Exemple #1
def gen_d_sub(d_sub_fn, dx, dy, pad_perc=0.1, ndv=-9999):
    nl = dx.shape[0]
    ns = dx.shape[1]
    #Use GDT_Byte or GDT_Int16 to save space?
    dtype = gdal.GDT_Int32
    opt = iolib.gdal_opt
    d_sub_ds = iolib.gtif_drv.Create(d_sub_fn, ns, nl, 3, dtype, opt)
    for n in range(1, d_sub_ds.RasterCount+1):
        band = d_sub_ds.GetRasterBand(n)
    d_sub_ds = None

    #Now write D_sub_spread.tif - defines spread around D_sub values
    d_sub_ds = iolib.fn_getds(d_sub_fn)
    d_sub_spread_fn = os.path.splitext(d_sub_fn)[0]+'_spread.tif'
    d_sub_spread_ds = iolib.gtif_drv.CreateCopy(d_sub_spread_fn, d_sub_ds, 0)
    dx_spread = np.ma.abs(dx * pad_perc)
    dy_spread = np.ma.abs(dy * pad_perc)
    for n in range(1, d_sub_spread_ds.RasterCount+1):
        band = d_sub_spread_ds.GetRasterBand(n)
    d_sub_spread_ds = None
Exemple #2
def main():
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    ras_fn = args.ras_fn
    min = args.min
    max = args.max

    print("Loading dz raster into masked array")
    ras_ds = iolib.fn_getds(ras_fn)
    ras = iolib.ds_getma(ras_ds, 1)
    #Cast input ma as float32 so np.nan filling works
    ras = ras.astype(np.float32)
    ras_fltr = ras

    #Absolute range filter
    ras_fltr = filtlib.range_fltr(ras_fltr, (min, max))

    if args.stats:
        print("Input dz raster stats:")
        print("Filtered dz raster stats:")

    #Output filename will have 'filt' appended
    dst_fn = os.path.splitext(ras_fn)[0] + '_filt.tif'

    print("Writing out filtered dz raster: %s" % dst_fn)
    #Note: writeGTiff writes ras_fltr.filled()
    iolib.writeGTiff(ras_fltr, dst_fn, ras_ds)
Exemple #3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Utility to compute hypsometry for input DEM")
    parser.add_argument('-mask_fn', type=str, default=None, help='Glacier Polygon filename (mask.shp)')
    parser.add_argument('-bin_width', type=float, default=100.0, help='Elevation bin with (default: %(default)s)')
    parser.add_argument('dem_fn', type=str, help='Input DEM filename')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    #Input DEM
    dem_fn = args.dem_fn
    #Extract GDAL dataset from input dem_fn
    dem_ds = iolib.fn_getds(dem_fn)
    #Extract NumPy masked array from dem_ds
    print("Loading input DEM: %s" % args.dem_fn)
    dem = iolib.ds_getma(dem_ds)
    #Fill dem?
    #Extract DEM resolution (m)
    dem_res = geolib.get_res(dem_ds, square=True)[0]

    #Generate glacier mask from shp 
    if args.mask_fn is not None:
        print("Masking input DEM using: %s" % args.mask_fn)
        #This calls gdal_rasterize with parameters of dem_ds
        mask = geolib.shp2array(args.mask_fn, r_ds=dem_ds)
        #Apply mask to DEM
        dem = np.ma.array(dem, mask=mask)

    #Generate aed 
    print("Generating AED")
    bin_centers, bin_areas = aed(dem, dem_res, args.bin_width) 
    #Write out to csv
    csv_fn = os.path.splitext(dem_fn)[0]+'_aed.csv'
    write_aed(bin_centers, bin_areas, csv_fn)
    #Generate plot
    plot_dem_aed(dem, bin_centers, bin_areas)
Exemple #4
def raster_shpclip(r_fn, shp_fn, extent='raster'):
    r_ds = iolib.fn_getds(r_fn)
    r_srs = geolib.get_ds_srs(r_ds)
    r_extent = geolib.ds_extent(r_ds)

    shp_ds = ogr.Open(shp_fn)
    lyr = shp_ds.GetLayer()
    shp_srs = lyr.GetSpatialRef()
    shp_extent = lyr.GetExtent()

    #Define the output - can set to either raster or shp
    #Accept as cl arg
    out_srs = r_srs

    if extent == 'raster':
        out_extent = r_extent 
    elif extent == 'shp':
        out_extent = shp_extent

    #r = iolib.ds_getma(r_ds)
    r_ds = warplib.memwarp(r_ds, extent=out_extent, t_srs=out_srs, r='cubic')
    r = iolib.ds_getma(r_ds)

    mask = geolib.shp2array(shp_fn, r_ds)

    r = np.ma.array(r, mask=mask)
    return r
Exemple #5
def main():
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    r_fn = args.r_fn
    if not os.path.exists(r_fn):
        sys.exit("Unable to find r_fn: %s" % r_fn)

    # r_fn to r_ds
    r_ds = iolib.fn_getds(r_fn)
    # ...to array
    r_arr = r_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

    r_arr = r_arr * args.scale_factor
    arr_out = r_arr.astype(getattr(
        np, args.out_type))  # this works like r_arr.astype(np.unit16)

    print "\tOutput array type: %s" % (arr_out.dtype)
    print "\tOutput nodata value: %s" % (args.nodata_val)
    # Set No Data Value: Deal with negatives and nan
    arr_out = np.where(arr_out < 0, args.nodata_val, arr_out)
    arr_out = np.where(np.isnan(arr_out), args.nodata_val, arr_out)

    #Write out
    out_fn = os.path.splitext(r_fn)[0] + '_' + args.out_type + '.tif'
    print "\tOutput file: %s" % (out_fn)
    #Note: passing r_fn here as the src_ds
    iolib.writeGTiff(arr_out, out_fn, r_fn)
Exemple #6
def main():

    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    dem_fn = args.dem_fn
    ndv = args.ndv
    max_slope = args.max_slope
    reduce_pct = args.reduce_pct
    #slope_res = args.slope_res

    slopelim = (0.1, max_slope)

    out_base = os.path.splitext(dem_fn)[0]

    print "\n\tGetting a slopemasked dem...\n"

    if reduce_pct != 100:
        print "\tCoarsening by %s.." % (reduce_pct)
        out_fn = out_base + '_pct' + str(reduce_pct) + '.tif'
        if not os.path.exists(out_fn):
            red_pct_str = str(reduce_pct) + "% " + str(reduce_pct) + "%"
            cmdStr = " ".join([
                "gdal_translate", "-r", "cubic", "-outsize", red_pct_str,
                dem_fn, out_fn
            print cmdStr
            #cmdStr = "gdal_translate -r cubic -outsize " + str(reduce_pct) + "% " + str(reduce_pct) + "%"
            #cmdStr += dem_fn + out_fn
            cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmdStr, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
            stdOut, err = cmd.communicate()

            dem_fn = out_fn

    # Get slope as a masked array
    dem_slope_ma = geolib.gdaldem_wrapper(dem_fn,

    # Get reduced dem ds
    dem_ds = iolib.fn_getds(dem_fn)
    dem_ma = iolib.ds_getma(dem_ds)

    # Get a new slope ma using max slope
    slopemask = (dem_slope_ma > max_slope)

    # Get whichever dem ma was there in the first place
    demmask = (dem_ma == ndv)
    newmask = np.logical_or(demmask, slopemask)

