Exemple #1
def graph_sparsify(M, epsilon, maxiter=10):
    Sparsify a graph using Spielman-Srivastava algorithm.

    M : Graph or sparse matrix
        Graph structure or a Laplacian matrix
    epsilon : int
        Sparsification parameter

    Mnew : Graph or sparse matrix
        New graph structure or sparse matrix

    Epsilon should be between 1/sqrt(N) and 1

    >>> from pygsp import graphs, operators
    >>> G = graphs.Sensor(256, Nc=20, distribute=True)
    >>> epsilon = 0.4
    >>> G2 = operators.graph_sparsify(G, epsilon)

    See :cite: `spielman2011graph` `rudelson1999random` `rudelson2007sampling`
    for more informations

    # Test the input parameters
    if isinstance(M, Graph):
        if not M.lap_type == 'combinatorial':
            raise NotImplementedError
        L = M.L
        L = M

    N = np.shape(L)[0]

    if not 1./np.sqrt(N) <= epsilon < 1:
        raise ValueError('GRAPH_SPARSIFY: Epsilon out of required range')

    # pas sparse
    resistance_distances = resistance_distance(L).toarray()
    # Get the Weight matrix
    if isinstance(M, Graph):
        W = M.W
        W = np.diag(L.diagonal()) - L.toarray()
        W[W < 1e-10] = 0

    W = sparse.csc_matrix(W)

    start_nodes, end_nodes, weights = sparse.find(sparse.tril(W))

    # Calculate the new weights.
    weights = np.maximum(0, weights)
    Re = np.maximum(0, resistance_distances[start_nodes, end_nodes])
    Pe = weights * Re
    Pe = Pe / np.sum(Pe)

    for i in range(maxiter):
        # Rudelson, 1996 Random Vectors in the Isotropic Position
        # (too hard to figure out actual C0)
        C0 = 1 / 30.
        # Rudelson and Vershynin, 2007, Thm. 3.1
        C = 4 * C0
        q = round(N * np.log(N) * 9 * C**2 / (epsilon**2))

        results = stats.rv_discrete(values=(np.arange(np.shape(Pe)[0]), Pe)).rvs(size=q)
        spin_counts = stats.itemfreq(results).astype(int)
        per_spin_weights = weights / (q * Pe)

        counts = np.zeros(np.shape(weights)[0])
        counts[spin_counts[:, 0]] = spin_counts[:, 1]
        new_weights = counts * per_spin_weights

        sparserW = sparse.csc_matrix((new_weights, (start_nodes, end_nodes)),
                                     shape=(N, N))
        sparserW = sparserW + sparserW.T
        sparserL = sparse.diags(sparserW.diagonal(), 0) - sparserW

        if Graph(W=sparserW).is_connected():
        elif i == maxiter - 1:
            logger.warning('Despite attempts to reduce epsilon, sparsified graph is disconnected')
            epsilon -= (epsilon - 1/np.sqrt(N)) / 2.

    if isinstance(M, Graph):
        sparserW = sparse.diags(sparserL.diagonal(), 0) - sparserL
        if not M.directed:
            sparserW = (sparserW + sparserW.T) / 2.

        Mnew = Graph(W=sparserW)
        Mnew = sparse.lil_matrix(sparserL)

    return Mnew
Exemple #2
def graph_sparsify(M, epsilon, maxiter=10):
    r"""Sparsify a graph (with Spielman-Srivastava).

