def test_gls_recursive(self): cmd = ["pyhrf_gls", "-r", self.tmp_dir] output = check_output(cmd) pyhrf.verbose(1, "output:") pyhrf.verbose(1, output) expected_ouput = """%s: %s/subject1: %s/subject1/fmri: paradigm.csv %s/subject1/fmri/analysis: analysis_result_1.nii analysis_result_2.csv analysis_summary.txt %s/subject1/fmri/run1: bold_scan_[1...3].nii %s/subject1/fmri/run2: bold_scan_[1...3].nii %s/subject1/t1mri: anatomy.{hdr,img} """ % ( (self.tmp_dir,) * 7 ) if output != expected_ouput: raise Exception( "Output of command %s is not as expected.\n" "Output is:\n%sExcepted:\n%s" % (" ".join(cmd), output, expected_ouput) )
def __init__(self, sampled_variables, nb_its_max, obs_pace=1, burnin=.3, sample_hist_pace=-1, obs_hist_pace=-1,): self.variables = {} self.sampled_variables = sampled_variables for v in sampled_variables: self.set_variable(, v) def get_fraction_or_nb(nb, tot): if nb>0. and nb<1.: return int(round(tot * nb)) else: return nb self.nb_its_max = nb_its_max self.burnin = get_fraction_or_nb(burnin, nb_its_max) self.smpl_hist_pace = get_fraction_or_nb(sample_hist_pace, nb_its_max) self.obs_hist_pace = get_fraction_or_nb(obs_hist_pace, nb_its_max) self.tracked_quantities = {} pyhrf.verbose(1, 'GibbsSampler init. Burnin: %d, nb_its_max: %d, '\ 'smpl_hist_pace: %d, obs_hist_pace: %d,'\ %(self.burnin, self.nb_its_max, self.smpl_hist_pace, self.obs_hist_pace))
def computeComponentsApost(self, variables, j, XhtQXh): sIMixtP = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_MIXT_PARAM] var = sIMixtP.getCurrentVars() mean = sIMixtP.getCurrentMeans() rb = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_NOISE_VAR].currentValue nrls = self.currentValue #for j in xrange(self.nbConditions): gTQgjrb = XhtQXh[:,j]/rb # de taille nbVox ej = self.varYtilde + repmat(nrls[j,:], self.ny, 1) * self.varXh[:,:,j].swapaxes(0,1) numpy.divide(diag(dot(self.varXhtQ[:,j,:],ej)), rb, self.varXjhtQjeji) for c in xrange(self.nbClasses): #ici classe: 0 (inactif) ou 1 (actif) self.varClassApost[c,j,:] = 1./(1./var[c,j] + gTQgjrb) numpy.sqrt(self.varClassApost[c,j,:], self.sigClassApost[c,j,:]) if c > 0: # assume 0 stands for inactivating class numpy.multiply(self.varClassApost[c,j,:], add(mean[c,j]/var[c,j], self.varXjhtQjeji), self.meanClassApost[c,j,:]) else: multiply(self.varClassApost[c,j,:], self.varXjhtQjeji, self.meanClassApost[c,j,:]) pyhrf.verbose(5, 'meanClassApost %d cond %d :'%(c,j)) pyhrf.verbose.printNdarray(5, self.meanClassApost[c,j,:])
def packSamplerInput(self, roiData): try: shrf = self.sampler.getVariable('hrf') except KeyError: shrf = self.sampler.getVariable('brf') hrfDuration = shrf.duration zc = shrf.zc simu = None if simu != None and shrf.sampleFlag==0: hrfDuration = (len(simu.hrf.get_hrf(0,0))-1)*simu.hrf.dt pyhrf.verbose(6,'Found simulation data and hrf is '\ 'not sampled, setting hrfDuration to:' \ +str(hrfDuration)) pyhrf.verbose(2,'building BOLDSamplerInput ...') if simu == None or shrf.sampleFlag: dt = self.dt if (self.dt!=None and self.dt!=0.) else -self.dtMin elif simu != None and shrf.sampleFlag == 0: dt = simu.hrf.dt samplerInput = self.sampler.inputClass(roiData, dt=dt, typeLFD=self.driftLfdType, paramLFD=self.driftLfdParam, hrfZc=zc, hrfDuration=hrfDuration) return samplerInput
def _compute_graph(self): if self.data_type != 'volume': raise Exception('Can only compute graph for volume data') pyhrf.verbose(6, 'FmriData._compute_graph() ...') to_discard = [self.backgroundLabel] self._graph = parcels_to_graphs(self.roiMask, kerMask3D_6n, toDiscard=to_discard)
