def cut_line_at_points(line, cut_points, tolerance=1e-6):
    """Cut a pygeos line geometry at points.
    If there are no interior points, the original line will be returned.

    line : pygeos Linestring
    cut_points : list-like of pygeos Points
        will be projected onto the line; those interior to the line will be
        used to cut the line in to new segments.
    tolerance : float, optional (default: 1e-6)
        minimum distance from endpoints to consider the points interior
        to the line.

    MultiLineStrings (or LineString, if unchanged)
    if not pg.get_type_id(line) == 1:
        raise ValueError("line is not a single linestring")

    vertices = pg.get_point(line, range(pg.get_num_points(line)))
    offsets = pg.line_locate_point(line, vertices)
    cut_offsets = pg.line_locate_point(line, cut_points)
    # only keep those that are interior to the line and ignore those very close
    # to endpoints or beyond endpoints
    cut_offsets = cut_offsets[(cut_offsets > tolerance)
                              & (cut_offsets < offsets[-1] - tolerance)]

    if len(cut_offsets) == 0:
        # nothing to cut, return original
        return line

    # get coordinates of new vertices from the cut points (interpolated onto the line)

    # add in the last coordinate of the line
    cut_offsets = np.append(cut_offsets, offsets[-1])

    # TODO: convert this to a pygos ufunc
    coords = pg.get_coordinates(line)
    cut_coords = pg.get_coordinates(
        pg.line_interpolate_point(line, cut_offsets))
    lines = []
    orig_ix = 0
    for cut_ix in range(len(cut_offsets)):
        offset = cut_offsets[cut_ix]

        segment = []
        if cut_ix > 0:
            segment = [cut_coords[cut_ix - 1]]
        while offsets[orig_ix] < offset:
            orig_ix += 1


    return pg.multilinestrings(lines)
    def transform_geometry(self, geom, rs, max_points=5):
        """Transforms a geometry embedding new points.

        In case geom is (multi)line or (multi)polygon, it adds points collinear to their neighbours, so that an equivalent geometry is generated. The number of extra points depends on the number of vertices in the geometry.

            geom (pygeos.Geometry): Geometry
            rs (numpy.RandomState): Random State
            max_points (int): Maximum value of extra points.


            ValueError: When geometry type is not supported.
        type_ = pg.get_type_id(geom)
        if type_ == 1 or type_ == 3:
            # LINESTRING or POLYGON
            vertices = pg.get_coordinates(geom)
            size = min(max_points, math.ceil(len(vertices) / 6))
            vert_ids = rs.randint(1, len(vertices), size)
            new = []
            for idx in vert_ids:
                xa, ya = vertices[idx - 1]
                xb, yb = vertices[idx]
                if xa == xb:
                    x = xa
                    y = self._random_float(rs, ya, yb)
                    x = self._random_float(rs, xa, xb)
                    y = (yb - ya) * (x - xa) / (xb - xa) + ya
                x = _round(x, [xa, xb])
                y = _round(y, [ya, yb])
                new.append((idx, [x, y]))
            offset = 0
            extended = []
            for idx, entry in new:
                offset = idx
            extended = np.array(extended)
            result = pg.linestrings(extended) if type_ == 1 else pg.polygons(
        elif type_ == 5 or type_ == 6:
            parts = pg.get_parts(geom)
            part_idx = rs.randint(0, len(parts))
            parts[part_idx] = self.transform_geometry(parts[part_idx], rs)
            result = pg.multilinestrings(
                parts) if type_ == 5 else pg.multipolygons(parts)
            raise ValueError(
                'geom should be linestring, polygon, multilinestring, or multipolygon.'

