def calcOrbit(self):
     errEAN_L = 0 * pi / 180
     errArgPe = 0 * pi / 180
     v0_pred = [0, 0, 0]
     r0_pred = [0, 0, 0]
     v1_pred = [0, 0, 0]
     r1_pred = [0, 0, 0]
     # we try to first convert keplerian elements to carthesian, then propagate
     self.rL_data, self.vL_data = par2ic([
         self.SMA, self.e, 0, 0, self.ArgPe + errArgPe,
         self.EAN_L + errEAN_L
     ], self.mu_c)
     self.printVect(self.rL_data, "rL pred")
     self.printVect(self.vL_data, "vL pred")
     r0_pred, v0_pred = propagate_lagrangian(self.rL_data, self.vL_data,
                                             self.t0_M, self.mu_c)
     self.printVect(r0_pred, "r0 pred")
     self.printVect(v0_pred, "v0 pred")
     self.deltasAtPoint(norm(r0_pred), norm(v0_pred), self.rn0, self.vn0,
                        "r0", "v0")
     r1_pred, v1_pred = propagate_lagrangian(self.rL_data, self.vL_data,
                                             self.t1_M, self.mu_c)
     self.printVect(r1_pred, "r1 pred")
     self.printVect(v1_pred, "v1 pred")
     self.deltasAtPoint(norm(r1_pred), norm(v1_pred), self.rn1, self.vn1,
                        "r0", "v0")
Exemple #2
def plot_kepler(r, v, t, mu, N=60, units=1, color='b', legend=False, ax=None):
    ax = plot_kepler(r, v, t, mu, N=60, units=1, color='b', legend=False, ax=None):

    - ax:		3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
    - r:		initial position (cartesian coordinates)
    - v:		initial velocity (cartesian coordinates)
    - t:		propagation time
    - mu:		gravitational parameter
    - N:		number of points to be plotted along one arc
    - units:	the length unit to be used in the plot
    - color:	matplotlib color to use to plot the line
    - legend	when True it plots also the legend

    Plots the result of a keplerian propagation

    from pykep import propagate_lagrangian
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure()
        axis = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        axis = ax

    # We define the integration time ...
    dt = t / (N - 1)

    # ... and calculate the cartesian components for r
    x = [0.0] * N
    y = [0.0] * N
    z = [0.0] * N

    # We calculate the spacecraft position at each dt
    for i in range(N):
        x[i] = r[0] / units
        y[i] = r[1] / units
        z[i] = r[2] / units
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt, mu)

    # And we plot
    if legend:
        label = 'ballistic arc'
        label = None
    axis.plot(x, y, z, c=color, label=label)

    if legend:

    if ax is None:  # show only if axis is not set
    return axis
Exemple #3
def plot_kepler(r0, v0, tof, mu, N=60, units=1, color='b', label=None, axes=None):
    ax = plot_kepler(r0, v0, tof, mu, N=60, units=1, color='b', label=None, axes=None):

    - axes:     3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
    - r0:       initial position (cartesian coordinates)
    - v0:       initial velocity (cartesian coordinates)
    - tof:      propagation time
    - mu:       gravitational parameter
    - N:	number of points to be plotted along one arc
    - units:	the length unit to be used in the plot
    - color:	matplotlib color to use to plot the line
    - label 	adds a label to the plotted arc.

    Plots the result of a keplerian propagation


        import pykep as pk
        pi = 3.14
        pk.orbit_plots.plot_kepler(r0 = [1,0,0], v0 = [0,1,0], tof = pi/3, mu = 1)

    from pykep import propagate_lagrangian
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    from copy import deepcopy

    if axes is None:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        ax = axes

    # We define the integration time ...
    dt = tof / (N - 1)

    # ... and calculate the cartesian components for r
    x = [0.0] * N
    y = [0.0] * N
    z = [0.0] * N

    # We calculate the spacecraft position at each dt
    r = deepcopy(r0)
    v = deepcopy(v0)
    for i in range(N):
        x[i] = r[0] / units
        y[i] = r[1] / units
        z[i] = r[2] / units
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt, mu)

    # And we plot
    ax.plot(x, y, z, c=color, label=label)
    return ax
    def calcOrbit(self):
        errEAN_L = 0  *  pi/180
        errArgPe = 0# -3.91  *  pi/180  
        timeErr = 0
        # we try to first convert keplerian elements (assuming ArgPe = 0) to carthesian at t1, then back-propagate to tL to get r, then TAN_L then ArgPe. Hopefully....
        #First, fisrt guess at t1 :
        self.OrbitPoints[1].r, self.OrbitPoints[1].v = par2ic([self.SMA,self.e,0,0,0,self.OrbitPoints[1].EAN],self.mu_c)
        #Then back propagate to tL :
        self.OrbitPoints[0].r, self.OrbitPoints[0].v = propagate_lagrangian(self.OrbitPoints[1].r,self.OrbitPoints[1].v,self.OrbitPoints[0].t-self.OrbitPoints[1].t,self.mu_c) #-t0_M should be tL
        self.printVect(self.OrbitPoints[0].r,"rLaunch pred")
        self.printVect(self.OrbitPoints[0].v,"vLaunch pred")        
        print("Launch influence free radius     : ",np.round(self.OrbitPoints[0].r_n/1000,1)," [km]")
        print("Launch radius delta from K orbit : ",np.round(self.OrbitPoints[0].r_n/1000-norm(self.OrbitPoints[0].r)/1000,1)," [km]")
        #we need the sign for the TAN, i.e. are we before or after Pe  Do this with a small delta T
        dt = 1 
        rLdt, vLdt = propagate_lagrangian(self.OrbitPoints[1].r,self.OrbitPoints[1].v,self.OrbitPoints[0].t-self.OrbitPoints[1].t+dt,self.mu_c) #measure dr from dt.
        # if dr is increasing with dt, Pe is past, if decreasing Pe is in front of us
        sign = 1
        if norm(self.OrbitPoints[0].r)-norm(rLdt) < 0 :
            sign = -1
        self.ArgPe = self.calcArgPe(self.OrbitPoints[0].t)+errArgPe #now that we have a proper radius (virtual radius ignoring kerbin influence at tL, we get a proper trueAnom and can get the ArgPe)
        #self.ArgPe = (17.9)*pi/180
        print("TAN at Launch    : ",self.OrbitPoints[0].TAN*180/pi)
        print("EAN at Launch    : ",self.OrbitPoints[0].EAN*180/pi)        
        print("KTAN at Launch   : ",self.KerbinTAN(self.OrbitPoints[0].t)*180/pi)
        print("Arg Pe           : ",self.ArgPe*180/pi)
        self.OrbitPoints[2].r, self.OrbitPoints[2].v = propagate_lagrangian(self.OrbitPoints[1].r,self.OrbitPoints[1].v,self.OrbitPoints[2].t-self.OrbitPoints[1].t,self.mu_c) #-t0_M should be tL
        self.printVect(self.OrbitPoints[2].r,"r2 pred from t1")
        self.printVect(self.OrbitPoints[2].v,"v2 pred from t1")   
        # This all good and well, but the orbit epoch is set to t0, which is unpractical.
        # For lambert solving, it would be much better to have it set to epoch zero i.e. y1d1 00:00:00
        # To do that we need to back propagate to -self.t1, then use r to derive the true anomaly
        self.AddOrbitPoint("0:0:0:0:0",0,0) #Orbit at epoch Zero
        self.OrbitPoints[-1].r, self.OrbitPoints[-1].v = propagate_lagrangian(self.OrbitPoints[1].r,self.OrbitPoints[1].v,-self.OrbitPoints[1].t,self.mu_c) #we now have r,v at epoch Zero
        #print(self.rZero,"    ",self.vZero)