    M : Graph or sparse matrix
        Graph structure or a Laplacian matrix
    epsilon : int
        Sparsification parameter

    Mnew : Graph or sparse matrix
        New graph structure or sparse matrix

    Epsilon should be between 1/sqrt(N) and 1

    >>> from pygsp import reduction
    >>> G = graphs.Sensor(256, Nc=20, distributed=True)
    >>> epsilon = 0.4
    >>> G2 = reduction.graph_sparsify(G, epsilon)

    See :cite:`spielman2011graph`, :cite:`rudelson1999random` and :cite:`rudelson2007sampling`.
    for more informations

    # Test the input parameters
    if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph):
        if not M.lap_type == 'combinatorial':
            raise NotImplementedError
        L = M.L
        L = M

    N = np.shape(L)[0]

    if not 1./np.sqrt(N) <= epsilon < 1:
        raise ValueError('GRAPH_SPARSIFY: Epsilon out of required range')

    # Not sparse
    resistance_distances = utils.resistance_distance(L).toarray()
    # Get the Weight matrix
    if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph):
        W = M.W
        W = np.diag(L.diagonal()) - L.toarray()
        W[W < 1e-10] = 0

    W = sparse.coo_matrix(W)
    W.data[W.data < 1e-10] = 0
    W = W.tocsc()

    start_nodes, end_nodes, weights = sparse.find(sparse.tril(W))

    # Calculate the new weights.
    weights = np.maximum(0, weights)
    Re = np.maximum(0, resistance_distances[start_nodes, end_nodes])
    Pe = weights * Re
    Pe = Pe / np.sum(Pe)

    for i in range(maxiter):
        # Rudelson, 1996 Random Vectors in the Isotropic Position
        # (too hard to figure out actual C0)
        C0 = 1 / 30.
        # Rudelson and Vershynin, 2007, Thm. 3.1
        C = 4 * C0
        q = round(N * np.log(N) * 9 * C**2 / (epsilon**2))

        results = stats.rv_discrete(values=(np.arange(np.shape(Pe)[0]), Pe)).rvs(size=int(q))
        spin_counts = stats.itemfreq(results).astype(int)
        per_spin_weights = weights / (q * Pe)

        counts = np.zeros(np.shape(weights)[0])
        counts[spin_counts[:, 0]] = spin_counts[:, 1]
        new_weights = counts * per_spin_weights

        sparserW = sparse.csc_matrix((new_weights, (start_nodes, end_nodes)),
                                     shape=(N, N))
        sparserW = sparserW + sparserW.T
        sparserL = sparse.diags(sparserW.diagonal(), 0) - sparserW

        if graphs.Graph(W=sparserW).is_connected():
        elif i == maxiter - 1:
            logger.warning('Despite attempts to reduce epsilon, sparsified graph is disconnected')
            epsilon -= (epsilon - 1/np.sqrt(N)) / 2.

    if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph):
        sparserW = sparse.diags(sparserL.diagonal(), 0) - sparserL
        if not M.is_directed():
            sparserW = (sparserW + sparserW.T) / 2.

        Mnew = graphs.Graph(W=sparserW)
        Mnew = sparse.lil_matrix(sparserL)

    return Mnew
def sparsifyGraph(M, epsilon, maxiter=20):

    # Test the input parameters
    if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph):
        L = M.L
        L = M

    N = np.shape(L)[0]

    if not 1. / np.sqrt(N) <= epsilon < 1:
        raise ValueError('sparsifyGraph: Epsilon out of required range')

    # Not sparse
    resistance_distances = utils.resistance_distance(L).toarray()

    # Get the Weight matrix
    if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph):
        W = M.W
        W = np.diag(L.diagonal()) - L.toarray()
        W[W < 1e-10] = 0

    W = sparse.coo_matrix(W)
    W.data[W.data < 1e-10] = 0
    W = W.tocsc()

    start_nodes, end_nodes, weights = sparse.find(sparse.tril(W))