        return result
Exemple #3
def test_pickle(geom):
    if pygeos.get_type_id(geom) == 2:
        # Linearrings get converted to linestrings
        expected = pygeos.linestrings(pygeos.get_coordinates(geom))
        expected = geom
    pickled = pickle.dumps(geom)
    assert pygeos.equals_exact(pickle.loads(pickled), expected)
Exemple #4
def _get_extrapolated_line(coords, tolerance, point=False):
    Creates a pygeos line extrapoled in p1->p2 direction.
    p1 = coords[:2]
    p2 = coords[2:]
    a = p2

    # defining new point based on the vector between existing points
    if p1[0] >= p2[0] and p1[1] >= p2[1]:
        b = (
            p2[0] - tolerance * math.cos(
                    math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) /
                    math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001))),
            p2[1] - tolerance * math.sin(
                    math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) /
                    math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001))),
    elif p1[0] <= p2[0] and p1[1] >= p2[1]:
        b = (
            p2[0] + tolerance * math.cos(
                    math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) /
                    math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001))),
            p2[1] - tolerance * math.sin(
                    math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) /
                    math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001))),
    elif p1[0] <= p2[0] and p1[1] <= p2[1]:
        b = (
            p2[0] + tolerance * math.cos(
                    math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) /
                    math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001))),
            p2[1] + tolerance * math.sin(
                    math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) /
                    math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001))),
        b = (
            p2[0] - tolerance * math.cos(
                    math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) /
                    math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001))),
            p2[1] + tolerance * math.sin(
                    math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) /
                    math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001))),
    if point:
        return b
    return pygeos.linestrings([a, b])
Exemple #5
def split_edges_at_nodes_pyg(network, tolerance=1e-9):
    """Split network edges where they intersect node geometries

    #already initiate the spatial index, so we dont have to do that every time
    sindex = pygeos.STRtree(network.nodes['geometry'])

    grab_all_edges = []
    for edge in tqdm(network.edges.itertuples(index=False),
        hits = nodes_intersecting_pyg(edge.geometry,

        if len(hits) < 3:
            grab_all_edges.append([[edge.osm_id], [edge.geometry],


        # get points and geometry as list of coordinates
        split_points = pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(
            pygeos.snap(hits, edge.geometry, tolerance=1e-9))
        coor_geom = pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(edge.geometry)

        # potentially split to multiple edges
        split_locs = np.argwhere(np.isin(coor_geom,
                                         split_points).all(axis=1))[:, 0]
        split_locs = list(zip(split_locs.tolist(), split_locs.tolist()[1:]))

        new_edges = [
            coor_geom[split_loc[0]:split_loc[1] + 1]
            for split_loc in split_locs

            [[edge.osm_id] * len(new_edges),
             [pygeos.linestrings(edge) for edge in new_edges],
             [edge.infra_type] * len(new_edges)])

    # combine all new edges
    edges = pd.DataFrame([
        for sublist in [list(zip(x[0], x[1], x[2])) for x in grab_all_edges]
        for item in sublist
                         columns=['osm_id', 'geometry', 'infra_type'])
    # return new network with split edges
    return Network(nodes=network.nodes, edges=edges)
Exemple #6
def pg_lines_wgs84():
    size = 1000
    line_length = 10  # number of vertices
    # generate some fields in the data frame
    f = random.sample(size) * 360 - 180
    i = random.randint(-32767, 32767, size=size)
    ui = random.randint(0, 65535, size=size).astype("uint64")

    df = DataFrame(data={"f": f, "i": i, "ui": ui, "labels": i.astype("str")})
    df["geometry"] = df.apply(
        lambda x: pg.linestrings(np.array(generate_lon_lat(line_length)).T),

    return df
Exemple #7
def cut_line_at_points(coords, cut_offsets):
    """Cut a pygeos line geometry at points.  The points must be interior
    to the line.

    coords : ndarray of shape (2,n)
        line coordinates
    cut_points : list-like of offsets projected onto the line

    new_coords, line_ix = split_coords(coords, cut_offsets)
    return pg.multilinestrings(pg.linestrings(new_coords, indices=line_ix))
Exemple #8
def occult(lines: LineCollection, tolerance: float) -> LineCollection:
    Remove occulted lines.