    # Apply mask from slope to slope
    newdem = np.ma.array(dem_ma, mask=newmask)

    # Save the new masked DEM
    dst_fn = out_base + '_slopemasked.tif'
    iolib.writeGTiff(newdem, dst_fn, dem_ds, ndv=ndv)

    return dst_fn
Exemple #7
def skysat_footprint(img_fn, incrs=None):
    Define ground corner footprint from RPC model
    img_fn: str
        path to image with embedded RPC info in tiff tag
    incrs: dict
        crs to convert the final footprint into, by default the footprint is returned in geographic coordinates (EPSG:4326)
    footprint_shp: geopandas geodataframe
        geodataframe containg ground footprints in specified incrs

    if os.path.islink(img_fn):
        img_ds = iolib.fn_getds(os.readlink(img_fn))
        img_ds = iolib.fn_getds(img_fn)
    nx = img_ds.RasterXSize
    ny = img_ds.RasterYSize
    #img_coord (0,0), (nx,0), (nx,ny), (0,ny) correspond to ul,ur,lr,ll
    z = np.float(img_ds.GetMetadata('RPC')['HEIGHT_OFF'])
    #z = np.float(ht.split(' ',1)[1].splitlines()[0])
    img_x = [0, nx, nx, 0]
    img_y = [0, 0, ny, ny]
    img_z = [
        z, z, z, z
    ]  #should ideally accept a common height above datum, read from rpc #done
    mx, my = asp_utils.rpc2map(img_fn, img_x, img_y, img_z)
    coord_list = list(zip(mx, my))
    footprint_poly = Polygon(coord_list)
    geo_crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
    footprint_shp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=[0],
    if incrs:
        footprint_shp = footprint_shp.to_crs(incrs)
    return footprint_shp
def domask(tile_fn):
    prefix = '-'.join(tile_fn.split('-')[:-1])
    print("\nLoading: %s" % tile_fn)
    #dem_fn = prefix+'-median.tif'
    dem_fn = tile_fn
    dem_ds = iolib.fn_getds(dem_fn)
    dem = iolib.ds_getma(dem_ds)

    #Get original mask, True where masked
    mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(dem)
    valid_px_count = (~mask).sum()
    if valid_px_count < 1:
        print("No valid pixels remain")
        print("Valid pixel count: %i" % valid_px_count)
        min_count = 2
        count_fn = prefix + '-count.tif'
        print("Loading: %s" % count_fn)
        count = iolib.fn_getma(count_fn)
        print("min: %i max: %i" % (count.min(), count.max()))
        print("Masking: (count < %i)" % min_count)
        mask = np.logical_or(mask, (count < min_count))
        valid_px_count = (~mask).sum()
        if valid_px_count < 1:
            print("No valid pixels remain")
            print("Valid pixel count: %i" % valid_px_count)

            max_std = 3.0
            #std_fn = prefix+'-std.tif'
            std_fn = prefix + '-nmad.tif'
            print("Loading: %s" % std_fn)
            std = iolib.fn_getma(std_fn)
            print("min: %i max: %i" % (std.min(), std.max()))
            print("Masking: (std/nmad >= %i)" % max_std)
            mask = np.logical_or(mask, (std >= max_std))
            valid_px_count = (~mask).sum()
            if valid_px_count < 1:
                print("No valid pixels remain")
                print("Valid pixel count: %i" % valid_px_count)

    #Modified so we always write out, even if empty tif
    #Easier for tracking progress
    print("Applying mask")
    dem_masked = np.ma.array(dem, mask=mask)
    out_fn = os.path.splitext(dem_fn)[0] + '_masked.tif'
    print("Writing: %s" % out_fn)
    iolib.writeGTiff(dem_masked, out_fn, dem_ds)
Exemple #9
def main():

    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    dem_fn = args.dem_fn
    ndv = args.ndv
    max_slope = args.max_slope
    reduce_pct = args.reduce_pct
    #slope_res = args.slope_res

    slopelim = (0.1, max_slope)

    print "\n\tGetting masked slope of input dem..."

    #Get a coarsened version of DEM on which to calc slope
    dem_fn_reduced = os.path.splitext(dem_fn)[0] + '_' + str(
        reduce_pct) + 'pct.vrt'
    #dem_fn_reduced = os.path.splitext(dem_fn)[0]+'_'+ str(slope_res) +'m.vrt'

    #print "\tReducing percent by %s..." %(str(reduce_pct))
    run_os("gdal_translate -of VRT -r cubic -outsize " + str(reduce_pct) +
           "% " + str(reduce_pct) + "% " + dem_fn + " " + dem_fn_reduced)
    #run_os("gdal_translate -of VRT -r cubic -tr " + str(slope_res) + "% " + str(slope_res) + "% " + dem_fn + " " + dem_fn_reduced)

    # Run slope
    dem_slope_fn = geolib.gdaldem_wrapper(dem_fn_reduced,

    # Get original ma and ds
    dem_slope = iolib.fn_getma(dem_slope_fn)
    dem_slope_ds = iolib.fn_getds(dem_slope_fn)

    # Apply mask from slope to slope
    dem_slope = np.ma.array(dem_slope,

    # Save the filtered slope dataset
    dst_fn = os.path.splitext(dem_slope_fn)[0] + '_mask.tif'
    iolib.writeGTiff(dem_slope, dst_fn, dem_slope_ds, ndv=ndv)
    run_os("rm -fv " + dem_slope_fn)

    return dst_fn
Exemple #10
def main():
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    dem_fn = args.dem_fn
    weight = args.weight
    poly_order = args.order

    # Get original DEM
    array_dem = iolib.fn_getma(dem_fn)
    dem_ds = iolib.fn_getds(dem_fn)

    # Create empty meshgrid
    x = range (0, dem_ds.RasterXSize, 1)
    y = range (0, dem_ds.RasterYSize, 1)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    print "\nGet the gradient of the dem..."
    dzdy,dzdx = np.gradient(array_dem)

    print "\nCreate copies for modification, and set the masked areas to 0 in the gradients..."
    dzdx_mod = dzdx.copy()
    dzdy_mod = dzdy.copy()
    print "\nOsmanoglu Algorithm..."
    #routine to get the scale corrected surface back from gradients.
    #Note that this is with the original slopes, I want the result to be close to the original DEM as possible
    fco_dem = frankotchellappaosmanoglu(dzdx, dzdy) ; #FrankotChellappa removes long wavelength trends

    print "\nSubtract the recovered DEM from the original and estimate a surface..."
    planefit, fitfunc = fitSurface(X.ravel(), Y.ravel(), (array_dem - fco_dem).ravel())

    print "\nAdd the surface to the masked gradient derived DEM..."
    dem_interp = frankotchellappaosmanoglu(dzdx_mod, dzdy_mod) + fitfunc(planefit, X, Y, weight, poly_order)

    print("\nWriting DEM with interpolated surfaces:")
    dst_fn = os.path.splitext(dem_fn)[0]+'_interp.tif'
    iolib.writeGTiff(dem_interp, dst_fn, dem_ds)

    return dst_fn

    # Return a numpy masked array
    return dem_interp
Exemple #11
def res_sort(img_list):
    sort images based on resolution, finest resolution on top
    img_list: list
        list of images to be sorted
    sorted_img_list: list
        list of sorted images with finest resolution on top
    ds_list = [iolib.fn_getds(img) for img in img_list]
    res_list = [geolib.get_res(ds, square=True)[0] for ds in ds_list]
    zipped_pairs = zip(res_list, img_list)
    sorted_img_list = [x for _, x in sorted(zipped_pairs)]
    return sorted_img_list
Exemple #12
def main():
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    src_fn = args.src_fn
    if not iolib.fn_check(src_fn):
        sys.exit("Unable to find src_fn: %s" % src_fn)

    #This is a wrapper around gdal.Open()
    src_ds = iolib.fn_getds(src_fn)
    src_gt = src_ds.GetGeoTransform()

    print("Loading input raster into masked array")
    bma = iolib.ds_getma(src_ds)

    print("Computing min/max indices for mask")
    edge_env = malib.edgefind2(bma, intround=True)

    print("Updating output geotransform")
    out_gt = list(src_gt)
    #This should be OK, as edge_env values are integer multiples, and the initial gt values are upper left pixel corner
    #Update UL_X
    out_gt[0] = src_gt[0] + src_gt[1] * edge_env[2]
    #Update UL_Y, note src_gt[5] is negative
    out_gt[3] = src_gt[3] + src_gt[5] * edge_env[0]
    out_gt = tuple(out_gt)

    #print([0, bma.shape[0], 0, bma.shape[1]])

    out_fn = os.path.splitext(src_fn)[0] + '_trim.tif'
    print("Writing out: %s" % out_fn)
    #Extract valid subsection from input array
    #indices+1 are necessary to include valid row/col on right and bottom edges
    iolib.writeGTiff(bma[edge_env[0]:edge_env[1] + 1,
                         edge_env[2]:edge_env[3] + 1],
    bma = None
def make_dem_mosaic_index_ts(index_tif_fn):
    index_txt_fn = index_tif_fn + '-index-map.txt'
    out_fn = os.path.splitext(index_tif_fn)[0] + '_ts.tif'

    if not os.path.exists(index_tif_fn):
        print("Unable to find input file: %s" % index_tif_fn)
        return False
    if not os.path.exists(index_txt_fn):
        print("Unable to find input file: %s" % index_txt_fn)
        return False
    if os.path.exists(out_fn):
        print("Existing ts output found: %s" % out_fn)
        return True