        self.OrbitPoints[-1].SetAN(self.SMA,self.e,-1,"fromVector")        # we are definitly before Pe
        #self.ArgPe = self.calcArgPe(0)+errArgPe
        print("TAN at Epoch Zero       : ",self.OrbitPoints[-1].TAN*180/pi)
        self.OrbitPoints[-1].r, self.OrbitPoints[-1].v = par2ic([self.SMA,self.e,0,0,self.ArgPe,self.OrbitPoints[-1].EAN],self.mu_c)        
        r0Z, v0Z = propagate_lagrangian(self.OrbitPoints[-1].r,self.OrbitPoints[-1].v,self.OrbitPoints[1].t,self.mu_c)
        self.printVect(r0Z,"r1 pred")
        self.printVect(v0Z,"v1 pred")
        self.deltasAtPoint(norm(r0Z),norm(v0Z),(self.OrbitPoints[1].r_n),(self.OrbitPoints[1].v_n),"r1 fromZero","v1 fromZero")
        r1Z, v1Z = propagate_lagrangian(self.OrbitPoints[-1].r,self.OrbitPoints[-1].v,self.OrbitPoints[2].t,self.mu_c)
        self.printVect(r1Z,"r2 pred")
        self.printVect(v1Z,"v2 pred")          
        self.deltasAtPoint(norm(r1Z),norm(v1Z),(self.OrbitPoints[2].r_n),(self.OrbitPoints[2].v_n),"r2 fromZero","v2 fromZero")
 def calcOrbit(self):
     errEAN_L = 0  *  pi/180
     errArgPe = 0  *  pi/180  
     timeErr = 0
     # we try to first convert keplerian elements (assuming ArgPe = 0) to carthesian at t1, then back-propagate to tL to get r, then TAN_L then ArgPe. Hopefully....
     #First, fisrt guess at t1 :
     self.r0, self.v0 = par2ic([self.SMA,self.e,0,0,0,self.EAN_t0],self.mu_c)
     #Then back propagate to tL :
     self.rL, self.vL = propagate_lagrangian(self.r0,self.v0,-self.t0_M,self.mu_c) #-t0_M should be tL
     self.printVect(self.rL,"rL pred")
     self.printVect(self.vL,"vL pred")        
     print("rL influence free radius     : ",self.rnL)
     print("rL radius delta from K orbit : ",self.rnL-norm(self.rL))
     #we need the sign for the TAN, i.e. are we before or after Pe  Do this with a small delta T
     dt = 1 
     rLdt, vLdt = propagate_lagrangian(self.r0,self.v0,-self.t0_M+dt,self.mu_c) #measure dr from dt.
     # if dr is increasing with dt, Pe is past, if decreasing Pe is in front of us
     sign = 1
     if norm(self.rL)-norm(rLdt) < 0 :
         sign = -1
     self.TAN_L = self.calcTAN(norm(self.rL),sign)
     self.EAN_L = self.calcEAN(self.TAN_L)
     self.ArgPe = self.calcArgPe(self.tL)+errArgPe #now that we have a proper radius (virtual radius ignoring kerbin influence at tL, we get a proper trueAnom and can get the ArgPe)
     print("TAN at Launch    : ",self.TAN_L*180/pi)
     print("EAN at Launch    : ",self.EAN_L*180/pi)        
     print("KTAN at Launch   : ",self.KerbinTAN(self.tL)*180/pi)
     print("Arg Pe           : ",self.ArgPe*180/pi)
     self.r1, self.v1 = propagate_lagrangian(self.r0,self.v0,self.t1-self.t0,self.mu_c) #-t0_M should be tL
     self.printVect(self.r1,"r1 pred")
     self.printVect(self.v1,"v1 pred")   
     # This all good and well, but the orbit epoch is set to t0, which is unpractical.
     # For lambert solving, it would be much better to have it set to epoch zero i.e. y1d1 00:00:00
     # To do that we need to back propagate to -self.t1, then use r to derive the true anomaly
     self.rZero, self.vZero = propagate_lagrangian(self.r0,self.v0,-self.t0,self.mu_c) #we now have r,v at epoch Zero
     print(self.rZero,"    ",self.vZero)
     self.TAN_Zero = self.calcTAN(norm(self.rZero),-1)   # we are definitly before Pe
     EAN_ZeroErr = 0*pi/180 ### There is a problem with E at epoch
     self.EAN_Zero = self.calcEAN(self.TAN_Zero)+EAN_ZeroErr
     #self.ArgPe = self.calcArgPe(0)+errArgPe
     print("TAN at Epoch Zero       : ",self.TAN_Zero*180/pi)
     self.rZero, self.vZero = par2ic([self.SMA,self.e,0,0,self.ArgPe,self.EAN_Zero],self.mu_c)        
     r0Z, v0Z = propagate_lagrangian(self.rZero,self.vZero,self.t0,self.mu_c)
     self.printVect(r0Z,"r0 pred")
     self.printVect(v0Z,"v0 pred")
     r1Z, v1Z = propagate_lagrangian(self.rZero,self.vZero,self.t1,self.mu_c)
     self.printVect(r1Z,"r1 pred")
     self.printVect(v1Z,"v1 pred")          
def plot_lambert_2d(lambert, sol=0):
    if sol > lambert.get_Nmax() * 2:
        return ValueError("sol must be in 0 .. NMax*2 \n",
                          "* Nmax is the maximum number of revolutions ",
                          "for which there exists a solution.")

    r = lambert.get_r1()
    v = lambert.get_v1()[sol]
    T = lambert.get_tof()
    mu = lambert.get_mu()

    dt = T / (60 - 1)

    x = np.array([0.0] * 60)
    y = np.array([0.0] * 60)
    z = np.array([0.0] * 60)

    for i in range(60):
        x[i] = r[0] / AU
        y[i] = r[1] / AU
        z[i] = r[2] / AU
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt, mu)

    return x, y, z
Exemple #7
def plot_sf_leg(leg,
    ax = plot_sf_leg(leg, N=5, units=1, color='b', legend=False, no_trajectory=False, axes=None):