    The order of the geometries in 'lines' matters, see example below.

    'tolerance' controls the distance tolerance between the first and last points
    of a geometry to consider it closed.

        $ vpype line 0 0 5 5 rect 2 2 1 1 occult show  # line is occulted by rect

        $ vpype rect 2 2 1 1 line 0 0 5 5 occult show  # line is NOT occulted by rect,
        as the line is drawn after the rectangle.

    line_arr = np.array(
        [pygeos.linestrings(list(zip(line.real, line.imag))) for line in lines]

    for i, line in enumerate(line_arr):
        coords = pygeos.get_coordinates(line)

        if math.hypot(coords[-1, 0] - coords[0, 0], coords[-1, 1] - coords[0, 1]) < tolerance:
            tree = pygeos.STRtree(line_arr[:i])
            p = pygeos.polygons(coords)
            geom_idx = tree.query(p, predicate="intersects")
            line_arr[geom_idx] = pygeos.set_operations.difference(line_arr[geom_idx], p)

    new_lines = LineCollection()
    for geom in line_arr:
        for i in range(pygeos.get_num_geometries(geom)):
            coords = pygeos.get_coordinates(pygeos.get_geometry(geom, i))
            new_lines.append(coords[:, 0] + coords[:, 1] * 1j)

    return new_lines
Exemple #9
def test_project():
    line = pygeos.linestrings([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]])
    points = pygeos.points([1, 3], [0, 3])
    actual = pygeos.project(line, points)
    expected = [0.5 * 2**0.5, 2 * 2**0.5]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, expected)
def test_simplify():
    line = pygeos.linestrings([[0, 0], [0.1, 1], [0, 2]])
    actual = pygeos.simplify(line, [0, 1.0])
    assert pygeos.get_num_points(actual).tolist() == [3, 2]
def test_snap():
    line = pygeos.linestrings([[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0]])
    points = pygeos.points([0, 1], [1, 0.1])
    actual = pygeos.snap(points, line, 0.5)
    expected = pygeos.points([0, 1], [1, 0])
    assert pygeos.equals(actual, expected).all()
Exemple #12
def test_linestrings_invalid_shape(shape):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_buffer_single_sided():
    # buffer a line on one side
    line = pygeos.linestrings([[0, 0], [10, 0]])
    actual = pygeos.buffer(line, 0.1, cap_style="square", single_sided=True)
    assert pygeos.area(actual) == pytest.approx(0.1 * 10, abs=0.01)
Exemple #14
def test_linestrings_from_xy_broadcast():
    x = [0, 1]  # the same X coordinates for both linestrings
    y = [2, 3], [4, 5]  # each linestring has a different set of Y coordinates
    actual = pygeos.linestrings(x, y)
    assert str(actual[0]) == "LINESTRING (0 2, 1 3)"
    assert str(actual[1]) == "LINESTRING (0 4, 1 5)"
Exemple #15
def test_linestrings_from_xyz():
    actual = pygeos.linestrings([0, 1], [2, 3], 0)
    assert str(actual) == "LINESTRING Z (0 2 0, 1 3 0)"
Exemple #16
import pygeos
import numpy as np

from .common import empty_point
from .common import empty_line_string
from .common import point
from .common import line_string
from .common import linear_ring
from .common import multi_line_string

pygeos.linestrings([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])

def test_line_interpolate_point_geom_array():
    actual = pygeos.line_interpolate_point([line_string, linear_ring], -1)
    assert pygeos.equals(actual[0], pygeos.Geometry("POINT (1 0)"))
    assert pygeos.equals(actual[1], pygeos.Geometry("POINT (0 1)"))

def test_line_interpolate_point_float_array():
    actual = pygeos.line_interpolate_point(line_string, [0.2, 1.5, -0.2])
    assert pygeos.equals(actual[0], pygeos.Geometry("POINT (0.2 0)"))
    assert pygeos.equals(actual[1], pygeos.Geometry("POINT (1 0.5)"))
    assert pygeos.equals(actual[2], pygeos.Geometry("POINT (1 0.8)"))

def test_line_interpolate_point_empty():
    assert pygeos.equals(pygeos.line_interpolate_point(empty_line_string, 0.2),