    #Load dem_mosaic index tif
    index_tif_ds = iolib.fn_getds(index_tif_fn)
    index_tif = iolib.ds_getma(index_tif_ds)

    #Create output array
    #index_ts_tif = np.zeros(index_tif.shape, dtype=np.float32)
    #index_ts_tif = np.ma.masked_all_like(index_tif)
    index_ts_tif = np.ma.masked_all(index_tif.shape, dtype=np.float32)

    #Read in dem_mosaic index txt file - should be "fn, index" for each record
    index_txt = np.atleast_2d(np.genfromtxt(index_txt_fn, dtype=str))

    #Extract Python datetime object from filename (should pull out YYYYMMDD_HHMM)
    index_ts = [timelib.fn_getdatetime(fn) for fn in index_txt[:, 0]]

    #Convert to desired output timestamp format
    #Python ordinal
    #index_ts = timelib.dt2o(index_ts)
    #YYYYMMDD integer
    #index_ts = [ts.strftime('%Y%m%d') for ts in index_ts]
    #Decimal year
    index_ts = [timelib.dt2decyear(ts) for ts in index_ts]

    for n, dt in enumerate(index_ts):
        index_ts_tif[index_tif == n] = dt

    iolib.writeGTiff(index_ts_tif, out_fn, index_tif_ds, ndv=0)
    return True
Exemple #14
def main():

    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    chm_fn = args.chm_fn
    outdir = args.outdir
    ndv = args.ndv
    min_height = args.min_height
    max_height = args.max_height

    if not iolib.fn_check(chm_fn):
        sys.exit("Unable to find chm_fn: %s" % chm_fn)

    out_base = os.path.splitext(chm_fn)[0]
    if outdir is not None:
        inputdir, chmname = os.path.split(chm_fn)
        out_base = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.splitext(chmname)[0])

    # Get chm ds and ma
    chm_ds = iolib.fn_getds(chm_fn)
    chm_ma = iolib.ds_getma(chm_ds)

    # Get a new chm ma using max height
    heightmasklo = (chm_ma < min_height)
    heightmaskhi = (chm_ma > max_height)

    # Get whichever dem ma was there in the first place
    chmmask = (chm_ma == ndv)
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20528328/numpy-logical-or-for-more-than-two-arguments
    newmask = np.logical_or.reduce(
        (chmmask, heightmasklo,
         heightmaskhi))  #np.logical_or(heightmasklo, heightmaskhi)

    # Apply mask
    newchm = np.ma.array(chm_ma, mask=newmask)

    # Save the new masked CHM
    dst_fn = out_base + '_htmasked.tif'
    iolib.writeGTiff(newchm, dst_fn, chm_ds, ndv=ndv)

    return dst_fn
Exemple #15
def dz_fltr_dir(dem_fn_list, refdem_fn, abs_dz_lim, out_dir):
    #names = dem_fn_list[0]
    for names in dem_fn_list:
        #print("Loading ouput DEM into masked array")
        dem_ds = iolib.fn_getds(names)
        dem_fltr = iolib.ds_getma(dem_ds, 1)

        #Difference filter, need to specify refdem_fn
        dem_fltr = filtlib.dz_fltr(names, refdem_fn, abs_dz_lim)

        # create output directory and file name
        parts = names.split('/')
        file_name = parts[len(parts) - 1]

        dst_fn = out_dir + file_name.split(
            '.')[0] + '_filt%ipx.tif' % abs_dz_lim[1]

        print("Writing out filtered DEM: %s" % dst_fn)
        #Note: writeGTiff writes dem_fltr.filled()
        iolib.writeGTiff(dem_fltr, dst_fn, dem_ds)
Exemple #16
def get_cam2rpc_opts(t='pinhole', dem=None, gsd=None, num_samples=50):
    generates cmd for ASP cam2rpc
    This generates rpc camera models from the optimized frame camera models
    See documentation here: https://stereopipeline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tools/cam2rpc.html
    t: str
        session, or for here, type of input camera, default: pinhole 
    dem: str
        path to DEM which will be used for calculating RPC polynomials
    gsd: float 
        Expected ground-samplind distance
    num_samples: int 
        Sampling for RPC approximation calculation (default=50)
    cam2rpc_opts: list
        A list of arguments for cam2rpc call.

    cam2rpc_opts = []
    cam2rpc_opts.extend(['--dem-file', dem])
    dem_ds = iolib.fn_getds(dem)
    dem_proj = dem_ds.GetProjection()
    dem = iolib.ds_getma(dem_ds)
    min_height, max_height = np.percentile(dem.compressed(), (0.01, 0.99))
    tsrs = epsg2geolib(4326)
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = geolib.ds_extent(ds, tsrs)
    cam2rpc_opts.extend(['--height-range', str(min_height), str(max_height)])
    if gsd:
        cam2rpc_opts.extend(['--gsd', str(gsd)])
    cam2rpc_opts.extend(['--session', t])
    cam2rpc_opts.extend(['--num-samples', str(num_samples)])
    return cam2rpc_opts
Exemple #17
def main():
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    r_fn = args.r_fn
    if not os.path.exists(r_fn):
        sys.exit("Unable to find r_fn: %s" % r_fn)


    # r_fn to r_ds
    r_ds = iolib.fn_getds(r_fn)
    r_arr = r_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

    # Creating data range
    #r_arr = np.ma.masked_outside(r_arr,0,100)   # mask all values outside this interval
    #r_arr = np.ma.masked_invalid(r_arr)       # mask all nan and inf values

    # Forget about masked arrays...just use np.where to put 0 for all invalid vals
    r_arr = np.where((r_arr > args.min) & (r_arr <= args.max), r_arr, 0)
    #r_arr = r_arr.astype(myType)

    print "\tDoing moving window on array..."
    arr_out = moving_window(r_arr.astype(np.uint16), func=np.sum, window_size=windowsize)
    #r = filtlib.rolling_fltr(r_arr, f=np.sum, size=windowsize, circular=True)
    #r = gauss_fltr(r_arr, sigma=1)
    print "\tCheck array type OUTPUT from filter: %s" %(arr_out.dtype)
    # Deal with negatives and nan
    arr_out = np.where(arr_out < 0, -99, arr_out)
    arr_out = np.where(np.isnan(arr_out),-99, arr_out)

    #Write out
    win_str = "%02d" % (int(windowsize))
    out_fn = os.path.splitext(r_fn)[0]+'_win'+win_str+'sum.tif'
    #Note: passing r_fn here as the src_ds
    iolib.writeGTiff(arr_out, out_fn, r_fn)
Exemple #18
def iv_fn(fn, full=False, return_ma=False, **kwargs):
    ds = iolib.fn_getds(fn)
    return iv_ds(ds, full=full, return_ma=return_ma, **kwargs)
Exemple #19
#dem_clim = (760, 2270)
#dem_clim = (550, 2650)
#dem_clim = (4500, 7400)
#dem_clim = (1766, 3247)
#dem_clim = (2934, 3983)
hs_clim = (1, 255)

for i, dem_fn in enumerate(dem_fn_list):
    ax = grid[i]
    dem_ds = iolib.fn_getds(dem_fn)
    dem = iolib.ds_getma_sub(dem_ds)
    dem_hs_fn = os.path.splitext(dem_fn)[0] + '_hs_az315.tif'
    if os.path.exists(dem_hs_fn):
        dem_hs = iolib.fn_getma_sub(dem_hs_fn)
        dem_hs = geolib.gdaldem_mem_ds(dem_ds, 'hillshade', returnma=True)
    dt = timelib.fn_getdatetime(dem_fn)
    if dt is not None:
        title = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        t = ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize': 6})
        t.set_position([0.5, 0.95])
    hs_im = ax.imshow(dem_hs, vmin=hs_clim[0], vmax=hs_clim[1], cmap='gray')
    dem_im = ax.imshow(dem,
Exemple #20
def main():
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.seedmode == 'existing_velocity':
        if args.vx_fn is None or args.vy_fn is None:
            parser.error('"-seedmode existing_velocity" requires "-vx_fn" and "-vy_fn"')

    print('\n%s' % datetime.now())
    print('%s UTC\n' % datetime.utcnow())

    align = args.align
    seedmode = args.seedmode
    spr = args.refinement
    erode = args.erode
    #Correlator tile timeout
    #With proper seeding, correlation should be very fast
    #timeout = 360 
    timeout = 1200 
    threads = args.threads

    kernel = (args.kernel, args.kernel)
    #SGM correlator
    if spr > 3:
        #kernel = (7,7)
        kernel = (11,11)
        erode = 0

