def test_rot180(): import cudamat import numpy as np num_images = 100 img_size = 50 img_tot_size = 50*50 inputs = np.random.randn(num_images, img_tot_size) inputs[1:] = (np.random.rand(*inputs[1:].shape)<0.5) inputs[0] = (np.random.rand(*inputs[1].shape)<0.005) targets = np.random.randn(num_images, img_tot_size) cu_inputs = cudamat.CUDAMatrix(inputs.T) cu_targets = cudamat.CUDAMatrix(targets.T) cudamat._cudamat.rot180(cu_inputs.p_mat, cu_targets.p_mat, 0) cua_targets = cu_targets.asarray().T targets = np.array([x[::-1,::-1] for x in inputs.reshape(num_images, img_size, img_size)]).reshape(num_images, img_tot_size) print abs(targets - cua_targets).max() from pylab import imshow, subplot, gray gray() subplot(221) imshow(inputs[0].reshape(img_size, img_size), interpolation='nearest') subplot(222) imshow(targets[0].reshape(img_size, img_size), interpolation='nearest') subplot(223) imshow(cua_targets[0].reshape(img_size, img_size), interpolation='nearest')
def test_copyOutOf(): import cudamat import numpy as np num_images = 100 img_size = 50 target_size = 72 img_tot_size = img_size**2 target_tot_size = target_size**2 targets = np.random.randn(target_tot_size, num_images)<-2 inputs = np.zeros((img_tot_size, num_images)) cu_inputs = cudamat.CUDAMatrix(inputs) cu_targets = cudamat.CUDAMatrix(targets) assert (target_size - img_size) % 2 == 0 padding = (target_size - img_size)/2 cudamat._cudamat.copy_out_of_center(cu_targets.p_mat, cu_inputs.p_mat, padding, 0) cua_inputs = cu_inputs.asarray() #print abs(targets - cua_targets).max() from pylab import imshow, subplot, gray gray() #subplot(221) #imshow(inputs[0].reshape(img_size, img_size), interpolation='nearest') subplot(222) imshow(targets[:,1].reshape(target_size, target_size), interpolation='nearest') subplot(223) imshow(cua_inputs[:,1].reshape(img_size, img_size), interpolation='nearest')
def makeTestPair(paths, homography, collection, location=".", size=(250,250), scale = 1.0) : """ Given a pair of paths to two images and a homography between them, this function creates two crops and calculates a new homography. input: paths [strings] (paths to images) homography [numpy.ndarray] (3 by 3 array homography) collection [string] (The name of the testset) location [string] (The location (path) of the testset size [(int, int)] (The size of an image crop in pixels) scale [double] (The scale by which we resize the crops after they've been cropped) out: nothing """ # Get width and height width, height = size # Load images in black/white images = map(loadImage, paths) # Crop part of first image and part of second image: (top_o, left_o) = (random.randint(0, images[0].shape[0]-height), random.randint(0, images[0].shape[1]-width)) (top_n, left_n) = (random.randint(0, images[1].shape[0]-height), random.randint(0, images[1].shape[1]-width)) # Get two file names c_path = getRandPath("%s/%s/" % (location, collection)) if not exists(dirname(c_path)) : makedirs(dirname(c_path)) # Make sure we save as gray pylab.gray() im1 = images[0][top_o: top_o + height, left_o: left_o + width] im2 = images[1][top_n: top_n + height, left_n: left_n + width] im1_scaled = imresize(im1, size=float(scale), interp='bicubic') im2_scaled = imresize(im2, size=float(scale), interp='bicubic') pylab.imsave(c_path + "_1.jpg", im1_scaled) pylab.imsave(c_path + "_2.jpg", im2_scaled) # Homography for transpose T1 = numpy.identity(3) T1[0,2] = left_o T1[1,2] = top_o # Homography for transpose back T2 = numpy.identity(3) T2[0,2] = -1*left_n T2[1,2] = -1*top_n # Homography for scale Ts = numpy.identity(3) Ts[0,0] = scale Ts[1,1] = scale # Homography for scale back Tsinv = numpy.identity(3) Tsinv[0,0] = 1.0/scale Tsinv[1,1] = 1.0/scale # Combine homographyies and save hom = hom = hom / hom[2,2] numpy.savetxt(c_path, hom)
def plotSources(im, sources, schema): plt.clf() plt.imshow(im.getArray(), origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmin=-100, vmax=500) plt.gray() shapekey = schema.find('shape.sdss').key xykey = schema.find('centroid.sdss').key flagkeys = [schema.find(x).key for x in [ 'shape.sdss.flags.maxiter', 'shape.sdss.flags.shift', 'shape.sdss.flags.unweighted', 'shape.sdss.flags.unweightedbad']] flagabbr = ['M','S','U','B'] for source in sources: quad = source.get(shapekey) ixx,iyy = quad.getIxx(), quad.getIyy() x,y = source.get(xykey) sx,sy = sqrt(ixx),sqrt(iyy) plt.gca().add_artist(Ellipse([x,y], 2.*sx, 2.*sy, angle=0., ec='r', fc='none', lw=2, alpha=0.5)) fs = '' for j,key in enumerate(flagkeys): val = source.get(key) if val: fs += flagabbr[j] if len(fs): plt.text(x+5, y, fs, ha='left', va='center')
def show_weights(layer): while isinstance(layer, lasagne.layers.InputLayer) == False: if isinstance(layer, dnn.Conv2DDNNLayer): first_conv_layer = layer layer = layer.input_layer weights = first_conv_layer.get_params()[0].get_value() weights_no = weights.shape[0] display_size = int(math.sqrt(weights_no)) + 1 print 'display_size : %s' % display_size pylab.gray() for i in range(display_size): for j in range(display_size): index = i * display_size + j + 1 if index >= weights_no: break print 'index : %s' % index one_weight = weights[index][0] pylab.subplot(display_size, display_size, index) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(one_weight)
def _test(): # make a unit circle going counter-clockwise radius = 60 theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10) circle_ccw = np.array([radius*np.cos(theta), radius*np.sin(theta)]) area = ContourArea(circle_ccw) assert area > 0 circle_cw = MakeClockwise(circle_ccw) area = ContourArea(circle_cw) assert area < 0 assert (circle_cw == circle_ccw[:,::-1]).all() # it actually got reversed p = circle_cw + np.array([[280],[430]]) plb.ion() plb.figure(0) plb.gray() i = plb.imread('mri2.png') i = np.mean(i, axis=2) plb.imshow(i) global _contour _contour, = plb.plot(np.append(p[0,-1], p[0]),np.append(p[1,-1], p[1])) plb.draw() Snake2D(i, p, iterations=500) print 'done' plb.ioff() plb.savefig('mri-result.png')
def main(): butils = measDeblend.BaselineUtilsF foot = buildExample2() fbb = foot.getBBox() mask1 = afwImg.MaskU(fbb.getWidth(), fbb.getHeight()) mask1.setXY0(fbb.getMinX(), fbb.getMinY()) afwDet.setMaskFromFootprint(mask1, foot, 1) if plt: plt.clf() plt.imshow(mask1.getArray(), origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', extent=(fbb.getMinX(), fbb.getMaxX(), fbb.getMinY(), fbb.getMaxY())) plt.gray() plt.savefig('foot2.png') sfoot = butils.symmetrizeFootprint(foot, 355, 227) mask2 = afwImg.MaskU(fbb.getWidth(), fbb.getHeight()) mask2.setXY0(fbb.getMinX(), fbb.getMinY()) afwDet.setMaskFromFootprint(mask2, sfoot, 1) plt.clf() plt.imshow(mask2.getArray(), origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', extent=(fbb.getMinX(), fbb.getMaxX(), fbb.getMinY(), fbb.getMaxY())) plt.gray() plt.savefig('sfoot3.png')
def plot(self): """ .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from cellnopt.simulate import * from cellnopt.core import * pkn = cnodata("PKN-ToyPB.sif") midas = cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv") s = boolean.BooleanSimulator(CNOGraph(pkn, midas)) s.simulate(30) s.plot() """ pylab.clf() data = numpy.array([[x] for x in self.species if x in self.species]) data = data.transpose() data = 1 - pylab.flipud(data) pylab.pcolor(data, vmin=0, vmax=1, edgecolors="k") pylab.xlabel("species"); pylab.ylabel("Time (tick)"); pylab.gray() pylab.xticks([0.5+x for x in range(0,30)], self.species, rotation=90) pylab.ylim([0, self.tick]) pylab.xlim([0, len(self.species)])
def plot_matches(self, name, show_below = True, match_maximum = None): """ 対応点を線で結んで画像を表示する 入力: im1,im2(配列形式の画像)、locs1,locs2(特徴点座標) machescores(match()の出力)、 show_below(対応の下に画像を表示するならTrue)""" im1 = self._image_1.get_array_image() im2 = self._image_2.get_array_image() self.appendimages() im3 = self._append_image if self._match_score is None: self.match() locs1 = self._image_1.get_shift_location() locs2 = self._image_2.get_shift_location() if show_below: im3 = numpy.vstack((im3,im3)) pylab.figure(dpi=160) pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(im3, aspect = 'auto') cols1 = im1.shape[1] match_num = 0 for i,m in enumerate(self._match_score): if m > 0 : pylab.plot([locs1[i][0],locs2[m][0]+cols1], [locs1[i][1],locs2[m][1]], 'c') match_num = match_num + 1 if match_maximum is not None and match_num >= match_maximum: break pylab.axis('off') pylab.savefig(name, dpi=160)
def demo_graymapping(): """ Gray space mapping, just change the way of distribution """ im = np.array('./computer_vision/scenery.jpg').convert('L')) """Reverse mapping""" im_r = 255 - im """Mapping gray space to specific range[100, 200]""" im_f = (100.0 / 255) * im + 100 """Square pixel value""" im_s = 255 * (im/ 255.0)**2 """Show image""" pl.figure('Gray space mapping') pl.gray() pl.subplot(2,2,1) pl.title('orignal gray image') pl.imshow(im) pl.subplot(2,2,2) pl.title('Reversed gray') pl.imshow(im_r) pl.subplot(2,2,3) pl.title('Mapping to a [100,200]') pl.imshow(im_f) pl.subplot(2,2,4) pl.title('Square pixel value') pl.imshow(im_s)
def randoms(S=10, N=1, GA=10, GS=10): butils = measDeblend.BaselineUtilsF mim = afwImg.MaskedImageF(S, S) x0, y0 = S/2, S/2 peak = makePeak(x0, y0) im = mim.getImage().getArray() for i in range(N): X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(S), np.arange(S)) R2 = (X-x0)**2 + (Y-y0)**2 im[:, :] = np.random.normal(10, 1, size=im.shape) + GA * np.exp(-0.5 * R2 / GS**2) if plt: plt.clf() ima = dict(vmin=im.min(), vmax=im.max(), origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') plt.imshow(im, **ima) plt.gray() plt.savefig('Rim%i.png' % i) butils.makeMonotonic(mim.getImage(), peak) plt.clf() plt.imshow(mim.getImage().getArray(), **ima) plt.gray() plt.savefig('Rim%im.png' % i)
def savepng(pre, img, title=None, **kwargs): fn = '%s-%s.png' % (pre, idstr) print 'Saving', fn plt.clf() plt.imshow(img, **kwargs) ax = plt.axis() if debug: print len(xplotx),len(allobjx) for i,(objx,objy,objc) in enumerate(zip(allobjx,allobjy,allobjc)): plt.plot(objx,objy,'-',c=objc) tempx = [] tempx.append(xplotx[i]) tempx.append(objx[0]) tempy = [] tempy.append(xploty[i]) tempy.append(objy[0]) plt.plot(tempx,tempy,'-',c='purple') plt.plot(pointx,pointy,'y.') plt.plot(xplotx,xploty,'xg') plt.axis(ax) if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() plt.gray() plt.savefig(fn)
def explore_data(data, images, target): # try to determine the type of data... print "data_type belonging to key data:" try: print np.dtype(data) except TypeError as err: print err print "It has dimension", np.shape(data) # plot a 3 # get indices of all threes in target threes = np.where(target == 3) #assert threes is not empty assert(len(threes) > 0) # choose the first 3 three_indx = threes[0] # get the image img = images[three_indx][0] #plot it plot.figure() plot.gray() plot.imshow(img, interpolation = "nearest") plot.close()
def visualize_walkthrough(): x_batch = sample_x_from_data_distribution(20) z_batch = gen(x_batch, test=True) if use_gpu: z_batch.to_cpu() fig = pylab.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(16.0, 16.0) pylab.clf() if config.img_channel == 1: pylab.gray() z_a =[:10,:] z_b =[10:,:] for col in range(10): _z_batch = z_a * (1 - col / 9.0) + z_b * col / 9.0 _z_batch = Variable(_z_batch) if use_gpu: _z_batch.to_gpu() _x_batch = dec(_z_batch, test=True) if use_gpu: _x_batch.to_cpu() for row in range(10): pylab.subplot(10, 10, row * 10 + col + 1) if config.img_channel == 1: pylab.imshow(np.clip(([row] + 1.0) / 2.0, 0.0, 1.0).reshape((config.img_width, config.img_width)), interpolation="none") elif config.img_channel == 3: pylab.imshow(np.clip(([row] + 1.0) / 2.0, 0.0, 1.0).reshape((config.img_channel, config.img_width, config.img_width)), interpolation="none") pylab.axis("off") pylab.savefig("%s/walk_through.png" % args.visualization_dir)
def updateColorTable(self, cItem): print "now viz!"+str(cItem.row())+","+str(cItem.column()) row = cItem.row() col = cItem.column() pl.clf() #pl.ion() x = pl.arange(self.dataDimen+1) y = pl.arange(self.dataDimen+1) X, Y = pl.meshgrid(x, y) pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.pcolor(X, Y, self.mWx[row*self.dataMaxRange+col]) pl.gca().set_aspect('equal') pl.colorbar() pl.gray() pl.title("user 1") pl.subplot(1,2,2) pl.pcolor(X, Y, self.mWy[row*self.dataMaxRange+col]) pl.gca().set_aspect('equal') pl.colorbar() pl.gray() pl.title("user 2") #pl.tight_layout() pl.draw()
def demo(self): # plt.imshow(self.imgsobel*255/self.sobelmax) # plt.gray() # plt.imshow(255-self.cannyOperation()) plt.gray()
def compare_keypoints(im1, im2, pos1, pos2, filename = None, separation = 0) : """ Show two images next to each other with the keypoints marked """ # Construct unified image im3 = append_images(im1,im2, separation) # Find the offset and add it offset = im1.shape[1] pos2_o = [(x+offset + separation,y) for (x,y) in pos2] # Create figure fig = pylab.figure(frameon=False, figsize=(12.0, 8.0)) #ax = pylab.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) # Show images pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(im3) pylab.plot([x for x,y in pos1], [y for x,y in pos1], marker='o', color = '#00aaff', lw=0) pylab.plot([x for x,y in pos2_o], [y for x,y in pos2_o], marker='o', color = '#00aaff', lw=0) pylab.axis('off') pylab.xlim(0,im3.shape[1]) pylab.ylim(im3.shape[0],0) if filename != None : fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