Exemple #17
def test_linestrings_from_xy():
    actual = pygeos.linestrings([0, 1], [2, 3])
    assert str(actual) == "LINESTRING (0 2, 1 3)"
def test_haussdorf_distance_densify():
    # example from GEOS docs
    a = pygeos.linestrings([[0, 0], [100, 0], [10, 100], [10, 100]])
    b = pygeos.linestrings([[0, 100], [0, 10], [80, 10]])
    actual = pygeos.hausdorff_distance(a, b, densify=0.001)
    assert actual == pytest.approx(47.8, abs=0.1)
Exemple #19
def test_shared_paths_non_linestring():
    g1 = pygeos.linestrings([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])
    g2 = pygeos.points(0, 1)
    with pytest.raises(pygeos.GEOSException):
        pygeos.shared_paths(g1, g2)
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self,
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
        self.distance = distance
        self.tick_length = tick_length

        pygeos_lines =

        list_points = np.empty((0, 2))
        ids = []
        end_markers = []

        lengths = pygeos.length(pygeos_lines)
        for ix, (line, length) in enumerate(zip(pygeos_lines, lengths)):

            pts = pygeos.line_interpolate_point(
                line, np.linspace(0, length, num=int((length) // distance)))
            list_points = np.append(list_points,
            if len(pts) > 1:
                ids += [ix] * len(pts) * 2
                markers = [True] + ([False] * (len(pts) - 2)) + [True]
                end_markers += markers
            elif len(pts) == 1:
                end_markers += [True]
                ids += [ix] * 2

        ticks = []
        for num, (pt, end) in enumerate(zip(list_points, end_markers), 1):
            if end:
                ticks.append([pt, pt])
                ticks.append([pt, pt])

                angle = self._getAngle(pt, list_points[num])
                line_end_1 = self._getPoint1(pt, angle, tick_length / 2)
                angle = self._getAngle(line_end_1, pt)
                line_end_2 = self._getPoint2(line_end_1, angle, tick_length)
                ticks.append([line_end_1, pt])
                ticks.append([line_end_2, pt])

        ticks = pygeos.linestrings(ticks)

        inp, res = right.sindex.query_bulk(ticks, predicate="intersects")
        intersections = pygeos.intersection(ticks[inp],
        distances = pygeos.distance(intersections,
                                    pygeos.points(list_points[inp // 2]))
        inp_uni, inp_cts = np.unique(inp, return_counts=True)
        splitter = np.cumsum(inp_cts)[:-1]
        dist_per_res = np.split(distances, splitter)
        inp_per_res = np.split(res, splitter)

        min_distances = []
        min_inds = []
        for dis, ind in zip(dist_per_res, inp_per_res):

        dists = np.zeros((len(ticks), ))
        dists[:] = np.nan
        dists[inp_uni] = min_distances

        if heights is not None:
            if isinstance(heights, str):
                heights = self.heights = right[heights]
            elif not isinstance(heights, pd.Series):
                heights = self.heights = pd.Series(heights)

            blgs = np.zeros((len(ticks), ))
            blgs[:] = None
            blgs[inp_uni] = min_inds
            do_heights = True
            do_heights = False

        ids = np.array(ids)
        widths = []
        openness = []
        deviations = []
        heights_list = []
        heights_deviations_list = []

