async def test_upload_image_returns_submission(client): g = Gallery() g._gallery_token = { 'token_id': 'a', 'token_secret': 'b', 'gallery_id': 'c', 'gallery_secret': 'd' } g._client.headers[_const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER] = 'csrf_token' = { 'files': [{ 'original_url': 'http://image_url', 'thumbnail_url': 'http://thumbnail_url', 'url': 'http://web_url', }] } sub = await g._upload_image('foo.jpg', 'mock filetuple', None) assert sub == Submission( filepath='foo.jpg', image_url='http://image_url', thumbnail_url='http://thumbnail_url', web_url='http://web_url', gallery_url=g.url, edit_url=g.edit_url, )
async def test_upload_image_makes_correct_upload_request(client): g = Gallery() g._gallery_token = { 'token_id': 'a', 'token_secret': 'b', 'gallery_id': 'c', 'gallery_secret': 'd' } g._client.headers[_const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER] = 'csrf_token' = { 'files': [{ 'original_url': 'http://image_url', 'thumbnail_url': 'http://thumbnail_url', 'url': 'http://web_url', }] } await g._upload_image('foo.jpg', 'mock filetuple', None) assert == [ call( url=_const.PROCESS_URL, data={ 'token_id': 'a', 'token_secret': 'b', 'gallery_id': 'c', 'gallery_secret': 'd', 'content_type': _const.CONTENT_TYPES['family'], 'thumbnail_size': _const.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_KEEP_ASPECT[100], 'comments_enabled': '0', }, files={'files[]': 'mock filetuple'}, json=True, ) ]
def test_Gallery_property_adult(): assert isinstance(Gallery().adult, bool) g = Gallery(adult=True) assert is True = False assert is False = 1 assert is True
def test_Gallery_property_edit_url(): g = Gallery() assert g.edit_url is None g._gallery_token = { 'token_id': 'mock token', 'token_secret': 'mock secret' } g._client.headers[_const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER] = 'mock csrf' assert g.edit_url == _const.EDIT_URL_FORMAT.format(**g._gallery_token)
async def test_upload_image_catches_exception_from_upload_request(client): g = Gallery() g._gallery_token = { 'token_id': 'a', 'token_secret': 'b', 'gallery_id': 'c', 'gallery_secret': 'd' } g._client.headers[_const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER] = 'csrf_token' = ConnectionError('The Error') sub = await g._upload_image('foo.jpg', 'mock filetuple', None) assert sub == Submission(filepath='foo.jpg', error='The Error')
async def test_upload_image_calls_create_if_necessary(client): g = Gallery() def set_tokens(): g._gallery_token = { 'token_id': 'a', 'token_secret': 'b', 'gallery_id': 'c', 'gallery_secret': 'd' } g._client.headers[_const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER] = 'csrf_token' with patch.object(g, 'create', new_callable=AsyncMock, side_effect=set_tokens): mock_upload_response = { 'files': [{ 'original_url': 'http://image_url', 'thumbnail_url': 'http://thumbnail_url', 'url': 'http://web_url', }] } = [mock_upload_response] * 3 for i in range(3): await g._upload_image(f'foo{i}.jpg', 'mock filetuple', None) assert g.create.call_args_list == [call()]
async def test_upload_image_catches_exception_from_create_request(client): g = Gallery() with patch.object(g, 'create', side_effect=ConnectionError('The Error')): for i in range(3): sub = await g._upload_image(f'foo{i}.jpg', 'mock filetuple', None) assert sub == Submission(filepath=f'foo{i}.jpg', error='The Error') assert g.create.call_args_list == [call()] * (i + 1)
async def test_upload_image_gets_error_via_argument(client): g = Gallery() with patch.object(g, 'create'): sub = await g._upload_image('foo.jpg', None, 'Something went wrong') assert sub == Submission(filepath='foo.jpg', error='Something went wrong') assert g.create.call_args_list == []
