon2Tuple(*self.reverse4(easting, northing)[:2])
        if issubclassof(LatLon, _LLEB):
            r = LatLon(r.lat, r.lon, datum=self.datum)  # PYCHOK expected
        elif LatLon is not None:
            raise _IsNotError(_LLEB.__name__, LatLon=LatLon)
        return self._xnamed(r)
Exemple #9
    def reverse(self, easting, northing, LatLon=None):
        '''Convert a Cassini-Soldner location to (ellipsoidal) geodetic
           lat- and longitude.

           @param easting: Easting of the location (C{meter}).
           @param northing: Northing of the location (C{meter}).
           @keyword LatLon: Optional, ellipsoidal (sub-)class to return
                            the location as (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.

           @return: Geodetic location B{C{LatLon}} or a
                    L{LatLon2Tuple}C{(lat, lon)} if
                    B{C{LatLon}} is C{None}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{LatLon}} is not ellipsoidal.
        a, b = self.reverse4(easting, northing)[:2]
        if LatLon is None:
            r = LatLon2Tuple(a, b)
        elif issubclassof(LatLon, _LLEB):
            r = LatLon(a, b, datum=self.datum)
            raise TypeError('%s not ellipsoidal: %r' % ('LatLon', LatLon))
        return self._xnamed(r)