Exemple #1
def find_polygon_of_points(latitude, longitude, polygons):
    Point in polygon test
    It uses the topological plate boundary network to assign a polygon.
    So it needs pyGPlates.

    for ind, i in enumerate(latitude):

        inputlatLon = pygplates.LatLonPoint(latitude[ind], longitude[ind])
        latLonPoint = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(
        #print latLonPoint

        isPoly = []
        #get geometry of static polygons at reconstructed time
        for coastline in reconstructed_coastlines:
            #print coastline
            coastline = coastline.get_reconstructed_geometry()
            #if int(coastline.is_point_in_polygon(latLonPoint)) == 1:
            #break#print tmp
            tmp = int(coastline.is_point_in_polygon(latLonPoint))
            if tmp == 1:
                latitude[ind] = None
                longitude[ind] = None
                zvals[ind] = None

    latitude = filter(None, latitude)
    longitude = filter(None, longitude)
    zvals = filter(None, zvals)

    return latitude, longitude, zvals
Exemple #2
def parse_points(input_lat_lon_points_filename):
    """Parse ascii file containing a lat/lon point per line."""

    points = []
    with open(input_lat_lon_points_filename, 'r') as lat_lon_points_file:
        for line_number, line in enumerate(lat_lon_points_file):
            lat_lon = line.split()

            if len(lat_lon) != 2:
                    'Line {0}: Ignoring point - line does not have exactly two white-space separated strings.'
                lat = float(lat_lon[0])
                lon = float(lat_lon[1])
            except ValueError:
                print('Line {0}: Ignoring point - cannot read lat/lon values.'.

            lat_lon_point = pygplates.LatLonPoint(lat, lon)
            point = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(

    return points
def latlon2pygplates(lat,lon):
    Convert lat lon to the pygplates formats
    pointLatLon = pygplates.LatLonPoint(lat,lon)
    pointXYZ = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(pointLatLon)
    pointXYZcart = numpy.array([pointXYZ.get_x(), pointXYZ.get_y(), pointXYZ.get_z()]) 
Exemple #4
def get_plate_ID_of_points(plate_partitioner, latitude, longitude):
    latLonPoints = []
    for i, j in zip(latitude, longitude):
        inputlatLon = pygplates.LatLonPoint(i, j)
    plateIDs = []
    for point in latLonPoints:
        tmp_partition = plate_partitioner.partition_point(point)
        if tmp_partition == None:

    return plateIDs
Exemple #5
def seds_filter_points_in_polygon(latitude, longitude, zvalue,
    This function returns the plateID of latitude/longitude points
    at a given time from a rotation file

    It uses the topological plate boundary network to assign a plate ID.
    So it needs pyGPlates.

    #because of how the data is formatted we need two for loops to check each point
    #because we are loading in a 2d array of longitude and latitude *each*

    filtered_lats = []
    filtered_lons = []
    filtered_zvals = []

    for x, y, z in itertools.izip(latitude, longitude, zvalue):

        inputlatLon = pygplates.LatLonPoint(x, y)

        latLonPoint = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(
        #print latLonPoint

        isPoly = []
        #get geometry of static polygons at reconstructed time
        for coastline in reconstructed_coastlines:
            #print coastline
            coastline = pygplates.PolygonOnSphere(
            #if int(coastline.is_point_in_polygon(latLonPoint)) == 1:
            #break#print tmp
            tmp = int(coastline.is_point_in_polygon(latLonPoint))
        if np.sum(isPoly) == 0:


    return filtered_lats, filtered_lons, filtered_zvals
Exemple #6
def find_polygon_of_points(latitude, longitude, polygons):
    Point in polygon test
    It uses the topological plate boundary network to assign a polygon.
    So it needs pyGPlates.
    taken from simon williams github
    polygons_of_points = []
    for ind, i in enumerate(latitude):
        #print ind,i
        inputlatLon = pygplates.LatLonPoint(latitude[ind], longitude[ind])
        latLonPoint = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(

        for polygon in polygons:
            polygon = polygon.get_resolved_geometry()
            tmp = int(polygon.is_point_in_polygon(latLonPoint))
            if tmp == 1:

    return polygons_of_points
Exemple #7
def recalculate_lat_lons_for_time(latitude, longitude, plateIDs,
                                  reconstruct_to_time, reconstruct_from_time,
                                  rotation_model, age_grid_mask):
    This function recalculates the latitude and longitude
    of a point given a rotation file and a to/from time

    recon_lats = []
    recon_lons = []

    shape = np.shape(latitude)  #get shape of desired array

    for i, j, k in itertools.izip(latitude.data, longitude.data, plateIDs):

        for l, m, n in itertools.izip(i, j, k):
            #print l,m,n
            inputlatLon = pygplates.LatLonPoint(l, m)
            latLonPoint = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(