def checkAndSetInitValue(self, variables): smplVarDrift = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_ETA] smplVarDrift.checkAndSetInitValue(variables) varDrift = smplVarDrift.currentValue if self.useTrueValue : if self.trueValue is not None: self.currentValue = self.trueValue else: raise Exception('Needed a true value for drift init but '\ 'None defined') if 0 and self.currentValue is None : #if not self.sampleFlag and self.dataInput.simulData is None : #self.currentValue = self.dataInput.simulData.drift.lfd #pyhrf.verbose(6,'drift dimensions :' \ #+str(self.currentValue.shape)) #pyhrf.verbose(6,'self.dimDrift :' \ #+str(self.dimDrift)) #assert self.dimDrift == self.currentValue.shape[0] #else: self.currentValue = np.sqrt(varDrift) * \ np.random.randn(self.dimDrift, self.nbVox) if self.currentValue is None: pyhrf.verbose(1,"Initialisation of Drift from the data") ptp =,self.P) invptp = numpy.linalg.inv(ptp) invptppt =, self.P.transpose()) self.currentValue =,self.dataInput.varMBY) self.updateNorm() self.matPl = dot(self.P, self.currentValue) self.ones_Q_J = np.ones((self.dimDrift, self.nbVox)) self.ones_Q = np.ones((self.dimDrift))
def remote_copy(files, host, user, path, transfer_tool='ssh'): if transfer_tool == 'paramiko': import paramiko pyhrf.verbose(1, 'Copying files to remote destination %s@%s:%s ...' \ %(host,user,path)) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() known_hosts_file = os.path.join("~", ".ssh", "known_hosts") ssh.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser(known_hosts_file)) ssh.connect(host, username=user) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() for f in files: remotepath = op.join(path,op.basename(f)) pyhrf.verbose(2, f + ' -> ' + remotepath + ' ...') flocal = open(f) remote_file = sftp.file(remotepath, "wb") remote_file.set_pipelined(True) remote_file.write( flocal.close() remote_file.close() sftp.close() ssh.close() else: sfiles = string.join(['"%s"'%f for f in files], ' ') scp_cmd = 'scp -C %s "%s@%s:%s"' %(sfiles, user, host, path) pyhrf.verbose(1, 'Data files transfer with scp ...') pyhrf.verbose(2, scp_cmd) if os.system(scp_cmd) != 0: raise Exception('Error while scp ...') pyhrf.verbose(1, 'Copy done!') return [op.join(path,op.basename(f)) for f in files]
def sampleNextInternal(self, variables): #TODO : comment sIMixtP = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_MIXT_PARAM_NRLS_BAR] varCI = sIMixtP.currentValue[sIMixtP.I_VAR_CI] varCA = sIMixtP.currentValue[sIMixtP.I_VAR_CA] meanCA = sIMixtP.currentValue[sIMixtP.I_MEAN_CA] self.labelsSamples = rand(self.nbConditions, self.nbVox) self.nrlsSamples = randn(self.nbConditions, self.nbVox) if self.imm: #self.sampleNrlsParallel(varXh, rb, h, varLambda, varCI, # varCA, meanCA, gTQg, variables) raise NotImplementedError("IMM with drift sampling is not available") else: #smm self.sampleNrlsSerial(varCI, varCA, meanCA, variables) #self.computeVarYTildeOpt(varXh) #matPl = self.samplerEngine.getVariable('drift').matPl #self.varYbar = self.varYtilde - matPl if (self.currentValue >= 1000).any() and \ pyhrf.__usemode__ == pyhrf.DEVEL: pyhrf.verbose(2, "Weird NRL values detected ! %d/%d" \ %((self.currentValue >= 1000).sum(), self.nbVox*self.nbConditions) ) #pyhrf.verbose.set_verbosity(6) if pyhrf.verbose.verbosity >= 4: self.reportDetection() self.printState(4) self.iteration += 1 #TODO : factorize !!
