Exemple #1
for this_opt in my_options:

  m = re.search(r'^-n=(\d+),(\d+)$', this_opt)
  if m:
    nx = int(m.group(1))
    ny = int(m.group(2))
    print('Set sizes=',nx,ny)
  m = re.search(r'^-r', this_opt)
  if m: subtr_ref = True
  m = re.search(r'^-s=(\d+)$', this_opt)
  if m: sca = m.group(1)

# Basic calculations

# Size of a block
N = pyirc.get_nside(formatpars)
# Side lengths
dx = N//nx
dy = N//ny

# Now get file list
flist1 = os.listdir(input_dir)
flist = []
slist = []
elist = []
for filename in flist1:
  if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*1400nm*.fits'):
    s = e = 65535
    m = re.search(r'_(\d+).fits', filename)
    if m: e = int(m.group(1))
Exemple #2
filelist = []
for k in range(nfile):
    thisname = prefix + '/{:d}'.format(stamp) + body + '_{:03d}.fits'.format(
        k + 1)
    count = 0
    while not path.exists(thisname):
        count += 1
        thisname = prefix + '/{:d}'.format(
            stamp + count) + body + '_{:03d}.fits'.format(k + 1)
        if count == 10000:
            print('Failed to find file', k)

# Now get the median of the first stable frames
nside = pyirc.get_nside(fileformat)
firstframe = numpy.zeros((nfile, nside, nside), dtype=numpy.uint16)
for k in range(nfile):
    firstframe[k, :, :] = pyirc.load_segment(filelist[k], fileformat,
                                             [0, nside, 0, nside], [t_init],

# Median and IQR
medarray = numpy.percentile(firstframe, 50, axis=0, interpolation='linear')
iqrarray = numpy.percentile(firstframe, 75, axis=0,
                            interpolation='linear') - numpy.percentile(
                                firstframe, 25, axis=0, interpolation='linear')

del firstframe