            #to time, plate id, from time
            #make_raster_at, plate id, CCD_intersection_time
            point_rotation = rotation_model.get_rotation(
                int(reconstruct_to_time), n, reconstruct_from_time)

            reconstructed_point = point_rotation * latLonPoint

    #print len(recon_lats)
    #print len(plateIDs), 'plateIDs'
    #print len(recon_lats)
    #create arrays of recon lats/lons in the same shape as our input data with the appropriate age grid mask
    masked_recon_lats = np.ma.masked_array(
        np.asarray(recon_lats).reshape(shape), age_grid_mask.mask)
    masked_recon_lons = np.ma.masked_array(
        np.asarray(recon_lons).reshape(shape), age_grid_mask.mask)

    return masked_recon_lats, masked_recon_lons
Exemple #8
def filter_points_in_polygon(latitude, longitude, zvals,
    This function filters out points that are overlapping continental crust
    (once overlapping we assume they are subducted).

    It uses the topological plate boundary network to assign a plate ID.
    So it needs pyGPlates.

    for ind, i in enumerate(latitude):
        if not np.isnan(i):
            inputlatLon = pygplates.LatLonPoint(latitude[ind], longitude[ind])

            latLonPoint = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(
            #print latLonPoint

            isPoly = []
            #get geometry of static polygons at reconstructed time
            for coastline in reconstructed_coastlines:
                #print coastline
                coastline = coastline.get_reconstructed_geometry()
                #if int(coastline.is_point_in_polygon(latLonPoint)) == 1:
                #break#print tmp
                tmp = int(coastline.is_point_in_polygon(latLonPoint))
                if tmp == 1:
                    latitude[ind] = None
                    longitude[ind] = None
                    zvals[ind] = None

        latitude = filter(None, latitude)
        longitude = filter(None, longitude)
        zvals = filter(None, zvals)

    return latitude, longitude, zvals
def coregLoop(pointlist, ages, plateIDs):

    This script reconstructs a shapefile of points to their birth time and 
    coregisters each point with another set of points, or a raster file.

    pointlist - list of lat/lon
    ages - list of ages corresponding to lat/lon point
    plateIDs - list of plateIDs corresponding to lat/lon point.

    Hardcoded filenames/variables must be changed below:
    input_rotation_filename - Rotation file 
    rasterfile - Time dependent raster files
    f - Time dependent kinemtic csv outputs from 'convergence.py'

    Coregistered array: List of lat/lons with properties.
    Takes a set of points 
    Rotates the points back to their birth position
    Determines the point's birth position geophysical properties (coregisters)

    #Set up a list to store the data
    timeSteps = 1  # +- Myrs around point to store. Default 1 which means just the measured point age.
    noVariables = 18  #The number of variables you save
    Nshp = len(pointlist)

    coregData = numpy.zeros((Nshp, timeSteps, noVariables))

    #Create a rotation model to rotate the points back in time
    input_rotation_filename = "Muller_gplates/Global_EarthByte_230-0Ma_GK07_AREPS.rot"

    file_registry = pygplates.FeatureCollectionFileFormatRegistry()
    rotation_feature_collection = file_registry.read(input_rotation_filename)
    rotation_model = pygplates.RotationModel([rotation_feature_collection])

    #Loop over all the samples, coregistering each one.
    for i, currentPoint in enumerate(pointlist):

        lat = currentPoint[1]
        lon = currentPoint[0]
        age = ages[i]
        plateID = int(plateIDs[i])

        print("Deposit:", i, "of", Nshp, "Lat:", lat, "Lon:", lon, "Age:", age,
              "PlateID:", plateID)

        #Loop through each time step in the plate model
        for time in xrange(0, 230, 1):

            #If the point was formed at the current time (or [timeStepsMyr ] prior/after) then we
            #want to find the surrounding plate properties.
            #if  (time > (age-10)) and (time < (age+10)) or (time > (age+20)) and (time < (age+30)):
            if (time > (age - timeSteps)) and (time < (age + timeSteps)):
                t = int(numpy.floor(time - age))

                #A raster file, to coregister with, these points have already been rotated
                rasterfile = "Muller_etal_2016_AREPS_Agegrids_v1.11/netCDF_0-230Ma/EarthByte_AREPS_v1.11_Muller_etal_2016_AgeGrid-" + str(
                    time) + ".nc"
                [x, y, z] = gridRead(rasterfile)