def from_py_object(self, label, obj, parent=None): pyhrf.verbose(6, "UiNode.from_py_object(label=%s,obj=%s) ..." % (label, str(obj))) if isinstance(obj, Initable): n = obj.to_ui_node(label, parent) else: if UiNode._pyobj_has_leaf_type(obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): dt = str( sh = str(obj.shape) n = UiNode(label, attributes={"type": "ndarray", "dtype": dt, "shape": sh}) s = " ".join(str(e) for e in obj.ravel()) n.add_child(UiNode(s)) elif obj is None: n = UiNode(label, attributes={"type": "None"}) n.add_child(UiNode("None")) else: n = UiNode(label, attributes={"type": obj.__class__}) n.add_child(UiNode(str(obj))) elif isinstance(obj, list): n = UiNode(label, attributes={"type": "list"}) for i, sub_val in enumerate(obj): n.add_child(UiNode.from_py_object("item%d" % i, sub_val)) elif isinstance(obj, (dict, OrderedDict)): t = ["odict", "dict"][obj.__class__ == dict] n = UiNode(label, attributes={"type": t}) for k, v in obj.iteritems(): n.add_child(UiNode.from_py_object(k, v)) else: raise Exception( "In UiNode.from_py_object, unsupported object: " "%s (type: %s)" % (str(obj), str(type(obj))) ) return n
def analyse_roi(self, atomData): """ Launch the JDE Gibbs Sampler on a parcel-specific data set *atomData* Args: - atomData (pyhrf.core.FmriData): parcel-specific data Returns: JDE sampler object """ #print 'atomData:', atomData if self.copy_sampler: sampler = copyModule.deepcopy(self.sampler) else: sampler = self.sampler sInput = self.packSamplerInput(atomData) sampler.linkToData(sInput) #if self.parameters[self.P_RANDOM_SEED] is not None: # np.random.seed(self.parameters[self.P_RANDOM_SEED]) # #HACK: # if len(self.roi_ids) > 0: # if atomData.get_roi_id() not in self.roi_ids: # return None pyhrf.verbose(1, 'Treating region %d' %(atomData.get_roi_id())) sampler.runSampling() pyhrf.verbose(1, 'Cleaning memory ...') sampler.dataInput.cleanMem() return sampler
def project_fmri(input_mesh, data_file, output_tex_file, output_kernels_file=None, data_resolution=None, geod_decay=5., norm_decay=2., kernel_size=7, tex_bin_threshold=None): if output_kernels_file is None: tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='pyhrf_surf_proj', dir=pyhrf.cfg['global']['tmp_path']) kernels_file = op.join(tmp_dir, add_suffix(op.basename(data_file), '_kernels')) tmp_kernels_file = True else: kernels_file = output_kernels_file tmp_kernels_file = False if data_resolution is not None: resolution = data_resolution else: resolution = read_spatial_resolution(data_file) pyhrf.verbose(1,'Data resolution: %s' %resolution) pyhrf.verbose(2,'Projection parameters:') pyhrf.verbose(2,' - geodesic decay: %f mm' %geod_decay) pyhrf.verbose(2,' - normal decay: %f mm' %norm_decay) pyhrf.verbose(2,' - kernel size: %f voxels' %kernel_size) create_projection_kernels(input_mesh, kernels_file, resolution, geod_decay, norm_decay, kernel_size) project_fmri_from_kernels(input_mesh, kernels_file, data_file, output_tex_file, tex_bin_threshold) if tmp_kernels_file: os.remove(kernels_file)
def test_ward_spatial_real_data(self): from pyhrf.glm import glm_nipy_from_files #pyhrf.verbose.verbosity = 2 fn = 'subj0_parcellation.nii.gz' mask_file = pyhrf.get_data_file_name(fn) bold = 'subj0_bold_session0.nii.gz' bold_file = pyhrf.get_data_file_name(bold) paradigm_csv_file = pyhrf.get_data_file_name('paradigm_loc_av.csv') output_dir = self.tmp_dir output_file = op.join(output_dir, 'parcellation_output_test_real_data.nii') tr=2.4 bet = glm_nipy_from_files(bold_file, tr, paradigm_csv_file, output_dir, mask_file, session=0, contrasts=None, hrf_model='Canonical', drift_model='Cosine', hfcut=128, residuals_model='spherical', fit_method='ols', fir_delays=[0])[0] pyhrf.verbose(2, 'betas_files: %s' %' '.join(bet)) cmd = 'pyhrf_parcellate_glm -m %s %s -o %s -v %d -n %d '\ '-t ward_spatial ' \ %(mask_file, ' '.join(bet), output_file, pyhrf.verbose.verbosity, 10) if os.system(cmd) != 0 : raise Exception('"' + cmd + '" did not execute correctly') pyhrf.verbose(1, 'cmd: %s' %cmd)
