def main(argv): start_time = time.time() inps = cmdLineParse() projectName = inps.projectName scratchDir = os.getenv('SCRATCHDIR') projectDir = scratchDir + '/' + projectName slcDir = scratchDir + '/' + projectName + '/SLC' rslcDir = scratchDir + '/' + projectName + '/RSLC' if not os.path.isdir(rslcDir): os.mkdir(rslcDir) cmd_command = '' err_txt = scratchDir + '/' + projectName + '/generate_amp_all.err' if os.path.isfile(err_txt): os.remove(err_txt) data_para = [] slc_list = [ os.path.basename(fname) for fname in sorted(glob.glob(rslcDir + '/*')) ] #slc_list = ut.get_project_slcList(projectName) for i in range(len(slc_list)): rslcPar = rslcDir + '/' + slc_list[i] + '/' + slc_list[i] + '.rslc.par' #print(rslcPar) workDir0 = rslcDir + '/' + slc_list[i] BB = glob.glob(workDir0 + '/*.EOF') if len(BB) == 0: Sensor = ut.read_gamma_par(rslcPar, 'read', 'sensor') if 'A' in Sensor: satellite = 'A' else: satellite = 'B' ut.download_s1_orbit(slc_list[i], workDir0, satellite=satellite) BB = glob.glob(workDir0 + '/*.EOF') if len(BB) > 0: orb_file = BB[0] call_str = 'S1_OPOD_vec ' + rslcPar + ' ' + orb_file + ' 31' os.system(call_str) print("Using precise orbit data for all rslcs is done! ") ut.print_process_time(start_time, time.time()) sys.exit(1)
def main(argv): inps = cmdLineParse() raw_file = inps.s1_raw root_dir = inps.root_path satellite = get_satellite(raw_file) date = get_s1_date(raw_file) if not os.path.isdir(root_dir): os.mkdir(root_dir) slc_dir = root_dir + '/' + date if not os.path.isdir(slc_dir): os.mkdir(slc_dir) if len(os.path.dirname(raw_file)) == 0: raw_file_dir = os.getcwd() else: raw_file_dir = os.path.dirname(raw_file) raw_dir = raw_file.replace('.zip', '.SAFE') # MEASURE = glob.glob(measureDir + '/*vv*tiff') # ANNOTAT = glob.glob(annotatDir + '/*vv*xml' ) # CALIBRA = glob.glob(calibraDir+'/calibration*vv*') # NOISE = glob.glob(calibraDir+'/noise*vv*') SLC_Tab = slc_dir + '/' + date + '_SLC_Tab' TEST = slc_dir + '/' + date + '.IW3.slc.par' k0 = 0 if os.path.isfile(TEST): if os.path.getsize(TEST) > 0: k0 = 1 if k0 == 0: if not os.path.isdir(raw_dir): call_str = 'unzip ' + raw_file + ' -d ' + raw_file_dir os.system(call_str) measureDir = raw_dir + '/measurement' annotatDir = raw_dir + '/annotation' calibraDir = raw_dir + '/annotation/calibration' MM = glob.glob(measureDir + '/*vv*tiff') if os.path.isfile(SLC_Tab): os.remove(SLC_Tab) for kk in range(len(MM)): SLC = slc_dir + '/' + date + '.IW' + str(kk + 1) + '.slc' SLCPar = slc_dir + '/' + date + '.IW' + str(kk + 1) + '.slc.par' TOPPar = slc_dir + '/' + date + '.IW' + str(kk + 1) + '.slc.TOPS_par' BURST = slc_dir + '/' + date + '.IW' + str(kk + 1) + '.burst.par' if os.path.isfile(BURST): os.remove(BURST) call_str = 'echo ' + SLC + ' ' + SLCPar + ' ' + TOPPar + ' >> ' + SLC_Tab os.system(call_str) MEASURE = glob.glob(measureDir + '/*iw' + str(kk + 1) + '*vv*tiff') ANNOTAT = glob.glob(annotatDir + '/*iw' + str(kk + 1) + '*vv*xml') CALIBRA = glob.glob(calibraDir + '/calibration*' + 'iw' + str(kk + 1) + '*vv*') NOISE = glob.glob(calibraDir + '/noise*' + 'iw' + str(kk + 1) + '*vv*') #call_str = 'S1_burstloc ' + ANNOTAT[0] + '> ' +BURST #os.system(call_str) if not os.path.isfile(NOISE[0]): call_str = 'par_S1_SLC ' + MEASURE[0] + ' ' + ANNOTAT[ 0] + ' ' + CALIBRA[ 0] + ' - ' + SLCPar + ' ' + SLC + ' ' + TOPPar else: call_str = 'par_S1_SLC ' + MEASURE[0] + ' ' + ANNOTAT[ 0] + ' ' + CALIBRA[0] + ' ' + NOISE[ 0] + ' ' + SLCPar + ' ' + SLC + ' ' + TOPPar #if int(date) > 180311: # call_str = 'par_S1_SLC ' + MEASURE[0] + ' ' + ANNOTAT[0] + ' ' + CALIBRA[0] + ' - ' + SLCPar + ' ' + SLC + ' ' + TOPPar #else: # call_str = 'par_S1_SLC ' + MEASURE[0] + ' ' + ANNOTAT[0] + ' ' + CALIBRA[0] + ' ' + NOISE[0] + ' ' + SLCPar + ' ' + SLC + ' ' + TOPPar os.system(call_str) call_str = 'SLC_burst_corners ' + SLCPar + ' ' + TOPPar + ' > ' + BURST os.system(call_str) # orbit correction slc_pars = glob.glob(slc_dir + '/*.IW*.slc.par') orbit_file0 = ut.download_s1_orbit(date, slc_dir, satellite=satellite) orbit_file = slc_dir + '/' + orbit_file0 for i in range(len(slc_pars)): call_str = 'S1_OPOD_vec ' + slc_pars[i] + ' ' + orbit_file os.system(call_str) # generate amp file for check image quality #TSLC = slc_dir + '/' + date + '.slc' #TSLCPar = slc_dir + '/' + date + '.slc.par' #TMLI = slc_dir + '/' + date + '_40rlks.amp' #TMLIPar = slc_dir + '/' + date + '_40rlks.amp.par' #call_str = 'SLC_mosaic_S1_TOPS ' + SLC_Tab + ' ' + TSLC + ' ' + TSLCPar + ' 10 2' #os.system(call_str) #call_str = 'multi_look ' + TSLC + ' ' + TSLCPar + ' ' + TMLI + ' ' + TMLIPar + ' 40 8' #os.system(call_str) #nWidth = ut.read_gamma_par(TMLIPar, 'read','range_samples:') #call_str = 'raspwr ' + TMLI + ' ' + nWidth + ' - - - - - - - ' #os.system(call_str) if os.path.isdir(raw_dir): call_str = 'rm -rf ' + raw_dir os.system(call_str) print("Down to SLC for %s is done! " % date) sys.exit(1)
def main(argv): inps = cmdLineParse() projectName = inps.projectName date = scratchDir = os.getenv('SCRATCHDIR') projectDir = scratchDir + '/' + projectName templateDir = os.getenv('TEMPLATEDIR') templateFile = templateDir + "/" + projectName + ".template" templateDict=ut.update_template(templateFile) slc_dir = projectDir + '/SLC' rslc_dir = projectDir + '/RSLC' down_dir = projectDir + '/DOWNLOAD' opod_dir = projectDir + '/OPOD' if not os.path.isdir(slc_dir): os.mkdir(slc_dir) if not os.path.isdir(opod_dir): os.mkdir(opod_dir) work_dir = slc_dir + '/' + date if not os.path.isdir(work_dir): os.mkdir(work_dir) os.chdir(work_dir) master_burst_numb = down_dir + '/master.burst_numb_table' if not os.path.isfile(master_burst_numb): call_str = ' ' + projectDir os.system(call_str) t_date = 't_' + date call_str = 'ls ' + down_dir + '/S1*' + date + '*.zip > ' + t_date os.system(call_str) start_swath = templateDict['start_swath'] end_swath = templateDict['end_swath'] if (start_swath == '1') and (end_swath == '1'): k_swath = '1' elif (start_swath == '2') and (end_swath == '2'): k_swath = '2' elif (start_swath == '3') and (end_swath == '3'): k_swath = '3' elif (start_swath == '1') and (end_swath == '2'): k_swath = '4' elif (start_swath == '2') and (end_swath == '3'): k_swath = '5' elif (start_swath == '1') and (end_swath == '3'): k_swath = '0' raw_files = ut.read_txt2list(t_date) satellite = get_satellite(raw_files[0]) orbit_file = ut.download_s1_orbit(date,opod_dir,satellite=satellite) call_str = 'S1_import_SLC_from_zipfiles ' + t_date + ' ' + master_burst_numb + ' vv 0 ' + k_swath + ' ' + opod_dir + ' 1 1 ' os.system(call_str) os.chdir(work_dir) call_str = "rename 's/vv.slc.iw1/IW1.slc/g' *" os.system(call_str) call_str = "rename 's/vv.slc.iw2/IW2.slc/g' *" os.system(call_str) call_str = "rename 's/vv.slc.iw3/IW3.slc/g' *" os.system(call_str) call_str = "rename 's/.tops_par/.TOPS_par/g' *" os.system(call_str) SLC_Tab = work_dir + '/' + date+'_SLC_Tab' RSLC_Tab = work_dir + '/' + date+'_RSLC_Tab' SLC_list = glob.glob(work_dir + '/*IW*.slc') SLC_par_list = glob.glob(work_dir + '/*IW*.slc.par') TOP_par_list = glob.glob(work_dir + '/*IW*.slc.TOPS_par') if os.path.isfile(SLC_Tab): os.remove(SLC_Tab) if os.path.isfile(RSLC_Tab): os.remove(RSLC_Tab) SLC_list = sorted(SLC_list) SLC_par_list = sorted(SLC_par_list) TOP_par_list = sorted(TOP_par_list) for kk in range(len(SLC_list)): call_str = 'echo ' + SLC_list[kk] + ' ' + SLC_par_list[kk] + ' ' + TOP_par_list[kk] + ' >> ' + SLC_Tab os.system(call_str) call_str = 'echo ' + rslc_dir + '/' + date + '/' + os.path.basename(SLC_list[kk]).replace('.slc','.rslc') + ' ' + rslc_dir + '/' + date + '/'+ os.path.basename(SLC_par_list[kk]).replace('.slc','.rslc') + ' ' + rslc_dir + '/' + date + '/' + os.path.basename(TOP_par_list[kk]).replace('.slc','.rslc') + ' >> ' + RSLC_Tab os.system(call_str) BURST = SLC_par_list[kk].replace('slc.par','burst.par') KML = SLC_par_list[kk].replace('slc.par','kml') call_str = 'ScanSAR_burst_corners ' + SLC_par_list[kk] + ' ' + TOP_par_list[kk] + ' ' + KML + ' > ' +BURST os.system(call_str) print("Down to SLC for %s is done! " % date) sys.exit(1)