Exemple #1
def run_synth_test():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MCMC inference
    options, popn, data, popn_true, x_true = initialize_test_harness()
    results_file = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'results.pkl')
    N_samples = 100

    if os.path.exists(results_file):
        print "Results found. Loading from file."
        with open(results_file) as f:
            x_smpls = cPickle.load(f)
            N_samples = len(x_smpls)

        # TODO: Check that the results are from the same model?
        print "Results not found. Running MCMC inference."
        # If x0 specified, load x0 from file
        x0 = None
        if options.x0_file is not None:
            with open(options.x0_file, 'r') as f:
                print "Initializing with state from: %s" % options.x0_file
                mle_x0 = cPickle.load(f)
                # HACK: We're assuming x0 came from a standard GLM
                mle_model = make_model('standard_glm', N=data['N'])
                mle_popn = Population(mle_model)

                x0 = popn.sample()
                x0 = convert_model(mle_popn, mle_model, mle_x0, popn,
                                   popn.model, x0)

        # Prepare for online plotting
        plotters = initialize_plotting(popn_true, x_true, popn)
        cbk = lambda x: plot_sample_callback(x, plotters)

        # Perform inference
        raw_input('Press any key to begin inference...\n')
        x_smpls = gibbs_sample(popn,

        # Save results
        print "Saving results to %s" % results_file
        with open(results_file, 'w') as f:
            cPickle.dump(x_smpls, f, protocol=-1)

    # Plot average of last 20% of samples
    smpl_frac = 0.2
                 x_smpls[-1 * int(smpl_frac * N_samples):],
def run_synth_test():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MCMC inference
    options, popn, data, popn_true, x_true = initialize_test_harness()
    results_file = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'results.pkl')
    N_samples = 100

    if os.path.exists(results_file):
        print "Results found. Loading from file."
        with open(results_file) as f:
            x_smpls = cPickle.load(f)
            N_samples = len(x_smpls)

        # TODO: Check that the results are from the same model?
        print "Results not found. Running MCMC inference."
        # If x0 specified, load x0 from file
        x0 = None
        if options.x0_file is not None:
            with open(options.x0_file, 'r') as f:
                print "Initializing with state from: %s" % options.x0_file
                mle_x0 = cPickle.load(f)
                # HACK: We're assuming x0 came from a standard GLM
                mle_model = make_model('standard_glm', N=data['N'])
                mle_popn = Population(mle_model)

                x0 = popn.sample()
                x0 = convert_model(mle_popn, mle_model, mle_x0, popn, popn.model, x0)

        # Prepare for online plotting
        plotters = initialize_plotting(popn_true, x_true, popn)
        cbk = lambda x: plot_sample_callback(x, plotters)

        # Perform inference
        raw_input('Press any key to begin inference...\n')
        x_smpls = gibbs_sample(popn, data, x0=x0, N_samples=N_samples,

        # Save results
        print "Saving results to %s" % results_file
        with open(results_file, 'w') as f:
            cPickle.dump(x_smpls, f, protocol=-1)

    # Plot average of last 20% of samples
    smpl_frac = 0.2
def run_synth_test():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MAP inference via
        parallel coordinate descent.
    options, popn, data, client, popn_true, x_true = initialize_parallel_test_harness()

    print "Performing parallel inference"
    x_inf = parallel_coord_descent(client, data['N'], maxiter=1)
    ll_inf = popn.compute_log_p(x_inf)
    print "LL_inf: %f" % ll_inf

    # Save results
    with open(os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'results.pkl'),'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(x_inf,f, protocol=-1)
    # Plot results
    plot_results(popn, x_inf, 
                 popn_true, x_true, 
def run_synth_test():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MAP inference via
        parallel coordinate descent.
    options, popn, data, client, popn_true, x_true = initialize_parallel_test_harness(

    print "Performing parallel inference"
    x_inf = parallel_coord_descent(client, data['N'], maxiter=1)
    ll_inf = popn.compute_log_p(x_inf)
    print "LL_inf: %f" % ll_inf

    # Save results
    with open(os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'results.pkl'), 'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(x_inf, f, protocol=-1)

    # Plot results
Exemple #5
def run_synth_test():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MCMC inference
    options, popn, data, popn_true, x_true = initialize_test_harness()

    # Sample random initial state
    x0 = popn.sample()
    ll0 = popn.compute_log_p(x0)
    print "LL0: %f" % ll0

    # Perform inference
    x_inf = coord_descent(popn, x0=x0, maxiter=1)
    ll_inf = popn.compute_log_p(x_inf)
    print "LL_inf: %f" % ll_inf

    # Save results
    results_file = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'results.pkl')
    print "Saving results to %s" % results_file
    with open(results_file, 'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(x_inf, f, protocol=-1)

    # Plot results
    plot_results(popn, x_inf, popn_true, x_true, resdir=options.resultsDir)
Exemple #6
def run_synth_test():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MCMC inference
    options, popn, data, popn_true, x_true = initialize_test_harness()