def plot_matches(self, name = "harris_match.jpg", show_below = True, match_maximum = None): """ 対応点を線で結んで画像を表示する 入力: show_below(対応の下に画像を表示するならTrue)""" if self._append_image is None: self.appendimages() im1 = self._image_1.get_array_image() im2 = self._image_2.get_array_image() im3 = self._append_image if self._image_1.get_harris_point() is None: self._image_1.make_harris_points() if self._image_2.get_harris_point() is None: self._image_2.make_harris_points() locs1 = self._image_1.get_harris_point() locs2 = self._image_2.get_harris_point() if show_below: im3 = numpy.vstack((im3,im3)) pylab.figure(dpi=160) pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(im3, aspect = "auto") cols1 = im1.shape[1] if self._match_score is None: self.match() if match_maximum is not None: self._match_score = self._match_score[:match_maximum] for i,m in enumerate(self._match_score): if m>0: pylab.plot([locs1[i][1],locs2[m][1]+cols1],[locs1[i][0],locs2[m][0]],'c') pylab.axis('off') pylab.savefig(name, dpi=160)
def main(): """Compute the SSIM index on two input images specified on the cmd line.""" import pylab argv = sys.argv if len(argv) != 3: print('usage: python -m sp.ssim image1.tif image2.tif', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) try: from PIL import Image img1 = numpy.asarray([1])) img2 = numpy.asarray([2])) except Exception as e: e = 'Cannot load images' + str(e) print(e, file=sys.stderr) ssim_map = ssim(img1, img2) ms_ssim = msssim(img1, img2) pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(131) pylab.title('Image1') pylab.imshow(img1, interpolation='nearest', cmap=pylab.gray()) pylab.subplot(132) pylab.title('Image2') pylab.imshow(img2, interpolation='nearest', cmap=pylab.gray()) pylab.subplot(133) pylab.title('SSIM Map\n SSIM: %f\n MSSSIM: %f' % (ssim_map.mean(), ms_ssim)) pylab.imshow(ssim_map, interpolation='nearest', cmap=pylab.gray()) return 0
def plotAVTable(experiment): pylab.figure() pylab.gray() pylab.pcolor(experiment.agent.module.params.reshape(81,4).max(1).reshape(9,9), shading='faceted') pylab.title("Action-Value table, %s, Run %d" % (experiment.agent.learner.__class__.__name__, experiment.stepid))
def main(): A = pl.imread(IMAGE_FILE) i = 1 pc_values = (1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40) for num_pcs in pc_values: # perform (truncated) pca egvecs, proj, egvals = pca(A, num_pcs) # reconstruct image A_rec =, proj).T + np.mean(A, axis=0) # create sublplot ax = pl.subplot(2, 3, i, frame_on=False) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pl.NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pl.NullLocator()) # draw pl.imshow(A_rec) pl.title("{} pc's".format(num_pcs)) pl.gray() i += 1
def display_head(set_x, set_y, n = 5): ''' show some figures based on gray image matrixs @type set_x: TensorSharedVariable, @param set_x: gray level value matrix of the @type set_y: TensorVariable, @param set_y: label of the figures @type n: int, @param n: numbers of figure to be display, less than 10, default 5 ''' import pylab if n > 10: n = 10 img_x = set_x.get_value()[0:n].reshape(n, 28, 28) img_y = set_y.eval()[0:n] for i in range(n): pylab.subplot(1, n, i+1); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.title(' %d' % img_y[i]) pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(img_x[i])
def interference_maker(self): wavelength = input("input wavelength: ") k = 2*pi/wavelength amplitude = input("input amplitude: ") distance_between_centers = input("input distance between centers: ") length = 100.0 num_points = 500 spacing = length/num_points first_x = length/2 + distance_between_centers/2 second_x = length/2 - distance_between_centers/2 first_y = length/2 second_y = first_y points_array = empty([num_points, num_points], float) for i in range(num_points): y = spacing*i for j in range(num_points): x = spacing*j r1 = sqrt((x-first_x)**2 + (y - first_y)**2) r2 = sqrt((x-second_x)**2 + (y - second_y)**2) points_array[i, j] = amplitude*(sin(k*r1)+sin(k*r2)) imshow(points_array, origin="lower", extent=[0, length, 0, length]) gray() show()
def apply_conv(name): import pylab from PIL import Image # open random image of dimensions 639x516 img = # capture image height and width width,height = img.size # dimensions are (height, width, channel) img = numpy.asarray(img, dtype='float64') / 256. # put image in 4D tensor of shape (1, 3, height, width) img_ = img.transpose(2, 0, 1).reshape(1, 3, height, width) filtered_img = f(img_) # plot original image and first and second components of output pylab.subplot(1, 3, 1); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(img) pylab.gray(); # recall that the convOp output (filtered image) is actually a "minibatch", # of size 1 here, so we take index 0 in the first dimension: pylab.subplot(1, 3, 2); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(filtered_img[0, 0, :, :]) pylab.subplot(1, 3, 3); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(filtered_img[0, 1, :, :])
def display_conv_filters(title, layer): """ displays the filters as "images" - one row per feature map in this layer - one column per input into this layer (one for the first layer, one per previous layer's feature maps for the next layer) """ filters = layer.W # 4D Tensor of dimensions <number of feature maps, number of inputs, height, width> bias = layer.b # vector of biases, one per feature map pylab.gray() # make plots greyscale i = 0 num_feature_maps = len(filters.eval()) for map_num in range(num_feature_maps): # iterate through the feature maps num_inputs = len(filters.eval()[map_num]) for input_num in range(num_inputs): # iterate through the inputs to this feature map i += 1 img_data = filters.eval()[map_num][input_num] # extract the (array of) filter values from the tensor slice pylab.subplot(num_feature_maps, num_inputs, i) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(img_data) # Plot it if i == 1: pylab.title(title)
def test(): from PIL import Image import numpy import pylab import os p = r'C:\repository\research_code\gwb_cropped\gwb_cropped' imlist = [p+'/'+f for f in os.listdir(p) if 'jpg' in f] im = numpy.array([0])) #open one image to get the size m,n = im.shape[0:2] #get the size of the images imnbr = len(imlist) #get the number of images #create matrix to store all flattened images immatrix = numpy.array([numpy.array([i])).flatten() for i in range(imnbr)],'f') #perform PCA V,S,immean = pca(immatrix) #mean image and first mode of variation immean = immean.reshape(m,n) mode = V[0].reshape(m,n) #show the images pylab.figure() pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(immean) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(mode)
def rhoPlot(self, ccaMat, filename, winsize, framesize,dataDimen): dlen = len(ccaMat) #x = pl.arange(dlen) #y = pl.arange(dlen) print "dlen:"+str(dlen) order = dataDimen for i in range(order): pl.clf() #pl.ion() #第一成分はとった cMat = ccaMat[:,:,i] Y,X = np.mgrid[slice(0, dlen, 1),slice(0, dlen, 1)] #print "len X:"+str(len(X))+", X:"+str(X) #X, Y = np.mgrid[0:dlen:complex(0, dlen), 0:dlen:complex(0, dlen)] pl.pcolor(X, Y, cMat) pl.xlim(0,dlen-1) pl.ylim(0,dlen-1) name = str(filename) + "_w-" + str(winsize) + "_f-" + str(framesize)+"_"+str(i) pl.title(name) pl.colorbar() pl.gray() pl.draw() outname = "cca-eig/"+name+".png" pl.savefig(outname) print "eig order:",i," save!"
def demo_histeq(): """ Gray histogram equalization, make every gray value have same distribution. This process could imporve contrast of image. """ im = np.array('./computer_vision/scenery.jpg').convert('L')) imhist, bins = np.histogram(im.flatten(), bins = 256, normed = True) cdf = imhist.cumsum() """Normalization""" cdf = 255 * cdf / cdf[-1] im_n = np.interp(im.flatten(),bins[:-1], cdf) """ Image of equalization. I don't know why reshape() function can't modify shape attribute, it just change the arrangement of output if you print it out. I've tried when you create a array with reshape(), it works. """ #im_n.reshape(im.shape) im_n.shape = im.shape pl.figure('Histogram equalization') pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.gray() pl.imshow(im) pl.title('Orignal gray image') pl.subplot(1,2,2) pl.gray() pl.imshow(im_n) pl.title('equalized image')
def call_run(self): print('RlOp: running') # prepare plotting pylab.gray() pylab.ion() for i in range(1000): # interact with the environment (here in batch mode) self.experiment.doInteractions(100) self.agent.learn() self.agent.reset() results0 = self.table.params.reshape(2, 4, 5, 20)[0] results1 = self.table.params.reshape(2, 4, 5, 20)[1] pp.pprint(results0.argmax(2)) pp.pprint(results1.argmax(2)) # and draw the table #ar=self.table.params.reshape(2,5,4,5,4) #for state1 in range(len(constants.SOUNDS)): # for state2 in range(4): # pylab.pcolor(ar[1][state1][state2]) # pylab.draw() results0 = self.table.params.reshape(2, 4, 5, 20)[0] results1 = self.table.params.reshape(2, 4, 5, 20)[1] while True: time.sleep(60) pp.pprint(results0.argmax(2)) pp.pprint(results1.argmax(2))
def display_output(images, batch_size, layer, num_feature_maps): """ Visualises the convolution of the last image to be processed. NOTE: SAMPLE CODE ONLY - ONLY USED FOR LAYER0 """ # Create a theano function that computes the layer0 output for a single batch # This declares to theano what the input source and output expression are f = theano.function([layer.input], layer.output) # recast the inputs from (batch_size, num_pixels) to a 4D tensor of size (batch_size, 1, height, width) # as expected by the convolutional layer (the 1 is the "depth" of the input layer) img = images.eval()[0: batch_size].reshape(batch_size, 1, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH) filtered_img = f(img) filtered_img = numpy.add(filtered_img, -1. * filtered_img.min()) # Avoid negatives by ensuring the min value is 0 pylab.gray(); # Plot the original image pylab.subplot(1, 4, 1); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(img[0, 0, :, :]) pylab.title("Original image") # Plot each feature map for map_num in range(num_feature_maps): pylab.subplot(1, num_feature_maps + 1, map_num + 2); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(filtered_img[0, map_num, :, :]) pylab.title("Feature map " + str(map_num))
def compare_missed_segm( input_dir='/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/FastTextEval/experiments/segmentation', input_dir2='/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/FastTextEval/experiments/segmentationg', showPictures=False): ft = FASTex() (ms, dirs) = read_segm_data(input_dir) (ms2, dirs2) = read_segm_data(input_dir2, 'g') ms.extend(ms2) dirs.extend(dirs2) sumHash = {} for j in np.arange(0, len(ms)): missing_segm = ms[j] for image in missing_segm.keys(): arr = missing_segm[image] if not sumHash.has_key(image): sumHash[image] = arr continue for i in range(len(arr)): miss_gt = arr[i] check = sumHash[image] hasGt = False for k in range(len(check)): miss_gt2 = check[k] if miss_gt == miss_gt2: hasGt = True if not hasGt: sumHash[image].append(miss_gt) missing_segm = ms[0] data = [] dataf = [] gt_id = 0 columns = ['Img', 'GT Id'] for image in sumHash.keys(): arr = sumHash[image] f = None for i in range(len(arr)): orValue = False miss_gt = arr[i] row = [] row.append(os.path.basename(image)) row.append(gt_id) gt_id += 1 rowf = [] for j in np.arange(0, len(ms)): if gt_id == 1: columns.append(dirs[j]) msj = ms[j] hasSegmj = True val = 1 if msj.has_key(image): arrj = msj[image] for k in range(len(arrj)): miss_gtj = arrj[k] if miss_gtj == miss_gt: hasSegmj = False val = 0 break row.append(hasSegmj) rowf.append(val) orValue = orValue or hasSegmj if orValue: rowf.append(1) else: rowf.append(0) if showPictures: img = cv2.imread(image) imgg = cv2.imread(image, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) if f == None: f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 3)) f.suptitle('Missing segmentation: {0}'.format(image)) ax = axes[0] ax.imshow(img, cmap=pylab.gray(), interpolation='nearest') ax = axes[1] ax.imshow(imgg, cmap=pylab.gray(), interpolation='nearest') orBox = miss_gt segmentations = ft.getCharSegmentations(imgg) keypoints = ft.getLastDetectionKeypoints() style = 'rx' for k in range(5): maski = keypoints[:, 9] == k + 1 if k == 1: style = "rv" if k == 2: style = "ro" if k == 4: style = "bo" ax.plot(keypoints[maski, 0], keypoints[maski, 1], style) for k in range(keypoints.shape[0]): ax.plot([keypoints[k, 0], keypoints[k, 7]], [keypoints[k, 1], keypoints[k, 8]], 'r-') ax = axes[0] else: orBox = utils.union(orBox, miss_gt) line = mlines.Line2D(np.array([ miss_gt[0], miss_gt[2], miss_gt[2], miss_gt[0], miss_gt[0] ]), np.array([ miss_gt[1], miss_gt[1], miss_gt[3], miss_gt[3], miss_gt[1] ]), lw=5., alpha=0.6, color='r') ax.add_line(line) row.append(orValue) data.append(row) dataf.append(rowf) if f != None: ax = axes[0] ax.set_xlim(orBox[0] - 20, orBox[2] + 20) ax.set_ylim(orBox[3] + 20, orBox[1] - 20) ax = axes[1] ax.set_xlim(orBox[0] - 20, orBox[2] + 20) ax.set_ylim(orBox[3] + 20, orBox[1] - 20) columns.append("OR") data = np.array(data) dataf = np.array(dataf) df = pandas.DataFrame(data=data, columns=columns) #print(df) sumCols = dataf.sum(0) sumCols = dataf.shape[0] - sumCols print("Missing Segmentations:") print(sumCols) indices = np.argsort(sumCols) bestFactor = indices[1] missing_segm = ms[bestFactor] print("Best factor: {0}".format(dirs[bestFactor])) maskBest = dataf[:, bestFactor] == 0 datafSec = dataf[maskBest, :] sumCols = datafSec.sum(0) sumCols = datafSec.shape[0] - sumCols print("Missing Segmentations 2 best:") print(sumCols) indices = np.argsort(sumCols) bestFactor2 = indices[1] print("Best factor 2: {0}, missing segmentations: {1} -> {2}".format( dirs[bestFactor2], datafSec.shape[0], sumCols[indices[1]])) maskBest = datafSec[:, bestFactor2] == 0 dataf3 = datafSec[maskBest, :] sumCols = dataf3.sum(0) sumCols = dataf3.shape[0] - sumCols indices = np.argsort(sumCols) bestFactor2 = indices[1] print("Best factor 3: {0}, missing segmentations: {1} -> {2}".format( dirs[bestFactor2], dataf3.shape[0], sumCols[indices[1]]))
