Exemple #1
def rolling_fltr(dem, f=np.nanmedian, size=3, circular=True, origmask=False):
    """General rolling filter (default operator is median filter)

    Can input any function f

    Efficient for smaller arrays, correclty handles NaN, fills gaps
    print("Applying rolling filter: %s with size %s" % (f.__name__, size))
    dem = malib.checkma(dem)
    #Convert to float32 so we can fill with nan
    dem = dem.astype(np.float32)
    newshp = (dem.size, size * size)
    #Force a step size of 1
    t = malib.sliding_window_padded(dem.filled(np.nan), (size, size), (1, 1))
    if circular:
        if size > 3:
            mask = circular_mask(size)
            t[:, mask] = np.nan
    t = t.reshape(newshp)
    out = f(t, axis=1).reshape(dem.shape)
    out = np.ma.fix_invalid(out).astype(dem.dtype)
    if origmask:
        out = np.ma.array(out, mask=np.ma.getmaskarray(dem))
    return out
Exemple #2
def get_closest_dt_idx(dt, dt_list):
    """Get indices of dt_list that is closest to input dt
    from pygeotools.lib import malib
    dt_list = malib.checkma(dt_list, fix=False)
    dt_diff = np.abs(dt - dt_list)
    return dt_diff.argmin()
Exemple #3
def gauss_fltr_opencv(dem, size=3, sigma=1):
    """OpenCV Gaussian filter
    Still propagates NaN values
    import cv2
    dem = malib.checkma(dem)
    dem_cv = cv2.GaussianBlur(dem.filled(np.nan), (size, size), sigma)
    out = np.ma.fix_invalid(dem_cv)
    return out
Exemple #4
def gauss_fltr_pyramid(dem, size=None, full=False, origmask=False):
    """Pyaramidal downsampling approach for gaussian smoothing
    Avoids the need for large kernels, very fast
    Needs testing
    dem = malib.checkma(dem)
    levels = int(np.floor(np.log2(size)))
    #print levels
    dim = (np.floor(np.array(dem.shape) / float(2**levels) + 1) *
    #print dem.shape
    #print dim
    #Can do something with np.pad here
    #np.pad(a_fp.filled(), 1, mode='constant', constant_values=(a_fp.fill_value,))
    dem2 = np.full(dim, dem.fill_value)
    offset = np.floor((dim - np.array(dem.shape)) / 2.0).astype(int)
    #print offset
    #dem2[0:dem.shape[0],0:dem.shape[1]] = dem.data
    dem2[offset[0]:dem.shape[0] + offset[0],
         offset[1]:dem.shape[1] + offset[1]] = dem.data
    dem2 = np.ma.masked_equal(dem2, dem.fill_value)
    #dem2 = dem
    for n in range(levels):
        dim = (np.floor(np.array(dem2.shape) / 2.0 + 1) * 2).astype(int)
        #dem2 = gauss_fltr_astropy(dem2, size=5, origmask=origmask)
        #dem2 = gauss_fltr_astropy(dem2, size=5)
        dem2 = gauss_fltr_astropy(dem2, size=5)
        #Note: Should use zoom with same bilinear interpolation here for consistency
        #However, this doesn't respect nan
        #dem2 = zoom(dem2, 0.5, order=1, prefilter=False, cval=dem.fill_value)
        dem2 = dem2[::2, ::2]
    if full:
        print("Resizing to original input dimensions")
        from scipy.ndimage import zoom
