def test_get_column() :
    nt = NTuple('A', 'B')
    for x in range(100) :
        nt.fill('A', x)
        nt.fill('B', x*100)
    A = nt.column('A')
    ntl.assert_true(A == range(100))
    B = nt.column('B')
    ntl.assert_true(B == [ x*100 for x in range(100)])
def test_get_with_cross_cut() :
    nt = NTuple('A', 'B')
    for x in range(100) :
        nt.fill('A', x)
        nt.fill('B', x*100)
    col = nt.column('B',lambda x : x.A > 50 and x.B < 8500 )
    ntl.assert_true(col == [x*100 for x in xrange(51, 85)])
def test_get_with_cut() :
    nt = NTuple('A', 'B')
    for x in range(100) :
        nt.fill('A', x)
        nt.fill('B', x*100)
    col = nt.column('A',lambda x : x.A > 50 )
    ntl.assert_true(col == range(51, 100))
Exemple #4
def reference_ntuple():
    nt = NTuple('x', 'sin', 'cos')
    for x in xrange(-50, 51):
        nt.fill('x', x)
        nt.fill('sin', math.sin(x))
        nt.fill('cos', math.cos(x))
    return nt
def test_access_row() :
    nt = NTuple('A','B')
    nt.fill('A', 5)
    rw = nt.row(0)
    ntl.assert_true(rw.A == 5)
    ntl.assert_true(rw.A==5 and rw.B == 6)
def reference_ntuple() :
    nt = NTuple('x', 'sin', 'cos')
    for x in xrange(-50,51) :
        nt.fill('sin', math.sin(x))
        nt.fill('cos', math.cos(x))
    return nt
Test suite for histogram.axis class.

__author__ = "Juan PALACIOS [email protected]"

from random import gauss
from pyhistuples.pyntuple.ntuple import NTuple
from pyhistuples.pyhistoplots import ntuple_plot, histo_plot, ntuple_column_histo

mu_p = 15.
mu_pt = 5.
sigma_p = 10.
sigma_pt = 5.

nt = NTuple('x', 'p', 'pt')

for x in xrange(10000):
    nt.fill('x', x)
    nt.fill('p', gauss(mu_p, sigma_p))
    nt.fill('pt', gauss(mu_pt, sigma_pt))

def test_ntuple_plot():
    pt_plot = ntuple_plot(nt, 'pt', show=False)
    p_plot = ntuple_plot(nt,
                         errorfunction=lambda x: x.height / 2.,
Exemple #8
import math
from random import gauss
from pyhistuples.pyntuple.ntuple import NTuple
from matplotlib import pyplot
from pyhistuples.pyhistoplots import ntuple_plot, histo_plot, ntuple_column_histo
from pyhistuples.pyhistogram.histogram import Histogram, Axis

mu_p = 15.
mu_pt = 5.
sigma_p = 10.
sigma_pt = 5.

nt = NTuple('x', 'p', 'pt')

h_pt = Histogram(axis=Axis(100, -50, 50, label='pt'))

for x in xrange(10000):
    val = gauss(mu_pt, sigma_pt)

# greem plot without errors
plot_pt = histo_plot(h_pt, color='green', errorfunction=None)

# blue plot with default errors (poissonSigma)
plot_pt_errors = histo_plot(h_pt, color='blue')

print 'plot_pt range', plot_pt.axes[0].xaxis.get_view_interval()

print 'plot_pt_errors range', plot_pt_errors.axes[0].xaxis.get_view_interval()
Exemple #9
import math
from random import gauss
from pyhistuples.pyntuple.ntuple import NTuple
from matplotlib import pyplot

mu_p = 15.
mu_pt = 5.
sigma_p = 10.
sigma_pt = 5.

nt = NTuple('x', 'p', 'pt')

for x in xrange(10000) :
    nt.fill('p', gauss(mu_p, sigma_p))
    nt.fill('pt', gauss(mu_pt, sigma_pt))

x = nt.column('x', lambda row : row.p > 5. and > 1.)

def test_access_latest_row() :
    nt = NTuple('A', 'B')
    nt.fill('A', 5)
    rw = nt.row(0)
    ntl.assert_true(rw.A == 5)
    nt.fill('A', 7)
    rw = nt.row(0)
    ntl.assert_true(rw.A == 7)
    nt.fill('A', 22)
    rw = nt.row(1)
    ntl.assert_true(rw.A == 22)
def test_fill_column_twice() :
    nt = NTuple('A', 'B')
    nt.fill('A', 5)
    nt.fill('A', 7)
def test_illegal_tag_fails() :
    nt = NTuple('A','B')
    nt.fill('C', 5)
def test_fill_column() :
    nt = NTuple('A', 'B')
    nt.fill('A', 5)
def test_instantiate() :
    nt = NTuple('A', 'B')
    ntl.assert_true(nt is not None)
def test_illegal_add_raises_KeyError() :
    nt0 = NTuple('A', 'B')
    nt1 = NTuple('C', 'D')
    _ = nt0 + nt1
import math
from random import gauss
from pyhistuples.pyntuple.ntuple import NTuple
from matplotlib import pyplot
from pyhistuples.pyhistoplots import ntuple_plot, histo_plot, ntuple_column_histo

mu_p = 15.
mu_pt = 5.
sigma_p = 10.
sigma_pt = 5.

nt = NTuple('x', 'p', 'pt')

for x in xrange(10000) :
    nt.fill('p', gauss(mu_p, sigma_p))
    nt.fill('pt', gauss(mu_pt, sigma_pt))

pt_plot = ntuple_plot(nt, 'pt')
h_pt = ntuple_column_histo(nt, 'pt')
histo_plot(h_pt, color='blue')