Exemple #1
def godaddycli(username, password, cfg):
    client = GoDaddyClient()
    c = client.login(username, password)
    if not c:
        print "couldn't login"

    if cfg.delete is not None:
        godaddycli_delete(client, cfg)
        return 0
    if cfg.update is not None:
        godaddycli_update(client, cfg)
        return 0
    if cfg.list is not None:
        godaddycli_list(client, cfg)
        return 0
def godaddycli(username, password, cfg):
    client = GoDaddyClient()
    c = client.login(username, password)
    if not c:
            print "couldn't login"

    if cfg.delete is not None:
        godaddycli_delete(client, cfg)
        return 0
    if cfg.update is not None:
        godaddycli_update(client, cfg)
        return 0
    if cfg.list is not None:
        godaddycli_list(client, cfg)
        return 0
Exemple #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging
import pif
from pygodaddy import GoDaddyClient
logging.basicConfig(filename='godaddy.log', format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
client = GoDaddyClient()


for domain in client.find_domains():
    dns_records = client.find_dns_records(domain)
    public_ip = pif.get_public_ip()
    logging.debug("Domain '{0}' DNS records: {1}".format(domain, dns_records))
    if public_ip != dns_records[0].value:
        client.update_dns_record(domain, public_ip)
        logging.info("Domain '{0}' public IP set to '{1}'".format(domain, public_ip))
class GodaddyDnsUpdater:
    def __publicip(self):
        return get('https://api.ipify.org').text

    def __isfullymanaged(self):
        if self.__configparser.get('global', 'fully_managed').lower() == 'yes':
            return True
            return False

    def __usetls(self):
        if self.__configparser.get('global', 'smtp_tls').lower() == 'yes':
            return True
            return False

    def __init__(self, configfile):

        self.__godaddyclient = GoDaddyClient()

        # read config
        self.__configparser = ConfigParser()
        self.__updatemessage = ''
        self.__username = self.__configparser.get('global', 'username')
        self.__password = self.__configparser.get('global', 'password')
        self.__logfile = self.__configparser.get('global', 'logfile')
        self.__changedetected = False
        self.__domains = []
        for section in self.__configparser.sections():
            if section != 'global':

        # mail config
        self.__mailnotifyenabled = self.__configparser.get('global', 'mail_notify_enabled')
        self.__mailreceiver = self.__configparser.get('global', 'mail_receiver')
        self.__mailsender = self.__configparser.get('global', 'mail_sender')
        self.__mailuser = self.__configparser.get('global', 'smtp_user')
        self.__mailpassword = self.__configparser.get('global', 'smtp_password')
        self.__smtphost = self.__configparser.get('global', 'smtp_host')
        self.__smtpport = self.__configparser.get('global', 'smtp_port')

    def updatedns(self):
        for domain in self.__domains:
        if self.__mailnotifyenabled and self.__changedetected:

    def __update(self, domain):
        hostnames = [hostname.strip() for hostname in self.__configparser.get(domain, 'hostnames').split(',')]
        godaddyhostnames = [host[1] for host in self.__godaddyclient.find_dns_records(domain)]

        # update listed hostnames
        for hostname in hostnames:
            if hostname in godaddyhostnames:
                if self.__godaddyclient.update_dns_record(hostname + '.' + domain, self.__publicip):
                    print(hostname + '.' + domain + ' updated.')
                    self.__changedetected = True
                    self.__updatemessage = self.__updatemessage + hostname + '.' + domain + ' updated. \n'
                if self.__isfullymanaged:
                    if self.__godaddyclient.update_dns_record(hostname + '.' + domain, self.__publicip):
                        print(hostname + '.' + domain + ' added.')
                        self.__changedetected = True
                        self.__updatemessage = self.__updatemessage + hostname + '.' + domain + ' added. \n'

        # delete not listed hostnames
        godaddyhostnames = [host[1] for host in self.__godaddyclient.find_dns_records(domain)]
        if self.__isfullymanaged:
            for godaddyhostname in godaddyhostnames:
                if godaddyhostname not in hostnames:
                    if self.__godaddyclient.delete_dns_record(godaddyhostname + '.' + domain):
                        print(godaddyhostname + '.' + domain + ' deleted.')
                        self.__changedetected = True
                        self.__updatemessage = self.__updatemessage + godaddyhostname + '.' + domain + ' deleted. \n'

    def __login(self):
        if not self.__godaddyclient.is_loggedin():
            self.__godaddyclient.login(self.__username, self.__password)