    - axes:	    3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
    - leg:	    a pykep.sims_flanagan.leg
    - N:	    number of points to be plotted along one arc
    - units:	    the length unit to be used in the plot
    - color:	    matplotlib color to use to plot the trajectory and the grid points
    - legend	    when True it plots also the legend
    - plot_line:    when True plots also the trajectory (between mid-points and grid points)

    Plots a Sims-Flanagan leg


        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        t1 = epoch(0)
        pl = planet_ss('earth')
        rE,vE = pl.eph(t1)
        plot_planet(pl,t0=t1, units=AU, axes=ax)

        t2 = epoch(440)
        pl = planet_ss('mars')
        rM, vM = pl.eph(t2)
        plot_planet(pl,t0=t2, units=AU, axes=ax)

        sc = sims_flanagan.spacecraft(4500,0.5,2500)
        x0 = sims_flanagan.sc_state(rE,vE,sc.mass)
        xe = sims_flanagan.sc_state(rM,vM,sc.mass)
        l = sims_flanagan.leg(t1,x0,[1,0,0]*5,t2,xe,sc,MU_SUN)

        plot_sf_leg(l, units=AU, axes=ax)
    from pykep import propagate_lagrangian, AU, DAY2SEC, G0, propagate_taylor
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.linalg import norm
    from math import exp
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    if axes is None:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        ax = axes

    # We compute the number of segments for forward and backward propagation
    n_seg = len(leg.get_throttles())
    fwd_seg = (n_seg + 1) // 2
    back_seg = n_seg // 2

    # We extract information on the spacecraft
    sc = leg.get_spacecraft()
    isp = sc.isp
    max_thrust = sc.thrust

    # And on the leg
    throttles = leg.get_throttles()
    mu = leg.get_mu()

    # Forward propagation

    # x,y,z contain the cartesian components of all points (grid+midpoints)
    x = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    y = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    z = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)

    state = leg.get_xi()

    # Initial conditions
    r = state.r
    v = state.v
    m = state.m
    x[0] = r[0] / units
    y[0] = r[1] / units
    z[0] = r[2] / units

    # We compute all points by propagation
    for i, t in enumerate(throttles[:fwd_seg]):
        dt = (t.end.mjd - t.start.mjd) * DAY2SEC
        alpha = min(norm(t.value), 1.0)
        # Keplerian propagation and dV application
        if leg.high_fidelity is False:
            dV = [max_thrust / m * dt * dumb for dumb in t.value]
            if plot_line:
                            dt / 2,
                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha),
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt / 2, mu)
            x[2 * i + 1] = r[0] / units
            y[2 * i + 1] = r[1] / units
            z[2 * i + 1] = r[2] / units
            # v= v+dV
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(v, dV)]
            if plot_line:
                            dt / 2,
                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha),
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt / 2, mu)
            x[2 * i + 2] = r[0] / units
            y[2 * i + 2] = r[1] / units
            z[2 * i + 2] = r[2] / units
            m *= exp(-norm(dV) / isp / G0)
        # Taylor propagation of constant thrust u
            u = [max_thrust * dumb for dumb in t.value]
            if plot_line:
                            dt / 2,
                            isp * G0,
                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha),
            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(r, v, m, u, dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12,
            x[2 * i + 1] = r[0] / units
            y[2 * i + 1] = r[1] / units
            z[2 * i + 1] = r[2] / units
            if plot_line:
                            dt / 2,
                            isp * G0,
                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha),
            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(r, v, m, u, dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12,
            x[2 * i + 2] = r[0] / units
            y[2 * i + 2] = r[1] / units
            z[2 * i + 2] = r[2] / units

    x_grid = x[::2]
    y_grid = y[::2]
    z_grid = z[::2]
    x_midpoint = x[1::2]
    y_midpoint = y[1::2]
    z_midpoint = z[1::2]
    if plot_segments:
                   label='mismatch point')

    # Backward propagation

    # x,y,z will contain the cartesian components of
    x = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    y = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    z = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)

    state = leg.get_xf()

    # Final conditions
    r = state.r
    v = state.v
    m = state.m
    x[-1] = r[0] / units
    y[-1] = r[1] / units
    z[-1] = r[2] / units

    for i, t in enumerate(throttles[-1:-back_seg - 1:-1]):
        dt = (t.end.mjd - t.start.mjd) * DAY2SEC
        alpha = min(norm(t.value), 1.0)
        if leg.high_fidelity is False:
            dV = [max_thrust / m * dt * dumb for dumb in t.value]
            if plot_line:
                            -dt / 2,
                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha),
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, -dt / 2, mu)
            x[-2 * i - 2] = r[0] / units
            y[-2 * i - 2] = r[1] / units
            z[-2 * i - 2] = r[2] / units
            # v= v+dV
            v = [a - b for a, b in zip(v, dV)]
            if plot_line:
                            -dt / 2,
                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha),
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, -dt / 2, mu)
            x[-2 * i - 3] = r[0] / units
            y[-2 * i - 3] = r[1] / units
            z[-2 * i - 3] = r[2] / units
            m *= exp(norm(dV) / isp / G0)
            u = [max_thrust * dumb for dumb in t.value]
            if plot_line:
                            -dt / 2,
                            isp * G0,
                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha),
            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(r, v, m, u, -dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12,
            x[-2 * i - 2] = r[0] / units
            y[-2 * i - 2] = r[1] / units
            z[-2 * i - 2] = r[2] / units
            if plot_line:
                            -dt / 2,
                            isp * G0,
                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha),
            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(r, v, m, u, -dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12,
            x[-2 * i - 3] = r[0] / units
            y[-2 * i - 3] = r[1] / units
            z[-2 * i - 3] = r[2] / units

    x_grid = x[::2]
    y_grid = y[::2]
    z_grid = z[::2]
    x_midpoint = x[1::2]
    y_midpoint = y[1::2]
    z_midpoint = z[1::2]

    if plot_segments:
                   label='mismatch point')

    if legend:

    if axes is None:  # show only if axis is not set
    return ax
Exemple #8
def plot_lambert(l,
    ax = plot_lambert(l, N=60, sol=0, units='pykep.AU', legend='False', axes=None, alpha=1.)