                #A vector file to coregister with, these points have already been rotated
                f = numpy.loadtxt("Muller_convergence/subStats_" + str(time) +
                lonlat = f[:, 0:2]

                #Reconstruct a point to its birth position
                latlonPoint = pygplates.LatLonPoint(lat, lon)
                point_to_rotate = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(

                finite_rotation = rotation_model.get_rotation(time, plateID)
                birthPosition = finite_rotation * point_to_rotate

                latlonBirth = pygplates.convert_point_on_sphere_to_lat_lon_point(
                #allPoints = finite_rotation * pointSet_to_rotate

                latBirth = latlonBirth.get_latitude()
                lonBirth = latlonBirth.get_longitude()

                #Set the points for coregistering
                region = 5.0  #degrees

                #Coregisterring raster 1
                #Find the region in index units
                r = numpy.round(region / (x[1] - x[0]))

                #Find the index unit of lat and lon
                idxLon = (numpy.abs(x - lonBirth)).argmin()
                idxLat = (numpy.abs(y - latBirth)).argmin()

                #Raster 1
                c2 = coregRaster([idxLon, idxLat], z, r)
                #Hack to search further around the age grid if it can't find a match, note index units (not degrees)
                if numpy.isnan(c2):
                    c2 = coregRaster([idxLon, idxLat], z, r + 150.0)
                    print("Trying raster region: ", r + 150.0)

                #Coregisterring vector 1
                index = coregPoint([lonBirth, latBirth], lonlat, region)
                if index == 'inf':
                    print("trying index region", region + 15)
                    index = coregPoint([lonBirth, latBirth], lonlat,
                                       region + 15.0)

                if numpy.isnan(c2) or index == 'inf':
                    print("Skipping:", i, age, t, time, c2, index, lonBirth,

                    #Vector 1
                    segmentLength = f[index, 3]
                    slabLength = f[index, 9]
                    distSlabEdge = f[index, 15]

                    SPcoregNor = f[index, 4]
                    SPcoregPar = f[index, 12]
                    OPcoregNor = f[index, 5]
                    OPcoregPar = f[index, 13]
                    CONVcoregNor = f[index, 10]
                    CONVcoregPar = f[index, 11]

                    subPolCoreg = f[index, 8]
                    subOblCoreg = f[index, 7]
                    coregData[i, t, :] = [
                        lon, lat, lonBirth, latBirth, age, t, c2,
                        segmentLength, slabLength, distSlabEdge, SPcoregNor,
                        SPcoregPar, OPcoregNor, OPcoregPar, CONVcoregNor,
                        CONVcoregPar, subPolCoreg, subOblCoreg

    #Return the filled coregistered array
    return (coregData)
def coregLoopHistory(pointlist, ts0=0, ts1=230, plateID=201):

    This script reconstructs a list of points throughout history and 
    coregisters each point with another set of points, or a raster file.

    pointlist - list of lat/lon
    ts0 - time step to rotate points from (probably 0Ma)
    ts1 - time step to rotate points to (probably 230Ma).

    Hardcoded filenames/variables must be changed below:
    input_rotation_filename - Rotation file 
    rasterfile - Time dependent raster files
    f - Time dependent kinemtic csv outputs from 'convergence.py'

    Coregistered array: List of lat/lons with properties.

    Takes a set of points 
    Rotates the points back to their birth position
    Determines the point's birth position geophysical properties (coregisters)

    #Set up an array to store the data
    timeSteps = ts1 - ts0  #The length of time before mineralisation you care about
    noVariables = 18  #The number of variables you save
    Nshp = len(pointlist)
    coregData = numpy.zeros((Nshp, timeSteps, noVariables))

    #Create a rotation model to rotate the points back in time
    input_rotation_filename = "Muller_gplates/Global_EarthByte_230-0Ma_GK07_AREPS.rot"

    file_registry = pygplates.FeatureCollectionFileFormatRegistry()
    rotation_feature_collection = file_registry.read(input_rotation_filename)
    rotation_model = pygplates.RotationModel([rotation_feature_collection])

    #Loop through each time step in the plate model
    for time in xrange(ts0, ts1, 1):

        #A raster file, to coregister with, these points have already been rotated
        rasterfile = "Muller_etal_2016_AREPS_Agegrids_v1.11/netCDF_0-230Ma/EarthByte_AREPS_v1.11_Muller_etal_2016_AgeGrid-" + str(
            time) + ".nc"
        [x, y, z] = gridRead(rasterfile)

        #A vector file to coregister with, these points have already been rotated
        f = numpy.loadtxt("Muller_convergence/subStats_" + str(time) + ".csv",

        lonlat = f[:, 0:2]

        for i, currentPoint in enumerate(pointlist):

            shapeArray = currentPoint
            age = ts0

            t = time - age
            print(i, age, time, t, plateID)