        for i in range(len(left)):
            f = ids == i
            s = dists[f]
            lefts = s[::2]
            rights = s[1::2]
            left_mean = np.nanmean(
                lefts) if ~np.isnan(lefts).all() else tick_length / 2
            right_mean = (np.nanmean(rights)
                          if ~np.isnan(rights).all() else tick_length / 2)
            widths.append(np.mean([left_mean, right_mean]) * 2)
            openness.append(np.isnan(s).sum() / (f).sum())

            if do_heights:
                b = blgs[f]
                h = heights.iloc[b[~np.isnan(b)]]

        self.w = pd.Series(widths, index=left.index)
        self.wd = pd.Series(deviations, index=left.index).fillna(
            0)  # fill for empty intersections
        self.o = pd.Series(openness, index=left.index).fillna(1)

        if do_heights:
            self.h = pd.Series(heights_list, index=left.index).fillna(
                0)  # fill for empty intersections
            self.hd = pd.Series(heights_deviations_list,
                                    0)  # fill for empty intersections
            self.p = self.h / self.w.replace(0,
                                             np.nan)  # replace to avoid np.inf
Exemple #21
def line_tree():
    x = np.arange(10)
    y = np.arange(10)
    offset = 1
    geoms = pygeos.linestrings(np.array([[x, x + offset], [y, y + offset]]).T)
    yield pygeos.STRtree(geoms)
def find_dam_face_from_waterbody(waterbody, drain_pt):
    total_area = pg.area(waterbody)
    ring = pg.get_exterior_ring(pg.normalize(waterbody))
    total_length = pg.length(ring)
    num_pts = pg.get_num_points(ring) - 1  # drop closing coordinate
    vertices = pg.get_point(ring, range(num_pts))

    ### Extract line segments that are no more than 1/3 coordinates of polygon
    # starting from the vertex nearest the drain
    # note: lower numbers are to the right
    tree = pg.STRtree(vertices)
    ix = tree.nearest(drain_pt)[1][0]
    side_width = min(num_pts // 3, MAX_SIDE_PTS)
    left_ix = ix + side_width
    right_ix = ix - side_width

    # extract these as a left-to-write line;
    pts = vertices[max(right_ix, 0):min(num_pts, left_ix)][::-1]
    if left_ix >= num_pts:
        pts = np.append(vertices[0:left_ix - num_pts][::-1], pts)

    if right_ix < 0:
        pts = np.append(pts, vertices[num_pts + right_ix:num_pts][::-1])

    coords = pg.get_coordinates(pts)

    if len(coords) > 2:
        # first run a simplification process to extract the major shape and bends
        # then run the straight line algorithm
        simp_coords, simp_ix = simplify_vw(
            coords, min(MAX_SIMPLIFY_AREA, total_area / 100))

        if len(simp_coords) > 2:
            keep_coords, ix = extract_straight_segments(
                simp_coords, max_angle=MAX_STRAIGHT_ANGLE, loops=5)
            keep_ix = simp_ix.take(ix)

            keep_coords = simp_coords
            keep_ix = simp_ix

        keep_coords = coords
        keep_ix = np.arange(len(coords))

    ### Calculate the length of each run and drop any that are not sufficiently long
    lengths = segment_length(keep_coords)
    ix = (lengths >= MIN_DAM_WIDTH) & (lengths / total_length <

    pairs = np.dstack([keep_ix[:-1][ix], keep_ix[1:][ix]])[0]

    # since ranges are ragged, we have to do this in a loop instead of vectorized
    segments = []
    for start, end in pairs:
        segments.append(pg.linestrings(coords[start:end + 1]))

    segments = np.array(segments)

    # only keep the segments that are close to the drain
    segments = segments[
        pg.intersects(segments, pg.buffer(drain_pt, MAX_DRAIN_DIST)), ]

    if not len(segments):
        return segments

    # only keep those where the drain is interior to the line
    pos = pg.line_locate_point(segments, drain_pt)
    lengths = pg.length(segments)

    ix = (pos >= MIN_INTERIOR_DIST) & (pos <= (lengths - MIN_INTERIOR_DIST))

    return segments[ix]
    actual = pygeos.distance(*point_polygon_testdata)
    expected = [2 * 2**0.5, 2**0.5, 0, 0, 0, 2**0.5]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, expected)

def test_distance_missing():
    actual = pygeos.distance(point, None)
    assert np.isnan(actual)