import harris from imtools import imresize import datetime WID = 5 im1 = np.array('.\Resource\crans_1_small.jpg').convert('L')) im2 = np.array('.\Resource\crans_2_small.jpg').convert('L')) im1 = imresize(im1, (im1.shape[1] / 2, im1.shape[0] / 2)) im2 = imresize(im2, (im2.shape[1] / 2, im2.shape[0] / 2)) harrisim1 = harris.compute_harris_response(im1, 5) filtered_coords1 = harris.get_harris_points(harrisim1, WID + 1) d1 = harris.get_descriptors(im1, filtered_coords1, WID) harrisim2 = harris.compute_harris_response(im2, 5) filtered_coords2 = harris.get_harris_points(harrisim2, WID + 1) d2 = harris.get_descriptors(im2, filtered_coords2, WID) print "start matching:{}".format( matches = harris.match_twosided(d1, d2) pl.figure() pl.gray() harris.plot_matches(im1, im2, filtered_coords1, filtered_coords2, matches[:100]) print "finish matching:{}".format(
vol_geom['option']['WindowMinX'] += shift vol_geom['option']['WindowMaxX'] += shift proj_id2 = astra.create_projector('cuda', proj_geom, vol_geom) sinogram_id2, sinogram2 = astra.create_sino(P, proj_id2) # Shift window in y direction vol_geom['option']['WindowMinX'] -= shift vol_geom['option']['WindowMaxX'] -= shift vol_geom['option']['WindowMinY'] += shift vol_geom['option']['WindowMaxY'] += shift proj_id3 = astra.create_projector('cuda', proj_geom, vol_geom) sinogram_id3, sinogram3 = astra.create_sino(P, proj_id3) pylab.gray() pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(P) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(sinogram1) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(sinogram2) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(sinogram3) # Free memory astra.data2d.delete(sinogram_id1) astra.projector.delete(proj_id1) astra.data2d.delete(sinogram_id2) astra.projector.delete(proj_id2)
def Plot_state(t, suffix, SURVEY='PS1'): ''' Make all the plots we need to assess the state of the tractor. Mainly, a multi-panel figure of image, synthetic image and chi, for each image being modelled. t is a Tractor object, containing a list of images. ''' for i, image in enumerate(t.images): if is None: imname = suffix + str(i) else: imname = chi = t.getChiImage(i) if SURVEY == 'PS1': ima, chia, psfa = lenstractor.PS1_imshow_settings(image, chi) elif SURVEY == 'KIDS': ima, chia, psfa = lenstractor.KIDS_imshow_settings(image, chi) else: # Do the same as for PS1 scale = np.sqrt(np.median(1.0 / image.invvar[image.invvar > 0.0])) ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-100. * scale, vmax=3. * scale) chia = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-5., vmax=5.) psfa = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') fig = plt.figure(**figprops) fig.subplots_adjust(**adjustprops) plt.clf() plt.gray() plt.subplot(py, px, 1) plt.imshow(, **ima) tidyup_plot() plt.title('Observed image') model = t.getModelImages()[i] # print "lenstractor.Plot_state: minmax of model = ",np.min(model),np.max(model) plt.subplot(py, px, 2) plt.imshow(-model, **ima) tidyup_plot() plt.title('Predicted image') plt.subplot(py, px, 3) plt.imshow(-chi, **chia) tidyup_plot() if SURVEY == 'KIDS': # It is not clear why the residual image is not in units of # sigma. Perhaps this causes problems in the modelling. # This code is not refactored into since it should # not be necessary in the first place. plt.title('Residuals (flexible scale)') else: plt.title('Residuals ($\pm 5\sigma$)') psfimage = image.psf.getPointSourcePatch(*model.shape).patch plt.subplot(py, px, 4) plt.imshow(-psfimage, **psfa) tidyup_plot() plt.title('PSF') plt.savefig(imname + '_' + suffix + '.png') return
YY = np.linspace(0, 4096, 5) XX = np.linspace(0, 2048, 5) yims = [] for y in YY: xims = [] for x in XX: im = psf.instantiateAt(x, y) im /= im.sum() xims.append(im) xims = np.hstack(xims) yims.append(xims) yims = np.vstack(yims) plt.clf() plt.imshow(yims, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') plt.gray() plt.title('instantiated') ps.savefig() for scale in [True, False]: print('fitting params, scale=', scale) psf.scale = scale psf.splines = None psf.ensureFit() sims = [] for y in YY: xims = [] for x in XX: mog = psf.mogAt(x, y)
def train_test_plot(use_momentum=False, use_sparsity=False, for_comparison=False): """Entry point for script.""" # load data train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y = load_mnist(onehot=True) trx = len(train_x) print('finished loading data') # initialize model x_mat = T.fmatrix('x') y_mat = T.fmatrix('d') np.random.seed(10) rng = np.random.RandomState(123) theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2**30)) corruption_level = 0.1 training_epochs = 25 batch_size = 128 if use_momentum: print('Using momentum term.') if use_sparsity: print('Using sparsity constraint.') # initialize weights and biases weight_1 = init_weights(28 * 28, 900) bias_1 = init_bias(900) weight_2 = init_weights(900, 625) bias_2 = init_bias(625) weight_3 = init_weights(625, 400) bias_3 = init_bias(400) # output reconstructed input from 3rd hidden layer weight_4 = init_weights(400, 28 * 28) bias_4 = init_bias(28 * 28) # softmax layer weight_5 = init_weights(400, 10) bias_5 = init_bias(10) # CORRUPT THE PURE tilde_x = theano_rng.binomial(size=x_mat.shape, n=1, p=1 - corruption_level, dtype=theano.config.floatX) * x_mat y_1 = T.nnet.sigmoid(, weight_1) + bias_1) y_2 = T.nnet.sigmoid(, weight_2) + bias_2) y_3 = T.nnet.sigmoid(, weight_3) + bias_3) # reconstruction layer z_1 = T.nnet.sigmoid(, weight_4) + bias_4) if use_sparsity: beta = 0.5 rho = 0.05 term_1 = -T.mean( T.sum(x_mat * T.log(z_1) + (1 - x_mat) * T.log(1 - z_1), axis=1)) term_2 = beta * T.shape(y_3)[1] * (rho * T.log(rho) + (1 - rho) * T.log(1 - rho)) term_3 = -beta * rho * T.sum(T.log(T.mean(y_3, axis=0) + 1e-6)) term_4 = - beta * (1 - rho) * \ T.sum(T.log(1 - T.mean(y_3, axis=0) + 1e-6)) cost_1 = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4 else: cost_1 = -T.mean( T.sum(x_mat * T.log(z_1) + (1 - x_mat) * T.log(1 - z_1), axis=1)) params_1 = [ weight_1, bias_1, weight_2, bias_2, weight_3, bias_3, weight_4, bias_4 ] if use_momentum: updates_1 = sgd_momentum(cost_1, params_1) else: updates_1 = sgd(cost_1, params_1) train_da1 = theano.function(inputs=[x_mat], outputs=cost_1, updates=updates_1, allow_input_downcast=True) test_da1 = theano.function(inputs=[x_mat], outputs=[y_1, y_2, y_3, z_1], allow_input_downcast=True) # softmax layer p_y_4 = T.nnet.softmax(, weight_5) + bias_5) y_4 = T.argmax(p_y_4, axis=1) cost_2 = T.mean(T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(p_y_4, y_mat)) params_2 = [ weight_1, bias_1, weight_2, bias_2, weight_3, bias_3, weight_5, bias_5 ] if use_momentum: updates_2 = sgd_momentum(cost_2, params_2) else: updates_2 = sgd(cost_2, params_2) train_ffn = theano.function(inputs=[x_mat, y_mat], outputs=cost_2, updates=updates_2, allow_input_downcast=True) test_ffn = theano.function(inputs=[x_mat], outputs=y_4, allow_input_downcast=True) # stacked denoising autoencoder print('training dae1 ...') train_cost = [] for _ in tqdm(range(training_epochs)): # go through trainng set cost = [] for start, end in zip(range(0, trx, batch_size), range(batch_size, trx, batch_size)): cost.append(train_da1(train_x[start:end])) train_cost.append(np.mean(cost, dtype='float64')) if for_comparison: # return training cost for comparison later comp_train_cost = train_cost else: # all the plottings pylab.figure() pylab.plot(range(training_epochs), train_cost) pylab.xlabel('iterations') pylab.ylabel('cross-entropy') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_train.png')) print('plotting weight samples') w_1 = weight_1.get_value() pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in tqdm(range(100)): pylab.subplot(10, 10, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(w_1[:, i].reshape(28, 28)) pylab.suptitle('layer 1 weight samples') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_weight1.png')) w_2 = weight_2.get_value() pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in tqdm(range(100)): pylab.subplot(10, 10, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(w_2[:, i].reshape(30, 30)) pylab.suptitle('layer 2 weight samples') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_weight2.png')) w_3 = weight_3.get_value() pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in tqdm(range(100)): pylab.subplot(10, 10, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(w_3[:, i].reshape(25, 25)) pylab.suptitle('layer 3 weight samples') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_weight3.png')) ind = np.random.randint(low=0, high=1900) layer_1, layer_2, layer_3, output = test_da1(train_x[ind:ind + 100, :]) # show input image print('plotting inputs...') pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in tqdm(range(100)): pylab.subplot(10, 10, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(train_x[ind + i:ind + i + 1, :].reshape(28, 28)) pylab.suptitle('input images') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_input.png')) # hidden layer activations print('plotting hidden layer activations...') pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in tqdm(range(100)): pylab.subplot(10, 10, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(layer_1[i, :].reshape(30, 30)) pylab.suptitle('layer 1 activations') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_layer1.png')) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in tqdm(range(100)): pylab.subplot(10, 10, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(layer_2[i, :].reshape(25, 25)) pylab.suptitle('layer 2 activations') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_layer2.png')) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in tqdm(range(100)): pylab.subplot(10, 10, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(layer_3[i, :].reshape(20, 20)) pylab.suptitle('layer 3 activations') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_layer3.png')) # reconstructed outputs print('plotting reconstructed outputs...') pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in tqdm(range(100)): pylab.subplot(10, 10, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(output[i, :].reshape(28, 28)) pylab.suptitle('reconstructed outputs') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_output.png')) # softmax print('training ffn ...') train_cost = [] test_accr = [] for _ in tqdm(range(training_epochs)): # go through trainng set cost = [] for start, end in zip(range(0, trx, batch_size), range(batch_size, trx, batch_size)): cost.append(train_ffn(train_x[start:end], train_y[start:end])) train_cost.append(np.mean(cost, dtype='float64')) test_accr.append( np.mean(np.argmax(test_y, axis=1) == test_ffn(test_x))) # output max accuracy at # iterations print('%.1f accuracy at %d iterations' % (np.max(test_accr) * 100, np.argmax(test_accr) + 1)) if for_comparison: # return arrays for plotting later return comp_train_cost, train_cost, test_accr else: # all the plottings pylab.figure() pylab.plot(range(training_epochs), train_cost) pylab.xlabel('iterations') pylab.ylabel('cross-entropy') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_train_ffn.png')) pylab.figure() pylab.plot(range(training_epochs), test_accr) pylab.xlabel('iterations') pylab.ylabel('test accuracy') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2b_test_ffn.png'))