def checkAndSetInitHabit(self, variables) : # init habituation speed factors and time-varying NRLs if self.habits == None : # if no habituation speed specified if not self.sampleHabitFlag : if self.dataInput.simulData != None : # Attention: on a un probleme si on fait tourner ce modele sur des donnees simulees par le modele stationnaire. Dans ce cas, il faut forcer ici a passer et prendre des habits nulles ## using simulated Data for HABITUATION sampling print "load Habituation from simulData", self.habits = self.timeNrls = self.dataInput.simulData.nrls.timeNrls self.Gamma = self.setupGamma() else : # sinon, on prend que des zeros (modele stationnaire) self.habits = numpy.zeros((self.nbConditions, self.nbVox), dtype=float) self.setupTimeNrls() else: pyhrf.verbose(2, "Uniform set up of habituation factors") habitCurrent = numpy.zeros((self.nbConditions, self.nbVox), dtype=float) for nc in xrange(self.nbConditions): habitCurrent[nc,self.voxIdx[1][nc]] = numpy.random.rand(self.cardClass[1][nc]) self.habits = habitCurrent if self.outputRatio : self.ratio = zeros((self.nbConditions, self.nbVox, 2), dtype = float) self.ratiocourbe = zeros((self.nbConditions, self.nbVox, 100, 5), dtype = float) self.compteur = numpy.zeros((self.nbConditions, self.nbVox), dtype=float) self.setupTimeNrls() pyhrf.verbose(4, 'habituation initiale') pyhrf.verbose.printNdarray(5, self.habits)
def create_hrf_from_territories(hrf_territories, primary_hrfs): pyhrf.verbose(1,'create_hrf_from_territories ...') pyhrf.verbose(1,' inputs: hrf_territories %s, primary_hrfs (%d,%d)' \ %(str(hrf_territories.shape), len(primary_hrfs), len(primary_hrfs[0][0]))) assert hrf_territories.ndim == 1 hrfs = np.zeros((hrf_territories.size,primary_hrfs[0][0].size)) territories = np.unique(hrf_territories) territories.sort() if territories.min() == 1: territories = territories - 1 assert territories.min() == 0 assert territories.max() <= len(primary_hrfs) #print hrfs.shape #sm = ','.join(['m[%d]'%d for d in range(hrf_territories.ndim)] + [':']) for territory in territories: #TODO: test consitency in hrf lengths m = np.where(hrf_territories==territory)[0] # print 'm:',m # print 'hrfs[m,:].shape:', hrfs[m,:].shape # print 'primary_hrfs[territory][1].shape:', \ # primary_hrfs[territory][1].shape # print primary_hrfs[territory][1] #print hrfs[m,:].shape #exec('hrfs[%s] = primary_hrfs[territory][1]' %sm) hrfs[m,:] = primary_hrfs[territory][1] #print hrfs[m,:] return hrfs.transpose()
def create_asl_from_stim_induced(bold_stim_induced, perf_stim_induced, ctrl_tag_mat, dsf, perf_baseline, noise, drift=None, outliers=None): """ Downsample stim_induced signal according to downsampling factor 'dsf' and add noise and drift (nuisance signals) which has to be at downsampled temporal resolution. """ bold = bold_stim_induced[0:-1:dsf,:].copy() perf =, (perf_stim_induced[0:-1:dsf,:].copy() + \ perf_baseline)) pyhrf.verbose(3, 'create_asl_from_stim_induced ...') pyhrf.verbose(3, 'bold shape: %s, perf_shape: %s, noise shape: %s, '\ 'drift shape: %s' %(str(bold.shape), str(perf.shape), str(noise.shape), str(drift.shape))) asl = bold + perf if drift is not None: asl += drift if outliers is not None: asl += outliers asl += noise return asl