        for n in range(levels):
            #Note: order 1 is bilinear
            dem2 = zoom(dem2, 2, order=1, prefilter=False, cval=dem.fill_value)
        #dem2 = zoom(dem2, 2**levels, order=1, prefilter=False, cval=dem2.fill_value)
        #This was for power of 2 offset
        #offset = (2**levels)/2
        #print offset
        #dem2 = dem2[offset:dem.shape[0]+offset,offset:dem.shape[1]+offset]
        #Use original offset
        dem2 = dem2[offset[0]:dem.shape[0] + offset[0],
                    offset[1]:dem.shape[1] + offset[1]]
        if origmask:
            print("Applying original mask")
            #Allow filling of interior holes, but use original outer edge
            maskfill = malib.maskfill(dem)
            #dem2 = np.ma.array(dem2, mask=np.ma.getmaskarray(dem))
            dem2 = np.ma.array(dem2, mask=maskfill, fill_value=dem.fill_value)
    return dem2
Exemple #5
def get_closest_dt_padded_idx(dt, dt_list, pad=timedelta(days=30)):
    """Get indices of dt_list that is closest to input dt +/- pad days
    #If pad is in decimal days
    if not isinstance(pad, timedelta):
        pad = timedelta(days=pad)
    from pygeotools.lib import malib
    dt_list = malib.checkma(dt_list, fix=False)
    dt_diff = np.abs(dt - dt_list)
    valid_idx = (dt_diff.data < pad).nonzero()[0]
    return valid_idx
Exemple #6
def best_scalebar_location(a, length_pad=0.2, height_pad=0.1):
    Attempt to determine best corner for scalebar based on number of unmasked pixels
    a = malib.checkma(a)
    length = int(a.shape[1] * length_pad)
    height = int(a.shape[0] * height_pad)
    d = {}
    d['upper right'] = a[0:height, -length:].count()
    d['upper left'] = a[0:height, 0:length].count()
    d['lower right'] = a[-height:, -length:].count()
    d['lower left'] = a[-height:, 0:length].count()
    loc = min(d, key=d.get)
    return loc
Exemple #7
def median_fltr_opencv(dem, size=3, iterations=1):
    """OpenCV median filter
    import cv2
    dem = malib.checkma(dem)
    if size > 5:
        print("Need to implement iteration")
    n = 0
    out = dem
    while n <= iterations:
        dem_cv = cv2.medianBlur(out.astype(np.float32).filled(np.nan), size)
        out = np.ma.fix_invalid(dem_cv)
        n += 1
    return out
Exemple #8
def ndanimate(a):
    import matplotlib.animation as animation
    a = malib.checkma(a)
    #Compute constant scale
    clim = malib.calcperc(a)
    label = 'Elev. Diff. (m)'
    fig = plt.figure()
    ims = []
    for i in a:
        #cmap = 'gist_rainbow_r'
        cmap = 'cpt_rainbow'
        im = plt.imshow(i, cmap=cmap, clim=clim)
        #cbar = fig.colorbar(im, extend='both', shrink=0.5)
    an = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, interval=100, blit=True)
    return an
Exemple #9
def rolling_fltr(dem, f=np.nanmedian, size=3, circular=True):
    """General rolling filter (default operator is median filter)