def train(self): # Load decoder weight to GAN's discriminator # self.combined.summary() # self.combined = load_model('CAE_weights.h5') color_mode = 'grayscale' if self.channels == 1 else 'rgb' train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) train_set = train_datagen.flow_from_directory(self.train_dir, target_size=[self.img_rows, self.img_cols], batch_size=self.batch_size, color_mode=color_mode, # 'rgb' class_mode='binary') test_set = train_datagen.flow_from_directory(self.test_dir, target_size=[self.img_rows, self.img_cols], batch_size=self.batch_size, color_mode=color_mode, # 'rgb' class_mode='binary') epoch = 0 i = 0 for x_batch, y_label in train_set: x_batch = x_batch - 0.5 y_label = y_label.reshape(-1, 1) # For N class, real / fake has 1:1 half_batch = self.batch_size // 2 cw1 = {0: 1, 1: 1} # For N class, each class has 'K/N' images while there are total 'K' fake images # So, each 'real img' has 'N' times more weight than 'fake img' (--> weight = 1 / frequency) cw2 = {i: self.num_class / half_batch for i in range(self.num_class)} cw2[self.num_class] = 1 / half_batch # Adversarial ground truths # Use x_batch.shape[0] instead of batch_size because of last batch's size ( < batch_size) valid = np.ones((x_batch.shape[0], 1)) fake = np.zeros((x_batch.shape[0], 1)) # --------------------- # Train Discriminator # --------------------- self.discriminator.trainable = True noise = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (x_batch.shape[0], self.latent_dim)) # Generate a batch of new images gen_imgs = self.generator.predict(noise) # One-hot encoding of labels # fake_label will be one-hot encoded to 'N+1'th column labels = to_categorical(y_label, num_classes=self.num_class+1) fake_labels = to_categorical(np.full((x_batch.shape[0], 1), self.num_class), num_classes=self.num_class+1) # Train the discriminator d_loss_real = self.discriminator.train_on_batch(x_batch, [valid, labels], class_weight=[cw1, cw2]) d_loss_fake = self.discriminator.train_on_batch(gen_imgs, [fake, fake_labels], class_weight=[cw1, cw2]) d_loss = 0.5 * np.add(d_loss_real, d_loss_fake) # --------------------- # Train Generator # --------------------- # Train the generator (to have the discriminator label samples as valid) self.discriminator.trainable = False g_loss = self.combined.train_on_batch(noise, valid, class_weight=[cw1, cw2]) # Plot the progress d_lr = K.eval( g_lr = K.eval( print ("epoch : %d step : %d / %d [D loss: %f, acc.: %.2f%%, op_acc: %.2f%%] [G loss: %f] [d_lr : %f] [g_lr :%f]" % (epoch, i, train_set.__len__(), d_loss[0], 100*d_loss[3], 100*d_loss[4], g_loss, d_lr, g_lr)) # If at save interval => save generated image samples if (i + 1) % 20 == 0: noise = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (x_batch.shape[0], self.latent_dim)) img = self.generator.predict(noise) img = 0.5 * img + 0.5 fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(3, 3) if self.channels == 1: img = img[0].squeeze(axis=2) #img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (3, 3), 0) plt.imshow(img, cmap=pylab.gray()) # if gray scale :img[0].squeeze(axis=2), cmap=pylab.gray() else: plt.imshow(img[0]) plt.pause(0.001) if (i + 1) % 100 == 0: plt.savefig("result_{}_{}.png.".format(str(epoch), str(i))) plt.close() # Test the discriminator x_batch_t, y_labels_t = labels_t = to_categorical(y_labels_t, num_classes=self.num_class + 1) print(self.discriminator.metrics_names) print(self.discriminator.evaluate(x_batch_t, [valid, labels_t], verbose=1)) if (i + 1) % train_set.__len__() == 0: epoch += 1 i = 0 i += 1
def tt_plot_func(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, func=sgd): """Train, test and plot using a particular update function. Arguments: train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y: train and test data func: update function to use, default to nn_cnn.sgd """ # train and test train, predict, test = cnn(update_func=func) test_accr = [] train_cost = [] for i in tqdm(range(NO_ITERS)): train_x, train_y = shuffle_data(train_x, train_y) test_x, test_y = shuffle_data(test_x, test_y) cost = 0.0 train_length = len(train_x) starts = range(0, train_length, BATCH_SIZE) ends = range(BATCH_SIZE, train_length, BATCH_SIZE) for start, end in zip(starts, ends): cost += train(train_x[start:end], train_y[start:end]) # average out the cost for one epoch cost = cost / (train_length // BATCH_SIZE) train_cost += [cost] test_accr.append(np.mean(np.argmax(test_y, axis=1) == predict(test_x))) # output max accuracy at # iterations print('%.1f accuracy at %d iterations' % (np.max(test_accr) * 100, np.argmax(test_accr) + 1)) # plot test accuracy pylab.figure() pylab.plot(range(NO_ITERS), test_accr) pylab.xlabel('epochs') pylab.ylabel('test accuracy') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2a_test.png')) # plot training cost pylab.figure() pylab.plot(range(NO_ITERS), train_cost) pylab.xlabel('epochs') pylab.ylabel('training cost') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'project_2a_train.png')) # pick a random image ind = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2000) conv_1, pool_1, conv_2, pool_2 = test(test_x[ind:ind + 1, :]) # show input image pylab.figure() pylab.gray() pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(test_x[ind, :].reshape(28, 28)) pylab.title('input image') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'img_input.png')) # show convolved and pooled feature maps pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in range(15): pylab.subplot(3, 5, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(conv_1[0, i, :].reshape(20, 20)) pylab.suptitle('layer 1 convolved feature maps') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'img_conv_1.png')) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in range(15): pylab.subplot(3, 5, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(pool_1[0, i, :].reshape(10, 10)) pylab.suptitle('layer 1 pooled feature maps') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'img_pooled_1.png')) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in range(20): pylab.subplot(4, 5, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(conv_2[0, i, :].reshape(6, 6)) pylab.suptitle('layer 2 convolved feature maps') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'img_conv_2.png')) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in range(20): pylab.subplot(4, 5, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(pool_2[0, i, :].reshape(3, 3)) pylab.suptitle('layer 2 pooled feature maps') pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'img_pooled_2.png'))
def main(): ''' Runs the deblender and creates plots for the "design document", doc/design.tex. See the file NOTES for how to get set up to the point where you can actually run this on data. ''' from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('--root', dest='root', help='Root directory for Subaru data') parser.add_option('--outroot', '-o', dest='outroot', help='Output root directory for Subaru data') parser.add_option('--sources', help='Read a FITS table of sources') parser.add_option('--calexp', help='Read a FITS calexp') parser.add_option('--psf', help='Read a FITS PSF') parser.add_option('--drill', '-D', dest='drill', action='append', type=str, default=[], help='Drill down on individual source IDs') parser.add_option( '--drillxy', dest='drillxy', action='append', type=str, default=[], help='Drill down on individual source positions, eg 132,46;54,67') parser.add_option('--visit', dest='visit', type=int, default=108792, help='Suprimecam visit id') parser.add_option('--ccd', dest='ccd', type=int, default=5, help='Suprimecam CCD number') parser.add_option('--prefix', dest='prefix', default='design-', help='plot filename prefix') parser.add_option('--suffix', dest='suffix', default=None, help='plot filename suffix (default: ".png")') parser.add_option( '--pat', dest='pat', help= 'Plot filename pattern: eg, "design-%(pid)04i-%(name).png"; overrides --prefix and --suffix' ) parser.add_option('--pdf', dest='pdf', action='store_true', default=False, help='save in PDF format?') parser.add_option('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true') parser.add_option('--figw', dest='figw', type=float, help='Figure window width (inches)', default=4.) parser.add_option('--figh', dest='figh', type=float, help='Figure window height (inches)', default=4.) parser.add_option('--order', dest='order', type=str, help='Child order: eg 3,0,1,2') parser.add_option('--sdss', dest='sec', action='store_const', const='sdss', help='Produce plots for the SDSS section.') parser.add_option('--mono', dest='sec', action='store_const', const='mono', help='Produce plots for the "monotonic" section.') parser.add_option('--median', dest='sec', action='store_const', const='median', help='Produce plots for the "median filter" section.') parser.add_option('--ramp', dest='sec', action='store_const', const='ramp', help='Produce plots for the "ramp edges" section.') parser.add_option( '--ramp2', dest='sec', action='store_const', const='ramp2', help='Produce plots for the "ramp edges + stray flux" section.') parser.add_option('--patch', dest='sec', action='store_const', const='patch', help='Produce plots for the "patch edges" section.') opt, args = parser.parse_args() # Logging if opt.verbose: lsst.log.setLevel('', lsst.log.DEBUG) else: lsst.log.setLevel('', lsst.log.INFO) if opt.sec is None: opt.sec = 'sdss' if opt.pdf: if opt.suffix is None: opt.suffix = '' opt.suffix += '.pdf' if not opt.suffix: opt.suffix = '.png' if opt.pat: plotpattern = opt.pat else: plotpattern = opt.prefix + '%(pid)04i-%(name)s' + opt.suffix if opt.order is not None: opt.order = [int(x) for x in opt.order.split(',')] invorder = np.zeros(len(opt.order)) invorder[opt.order] = np.arange(len(opt.order)) def mapchild(i): if opt.order is None: return i return invorder[i] def savefig(pid, figname): fn = plotpattern % dict(pid=pid, name=figname) plt.savefig(fn) # Load data using the butler, if desired dr = None if opt.sources is None or opt.calexp is None: print('Creating DataRef...') dr = getSuprimeDataref(opt.visit, opt.ccd, rootdir=opt.root, outrootdir=opt.outroot) print('Got', dr) # Which parent ids / deblend families are we going to plot? keepids = None if len(opt.drill): keepids = [] for d in opt.drill: for dd in d.split(','): keepids.append(int(dd)) print('Keeping parent ids', keepids) keepxys = None if len(opt.drillxy): keepxys = [] for d in opt.drillxy: for dd in d.split(';'): xy = dd.split(',') assert (len(xy) == 2) keepxys.append((int(xy[0]), int(xy[1]))) print('Keeping parents at xy', keepxys) # Read from butler or local file cat = readCatalog(opt.sources, None, dataref=dr, keepids=keepids, keepxys=keepxys, patargs=dict(visit=opt.visit, ccd=opt.ccd)) print('Got', len(cat), 'sources') # Load data from butler or local files if opt.calexp is not None: print('Reading exposure from', opt.calexp) exposure = afwImage.ExposureF(opt.calexp) else: exposure = dr.get('calexp') print('Exposure', exposure) mi = exposure.getMaskedImage() if opt.psf is not None: print('Reading PSF from', opt.psf) psf = afwDet.Psf.readFits(opt.psf) print('Got', psf) elif dr: psf = dr.get('psf') else: psf = exposure.getPsf() sigma1 = get_sigma1(mi) fams = getFamilies(cat) print(len(fams), 'deblend families') if False: for j, (parent, children) in enumerate(fams): print('parent', parent) print('children', children) plotDeblendFamily(mi, parent, children, cat, sigma1, ellipses=False) fn = '%04i.png' % parent.getId() plt.savefig(fn) print('wrote', fn) def nlmap(X): return np.arcsinh(X / (3. * sigma1)) def myimshow(im, **kwargs): kwargs = kwargs.copy() mn = kwargs.get('vmin', -5 * sigma1) kwargs['vmin'] = nlmap(mn) mx = kwargs.get('vmax', 100 * sigma1) kwargs['vmax'] = nlmap(mx) plt.imshow(nlmap(im), **kwargs) plt.figure(figsize=(opt.figw, opt.figh)) plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, right=0.99, bottom=0.01, top=0.99, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.1) # Make plots for each deblend family. for j, (parent, children) in enumerate(fams): print('parent', parent.getId()) print('children', [ch.getId() for ch in children]) print('parent x,y', parent.getX(), parent.getY()) pid = parent.getId() fp = parent.getFootprint() bb = fp.getBBox() pim = footprintToImage(parent.getFootprint(), mi).getArray() pext = getExtent(bb) imargs = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmax=pim.max() * 0.95, vmin=-3. * sigma1) pksty = dict(linestyle='None', marker='+', color='r', mew=3, ms=20, alpha=0.6) plt.clf() myimshow(afwImage.ImageF(mi.getImage(), bb).getArray(), **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) savefig(pid, 'image') # Parent footprint plt.clf() myimshow(pim, extent=pext, **imargs) plt.gray() pks = fp.getPeaks() plt.plot([pk.getIx() for pk in pks], [pk.getIy() for pk in pks], **pksty) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'parent') from lsst.meas.deblender.baseline import deblend xc = int((bb.getMinX() + bb.getMaxX()) / 2.) yc = int((bb.getMinY() + bb.getMaxY()) / 2.) if hasattr(psf, 'getFwhm'): psf_fwhm = psf.getFwhm(xc, yc) else: psf_fwhm = psf.computeShape().getDeterminantRadius() * 2.35 # Each section of the design doc runs the deblender with different args. kwargs = dict(sigma1=sigma1, verbose=opt.verbose, getTemplateSum=True) basic = kwargs.copy() basic.update(fit_psfs=False, median_smooth_template=False, monotonic_template=False, lstsq_weight_templates=False, assignStrayFlux=False, rampFluxAtEdge=False, patchEdges=False) if opt.sec == 'sdss': # SDSS intro kwargs = basic kwargs.update(lstsq_weight_templates=True) elif opt.sec == 'mono': kwargs = basic kwargs.update(lstsq_weight_templates=True, monotonic_template=True) elif opt.sec == 'median': kwargs = basic kwargs.update(lstsq_weight_templates=True, median_smooth_template=True, monotonic_template=True) elif opt.sec == 'ramp': kwargs = basic kwargs.update(median_smooth_template=True, monotonic_template=True, rampFluxAtEdge=True) elif opt.sec == 'ramp2': kwargs = basic kwargs.update(median_smooth_template=True, monotonic_template=True, rampFluxAtEdge=True, assignStrayFlux=True) elif opt.sec == 'patch': kwargs = basic kwargs.update(median_smooth_template=True, monotonic_template=True, patchEdges=True) else: raise 'Unknown section: "%s"' % opt.sec print('Running deblender with kwargs:', kwargs) res = deblend(fp, mi, psf, psf_fwhm, **kwargs) # print('got result with', [x for x in dir(res) if