def create_polynomial_drift(bold_shape, tr, drift_order, drift_var): p = buildPolyMat(drift_order, bold_shape[0], tr) nvox = bold_shape[1] coeff = drift_var**.5 * randn(p.shape[1],nvox) drift =, coeff) pyhrf.verbose(3, 'Drift shape: %s' %str(drift.shape)) return drift
def updateObsersables(self): GibbsSamplerVariable.updateObsersables(self) sHrf = self.samplerEngine.getVariable('hrf') sScale = self.samplerEngine.getVariable('scale') if sHrf.sampleFlag and np.allclose(sHrf.normalise,0.) and \ not sScale.sampleFlag and self.sampleFlag: pyhrf.verbose(6, 'Normalizing Posterior mean of Mixture Parameters at each iteration ...') #print '%%%% scaling NRL PME %%% - hnorm = ', sHrf.norm # Undo previous calculation: self.cumul -= self.currentValue #self.cumul2 -= self.currentValue**2 self.cumul3 -= (self.currentValue - self.mean)**2 # Use scaled quantities instead: cur_m_CA = self.currentValue[self.I_MEAN_CA] cur_v_CA = self.currentValue[self.I_VAR_CA] cur_v_CI = self.currentValue[self.I_VAR_CI] self.cumul[self.I_MEAN_CA] += cur_m_CA * sHrf.norm #self.cumul2[self.I_MEAN_CA] += (cur_m_CA * sHrf.norm)**2 self.cumul[self.I_VAR_CA] += cur_v_CA * sHrf.norm**2 #self.cumul2[self.I_VAR_CA] += (cur_v_CA * sHrf.norm**2)**2 self.cumul[self.I_VAR_CI] += cur_v_CI * sHrf.norm**2 #self.cumul2[self.I_VAR_CI] += (cur_v_CI * sHrf.norm**2)**2 self.mean = self.cumul / self.nbItObservables self.cumul3[self.I_MEAN_CA] += (cur_m_CA * sHrf.norm - self.mean[self.I_MEAN_CA])**2 self.cumul3[self.I_VAR_CA] += (cur_v_CA * sHrf.norm**2 - self.mean[self.I_VAR_CA])**2 self.cumul3[self.I_VAR_CI] += (cur_v_CI * sHrf.norm**2 - self.mean[self.I_VAR_CI])**2 #self.error = self.cumul2 / self.nbItObservables - \ #self.mean**2 self.error = self.cumul3 / self.nbItObservables
def sampleNrlsSerial(self, rb, h, varCI, varCA, meanCA , gTg, variables): pyhrf.verbose(3, 'Sampling Nrls (serial, spatial prior) ...') sIMixtP = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_MIXT_PARAM] var = sIMixtP.getCurrentVars() mean = sIMixtP.getCurrentMeans() rb = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_NOISE_VAR].currentValue # Add one dimension to be consistent with habituation model varXh = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_HRF].varXh varXht = varXh.transpose() nrls = self.currentValue neighbours = self.dataInput.neighboursIndexes beta = self.samplerEngine.getVariable('beta').currentValue voxOrder = permutation(self.nbVox) sampleSmmNrl2(voxOrder.astype(np.int32), rb.astype(np.float64), neighbours.astype(np.int32), self.varYbar, self.labels, np.array([varXh], dtype=np.float64), self.currentValue, self.nrlsSamples.astype(np.float64), self.labelsSamples.astype(np.float64), np.array([varXht], dtype=np.float64), gTg.astype(np.float64), beta.astype(np.float64), mean.astype(np.float64), var.astype(np.float64), self.meanClassApost, self.varClassApost, self.nbClasses, self.sampleLabelsFlag+0, self.iteration, self.nbConditions) self.countLabels(self.labels, self.voxIdx, self.cardClass)
def __init__(self, label, parent=None, attributes=None): super(UiNode, self).__init__() pyhrf.verbose(6, 'Create new UiNode(%s,%s,%s)' \ %(label, str(parent), str(attributes))) self._label = label self._children = [] self._parent = parent if attributes is None: attributes = {} # Check input attributes (has to be a dict of strings): if not isinstance(attributes, dict): raise Exception('Wrong type "%s" for attributes, has to be a dict'\ %str(type(attributes))) for k,v in attributes.iteritems(): if not isinstance(k, str): raise Exception('Wrong type for attribute "%s" '\ '(has to be string)' %str(k)) if k not in ['init_obj', 'type'] and not isinstance(v, str): # init_obj can be a method/function (see Initable class) raise Exception('Wrong type for value of attribute "%s" (%s) '\ '(has to be string)' %(str(k),str(v))) self._attributes = attributes if parent is not None: parent.add_child(self)
