Exemple #1
    def init(self, img, box):
        img_now = ops.read_image(img)
        self.target_sz = np.array([box[3], box[2]])
        self.pos = np.array([box[1], box[0]]) + self.target_sz / 2
        # print(self.pos)
        # ground_truth =

        # window size, taking padding into account
        self.sz = pylab.floor(self.target_sz * (1 + self.padding))

        # desired output (gaussian shaped), bandwidth proportional to target size
        self.output_sigma = pylab.sqrt(pylab.prod(
            self.target_sz)) * self.output_sigma_factor

        grid_y = pylab.arange(self.sz[0]) - pylab.floor(self.sz[0] / 2)
        grid_x = pylab.arange(self.sz[1]) - pylab.floor(self.sz[1] / 2)
        #[rs, cs] = ndgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
        rs, cs = pylab.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
        y = pylab.exp(-0.5 / self.output_sigma**2 * (rs**2 + cs**2))
        self.yf = pylab.fft2(y)
        # print(self.yf)
        #print("yf.shape ==", yf.shape)
        #print("y.shape ==", y.shape)

        # store pre-computed cosine window
        self.cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(self.sz[0]),
        if img_now.ndim == 3:
            img_now = ops.rgb2gray(img_now)
        x = ops.get_subwindow(img_now, self.pos, self.sz, self.cos_window)
        k = ops.dense_gauss_kernel(self.sigma, x)
        self.alphaf = pylab.divide(
            self.yf, (pylab.fft2(k) + self.lambda_value))  # Eq. 7
        self.z = x
def apply_cos_window(channels):
    global cos_window

    if cos_window is None:
        cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(channels.shape[1]),

    return pylab.multiply(channels[:] - 0.5, cos_window)
Exemple #3
def mask(mags, fc):
    m = pl.zeros(N // 2 + 1)
    d = int((fc / 2) * N / sr)
    b = int(fc * N / sr)
    m[b - d:b + d] = pl.hanning(2 * d)
    mags *= m
    return mags
Exemple #4
    def calcul_coefficients(self):
        """calculate coefficients for the chirplets
        Returns :
            apodization coeeficients
        num_coeffs = linspace(0, self._duration,
                              int(self._samplerate * self._duration))

        if self._polynome_degree:
            temp = (self._max_frequency - self._min_frequency)
            temp /= (
                (self._polynome_degree + 1) *
            ) * num_coeffs**self._polynome_degree + self._min_frequency
            wave = cos(2 * pi * num_coeffs * temp)
            temp = (self._min_frequency *
                    (self._max_frequency / self._min_frequency)**
                    (num_coeffs / self._duration) - self._min_frequency)
            temp *= self._duration / log(
                self._max_frequency / self._min_frequency)
            wave = cos(2 * pi * temp)

        coeffs = wave * hanning(len(num_coeffs))**2

        return coeffs
    def _istftm(self, X_hat=None, Phi_hat=None, pvoc=False, usewin=True, resamp=None):
            Inverse short-time Fourier transform magnitude. Make a signal from a |STFT| transform.
            Uses phases from self.STFT if Phi_hat is None.

            X_hat - N/2+1 magnitude STFT [None=abs(self.STFT)]
            Phi_hat - N/2+1 phase STFT   [None=exp(1j*angle(self.STFT))]
            pvoc - whether to use phase vocoder [False]      
            usewin - whether to use overlap-add [False]

             x_hat - estimated signal
        if not self._have_stft:
                return None
        X_hat = P.np.abs(self.STFT) if X_hat is None else P.np.abs(X_hat)
        if pvoc:
            self._pvoc(X_hat, Phi_hat, pvoc)
            Phi_hat = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat
            self.X_hat = X_hat *  P.exp( 1j * Phi_hat )
        if usewin:
            self.win = P.hanning(self.nfft) 
            self.win *= 1.0 / ((float(self.nfft)*(self.win**2).sum())/self.nhop)
            self.win = P.ones(self.nfft)
        if resamp:
            self.win = sig.resample(self.win, int(P.np.round(self.nfft * resamp)))
        fp = self._check_feature_params()
        self.x_hat = self._overlap_add(P.real(self.nfft * P.irfft(self.X_hat.T)), usewin=usewin, resamp=resamp)
        if self.verbosity:
            print "Extracted iSTFTM->self.x_hat"        
        return self.x_hat
Exemple #6
 def _stft(self):
     if not self._have_x:
             "Error: You need to load a sound file first: use self.load_audio('filename.wav')"
         return False
     fp = self._check_feature_params()
     num_frames = len(self.x)
     self.STFT = P.zeros((int(self.nfft / 2 + 1), num_frames),
     self.win = P.ones(self.wfft) if self.window == 'rect' else P.np.sqrt(
     x = P.zeros(self.wfft)
     buf_frames = 0
     for k, nex in enumerate(self.x):
         x = self._shift_insert(x, nex, self.nhop)
         # align buffer on start of audio
         if self.nhop >= self.wfft - k * self.nhop:
             self.STFT[:, k - buf_frames] = P.rfft(self.win * x,
             buf_frames += 1
     self.STFT = self.STFT / self.nfft
     self._fftfrqs = P.arange(
         0, self.nfft / 2 + 1) * self.sample_rate / float(self.nfft)
     self._have_stft = True
     if self.verbosity:
         print("Extracted STFT: nfft=%d, hop=%d" % (self.nfft, self.nhop))
     self.inverse = self._istftm
     self.X = abs(self.STFT)
     if not self.magnitude:
         self.X = self.X**2
     return True
def time_fft(data2, samplerate=100., inverse=False,hann=False):
  IF N_PARAMS() EQ 0 then begin
     print, 'time_fft, data, samplerate=samplerate, inverse=inverse,hann=hann'
     return, -1