    - axes:     3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
    - l:        pykep.lambert_problem object
    - N:        number of points to be plotted along one arc
    - sol:      solution to the Lambert's problem we want to plot (must be in 0..Nmax*2)
                where Nmax is the maximum number of revolutions for which there exist a solution.
    - units:    the length unit to be used in the plot
    - color:    matplotlib color to use to plot the line
    - legend:   when True it plots also the legend with info on the Lambert's solution chosen

    Plots a particular solution to a Lambert's problem


      import pykep as pk
      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

      fig = plt.figure()
      ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

      t1 = pk.epoch(0)
      t2 = pk.epoch(640)
      dt = (t2.mjd2000 - t1.mjd2000) * pk.DAY2SEC

      pl = pk.planet.jpl_lp('earth')
      pk.orbit_plots.plot_planet(pl, t0=t1, axes=ax, color='k')
      rE,vE = pl.eph(t1)

      pl = pk.planet.jpl_lp('mars')
      pk.orbit_plots.plot_planet(pl, t0=t2, axes=ax, color='r')
      rM, vM = pl.eph(t2)

      l = lambert_problem(rE,rM,dt,pk.MU_SUN)
      pk.orbit_plots.plot_lambert(l, ax=ax, color='b')
      pk.orbit_plots.plot_lambert(l, sol=1, axes=ax, color='g')
      pk.orbit_plots.plot_lambert(l, sol=2, axes=ax, color='g', legend = True)
    from pykep import propagate_lagrangian, AU
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    if axes is None:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        ax = axes

    if sol > l.get_Nmax() * 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "sol must be in 0 .. NMax*2 \n * Nmax is the maximum number of revolutions for which there exist a solution to the Lambert's problem \n * You can compute Nmax calling the get_Nmax() method of the lambert_problem object"

    # We extract the relevant information from the Lambert's problem
    r = l.get_r1()
    v = l.get_v1()[sol]
    T = l.get_tof()
    mu = l.get_mu()

    # We define the integration time ...
    dt = T / (N - 1)

    # ... and allocate the cartesian components for r
    x = np.array([0.0] * N)
    y = np.array([0.0] * N)
    z = np.array([0.0] * N)

    # We calculate the spacecraft position at each dt
    for i in range(N):
        x[i] = r[0] / units
        y[i] = r[1] / units
        z[i] = r[2] / units
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt, mu)

    # And we plot
    if legend:
        label = 'Lambert solution (' + str((sol + 1) // 2) + ' revs.)'
        label = None
    ax.plot(x, y, z, c=color, label=label, alpha=alpha)

    if legend:

    return ax
Exemple #9
def _leg_get_states(self):
    Returns the spacecraft states (t,r,v,m) at the leg grid points


      times,r,v,m = pykep.sims_flanagan.leg.get_states()
    from pykep import propagate_lagrangian, AU, DAY2SEC, G0, propagate_taylor
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.linalg import norm
    from math import exp

    # We compute the number of segments for forward and backward propagation
    n_seg = len(self.get_throttles())
    fwd_seg = (n_seg + 1) // 2
    back_seg = n_seg // 2

    # We extract information on the spacecraft
    sc = self.get_spacecraft()
    isp = sc.isp
    max_thrust = sc.thrust

    # And on the leg
    throttles = self.get_throttles()
    mu = self.get_mu()

    # time grid (the mismatch is repeated twice)
    t_grid = [0.0] * (n_seg * 2 + 2)

    # Forward propagation

    # x,y,z contain the cartesian components of all points (grid+midpints)
    x = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    y = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    z = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    vx = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    vy = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    vz = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    mass = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)

    state = self.get_xi()

    # Initial conditions
    r = state.r
    v = state.v
    m = state.m
    x[0], y[0], z[0] = r
    vx[0], vy[0], vz[0] = v
    mass[0] = m

    # We compute all points by propagation
    for i, t in enumerate(throttles[:fwd_seg]):
        t_grid[2 * i] = t.start.mjd2000
        t_grid[2 * i + 1] = t.start.mjd2000 + \
            (t.end.mjd2000 - t.start.mjd2000) / 2.
        dt = (t.end.mjd - t.start.mjd) * DAY2SEC
        alpha = min(norm(t.value), 1.0)
        # Keplerian propagation and dV application
        if self.high_fidelity is False:
            dV = [max_thrust / m * dt * dumb for dumb in t.value]

            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt / 2, mu)
            x[2 * i + 1], y[2 * i + 1], z[2 * i + 1] = r
            vx[2 * i + 1], vy[2 * i + 1], vz[2 * i + 1] = v
            mass[2 * i + 1] = m
            # v= v+dV
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(v, dV)]
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt / 2, mu)
            m *= exp(-norm(dV) / isp / G0)

            x[2 * i + 2], y[2 * i + 2], z[2 * i + 2] = r
            vx[2 * i + 2], vy[2 * i + 2], vz[2 * i + 2] = v
            mass[2 * i + 2] = m

        # Taylor propagation of constant thrust u
            u = [max_thrust * dumb for dumb in t.value]

            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(
                r, v, m, u, dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12, -12)
            x[2 * i + 1], y[2 * i + 1], z[2 * i + 1] = r
            vx[2 * i + 1], vy[2 * i + 1], vz[2 * i + 1] = v
            mass[2 * i + 1] = m

            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(
                r, v, m, u, dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12, -12)
            x[2 * i + 2], y[2 * i + 2], z[2 * i + 2] = r
            vx[2 * i + 2], vy[2 * i + 2], vz[2 * i + 2] = v
            mass[2 * i + 2] = m

    t_grid[2 * i + 2] = t.end.mjd2000

    # Backward propagation

    # x,y,z will contain the cartesian components of
    x_back = [0.123] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    y_back = [0.123] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    z_back = [0.123] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    vx_back = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    vy_back = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    vz_back = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    mass_back = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)

    state = self.get_xf()

    # Final conditions
    r = state.r
    v = state.v
    m = state.m
    x_back[-1], y_back[-1], z_back[-1] = r
    vx_back[-1], vy_back[-1], vz_back[-1] = v
    mass_back[-1] = m

    for i, t in enumerate(throttles[-1:-back_seg - 1:-1]):
        t_grid[-2 * i - 2] = t.end.mjd2000 - \
            (t.end  .mjd2000 - t.start.mjd2000) / 2.
        t_grid[-2 * i - 1] = t.end.mjd2000
        dt = (t.end.mjd - t.start.mjd) * DAY2SEC
        alpha = min(norm(t.value), 1.0)
        if self.high_fidelity is False:
            dV = [max_thrust / m * dt * dumb for dumb in t.value]
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, -dt / 2, mu)
            x_back[-2 * i - 2], y_back[-2 * i - 2], z_back[-2 * i - 2] = r
            vx_back[-2 * i - 2], vy_back[-2 * i - 2], vz_back[-2 * i - 2] = v
            mass_back[-2 * i - 2] = m
            # v= v+dV
            v = [a - b for a, b in zip(v, dV)]
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, -dt / 2, mu)
            m *= exp(norm(dV) / isp / G0)

            x_back[-2 * i - 3], y_back[-2 * i - 3], z_back[-2 * i - 3] = r
            vx_back[-2 * i - 3], vy_back[-2 * i - 3], vz_back[-2 * i - 3] = v
            mass_back[-2 * i - 3] = m

            u = [max_thrust * dumb for dumb in t.value]
            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(
                r, v, m, u, -dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12, -12)
            x_back[-2 * i - 2], y_back[-2 * i - 2], z_back[-2 * i - 2] = r
            vx_back[-2 * i - 2], vy_back[-2 * i - 2], vz_back[-2 * i - 2] = v
            mass_back[-2 * i - 2] = m