def linkToData(self, dataInput): self.dataInput = dataInput self.nbConditions = self.dataInput.nbConditions self.nbVox = self.dataInput.nbVoxels self.ny = self.dataInput.ny self.nbColX = self.dataInput.nbColX # Do some allocations : self.beta = np.zeros(self.nbVox, dtype=float) self.mXhQXh = np.zeros((self.nbConditions,self.nbConditions), dtype=float) if self.dataInput.simulData is not None: if isinstance(self.dataInput.simulData, dict): if dataInput.simulData.has_key('v_gnoise'): self.trueValue = self.dataInput.simulData['v_noise'] pyhrf.verbose(3, 'True noise variance = %1.3f' \ %self.trueValue) elif isinstance(dataInput.simulData, list): sd = dataInput.simulData[0] if isinstance(sd, dict): self.trueValue = sd['noise'].var(0).astype(np.float64) else: self.trueValue = sd.noise.variance else: self.trueValue = self.dataInput.simulData.noise.variance
def split_big_parcels(parcel_file, output_file, max_size=400): print 'split_big_parcels ...' roiMask, roiHeader = read_volume(parcel_file) roiIds = np.unique(roiMask) background = roiIds.min() labels = roiMask[np.where(roiMask>background)].astype(int) if (np.bincount(labels) <= max_size).all(): pyhrf.verbose(1, 'no parcel to split') return graphs = parcels_to_graphs(roiMask, kerMask3D_6n) for roiId in roiIds: if roiId != background: roi_size = (roiMask==roiId).sum() if roi_size > max_size: print 'roi %d, size = %d' %(roiId, roi_size) nparcels = int(np.ceil(roi_size*1./max_size)) print 'split into %d parcels ...' %(nparcels) split_parcel(labels, graphs, roiId, nparcels, inplace=True, verbosity=1) final_roi_mask = np.zeros_like(roiMask) final_roi_mask[np.where(roiMask>background)] = labels #print np.bincount(labels) assert (np.bincount(labels) <= max_size).all() write_volume(final_roi_mask, output_file, roiHeader)
def graph_from_mesh(polygonList): """Return the list of neighbours indexes for each position, from a list of polygons. Each polygon is a triplet. """ indexSet = set() for l in polygonList: indexSet.update(l) nbPositions = len(indexSet) pyhrf.verbose(6, 'indexSet:') pyhrf.verbose.printDict(6, indexSet) neighbourSets = {} #pyhrf.verbose(6, 'polygonList:') #pyhrf.verbose.printDict(6, polygonList) for triangle in polygonList: for idx in triangle: if not neighbourSets.has_key(idx): neighbourSets[idx] = set() neighbourSets[idx].update(triangle) # idx<->set --> idx<->list neighbourLists = np.empty(nbPositions, dtype=object) for idx in indexSet: neighbourSets[idx].remove(idx) neighbourLists[idx] = np.array(list(neighbourSets[idx]),dtype=int) return neighbourLists
def computeWithJeffreyPriors(self, j, cardCDj): if pyhrf.verbose.verbosity >= 3: print 'cond %d - card CD = %d' %(j,cardCDj) print 'cond %d - cur mean CD = %f' %(j,self.currentValue[self.I_MEAN_CD,j]) if cardCDj > 0: print 'cond %d - nrl CD: %f(v%f)[%f,%f]' %(j,self.nrlCD[j].mean(), self.nrlCD[j].var(), self.nrlCD[j].min(), self.nrlCD[j].max()) if cardCDj > 1: nrlC2Centered = self.nrlCD[j] - self.currentValue[self.I_MEAN_CD,j] nu2j = dot(nrlC2Centered, nrlC2Centered) varCDj = 1.0 / random.gamma(0.5 * (cardCDj + 1) - 1, 2. / nu2j) eta2j = mean(self.nrlCD[j]) meanCDj = random.normal(eta2j, (varCDj / cardCDj)**0.5) if pyhrf.verbose.verbosity >= 3: print 'varCD ~ InvGamma(%f, nu2j/2=%f)' %(0.5*(cardCDj+1)-1, nu2j/2.) print ' -> mean =', (nu2j/2.)/(0.5*(cardCDj+1)-1) else : pyhrf.verbose(1,'Warning : cardCD <= 1!') varCDj = 1.0 / random.gamma(.5, 2.) if cardCDj == 0 : meanCDj = random.normal(5.0, varCDj**0.5) else: meanCDj = random.normal(self.nrlCD[j], varCDj**0.5) if pyhrf.verbose.verbosity >= 3: print 'Sampled components - cond', j print 'mean CD =', meanCDj, 'var CD =', varCDj return meanCDj, varCDj
