Exemple #1
 def format_unencoded(self, tokenstream, outfile):
     outfile.write("<div class='xcode'>")
     for ttype, tvalue in self.filter(tokenstream):
         if isinstance(ttype, str):
             if ttype == "Code:start":
                 outfile.write("<code class='%s'>" % self._lang)
             elif ttype == "Code:end":
             elif ttype == "Input:start":
                 outfile.write("<div class='input-numbered-block'>")
                 outfile.write("<code class='%s input'>" % self._lang)
             elif ttype == "Input:end":
             elif ttype == "Output:start":
                 outfile.write("<div class='output'>")
             elif ttype == "Output:end":
             elif ttype == "Exception:start":
                 outfile.write("<div class='exception'>")
             elif ttype == "Exception:end":
             elif ttype == "raw":
                 assert isinstance(tvalue, str)
             cls = MAP.get(ttype, None)
             tvalue = escape_html(tvalue)
             if cls:
                 outfile.write("<span class=%s>%s</span>" % (cls, tvalue))
Exemple #2
def test_correct_output():
    hfmt = HtmlFormatter(nowrap=True)
    houtfile = StringIO()
    hfmt.format(tokensource, houtfile)

    nfmt = NullFormatter()
    noutfile = StringIO()
    nfmt.format(tokensource, noutfile)

    stripped_html = re.sub('<.*?>', '', houtfile.getvalue())
    escaped_text = escape_html(noutfile.getvalue())
    assert stripped_html == escaped_text
    def test_correct_output(self):
        hfmt = HtmlFormatter(nowrap=True)
        houtfile = StringIO.StringIO()
        hfmt.format(tokensource, houtfile)

        nfmt = NullFormatter()
        noutfile = StringIO.StringIO()
        nfmt.format(tokensource, noutfile)

        stripped_html = re.sub('<.*?>', '', houtfile.getvalue())
        escaped_text = escape_html(noutfile.getvalue())
        self.assertEquals(stripped_html, escaped_text)
Exemple #4
    def test_correct_output(self):
        hfmt = CodeHtmlFormatter(instance_class=type, nowrap=True)
        houtfile = StringIO()
        hfmt.format(tokensource, houtfile)

        nfmt = NullFormatter()
        noutfile = StringIO()
        nfmt.format(tokensource, noutfile)

        stripped_html = re.sub('<.*?>', '', houtfile.getvalue())
        escaped_text = escape_html(noutfile.getvalue())
        self.assertEqual(stripped_html, escaped_text)
Exemple #5
def format_string(source, lexername=None, lexer=None, look="",
                  hl_lines=None, pre=False):
    source = dedent(source.strip("\r\n"))
    lexer = lexer or lexer_for(lexername)
    if lexer:
        hf = CustomHtmlFormatter(hl_lines=hl_lines)
        hi = highlight(source, lexer, hf)
        hi = escape_html(source)

    if pre:
        hi = "<pre class='pre codehilite %s'>%s</pre>" % (look, hi)

    return hi
Exemple #6
def get_feed(username):
    Uses the github gist API and constructs an RSS feed for it

    url = GIST_URL % username
        result = urlfetch.fetch(url)
    except urlfetch.DownloadError:
        result = urlfetch.fetch(url)
        logging.error("Died on get_feed(%s)", url)

    if result.status_code != 200 or result.content == 'error':
        return 'error'

    feed = [
            "username": username,
            "pub_date": strftime(DATE_FORMAT, gmtime())

    obj = json.loads(result.content)

    for i in range(0, len(obj) if len(obj) < 10 else 10):
        gist = obj[i]
        date = parse(gist['created_at'])
        desc = gist['description']
        title = escape_html(
            ', '.join(
                map(lambda f: f[1]['filename'], gist['files'].items())
            ) if desc is None else desc)