    #Smooth the output F.tif 
    smoothF = args.filter 

    res = args.tr
    #Resample input to something easier to work with
    #res = 4.0

    #Open input files
    fn1 = args.fn1
    fn2 = args.fn2 

    if not iolib.fn_check(fn1) or not iolib.fn_check(fn2):
        sys.exit("Unable to locate input files")

    if args.outdir is not None:
        outdir = args.outdir
        outdir = '%s__%s_vmap_%sm_%ipx_spm%i' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fn1)[1])[0], \
                os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fn2)[1])[0], res, kernel[0], spr)

    #Note, can encounter filename length issues in boost, just use vmap prefix
    outprefix = '%s/vmap' % (outdir)
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    #Check to see if inputs have geolocation and projection information
    ds1 = iolib.fn_getds(fn1)
    ds2 = iolib.fn_getds(fn2)

    if geolib.srs_check(ds1) and geolib.srs_check(ds2):
        ds1_clip_fn = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn1))[0]+'_warp.tif')
        ds2_clip_fn = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn2))[0]+'_warp.tif')

        if not os.path.exists(ds1_clip_fn) or not os.path.exists(ds2_clip_fn):
            #This should write out files to new subdir
            ds1_clip, ds2_clip = warplib.diskwarp_multi_fn([fn1, fn2], extent='intersection', res=res, r='average', outdir=outdir)
            ds1_clip = None
            ds2_clip = None
            #However, if inputs have identical extent/res/proj, then link to original files
            if not os.path.exists(ds1_clip_fn):
                os.symlink(os.path.abspath(fn1), ds1_clip_fn)
            if not os.path.exists(ds2_clip_fn):
                os.symlink(os.path.abspath(fn2), ds2_clip_fn)
            align = 'None'

        #Mask support - limit correlation only to rock/ice surfaces, no water/veg
        #This masks input images - guarantee we won't waste time correlating over vegetation
        #TODO: Add support to load arbitrary raster or shp mask
        if args.mask_input:
            ds1_masked_fn = os.path.splitext(ds1_clip_fn)[0]+'_masked.tif'
            ds2_masked_fn = os.path.splitext(ds2_clip_fn)[0]+'_masked.tif'

            if not os.path.exists(ds1_masked_fn) or not os.path.exists(ds2_masked_fn):
                #Load NLCD or bareground mask
                from demcoreg.dem_mask import get_lulc_mask

                ds1_clip = iolib.fn_getds(ds1_clip_fn)
                lulc_mask_fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'lulc_mask.tif')
                #if not os.path.exists(nlcd_mask_fn):
                lulc_mask = get_lulc_mask(ds1_clip, mask_glaciers=False, filter='not_forest')
                iolib.writeGTiff(lulc_mask, lulc_mask_fn, ds1_clip) 
                ds1_clip = None

                #Now apply to original images 
                #This could be problematic for huge inputs, see apply_mask.py
                #lulc_mask = lulc_mask.astype(int)
                for fn in (ds1_clip_fn, ds2_clip_fn):
                    ds = iolib.fn_getds(fn)
                    a = iolib.ds_getma(ds)
                    a = np.ma.array(a, mask=~(lulc_mask))
                    if a.count() > 0:
                        out_fn = os.path.splitext(fn)[0]+'_masked.tif'
                        a = None
                        sys.exit("No unmasked pixels over bare earth")
            ds1_clip_fn = ds1_masked_fn
            ds2_clip_fn = ds2_masked_fn
        ds1_clip_fn = fn1
        ds2_clip_fn = fn2
        #Now let user specify alignment methods as option - don't hardcode
        #align = 'Homography'
        #align = 'AffineEpipolar'
    ds1 = None
    ds2 = None

    #Should have extra kwargs option here
    stereo_opt = get_stereo_opt(threads=threads, kernel=kernel, timeout=timeout, \
            erode=erode, spr=spr, align=align)
    #Stereo arguments
    #Latest version of ASP should accept tif without camera models
    #stereo_args = [ds1_clip_fn, ds2_clip_fn, outprefix]
    #Nope - still need to provide dummy camera models, and they must be unique files
    #Use the dummy.tsai file bundled in the vmap repo
    dummy_tsai = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0], 'dummy.tsai')
    dummy_tsai2 = os.path.splitext(dummy_tsai)[0]+'2.tsai'
    if not os.path.exists(dummy_tsai2):
        dummy_tsai2 = os.symlink(dummy_tsai, os.path.splitext(dummy_tsai)[0]+'2.tsai')
    stereo_args = [ds1_clip_fn, ds2_clip_fn, dummy_tsai, dummy_tsai2, outprefix]

    #Run stereo_pprc
    if not os.path.exists(outprefix+'-R_sub.tif'):
        run_cmd('stereo_pprc', stereo_opt+stereo_args, msg='0: Preprocessing')
        #Copy proj info to outputs, this should happen automatically now?
        for ext in ('L', 'R', 'L_sub', 'R_sub', 'lMask', 'rMask', 'lMask_sub', 'rMask_sub'):
            geolib.copyproj(ds1_clip_fn, '%s-%s.tif' % (outprefix,ext))

    #Prepare seeding for stereo_corr
    #TODO: these are untested after refactoring
    if not os.path.exists(outprefix+'_D_sub.tif'):
        #Don't need to do anything for default seed-mode 1
        if seedmode == 'sparse_disp':
            #Sparse correlation of full-res images
            stereo_opt.extend(['--corr-seed-mode', '3'])
            sparse_disp_opt = []
            sparse_disp_opt.extend(['--Debug', '--coarse', '512', '--fine', '256', '--no_epipolar_fltr']) 
            sparse_disp_opt.extend(['-P', str(threads)])
            sparse_disp_args = [outprefix+'-L.tif', outprefix+'-R.tif', outprefix]
            run_cmd('sparse_disp', sparse_disp_opt+sparse_disp_args, msg='0.5: D_sub generation')
        elif seedmode == 'existing_velocity':
            #User-input low-res velocity maps for seeding
            #TODO: Add functions that fetch best available velocities for Ant/GrIS or user-defined low-res velocities
            #Automatically query GoLive velocities here
            vx_fn = args.vx_fn 
            vy_fn = args.vy_fn 
            #Check for existence

            #HMA seeding
            vdir = '/nobackup/deshean/rpcdem/hma/velocity_jpl_amaury_2013-2015'
            vx_fn = os.path.join(vdir, 'PKH_WRS2_B8_2013_2015_snr5_n1_r170_res12.x_vel.TIF')
            vy_fn = os.path.join(vdir, 'PKH_WRS2_B8_2013_2015_snr5_n1_r170_res12.y_vel.TIF')

            if os.path.exists(vx_fn) and os.path.exists(vy_fn):
                ds1_clip = iolib.fn_getds(ds1_clip_fn)
                ds1_res = geolib.get_res(ds1_clip, square=True)[0]

                #Compute L_sub res - use this for output dimensions
                L_sub_fn = outprefix+'-L_sub.tif' 
                L_sub_ds = gdal.Open(L_sub_fn)
                L_sub_x_scale = float(ds1_clip.RasterXSize) / L_sub_ds.RasterXSize
                L_sub_y_scale = float(ds1_clip.RasterYSize) / L_sub_ds.RasterYSize
                L_sub_scale = np.max([L_sub_x_scale, L_sub_y_scale])
                L_sub_res = ds1_res * L_sub_scale

                #Since we are likely upsampling here, use cubicspline
                vx_ds_clip, vy_ds_clip = warplib.memwarp_multi_fn([vx_fn, vy_fn], extent=ds1_clip, \
                        t_srs=ds1_clip, res=L_sub_res, r='cubicspline')

                ds1_clip = None

                #Get vx and vy arrays
                vx = iolib.ds_getma(vx_ds_clip)
                vy = iolib.ds_getma(vy_ds_clip)