    Can input any function f

    Efficient for smaller arrays, correclty handles NaN, fills gaps
    dem = malib.checkma(dem)
    newshp = (dem.size, size*size)
    #Force a step size of 1
    t = malib.sliding_window_padded(dem.filled(np.nan), (size, size), (1, 1))
    if circular:
        mask = circular_mask(size)
        t[:,mask] = np.nan
    t = t.reshape(newshp)
    out = f(t, axis=1).reshape(dem.shape)
    out = np.ma.fix_invalid(out)
    return out
Exemple #10
def median_fltr_skimage(dem, radius=3, erode=1, origmask=False):
    Older skimage.filter.median_filter

    This smooths, removes noise and fills in nodata areas with median of valid pixels!  Effectively an inpainting routine
    #Note, ndimage doesn't properly handle ma - convert to nan
    dem = malib.checkma(dem)
    dem = dem.astype(np.float64)
    #Mask islands
    if erode > 0:
        print("Eroding islands smaller than %s pixels" % (erode * 2)) 
        dem = malib.mask_islands(dem, iterations=erode)
    print("Applying median filter with radius %s" % radius) 
    #Note: this funcitonality was present in scikit-image 0.9.3
    import skimage.filter
    dem_filt_med = skimage.filter.median_filter(dem, radius, mask=~dem.mask)
    #Starting in version 0.10.0, this is the new filter
    #This is the new filter, but only supports uint8 or unit16
    #import skimage.filters
    #import skimage.morphology 
    #dem_filt_med = skimage.filters.rank.median(dem, disk(radius), mask=~dem.mask)
    #dem_filt_med = skimage.filters.median(dem, skimage.morphology.disk(radius), mask=~dem.mask)
    #Now mask all nans
    #skimage assigns the minimum value as nodata
    #CHECK THIS, seems pretty hacky
    #Also, looks like some valid values are masked at this stage, even though they should be above min
    ndv = np.min(dem_filt_med)
    #ndv = dem_filt_med.min() + 0.001
    out = np.ma.masked_less_equal(dem_filt_med, ndv)
    #Should probably replace the ndv with original ndv
    if origmask:
        print("Applying original mask")
        #Allow filling of interior holes, but use original outer edge
        #maskfill = malib.maskfill(dem, iterations=radius)
        maskfill = malib.maskfill(dem)
        #dem_filt_gauss = np.ma.array(dem_filt_gauss, mask=dem.mask, fill_value=dem.fill_value)
        out = np.ma.array(out, mask=maskfill, fill_value=dem.fill_value)
    return out
Exemple #11
def gauss_fltr_astropy(dem, size=None, sigma=None, origmask=False, fill_interior=False):
    """Astropy gaussian filter properly handles convolution with NaN


    width1 = 3; sigma1 = (width1-1) / 6;
    Specify width for smallest feature of interest and determine sigma appropriately

    sigma is width of 1 std in pixels (not multiplier)

    scipy and astropy both use cutoff of 4*sigma on either side of kernel - 99.994%

    3*sigma on either side of kernel - 99.7%

    If sigma is specified, filter width will be a multiple of 8 times sigma 

    Alternatively, specify filter size, then compute sigma: sigma = (size - 1) / 8.

    If size is < the required width for 6-8 sigma, need to use different mode to create kernel

    mode 'oversample' and 'center' are essentially identical for sigma 1, but very different for sigma 0.3

    The sigma/size calculations below should work for non-integer sigma

    #import astropy.nddata
    import astropy.convolution
    dem = malib.checkma(dem)
    #Generate 2D gaussian kernel for input sigma and size
    #Default size is 8*sigma in x and y directions
    #kernel = astropy.nddata.make_kernel([size, size], sigma, 'gaussian')
    #Size must be odd
    if size is not None:
        size = int(np.floor(size/2)*2 + 1)
        size = max(size, 3)
    #Truncate the filter at this many standard deviations. Default is 4.0
    truncate = 3.0
    if size is not None and sigma is None:
        sigma = (size - 1) / (2*truncate)
    elif size is None and sigma is not None:
        #Round up to nearest odd int
        size = int(np.ceil((sigma * (2*truncate) + 1)/2)*2 - 1)
    elif size is None and sigma is None:
        #Use default parameters
        sigma = 1
        size = int(np.ceil((sigma * (2*truncate) + 1)/2)*2 - 1)
    size = max(size, 3)
    kernel = astropy.convolution.Gaussian2DKernel(sigma, x_size=size, y_size=size, mode='oversample')

    print("Applying gaussian smoothing filter with size %i and sigma %0.3f (sum %0.3f)" % \
            (size, sigma, kernel.array.sum()))

    #This will fill holes
    #np.nan is float
    #dem_filt_gauss = astropy.nddata.convolve(dem.astype(float).filled(np.nan), kernel, boundary='fill', fill_value=np.nan)
    #dem_filt_gauss = astropy.convolution.convolve(dem.astype(float).filled(np.nan), kernel, boundary='fill', fill_value=np.nan)
    #Added normalization to ensure filtered values are not brightened/darkened if kernelsum != 1
    dem_filt_gauss = astropy.convolution.convolve(dem.astype(float).filled(np.nan), kernel, boundary='fill', fill_value=np.nan, normalize_kernel=True)
    #This will preserve original ndv pixels, applying original mask after filtering
    if origmask:
        print("Applying original mask")
        #Allow filling of interior holes, but use original outer edge
        if fill_interior:
            mask = malib.maskfill(dem)
            mask = dem.mask
        dem_filt_gauss = np.ma.array(dem_filt_gauss, mask=mask, fill_value=dem.fill_value)
    out = np.ma.fix_invalid(dem_filt_gauss, copy=False, fill_value=dem.fill_value)
    return out.astype(dem.dtype)
Exemple #12
def writeGTiff(a,
    """Write input array to disk as GeoTiff