    # Sample random initial state
    x0 = popn.sample()
    ll0 = popn.compute_log_p(x0)
    print "LL0: %f" % ll0

    # Perform inference
    x_inf = coord_descent(popn, x0=x0, maxiter=1)
    ll_inf = popn.compute_log_p(x_inf)
    print "LL_inf: %f" % ll_inf

    # Save results
    results_file = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'results.pkl')
    print "Saving results to %s" % results_file
    with open(results_file, 'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(x_inf, f, protocol=-1)

    # Plot results
    plot_results(popn, x_inf, popn_true, x_true, resdir=options.resultsDir)
Exemple #7
def run_synth_test():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MAP inference with cross validation
    options, popn, data, popn_true, x_true = initialize_test_harness()

    # Get the list of models for cross validation
    base_model = make_model(options.model, N=data['N'], dt=0.001)
    models = get_xv_models(base_model)

    # TODO Segment data into training and cross validation sets
    train_frac = 0.75
    T_split = data['T'] * train_frac
    train_data = segment_data(data, (0, T_split))
    xv_data = segment_data(data, (T_split, data['T']))

    # Preprocess the data sequences
    train_data = popn.preprocess_data(train_data)
    xv_data = popn.preprocess_data(xv_data)

    # Sample random initial state
    x0 = popn.sample()

    # Track the best model and parameters
    best_ind = -1
    best_xv_ll = -np.Inf
    best_x = x0
    best_model = None

    # Fit each model using the optimum of the previous models
    train_lls = np.zeros(len(models))
    xv_lls = np.zeros(len(models))
    total_lls = np.zeros(len(models))
    for (i, model) in enumerate(models):
        print "Training model %d" % i
        x0 = copy.deepcopy(best_x)
        ll0 = popn.compute_log_p(x0)
        print "Training LL0: %f" % ll0

        # Perform inference
        x_inf = coord_descent(popn, x0=x0, maxiter=1)
        ll_train = popn.compute_log_p(x_inf)
        print "Training LP_inf: %f" % ll_train
        train_lls[i] = ll_train

        # Compute log lkhd on xv data
        ll_xv = popn.compute_ll(x_inf)
        print "Cross Validation LL: %f" % ll_xv
        xv_lls[i] = ll_xv

        # Compute log lkhd on total dataset
        ll_total = popn.compute_ll(x_inf)
        print "Total LL: %f" % ll_total
        total_lls[i] = ll_total

        # Update best model
        if ll_xv > best_xv_ll:
            best_ind = i
            best_xv_ll = ll_xv
            best_x = copy.deepcopy(x_inf)
            best_model = copy.deepcopy(model)

    # Create a population with the best model

    # Fit the best model on the full training data
    best_x = coord_descent(popn,

    # Print results summary
    for i in np.arange(len(models)):
        print "Model %d:\tTrain LL: %.1f\tXV LL: %.1f\tTotal LL: %.1f" % (
            i, train_lls[i], xv_lls[i], total_lls[i])
    print "Best model: %d" % best_ind
    print "Best Total LL: %f" % popn.compute_ll(best_x)
    print "True LL: %f" % popn_true.compute_ll(x_true)

    # Save results
    results_file = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'results.pkl')
    print "Saving results to %s" % results_file
    with open(results_file, 'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(best_x, f)

    # Plot results
    plot_results(popn, best_x, popn_true, x_true, resdir=options.resultsDir)
Exemple #8
def run_gen_synth_data():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MCMC inference
    options, args = parse_cmd_line_args()

    # Create the model
    dt = 0.001
    model = make_model(options.model, N=options.N, dt=dt)
    # Set the sparsity level to minimize the risk of unstable networks

    print "Creating master population object"
    popn = Population(model)

    # Sample random parameters from the model
    x_true = popn.sample()

    # Check stability of matrix
    assert check_stability(model, x_true,
                           options.N), "ERROR: Sampled network is unstable!"

    # Save the model so it can be loaded alongside the data
    fname_model = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'model.pkl')
    print "Saving data to %s" % fname_model
    with open(fname_model, 'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(model, f, protocol=-1)

    print "Generating synthetic data with %d neurons and %.2f seconds." % \
          (options.N, options.T_stop)

    # Set simulation parametrs
    dt_stim = 0.1
    D_stim = (5, 5)
    # D_stim = model['bkgd']['D_stim'] if 'D_stim' in model['bkgd'] else 0
    if isinstance(D_stim, int):
        D_stim = [D_stim]
    stim = np.random.randn(options.T_stop / dt_stim, *D_stim)

    data = gen_synth_data(options.N, options.T_stop, popn, x_true, dt, dt_stim,
                          D_stim, stim)

    # Set the data so that the population state can be evaluated

    # DEBUG Evaluate the firing rate and the simulated firing rate
    state = popn.eval_state(x_true)
    for n in np.arange(options.N):
        lam_true = state['glms'][n]['lam']
        lam_sim = popn.glm.nlin_model.f_nlin(data['X'][:, n])
        assert np.allclose(lam_true, lam_sim)