not x.startswith('__')]) # for pk in res.peaks: # print('got peak with', [x for x in dir(pk) if not x.startswith('__')]) # print(' deblend as psf?', pk.deblend_as_psf) # Find bounding-box of all templates. tbb = fp.getBBox() for pkres, pk in zip(res.peaks, pks): tbb.include(pkres.template_foot.getBBox()) print('Bounding-box of all templates:', tbb) # Sum-of-templates plot tsum = np.zeros((tbb.getHeight(), tbb.getWidth())) tx0, ty0 = tbb.getMinX(), tbb.getMinY() # Sum-of-deblended children plot(s) # "heavy" bbox == template bbox. hsum = np.zeros((tbb.getHeight(), tbb.getWidth())) hsum2 = np.zeros((tbb.getHeight(), tbb.getWidth())) # Sum of templates from the deblender itself plt.clf() t = res.templateSum myimshow(t.getArray(), extent=getExtent(t.getBBox()), **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) savefig(pid, 'tsum1') # Make plots for each deblended child (peak) k = 0 for pkres, pk in zip(res.peaks, pks): heavy = pkres.get_flux_portion() if heavy is None: print('Child has no HeavyFootprint -- skipping') continue kk = mapchild(k) w = pkres.template_weight cfp = pkres.template_foot cbb = cfp.getBBox() cext = getExtent(cbb) # Template image tim = pkres.template_mimg.getImage() timext = cext tim = tim.getArray() (x0, x1, y0, y1) = timext print('tim ext', timext) tsum[y0 - ty0:y1 - ty0, x0 - tx0:x1 - tx0] += tim # "Heavy" image -- flux assigned to child him = footprintToImage(heavy).getArray() hext = getExtent(heavy.getBBox()) (x0, x1, y0, y1) = hext hsum[y0 - ty0:y1 - ty0, x0 - tx0:x1 - tx0] += him # "Heavy" without stray flux h2 = pkres.get_flux_portion(strayFlux=False) him2 = footprintToImage(h2).getArray() hext2 = getExtent(h2.getBBox()) (x0, x1, y0, y1) = hext2 hsum2[y0 - ty0:y1 - ty0, x0 - tx0:x1 - tx0] += him2 if opt.sec == 'median': try: med = pkres.median_filtered_template except Exception: med = pkres.orig_template for im, nm in [(pkres.orig_template, 'symm'), (med, 'med')]: # print('im:', im) plt.clf() myimshow(im.getArray(), extent=cext, **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, nm + '%i' % (kk)) # Template plt.clf() myimshow(pkres.template_mimg.getImage().getArray() / w, extent=cext, **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 't%i' % (kk)) # Weighted template plt.clf() myimshow(tim, extent=cext, **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'tw%i' % (kk)) # "Heavy" plt.clf() myimshow(him, extent=hext, **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'h%i' % (kk)) # Original symmetric template plt.clf() t = pkres.orig_template foot = pkres.orig_foot myimshow(t.getArray(), extent=getExtent(foot.getBBox()), **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'o%i' % (kk)) if opt.sec == 'patch' and pkres.patched: pass if opt.sec in ['ramp', 'ramp2'] and pkres.has_ramped_template: # Ramped template plt.clf() t = pkres.ramped_template myimshow(t.getArray(), extent=getExtent(t.getBBox()), **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'r%i' % (kk)) # Median-filtered template plt.clf() t = pkres.median_filtered_template myimshow(t.getArray(), extent=getExtent(t.getBBox()), **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'med%i' % (kk)) # Assigned flux plt.clf() t = pkres.portion_mimg.getImage() myimshow(t.getArray(), extent=getExtent(t.getBBox()), **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'p%i' % (kk)) if opt.sec == 'ramp2': # stray flux if pkres.stray_flux is not None: s = pkres.stray_flux strayim = footprintToImage(s).getArray() strayext = getExtent(s.getBBox()) plt.clf() myimshow(strayim, extent=strayext, **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 's%i' % (kk)) # Assigned flux, omitting stray flux. plt.clf() myimshow(him2, extent=hext2, **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'hb%i' % (kk)) k += 1 # sum of templates plt.clf() myimshow(tsum, extent=getExtent(tbb), **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx() for pk in pks], [pk.getIy() for pk in pks], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'tsum') # sum of assigned flux plt.clf() myimshow(hsum, extent=getExtent(tbb), **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx() for pk in pks], [pk.getIy() for pk in pks], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'hsum') plt.clf() myimshow(hsum2, extent=getExtent(tbb), **imargs) plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx() for pk in pks], [pk.getIy() for pk in pks], **pksty) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'hsum2') k = 0 for pkres, pk in zip(res.peaks, pks): heavy = pkres.get_flux_portion() if heavy is None: continue print('Template footprint:', pkres.template_foot.getBBox()) print('Template img:', pkres.template_mimg.getBBox()) print('Heavy footprint:', heavy.getBBox()) cfp = pkres.template_foot cbb = cfp.getBBox() cext = getExtent(cbb) tim = pkres.template_mimg.getImage().getArray() (x0, x1, y0, y1) = cext frac = tim / tsum[y0 - ty0:y1 - ty0, x0 - tx0:x1 - tx0] msk = afwImage.ImageF(cbb.getWidth(), cbb.getHeight()) msk.setXY0(cbb.getMinX(), cbb.getMinY()) afwDet.setImageFromFootprint(msk, cfp, 1.) msk = msk.getArray() frac[msk == 0.] = np.nan # Fraction of flux assigned to this child. plt.clf() plt.imshow(frac, extent=cext, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1) # plt.plot([x0,x0,x1,x1,x0], [y0,y1,y1,y0,y0], 'k-') plt.gray() plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.plot([pk.getIx()], [pk.getIy()], **pksty) plt.gca().set_axis_bgcolor((0.9, 0.9, 0.5)) plt.axis(pext) savefig(pid, 'f%i' % (mapchild(k))) k += 1
def main(): # Import data mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('../data/mnist', one_hot=True) trainX, trainY = mnist.train.images[:12000], mnist.train.labels[:12000] testX, testY = mnist.test.images[:2000], mnist.test.labels[:2000] # Create the model x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784]) # Define loss and optimizer y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10]) # Build the graph for the deep net W_conv1, h_conv1, h_pool1, h_conv2, h_pool2, y_conv, keep_prob = cnn(x) cross_entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_, logits=y_conv) cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy) train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(1e-3).minimize( cross_entropy) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1)) correct_prediction = tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(correct_prediction) N = len(trainX) idx = np.arange(N) with tf.Session() as sess: test_acc = [] for i in range(no_epochs): np.random.shuffle(idx) trainX, trainY = trainX[idx], trainY[idx] for start, end in zip(range(0, N, batch_size), range(batch_size, N, batch_size)):{ x: trainX[start:end], y_: trainY[start:end], keep_prob: 0.5 }) test_acc.append( accuracy.eval(feed_dict={ x: testX, y_: testY, keep_prob: 1.0 })) print('iter %d: test accuracy %g' % (i, test_acc[i])) pylab.figure() pylab.plot(np.arange(no_epochs), test_acc, label='gradient descent') pylab.xlabel('epochs') pylab.ylabel('test accuracy') pylab.legend(loc='lower right') pylab.savefig('./figures/7.3_1.png') W_conv1_ = W_conv1_ = np.array(W_conv1_) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in range(32): pylab.subplot(8, 4, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(W_conv1_[:, :, 0, i]) pylab.savefig('./figures/7.3_2.png') ind = np.random.randint(low=0, high=55000) X = mnist.train.images[ind, :] pylab.figure() pylab.gray() pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(X.reshape(28, 28)) pylab.savefig('./figures/7.3_3.png') h_conv1_, h_pool1_, h_conv2_, h_pool2_ = [h_conv1, h_pool1, h_conv2, h_pool2], {x: X.reshape(1, 784)}) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() h_conv1_ = np.array(h_conv1_) for i in range(32): pylab.subplot(4, 8, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(h_conv1_[0, :, :, i]) pylab.savefig('./figures/7.3_4.png') pylab.figure() pylab.gray() h_pool1_ = np.array(h_pool1_) for i in range(32): pylab.subplot(4, 8, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(h_pool1_[0, :, :, i]) pylab.savefig('./figures/7.3_5.png') pylab.figure() pylab.gray() h_conv2_ = np.array(h_conv2_) for i in range(64): pylab.subplot(8, 8, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(h_conv2_[0, :, :, i]) pylab.savefig('figures/7.3_6.png') pylab.figure() pylab.gray() h_pool2_ = np.array(h_pool2_) for i in range(64): pylab.subplot(8, 8, i + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(h_pool2_[0, :, :, i]) pylab.savefig('./figures/7.3_7.png')
def plot(scorelists, output, qrange=0.1, labels=None, publish=False, ylim=0.0): linestyle = ['-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'] linecolors = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.8, 0.4, 0.0), (0.0, 0.45, 0.70), (0.8, 0.6, 0.7), (0.0, 0.6, 0.5), (0.9, 0.6, 0.0), (0.95, 0.9, 0.25), (0.35, 0.7, 0.9), (0.43, 0.17, 0.60)] # linestyle = [ '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '--', '-', '-', '-' ] # linecolors = [ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # (0.8, 0.4, 0.0), # (0.35, 0.7, 0.9), # (0.8, 0.6, 0.7), # (0.0, 0.6, 0.5), # (0.9, 0.6, 0.0), # (0.95, 0.9, 0.25), # (0.35, 0.7, 0.9), # (0.43, 0.17, 0.60)] if publish: matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 14 matplotlib.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 20 matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 24 matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 24 matplotlib.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 22 xlabel = 'q-value' ylabel = 'Significant PSMs' pylab.clf() pylab.xlabel(xlabel) pylab.ylabel(ylabel) pylab.gray() h = -1 for i, (q, p) in enumerate(scorelists): h = max(itertools.chain([h], (b for a, b in zip(q, p) if a <= qrange))) pylab.plot(q, p, color=linecolors[i], linewidth=2, linestyle=linestyle[i]) # if publish: # yt, _ = pylab.yticks() # if all(v % 1000 == 0 for v in yt): # # yl = list('$%d$' % int(v/1000) for v in yt) # yl = [] # ytt = [] # for v in yt: # if v < h: # print(v) # print(float(v)/float(1000)) # yl.append('$%f$' % float(v)/float(1000)) # ytt.append(v) # pylab.yticks(ytt, yl) # pylab.ylabel(ylabel + ' (in 1000\'s)') pylab.xlim([0, qrange]) pylab.ylim([ylim, h]) pylab.legend(labels, loc='lower right', fontsize=20) print("Evaluated %d methods, saving plot to %s" % (len(labels), output)) pylab.savefig(output, bbox_inches='tight')
def main(): trainX, trainY = load_data('data_batch_1') print(trainX.shape, trainY.shape) testX, testY = load_data('test_batch_trim') print(testX.shape, testY.shape) #Scaling the data testX = (testX - np.min(trainX, axis = 0))/np.max(trainX, axis = 0) trainX = (trainX - np.min(trainX, axis = 0))/np.max(trainX, axis = 0) # Create the model x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, IMG_SIZE*IMG_SIZE*NUM_CHANNELS]) y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, NUM_CLASSES]) c1,p1,c2,p2,logits = cnn(x) cross_entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(labels=y_, logits=logits) loss = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy) train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1)) correct_prediction = tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(correct_prediction) N = len(trainX) idx = np.arange(N) with tf.Session() as sess: test_acc = [] training_loss =[] for e in range(epochs): np.random.shuffle(idx) trainX, trainY = trainX[idx], trainY[idx] for start, end in zip(range(0, N, batch_size), range(batch_size, N, batch_size)):{x: trainX[start:end], y_: trainY[start:end]}) training_loss.append(loss.eval(feed_dict={x: trainX, y_: trainY})) test_acc.append(accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: testX, y_: testY})) #_, loss_ =[train_step, loss], {x: trainX, y_: trainY}) print('epoch', e, 'entropy', training_loss[e], 'test accuracy', test_acc[e]) test1 = testX[0] test2 = testX[1] plt.figure(1) plt.plot(range(epochs), test_acc) plt.ylabel('Test Accuracy') plt.xlabel('Number of iterations') plt.savefig('./A1-Test_accuracy.png') plt.figure(2) plt.plot(range(epochs), training_loss) plt.xlabel('Number of iterations') plt.ylabel('Training Loss') plt.savefig('./A1-Training_loss.png') h_conv1_, h_pool1_, h_conv2_, h_pool2_ =[c1, p1, c2, p2],{x: test1.reshape(1,3072)}) plt.figure(3) plt.gray() plt.imshow(test1.reshape(32,32,3)) plt.savefig('./A1-test1-original.png') plt.figure(4) plt.gray() for i in range(50): plt.subplot(10, 5, i+1); plt.axis('off'); plt.imshow(h_conv1_[0,:,:,i]) plt.savefig('./A1-test1-c1.png') plt.figure(5) plt.gray() for i in range(50): plt.subplot(10, 5, i+1); plt.axis('off'); plt.imshow(h_pool1_[0,:,:,i]) plt.savefig('./A1-test1-p1.png') plt.figure(6) plt.gray() for i in range(60): plt.subplot(10, 6, i+1); plt.axis('off'); plt.imshow(h_conv2_[0,:,:,i]) plt.savefig('./A1-test1-c2.png') plt.figure(7) plt.gray() for i in range(60): plt.subplot(10, 6, i+1); plt.axis('off'); plt.imshow(h_pool2_[0,:,:,i]) plt.savefig('./A1-test1-p2.png') h_conv1_, h_pool1_, h_conv2_, h_pool2_ =[c1, p1, c2, p2],{x: test2.reshape(1,3072)}) plt.figure(8) plt.gray() plt.imshow(test2.reshape(32,32,3)) plt.savefig('./A1-test2-original.png') plt.figure(9) plt.gray() for i in range(50): plt.subplot(10, 5, i+1); plt.axis('off'); plt.imshow(h_conv1_[0,:,:,i]) plt.savefig('./A1-test2-c1.png') plt.figure(10) plt.gray() for i in range(50): plt.subplot(10, 5, i+1); plt.axis('off'); plt.imshow(h_pool1_[0,:,:,i]) plt.savefig('./A1-test2-p1.png') plt.figure(11) plt.gray() for i in range(60): plt.subplot(10, 6, i+1); plt.axis('off'); plt.imshow(h_conv2_[0,:,:,i]) plt.savefig('./A1-test2-c2.png') plt.figure(12) plt.gray() for i in range(60): plt.subplot(10, 6, i+1); plt.axis('off'); plt.imshow(h_pool2_[0,:,:,i]) plt.savefig('./A1-test2-p2.png')
