Exemple #1
def test_simulator_error_cyclic_1():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        m1 = pks.Mass()
        l = pks.Link(m1, m1)

    with pytest.raises(pks.CyclicChainError):
        with pks.Simulator(chain, m1) as sim:
Exemple #2
def test_simulator_falling_point_mass():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        m1 = pks.Mass(m=1.0)

    with pks.Simulator(chain) as sim:
        state = sim.run(1.0)

    assert np.abs(state.loc[2] + (9.81 / 2)) < 1e-12
Exemple #3
def test_simulator_forward_kinematics_1():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        m1 = pks.Mass()

    with pks.Simulator(chain, m1) as sim:
        trafos = sim.kinematics(sim.initial_state())

    assert len(trafos) == 1
    assert m1 in trafos
    assert np.all(np.array(trafos[m1]) == np.eye(4))
Exemple #4
def test_simulator_error_disconnected_components_1():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        m1 = pks.Mass()
        m2 = pks.Mass()

    with pytest.raises(pks.DisconnectedChainError):
        with pks.Simulator(chain, m1) as sim:

    with pytest.raises(pks.DisconnectedChainError):
        with pks.Simulator(chain, m2) as sim:
Exemple #5
def test_tree_forward():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        m1 = pks.Mass()
        m2 = pks.Mass()
        j = pks.Joint("y")
        l1 = pks.Link(m1, j)
        l2 = pks.Link(j, m2)

    tree, root = chain.tree()
    assert root is m1
    assert len(tree) == 2
    assert m1 in tree
    assert len(tree[m1]) == 1
    assert tree[m1][0] is l1
Exemple #6
def test_variable_name_deduction():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        m1 = pks.Mass()
        m2 = pks.Mass()
        j = pks.Joint("y")
        l1 = pks.Link(m1, j)
        l2 = pks.Link(j, m2)

    assert chain.label == "chain"
    assert m1.label == "m1"
    assert m2.label == "m2"
    assert j.label == "j"
    assert l1.label == "l1"
    assert l2.label == "l2"
Exemple #7
def test_joint_index_order_preservation_2():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        m1 = pks.Mass()
        j3 = pks.Joint("z", torque=pks.External)
        j2 = pks.Joint("y", torque=pks.External)
        j1 = pks.Joint("x")
        l1 = pks.Link(m1, j1)
        l2 = pks.Link(m1, j2)
        l3 = pks.Link(m1, j3)

    with pks.Simulator(chain, m1) as sim:
        assert sim._joint_idx_map[j1] == 2
        assert sim._joint_idx_map[j2] == 1
        assert sim._joint_idx_map[j3] == 0
        assert sim._joint_torque_idx_map[j2] == 1
        assert sim._joint_torque_idx_map[j3] == 0
Exemple #8
def test_simulator_forward_kinematics_2():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        m1 = pks.Mass()
        m2 = pks.Mass()
        pks.Link(m1, m2)

    with pks.Simulator(chain, m1) as sim:
        trafos = sim.kinematics(sim.initial_state())

    assert len(trafos) == 2

    assert m1 in trafos
    assert np.all(np.array(trafos[m1]) == np.eye(4))

    assert m2 in trafos
    assert np.all(np.array(trafos[m2]) == (np.eye(4) + np.eye(4, 4, 3)))
Exemple #9
def test_simulator_dynamics_symbolic():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        f1 = pks.Fixture()
        j1 = pks.Joint()
        m1 = pks.Mass()

        pks.Link(f1, j1, l=0.0)
        pks.Link(j1, m1, l=1.0)

    with pks.Simulator(chain, f1) as sim:
        dynamics = sim.dynamics(g=(0.0, 0.0, 9.81))

    theta = sim.symbols.var_theta[0]

    assert sim.symbols.var_ddtheta[0] in dynamics
    ddtheta = dynamics[sim.symbols.var_ddtheta[0]]

    assert sp.simplify(9.81 * sp.cos(theta) - ddtheta) == 0
Exemple #10
def test_simulator_error_multiple_sources():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        m1 = pks.Mass()
        m2 = pks.Mass()
        m3 = pks.Mass()
        pks.Link(m1, m3)
        pks.Link(m2, m3)

    with pytest.raises(pks.MultipleSourcesError):
        with pks.Simulator(chain, m1) as sim:

    with pytest.raises(pks.MultipleSourcesError):
        with pks.Simulator(chain, m2) as sim:

    with pytest.raises(pks.MultipleSourcesError):
        with pks.Simulator(chain, m3) as sim:
Exemple #11
def test_simulator_forward_kinematics_symbolic():
    l1, l2 = sp.symbols("l1 l2")

    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        f1 = pks.Fixture()
        j1 = pks.Joint()
        m1 = pks.Mass()
        m2 = pks.Mass()

        pks.Link(f1, j1, l=0.0)
        pks.Link(j1, m1, l=l1)
        pks.Link(m1, m2, l=l2)

    with pks.Simulator(chain, f1) as sim:
        trafos = sim.kinematics()

    theta = sim.symbols.theta[0]
    x, z = sim.symbols.x, sim.symbols.z

    assert sp.simplify(x + l1 * sp.cos(theta) - trafos[m1][0, 3]) == 0
    assert sp.simplify(z - l1 * sp.sin(theta) - trafos[m1][2, 3]) == 0
    assert sp.simplify(x + (l1 + l2) * sp.cos(theta) - trafos[m2][0, 3]) == 0
    assert sp.simplify(z - (l1 + l2) * sp.sin(theta) - trafos[m2][2, 3]) == 0
Exemple #12
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sympy as sp
import pykinsim as pks

theta, l1, l2 = sp.symbols("theta l1 l2")

with pks.Chain() as chain:
    f1 = pks.Fixture()
    j1 = pks.Joint(axis="y", theta=theta)
    m1 = pks.Mass()
    m2 = pks.Mass()

    pks.Link(f1, j1, l=0.0)
    pks.Link(j1, m1, l=l1)
    pks.Link(m1, m2, l=l2)

with pks.Simulator(chain, f1) as sim:
    state = sim.symbolic_state()
    trafos = sim.kinematics(state)

print("m1.x(t) =", trafos[m1][0, 3])
print("m1.z(t) =", trafos[m1][2, 3])
print("m2.x(t) =", trafos[m2][0, 3])
print("m2.z(t) =", trafos[m2][2, 3])