                #Determine time interval between inputs
                #Use to scaling of known low-res velocities
                t_factor = get_t_factor_fn(ds1_clip_fn, ds2_clip_fn, ds=vx_ds_clip)

                if t_factor is not None:
                    #Compute expected offset in scaled pixels 
                    dx = (vx*t_factor)/L_sub_res
                    dy = (vy*t_factor)/L_sub_res
                    #Note: Joughin and Rignot's values are positive y up!
                    #ASP is positive y down, so need to multiply these values by -1
                    #dy = -(vy*t_factor)/L_sub_res

                    #Should smooth/fill dx and dy

                    #If absolute search window is only 30x30
                    #Don't seed, just use fixed search window 
                    #search_window_area_thresh = 900
                    search_window_area_thresh = 0 
                    search_window = np.array([dx.min(), dy.min(), dx.max(), dy.max()])
                    dx_p = calcperc(dx, perc=(0.5, 99.5))
                    dy_p = calcperc(dy, perc=(0.5, 99.5))
                    search_window = np.array([dx_p[0], dy_p[0], dx_p[1], dy_p[1]])
                    search_window_area = (search_window[2]-search_window[0]) * (search_window[3]-search_window[1])
                    if search_window_area < search_window_area_thresh:
                        stereo_opt.extend(['--corr-seed-mode', '0'])
                        stereo_opt.extend([str(x) for x in search_window])
                        #stereo_opt.extend(['--corr-sub-seed-percent', str(pad_perc)]
                    #Otherwise, generate a D_sub map from low-res velocity
                        stereo_opt.extend(['--corr-seed-mode', '3'])
                        #This is relative to the D_sub scaled disparities
                        d_sub_fn = L_sub_fn.split('-L_sub')[0]+'-D_sub.tif' 
                        gen_d_sub(d_sub_fn, dx, dy)

    #If the above didn't generate a D_sub.tif for seeding, run stereo_corr to generate Low-res D_sub.tif
    if not os.path.exists(outprefix+'-D_sub.tif'):
        newopt = ['--compute-low-res-disparity-only',]
        run_cmd('stereo_corr', newopt+stereo_opt+stereo_args, msg='1.1: Low-res Correlation')
    #Copy projection info to D_sub
    geolib.copyproj(outprefix+'-L_sub.tif', outprefix+'-D_sub.tif')
    #Mask D_sub to limit correlation over bare earth surfaces
    #This _should_ be a better approach than masking input images, but stereo_corr doesn't honor D_sub
    #Still need to mask input images before stereo_pprc
    #Left this in here for reference, or if this changes in ASP
    if False:
        D_sub_ds = gdal.Open(outprefix+'-D_sub.tif', gdal.GA_Update)

        #Mask support - limit correlation only to rock/ice surfaces, no water/veg
        from demcoreg.dem_mask import get_nlcd, mask_nlcd
        nlcd_fn = get_nlcd()
        nlcd_ds = warplib.diskwarp_multi_fn([nlcd_fn,], extent=D_sub_ds, res=D_sub_ds, t_srs=D_sub_ds, r='near', outdir=outdir)[0]
        #validmask = mask_nlcd(nlcd_ds, valid='rock+ice')
        validmask = mask_nlcd(nlcd_ds, valid='not_forest', mask_glaciers=False)
        nlcd_mask_fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'nlcd_validmask.tif')
        iolib.writeGTiff(validmask, nlcd_mask_fn, nlcd_ds) 

        #Now apply to D_sub (band 3 is valid mask)
        #validmask = validmask.astype(int)
        for b in (1,2,3):
            dsub = iolib.ds_getma(D_sub_ds, b)
            dsub = np.ma.array(dsub, mask=~(validmask))
        D_sub_ds = None

    #OK, finally run stereo_corr full-res integer correlation with appropriate seeding
    if not os.path.exists(outprefix+'-D.tif'):
        run_cmd('stereo_corr', stereo_opt+stereo_args, msg='1: Correlation')
        geolib.copyproj(ds1_clip_fn, outprefix+'-D.tif')

    #Run stereo_rfne
    if spr > 0:
        if not os.path.exists(outprefix+'-RD.tif'):
            run_cmd('stereo_rfne', stereo_opt+stereo_args, msg='2: Refinement')
            geolib.copyproj(ds1_clip_fn, outprefix+'-RD.tif')
        d_fn = make_ln(outdir, outprefix, '-RD.tif')
        ln_fn = outprefix+'-RD.tif'
        if os.path.lexists(ln_fn):
        os.symlink(os.path.split(outprefix)[1]+'-D.tif', ln_fn)

    #Run stereo_fltr
    if not os.path.exists(outprefix+'-F.tif'):
        run_cmd('stereo_fltr', stereo_opt+stereo_args, msg='3: Filtering')
        geolib.copyproj(ds1_clip_fn, outprefix+'-F.tif')

    d_fn = make_ln(outdir, outprefix, '-F.tif')

    if smoothF and not os.path.exists(outprefix+'-F_smooth.tif'):
        print('Smoothing F.tif')
        from pygeotools.lib import filtlib 
        #Fill holes and smooth F
        F_fill_fn = outprefix+'-F_smooth.tif'
        F_ds = gdal.Open(outprefix+'-F.tif', gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
        #import dem_downsample_fill
        #F_fill_ds = dem_downsample_fill.gdalfill_ds(F_fill_ds)
        print('Creating F_smooth.tif')
        F_fill_ds = iolib.gtif_drv.CreateCopy(F_fill_fn, F_ds, 0, options=iolib.gdal_opt)
        F_ds = None
        for n in (1, 2):
            print('Smoothing band %i' % n)
            b = F_fill_ds.GetRasterBand(n)
            b_fill_bma = iolib.b_getma(b)
            #b_fill_bma = iolib.b_getma(dem_downsample_fill.gdalfill(b))
            #Filter extreme values (careful, could lose areas of valid data with fastest v)
            #b_fill_bma = filtlib.perc_fltr(b_fill_bma, perc=(0.01, 99.99))
            #These filters remove extreme values and fill data gaps
            #b_fill_bma = filtlib.median_fltr_skimage(b_fill_bma, radius=7, erode=0)
            #b_fill_bma = filtlib.median_fltr(b_fill_bma, fsize=7, origmask=True)
            #Gaussian filter
            b_fill_bma = filtlib.gauss_fltr_astropy(b_fill_bma, size=9)
        F_fill_ds = None
        d_fn = make_ln(outdir, outprefix, '-F_smooth.tif')

    print('\n%s' % datetime.now())
    print('%s UTC\n' % datetime.utcnow())

    #If time interval is specified, convert pixel displacements to rates
    if args.dt != 'none':
        #Check if vm.tif already exists
        #Should probably just overwrite by default
        #if os.path.exists(os.path.splitext(d_fn)[0]+'_vm.tif'):
        #    print("\nFound existing velocity magnitude map!\n"
        #Generate output velocity products and figure
        #Requires that vmap repo is in PATH
        cmd = ['disp2v.py', d_fn]
        #Note: this will attempt to automatically determine control surfaces
        #disp2v.py will accept arbitrary mask, could pass through here
        if args.remove_offsets:
        cmd.extend(['-dt', args.dt])
        print("Converting disparities to velocities")
Exemple #21
def dem_align(ref_dem,
    This function implements the full DEM alignment workflow using ASP's pc_align and point2dem programs
    See relevent doumentation here:  https://stereopipeline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tools/pc_align.html
    ref_dem: str
        path to reference DEM for alignment
    source_dem: str
        path to source DEM to be aligned
    max_displacement: float
        Maximum expected displacement between input DEMs, useful for culling outliers before solving for shifts, default: 100 m
    outprefix: str
        prefix with which pc_align results will be saved (can be a path, general convention for repo is some path with run prefix, eg., aligned_to/run)
    align: str
        ICP's alignment algorithm to use. default: point-to-plane
    trans_only: bool
        if True, this instructs the program to compute translation only when point cloud optimization. Default: False
    threads: int
        number of threads to use for each stereo job
    # this block checks wheter reference DEM is finer resolution or source DEM
    # if reference DEM is finer resolution, then source is aligned to reference
    # if source DEM is finer, then reference is aligned to source and source is corrected via the inverse transformation matrix of source to reference alignment.
    source_ds = iolib.fn_getds(source_dem)
    ref_ds = iolib.fn_getds(ref_dem)
    source_res = geolib.get_res(source_ds, square=True)[0]
    ref_res = geolib.get_res(ref_ds, square=True)[0]
    tr = source_res
    tsrs = source_ds.GetProjection()
    if ref_res <= source_res:
        source = True
        pc_align_args = [ref_dem, source_dem]
        pc_id = 'trans_source.tif'
        pc_align_vec = '-transform.txt'
        source = False
        pc_align_args = [source_dem, ref_dem]
        pc_id = 'trans_reference.tif'
        pc_align_vec = '-inverse-transform.txt'
    print("Aligning clouds via the {} method".format(align))