            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(
                r, v, m, u, -dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12, -12)
            x_back[-2 * i - 3], y_back[-2 * i - 3], z_back[-2 * i - 3] = r
            vx_back[-2 * i - 3], vy_back[-2 * i - 3], vz_back[-2 * i - 3] = v
            mass_back[-2 * i - 3] = m

    t_grid[-2 * i - 3] = t.start.mjd2000
    x = x + x_back
    y = y + y_back
    z = z + z_back
    vx = vx + vx_back
    vy = vy + vy_back
    vz = vz + vz_back
    mass = mass + mass_back

    return t_grid, list(zip(x, y, z)), list(zip(vx, vy, vz)), mass
Exemple #10
    def fineCorrectionBurn(self):
        #Propagate orbit to correction burn 1, then apply it to orbit, then propagage further and check.
        #If okay, then add in the manual inclination correction, and then do a final Lambert.
        self.AddOrbitPoint("1:319:0:0:0", 14646793325, 9353.0)
        rMan1, vMan1 = propagate_lagrangian(self.OrbitPoints[-2].r,
                                            self.OrbitPoints[-1].t, self.mu_c)
        vMan1 = np.asarray(vMan1)
        vMan1 += [-34.8, 35.9,
                  0]  #?????? WTF norm ok but direction is wrong (apprently)
        #vMan1 += [-25.87664536,+42.44449723,0]
        self.OrbitPoints[-1].r = rMan1
        self.OrbitPoints[-1].r_n = norm(rMan1)
        self.OrbitPoints[-1].v = vMan1
        self.OrbitPoints[-1].v_n = norm(vMan1)

        #Propagate to a new point
        self.AddOrbitPoint("1:399:3:33:30", 17739170771, 7823.5)
        rCheck, vCheck = propagate_lagrangian(
            self.OrbitPoints[-2].r, self.OrbitPoints[-2].v,
            self.OrbitPoints[-1].t - self.OrbitPoints[-2].t, self.mu_c)
        self.printVect(rCheck, "r2 pred")
        self.printVect(vCheck, "v2 pred")
        self.deltasAtPoint(norm(rCheck), norm(vCheck),
                           (self.OrbitPoints[-1].v_n), "r check fromZero",
                           "v check fromZero")
        self.AddOrbitPoint("1:417:2:58:04", 18284938767, 7574.6)
        rCheck, vCheck = propagate_lagrangian(
            self.OrbitPoints[-3].r, self.OrbitPoints[-3].v,
            self.OrbitPoints[-1].t - self.OrbitPoints[-3].t, self.mu_c)
        self.printVect(rCheck, "r3 pred")
        self.printVect(vCheck, "v3 pred")
        self.deltasAtPoint(norm(rCheck), norm(vCheck),
                           (self.OrbitPoints[-1].v_n), "r check2 fromZero",
                           "v check2 fromZero")

        #self.OrbitPoints[-3].r, self.OrbitPoints[-3].v = propagate_lagrangian(self.OrbitPoints[-3].r,self.OrbitPoints[-3].v,0,self.mu_c)

        plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100
        ManT = 76  # manoevre time
        ManT_W = 5  # manoevre window
        Edy2s = 24 * 3600
        dy2s = 6 * 3600
        start_epochs = np.arange(ManT, (ManT + ManT_W), 0.25)
        ETA = 20
        ETA_W = 200
        duration = np.arange(ETA, (ETA + ETA_W), 0.25)

        data = list()
        v_data = list()
        r_data = list()
        v1_data = list()
        for start in start_epochs:
            row = list()
            v_row = list()
            r_row = list()
            v1_row = list()
            for T in duration:
                #Need to replace the kerbin start point by the ship at time t using
                r1, v1 = propagate_lagrangian(
                    self.OrbitPoints[-3].r, self.OrbitPoints[-3].v,
                    (start) * Edy2s - self.OrbitPoints[-3].t, self.mu_c)
                #r1,v1 = Kerbin.eph(epoch(start))
                r2, v2 = Duna.eph(epoch(start + T))
                l = lambert_problem(r1, r2, T * Edy2s,
                                    Kerbin.mu_central_body)  #K day = 6h
                DV1 = np.linalg.norm(array(v1) - array(l.get_v1()[0]))
                v_DV1 = array(v1) - array(l.get_v1()[0])

                #DV2 = np.linalg.norm( array(v2)-array(l.get_v2()[0]) )
                #DV1 = max([0,DV1-4000])
                #DV = DV1+DV2
                DV = DV1
                #DV = sqrt(dot(DV1, DV1) + 2 * Kerbin.mu_self / Kerbin.safe_radius) - sqrt(Kerbin.mu_self / Kerbin.safe_radius )

        minrows = [min(l) for l in data]
        i_idx = np.argmin(minrows)
        j_idx = np.argmin(data[i_idx])
        best = data[i_idx][j_idx]
        v_best = v_data[i_idx][j_idx]
        r1 = r_data[i_idx][j_idx]
        v1 = v1_data[i_idx][j_idx]

        progrd_uv = -array(v1) / linalg.norm(v1)

        plane_uv = cross(v1, r1)
        plane_uv = plane_uv / linalg.norm(plane_uv)
        radial_uv = cross(plane_uv, progrd_uv)
        EJBK = sqrt(
            dot(v_best, v_best) + 2 * Kerbin.mu_central_body /
            norm(r1)) - sqrt(Kerbin.mu_central_body / norm(r1))

        progrd_v = dot(progrd_uv, v_best)
        radial_v = dot(radial_uv, v_best)


        print("TransX escape plan - Kerbin escape")
        print("Best DV: " + str(best))
        print("Best DV heliocentric components:" + str(v_best))
        print("Launch epoch (K-days): " + str((start_epochs[i_idx]) * 4))
        print("Duration (K-days): " + str(duration[j_idx] * 4))
        print("Prograde:            %10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(dot(progrd_uv, v_best), 3))
        print("Radial:              %10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(dot(radial_uv, v_best), 3))
        print("Planar:              %10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(dot(plane_uv, v_best), 3))
        print("Hyp. excess velocity:%10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(sqrt(dot(v_best, v_best)), 3))
        #print("Earth escape burn:   %10.3f m/s" % np.round(EJBK, 3))

        duration_pl, start_epochs_pl = np.meshgrid(duration, start_epochs)
        plt.contour(start_epochs_pl * 4,
                    duration_pl * 4,
                    levels=list(np.linspace(best, 3000, 12)))
        #plt.imshow(array(data).T,, origin = "lower", vmin = best, vmax = 5000, extent=[0.0, 850, 10, 470.0], interpolation='bilinear')

Exemple #11
    def correctionBurn(self):
        plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100
        ManT = 76  # manoevre time
        ManT_W = 200  # manoevre window
        Edy2s = 24 * 3600
        dy2s = 6 * 3600
        start_epochs = np.arange(ManT, (ManT + ManT_W), 0.25)
        ETA = 250
        ETA_W = 250
        duration = np.arange(ETA, (ETA + ETA_W), 0.25)
        #these are Earth days, to *4 to Kdays (for eph function).