    def __mailnotify(self, message):
        smtpserver = SMTP(self.__smtphost, self.__smtpport)
        header = 'To:' + self.__mailreceiver + '\n' + 'From: ' + self.__mailsender + '\n' + 'Subject:Godaddy dns updater \n'
        msg = header + '\n' + 'Public ip: ' + self.__publicip + '\n\n' + message + '\n\n'
            if self.__usetls:
            smtpserver.login(self.__mailuser, self.__mailpassword)
            smtpserver.sendmail(self.__mailsender, self.__mailreceiver, msg)
            print('mail notify sent.')
            print('mail notify failed service failed!')
for domain in domains:
    realdomain = domain
    if realdomain.startswith("@."):
        realdomain = realdomain[2:]
    dom_ip = socket.gethostbyname(realdomain)
    if wan_ip != dom_ip:
        print '----------------------------------------------------'
        print 'GoDaddy A Record Update | ' + realdomain + ' (' + domain + ') | ' + time.strftime(
            "%a %d %B %I:%M %p")
        print 'WAN IP:\t\t' + wan_ip
        print 'Domain IP:\t' + dom_ip
        print 'IPs don\'t match, checking if already updated...'
        old_ip = '0'
        if os.path.isfile("/usr/local/etc/old_ips/" + realdomain):
            oipf = open("/usr/local/etc/old_ips/" + realdomain)
            old_ip = oipf.read()
            print 'Old IP:\t\t' + old_ip
        if wan_ip != old_ip:
            print 'Updating A Record...'
            client = GoDaddyClient()
            if client.login(username, password):
                client.update_dns_record(domain, wan_ip)
                nipf = open("/usr/local/etc/old_ips/" + realdomain, 'w+')
                print 'DNS has been updated.'
                print 'Failed to login, please check \'update-dns.py\''
            print 'Already updated, dns not flushed.'
for domain in domains:
	realdomain = domain
	if realdomain.startswith("@."):
		realdomain = realdomain[2:]
	dom_ip = socket.gethostbyname(realdomain)
	if wan_ip != dom_ip:
		print '----------------------------------------------------'
		print 'GoDaddy A Record Update | ' + realdomain  + ' (' + domain + ') | ' + time.strftime("%a %d %B %I:%M %p")
		print 'WAN IP:\t\t' + wan_ip
		print 'Domain IP:\t' + dom_ip
		print 'IPs don\'t match, checking if already updated...'
		old_ip = '0'
		if os.path.isfile("/usr/local/etc/old_ips/" + realdomain):
			oipf = open("/usr/local/etc/old_ips/" + realdomain)
			old_ip = oipf.read()
			print 'Old IP:\t\t' + old_ip
		if wan_ip != old_ip:
			print 'Updating A Record...'
			client = GoDaddyClient()
			if client.login(username, password):
				client.update_dns_record(domain, wan_ip)
				nipf = open("/usr/local/etc/old_ips/" + realdomain, 'w+')
				print 'DNS has been updated.'
				print 'Failed to login, please check \'update-dns.py\''
			print 'Already updated, dns not flushed.'	
def test_login():
    global client
    if client is None:
        client = GoDaddyClient()
    assert client.login(account['username'], account['password']), 'Login Failed'
Exemple #8
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('A Python script to do updates to a GoDaddy DNS host A record')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="send emails on 'no ip update required'")
args = parser.parse_args()

#start log file
logging.basicConfig(filename=godaddy.logfile, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

#what is my public ip?
public_ip = pif.get_public_ip()
logging.info("My ip: {0}".format(public_ip))

# login to GoDaddy DNS management
# docs at https://pygodaddy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
client = GoDaddyClient()

if client.login(godaddy.gduser, godaddy.gdpass):
	# find out current dns record value. This can also be done with a quick nslookupA
	# with something like socket.gethostbyname()
	# however, this can include caching somewhere in the dns layers
	# We could also use dnspython libraray, but that adds a lot of complexity

	# use the GoDaddy object to find our current IP registered
	domaininfo = client.find_dns_records(godaddy.domain)
	for record in domaininfo:
		if record.hostname == godaddy.host:
			if record.value != public_ip:
				logging.info("Update required: old {0}, new {1}".format(record.value, public_ip))
				updateinfo = "old " + record.value + ", new " + public_ip
				# This will fail if you try to set the same IP as already registered!
				if client.update_dns_record(godaddy.host+"."+godaddy.domain, public_ip):
					logging.info('Update OK')
Exemple #9
def test_login():
    global client
    if client is None:
        client = GoDaddyClient()
    assert client.login(account['username'],
                        account['password']), 'Login Failed'