    pc_align_opts = get_pc_align_opts(outprefix,
    pc_align_log = run_cmd('pc_align', pc_align_opts + pc_align_args)
    # this try, except block checks for 2 things.
    #- Did the transformed point-cloud got produced ?
    #- was the maximum displacement greater than twice the max_displacement specified by the user ?
    # 2nd condition is implemented for tricky alignement of individual triplet DEMs to reference, as some small DEMs might be awkardly displaced to > 1000 m.
    # if the above conditions are not met, then gridding of the transformed point-cloud into final DEM will not occur.
        pc = glob.glob(outprefix + '*' + pc_id)[0]
        pc_log = sorted(glob.glob(outprefix + '*' + 'log-pc_align*.txt'))[
            -1]  # this will hopefully pull out latest transformation log
        print("Failed to find aligned point cloud file")
    max_disp = get_total_shift(pc_log)
    print("Maximum displacement is {}".format(max_disp))
    if max_disp <= 2 * max_displacement:
        grid = True
        grid = False

    if grid == True:
        point2dem_opts = get_point2dem_opts(tr, tsrs, threads=threads)
        point2dem_args = [pc]
        print("Saving aligned reference DEM at {}-DEM.tif".format(
        p2dem_log = run_cmd('point2dem', point2dem_opts + point2dem_args)
        # create alignment vector with consistent name of alignment vector for camera alignment
        final_align_vector = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outprefix),
        pc_align_vec = glob.glob(os.path.join(outprefix + pc_align_vec))[0]
        print("Creating DEM alignment vector at {final_align_vector}")
        shutil.copy2(pc_align_vec, final_align_vector)
    elif grid == False:
            "aligned cloud not produced or the total shift applied to cloud is greater than 2 times the max_displacement specified, gridding abandoned"
Exemple #22
def main():
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    fn = args.fn
    if not iolib.fn_check(fn):
        sys.exit("Unable to locate input file: %s" % fn)

    #Need some checks on these
    param = args.param

    print("Loading input raster into masked array")
    ds = iolib.fn_getds(fn)
    #Currently supports only single band operations
    r = iolib.ds_getma(ds, 1)

    #May need to cast input ma as float32 so np.nan filling works
    #r = r.astype(np.float32)
    #Want function that checks and returns float32 if necessary
    #Should filter, then return original dtype

    r_fltr = r

    #Loop through all specified input filters
    #for filt in args.filt:
    filt = args.filt[0]

    if len(param) == 1:
        param = param[0]
    param_str = ''

    if filt == 'range':
        #Range filter
        param = [float(i) for i in param[1:]]
        r_fltr = filtlib.range_fltr(r_fltr, param)
        param_str = '_{0:0.2f}-{1:0.2f}'.format(*param)
    elif filt == 'absrange':
        #Range filter of absolute values
        param = [float(i) for i in param[1:]]
        r_fltr = filtlib.absrange_fltr(r_fltr, param)
        param_str = '_{0:0.2f}-{1:0.2f}'.format(*param)
    elif filt == 'perc':
        #Percentile filter
        param = [float(i) for i in param[1:]]
        r_fltr = filtlib.perc_fltr(r, perc=param)
        param_str = '_{0:0.2f}-{1:0.2f}'.format(*param)
    elif filt == 'med':
        #Median filter
        param = int(param)
        r_fltr = filtlib.rolling_fltr(r_fltr, f=np.nanmedian, size=param)
        #r_fltr = filtlib.median_fltr(r_fltr, fsize=param, origmask=True)
        #r_fltr = filtlib.median_fltr_skimage(r_fltr, radius=4, origmask=True)
        param_str = '_%ipx' % param
    elif filt == 'gauss':
        #Gaussian filter (default)
        param = int(param)
        r_fltr = filtlib.gauss_fltr_astropy(r_fltr,
        param_str = '_%ipx' % param
    elif filt == 'highpass':
        #High pass filter
        param = int(param)
        r_fltr = filtlib.highpass(r_fltr, size=param)
        param_str = '_%ipx' % param
    elif filt == 'sigma':
        #n*sigma filter, remove outliers
        param = int(param)
        r_fltr = filtlib.sigma_fltr(r_fltr, n=param)
        param_str = '_n%i' % param
    elif filt == 'mad':
        #n*mad filter, remove outliers
        #Maybe better to use a percentile filter
        param = int(param)
        r_fltr = filtlib.mad_fltr(r_fltr, n=param)
        param_str = '_n%i' % param
    elif filt == 'dz':
        #Difference filter, need to specify ref_fn and range
        #Could let the user compute their own dz, then just run a standard range or absrange filter
        ref_fn = param[0]
        ref_ds = warplib.memwarp_multi_fn([
        ref = iolib.ds_getma(ref_ds)
        param = [float(i) for i in param[1:]]
        r_fltr = filtlib.dz_fltr_ma(r, ref, rangelim=param)
        #param_str = '_{0:0.2f}-{1:0.2f}'.format(*param)
        param_str = '_{0:0.0f}_{1:0.0f}'.format(*param)
        sys.exit("No filter type specified")

    #Compute and print stats before/after
    if args.stats:
        print("Input stats:")
        print("Filtered stats:")

    #Write out
    dst_fn = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] + '_%sfilt%s.tif' % (filt, param_str)
    if args.outdir is not None:
        outdir = args.outdir
        if not os.path.exists(outdir):
        dst_fn = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.split(dst_fn)[-1])
    print("Writing out filtered raster: %s" % dst_fn)
    iolib.writeGTiff(r_fltr, dst_fn, ds)
Exemple #23
def slope_fltr_fn(dem_fn, slopelim=(0,40)):
    dem_ds = iolib.fn_getds(dem_fn)
    return slope_fltr_ds(dem_ds, slopelim)
Exemple #24
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from pygeotools.lib import timelib, iolib

#SRTM, then systematic timestamps
dt_list = [datetime(2000,2,11), datetime(2000,5,31), datetime(2009,5,31), datetime(2018,5,31)]

#Use tif on disk if available
#Otherwise load stack and compute trend/intercept if necessary

trend_ds = iolib.fn_getds(trend_fn)
trend = iolib.ds_getma(trend_ds)/365.25
intercept = iolib.fn_getma(intercept_fn)

#Can vectorize
#dt_list_o = timelib.dt2o(dt_list)
#z_list = trend*dt_list_o[:,None,None]+intercept

for dt in dt_list:
    dt_o = timelib.dt2o(dt)
    z = trend*dt_o+intercept
    out_fn=os.path.splitext(stack_fn)[0]+'_%s.tif' % dt.strftime('%Y%m%d')
    print("Writing out: %s" % out_fn)
    iolib.writeGTiff(z, out_fn, trend_ds)
Exemple #25
def main():

    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        sys.exit("Usage: %s dz.tif" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))

    #This is mean density for N Cascades snow
    #rho = 0.5
    #Density of pure ice
    rho = 0.917

    #Clip negative values to 0
    filt = False

    src_fn = sys.argv[1]
    src_ds = iolib.fn_getds(src_fn)
    res = geolib.get_res(src_ds, square=True)[0]
    bma = iolib.ds_getma(src_ds)

    #Attempt to extract t1 and t2 from input filename
    ts = timelib.fn_getdatetime_list(src_fn)
    #Hardcode timestamps
    #ts = [datetime.datetime(2013,9,10), datetime.datetime(2014,5,14)]

    dt_yr = None
    if len(ts) == 2:
        dt = ts[1] - ts[0]
        year = datetime.timedelta(days=365.25)
        dt_yr = dt.total_seconds() / year.total_seconds()