    # Calculate the new weights
    weights = np.maximum(0, weights)
    Re = np.maximum(0, resistance_distances[start_nodes, end_nodes])
    Pe = weights * Re
    Pe = Pe / np.sum(Pe)

    for i in range(maxiter):
        C0 = 1 / 30.
        C = 4 * C0
        q = round(N * np.log(N) * 9 * C**2 / (epsilon**2))

        results = stats.rv_discrete(values=(np.arange(np.shape(Pe)[0]),
        spin_counts = stats.itemfreq(results).astype(int)
        per_spin_weights = weights / (q * Pe)

        counts = np.zeros(np.shape(weights)[0])
        counts[spin_counts[:, 0]] = spin_counts[:, 1]
        new_weights = counts * per_spin_weights

        sparserW = sparse.csc_matrix((new_weights, (start_nodes, end_nodes)),
                                     shape=(N, N))
        sparserW = sparserW + sparserW.T
        sparserL = sparse.diags(sparserW.diagonal(), 0) - sparserW

        if graphs.Graph(sparserW).is_connected():
        elif i == maxiter - 1:
                'Despite attempts to reduce epsilon, sparsified graph is disconnected'
            epsilon -= (epsilon - 1 / np.sqrt(N)) / 2.

    if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph):
        sparserW = sparse.diags(sparserL.diagonal(), 0) - sparserL
        sparserW = (sparserW + sparserW.T) / 2.
        Mnew = graphs.Graph(sparserW, coords=M.coords)
        Mnew = sparse.lil_matrix(sparserL)

    return Mnew
def graph_sparsify(M, epsilon, maxiter=10):

    from pygsp import utils
    from scipy import sparse, stats

    # Test the input parameters
    if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph):
        if not M.lap_type == 'combinatorial':
            raise NotImplementedError
        L = M.L
        L = M

    N = np.shape(L)[0]

    if not 1. / np.sqrt(N) <= epsilon < 1:
        raise ValueError('GRAPH_SPARSIFY: Epsilon out of required range')

    # Not sparse
    resistance_distances = utils.resistance_distance(L).toarray()
    # Get the Weight matrix
    if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph):
        W = M.W
        W = np.diag(L.diagonal()) - L.toarray()
        W[W < 1e-10] = 0

    W = sparse.coo_matrix(W)
    W.data[W.data < 1e-10] = 0
    W = W.tocsc()

    start_nodes, end_nodes, weights = sparse.find(sparse.tril(W))

    # Calculate the new weights.
    weights = np.maximum(0, weights)
    Re = np.maximum(0, resistance_distances[start_nodes, end_nodes])
    Pe = weights * Re + 1e-4
    Pe = Pe / np.sum(Pe)

    for i in range(maxiter):
        # Rudelson, 1996 Random Vectors in the Isotropic Position
        # (too hard to figure out actual C0)
        C0 = 1 / 30.
        # Rudelson and Vershynin, 2007, Thm. 3.1
        C = 4 * C0
        q = round(N * np.log(N) * 9 * C**2 / (epsilon**2))

        results = stats.rv_discrete(values=(np.arange(np.shape(Pe)[0]),
        spin_counts = stats.itemfreq(results).astype(int)
        per_spin_weights = weights / (q * Pe)

        counts = np.zeros(np.shape(weights)[0])
        counts[spin_counts[:, 0]] = spin_counts[:, 1]
        new_weights = counts * per_spin_weights

        sparserW = sparse.csc_matrix((new_weights, (start_nodes, end_nodes)),
                                     shape=(N, N))
        sparserW = sparserW + sparserW.T
        sparserL = sparse.diags(sparserW.diagonal(), 0) - sparserW

#        if graphs.Graph(W=sparserW).is_connected():
#            break
#        elif i == maxiter - 1:
#            print('Despite attempts to reduce epsilon, sparsified graph is disconnected')
#        else:
#            epsilon -= (epsilon - 1/np.sqrt(N)) / 2.

    if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph):
        sparserW = sparse.diags(sparserL.diagonal(), 0) - sparserL
        if not M.is_directed():
            sparserW = (sparserW + sparserW.T) / 2.

        Mnew = graphs.Graph(W=sparserW)
        Mnew = sparse.lil_matrix(sparserL)

    return Mnew