        feed.append(ITEM_TEMPLATE %
                "id": gist['id'],
                "author": username,
                "title": title,
                "post_date": date.strftime('%b %d, %Y'),
                "gist_url": gist['html_url'],
                "raw_gist": get_raw(gist['files']),
                "pub_date": date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT),
    return ''.join(feed)
Exemple #7
 def process_dtframe(self, header_lines, sep_line, body_lines, nrows,
     sep = sep_line.find('+')
     key_class = "row_index" if header_lines[0][:sep].strip() == '' else \
     columns = [mm.span() for mm in re.finditer('-+', sep_line)]
     out = "<div class='dtframe'><table>"
     out += "<thead>"
     for line in header_lines:
         cls = "colnames" if line == header_lines[0] else "coltypes"
         out += f"<tr class={cls}>"
         for i, j in columns:
             out += f"<th class={key_class}>" if j < sep else "<th>"
             out += line[i:j].strip()
             out += "</th>"
         out += "<th></th></tr>"
     out += "</thead>"
     out += "<tbody>"
     for line in body_lines:
         out += "<tr>"
         for i, j in columns:
             classes = []
             value = escape_html(line[i:j].strip())
             if j < sep:
             if value == '…':
             if value == 'NA':
             if classes:
                 out += f"<td class='{' '.join(classes)}'>"
                 out += "<td>"
             out += value
             out += "</td>"
         out += "<td></td></tr>"
     out += "</tbody>"
     out += "</table>"
     rows = f"{comma_separated(nrows)} row{'' if nrows == 1 else 's'}"
     cols = f"{comma_separated(ncols)} column{'' if ncols == 1 else 's'}"
     out += f"<div class='dtframe-footer'>{rows} &times; {cols}</div>"
     out += '</div>'
     yield ("raw", out)
Exemple #8
    def process_data(self):
        dot_width = 0
        if self.type in ['time64']:
            for value in self.data:
                if '.' in value:
                    t = len(value) - value.rindex('.')
                    dot_width = max(dot_width, t)

        for i, value in enumerate(self.data):
            value = escape_html(value)
            if value == "NA":
                value = "<span class=NA>NA</span>"
            if value == '…':
                value = "<span class=dim>…</span>"
            if dot_width:
                if '.' in value:
                    t = len(value) - value.rindex('.')
                    t = 0
                value += " " * (dot_width - t)
            if self.type == "time64":
                value = value.replace("T", "<span class=dim>T</span>")
            self.data[i] = value
    def _format_lines(self, tokensource):
        Just format the tokens, without any wrapping tags.
        Yield individual lines.
        nocls = self.noclasses
        lsep = self.lineseparator
        # for <span style=""> lookup only
        getcls = self.ttype2class.get
        c2s = self.class2style

        lspan = ''
        line = ''
        myescape = lambda x: x.replace('"', '\'')

        f = open('output','w+')
        for ttype, value in tokensource:
            curstates = self.linestates.get(self.curlineno, None)

            dumpfile = getglobal('dumpfile')
            if dumpfile:
                f = open(dumpfile, 'a')
    #            print '%i: %r' % (self.curlineno, curstates)
                f.write('%i: %r\n' % (self.curlineno, curstates))
            #if curstates is None:
                #print '%i: %r' % (self.curlineno, curstates)
            if ttype == Token.Text and value == '\n':
                self.curlineno += 1
            if Token.Name in (ttype, ttype.parent) or value == 'self':
                f = open('output', 'a')
                f.write('%i : %s : type = %s, value = %s\n' % (self.curlineno, value, myescape(BaseModuleInfo.get_vartypes(curstates,     value)), myescape(BaseModuleInfo.get_varvalues(curstates, value))))
                addedstyle = 'style="%s" title="%s: %s, val: %s"' % (myvar, value, myescape(BaseModuleInfo.get_vartypes(curstates, value)), myescape(BaseModuleInfo.get_varvalues(curstates, value)))
            elif Token.Literal in (ttype.parent, ttype.parent, ttype.parent.parent) and value not in ('\'', '"'):
#                addedstyle= 'style="%s" title="const \'%s\': TODO"' % \
#                        (myconst, value)
                addedstyle= 'style="%s" title="constant"' % myconst
                addedstyle = ''
            if nocls:
                cclass = getcls(ttype)
                while cclass is None:
                    ttype = ttype.parent
                    cclass = getcls(ttype)
                cspan = cclass and '<span style="%s" %s>' % \
                        (c2s[cclass][0], addedstyle) or ''
                cls = self._get_css_class(ttype)
                cspan = cls and '<span class="%s" %s>' % \
                        (cls, addedstyle) or ''
            parts = escape_html(value).split('\n')