    # Pickle the data so we can open it more easily
    fname_pkl = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'data.pkl')
    print "Saving data to %s" % fname_pkl
    with open(fname_pkl, 'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(data, f, protocol=-1)

    # Plot firing rates, stimulus responses, etc
    do_plot_imp_resonses = int(options.N) <= 16
def run_gen_synth_data():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MCMC inference
    options, args = parse_cmd_line_args()
    # Create the model
    dt = 0.001
    model = make_model(options.model, N=options.N, dt=dt)
    # Set the sparsity level to minimize the risk of unstable networks

    print "Creating master population object"
    popn = Population(model)

    # Sample random parameters from the model
    x_true = popn.sample()

    # Check stability of matrix
    assert check_stability(model, x_true, options.N), "ERROR: Sampled network is unstable!"

    # Save the model so it can be loaded alongside the data
    fname_model = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'model.pkl')
    print "Saving data to %s" % fname_model
    with open(fname_model,'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(model, f, protocol=-1)

    print "Generating synthetic data with %d neurons and %.2f seconds." % \
          (options.N, options.T_stop)

    # Set simulation parametrs
    dt_stim = 0.1
    D_stim = (5,5)
    # D_stim = model['bkgd']['D_stim'] if 'D_stim' in model['bkgd'] else 0
    if isinstance(D_stim, int):
        D_stim = [D_stim]
    stim = np.random.randn(options.T_stop/dt_stim, *D_stim)

    data = gen_synth_data(options.N, options.T_stop, popn, x_true, dt, dt_stim, D_stim, stim)

    # Set the data so that the population state can be evaluated
    # DEBUG Evaluate the firing rate and the simulated firing rate
    state = popn.eval_state(x_true)
    for n in np.arange(options.N):
        lam_true = state['glms'][n]['lam']
        lam_sim =  popn.glm.nlin_model.f_nlin(data['X'][:,n])
        assert np.allclose(lam_true, lam_sim)

    # Pickle the data so we can open it more easily
    fname_pkl = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'data.pkl')
    print "Saving data to %s" % fname_pkl
    with open(fname_pkl,'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(data, f, protocol=-1)

    # Plot firing rates, stimulus responses, etc
    do_plot_imp_resonses = int(options.N) <= 16
    plot_results(popn, data['vars'],
def run_synth_test():
    """ Run a test with synthetic data and MAP inference with cross validation
    options, popn, data, popn_true, x_true = initialize_test_harness()
    # Get the list of models for cross validation
    base_model = make_model(options.model, N=data['N'], dt=0.001)
    models = get_xv_models(base_model)

    # TODO Segment data into training and cross validation sets
    train_frac = 0.75
    T_split = data['T'] * train_frac
    train_data = segment_data(data, (0,T_split))
    xv_data = segment_data(data, (T_split,data['T']))

    # Preprocess the data sequences
    train_data = popn.preprocess_data(train_data)
    xv_data = popn.preprocess_data(xv_data)

    # Sample random initial state
    x0 = popn.sample()

    # Track the best model and parameters
    best_ind = -1
    best_xv_ll = -np.Inf
    best_x = x0
    best_model = None

    # Fit each model using the optimum of the previous models
    train_lls = np.zeros(len(models))
    xv_lls = np.zeros(len(models))
    total_lls = np.zeros(len(models))
    for (i,model) in enumerate(models):
        print "Training model %d" % i
        x0 = copy.deepcopy(best_x)
        ll0 = popn.compute_log_p(x0)
        print "Training LL0: %f" % ll0

        # Perform inference
        x_inf = coord_descent(popn, x0=x0, maxiter=1)
        ll_train = popn.compute_log_p(x_inf)
        print "Training LP_inf: %f" % ll_train
        train_lls[i] = ll_train

        # Compute log lkhd on xv data
        ll_xv = popn.compute_ll(x_inf)
        print "Cross Validation LL: %f" % ll_xv
        xv_lls[i] = ll_xv

        # Compute log lkhd on total dataset
        ll_total = popn.compute_ll(x_inf)
        print "Total LL: %f" % ll_total
        total_lls[i] = ll_total

        # Update best model
        if ll_xv > best_xv_ll:
            best_ind = i
            best_xv_ll = ll_xv
            best_x = copy.deepcopy(x_inf)
            best_model = copy.deepcopy(model)
    # Create a population with the best model

    # Fit the best model on the full training data
    best_x = coord_descent(popn, data, x0=x0, maxiter=1,

    # Print results summary
    for i in np.arange(len(models)):
        print "Model %d:\tTrain LL: %.1f\tXV LL: %.1f\tTotal LL: %.1f" % (i, train_lls[i], xv_lls[i], total_lls[i])
    print "Best model: %d" % best_ind
    print "Best Total LL: %f" % popn.compute_ll(best_x)
    print "True LL: %f" % popn_true.compute_ll(x_true)

    # Save results
    results_file = os.path.join(options.resultsDir, 'results.pkl')
    print "Saving results to %s" % results_file
    with open(results_file, 'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(best_x, f)

    # Plot results
    plot_results(popn, best_x, popn_true, x_true, resdir=options.resultsDir)