Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, window,
                 x=0, y=0, width=100, height=100,
                 anchor_x='left', anchor_y='bottom',
                 style = Default['terminal'], prompt = '> ', banner = ''):
        '''Create a new console.

            `window` : pyglet.window.Window
                Window this console will be embedded in.
            `x` : int
                X coordinate of the console.
            `y` : int
                Y coordinate of the console.
            `width` : int
                Width of the console in pixels, or None
            `height` : int
                Height of the console in pixels, or None
            `anchor_x` : str
                Anchor point of the X coordinate: one of ``"left"``,
                ``"center"`` or ``"right"``.
            `anchor_y` : str
                Anchor point of the Y coordinate: one of ``"bottom"``,
                ``"center"`` or ``"top"``.
            `style` : dict
                Style dictionnary describing element styles
            `prompt` : str
                Console prompt
            `banner` : str
                Text to be displayed prior to any input.

        super(Console, self).__init__()
        self._window = window
        self._style = style
        self._prompt = prompt
        self._prompt_start, self._prompt_end = 0, 0
        batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
        document = Document()
        margin = self._style['margin']
        layout = Layout(document,
                        width=width-2*margin, height=height-2*margin,
                        multiline=True, batch=batch)
        layout.anchor_x = anchor_x
        layout.anchor_y = anchor_y
        layout.x = int(margin)
        layout.y = int(margin)
        layout.view_y = 0
        layout.selection_color = self._style['selection_fg']
        layout.selection_background_color = self._style['selection_bg']
        caret = Caret(layout)
        caret.position = 0
        caret.visible = True
        r,g,b,a = self._style['text_fg']
        caret.color = (r,g,b)
        self._batch = batch
        self._document = document
        self._layout = layout
        self._caret = caret
        x,y,z = int(layout.x-margin), int(layout.y-margin), -.5
        w,h = layout.width+2*margin, layout.height+2*margin
        self._background = batch.add(
            4, pyglet.gl.GL_QUADS, None,
            ('v3f', (x,y,z, x+w,y,z, x+w,y+h,z,  x,y+h,z)),
            ('c4B', self._style['text_bg']*4))
        z += .1
        self._border = batch.add(
            4, pyglet.gl.GL_LINE_LOOP, None,
            ('v3f', (x,y,z, x+w,y,z, x+w,y+h,z,  x,y+h,z)),
            ('c4B', self._style['border_fg']*4))
        if banner:
        if window:
            self._cursor = window.get_system_mouse_cursor('text')
            self._cursor = None