def main(n_doc=100): # Generate toy dataset datagen = LdaDataGenerator(n_topic=10, alpha=0.5) n_DxV, p_DxK = (), () for d in xrange(n_doc): n_V, p_K = datagen.generate_document(n_word=100) n_DxV += n_V, p_DxK += p_K, n_DxV = np.array(n_DxV) p_DxK = np.array(p_DxK) # Init LDA learner lda = LatentDirichletAllocationGibbsSampler(n_topic=datagen.n_topic, alpha=1.0, beta=1.0, n_itr=100) # Define callback method pl.ion() pl.figure('Word topic dist.') def lda_monitoring(lda, itr): if itr != 0 and (itr % 10 != 0) and itr != lda.n_itr - 1: return phi_KxV = lda.get_word_topic_distribution() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2) pl.subplot(gs[0]) pl.title('True') visualize_squared_shape_word_dist(datagen.phi_KxV) pl.subplot(gs[1]) pl.title('Inferred at %d' % itr) visualize_squared_shape_word_dist(phi_KxV) pl.draw() # Infer, monitoring=lda_monitoring) # Show document topic distribution theta_KxD = lda.get_document_topic_distribution() # Find correspondence between true topics and inferred ones dist_KxK = (p_DxK.T**2).sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] \ - 2 *, theta_KxD.T) \ + (theta_KxD.T**2).sum(axis=0)[np.newaxis] corr_K = dist_KxK.argmin(axis=1) pl.figure('Topic dist. of training documents') pl.subplot(211) pl.title('true p(z|d)') pl.imshow(p_DxK.T, interpolation='none', cmap=pl.gray()) pl.subplot(212) pl.title('inferred p(z|theta_d)') pl.imshow(theta_KxD[corr_K, :], interpolation='none', cmap=pl.gray()) # Generate unseen documents n_us_DxV, p_us_DxK = (), () for d in xrange(20): n_V, p_K = datagen.generate_document(n_word=100) n_us_DxV += n_V, p_us_DxK += p_K, n_us_DxV = np.array(n_us_DxV) p_us_DxK = np.array(p_us_DxK) # Infer unseen documents with trained model theta_us_KxD = lda.infer_unseen_document(n_us_DxV) # Show topic distributions of unseen documents pl.ioff() pl.figure('Topic dist. of unseen documents') pl.subplot(211) pl.title('true p(z|d)') pl.imshow(p_us_DxK.T, interpolation='none', cmap=pl.gray()) pl.subplot(212) pl.title('inferred p(z|theta_d)') pl.imshow(theta_us_KxD[corr_K], interpolation='none', cmap=pl.gray())
def train(self): class_mode = 'grayscale' if self.channels == 1 else 'rgb' train_set, test_set = prepare_dataset(input_size=(self.img_shape[0], self.img_shape[1]), train_dir=self.train_dir, test_dir=self.test_dir, train_batch_size=self.train_batch_size, test_batch_size=self.test_batch_size, class_mode='input', color_mode=class_mode ) self.Conv_AutoEncoder.fit_generator(train_set, epochs=self.epochs, validation_data=test_set) ''' for step, real_img in enumerate(train_set): loss = self.Conv_AutoEncoder.train_on_batch(real_img, real_img) ''' fig = plt.figure() for i in range(10): img, _ = re_img = self.Conv_AutoEncoder.predict(np.expand_dims(img[0], 0)) print(img[0].shape) if self.channels == 1: fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(img[0].squeeze(axis=2), cmap=pylab.gray()) fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(re_img.squeeze(axis=(0, 3)), cmap=pylab.gray()) else: fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(img[0]) fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(re_img.squeeze(axis=0)) plt.savefig("CAE_result_{}png.".format(str(i))) plt.pause(1) print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
def gendata(enable, os, downsample, textid=None, seed=2313, verbose=False): """ Generate the MNIST+ dataset. :param enable: dictionary of flags with keys ['texture', 'azimuth', 'rotation', 'elevation'] to enable/disable a given factor of variation. :param textid: if enable['texture'], id number of the Brodatz texture to load. If textid is None, we load a random texture for each MNIST image. :param os: output size (width and height) of MNIST+ images. :param downsample: factor by which to downsample texture. :param seed: integer for seeding RNG. :param verbose: bool """ rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) data = mnist.MNIST('train') test = mnist.MNIST('test') data.X = numpy.vstack((data.X, test.X)) data.y = numpy.hstack((data.y, test.y)) del test output = {} output['data'] = numpy.zeros((len(data.X), os * os)) output['label'] = numpy.zeros(len(data.y)) if enable['azimuth']: output['azimuth'] = numpy.zeros(len(data.y)) if enable['elevation']: output['elevation'] = numpy.zeros(len(data.y)) if enable['rotation']: output['rotation'] = numpy.zeros(len(data.y)) if enable['texture']: output['texture_id'] = numpy.zeros(len(data.y)) output['texture_pos'] = numpy.zeros((len(data.y), 2)) for i in xrange(len(data.X)): # get MNIST image frgd_img = to_img(data.X[i], 28) frgd_img = frgd_img.convert('L') if enable['rotation']: rot = rng.randint(0, 360) output['rotation'][i] = rot frgd_img = frgd_img.rotate(rot, Image.BILINEAR) frgd_img = frgd_img.resize((os, os), Image.BILINEAR) if enable['texture']: if textid is None: # extract patch from texture database. Note that texture #14 # does not exist. textid = 14 while textid == 14: textid = rng.randint(1, 113) patch_img, (px, py) = extract_patch(textid, os, downsample) patch_arr = to_array(patch_img) # store output details output['texture_id'][i] = textid output['texture_pos'][i] = (px, py) # generate binary mask for digit outline frgd_arr = to_array(frgd_img) mask_arr = frgd_arr > 0.1 # copy contents of masked-MNIST image into background texture blend_arr = copy(patch_arr) blend_arr[mask_arr] = frgd_arr[mask_arr] # this now because the image to emboss frgd_img = to_img(blend_arr, os) azi = 45 if enable['azimuth']: azi = rng.randint(0, 360) output['azimuth'][i] = azi ele = 18. if enable['elevation']: ele = rng.randint(0, 60) output['elevation'][i] = ele mboss_img = emboss(frgd_img, azi=azi, ele=ele) mboss_arr = to_array(mboss_img) output['data'][i] = mboss_arr output['label'][i] = data.y[i] if verbose: pl.imshow(mboss_arr.reshape(os, os)) pl.gray() fname = 'mnistplus' if enable['azimuth']: fname += "_azi" if enable['rotation']: fname += "_rot" if enable['texture']: fname += "_tex" fp = open(fname + '.pkl', 'w') pickle.dump(output, fp, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) fp.close()
############################################################################### results_df = single_snp(variants_maf5_lines_filtered, phenotypes_online, leave_out_one_chrom=False, output_file_name='Test-Fast-Lmm') import pylab import fastlmm.util.util as flutil flutil.manhattan_plot(results_df.as_matrix(["Chr", "ChrPos", "PValue"]), pvalue_line=1e-5, xaxis_unit_bp=False) from fastlmm.util.stats import plotp plotp.qqplot(results_df["PValue"].values, xlim=[0, 5], ylim=[0, 5]) # print head of results data frame import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) results_df.head(n=10) results_df.to_csv( '../Outputs/Fast-Lmm-Outputs/Quality-Control-Tergite-Online-Adjusted-Phenotype-Leave-False.txt', sep='\t') from pysnptools.standardizer import Unit from fastlmm.inference.fastlmm_predictor import _snps_fixup, _pheno_fixup, _kernel_fixup, _SnpTrainTest test_snps = _snps_fixup(test_snps) K_causal = test_snps.read_kernel(Unit()).standardize() pylab.imshow(K_causal.val, cmap=pylab.gray(), vmin=0, vmax=1)
def __init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name): self._init_ctrls(parent) ##Create a matplotlib figure/canvas in this panel ##the background colour will be the same as the panel ##the size will also be the same as the panel ##calculate size in inches pixels_width, pixels_height = self.GetSizeTuple() self.dpi = 96.0 inches_width = pixels_width / self.dpi inches_height = pixels_height / self.dpi ##calculate colour in RGB 0 to 1 colour = self.GetBackgroundColour() self.fig = Figure(figsize=(inches_width,inches_height), dpi = self.dpi\ ,facecolor=(colour.Red()/255.0, colour.Green()/255.0, colour.Blue()/255.0)\ ,edgecolor=(colour.Red()/255.0, colour.Green()/255.0, colour.Blue()/255.0)) ##left : the left side of the subplots of the figure ## | right : the right side of the subplots of the figure ## | bottom : the bottom of the subplots of the figure ## | top : the top of the subplots of the figure ## | wspace : the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots ## | hspace : the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots ## | self.canvas = FigureCanvasWxAgg(self, -1, self.fig) ##now put everything in a sizer sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # This way of adding to sizer allows resizing sizer.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.GROW) self.SetSizer(sizer) self.Fit() ##now finally create the actual plot ##self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.axes = self.fig.add_axes( (0.08, 0.08, 0.90, 0.85)) ##left,bottom,width,height self.naohistoryplot = self.axes.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], 'r', animated=True) self.naohistoryx = list() self.naohistoryy = list() self.positionmeasurementplot = self.axes.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], 'blue', marker='o', markersize=5, linewidth=0, markeredgewidth=0, animated=True) self.orientationmeasurementplot = self.axes.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], 'blue', linewidth=2, animated=True) self.shapeplot = self.axes.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], 'blue', marker='o', markersize=2, linewidth=0, markeredgewidth=0, animated=True) self.estimateplot = self.axes.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], 'red', linewidth=2, animated=True) self.particleplot = self.axes.quiver([0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [0.5, -0.5], [1, 1], cmap=pylab.gray(), animated=True) ##plot formatting self.axes.set_title('Nao Image', fontsize='10') self.axes.set_xlabel('y (cm)', fontsize='10') self.axes.set_ylabel('x (cm)', fontsize='10') ticks = numpy.arange(-25, 25 + 5, 5) labels = [str(tick) for tick in ticks] self.axes.set_yticks(ticks) self.axes.set_yticklabels(labels, fontsize=8) self.axes.set_ylim(ticks[0], ticks[-1]) ticks = -numpy.arange(-50, 50 + 5, 5) labels = [str(tick) for tick in ticks] self.axes.set_xticks(ticks) self.axes.set_xticklabels(labels, fontsize=8) self.axes.set_xlim(ticks[0], ticks[-1]) self.canvas.draw() self.canvas.gui_repaint() # save the clean slate background -- everything but the animated line # is drawn and saved in the pixel buffer background self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox)
def __init__(self, dfore, bw): self.dfore = dfore = bw def sub_bg(self, frame): return (self.dfore[frame],[frame]) bg = BG(dfore, bw) hind = hindsight.Hindsight(tracks, bg) hind.initialize_milestones() print 'milestones: ' print hind.milestones print 'tracks: ' print tracks for t in range(2, len(tracks)): hind.fixerrors(t) mpl.gray() for t in range(len(tracks)): mpl.imshow(bw[t]) for [id, e] in tracks[t].iteritems(): drawellipse(e, colors[id]) mpl.axis('tight') mpl.title('Frame %d' % t)
def run(self, fname, i): print_info("# %s" % (fname)) print_info("=== %s %-3d" % (fname, i)) raw = ocrolib.read_image_gray(fname) self.dshow(raw, "input") # perform image normalization image = raw - amin(raw) if amax(image) == amin(image): print_info("# image is empty: %s" % (fname)) return image /= amax(image) if not self.param['nocheck']: check = self.check_page(amax(image) - image) if check is not None: print_error(fname + " SKIPPED. " + check + " (use -n to disable this check)") return # check whether the image is already effectively binarized if self.param['gray']: extreme = 0 else: extreme = (np.sum(image < 0.05) + np.sum(image > 0.95)) * 1.0 / if extreme > 0.95: comment = "no-normalization" flat = image else: comment = "" # if not, we need to flatten it by estimating the local whitelevel print_info("flattening") m = interpolation.zoom(image, self.param['zoom']) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, self.param['perc'], size=(self.param['range'], 2)) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, self.param['perc'], size=(2, self.param['range'])) m = interpolation.zoom(m, 1.0 / self.param['zoom']) if self.param['debug'] > 0: clf() imshow(m, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.param['debug']) w, h = minimum(array(image.shape), array(m.shape)) flat = clip(image[:w, :h] - m[:w, :h] + 1, 0, 1) if self.param['debug'] > 0: clf() imshow(flat, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.param['debug']) # estimate low and high thresholds print_info("estimating thresholds") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(self.param['bignore'] * d0), int(self.param['bignore'] * d1) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] if self.param['escale'] > 0: # by default, we use only regions that contain # significant variance; this makes the percentile # based low and high estimates more reliable e = self.param['escale'] v = est - filters.gaussian_filter(est, e * 20.0) v = filters.gaussian_filter(v**2, e * 20.0)**0.5 v = (v > 0.3 * amax(v)) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((int(e * 50), 1))) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((1, int(e * 50)))) if self.param['debug'] > 0: imshow(v) ginput(1, self.param['debug']) est = est[v] lo = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), self.param['lo']) hi = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), self.param['hi']) # rescale the image to get the gray scale image print_info("rescaling") flat -= lo flat /= (hi - lo) flat = clip(flat, 0, 1) if self.param['debug'] > 0: imshow(flat, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.param['debug']) binarized = 1 * (flat > self.param['threshold']) # output the normalized grayscale and the thresholded images #print_info("%s lo-hi (%.2f %.2f) angle %4.1f %s" % (fname, lo, hi, angle, comment)) print_info("%s lo-hi (%.2f %.2f) %s" % (fname, lo, hi, comment)) print_info("writing") if self.param['debug'] > 0 or self.param['show']: clf() gray() imshow(binarized) ginput(1, max(0.1, self.param['debug'])) base, _ = ocrolib.allsplitext(fname) ocrolib.write_image_binary(base + ".bin.png", binarized) ocrolib.write_image_gray(base + ".nrm.png", flat) # print("########### File path : ", base+".nrm.png") # write_to_xml(base+".bin.png") return base + ".bin.png"