    #Can add filter here to remove outliers, perc_fltr(0.01, 99.9)
    if filt:
        mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(bma)
        bma[bma < 0] = 0
        bma = np.ma.array(bma, mask=mask)

    #Print out stats
    stats = malib.print_stats(bma)

    count = stats[0]
    area = res**2 * count
    mean = stats[3]
    med = stats[5]

    s_m3 = np.ma.sum(bma) * res**2
    s_km3 = s_m3 / 1E9
    s_mwe = mean * rho
    s_gt = s_km3 * rho
    s_mm = s_gt / 374

    if dt_yr is not None:
        print("%s to %s: %0.2f yr" % (ts[0], ts[1], dt_yr))
        print("%0.0f m^3 (%0.0f m^3/yr)" % (s_m3, s_m3 / dt_yr))
        print("%0.3f km^3 (%0.3f km^3/yr)" % (s_km3, s_km3 / dt_yr))
        print("Density: %0.3f g/cc" % rho)
        print("%0.3f GT (%0.3f GT/yr)" % (s_gt, s_gt / dt_yr))
        print("%0.6f mm SLR (%0.6f mm/yr)" % (s_mm, s_mm / dt_yr))
        print("%0.3f m.w.e. (%0.3f m.w.e./yr)" % (s_mwe, s_mwe / dt_yr))
        print("Area: %0.2f km2" % (area / 1E6))
        print("%0.0f m^3" % s_m3)
        print("%0.3f km^3" % s_km3)
        print("Density: %0.3f g/cc" % rho)
        print("%0.3f GT" % s_gt)
        print("%0.6f mm SLR" % s_mm)
        print("%0.3f m.w.e." % s_mwe)
Exemple #26
#! /usr/bin/env python

from osgeo import gdal

from pygeotools.lib import iolib
from pygeotools.lib import geolib
from pygeotools.lib import malib

def dist(pos1, pos2):
    return np.sqrt((pos1[0] - pos2[0])**2 + (pos1[1] - pos2[1])**2)

pos1 = [595396.48277,5181880.22677]
pos2 = [596168.611,5182875.521]

fn = ('rainierlidar_wgs84_shpclip.tif')
ds = iolib.fn_getds(fn)
dem = iolib.ds_getma(ds)
x, y = geolib.get_xy_grids(ds)

d = dist(pos1, pos2)
grid = np.array([x, y])
b = dist(pos1, grid)
c = dist(pos2, grid)
conv = np.rad2deg(np.arccos((b**2 + c**2 - d**2)/(2*b*c)))
conv_m = np.ma.array(conv, mask=dem.mask)
Exemple #27
def main():
    # chm_refine.py
    # Main goals: 
    # (1)fix non-forest "heights"
    # (2)fix dense interior forest height estimates
    # (3)remove water
    # Basic logic
    #Divide HRSI CHM into forest and non-forest;
    #to estimate max canopy height, within the forest mask run a 'max'filter (filtlib)
    #to remove spurious 'heights' in the non-forest using a 'min' filter (filtlib)
    #(1) invert roughmask to get 'forest'
    #    -run a 'max' filter,
    #(2) use roughmask (get_lo_rough_mask) to get 'non-forest' pixels
    #    -run a 'min' filter,
    #    -maybe a small (3 pix) window filter
    #(3) then mask the result with the toamask (this removes water and other dark (shadow) areas
    #    -remove dark and smooth (water)
    #    -smooth is non-veg land
    #    -dark and rough is woody veg land
    #(4) for later: then mask with the slopemask, toatrimask
    # step 1
    #  get_dark_mask from ortho_toa --> remove the areas that are TOA dark (water,shadow) from the chm
    # step 2
    #	get_hi_slope_mask from DEM --> remove areas of high slopes from chm
    # step 3
    #	get_lo_rough_mask from DEM --> remove areas that are NOT rough (aka remove non-forest)
    #	run a max filter on remaining pixels
    * mask outputs should all consistently show the 'masked' area as valid
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    outdir = args.outdir
    pairname = args.pairname

    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    outfolder = os.path.join(outdir, pairname)
    if not os.path.exists(outfolder):

    auto_min_toa = args.auto_min_toa

    #Symlink files to working directory.
    print("\nSymlinking Files to Working Directory\n")
    cmd = "ln -sf /att/pubrepo/DEM/hrsi_dsm/v2/{}/*ortho*tif {}".format(
        pairname, outfolder)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

    cmd = "ln -sf /att/pubrepo/DEM/hrsi_dsm/v2/{}/out-DEM*m.tif {}".format(
        pairname, outfolder)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

    cmd = "xml_fn_list=$(ls /att/pubrepo/DEM/hrsi_dsm/v2/{}/*.xml);ln -sf $xml_fn_list {}".format(
        pairname, outfolder)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)


    chm_dir = '/att/gpfsfs/briskfs01/ppl/pmontesa/chm_work/hrsi_chm_sgm_filt/chm'
    chm_name = '{}_sr05_4m-sr05-min_1m-sr05-max_dz_eul.tif'.format(pairname)
    chm_fn = os.path.join(chm_dir, chm_name)

    print("[1]\nLoading Input CHM into masked array\n")
    chm_ds = iolib.fn_getds(chm_fn)

    print("[2]\nGetting Dark Mask from Ortho TOA\n")
    #May need to include get_toa_fn from DEM_control.py
    print("\n\t-Compute TOA from Ortho\n")
    dem_fn = os.path.join(outfolder, 'out-DEM_1m.tif')
    toa_fn = get_toa_fn(dem_fn)

    print("\nt-Warp TOA to CHM...\n")
    toa_ds = warplib.memwarp_multi_fn([

    #Determine from inputs or calculate lowest acceptable TOA valuesfor masking
    if auto_min_toa:
        # Compute a good min TOA value
        m, s = get_min_gaus(toa_fn, 50, 4)
        min_toa = m + s
        min_toa = m
        min_toa = args.min_toa

    #Write TOA Mins for reference
    with open(
                os.path.split(toa_fn)[0], "min_toa_" + pairname + ".txt"),
            "w") as text_file:
        text_file.write("\nMinimum TOA used for mask:\n{0}".format(min_toa))

    # Should mask dark areas and dilate
    dark_mask = get_dark_mask(toa_ds, min_toa)

    print("\n\t-Completed Calculating Dark Mask\n")

    print("[3]\nGetting High Slope Mask from DEM\n")

    max_slope = args.max_slope
    dem_ds = iolib.fn_getds(dem_fn)
    slope_mask = get_hi_slope_mask(dem_ds, max_slope)
    print("\n\t-Completed Sploe Masking\n")

    print("[4]\nGetting Roughness for Forest/Non-Forest Classification\n")

    #NOTE: Not sure which mask we want to use. Will write up both
    min_rough = args.min_rough

    lo_rough_mask = get_lo_rough_mask(dem_ds, min_rough)
    #Areas less than min_rough is masked#
    min_tri = args.min_tri
    lo_tri_mask = get_lo_tri_mask(dem_ds, min_tri)

    #Valid areas are forest
    forest_mask = np.logical_or(lo_rough_mask, log_tri_mask)

    ground_mask = ~forest_mask
Exemple #28
def main():
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    fn = args.fn

    #This is mean density for N Cascades snow
    #rho = 0.5
    #Density of pure ice
    rho = args.rho
    #If number is in kg/m^3 rather than g/cc
    if rho > 10.:
        rho /= 1000.