            #Reconstruct a point to its birth position
            latlonPoint = pygplates.LatLonPoint(shapeArray[1], shapeArray[0])

            point_to_rotate = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(

            finite_rotation = rotation_model.get_rotation(time, plateID)
            birthPosition = finite_rotation * point_to_rotate

            latlonBirth = pygplates.convert_point_on_sphere_to_lat_lon_point(
            #allPoints = finite_rotation * pointSet_to_rotate

            latBirth = latlonBirth.get_latitude()
            lonBirth = latlonBirth.get_longitude()

            #Set the points for coregistering
            region = 5.0  #degrees

            #Coregisterring raster 1
            #Find the region in index units
            r = numpy.round(region / (x[1] - x[0]))

            #Find the index unit of lat and lon
            idxLon = (numpy.abs(x - lonBirth)).argmin()
            idxLat = (numpy.abs(y - latBirth)).argmin()

            #Raster 1
            c2 = coregRaster([idxLon, idxLat], z, r)
            #Hack to search further around the age grid if it can't find a match, \
            #note index units (not degrees)
            if numpy.isnan(c2):
                c2 = coregRaster([idxLon, idxLat], z, r + 150.0)
                print("Trying raster region: ", r + 150.0)

            #Coregisterring vector 1
            index = coregPoint([lonBirth, latBirth], lonlat, region)
            if index == 'inf':
                print("trying index region", region + 15)
                index = coregPoint([lonBirth, latBirth], lonlat, region + 15.0)

            if numpy.isnan(c2) or index == 'inf':
                #if we have some null data, let's save it anyway, see what happens
                print("Skipping:", i, age, t, time, c2, index, lonBirth,

                #Vector 1
                segmentLength = f[index, 3]
                slabLength = f[index, 9]
                distSlabEdge = f[index, 15]

                SPcoregNor = f[index, 4]
                SPcoregPar = f[index, 12]
                OPcoregNor = f[index, 5]
                OPcoregPar = f[index, 13]
                CONVcoregNor = f[index, 10]
                CONVcoregPar = f[index, 11]

                subPolCoreg = f[index, 8]
                subOblCoreg = f[index, 7]

                coregData[i, t, :] = [
                    shapeArray[0], shapeArray[1], lonBirth, latBirth, age, t,
                    c2, segmentLength, slabLength, distSlabEdge, SPcoregNor,
                    SPcoregPar, OPcoregNor, OPcoregPar, CONVcoregNor,
                    CONVcoregPar, subPolCoreg, subOblCoreg

    return (coregData)
def subLoop(recsSub,shapesSub,fieldsSub,NshpSub,recsTopo,shapesTopo,fieldsTopo,NshpTopo,isright):
    Determines the overriding and subducting plate ID along a trench.
    Takes the subduction zone and plate polygon shapefile data as input.
    Returns a list of points of the form [Lon, Lat, SPid, TRENCHid, OPid]
    And puts some header information indicated by '>' for each subduction segment.
    #Initiialise the output array: [lon, lat, SPid, TRENCHid, OPid] 
    #Go through subduction zones 1 by 1
    #print "Subdction zone number in file, and PlateID:"
    for nshpSub in xrange(NshpSub):
        #Get the Lat Lon points along the trench
        #Reverse the order of LH arrays so convergence is +ve        
        if not isright:
            #print "Reversing, LH array"
        #Get the Trench ID and Time
        # Note this section looks both for a PLATE_ID and a PLATEID1 field for the trench
        # index, due to changes between different GPlates versions. If both are present for
        # some reason, the TRENCHid would be taken from the second one to be encountered
        for i in range(len(fieldsSub)):
            if 'PLATE_ID' in fieldsSub[i]:
                TRENCHidIndex = i-1
            elif 'PLATEID1' in fieldsSub[i]:
                TRENCHidIndex = i-1
            elif 'TIME' in fieldsSub[i]:
                TimeIndex = i-1
            elif 'FEATURE_ID' in fieldsSub[i]:
                GplatesTagIndex = i-1
            elif 'NAME' in fieldsSub[i]:
                NameIndex = i-1

        #Get the Trench ID and Time
        TRENCHid=recsSub[nshpSub][TRENCHidIndex] #3 new, 0 old (GPlates 1.2)        
        Time=recsSub[nshpSub][TimeIndex] #2 old
        #print nshpSub,TRENCHid,GplatesTag,name