        #Sanity checks.
        r2,v2 = Duna.eph(epoch(312.8*0.25)) #check jool position
        r1,v1 = propagate_lagrangian(self.OrbitPoints[-1].r,self.OrbitPoints[-1].v,312.8*dy2s,self.mu_c)        
        Solving the lambert problem. the function need times in Edays, so convert later to Kdays.
        Carefull with the Jool ephemeris, since kerbol year starts at y1 d1, substract 1Kday = 0.25Eday

        data = list()
        v_data = list()
        r_data = list()
        v1_data = list()
        for start in start_epochs:
            row = list()
            v_row = list()
            r_row = list()
            v1_row = list()
            for T in duration:
                #Need to replace the kerbin start point by the ship at time t using
                r1, v1 = propagate_lagrangian(self.OrbitPoints[-1].r,
                                              (start) * Edy2s, self.mu_c)
                #r1,v1 = Kerbin.eph(epoch(start))
                r2, v2 = Jool.eph(epoch(start + T))
                l = lambert_problem(r1, r2, T * Edy2s,
                                    Kerbin.mu_central_body)  #K day = 6h
                DV1 = np.linalg.norm(array(v1) - array(l.get_v1()[0]))
                v_DV1 = array(v1) - array(l.get_v1()[0])

                #DV2 = np.linalg.norm( array(v2)-array(l.get_v2()[0]) )
                #DV1 = max([0,DV1-4000])
                #DV = DV1+DV2
                DV = DV1
                #DV = sqrt(dot(DV1, DV1) + 2 * Kerbin.mu_self / Kerbin.safe_radius) - sqrt(Kerbin.mu_self / Kerbin.safe_radius )

        minrows = [min(l) for l in data]
        i_idx = np.argmin(minrows)
        j_idx = np.argmin(data[i_idx])
        best = data[i_idx][j_idx]
        v_best = v_data[i_idx][j_idx]
        r1 = r_data[i_idx][j_idx]
        v1 = v1_data[i_idx][j_idx]

        progrd_uv = -array(v1) / linalg.norm(v1)

        plane_uv = cross(v1, r1)
        plane_uv = plane_uv / linalg.norm(plane_uv)
        radial_uv = cross(plane_uv, progrd_uv)
        EJBK = sqrt(
            dot(v_best, v_best) + 2 * Kerbin.mu_central_body /
            norm(r1)) - sqrt(Kerbin.mu_central_body / norm(r1))

        progrd_v = dot(progrd_uv, v_best)
        radial_v = dot(radial_uv, v_best)


        print("TransX escape plan - Kerbin escape")
        print("Best DV: " + str(best))
        print("Best DV heliocentric components:" + str(v_best))
        print("Launch epoch (K-days): " + str((start_epochs[i_idx]) * 4))
        print("Duration (K-days): " + str(duration[j_idx] * 4))
        print("Prograde:            %10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(dot(progrd_uv, v_best), 3))
        print("Radial:              %10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(dot(radial_uv, v_best), 3))
        print("Planar:              %10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(dot(plane_uv, v_best), 3))
        print("Hyp. excess velocity:%10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(sqrt(dot(v_best, v_best)), 3))
        #print("Earth escape burn:   %10.3f m/s" % np.round(EJBK, 3))

        duration_pl, start_epochs_pl = np.meshgrid(duration, start_epochs)
        plt.contour(start_epochs_pl * 4,
                    duration_pl * 4,
                    levels=list(np.linspace(best, 3000, 12)))
        #plt.imshow(array(data).T,, origin = "lower", vmin = best, vmax = 5000, extent=[0.0, 850, 10, 470.0], interpolation='bilinear')

Exemple #12
def _leg_get_states(self):
    Returns the spacecraft states (t,r,v,m) at the leg grid points


      times,r,v,m = pykep.sims_flanagan.leg.get_states()
    from pykep import propagate_lagrangian, AU, DAY2SEC, G0, propagate_taylor
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.linalg import norm
    from math import exp

    # We compute the number of segments for forward and backward propagation
    n_seg = len(self.get_throttles())
    fwd_seg = (n_seg + 1) // 2
    back_seg = n_seg // 2

    # We extract information on the spacecraft
    sc = self.get_spacecraft()
    isp = sc.isp
    max_thrust = sc.thrust

    # And on the leg
    throttles = self.get_throttles()
    mu = self.get_mu()

    # time grid (the mismatch is repeated twice)
    t_grid = [0.0] * (n_seg * 2 + 2)

    # Forward propagation

    # x,y,z contain the cartesian components of all points (grid+midpints)
    x = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    y = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    z = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    vx = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    vy = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    vz = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
    mass = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)

    state = self.get_xi()

    # Initial conditions
    r = state.r
    v = state.v
    m = state.m
    x[0], y[0], z[0] = r
    vx[0], vy[0], vz[0] = v
    mass[0] = m

    # We compute all points by propagation
    for i, t in enumerate(throttles[:fwd_seg]):
        t_grid[2 * i] = t.start.mjd2000
        t_grid[2 * i + 1] = t.start.mjd2000 + \
            (t.end.mjd2000 - t.start.mjd2000) / 2.
        dt = (t.end.mjd - t.start.mjd) * DAY2SEC
        alpha = min(norm(t.value), 1.0)
        # Keplerian propagation and dV application
        if self.high_fidelity is False:
            dV = [max_thrust / m * dt * dumb for dumb in t.value]

            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt / 2, mu)
            x[2 * i + 1], y[2 * i + 1], z[2 * i + 1] = r
            vx[2 * i + 1], vy[2 * i + 1], vz[2 * i + 1] = v
            mass[2 * i + 1] = m
            # v= v+dV
            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(v, dV)]
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt / 2, mu)
            m *= exp(-norm(dV) / isp / G0)

            x[2 * i + 2], y[2 * i + 2], z[2 * i + 2] = r
            vx[2 * i + 2], vy[2 * i + 2], vz[2 * i + 2] = v
            mass[2 * i + 2] = m

        # Taylor propagation of constant thrust u
            u = [max_thrust * dumb for dumb in t.value]

            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(r, v, m, u, dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12,
            x[2 * i + 1], y[2 * i + 1], z[2 * i + 1] = r
            vx[2 * i + 1], vy[2 * i + 1], vz[2 * i + 1] = v
            mass[2 * i + 1] = m

            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(r, v, m, u, dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12,
            x[2 * i + 2], y[2 * i + 2], z[2 * i + 2] = r
            vx[2 * i + 2], vy[2 * i + 2], vz[2 * i + 2] = v
            mass[2 * i + 2] = m

    t_grid[2 * i + 2] = t.end.mjd2000

    # Backward propagation

    # x,y,z will contain the cartesian components of
    x_back = [0.123] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    y_back = [0.123] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    z_back = [0.123] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    vx_back = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    vy_back = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    vz_back = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
    mass_back = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)

    state = self.get_xf()

