def setUp(self): lp.set_caching_enabled(False) if not self.is_setup: utils.setup_logging() # load equations self.dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) gasname = os.path.join(self.dirpath, 'test.cti') # first check test config gasname = get_mechanism_file() # load the gas gas = ct.Solution(gasname) # the mechanism elems, specs, reacs = read_mech_ct(gasname) # and finally check for a test platform platform = get_platform_file() try: if platform is None: platform = '' raise OSError platform = build_and_validate('test_platform_schema.yaml', platform) except (OSError, IOError): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.warn('Test platform file {} was not found, reverting ' 'to default.'.format(platform)) platform = None = storage(platform, gas, specs, reacs) self.is_setup = True
def plot(mech, jac_type, out=''): # plot the sparsity patterns of our tested mechanisms # get gas gas = ct.Solution(mech) _, specs, reacs = read_mech_ct(gas=gas) # get indicies info = determine_jac_inds(reacs, specs, RateSpecialization.fixed, jac_type) inds = info['jac_inds'] # set grid for plotting grid = np.zeros((gas.n_species + 1, gas.n_species + 1)) grid[inds['flat_C'][:, 0], inds['flat_C'][:, 1]] = 1 print('{}, Density: {:.3}%'.format( str(jac_type), 100. * np.where(grid)[0].size / grid.size)) plt.imshow(grid, cmap='Greys', interpolation='none') if out: if out.endswith('.pdf'): out = out[:out.index('.pdf')] out += '_' + str(jac_type)[str(jac_type).index('.') + 1:] + '.png' plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(out, dpi=1000) else:
def test_equality_checking(): """ test species and reaction equality checking""" _, specs_ck, reacs_ck = read_mech(ck_file, None) _, specs_cti, reacs_cti = read_mech_ct(cti_file) assert reacs_ck[0] == reacs_cti[0] for i in range(1, len(reacs_ck)): assert reacs_ck[0] != reacs_cti[i] assert specs_ck[0] == specs_cti[0] for i in range(1, len(specs_ck)): assert specs_ck[0] != specs_cti[i]
def test_mech_interpret_runs(): """ test mechanism intpreter for both cantera and chemkin, and that results match""" _, specs_ck, reacs_ck = read_mech(ck_file, None) _, specs_cti, reacs_cti = read_mech_ct(cti_file) assert len(reacs_ck) == len(reacs_cti) for i in range(len(reacs_ck)): assert reacs_ck[i] == reacs_cti[i] assert len(specs_ck) == len(specs_cti) for i in range(len(specs_ck)): specs_ck[i] == specs_cti[i]
def test_heikki_issue(self): # tests issue raised by heikki via email re: incorrect re-ordering of species # post call to reassign_species_lists mech = get_mechanism_file() gas = ct.Solution(mech) # read our species for MW's _, specs, _ = read_mech_ct(gas=gas) # find the last species gas_map = find_last_species(specs, return_map=True) del specs # update the gas specs = gas.species()[:] gas = ct.Solution(thermo='IdealGas', kinetics='GasKinetics', species=[specs[x] for x in gas_map], reactions=gas.reactions()) del specs _, base_specs, base_reacs = read_mech_ct(gas=gas) # and reassign reassign_species_lists(base_reacs, base_specs) for opts in OptionLoopWrapper.from_get_oploop(self): reacs, specs = create_jacobian(opts.lang, mech_name=mech, vector_size=opts.vector_width, width=opts.width, depth=opts.depth, last_spec=base_specs[-1].name, platform=opts.platform_name.lower(), data_order=opts.order, explicit_simd=opts.is_simd, test_mech_interpret_vs_backend=True) assert all(r1 == r2 for r1, r2 in zip(*(reacs, base_reacs))) assert all(s1 == s2 for s1, s2 in zip(*(specs, base_specs)))
def setUp(self): lp.set_caching_enabled(False) if not self.is_setup: utils.setup_logging() # first check test config gasname = get_mechanism_file() # load the gas gas = ct.Solution(gasname) # the mechanism elems, specs, reacs = read_mech_ct(gasname) # get sort type sorting = get_rxn_sorting() if sorting != reaction_sorting.none: # get ordering ordering = sort_reactions(reacs, sorting, return_order=True) # and apply reacs = sort_reactions(reacs, sorting) ct_reacs = gas.reactions() # and apply to gas gas = ct.Solution(thermo='IdealGas', kinetics='GasKinetics', species=gas.species(), reactions=[ct_reacs[i] for i in ordering]) # and reassign utils.reassign_species_lists(reacs, specs) # and finally check for a test platform platform = get_platform_file() try: if platform is None: platform = '' raise OSError platform = build_and_validate('test_platform_schema.yaml', platform) except (OSError, IOError): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.warn('Test platform file {} was not found, reverting ' 'to default.'.format(platform)) platform = None = storage(platform, gas, specs, reacs) self.is_setup = True