Example Usage: ./update_fusion_version.py --long "3.2.0" --short "3.2" """ import datetime import fileinput import os import sys from pyglib import app from pyglib import flags FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('long', '', 'Long version string for fusion (e.g 3.2.0') flags.DEFINE_string('short', '', 'Short version string for fusion (e.g 3.2') def FindUpdateCurrentVersion(fusion_version_file, long_version, short_version, year): """Find and update long and short version names in the fusion_version_file. Args: fusion_version_file: Absolute filename for fusion_version.txt long_version: The new long_version to update to. short_version: The new short_version to update to. year: The current year to be used in copyright statement. Returns:
import prometheus_client as prom from pyglib import app from pyglib import flags from pyglib import log from twitter.common import http from twitter.common.exceptions import ExceptionalThread from twitter.common.http.diagnostics import DiagnosticsEndpoints from twitter.common.zookeeper import kazoo_client from twitter.common.zookeeper.serverset import serverset import metrics FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('zk', 'localhost:2181/', 'Zookeeper ensemble (comma-delimited, optionally ' 'followed by /chroot path)') flags.DEFINE_string('domain', 'zk.example.com', 'Serve records for this DNS domain.') flags.DEFINE_integer('port', 8080, 'HTTP listen port.') flags.DEFINE_string('listen', '', 'IP address to listen for http connections.') flags.DEFINE_integer('ttl', 60, 'TTL for normal records.') flags.DEFINE_integer('soa_ttl', 300, 'TTL for SOA record itself.') flags.DEFINE_string('soa_nameserver', '', 'Authoritative nameserver for the SOA record. ' 'Uses the system hostname if left blank.') flags.DEFINE_string('soa_email', '', 'Email address field for the SOA record. ' 'Autogenerated if left blank.')
from envs import active_vision_dataset_env from envs import task_env VIS_MODE = 'vis' HUMAN_MODE = 'human' BENCHMARK_MODE = 'benchmark' GRAPH_MODE = 'graph' EVAL_MODE = 'eval' flags.DEFINE_enum( 'mode', VIS_MODE, [VIS_MODE, HUMAN_MODE, BENCHMARK_MODE, GRAPH_MODE, EVAL_MODE], 'mode of the execution') flags.DEFINE_integer('benchmark_iter', 1000, 'number of iterations for benchmarking') flags.DEFINE_string('eval_folder', '', 'the path to the eval folder') flags.DEFINE_string('output_folder', '', 'the path to which the images and gifs are written') flags.DEFINE_multi_string('gin_config', [], 'List of paths to a gin config files for the env.') flags.DEFINE_multi_string('gin_params', [], 'Newline separated list of Gin parameter bindings.') mt = task_env.ModalityTypes FLAGS = flags.FLAGS def benchmark(env, targets): """Benchmarks the speed of sequence generation by env. Args:
# limitations under the License. """Quantitative evaluation of view synthesis results. Read in dumped json data and compute various statistics. """ import os import json import numpy as np from scipy.stats import wilcoxon from scipy.stats.mstats import rankdata from pyglib import app from pyglib import flags FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('root', 'evaluation', 'Evaluation directory') flags.DEFINE_string( 'model_names', 'v4_1024,v4_1024_alpha,v4_1024_singleRGB,v4_1024_fgbg,v4_1024_all', 'model names') flags.DEFINE_string('data_split', 'test', 'split of the data') flags.DEFINE_string('stats', 'mean,rank,diff,wilcoxon', 'which stats to compute') def load_data(root, model): with open(root + '/json/' + model + '.json') as f: data = json.load(f) return data