        #Store the Lat and Lon in seperate arrays, remove end points because 
        #they are prone to errors and confusing triple junctions!
        shapeArrayLon = [round(i[0],4) for i in shapeArray[:]]
        shapeArrayLat = [round(i[1],4) for i in shapeArray[:]]

        #Append some header information
        #NPB!!! This is currently not used for much
        FinalArray.append(['> Name:' , name])
        FinalArray.append(['> GplatesTag:' , GplatesTag])
        FinalArray.append(['> PlateId:' , TRENCHid])
        FinalArray.append(['> Age:' , Time])
        FinalArray.append(['> Begin:' , 0])
        FinalArray.append(['> End:' , 0])
        FinalArray.append(['> Type:' , 0])
        FinalArray.append(['> Polygon:' , 0])
        FinalArray.append(['> Reversed:' , reversedSub])
        FinalArray.append(['> BoundaryPoints:' , len(shapeArray)])
        #Now we must loop through every point along the subduction zone and
        #check the polygons that it is attached to.
        for index, point in enumerate(shapeArray):
            for nshpTopo in xrange(NshpTopo):   
                #Get the Lat Lon points of the plate polygon

                #Store the Lat and Lon in seperate arrays
                topoArrayLon = [round(i[0],4) for i in topoArray]
                topoArrayLat = [round(i[1],4) for i in topoArray]

                #Test whether the subduction point is in the current
                #polygon. If it is, we can find out more information...
                    i = topoArray.index(point)
                    pointFlag = 1
                    pointFlag = 0
                #Now if the point exists on the polygon #
                #Let's find out whether it is OP or SP  #
                if pointFlag == 1:
                    #Get the PLATEid of the polygon (same comment as above - looks for field called either PLATE_ID or PLATEID1)
                    for i in range(len(fieldsTopo)):
                        if 'PLATE_ID' in fieldsTopo[i]:
                            PlateIndex = i-1
                        elif 'PLATEID1' in fieldsTopo[i]:
                            PlateIndex = i-1
                    PLATEid=recsTopo[nshpTopo][PlateIndex] #3 new, 0 old (GPlates 1.2) 

                    #Now get the entire polygon as a pygplates entitiy
                    for latlon in topoArray:
                        pointLatLon = pygplates.LatLonPoint(latlon[1],latlon[0])

                    polygon = pygplates.PolygonOnSphere(latlonPoints)
                    #Convert our trench segment to pygplates format
                    if index < len(shapeArray)-1:
                        latPoint1 = shapeArray[index][1]
                        lonPoint1 = shapeArray[index][0]
                        pointXYZ, pointXYZcart = latlon2pygplates(latPoint1,lonPoint1)
                        latPoint2 = shapeArray[index+1][1]
                        lonPoint2 = shapeArray[index+1][0]
                        pointXYZ2, pointXYZcart2 = latlon2pygplates(latPoint2,lonPoint2)
                    #If we are at the last trench segment, just jump back a point
                        latPoint1 = shapeArray[index-1][1]
                        lonPoint1 = shapeArray[index-1][0]
                        pointXYZ, pointXYZcart = latlon2pygplates(latPoint1,lonPoint1)

                        latPoint2 = shapeArray[index][1]
                        lonPoint2 = shapeArray[index][0]
                        pointXYZ2, pointXYZcart2 = latlon2pygplates(latPoint2,lonPoint2)

                    #Find the vector between 2 points on the trench
                    line = pygplates.PolylineOnSphere([pointXYZ,pointXYZ2])