    # Final conditions
    r = state.r
    v = state.v
    m = state.m
    x_back[-1], y_back[-1], z_back[-1] = r
    vx_back[-1], vy_back[-1], vz_back[-1] = v
    mass_back[-1] = m

    for i, t in enumerate(throttles[-1:-back_seg - 1:-1]):
        t_grid[-2 * i - 2] = t.end.mjd2000 - \
            (t.end  .mjd2000 - t.start.mjd2000) / 2.
        t_grid[-2 * i - 1] = t.end.mjd2000
        dt = (t.end.mjd - t.start.mjd) * DAY2SEC
        alpha = min(norm(t.value), 1.0)
        if self.high_fidelity is False:
            dV = [max_thrust / m * dt * dumb for dumb in t.value]
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, -dt / 2, mu)
            x_back[-2 * i - 2], y_back[-2 * i - 2], z_back[-2 * i - 2] = r
            vx_back[-2 * i - 2], vy_back[-2 * i - 2], vz_back[-2 * i - 2] = v
            mass_back[-2 * i - 2] = m
            # v= v+dV
            v = [a - b for a, b in zip(v, dV)]
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, -dt / 2, mu)
            m *= exp(norm(dV) / isp / G0)

            x_back[-2 * i - 3], y_back[-2 * i - 3], z_back[-2 * i - 3] = r
            vx_back[-2 * i - 3], vy_back[-2 * i - 3], vz_back[-2 * i - 3] = v
            mass_back[-2 * i - 3] = m

            u = [max_thrust * dumb for dumb in t.value]
            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(r, v, m, u, -dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12,
            x_back[-2 * i - 2], y_back[-2 * i - 2], z_back[-2 * i - 2] = r
            vx_back[-2 * i - 2], vy_back[-2 * i - 2], vz_back[-2 * i - 2] = v
            mass_back[-2 * i - 2] = m

            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(r, v, m, u, -dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12,
            x_back[-2 * i - 3], y_back[-2 * i - 3], z_back[-2 * i - 3] = r
            vx_back[-2 * i - 3], vy_back[-2 * i - 3], vz_back[-2 * i - 3] = v
            mass_back[-2 * i - 3] = m

    t_grid[-2 * i - 3] = t.start.mjd2000
    x = x + x_back
    y = y + y_back
    z = z + z_back
    vx = vx + vx_back
    vy = vy + vy_back
    vz = vz + vz_back
    mass = mass + mass_back

    return t_grid, list(zip(x, y, z)), list(zip(vx, vy, vz)), mass
    def correctionBurn(self):
        plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100
        ManT = 323  # manoevre time
        ManT_W = 5  # manoevre window
        dy2s = 6 * 3600
        start_epochs = np.arange(ManT * 0.25, (ManT + ManT_W) * 0.25, 0.25)
        ETA = 1000
        ETA_W = 2000
        duration = np.arange(ETA * 0.25, (ETA + ETA_W) * 0.25, 0.25)

        #these are Kdays, to *0.25 to Edays (for eph function).
        #Kerbin = planet.keplerian(epoch(0), (13599840256 ,0,0,0,0,3.14), 1.1723328e18, 3.5316000e12,600000, 670000 , 'Kerbin')
        #Duna   = planet.keplerian(epoch(0), (20726155264 ,0.051,deg2rad(0.06) ,0,deg2rad(135.5),3.14), 1.1723328e18, 3.0136321e11,320000, 370000 , 'Duna')
        r2, v2 = Jool.eph(epoch(322.5 * 0.25))  #check jool position
        r1, v1 = propagate_lagrangian(self.rL_data, self.vL_data,
                                      322.5 * dy2s - self.tL, self.mu_c)

        data = list()
        v_data = list()
        for start in start_epochs:
            row = list()
            v_row = list()
            for T in duration:
                #Need to replace the kerbin start point by the ship at time t using
                r1, v1 = propagate_lagrangian(self.rL_data, self.vL_data,
                                              (start - 1) * dy2s, self.mu_c)

                #r1,v1 = Kerbin.eph(epoch(start))
                r2, v2 = Jool.eph(epoch(start + T))
                l = lambert_problem(r1, r2, T * 60 * 60 * 24,
                                    Kerbin.mu_central_body)  #K day = 6h
                DV1 = np.linalg.norm(array(v1) - array(l.get_v1()[0]))
                v_DV1 = array(v1) - array(l.get_v1()[0])
                #DV2 = np.linalg.norm( array(v2)-array(l.get_v2()[0]) )
                #DV1 = max([0,DV1-4000])
                #DV = DV1+DV2
                DV = DV1
                #DV = sqrt(dot(DV1, DV1) + 2 * Kerbin.mu_self / Kerbin.safe_radius) - sqrt(Kerbin.mu_self / Kerbin.safe_radius )

        minrows = [min(l) for l in data]
        i_idx = np.argmin(minrows)
        j_idx = np.argmin(data[i_idx])
        best = data[i_idx][j_idx]
        v_best = v_data[i_idx][j_idx]

        progrd_uv = array(v1) / linalg.norm(v1)

        plane_uv = cross(v1, r1)
        plane_uv = plane_uv / linalg.norm(plane_uv)
        radial_uv = cross(plane_uv, progrd_uv)
        EJBK = sqrt(
            dot(v_best, v_best) + 2 * Kerbin.mu_central_body /
            norm(r1)) - sqrt(Kerbin.mu_central_body / norm(r1))

        progrd_v = dot(progrd_uv, v_best)
        radial_v = dot(radial_uv, v_best)


        print("TransX escape plan - Kerbin escape")
        print("Best DV: " + str(best))
        print("Launch epoch (K-days): " + str(start_epochs[i_idx] * 4))
        print("Duration (K-days): " + str(duration[j_idx] * 4))
        print("Prograde:            %10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(dot(progrd_uv, v_best), 3))
        print("Radial:              %10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(dot(radial_uv, v_best), 3))
        print("Planar:              %10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(dot(plane_uv, v_best), 3))
        print("Hyp. excess velocity:%10.3f m/s" %
              np.round(sqrt(dot(v_best, v_best)), 3))
        #print("Earth escape burn:   %10.3f m/s" % np.round(EJBK, 3))

        duration_pl, start_epochs_pl = np.meshgrid(duration, start_epochs)
        plt.contour(start_epochs_pl * 4,
                    duration_pl * 4,
                    levels=list(np.linspace(best, 3000, 12)))
        #plt.imshow(array(data).T,, origin = "lower", vmin = best, vmax = 5000, extent=[0.0, 850, 10, 470.0], interpolation='bilinear')

Exemple #14
    def ic_from_mga_1dsm(self, x):
        x_lt = prob.ic_from_mga_1dsm(x_mga)