            # for all but the last line
            for part in parts[:-1]:
                if line:
                    if lspan != cspan:
                        line += (lspan and '</span>') + cspan + part + \
                                (cspan and '</span>') + lsep
                    else: # both are the same
                        line += part + (lspan and '</span>') + lsep
                    yield 1, line
                    line = ''
                elif part:
                    yield 1, cspan + part + (cspan and '</span>') + lsep
                    yield 1, lsep
            # for the last line
            if line and parts[-1]:
                if lspan != cspan:
                    line += (lspan and '</span>') + cspan + parts[-1]
                    lspan = cspan
                    line += parts[-1]
            elif parts[-1]:
                line = cspan + parts[-1]
                lspan = cspan
            # else we neither have to open a new span nor set lspan

        if line:
            yield 1, line + (lspan and '</span>') + lsep
    def _format_lines(self, tokensource):
        Just format the tokens, without any wrapping tags.
        Yield individual lines.
        nocls = self.noclasses
        lsep = self.lineseparator
        # for <span style=""> lookup only
        getcls = self.ttype2class.get
        c2s = self.class2style

        lspan = ''
        line = ''
        myescape = lambda x: x.replace('"', '\'')

        f = open('output', 'w+')

        for ttype, value in tokensource:
            curstates = self.linestates.get(self.curlineno, None)

            dumpfile = getglobal('dumpfile')
            if dumpfile:
                f = open(dumpfile, 'a')
                #            print '%i: %r' % (self.curlineno, curstates)
                f.write('%i: %r\n' % (self.curlineno, curstates))

            #if curstates is None:
            #print '%i: %r' % (self.curlineno, curstates)
            if ttype == Token.Text and value == '\n':
                self.curlineno += 1
            if Token.Name in (ttype, ttype.parent) or value == 'self':
                f = open('output', 'a')
                    '%i : %s : type = %s, value = %s\n' %
                    (self.curlineno, value,
                     myescape(BaseModuleInfo.get_vartypes(curstates, value)),
                     myescape(BaseModuleInfo.get_varvalues(curstates, value))))
                addedstyle = 'style="%s" title="%s: %s, val: %s"' % (
                    myvar, value,
                    myescape(BaseModuleInfo.get_vartypes(curstates, value)),
                    myescape(BaseModuleInfo.get_varvalues(curstates, value)))
            elif Token.Literal in (ttype.parent, ttype.parent,
                                   ttype.parent.parent) and value not in ('\'',
                #                addedstyle= 'style="%s" title="const \'%s\': TODO"' % \
                #                        (myconst, value)
                addedstyle = 'style="%s" title="constant"' % myconst
                addedstyle = ''
            if nocls:
                cclass = getcls(ttype)
                while cclass is None:
                    ttype = ttype.parent
                    cclass = getcls(ttype)
                cspan = cclass and '<span style="%s" %s>' % \
                        (c2s[cclass][0], addedstyle) or ''
                cls = self._get_css_class(ttype)
                cspan = cls and '<span class="%s" %s>' % \
                        (cls, addedstyle) or ''
            parts = escape_html(value).split('\n')

            # for all but the last line
            for part in parts[:-1]:
                if line:
                    if lspan != cspan:
                        line += (lspan and '</span>') + cspan + part + \
                                (cspan and '</span>') + lsep
                    else:  # both are the same
                        line += part + (lspan and '</span>') + lsep
                    yield 1, line
                    line = ''
                elif part:
                    yield 1, cspan + part + (cspan and '</span>') + lsep
                    yield 1, lsep
            # for the last line
            if line and parts[-1]:
                if lspan != cspan:
                    line += (lspan and '</span>') + cspan + parts[-1]
                    lspan = cspan
                    line += parts[-1]
            elif parts[-1]:
                line = cspan + parts[-1]
                lspan = cspan
            # else we neither have to open a new span nor set lspan

        if line:
            yield 1, line + (lspan and '</span>') + lsep