                    #Find the midpoint between those two points
                    midPoint = line.get_centroid() 
                    midLatLon = pygplates.convert_point_on_sphere_to_lat_lon_point(midPoint)
                    midPointLatLon =  numpy.array([midLatLon.get_longitude(), midLatLon.get_latitude()])
                    #Find the bearing of point 1 to point 2 (ALL IN RADIANS)
                    #eqns from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
                    radLat1 = numpy.radians(latPoint1)
                    radLat2 = numpy.radians(latPoint2)
                    radLon1 = numpy.radians(lonPoint1)
                    radLon2 = numpy.radians(lonPoint2)
                    #θ = atan2( sin(Δλ).cos(φ2), cos(φ1).sin(φ2) − sin(φ1).cos(φ2).cos(Δλ) )
                    bearingRad = numpy.arctan2( numpy.sin(radLon2-radLon1) * numpy.cos(radLat2),\
                        numpy.cos(radLat1)*numpy.sin(radLat2) - numpy.sin(radLat1)*numpy.cos(radLat2)*numpy.cos(radLon2-radLon1))
                    #Now we march inside the polygon, to check if it is OP or SP
                    #Turn 90 degrees to the left or right
                    #if isright:
                    bearingPerp = bearingRad + 1.57
                    #    bearingPerp = bearingRad - 1.57
                    #March into the plate a few km along the bearing.
                    #new Lat Lon are given below
                    d = 20.0 #km #Arbitrary small distance...
                    R=6371.0 #km Radius of Earth km
                    #φ2 = asin( sin(φ1)*cos(d/R) + cos(φ1)*sin(d/R)*cos(θ) )
                    lat2 = numpy.arcsin(numpy.sin(radLat1)*numpy.cos(d/R) + numpy.cos(radLat1)*numpy.sin(d/R)*numpy.cos(bearingPerp))
                    #λ2 = λ1 + atan2( sin(θ)*sin(d/R)*cos(φ1), cos(d/R)−sin(φ1)*sin(φ2) )
                    lon2 = radLon1 + numpy.arctan2(numpy.sin(bearingPerp)*numpy.sin(d/R)*numpy.cos(radLat1),numpy.cos(d/R)-numpy.sin(radLat1)*numpy.sin(radLat2))        
                    pointSurface = pygplates.LatLonPoint(numpy.degrees(lat2),numpy.degrees(lon2))
                    pointSurfaceXYZ = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(pointSurface)
                    #Test whether it is in the polygon or not
                    cwcheck = polygon.is_point_in_polygon(pointSurfaceXYZ)

                    #If it is then we have marched into the cojugate plate (probably)!
                    if cwcheck:
                #If the point does not exist on the polygon, pass                    
            #After looping through the polygons, we should have one OPid, 
            #and one SPid, but these may be wrong for triple junctions.            
            if (OPcount == 1) and (SPcount == 1):
                #Now exit the Polygon loop and save the information about the point and move on 
                #print point[0],point[1], SPid, TRENCHid, OPid
                FinalArray.append([point[0],point[1], SPid, TRENCHid, OPid])
                #print OPcount, SPcount
                #print "Warning, point: ", point, TRENCHid, " found no match in polygons."
                #print "'BoundaryPoints' will not match actual points!"
    #print FinalArray            
Exemple #12
def coregLoopTimeFirst(recs, shapes, fields, Nshp, shapeType):

    This script reconstructs a shapefile of points to their birth time and 
    coregisters each point with another set of points, or a raster file.

    Can best be used with the output of readTopologyPlatepolygonFile() 
    which reads a shapefile and returns the 'records', 'shapes', 'fields',
    and 'number of shapes'.

    Hardcoded filenames/variables must be changed below:
        Rotation file - input_rotation_filename
        Time dependent raster files - rasterfile
        Time dependent vector csv outputs from 'convergence.py' - f

    Coregistered array: List of lat/lons with properties.

    Takes a set of points (from a shapefile)
    Rotates the points back to their birth position
    Determines the point's birth position geophysical properties (coregisters)
    #Set up a list to store the data
    if shapeType == 0:
        timeSteps = 230  #The length of time before mineralisation you care about
        timeSteps = 1

    noVariables = 18  #The number of variables you save

    input_rotation_filename = "Muller_gplates/Global_EarthByte_230-0Ma_GK07_AREPS.rot"
    # input_rotation_filename = "/Users/nbutter/Geodata/PlateModel/Shephard_etal_ESR2013_Global_EarthByte_2013.rot"
    #Create a rotation model to rotate the points back in time
    file_registry = pygplates.FeatureCollectionFileFormatRegistry()
    rotation_feature_collection = file_registry.read(input_rotation_filename)
    rotation_model = pygplates.RotationModel([rotation_feature_collection])

    #Initialise the array to store the data
    coregData = numpy.zeros((Nshp, timeSteps, noVariables))

    #Loop through each time step in the plate model
    for time in xrange(0, 230, 1):

        #A raster file, to coregister with, these points have already been rotated
        rasterfile = "Muller_etal_2016_AREPS_Agegrids_v1.11/netCDF_0-230Ma/EarthByte_AREPS_v1.11_Muller_etal_2016_AgeGrid-" + str(
            time) + ".nc"
        # rasterfile="/Users/nbutter/Geodata/AgeGrid_20111110_Seton_etal_ESR/agegrid_final_mask_"+str(time)+".grd"
        [x, y, z] = gridRead(rasterfile)

        #A vector file to coregister with, these points have already been rotated
        f = readCSV("Muller_convergence/subStats_" + str(time) + ".csv")
        # f = readCSV("/Users/nbutter/Geodata/CONVERGENCE/Shep07/subStats_"+str(time)+".csv")

        lonlat = f[:, 0:2]

        for i, nshpSub in enumerate(xrange(Nshp)):
            #!!! Warning: These are shapefile specific attributes,
            #if you use a different shapefile, you must change these hard codes
            #to the corresponding age and plateID column in the shapefile
            if shapeType == 0:
                shapeArray = numpy.array(shapes[nshpSub])
                age = 0
                plateID = 201
                shapeArray = numpy.array(shapes[nshpSub].points)
            #Here age is in the last column, and plateID in 7th.