def linkToData(self, data): self.M = data.nbConditions dp = data.paradigm self.condition_names = dp.stimOnsets.keys() self.onsets = dp.stimOnsets.values() self.LengthOnsets = [dp.stimDurations[n] for n in dp.stimOnsets.keys()] self.nbVoxels = data.bold.shape[1] if not self.avg_bold: self.bold = data.bold else: self.bold = data.bold.mean(1)[:,np.newaxis] pyhrf.verbose(2, 'BOLD is averaged -> shape: %s' \ %str(self.bold.shape)) self.sscans = data.sessionsScans self.nbSessions = data.nbSessions self.I = self.nbSessions self.ImagesNb = sum([len(ss) for ss in self.sscans]) self.TR = self.Ni = array([len(ss) for ss in self.sscans]) self.OnsetList = [[o[i] for o in self.onsets] \ for i in xrange(self.nbSessions)] self.Qi = zeros(self.nbSessions, dtype=int) + 2 self.history = defaultdict(init_dict)
def split(self, dump_sub_results=None, make_sub_outputs=None, output_dir=None, output_file_list=None): if dump_sub_results is None: dump_sub_results = (self.result_dump_file is not None) if make_sub_outputs is None: make_sub_outputs = self.make_outputs if output_dir is None: output_dir = self.output_dir sub_treatments = [FMRITreatment(d, deepcopy(self.analyser), make_outputs=make_sub_outputs, output_dir=output_dir) \ for d in self.analyser.split_data(] if output_dir is not None: pyhrf.verbose(1, 'Dump sub treatments in: %s ...' %output_dir) cmp_size = lambda t1,t2:cmp(, for it, sub_t in enumerate(sorted(sub_treatments, cmp=cmp_size, reverse=True)): if dump_sub_results: sub_t.result_dump_file = op.join(output_dir, 'result_%04d.pck' %it) fn = op.join(output_dir, 'treatment_%04d.pck' %it) fout = open(fn, 'w') cPickle.dump(sub_t, fout) fout.close() if output_file_list is not None: output_file_list.append(fn) return sub_treatments
def sampleNrlsSerialWithRelVar(self, rb, h, gTg, variables, w, t1, t2): pyhrf.verbose(3, 'Sampling Nrls (serial, spatial prior) ...') sIMixtP = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_MIXT_PARAM] var = sIMixtP.getCurrentVars() mean = sIMixtP.getCurrentMeans() rb = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_NOISE_VAR].currentValue y = self.dataInput.varMBY matPl = self.samplerEngine.getVariable('drift').matPl sampleWFlag = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_W].sampleFlag # Add one dimension to be consistent with habituation model varXh = variables[self.samplerEngine.I_HRF].varXh varXht = varXh.transpose() nrls = self.currentValue neighbours = self.dataInput.neighboursIndexes beta = self.samplerEngine.getVariable('beta').currentValue voxOrder = permutation(self.nbVox) cardClassCA = np.zeros(self.nbConditions, dtype=int) for i in range(self.nbConditions): cardClassCA[i] = self.cardClass[self.L_CA,i] #sampleSmmNrl2WithRelVar(voxOrder.astype(np.int32), rb.astype(np.float64), #neighbours.astype(np.int32), self.varYbar, #self.labels, np.array([varXh], dtype=np.float64), #self.currentValue, #self.nrlsSamples.astype(np.float64), #self.labelsSamples.astype(np.float64), #np.array([varXht], dtype=np.float64), #gTg.astype(np.float64), #beta.astype(np.float64), mean.astype(np.float64), #var.astype(np.float64), self.meanClassApost, #self.varClassApost, w.astype(np.int32), t1, t2, #cardClassCA.astype(np.int32), #self.nbClasses, #self.sampleLabelsFlag+0, self.iteration, #self.nbConditions) sampleSmmNrl2WithRelVar_NEW(voxOrder.astype(np.int32), rb.astype(np.float64), neighbours.astype(np.int32), self.varYbar , y.astype(np.float64), matPl.astype(np.float64), self.labels, np.array([varXh], dtype=np.float64), self.currentValue, self.nrlsSamples.astype(np.float64), self.labelsSamples.astype(np.float64), np.array([varXht], dtype=np.float64), gTg.astype(np.float64), beta.astype(np.float64), mean.astype(np.float64), var.astype(np.float64), self.meanClassApost, self.varClassApost, w.astype(np.int32), t1, t2, cardClassCA.astype(np.int32), self.nbClasses, self.sampleLabelsFlag+0, self.iteration, self.nbConditions,sampleWFlag) self.countLabels(self.labels, self.voxIdx, self.cardClass)
