Exemple #1
    def test_temporal_derive(self):

        b_desired = 0.4
        k = 5  # = k1 + k2
        k1, k2, b = ut.split_domain(k, b_desired, self.l, mode='coprime')[0:3]
        # q
        E = tr.coefficient_recursion(self.y, self.beta * self.y, self.param)
        q = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(self.l - b, E,
                                             int(self.n_y / 2) - 1, self.n_y)
        # u
        B = tr.coefficient_recursion(self.y, self.alpha * self.y, self.param)
        xq = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(self.l,
                                              int(self.n_y / 2) - 1,
        d_xq = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(self.l,
                                                int(self.n_y / 2) - 1,
        u = d_xq + self.beta * xq
        # x(0,t)
        C = tr.coefficient_recursion(q, self.beta * q, self.param)
        D = tr.coefficient_recursion(np.zeros(u.shape), u, self.param)
        x_0t = tr.power_series(0, self.t, C)
        if show_plots:
            pw = pg.plot(title="control_input")
            pw.plot(self.t, x_0t)
Exemple #2
    def test_recursion_vs_explicit(self):

        # recursion
        B = tr.coefficient_recursion(self.y, self.alpha*self.y, self.param)
        x_l = tr.power_series(self.l, self.t, B)
        d_x_l = tr.power_series(self.l, self.t, B, spatial_der_order=1)
        u_c = d_x_l + self.beta*x_l
        u_a = tr.InterpTrajectory(self.t, u_c, show_plot=show_plots)
        u_a_t = u_a(time=self.t)
        # explicit
        u_b = tr.RadTrajectory(self.l, self.T, self.param, "robin", "robin", n=self.n_y, show_plot=show_plots)
        u_b_t = u_b(time=self.t)
        self.assertTrue(all(np.isclose(u_b_t, u_a_t, atol=0.005)))
        if show_plots:
            pw = pg.plot(title="control_input")
            pw.plot(self.t, u_a_t)
            pw.plot(self.t, u_b_t)
Exemple #3
    def test_recursion_vs_explicit(self):

        # recursion
        B = tr.coefficient_recursion(self.y, self.alpha * self.y, self.param)
        x_l = tr.power_series(self.l, self.t, B)
        d_x_l = tr.power_series(self.l, self.t, B, spatial_der_order=1)
        u_c = d_x_l + self.beta * x_l
        u_a = tr.InterpTrajectory(self.t, u_c, show_plot=show_plots)
        u_a_t = u_a(time=self.t)
        # explicit
        u_b = tr.RadTrajectory(self.l,
        u_b_t = u_b(time=self.t)
        self.assertTrue(all(np.isclose(u_b_t, u_a_t, atol=0.005)))
        if show_plots:
            pw = pg.plot(title="control_input")
            pw.plot(self.t, u_a_t)
            pw.plot(self.t, u_b_t)
Exemple #4
    def test_temporal_derive(self):

        b_desired = 0.4
        k = 5 # = k1 + k2
        k1, k2, b = ut.split_domain(k, b_desired, self.l, mode='coprime')[0:3]
        # q
        E = tr.coefficient_recursion(self.y, self.beta*self.y, self.param)
        q = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(self.l-b, E, int(self.n_y/2)-1, self.n_y)
        # u
        B = tr.coefficient_recursion(self.y, self.alpha*self.y, self.param)
        xq = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(self.l, B, int(self.n_y/2)-1, self.n_y, spatial_der_order=0)
        d_xq = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(self.l, B, int(self.n_y/2)-1, self.n_y, spatial_der_order=1)
        u = d_xq + self.beta*xq
        # x(0,t)
        C = tr.coefficient_recursion(q, self.beta*q, self.param)
        D = tr.coefficient_recursion(np.zeros(u.shape), u, self.param)
        x_0t = tr.power_series(0, self.t, C)
        if show_plots:
            pw = pg.plot(title="control_input")
            pw.plot(self.t, x_0t)
n_y = 80
y, t_x = tr.gevrey_tanh(T, n_y, 1.1, 2)
B = tr.coefficient_recursion(y, alpha_i * y, param_i)
x_i_at_l = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(l, B, int(n_y / 2) - 1, n_y, spatial_der_order=0)
dx_i_at_l = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(l, B, int(n_y / 2) - 1, n_y, spatial_der_order=1)
u_i = dx_i_at_l + beta_i * x_i_at_l