    #Clip negative values to 0
    filt = False

    src_ds = iolib.fn_getds(fn)
    res = geolib.get_res(src_ds, square=True)[0]
    bma = iolib.ds_getma(src_ds)

    #Attempt to extract t1 and t2 from input filename
    ts = timelib.fn_getdatetime_list(fn)
    #Hardcode timestamps
    #ts = [datetime.datetime(2013,9,10), datetime.datetime(2014,5,14)]

    dt_yr = None
    if len(ts) == 2:
        dt = ts[1] - ts[0]
        year = datetime.timedelta(days=365.25)
        dt_yr = dt.total_seconds() / year.total_seconds()

    #Can add filter here to remove outliers, perc_fltr(0.01, 99.9)
    if filt:
        mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(bma)
        bma[bma < 0] = 0
        bma = np.ma.array(bma, mask=mask)

    #Print out stats
    stats = malib.print_stats(bma)

    count = stats[0]
    area = res**2 * count
    mean = stats[3]
    med = stats[5]

    s_m3 = np.ma.sum(bma) * res**2
    s_km3 = s_m3 / 1E9
    s_mwe = mean * rho
    s_gt = s_km3 * rho
    #s_mm = s_gt/374
    s_mm = s_gt / 360

    if dt_yr is not None:
        print("%s to %s: %0.2f yr" % (ts[0], ts[1], dt_yr))
        print("%0.0f m^3 (%0.0f m^3/yr)" % (s_m3, s_m3 / dt_yr))
        print("%0.3f km^3 (%0.3f km^3/yr)" % (s_km3, s_km3 / dt_yr))
        print("Density: %0.3f g/cc" % rho)
        print("%0.3f GT (%0.3f GT/yr)" % (s_gt, s_gt / dt_yr))
        print("%0.6f mm SLR (%0.6f mm/yr)" % (s_mm, s_mm / dt_yr))
        print("%0.3f m.w.e. (%0.3f m.w.e./yr)" % (s_mwe, s_mwe / dt_yr))
        print("Area: %0.2f km2" % (area / 1E6))
        print("%0.0f m^3" % s_m3)
        print("%0.3f km^3" % s_km3)
        print("Density: %0.3f g/cc" % rho)
        print("%0.3f GT" % s_gt)
        print("%0.6f mm SLR" % s_mm)
        print("%0.3f m.w.e." % s_mwe)
Exemple #29
#! /usr/bin/env python

#Extract sample values at training point locations

import numpy as np
from pygeotools.lib import iolib, geolib

pt_fn = 'trainingpts_utm_xycode.csv'
r_fn = 'NOAA2017_DEM-0000014848-0000000000.tif'
r_ds = iolib.fn_getds(r_fn)
#xy_srs = geolib.wgs_srs
xcol = 0
ycol = 1

print("Loading points: %s" % pt_fn)
#This needs to return a header
pts = iolib.readcsv(pt_fn)

out_samp = []
for b in range(1, 5):
    samp = geolib.sample(r_ds,
                         pts[:, xcol],
                         pts[:, ycol],

#Not finished...
Exemple #30
#! /usr/bin/env python

Script to mask SRTM elevation values above a predefined error threshold

import sys
import os
from pygeotools.lib import iolib
import numpy as np

#Max allowable error values in meters
max_err = 5

hgt_fn = sys.argv[1]
err_fn = sys.argv[2]


hgt_ds = iolib.fn_getds(hgt_fn)
hgt = iolib.ds_getma(hgt_ds)
err = iolib.fn_getma(err_fn)

#Note: Units of err are mm, multiply by 1000
err[(err > float(max_err*1000))] = np.ma.masked
hgt_masked = np.ma.array(hgt, mask=np.ma.getmaskarray(err))

out_fn = os.path.splitext(hgt_fn)[0]+'_lt%sm_err.tif' % max_err
iolib.writeGTiff(hgt_masked, out_fn, hgt_ds)
Exemple #31
def main():
    start_time = timer()
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    r_fn = args.r_fn
    metric_list = args.metric_list.split(" ")
    win_size_list = args.win_size_list.split(" ")
    distance_list = args.distance_list.split(" ")

    print "\tGLCM metrics to be processed: %s" % metric_list

    if not os.path.exists(r_fn):
        sys.exit("Unable to find r_fn: %s" % r_fn)

    # r_fn to r_ds
    r_ds = iolib.fn_getds(r_fn)

    # ...to array
    r_arr = r_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

    # Forget about masked arrays...just use np.where to put 0 for all invalid vals
    r_arr = np.where((r_arr > 0.0) & (r_arr <= 1.0), r_arr, np.nan)

    # A way of checking the histograms of the orig image, and the scaled image
    # scale and set to to byte
    ##fit_GMM(r_arr, os.path.split(r_fn)[0], os.path.split(r_fn)[1], 5, 'float')
    ##r_arr = img_as_ubyte(r_arr)
    ##r_arr = img_as_uint(r_arr)
    ##fit_GMM(r_arr, os.path.split(r_fn)[0], os.path.split(r_fn)[1], 5, 'byte')
    end_readdata = timer()
    print "\tData: %s" % (os.path.basename(r_fn))
    print "\n\tTime to read in data: {} minutes\n".format(
        round(find_elapsed_time(start_time, end_readdata), 3))
    print "\tWindow sizes to be processed: %s" % win_size_list
    print "\tDistances to be processed: %s" % distance_list
    for win_size in win_size_list:
        print "\n\tWindow size: %s" % win_size
        win_size = int(win_size)

        for distance in distance_list:
            print "\tDistance: %s" % distance
            start_win_dist = timer()
            distance = int(distance)

            # Set up arrays to hold GLCM output
            #       these need to be float

            con = np.copy(r_arr).astype(np.float32)
            con[:] = 0
            dis = np.copy(r_arr).astype(np.float32)
            dis[:] = 0
            cor = np.copy(r_arr).astype(np.float32)
            cor[:] = 0
            asm = np.copy(r_arr).astype(np.float32)
            asm[:] = 0

            start_glcm = timer()
            print "\tCalculating GLCM and its properties..."
            # Loop over pixel windows (row and col, by win_size
            for i in range(con.shape[0]):
                print i,
                for j in range(con.shape[1]):

                    #windows needs to fit completely in image
                    if i < ((win_size - 1) / 2) or j < ((win_size - 1) / 2):
                    if i > (con.shape[0] -
                            ((win_size + 1) / 2)) or j > (con.shape[0] - (
                                (win_size + 1) / 2)):

                    #Calculate GLCM on a window
                    # converting to byte array right before GLCM processing
                    #       output arrays still with input precision
                    in_arr = img_as_ubyte(r_arr)
                    in_glcm_window_arr = in_arr[(i - ((win_size - 1) / 2)):(
                        i + ((win_size + 1) / 2)), (j - ((win_size - 1) / 2)):(
                            j + ((win_size + 1) / 2))]
                    del in_arr
                    out_glcm_window_arr = greycomatrix(in_glcm_window_arr, \
                                                        #angles=[0, np.pi/4, np.pi/2, 3*np.pi/4],\
                                                        levels=256,  symmetric=True, normed=True )

                    con[i, j], dis[i, j], cor[i, j], asm[i, j] = [
                        greycoprops(out_glcm_window_arr, metric)
                        for metric in metric_list

                    del out_glcm_window_arr

            end_glcm = timer()
            print "\n\tTime to compute this GLCM and its properties: {} minutes\n".format(
                round(find_elapsed_time(start_glcm, end_glcm), 3))

            out_glcm_list = [con, dis, cor, asm]

            for num, metric in enumerate(metric_list):
                out_fn = os.path.splitext(r_fn)[0] + '_TEXTij_win' + str(
                    win_size) + '_' + 'dist' + str(
                        distance) + '_' + metric + '.tif'
                print '\tWriting: %s' % (out_fn)
                iolib.writeGTiff(out_glcm_list[num], out_fn, r_fn)
            end_win_dist = timer()
            print "\tTotal compute time for GLCM on this window & distance: {} minutes\n".format(
                round(find_elapsed_time(start_win_dist, end_win_dist), 3))
Exemple #32
    #mask_mat = scipy.io.loadmat(mask_fn)
    #mask_key = key+'mask'
    #mask = mask_mat[mask_key].T
    print "Unrecognized extension, continuing without filtering or scaling"

#Parse GCPs
gcp_fn = os.path.splitext(in_fn)[0]+'.gcp' 
gcp = parse_gcp(gcp_fn) 

#Load DEM
#Should be in projected, cartesian coords
dem_fn = sys.argv[3]

#Extract DEM to ma
dem_ds = iolib.fn_getds(dem_fn)
dem_srs = geolib.get_ds_srs(dem_ds)
dem_gt = dem_ds.GetGeoTransform()
dem = iolib.ds_getma(dem_ds)

#Compute azimuth pixel size in meters (function of range)
az_pixel_spacing = az_angle_step * np.arange(near_range_slc, far_range_slc, range_pixel_spacing)

#Downsample DEM to match radar GSD, or 2x radar GSD?
#min(range, az)

#Want to allow for input more precise DGPS coordinates for GPRI origin
#Trimble GeoXH shp output has XY, need to process raw data for XYZ
#ref_coord = [-121.7502352, 46.78364631, ref_coord[2]]