            #1, 2 For porcu/main_edited.shp use 43 for the plateID
            #1, 2 For porcu/main_edited.shp use 9 for the age and 42 for the random age
            #3, 4 For XYBer14_t2_ANDES.shp use 7 for plateID
            #3, 4 For XYBer14_t2_ANDES.shp use 6 for age and -1 for Random
            if shapeType == 1:
                age = round(recs[nshpSub][9])
                plateID = recs[nshpSub][43]
            elif shapeType == 2:
                age = round(recs[nshpSub][42])
                plateID = recs[nshpSub][43]
            elif shapeType == 3:
                age = round(recs[nshpSub][6])
                plateID = recs[nshpSub][7]
            elif shapeType == 4:
                age = round(recs[nshpSub][-1])
                plateID = recs[nshpSub][7]

            t = time - age
            print i, age, time, t, plateID

            #Reconstruct a point to its birth position
            if shapeType == 0:
                latlonPoint = pygplates.LatLonPoint(shapeArray[1],
                latlonPoint = pygplates.LatLonPoint(shapeArray[0][1],

            point_to_rotate = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(

            finite_rotation = rotation_model.get_rotation(time, plateID)
            birthPosition = finite_rotation * point_to_rotate

            latlonBirth = pygplates.convert_point_on_sphere_to_lat_lon_point(
            #allPoints = finite_rotation * pointSet_to_rotate

            latBirth = latlonBirth.get_latitude()
            lonBirth = latlonBirth.get_longitude()

            #Set the points for coregistering
            region = 5.0  #degrees

            #Coregisterring raster 1
            #Find the region in index units
            r = numpy.round(region / (x[1] - x[0]))

            #Find the index unit of lat and lon
            idxLon = (numpy.abs(x - lonBirth)).argmin()
            idxLat = (numpy.abs(y - latBirth)).argmin()

            #Raster 1
            c2 = coregRaster([idxLon, idxLat], z, r)
            #Hack to search further around the age grid if it can't find a match, note index units (not degrees)
            # if numpy.isnan(c2):
            #     print "Trying raster region: ", r+100.0
            #     c2=coregRaster([idxLon,idxLat],z,r+100.0)
            if numpy.isnan(c2):
                c2 = coregRaster([idxLon, idxLat], z, r + 150.0)
                print "Trying raster region: ", r + 150.0

            #Coregisterring vector 1
            index = coregPoint([lonBirth, latBirth], lonlat, region)
            # if index=='inf':
            #                         print "trying index region", region+10
            #                         index=coregPoint([lonBirth,latBirth],lonlat,region+10.0)
            if index == 'inf':
                print "trying index region", region + 15
                index = coregPoint([lonBirth, latBirth], lonlat, region + 15.0)

            if numpy.isnan(c2) or index == 'inf':
                #if we have some null data, let's save it anyway, see what happens
                #    age,age-time,0,0,0,0])
                print "Skipping:", i, age, t, time, c2, index, lonBirth, latBirth

                #Vector 1
                segmentLength = f[index, 3]
                slabLength = f[index, 9]
                distSlabEdge = f[index, 15]

                SPcoregNor = f[index, 4]
                SPcoregPar = f[index, 12]
                OPcoregNor = f[index, 5]
                OPcoregPar = f[index, 13]
                CONVcoregNor = f[index, 10]
                CONVcoregPar = f[index, 11]

                subPolCoreg = f[index, 8]
                subOblCoreg = f[index, 7]

                #                         0 longitude,
                #                         1 latitude,
                #                         2 convRate(mm/yr),
                #                         3 segmentLength(km),
                #                         4 subPlateVel(mm/yr),
                #                         5 opVelocity(mm/yr),
                #                         6 trenchVel(mm/yr),
                #                         7 subObliquity(degrees),
                #                         8 subPolarity(degrees),
                #                         9 slabDistance(km),
                #                         10 OrthogonalConvergence(mm/yr),
                #                         11 ParallelConvergence(mm/yr),
                #                         12 ParallelSubPlateVel(mm/yr),
                #                         13 ParallelOPvel(mm/yr),
                #                         14 ParallelTrenchVel(mm/yr),
                #                         15 DistanceToSlabEdge(km),
                #                         16 SPid,
                #                         17 TRENCHid,
                #                         18 OPid

                if shapeType == 0:


    return (coregData)
def coregLoop(sampleData, agegrid, kinfolder, input_rotation_filename):

    This script reconstructs a shapefile of points to their birth time and 
    coregisters each point with another set of points, or a raster file.