# compute coefficients C, D and E for the power series
E = tr.coefficient_recursion(y, beta_i * y, param_i)
q = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(l - b, E, int(n_y / 2) - 1, n_y)
C = tr.coefficient_recursion(q, alpha_i * q, param_i)
D = tr.coefficient_recursion(np.zeros(u_i.shape), u_i, param_i)

# compute power series for the desired in-domain intermediate (_id) fieldvariable (subdivided in x1_i & x2_i)
z_x1 = np.linspace(0, b, len(spatial_domain) * k1 / k)
x1_id_desired = tr.power_series(z_x1, t_x, C)
z_x2 = np.linspace(b, l, len(spatial_domain) * k2 / k)[1:]
x2_id_desired = tr.power_series(z_x2, t_x, C) - tr.power_series(z_x2 - b, t_x, D)
z_x = np.array(list(z_x1) + list(z_x2))
x_id = np.concatenate((x1_id_desired, x2_id_desired), axis=1)

# get the original system field variable: x = e^(-a1/2/a2*z)*x_id
x_desired = np.nan * np.zeros(x_id.shape)
for i in range(x_id.shape[0]):
    x_desired[i, :] = x_id[i, :] * np.exp(-a1 / 2 / a2 * z_x)

evald_xd = vis.EvalData([t_x, z_x], x_desired, name="x(z,t) power series")

# compute desired intermediate (_i) fieldvariable
C_i = tr.coefficient_recursion(y, alpha_i * y, param_i)
xi_desired = tr.power_series(z_x, t_x, C_i)
dx_i_at_l = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(l,
                                             int(n_y / 2) - 1,
u_i = dx_i_at_l + beta_i * x_i_at_l

# compute coefficients C, D and E for the power series
E = tr.coefficient_recursion(y, beta_i * y, param_i)
q = tr.temporal_derived_power_series(l - b, E, int(n_y / 2) - 1, n_y)
C = tr.coefficient_recursion(q, alpha_i * q, param_i)
D = tr.coefficient_recursion(np.zeros(u_i.shape), u_i, param_i)

# compute power series for the desired in-domain intermediate (_id) fieldvariable (subdivided in x1_i & x2_i)
z_x1 = np.linspace(0, b, len(spatial_domain) * k1 / k)
x1_id_desired = tr.power_series(z_x1, t_x, C)
z_x2 = np.linspace(b, l, len(spatial_domain) * k2 / k)[1:]
x2_id_desired = tr.power_series(z_x2, t_x, C) - tr.power_series(
    z_x2 - b, t_x, D)
z_x = np.array(list(z_x1) + list(z_x2))
x_id = np.concatenate((x1_id_desired, x2_id_desired), axis=1)

# get the original system field variable: x = e^(-a1/2/a2*z)*x_id
x_desired = np.nan * np.zeros(x_id.shape)
for i in range(x_id.shape[0]):
    x_desired[i, :] = x_id[i, :] * np.exp(-a1 / 2 / a2 * z_x)

evald_xd = vis.EvalData([t_x, z_x], x_desired, name="x(z,t) power series")

# compute desired intermediate (_i) fieldvariable
C_i = tr.coefficient_recursion(y, alpha_i * y, param_i)
Exemple #7
# init trajectory
traj = tr.RadTrajectory(l, T, param_t, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)

# input with feedback
control_law = sim.SimulationInputSum([traj, controller])

# determine (A,B) with modal-transfomation
A = np.diag(eig_values)
B = -a2 * np.array([eig_funcs[i].derive()(l) for i in xrange(n)])
ss = sim.StateSpace("eig_funcs", A, B)

# evaluate desired output data
z_d = np.linspace(0, l, len(spatial_domain))
y_d, t_d = tr.gevrey_tanh(T, 80)
C = tr.coefficient_recursion(np.zeros(y_d.shape), y_d, param)
x_l = tr.power_series(z_d, t_d, C)
evald_traj = vis.EvalData([t_d, z_d], x_l, name="x(z,t) desired")

# simulate
t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss, control_law, initial_weights, temporal_domain)

# pyqtgraph visualization
evald_x = ut.evaluate_approximation("eig_funcs", q, t, spatial_domain,
                                    name="x(z,t) with x(z,0)=" + str(init_profile))
win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([evald_x, evald_traj], title="animation", dt=T / len(temporal_domain) * 4)
win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([evald_x], title=evald_x.name, grid_height=1)
win3 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([evald_traj], title=evald_traj.name, grid_height=1)