async def test_Gallery_create_sets_session_header_and_token(client): client.get.return_value = ( '<html><head>' '<meta foo="bar" name="something" />' '<meta content="THE-CSRF-TOKEN" name="csrf-token" />' '<meta name="yo" />' '</head></html>') = {'something': 'asdf', 'foo': 'bar'} g = Gallery(title='The Title', comments_enabled=True) assert g.created is False await g.create() assert client.get.call_args_list == [ call(f'https://{_const.SERVICE_DOMAIN}/'), ] assert == [ call( url=_const.TOKEN_URL, data={ 'gallery': 'true', 'gallery_title': 'The Title', 'comments_enabled': '1', }, json=True, ), ] assert g._client.headers == {_const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER: 'THE-CSRF-TOKEN'} assert g._gallery_token == {'something': 'asdf', 'foo': 'bar'} assert g.created is True with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r'^Gallery was already created$'): await g.create()
def test_prepare_finds_large_file(mocker): filepaths = [ 'path/to/file0.jpg', 'path/file1.jpg', 'path/where/file2.jpg', ] mocker.patch('', Mock(side_effect=['fileobj0', 'fileobj1', 'fileobj2'])) mocker.patch('os.path.getsize', side_effect=[1048576, _const.MAX_FILE_SIZE + 1, 1048576]) g = Gallery() submissions = g._prepare(*filepaths) assert submissions == [ (filepaths[0], (os.path.basename(filepaths[0]), 'fileobj0'), None), (filepaths[1], None, f'File is larger than {_const.MAX_FILE_SIZE} bytes'), (filepaths[2], (os.path.basename(filepaths[2]), 'fileobj2'), None), ]
async def test_upload_image_gets_error_and_filetuple_arguments(client): g = Gallery() with patch.object(g, 'create'): with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match= r'Arguments "filetuple" and "error" are mutually exclusive'): await g._upload_image('foo.jpg', 'fileobj', 'Something went wrong') assert g.create.call_args_list == []
async def test_Gallery_create_gets_invalid_html_from_landing_page(client): client.get.return_value = '~~> This is not html. <-' async with Gallery() as g: with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r"Couldn't find CSRF token in HTML head"): await g.create() assert _const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER not in g._client.headers assert g._gallery_token == {} assert g.created is False
async def test_upload_image_catches_unexpected_response( unexpected_response, exp_cause, exp_cause_msg, client): g = Gallery() g._gallery_token = { 'token_id': 'a', 'token_secret': 'b', 'gallery_id': 'c', 'gallery_secret': 'd' } g._client.headers[_const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER] = 'csrf_token' = unexpected_response with pytest.raises( RuntimeError, match= rf'Unexpected response: {re.escape(repr(unexpected_response))}$' ) as exc_info: await g._upload_image('foo.jpg', 'mock filetuple', None) assert isinstance(exc_info.value.__cause__, exp_cause) assert str(exc_info.value.__cause__) == exp_cause_msg
async def test_Gallery_add(client, mocker): g = Gallery() filepaths = ('path/to/foo.jpg', 'bar.jpg', 'something/baz.jpg') mock_prepare = Mock(return_value=[(f'{filepath}: mock filepath', f'{filepath}: mock filetuple', f'{filepath}: mock error') for filepath in filepaths]) mock_upload_image = AsyncMock( side_effect=[f'{filepath} submission' for filepath in filepaths]) with patch.multiple(g, _prepare=mock_prepare, _upload_image=mock_upload_image): submissions = [s async for s in g.add(filepaths)] assert g._prepare.call_args_list == [call(*filepaths)] assert submissions == [ 'path/to/foo.jpg submission', 'bar.jpg submission', 'something/baz.jpg submission', ]
def test_repr(client): g = Gallery( title='Foo', thumb_width=123, square_thumbs=True, adult=True, comments_enabled=True, ) assert repr(g) == ( "Gallery(title='Foo', thumb_width=150, " "square_thumbs=True, adult=True, comments_enabled=True)")