        - x_mga: compatible trajectory as encoded by an mga_1dsm problem

        Returns an initial guess for the low-thrust trajectory, converting the mga_1dsm solution x_dsm. The user
        is responsible that x_mga makes sense (i.e. it is a viable mga_1dsm representation). The conversion is done by importing in the
        low-thrust encoding a) the launch date b) all the legs durations, c) the in and out relative velocities at each planet.
        All throttles are put to zero.


          x_lt= prob.ic_from_mga_1dsm(x_mga)
        from math import pi, cos, sin, acos
        from scipy.linalg import norm
        from pykep import propagate_lagrangian, lambert_problem, DAY2SEC, fb_prop

        retval = list([0.0] * self.dimension)
        # 1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight
        # (days) in the list T
        T = list([0] * (self.__n_legs))

        for i in range(len(T)):
            T[i] = log(x[2 + 4 * i])
        total = sum(T)
        T = [x[1] * time / total for time in T]

        retval[0] = x[0]
        for i in range(self.__n_legs):
            retval[1 + 8 * i] = T[i]
            retval[2 + 8 * i] = self.__sc.mass

        # 2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
        t_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs + 1))
        r_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs + 1))
        v_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs + 1))
        DV = list([None] * (self.__n_legs + 1))

        for i, planet in enumerate(self.seq):
            t_P[i] = epoch(x[0] + sum(T[0:i]))
            r_P[i], v_P[i] = self.seq[i].eph(t_P[i])

        # 3 - We start with the first leg
        theta = 2 * pi * x[1]
        phi = acos(2 * x[2] - 1) - pi / 2

        Vinfx = x[3] * cos(phi) * cos(theta)
        Vinfy = x[3] * cos(phi) * sin(theta)
        Vinfz = x[3] * sin(phi)

        retval[3:6] = [Vinfx, Vinfy, Vinfz]

        v0 = [a + b for a, b in zip(v_P[0], [Vinfx, Vinfy, Vinfz])]
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[0], v0, x[4] * T[0] * DAY2SEC, MU_SUN)

        # Lambert arc to reach seq[1]
        dt = (1 - x[4]) * T[0] * DAY2SEC
        l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[1], dt, MU_SUN)
        v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
        v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]

        retval[6:9] = [a - b for a, b in zip(v_end_l, v_P[1])]

        # 4 - And we proceed with each successive leg
        for i in range(1, self.__n_legs):
            # Fly-by
            v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l, v_P[i], x[
                            7 + (i - 1) * 4] * self.seq[i].radius, x[6 + (i - 1) * 4], self.seq[i].mu_self)
            retval[3 + i * 8:6 + i * 8] = [a -
                                           b for a, b in zip(v_out, v_P[i])]
            # s/c propagation before the DSM
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(
                r_P[i], v_out, x[8 + (i - 1) * 4] * T[i] * DAY2SEC, MU_SUN)
            # Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
            dt = (1 - x[8 + (i - 1) * 4]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
            l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[i + 1], dt, MU_SUN)
            v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
            v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
            # DSM occuring at time nu2*T2
            DV[i] = norm([a - b for a, b in zip(v_beg_l, v)])
            retval[6 + i * 8:9 + i * 8] = [a -
                                           b for a, b in zip(v_end_l, v_P[i + 1])]
        return retval
Exemple #15
    def ic_from_mga_1dsm(self, x):
        x_lt = prob.ic_from_mga_1dsm(x_mga)

        - x_mga: compatible trajectory as encoded by an mga_1dsm problem

        Returns an initial guess for the low-thrust trajectory, converting the mga_1dsm solution x_dsm. The user
        is responsible that x_mga makes sense (i.e. it is a viable mga_1dsm representation). The conversion is done by importing in the
        low-thrust encoding a) the launch date b) all the legs durations, c) the in and out relative velocities at each planet.
        All throttles are put to zero.


          x_lt= prob.ic_from_mga_1dsm(x_mga)
        from math import pi, cos, sin, acos
        from scipy.linalg import norm
        from pykep import propagate_lagrangian, lambert_problem, DAY2SEC, fb_prop

        retval = list([0.0] * self.dimension)
        # 1 -  we 'decode' the chromosome recording the various times of flight
        # (days) in the list T
        T = list([0] * (self.__n_legs))

        for i in range(len(T)):
            T[i] = log(x[2 + 4 * i])
        total = sum(T)
        T = [x[1] * time / total for time in T]

        retval[0] = x[0]
        for i in range(self.__n_legs):
            retval[1 + 8 * i] = T[i]
            retval[2 + 8 * i] = self.__sc.mass

        # 2 - We compute the epochs and ephemerides of the planetary encounters
        t_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs + 1))
        r_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs + 1))
        v_P = list([None] * (self.__n_legs + 1))
        DV = list([None] * (self.__n_legs + 1))

        for i, planet in enumerate(self.seq):
            t_P[i] = epoch(x[0] + sum(T[0:i]))
            r_P[i], v_P[i] = self.seq[i].eph(t_P[i])

        # 3 - We start with the first leg
        theta = 2 * pi * x[1]
        phi = acos(2 * x[2] - 1) - pi / 2

        Vinfx = x[3] * cos(phi) * cos(theta)
        Vinfy = x[3] * cos(phi) * sin(theta)
        Vinfz = x[3] * sin(phi)

        retval[3:6] = [Vinfx, Vinfy, Vinfz]

        v0 = [a + b for a, b in zip(v_P[0], [Vinfx, Vinfy, Vinfz])]
        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[0], v0, x[4] * T[0] * DAY2SEC, MU_SUN)

        # Lambert arc to reach seq[1]
        dt = (1 - x[4]) * T[0] * DAY2SEC
        l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[1], dt, MU_SUN)
        v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
        v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]

        retval[6:9] = [a - b for a, b in zip(v_end_l, v_P[1])]

        # 4 - And we proceed with each successive leg
        for i in range(1, self.__n_legs):
            # Fly-by
            v_out = fb_prop(v_end_l, v_P[i],
                            x[7 + (i - 1) * 4] * self.seq[i].radius,
                            x[6 + (i - 1) * 4], self.seq[i].mu_self)
            retval[3 + i * 8:6 +
                   i * 8] = [a - b for a, b in zip(v_out, v_P[i])]
            # s/c propagation before the DSM
            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r_P[i], v_out,
                                        x[8 + (i - 1) * 4] * T[i] * DAY2SEC,
            # Lambert arc to reach Earth during (1-nu2)*T2 (second segment)
            dt = (1 - x[8 + (i - 1) * 4]) * T[i] * DAY2SEC
            l = lambert_problem(r, r_P[i + 1], dt, MU_SUN)
            v_end_l = l.get_v2()[0]
            v_beg_l = l.get_v1()[0]
            # DSM occuring at time nu2*T2
            DV[i] = norm([a - b for a, b in zip(v_beg_l, v)])
            retval[6 + i * 8:9 +
                   i * 8] = [a - b for a, b in zip(v_end_l, v_P[i + 1])]
        return retval