    a : np.array or np.ma.array
        Input array
    dst_fn : str
        Output filename
    src_ds: GDAL Dataset, optional
        Source Dataset to use for creating copy
    bnum : int, optional 
        Output band
    ndv : float, optional 
        Output NoData Value
    gt : list, optional
        Output GeoTransform
    proj : str, optional
        Output Projection (OGC WKT or PROJ.4 format)
    create : bool, optional
        Create new dataset
    sparse : bool, optional
        Output should be created with sparse options
    #If input is not np.ma, this creates a new ma, which has default filL_value of 1E20
    #Must manually override with ndv
    #Also consumes a lot of memory
    #Should bypass if input is bool
    from pygeotools.lib.malib import checkma
    a = checkma(a, fix=False)
    #Want to preserve fill_value if already specified
    if ndv is not None:
    driver = gtif_drv
    #Currently only support writing singleband rasters
    #if a.ndim > 2:
    #   np_nbands = a.shape[2]
    #   if src_ds.RasterCount np_nbands:
    #      for bnum in np_nbands:
    nbands = 1
    np_dt = a.dtype.name
    if src_ds is not None:
        #If this is a fn, get a ds
        #Note: this saves a lot of unnecessary iolib.fn_getds calls
        if isinstance(src_ds, str):
            src_ds = fn_getds(src_ds)
        #if isinstance(src_ds, gdal.Dataset):
        src_dt = gdal.GetDataTypeName(src_ds.GetRasterBand(bnum).DataType)
        src_gt = src_ds.GetGeoTransform()
        #This is WKT
        src_proj = src_ds.GetProjection()
        #src_srs = osr.SpatialReference()

    #Probably a cleaner way to handle this
    if gt is None:
        gt = src_gt
    if proj is None:
        proj = src_proj

    #Need to create a new copy of the default options
    opt = list(gdal_opt)

    #Note: packbits is better for sparse data
    if sparse:
        #Not sure if VW can handle sparse tif

    #Use predictor=3 for floating point data
    if 'float' in np_dt.lower() and 'COMPRESS=LZW' in opt:

    #If input ma is same as src_ds, write out array using CreateCopy from existing dataset
    #if not create and (src_ds is not None) and ((a.shape[0] == src_ds.RasterYSize) and (a.shape[1] == src_ds.RasterXSize) and (np_dt.lower() == src_dt.lower())):
    #Should compare srs.IsSame(src_srs)
    if not create and (src_ds is not None) and (
        (a.shape[0] == src_ds.RasterYSize) and
        (a.shape[1] == src_ds.RasterXSize) and
        (np_dt.lower() == src_dt.lower())) and (src_gt == gt) and (src_proj
                                                                   == proj):
        #Note: third option is strict flag, set to false
        dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(dst_fn, src_ds, 0, options=opt)
    #Otherwise, use Create
        a_dtype = a.dtype
        gdal_dtype = np2gdal_dtype(a_dtype)
        if a_dtype.name == 'bool':
            #Set ndv to 0
            a.fill_value = False
        #Create(fn, nx, ny, nbands, dtype, opt)
        dst_ds = driver.Create(dst_fn,
        #Note: Need GeoMA here to make this work, or accept gt as argument
        #Could also do ds creation in calling script
        if gt is not None:
        if proj is not None:

    dst_ds = None
Exemple #13
def get_closest_dt_padded_idx(dt, dt_list, pad=timedelta(days=30)):
    from pygeotools.lib import malib
    dt_list = malib.checkma(dt_list, fix=False)
    dt_diff = np.abs(dt - dt_list)
    valid_idx = (dt_diff.data < pad).nonzero()[0]
    return valid_idx
Exemple #14
def extractPoint(b, x, y):
    b = malib.checkma(b)
    x = np.clip(x, 0, b.shape[1] - 1)
    y = np.clip(y, 0, b.shape[0] - 1)
    #Note: simplest way using integer indices 
    return b[np.ma.around(y).astype(int), np.ma.around(x).astype(int)]