async def test_upload(client): g = Gallery() mock_prepare = Mock(return_value=[('mock filepath', 'mock filetuple', 'mock error')]) with patch.multiple(g, _prepare=mock_prepare, _upload_image=AsyncMock()): submission = await g.upload('path/to/foo.jpg') assert g._prepare.call_args_list == [call('path/to/foo.jpg')] assert g._upload_image.call_args_list == [ call('mock filepath', 'mock filetuple', 'mock error'), ] assert submission is g._upload_image.return_value
def test_prepare_fails_to_open_file(mocker): filepaths = [ 'path/to/file0.jpg', 'path/file1.jpg', 'path/where/file2.jpg', ] mocker.patch( '', Mock(side_effect=[ 'fileobj0', OSError('mock errno', 'No such file'), 'fileobj2', ], )) mocker.patch('os.path.getsize', return_value=1048576) g = Gallery() submissions = g._prepare(*filepaths) assert submissions == [ (filepaths[0], (os.path.basename(filepaths[0]), 'fileobj0'), None), (filepaths[1], None, 'No such file'), (filepaths[2], (os.path.basename(filepaths[2]), 'fileobj2'), None), ]
def test_Gallery_property_comments_enabled(): assert isinstance(Gallery().comments_enabled, bool) g = Gallery(comments_enabled=True) assert g.comments_enabled is True g.comments_enabled = False assert g.comments_enabled is False g.comments_enabled = 1 assert g.comments_enabled is True g._gallery_token = 'mock token' g._client.headers[_const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER] = 'mock csrf' with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r'^Gallery was already created$'): g.comments_enabled = False
def test_Gallery_property_title(): assert Gallery().title is None g = Gallery(title='Foo, Bar, Baz') assert g.title == 'Foo, Bar, Baz' g.title = (1, 2, 3) assert g.title == '(1, 2, 3)' g.title = None assert g.title is None g._gallery_token = {'something': 'truthy'} g._client.headers[_const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER] = 'mock token' with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r'^Gallery was already created$'): g.title = 'Foo'
async def test_Gallery_create_ensures_token_is_dictionary(client): client.get.return_value = ( '<html><head>' '<meta foo="bar" name="something" />' '<meta content="THE-CSRF-TOKEN" name="csrf-token" />' '<meta name="yo" />' '</head></html>') = [1, 2, 3] g = Gallery() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r'^Not a dict: \[1, 2, 3\]$'): await g.create() assert _const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER in g._client.headers assert g._gallery_token == {} assert g.created is False
def test_Gallery_properties_thumb_width_and_square_thumbs(): assert isinstance(Gallery().thumb_width, int) assert isinstance(Gallery().square_thumbs, bool) g = Gallery(thumb_width=200, square_thumbs=False) assert g.thumb_width == 200 assert g.square_thumbs is False assert g._thumbnail_size == _const.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_KEEP_ASPECT[200] g.square_thumbs = True assert g.thumb_width == 200 assert g.square_thumbs is True assert g._thumbnail_size == _const.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_SQUARE[200] g.thumb_width = 321 assert g.thumb_width == 300 assert g.square_thumbs is True assert g._thumbnail_size == _const.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_SQUARE[300] g.square_thumbs = 0 assert g.thumb_width == 300 assert g.square_thumbs is False assert g._thumbnail_size == _const.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_KEEP_ASPECT[300] with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"^Not a number: 'foo'$"): g.thumb_width = 'foo'
def test_Gallery_property_url(): g = Gallery() assert g.url is None g._gallery_token = {'gallery_id': 'mock token'} g._client.headers[_const.CSRF_TOKEN_HEADER] = 'mock csrf' assert g.url == _const.GALLERY_URL_FORMAT.format(**g._gallery_token)