def sub_sample_vol(image_file, dest_file, dsf, interpolation="continuous", verb_lvl=0): from nipy.labs.datasets.volumes.volume_img import VolumeImg # ,CompositionError pyhrf.verbose(verb_lvl, "Subsampling at dsf=%d, %s -> %s" % (dsf, image_file, dest_file)) interp = interpolation data_src, src_meta = read_volume(image_file) affine = src_meta[0] daffine = dsf * affine original_dtype = data_src.dtype if np.issubdtype(, data_src.dtype): # to avoid error "array type 5 not supported" on int arrays ... # data_src = np.asarray(np.asfarray(data_src), data_src.dtype) data_src = np.asfarray(data_src) if data_src.ndim == 4: ref_vol = data_src[:, :, :, 0] else: ref_vol = data_src # print 'ref_vol:', ref_vol.shape img_src = VolumeImg(ref_vol, affine, "mine") img_dest = img_src.as_volume_img(daffine, interpolation=interpolation) # setup dest geometry: dest_header = src_meta[1].copy() # dest_header['sform'] = img_src.affine dpixdim = np.array(src_meta[1]["pixdim"]) dpixdim[1:4] *= dsf # print 'pixdim:', ','.join(map(str,src_meta[1]['pixdim'])) # print 'dpixdim:', ','.join(map(str,dpixdim)) dest_header["pixdim"] = list(dpixdim) sh = ref_vol[::dsf, ::dsf, ::dsf, ...].shape # print 'sh:', sh dest_meta = (daffine, dest_header) # do the resampling: if data_src.ndim == 3: vol = img_dest.get_data()[: sh[0], : sh[1], : sh[2]] if ref_vol.dtype == np.int32 or np.allclose(np.round(ref_vol), ref_vol): # if input is int vol = np.round(vol).astype(np.int32) write_volume(vol, dest_file, dest_meta) elif data_src.ndim == 4: imgs = [VolumeImg(i, affine, "mine") for i in np.rollaxis(data_src, 3, 0)] dvols = [i.as_volume_img(daffine, interpolation=interp).get_data() for i in imgs] # print 'dvols[0]:', dvols[0].shape dvols = np.array(dvols) # print 'dvols:', dvols.shape sub_vols = np.rollaxis(dvols[:, : sh[0], : sh[1], : sh[2]], 0, 4) # print 'sub_vols:', sub_vols.shape write_volume(sub_vols, dest_file, dest_meta) else: raise Exception("Nb of dims (%d) not handled. Only 3D or 4D" % data_src.ndim)
def manageMappingInit(self, shape, axes_names): tans = self.dataInput.voxelMapping.getTargetAxesNames() i = axes_names.index("voxel") axes_names = axes_names[:i] + tans + axes_names[i + 1 :] shape = shape[:i] + self.dataInput.finalShape + shape[i + 1 :] pyhrf.verbose(5, "manageMappingInit returns :") pyhrf.verbose(5, " -> sh: %s, axes_names: %s" % (str(shape), str(axes_names))) return shape, axes_names
def to_ui_node(self, label, parent=None): pyhrf.verbose(6, "Initable.to_ui_node(label=%s) ..." % label) n = UiNode(label, parent, {"init_obj": self._init_obj, "type": "Initable"}) for pname, pval in self._init_parameters.iteritems(): pyhrf.verbose(6, "pname: %s, pval: %s" % (str(pname), str(pval))) n.add_child(UiNode.from_py_object(pname, pval)) return n
def remote_mkdir(host, user, path): import paramiko pyhrf.verbose(1, 'Make remote dir %s@%s:%s ...' %(user,host,path)) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() known_hosts_file = os.path.join("~", ".ssh", "known_hosts") ssh.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser(known_hosts_file)) ssh.connect(host, username=user) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() sftp.mkdir(path)