def predict(self, index): pl.gray() pl.matshow([index]) prediction = self.classifier.predict([self.X[index]]) print(f"prediction is => {prediction} ")
def single_test(self, type): shape = np.random.randint(*range2d, size=2) # these rectangles are biased, but that shouldn't matter rect_min = [np.random.randint(0, a) for a in shape] rect_max = [ np.random.randint(rect_min[i] + 1, shape[i] + 1) for i in range(len(shape)) ] if True: #pixsize = 0.5 + np.random.random(size=2) pixsize = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) + np.random.random() origin = 10 * np.random.random(size=2) else: pixsize = (1., 1.) origin = (0., 0.) vg = astra.create_vol_geom(shape[1], shape[0], origin[0] - 0.5 * shape[0] * pixsize[0], origin[0] + 0.5 * shape[0] * pixsize[0], origin[1] - 0.5 * shape[1] * pixsize[1], origin[1] + 0.5 * shape[1] * pixsize[1]) #print(vg) if type == 'parallel': pg = gen_random_geometry_parallel() projector_id = astra.create_projector('line', pg, vg) elif type == 'parallel_vec': pg = gen_random_geometry_parallel_vec() projector_id = astra.create_projector('line', pg, vg) elif type == 'fanflat': pg = gen_random_geometry_fanflat() projector_id = astra.create_projector('line_fanflat', pg, vg) elif type == 'fanflat_vec': pg = gen_random_geometry_fanflat_vec() projector_id = astra.create_projector('line_fanflat', pg, vg) data = np.zeros((shape[1], shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) data[rect_min[1]:rect_max[1], rect_min[0]:rect_max[0]] = 1 sinogram_id, sinogram = astra.create_sino(data, projector_id) #print(pg) #print(vg) astra.data2d.delete(sinogram_id) astra.projector.delete(projector_id) a = np.zeros(, dtype=np.float32) b = np.zeros(, dtype=np.float32) c = np.zeros(, dtype=np.float32) i = 0 #print( origin[0] + (-0.5 * shape[0] + rect_min[0]) * pixsize[0], origin[0] + (-0.5 * shape[0] + rect_max[0]) * pixsize[0], origin[1] + (-0.5 * shape[1] + rect_min[1]) * pixsize[1], origin[1] + (-0.5 * shape[1] + rect_max[1]) * pixsize[1]) for src, det in gen_lines(pg): #print(src,det) # NB: Flipped y-axis here, since that is how astra interprets 2D volumes # We compute line intersections with slightly bigger (cw) and # smaller (aw) rectangles, and see if the kernel falls # between these two values. (aw, bw, cw) = intersect_line_rectangle_interval( src, det, origin[0] + (-0.5 * shape[0] + rect_min[0]) * pixsize[0], origin[0] + (-0.5 * shape[0] + rect_max[0]) * pixsize[0], origin[1] + (+0.5 * shape[1] - rect_max[1]) * pixsize[1], origin[1] + (+0.5 * shape[1] - rect_min[1]) * pixsize[1], 1e-3) a[i] = aw b[i] = bw c[i] = cw i += 1 # Add weight for pixel / voxel size try: detweight = pg['DetectorWidth'] except KeyError: detweight = np.sqrt(pg['Vectors'][0, 4] * pg['Vectors'][0, 4] + pg['Vectors'][0, 5] * pg['Vectors'][0, 5]) a *= detweight b *= detweight c *= detweight a = a.reshape(astra.functions.geom_size(pg)) b = b.reshape(astra.functions.geom_size(pg)) c = c.reshape(astra.functions.geom_size(pg)) # Check if sinogram lies between a and c y = np.min(sinogram - a) z = np.min(c - sinogram) x = np.max(np.abs(sinogram - b)) # ideally this is small, but can be large # due to discontinuities in line kernel self.assertFalse(z < 0 or y < 0) if z < 0 or y < 0: print(y, z, x) pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(data) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(sinogram) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(b) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(a) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(c) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(sinogram - a) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(c - sinogram)
def PlotStuff(): files_list, max_list = get_stuff() x = 2 y = 3 INframeW = 1.5 INframeH = 1.5 INgapw = 0.05 * np.ones(x + 1) INgapw[0] = 0.2 INgaph = 0.05 * np.ones(y + 1) INgaph[3] = 0.2 INfig = FigArray(INframeW, INframeH, INgapw, INgaph) (W, H) = INfig.dimensions() plt.figure(1, figsize=(W, H)) plt.text(-0.08, 1.085, "L = 1 pix, C = 5 mag", fontsize=10, rotation=0, color='k') plt.text(0.53, 1.085, "L = 4 pix, C = 2 mag", fontsize=10, rotation=0, color='k') plt.text(-0.15, 1.04, "detector scale model", fontsize=9, rotation=90, color='k') plt.text(-0.15, 0.65, "NIRISS sim observation", fontsize=9, rotation=90, color='k') plt.text(-0.15, 0.25, "NIRCam sim observation", fontsize=9, rotation=90, color='k') plt.axis('off') ctr = 0 for i in range(0, x): for j in range(0, y): disp = files_list[ctr] disp = np.power(disp, PWR) #disp = disp_psf[30:55,30:55] dispmax = max_list[ctr] dispmax = np.power(dispmax, PWR) a = plt.axes(INfig.axes(i + 1, j + 1)) #plt.text(0,1, '%d' %(ctr), fontsize=6, rotation=0, color='w') p = plt.imshow(disp, vmax=dispmax, vmin=0, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest') a.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) a.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) plt.gray() # overrides current and sets default plt.axis("off") ctr += 1 plt.savefig(LOC + STUFF_PLOT, dpi=150)
def _process_segment(self, page_image, page, page_xywh, page_id, input_file, n): raw = ocrolib.pil2array(page_image) if len(raw.shape) > 2: raw = np.mean(raw, 2) raw = raw.astype("float64") # perform image normalization image = raw - amin(raw) if amax(image) == amin(image):"# image is empty: %s" % (page_id)) return image /= amax(image) # check whether the image is already effectively binarized if self.parameter['gray']: extreme = 0 else: extreme = (np.sum(image < 0.05) + np.sum(image > 0.95)) * 1.0 / if extreme > 0.95: comment = "no-normalization" flat = image else: comment = "" # if not, we need to flatten it by estimating the local whitelevel"Flattening") m = interpolation.zoom(image, self.parameter['zoom']) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, self.parameter['perc'], size=(self.parameter['range'], 2)) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, self.parameter['perc'], size=(2, self.parameter['range'])) m = interpolation.zoom(m, 1.0 / self.parameter['zoom']) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: clf() imshow(m, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) w, h = minimum(array(image.shape), array(m.shape)) flat = clip(image[:w, :h] - m[:w, :h] + 1, 0, 1) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: clf() imshow(flat, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) # estimate low and high thresholds"Estimating Thresholds") d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(self.parameter['bignore'] * d0), int( self.parameter['bignore'] * d1) est = flat[o0:d0 - o0, o1:d1 - o1] if self.parameter['escale'] > 0: # by default, we use only regions that contain # significant variance; this makes the percentile # based low and high estimates more reliable e = self.parameter['escale'] v = est - filters.gaussian_filter(est, e * 20.0) v = filters.gaussian_filter(v**2, e * 20.0)**0.5 v = (v > 0.3 * amax(v)) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((int(e * 50), 1))) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=ones((1, int(e * 50)))) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: imshow(v) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) est = est[v] lo = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), self.parameter['lo']) hi = stats.scoreatpercentile(est.ravel(), self.parameter['hi']) # rescale the image to get the gray scale image"Rescaling") flat -= lo flat /= (hi - lo) flat = clip(flat, 0, 1) if self.parameter['debug'] > 0: imshow(flat, vmin=0, vmax=1) ginput(1, self.parameter['debug']) binarized = 1 * (flat > self.parameter['threshold']) # output the normalized grayscale and the thresholded images # print_info("%s lo-hi (%.2f %.2f) angle %4.1f %s" % (fname, lo, hi, angle, comment))"%s lo-hi (%.2f %.2f) %s" % (page_id, lo, hi, comment))"writing") if self.parameter['debug'] > 0 or self.parameter['show']: clf() gray() imshow(binarized) ginput(1, max(0.1, self.parameter['debug'])) page_xywh['features'] += ',binarized' bin_array = array(255 * (binarized > ocrolib.midrange(binarized)), 'B') bin_image = ocrolib.array2pil(bin_array) file_id = input_file.ID.replace(self.input_file_grp, self.image_grp) if file_id == input_file.ID: file_id = concat_padded(self.image_grp, n) file_path = self.workspace.save_image_file( bin_image, file_id, page_id=page_id, file_grp=self.image_grp, force=self.parameter['force']) page.add_AlternativeImage( AlternativeImageType(filename=file_path, comments=page_xywh['features']))
def plot_forecast_area(ttt, model, outputDir, current_labels = None, t_stop=None, BackgroundFile=None, ForeGroundRGBFile=None, labels_dir = '/opt/users/'+getpass.getuser()+'/PyTroll/scripts/labels/', in_msg = None): verbose = True if t_stop is None: t_stop = ttt ylabel = "area" while ttt <= t_stop: yearS, monthS, dayS, hourS, minS = string_date(ttt) if verbose: print("******** read cell properties from shelve") if current_labels is None: yearS, monthS, dayS, hourS, minS = string_date(ttt) filename = 'Labels_%s.shelve'%(yearS+monthS+dayS+hourS+minS) myShelve = labels_all = deepcopy(myShelve['labels']) else: labels_all = deepcopy(current_labels) if verbose: print(labels_all) unique_labels = np.unique(labels_all[labels_all>0]) if verbose: print(("... cells with unique labels: ", unique_labels)) forecasted_labels = {} forecasted_areas = [] at_least_one_cell = False if verbose: print("*** computing history backward (", labels_dir, ")") for interesting_cell in unique_labels: forecasted_labels["ID"+str(interesting_cell)]=[] # calculate backward history for 1 hour and save it in labels_dir ind, area, displacement, time, center = history_backward(ttt, interesting_cell, True, in_msg, ttt-timedelta(hours = 1), labels_dir=labels_dir) #-timedelta(minutes = 10)) # current time, cell_id, backward? time_stop if area is None or len(area)<=1: if verbose: print("new cell or cell with COM outside domain") continue at_least_one_cell = True if len(area)<=3: # if history is too short, use linear extrapolation t, y = future_properties(time, area, ylabel, "linear") else: t, y = future_properties(time, area, ylabel, model) if False: ind1, area1, displacement1, time1, center = history_backward(ttt, interesting_cell, False, ttt+timedelta(hours=1), labels_dir=labels_dir) print("******** computed history forward") t2 = time1 #[::-1] y2 = area1 #[::-1] nx,ny = labels_all.shape #if verbose: # print(nx,ny) label_cell = np.zeros(labels_all.shape) label_cell[labels_all==interesting_cell] = 1 #pickle.dump(label_cell, open("test_label.p", "wb" ) ) #quit() dt = 0 if False: figure_labels(label_cell, outputDir, ttt, dt, area_plot="ccs4", add_name = "_ID"+str(interesting_cell), verbose=verbose) area_current = sum(sum(label_cell)) forecasted_areas.append(area_current) indx = np.where(t==ttt)[0] + 1 if verbose: print("*** compute displacement ") if displacement.shape[1]==2: if len(displacement) == 0: dx = 0 dy = 0 else: try: dx = int(round(displacement[:,0].mean())) dy = int(round(displacement[:,1].mean())) except ValueError: print("VALUE ERROR") print(displacement) quit() print(" computed displacement dx, dy = ", dx, dy) else: print("wrong displacement") quit() labels_in_time={} index_stop = 12 print(("*** calculate forecasts for cell ID"+str(interesting_cell))) if verbose: print("index time area growth") print("----------------------------") for i in range(13): dt += 5 #if verbose: # print("... for time ", dt ,", index ", indx + i) if indx+i >= len(y): index_stop = deepcopy(i) break else: area_new = y[indx+i] area_prev = y[indx+i-1] #if verbose: # print("area px that will be grown ", area_current) # print("area forecasted ", area_new) # print("area forecasted prev ", area_prev) ###growth = sqrt(float(area_new)/float(area_current)) if area_new < 0 or len(area_new)==0 or len(area_prev)==0: if verbose: print("the cell is predicted to disappear") index_stop = deepcopy(i) break growth = sqrt(float(area_new)/float(area_prev)) #if verbose: # print("growing by ", growth) # print("dx ", dx) # print("dy ", dy) if verbose: print((indx + i, dt, area_new, growth)) #figure_labels(label_cell, outputDir, ttt, dt, area_plot="ccs4", add_name = "before") shifted_label = resize_array(label_cell, dx, dy, nx, ny) #figure_labels(shifted_label, outputDir, ttt, dt, area_plot="ccs4", add_name = "before_shifted") #quit() if verbose: print((" after shift ", sum(sum(shifted_label)))) if sum(sum(shifted_label))==0: #the cell is outside the domain break #center of mass before resizing center_before = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(shifted_label) center_before = np.rint(center_before) #if verbose: # print(" after shift ", sum(sum(shifted_label))) resized_label = scipy.misc.imresize(shifted_label,float(growth),'nearest') resized_label[resized_label >0] = 1 temp_label = np.zeros((nx,ny)) #after resizing, the array is larger/smaller than nx,ny --> create new array that contains all the label region if resized_label.shape[0]<nx: temp_label[0:resized_label.shape[0],0:resized_label.shape[1]] = deepcopy(resized_label) else: x_start = max(min(np.nonzero(resized_label)[0])-1,0) y_start = max(min(np.nonzero(resized_label)[1])-1,0) temp_label[0:min(nx,resized_label.shape[0]-x_start),0:min(ny,resized_label.shape[1]-y_start)] = deepcopy(resized_label[x_start:min(x_start+nx,resized_label.shape[0]),y_start:min(y_start+ny,resized_label.shape[1])]) #if verbose: # print(np.unique(temp_label)) # print(" after resize ", sum(sum(temp_label))) #figure_labels(resized_label, outputDir, ttt, dt, area_plot="ccs4", add_name = "before_shifted_resized") #center of mass after resizing center_after = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(temp_label) center_after = np.rint(center_after) dx_new,dy_new = center_before - center_after shifted_label = resize_array(temp_label,dx_new,dy_new, nx, ny) #if verbose: # print(" after shift2 ", sum(sum(shifted_label))) label_cell = np.zeros((nx,ny)) label_cell[0:,0:] = shifted_label[0:nx,0:ny] if label_cell.shape[0] != nx or label_cell.shape[1] != ny: print("incorrect size") quit() forecasted_labels["ID"+str(interesting_cell)].append(deepcopy(label_cell)) #indx+=1 label_cell = shifted_label #???????????????????????????????????? area_current = sum(sum(label_cell)) if verbose: print(("end ", area_current)) forecasted_areas.append(area_current) #add check to make sure the area you produced is more or less correct t_temp = deepcopy(ttt) forecasted_time = [] for gg in range(len(forecasted_areas)): forecasted_time.append(t_temp) t_temp+=timedelta(minutes = 5) """ if verbose: print("******** produce images") if False: t_composite = deepcopy(ttt) for i in range(min(len(y),index_stop)): yearSf, monthSf, daySf, hourSf, minSf = string_date(t_composite) contour_file = outputDir + "Forecast"+yearS+monthS+dayS+"_Obs"+hourS+minS+"_Forc"+hourSf+minSf+"_ID"+str(interesting_cell)+".png" type_image = "_HRV" #background_file = "/data/COALITION2/PicturesSatellite//"+yearS+"-"+monthS+"-"+dayS+"/"+yearS+"-"+monthS+"-"+dayS+type_image+"_"+"ccs4"+"/MSG"+type_image+"-"+"ccs4"+"_"+yearS[2:]+monthS+dayS+hourS+minS+".png" background_file = "/data/COALITION2/PicturesSatellite/LEL_results_wind/"+yearS+"-"+monthS+"-"+dayS+"/RGB-HRV_dam/"+yearS+monthS+dayS+"_"+hourS+minS+"*.png" out_file1 = create_dir( outputDir+"/Contours/")+"Obs"+hourS+minS+"_Forc"+hourSf+minSf+"_ID"+str(interesting_cell)+".png" if verbose: print("... create composite "+contour_file+" "+background_file+" "+out_file1)"/usr/bin/composite "+contour_file+" "+background_file+" "+out_file1, shell=True) if verbose: print("... saved composite: display ", out_file1, " &") t_composite+=timedelta(minutes=5) """ """ if False: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')) ax.plot_date(t, y, 'o',label="Fit and extrapolation") ax.plot_date(forecasted_time, forecasted_areas, '*',label="forecasted") ax.plot_date(t2, y2, '*', label="Observations") #ax.set_xlim([t[0]-timedelta(minutes = 5), t2[-1]+timedelta(minutes = 5)]) ax.set_ylabel("area") ax.legend(loc="best"); fig.savefig(yearS+monthS+dayS+"_"+hourS+minS+"_AreaInTime"+"ID"+str(interesting_cell)+".png") plt.close( fig) """ t_composite = deepcopy(ttt) # merge coalition2 file with if ForeGroundRGBFile is None: currentRGB_im_filename = "/opt/users/"+getpass.getuser()+"/PyTroll/scripts/Mecikalski/cosmo/Channels/indicators_in_time/RGB_dam/"+yearS+monthS+dayS+"_"+hourS+minS+"*ccs4.png" else: currentRGB_im_filename = ForeGroundRGBFile currentRGB_im = glob.glob(currentRGB_im_filename) if len(currentRGB_im)<1: print("No file found:", currentRGB_im_filename) # get background file if BackgroundFile is None: background_im_filename = '/data/COALITION2/PicturesSatellite/LEL_results_wind/'+yearS+'-'+monthS+'-'+dayS+'/RGB-HRV_dam/'+yearS+monthS+dayS+'_'+hourS+minS+'*.png' else: background_im_filename = BackgroundFile background_im = glob.glob(background_im_filename) if len(background_im)>0: im = plt.imread(background_im[0]) back_exists = True else: back_exists = False #img1 = Image.imread(currentRGB_im[0]) obj_area = get_area_def("ccs4") fig,ax = prepare_figure(obj_area) if in_msg.nrt == False: if back_exists: plt.imshow(np.flipud(im)) else: # now read the data we would like to forecast global_data = GeostationaryFactory.create_scene(in_msg.sat_str(), in_msg.sat_nr_str(), "seviri", ttt) #global_data_RGBforecast = GeostationaryFactory.create_scene(in_msg.sat, str(10), "seviri", time_slot) # area we would like to read area2load = "EuropeCanary95" #"ccs4" #c2"#"ccs4" #in_windshift.ObjArea area_loaded = get_area_def(area2load )#(in_windshift.areaExtraction) # load product, global_data is changed in this step! area_loaded = load_products(global_data, ['IR_108'], in_msg, area_loaded ) data = global_data.project("ccs4") plt.imshow(np.flipud(data['IR_108'].data),cmap = pylab.gray()) # background file form function argument or default if BackgroundFile is None: background_im_filename = '/data/COALITION2/PicturesSatellite/LEL_results_wind/'+yearS+'-'+monthS+'-'+dayS+'/RGB-HRV_dam/'+yearS+monthS+dayS+'_'+hourS+minS+'*.png' else: if verbose: print("... BackgroundFile ", BackgroundFile) background_im_filename = BackgroundFile # searching background file (wildcards are possible) background_im = glob.glob(background_im_filename) if len(background_im) == 0: print("*** Error in plot_forecast_area (") print(" no background file found: ", background_im_filename) quit() elif len(background_im) > 1: print("*** Warning in plot_forecast_area (") print(" several background files found: ", background_im) # read background file im = plt.imread(background_im[0]) #img1 = Image.imread(currentRGB_im[0]) obj_area = get_area_def("ccs4") fig,ax = prepare_figure(obj_area) #plt.imshow(np.flipud(im)) # plot contour lines for all cells if at_least_one_cell: time_wanted_minutes = [5,20,40,60] time_wanted = [] color_wanted = [] vmax = 70 for t_want in time_wanted_minutes: time_wanted.append((t_want-5)/5) tmp = ( tmp1 = [tmp] color_wanted.append(tmp1) all_labels_in_time = np.zeros((nx,ny)) for i in range(len(time_wanted)-1,-1,-1): ind_time = time_wanted [i] for key, forc_labels in forecasted_labels.items(): #forecasted_labels["ID"+str(interesting_cell)]=[] if len(forc_labels)>ind_time: #plt.contour(np.flipud(forc_labels[ind_time]),[0.5],colors = color_wanted_cont[i]) #colors='w') # all_labels_in_time[forc_labels[ind_time]>0] = time_wanted_minutes[i] forc_labels_tmp =,all_labels_in_time) plt.contourf(np.flipud(forc_labels_tmp), cmap="Blues", vmin=0, vmax=vmax) if False: for i in range(len(time_wanted)): ind_time = time_wanted [i] for key, forc_labels in forecasted_labels.items(): #forecasted_labels["ID"+str(interesting_cell)]=[] if len(forc_labels)>ind_time: plt.contour(np.flipud(forc_labels[ind_time]),[0.5],colors = color_wanted[i]) #colors='w') # else: print("*** Warning, no COALITION2 cell detected ") print(" produce empty figure ...") PIL_image = fig2img ( fig ) standardOutputName = in_msg.standardOutputName.replace('%y%m%d%H%M',strftime('%y%m%d%H%M',ttt.timetuple())) #PIL_image.paste(img1, (0, 0), img1) if in_msg is None:"Forecast"+yearS+monthS+dayS+"_Obs"+hourS+minS+".png") path = (outputDir)+yearS+monthS+dayS+hourS+minS+"Forecast.png" else: # dic_figure={} # if in_msg.nrt == True: # dic_figure['rgb']= 'Forecast' #'C2rgbForecastTMP-IR-108' # else: # dic_figure['rgb']= 'Forecast-C2rgb' # dic_figure['area']='ccs4' # # path = (outputFile)+standardOutputName%dic_figure # if in_msg.nrt == False: # dic_figure={} # dic_figure['rgb']= 'C2rgb-Forecast-HRV' #'C2rgbForecastTMP-IR-108' # dic_figure['area']='ccs4' # path_output = (outputFile)+standardOutputName%dic_figure # print ("creating composite: ",currentRGB_im[0],"+",path) #"/usr/bin/composite "+currentRGB_im[0]+" "+path+" "+path_output, shell=True) #print ("... display ",path_output," &") #dic_figure={} #dic_figure['rgb']= 'Forecast' #'C2rgbForecastTMP-IR-108' #dic_figure['area']='ccs4' outputFile = format_name(create_dir(outputDir)+in_msg.outputFile, ttt, rgb='Forecast', area='ccs4', sat_nr=int(in_msg.sat_nr)) #path = (outputDir)+in_msg.outputFile%dic_figure path = outputFile print("... display ",path," &") plt.close( fig) if True: if verbose: print("path foreground", currentRGB_im[0]) if in_msg is None: path_composite = (outputFile)+yearS+monthS+dayS+"_Obs"+hourS+minS+"Forecast_composite.png" else: # dic_figure={} # dic_figure['rgb']='C2rgb-Forecast-HRV' # dic_figure['area']='ccs4' # path_composite = (outputFile)+standardOutputName%dic_figure #dic_figure = {} #dic_figure['rgb'] = "_HRV" #'IR-108' #dic_figure['area']='ccs4' #path_IR108 = (outputFile)+standardOutputName%dic_figure #dic_figure={} #dic_figure['rgb'] = 'C2rgbForecast-IR-108' #dic_figure['area'] = 'ccs4' #path_composite = (outputDir) + in_msg.outputFile%dic_figure path_composite = format_name( outputDir+in_msg.outputFile, ttt, rgb='C2rgbForecast-IR-108', area='ccs4', sat_nr=int(in_msg.sat_nr)) #dic_figure = {} #dic_figure['rgb'] = 'IR-108' #dic_figure['area']='ccs4' #path_IR108 = (outputDir) + in_msg.outputFile%dic_figure path_IR108 = format_name( outputDir+in_msg.outputFile, ttt, rgb='IR-108', area='ccs4', sat_nr=int(in_msg.sat_nr)) if in_msg.nrt == True: if verbose: print("---starting post processing") #if area in in_msg.postprocessing_areas: in_msg.postprocessing_composite = deepcopy(in_msg.postprocessing_composite2) postprocessing(in_msg, ttt, in_msg.sat_nr, "ccs4") #print ("... display",path_composite,"&") if in_msg.scpOutput and in_msg.nrt == True and False: #not necessary because already done within postprocessing print("... secure copy "+path_composite+ " to "+in_msg.scpOutputDir) #"scp "+in_msg.scpID+" "+path_composite +" "+in_msg.scpOutputDir+" 2>&1 &", shell=True) #BackgroundFile # if False: for i in range(12): contour_files = glob.glob(outputDir + "Forecast"+yearS+monthS+dayS+"_Obs"+hourS+minS+"_Forc"+hourSf+minSf+"_ID*.png") if verbose: print(("Files found: ",contour_files)) if len(contour_files)>0: background_file = "/data/COALITION2/PicturesSatellite/LEL_results_wind/"+yearS+"-"+monthS+"-"+dayS+"/RGB-HRV_dam/"+yearS+monthS+dayS+"_"+hourS+minS+"*.png" out_file1 = create_dir( outputDir+"/Contours/")+"Obs"+hourS+minS+"_Forc"+hourSf+minSf+".png" t_composite+=timedelta(minutes=5) ttt += timedelta(minutes = 5)
for jj in range(Nf): num += (filt[Mf-1-ii, Nf-1-jj] * image[i-Mf2+ii, j-Nf2+jj]) result[i, j] = num return result image = lena() filter = ones((7,7), dtype='int32') import time start = time.time() result = filter2d(image, filter) duration = time.time() - start from scipy.ndimage import convolve start = time.time() result = convolve(image, filter) duration2 = time.time() - start print "Time for LLVM code = %f\nTime for convolve = %f" % (duration, duration2) from pylab import subplot, imshow, show, title, gray subplot(1,2,1) imshow(image) title('Original Image') gray() subplot(1,2,2) imshow(result) title('Filtered Image') gray() show()
def s(img): pl.imshow(img) pl.gray()
def show_img(img): #show image thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img, 255, 1, 1, 11, 15) _ = pl.imshow(thresh, cmap=pl.gray()) _ = pl.axis("off")
def s(fig): pl.imshow(fig) pl.gray()
from scipy import ndimage import matplotlib.image as mpimg from matplotlib.colors import NoNorm import pylab from scipy import misc import numpy as np # #im_image = np.uint8(100*np.ones((28, 28))) #im_image =100.*np.ones((28,28), dtype=np.float32) im_image = 100 * np.ones((28, 28), dtype=np.uint8) im_image[1:3, 1:3] = 200 plt.subplot(211) plt.imshow(im_image, cmap=pylab.gray(), norm=NoNorm()) plt.imsave('C:/pythonwork/images/Pimage1.png', im_image) # uses the Image module (PIL) #convert image (np.array) to binary image # im_label = im_image < 120 #im_label=np.zeros((28,28), dtype=bool) #im_label[1:3, 1:3] =np.array([[True, True] , [True, True]]) plt.subplot(212) plt.imshow(im_label, plt.imsave('C:/pythonwork/labels/Plabel1.png', im_label) # uses the Image module (PIL)
import numpy as np filename = r'./image_processing/example.png' ''' img = plt.imread(filename) plt.imshow(img) ''' import pylab as plt from PIL import Image import numpy as np img = print(img) img_gray = img.convert('L') #转换成灰度图像 img = np.array(img) print(img.shape) print(img[0]) img_gray = np.array(img_gray) print(img_gray.shape) print(img_gray[0]) plt.imshow( img ) # or plt.imshow(img / 255.0),matplotlib和matlab一样,如果是float类型的图像,范围是0-1才能正常imshow,如果是uint8图像,范围则需要是0-255 plt.imshow(img_gray, cmap=plt.gray()) # 显示灰度图要设置cmap参数 plt.imshow( # 实际上plt.imshow可以直接显示PIL格式图像