# visualization
vis.MplSlicePlot([evald_x, evald_traj], time_point=1, legend_label=["$x(z,1)$", "$x_d(z,1)$"], legend_location=2)

# determine (A,B)
rad_pde = ut.get_parabolic_robin_weak_form("fem_funcs", "fem_funcs", controller, param, spatial_domain.bounds)
cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
ss_weak = cf.convert_to_state_space()
# simulate
t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss_weak, cf.input_function, init_profile * np.ones(n_fem), temporal_domain)

# evaluate desired output data
y_d, t_d = tr.gevrey_tanh(T, 80)
C = tr.coefficient_recursion(y_d, alpha * y_d, param)
x_l = tr.power_series(np.array(spatial_domain), t_d, C)
evald_traj = vis.EvalData([t_d, spatial_domain], x_l, name="x(z,t) desired")

# pyqtgraph visualization
eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation("fem_funcs", q, t, spatial_domain, name="x(z,t) with x(z,0)=" + str(init_profile))
win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([eval_d, evald_traj], title="animation", dt=T / len(temporal_domain.step))
win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([eval_d], title=eval_d.name, grid_height=1)
win3 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([evald_traj], title=evald_traj.name, grid_height=1)

# matplotlib visualization
vis.MplSlicePlot([evald_traj, eval_d], spatial_point=0, legend_label=["$x_d(0,t)$", "$x(0,t)$"])
# init trajectory
traj = tr.RadTrajectory(l, T, param_t, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)

# input with feedback
control_law = sim.SimulationInputSum([traj, controller])

# determine (A,B) with modal-transfomation
A = np.diag(eig_values)
B = -a2 * np.array([eig_funcs[i].derive()(l) for i in range(n)])
ss = sim.StateSpace("eig_funcs", A, B, input_handle=control_law)

# evaluate desired output data
z_d = np.linspace(0, l, len(spatial_domain))
y_d, t_d = tr.gevrey_tanh(T, 80)
C = tr.coefficient_recursion(np.zeros(y_d.shape), y_d, param)
x_l = tr.power_series(z_d, t_d, C)
evald_traj = vis.EvalData([t_d, z_d], x_l, name="x(z,t) desired")

# simulate
t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss, initial_weights, temporal_domain)

# pyqtgraph visualization
evald_x = sim.evaluate_approximation("eig_funcs", q, t, spatial_domain,
                                     name="x(z,t) with x(z,0)=" + str(init_profile))
win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([evald_x, evald_traj], title="animation", dt=temporal_domain.step)
win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([evald_x], title=evald_x.name, grid_height=1)
win3 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([evald_traj], title=evald_traj.name, grid_height=1)

# visualization
vis.MplSlicePlot([evald_x, evald_traj], time_point=1, legend_label=["$x(z,1)$", "$x_d(z,1)$"], legend_location=2)
Exemple #10

# determine (A,B)
rad_pde = ut.get_parabolic_robin_weak_form("fem_funcs", "fem_funcs", controller, param, spatial_domain.bounds)
cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
ss_weak = cf.convert_to_state_space()
# simulate
t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss_weak, init_profile * np.ones(n_fem), temporal_domain)

# evaluate desired output data
y_d, t_d = tr.gevrey_tanh(T, 80)
C = tr.coefficient_recursion(y_d, alpha * y_d, param)
x_l = tr.power_series(np.array(spatial_domain), t_d, C)
evald_traj = vis.EvalData([t_d, spatial_domain], x_l, name="x(z,t) desired")

# pyqtgraph visualization
eval_d = sim.evaluate_approximation("fem_funcs", q, t, spatial_domain, name="x(z,t) with x(z,0)=" + str(init_profile))
win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([eval_d, evald_traj], title="animation", dt=temporal_domain.step)
win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([eval_d], title=eval_d.name, grid_height=1)
win3 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([evald_traj], title=evald_traj.name, grid_height=1)

# matplotlib visualization
vis.MplSlicePlot([evald_traj, eval_d], spatial_point=0, legend_label=["$x_d(0,t)$", "$x(0,t)$"])