def GetReactionString(self, r, show_cids=False): rid = self.rids[r] sparse = dict([(self.cids[c], self.S[c, r]) for c in self.S[:, r].nonzero()[0].flat]) if self.fluxes[0, r] >= 0: direction = '=>' else: direction = '<=' reaction = Reaction(self.kegg.rid2string(rid), sparse, rid=rid, direction=direction) return reaction.to_hypertext(show_cids=show_cids)
def stoichiometric_matrix2html(html_writer, A, cids, eps=1e-10): """ Print a table in HTML format. A is a stoichiometric matrix where each row is a reaction and each column is a compound, corresponding in position to the list "cids". """ dict_list = [] for i in xrange(A.shape[0]): sparse_reaction = dict([(cids[j], A[i, j]) for j in xrange(A.shape[1]) if abs(A[i, j]) > eps]) r = Reaction("reaction%d" % i, sparse_reaction=sparse_reaction) dict_list.append({"reaction": r.to_hypertext()}) html_writer.write_ul( ["%d rows" % A.shape[0], "%d columns" % A.shape[1], "%d rank" % LinearRegression.MatrixRank(A)] ) html_writer.write_table(dict_list, headers=["#", "reaction"])
def stoichiometric_matrix2html(html_writer, A, cids, eps=1e-10): """ Print a table in HTML format. A is a stoichiometric matrix where each row is a reaction and each column is a compound, corresponding in position to the list "cids". """ dict_list = [] for i in xrange(A.shape[0]): sparse_reaction = dict([(cids[j], A[i, j]) for j in xrange(A.shape[1]) if abs(A[i, j]) > eps]) r = Reaction("reaction%d" % i, sparse_reaction=sparse_reaction) dict_list.append({'reaction': r.to_hypertext()}) html_writer.write_ul([ '%d rows' % A.shape[0], '%d columns' % A.shape[1], '%d rank' % LinearRegression.MatrixRank(A) ]) html_writer.write_table(dict_list, headers=['#', 'reaction'])
def GetTotalReactionString(self, show_cids=False): total_S = self.S * self.fluxes.T sparse = dict([(self.cids[c], total_S[c, 0]) for c in total_S.nonzero()[0].flat]) reaction = Reaction("Total", sparse, direction="=>") return reaction.to_hypertext(show_cids=show_cids)
def write_current_solution(self, exp_html, lp, experiment_name, output_kegg_file=None): solution = lp.get_active_reaction_data() solution_id = '%03d' % lp.solution_index exp_html.write('%d reactions, flux = %g, \n' % (len(solution.reactions), float(solution.fluxes.sum(1)))) # draw network as a graph and link to it Gdot = self.kegg_pathologic.draw_pathway(solution.reactions, list(solution.fluxes.flat)) svg_fname = '%s/%s_graph' % (experiment_name, solution_id) exp_html.embed_dot_inline(Gdot, width=240, height=320, name=svg_fname) # write the solution for the concentrations in a table if solution.concentrations is not None: exp_html.insert_toggle(start_here=True) rowdicts = [] for c, compound in enumerate(solution.compounds): rowdict = {} rowdict['KEGG ID'] = '<a href="%s">C%05d</a>' % (compound.get_link(), compound.cid) rowdict['Compound'] = rowdict[symbol_df_G0_prime + "[kJ/mol]"] = solution.dG0_f[0, c] rowdict[symbol_df_G_prime + "[kJ/mol]"] = solution.dG_f[0, c] if np.isfinite(solution.concentrations[0, c]): rowdict['Conc. [M]'] = '%.1e' % solution.concentrations[0, c] else: rowdict['Conc. [M]'] = 'N/A' rowdicts.append(rowdict) headers=['KEGG ID', 'Compound', symbol_df_G0_prime + "[kJ/mol]", symbol_df_G_prime + "[kJ/mol]", 'Conc. [M]'] exp_html.write('Compound Concentrations<br>\n') exp_html.write_table(rowdicts, headers, decimal=1) total_reaction = Reaction('total', {}) rowdicts = [] for r, reaction in enumerate(solution.reactions): rowdict = {} flux = solution.fluxes[0, r] rowdict['KEGG ID'] = '<a href="%s">R%05d</a>' % (reaction.get_link(), reaction.rid) rowdict['Reaction'] = reaction.to_hypertext(show_cids=False) rowdict['Flux'] = flux rowdict[symbol_dr_Gc_prime + "[kJ/mol]"] = solution.dGc_r[0, r] rowdict[symbol_dr_G_prime + "[kJ/mol]"] = solution.dG_r[0, r] rowdicts.append(rowdict) total_reaction += (flux * reaction) rowdict = {} rowdict['KEGG ID'] = 'total' rowdict['Reaction'] = total_reaction.to_hypertext(show_cids=False) rowdict[symbol_dr_Gc_prime + "[kJ/mol]"] = float(solution.dGc_r.sum(1)) rowdict[symbol_dr_G_prime + "[kJ/mol]"] = float(solution.dG_r.sum(1)) rowdicts.append(rowdict) headers=['KEGG ID', 'Reaction', symbol_dr_Gc_prime + "[kJ/mol]", symbol_dr_G_prime + "[kJ/mol]", "Flux"] exp_html.write('Reaction Gibbs energies<br>\n') exp_html.write_table(rowdicts, headers, decimal=1) exp_html.div_end() # write the pathway in KEGG format if output_kegg_file is not None: write_kegg_pathway(output_kegg_file, entry=experiment_name + ' ' + solution_id, reactions=solution.reactions, fluxes=list(solution.fluxes.flat)) exp_html.write('<br>\n')