        (point, [2, 3, 2, 3]),
        ([point, multi_point], [[2, 3, 2, 3], [0, 0, 1, 2]]),
        (pygeos.linestrings([[0, 0], [0, 1]]), [0, 0, 0, 1]),
        (pygeos.linestrings([[0, 0], [1, 0]]), [0, 0, 1, 0]),
        (multi_point, [0, 0, 1, 2]),
        (multi_polygon, [0, 0, 2.2, 2.2]),
        (geometry_collection, [49, -1, 52, 2]),
        (empty, [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]),
        (None, [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]),
def test_bounds(geom, expected):
    assert_array_equal(pygeos.bounds(geom), expected)

Exemple #24
def test_set_nan():
    # As NaN != NaN, you can have multiple "NaN" points in a set
    # set([float("nan"), float("nan")]) also returns a set with 2 elements
    a = set(pygeos.linestrings([[[np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan]]] * 10))
    assert len(a) == 10  # different objects: NaN != NaN
def test_haussdorf_distance():
    # example from GEOS docs
    a = pygeos.linestrings([[0, 0], [100, 0], [10, 100], [10, 100]])
    b = pygeos.linestrings([[0, 100], [0, 10], [80, 10]])
    actual = pygeos.hausdorff_distance(a, b)
    assert actual == pytest.approx(22.360679775, abs=1e-7)
Exemple #26
def test_linestrings(coordinates, indices, expected):
    actual = pygeos.linestrings(coordinates, indices=indices)
    assert_geometries_equal(actual, expected)
Exemple #27
def test_shared_paths_linestring():
    g1 = pygeos.linestrings([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])
    g2 = pygeos.linestrings([(0, 0), (1, 0)])
    actual1 = pygeos.shared_paths(g1, g2)
    assert pygeos.equals(pygeos.get_geometry(actual1, 0), g2)
Exemple #28
def test_linestrings_invalid():
    # attempt to construct linestrings with 1 coordinate
    with pytest.raises(pygeos.GEOSException):
        pygeos.linestrings([[1, 1], [2, 2]], indices=[0, 1])
Exemple #29
import numpy as np
import pygeos

point_polygon_testdata = (
    pygeos.points(np.arange(6), np.arange(6)),, 2, 4, 4),
point = pygeos.points(2, 3)
line_string = pygeos.linestrings([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])
linear_ring = pygeos.linearrings([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 0)])
polygon = pygeos.polygons([(0, 0), (2, 0), (2, 2), (0, 2), (0, 0)])
multi_point = pygeos.multipoints([(0, 0), (1, 2)])
multi_line_string = pygeos.multilinestrings([[(0, 0), (1, 2)]])
multi_polygon = pygeos.multipolygons([
    [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 0)],
    [(2.1, 2.1), (2.2, 2.1), (2.2, 2.2), (2.1, 2.2), (2.1, 2.1)],
geometry_collection = pygeos.geometrycollections(
    [pygeos.points(51, -1),
     pygeos.linestrings([(52, -1), (49, 2)])])
point_z = pygeos.points(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
polygon_with_hole = pygeos.Geometry(
    "POLYGON((0 0, 0 10, 10 10, 10 0, 0 0), (2 2, 2 4, 4 4, 4 2, 2 2))")

all_types = (
Exemple #30
def test_linestrings_from_coords():
    actual = pygeos.linestrings([[[0, 0], [1, 1]], [[0, 0], [2, 2]]])
    assert str(actual[0]) == "LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1)"
    assert str(actual[1]) == "LINESTRING (0 0, 2 2)"