    Takes a set of points 
    Rotates the points back to their birth position
    Determines the point's birth position geophysical properties (coregisters)
    #Set up a list to store the data

    timeSteps = 1
    noVariables = 18  #The number of variables you save
    Nshp = len(sampleData)

    #Initialise the array to store the data
    coregData = numpy.zeros((Nshp, timeSteps, noVariables))

    #Create a rotation model to rotate the points back in time
    file_registry = pygplates.FeatureCollectionFileFormatRegistry()
    rotation_feature_collection = file_registry.read(input_rotation_filename)
    rotation_model = pygplates.RotationModel([rotation_feature_collection])

    #Loop over all the sample, coregistering each one.
    for i, nshpSub in enumerate(sampleData):

        lat = nshpSub[0]
        lon = nshpSub[1]
        age = int(nshpSub[2])
        plateID = int(nshpSub[3])

        print("Deposit:", i, "of", Nshp, "Lat:", lat, "Lon:", lon, "Age:", age,
              "PlateID:", plateID)

        #Loop through each time step in the plate model
        for time in xrange(0, 230, 1):

            #If the point was formed at the current time (or 10Myr prior) then we
            #want to find the surrounding plate properties.
            #if  (time > (age-10)) and (time < (age+10)) or (time > (age+20)) and (time < (age+30)):
            if (time > (age - 1)) and (time < (age + timeSteps)):
                t = time - age
                # print t, time

                #A raster file, to coregister with, these points have already been rotated
                rasterfile = agegrid + str(time) + ".nc"
                [x, y, z] = gridRead(rasterfile)

                #A vector file to coregister with, these points have already been rotated

                f = numpy.loadtxt(kinfolder + "subStats_" + str(time) + ".csv",
                lonlat = f[:, 0:2]

                #Reconstruct a point to its birth position
                latlonPoint = pygplates.LatLonPoint(lat, lon)
                point_to_rotate = pygplates.convert_lat_lon_point_to_point_on_sphere(

                finite_rotation = rotation_model.get_rotation(time, plateID)
                birthPosition = finite_rotation * point_to_rotate

                latlonBirth = pygplates.convert_point_on_sphere_to_lat_lon_point(
                #allPoints = finite_rotation * pointSet_to_rotate

                latBirth = latlonBirth.get_latitude()
                lonBirth = latlonBirth.get_longitude()

                #Set the points for coregistering
                region = 5.0  #degrees

                #Coregisterring raster 1
                #Find the region in index units
                r = numpy.round(region / (x[1] - x[0]))

                #Find the index unit of lat and lon
                idxLon = (numpy.abs(x - lonBirth)).argmin()
                idxLat = (numpy.abs(y - latBirth)).argmin()

                #Raster 1
                c2 = coregRaster([idxLon, idxLat], z, r)
                #Hack to search further around the age grid if it can't find a match, note index units (not degrees)
                if numpy.isnan(c2):
                    c2 = coregRaster([idxLon, idxLat], z, r + 150.0)
                    print("Trying raster region: ", r + 150.0)

                #Coregisterring vector 1
                index = coregPoint([lonBirth, latBirth], lonlat, region)
                if index == 'inf':
                    print("trying index region", region + 15)
                    index = coregPoint([lonBirth, latBirth], lonlat,
                                       region + 15.0)

                if numpy.isnan(c2) or index == 'inf':
                    print("Skipping:", nshpSub, age, t, time, c2, index,
                          lonBirth, latBirth)

                    #Vector 1
                    segmentLength = f[index, 3]
                    slabLength = f[index, 9]
                    distSlabEdge = f[index, 15]

                    SPcoregNor = f[index, 4]
                    SPcoregPar = f[index, 12]
                    OPcoregNor = f[index, 5]
                    OPcoregPar = f[index, 13]
                    CONVcoregNor = f[index, 10]
                    CONVcoregPar = f[index, 11]

                    subPolCoreg = f[index, 8]
                    subOblCoreg = f[index, 7]

                    coregData[i, t, :] = [
                        lon, lat, lonBirth, latBirth, age, t, c2,
                        segmentLength, slabLength, distSlabEdge, SPcoregNor,
                        SPcoregPar, OPcoregNor, OPcoregPar, CONVcoregNor,
                        CONVcoregPar, subPolCoreg, subOblCoreg

    #Return the filled coregistered array
    return (coregData)