  if hann:
    w1 = pl.hanning(len(data))
    data = data*w1

  #frequency axis:
  freqs = pl.arange(1+len(data)/2)/float(len(data)/2.0)*samplerate/2.                  # wut.
  if len(data) % 2 == 0 : freqs = pl.concatenate((freqs, -freqs[1:(len(freqs)-1)][::-1]))
  if len(data) % 2 != 0 : freqs = pl.concatenate((freqs, -freqs[1:len(freqs)][::-1]))

  response = pl.fft(data)
  if inverse : response = pl.ifft(data)

  out = {'freq': freqs, 'real': response.real, 'im': response.imag, 'abs': abs(response)}

  return out
 def _stft(self):
     if not self._have_x:
         print "Error: You need to load a sound file first: use self.load_audio('filename.wav')"
         return False
     fp = self._check_feature_params()
     num_frames = len(self.x)
     self.STFT = P.zeros((self.nfft/2+1, num_frames), dtype='complex')
     self.win = P.ones(self.wfft) if self.window=='rect' else P.np.sqrt(P.hanning(self.wfft))
     x = P.zeros(self.wfft)
     buf_frames = 0
     for k, nex in enumerate(self.x):
         x = self._shift_insert(x, nex, self.nhop)
         if self.nhop >= self.wfft - k*self.nhop : # align buffer on start of audio
             self.STFT[:,k-buf_frames]=P.rfft(self.win*x, self.nfft).T 
     self.STFT = self.STFT / self.nfft
     self._fftfrqs = P.arange(0,self.nfft/2+1) * self.sample_rate/float(self.nfft)
     if self.verbosity:
         print "Extracted STFT: nfft=%d, hop=%d" %(self.nfft, self.nhop)
     self.X = abs(self.STFT)
     if not self.magnitude:
         self.X = self.X**2
     return True
Exemple #9
def plot_signal(s,sr,start=0,end=440,N=32768):
 '''plots the waveform and spectrum of a signal s
    with sampling rate sr, from a start to an
    end position (waveform), and from a start
    position with a N-point DFT (spectrum)'''

 sig = s[start:end]
 time = pl.arange(0,len(sig))/sr              
 pl.plot(time,sig, 'k-')
 pl.xlabel("time (s)")

 N = 32768
 win = pl.hanning(N)
 scal = N*pl.sqrt(pl.mean(win**2))
 sig = s[start:start+N]
 window = pl.rfft(sig*win/max(sig))
 f = pl.arange(0,len(window))
 bins = f*sr/N
 mags = abs(window/scal)
 spec = 20*pl.log10(mags/max(mags))
 pl.plot(bins,spec, 'k-')
 pl.ylim(-60, 1)
 pl.ylabel("amp (dB)", size=16)
 pl.xlabel("freq (Hz)", size=16)

Exemple #10
 def CrossSpectraDataAE(self):
     if not (hasattr(self, 'winfftA') and hasattr(self, 'winfftE')):
         print "\n No 'winfftA' and 'winfftE' available. Calculating them using a hanning window and fft the same length as the data...",
         window = pylab.hanning(self.Length)
         self.windowAndFFT(window, self.Length)
     print 'done'
     dataduration = self.Cadence * self.Length
     CAE = numpy.conj(self.winfftA) * self.winfftE * 2 / dataduration
     self.CAE = CAE
     return CAE
Exemple #11
 def CrossSpectraDataAE(self):
     if not ( hasattr(self,'winfftA') and hasattr(self,'winfftE') ):
         print "\n No 'winfftA' and 'winfftE' available. Calculating them using a hanning window and fft the same length as the data...",
         window = pylab.hanning(self.Length)
     print 'done'
     dataduration = self.Cadence*self.Length
     CAE = numpy.conj(self.winfftA)*self.winfftE*2/dataduration
     self.CAE = CAE
     return CAE
    def initialize(self, image, pos, target_sz):
        if len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] > 1:
            image = rgb2gray(image)
        self.image = image
        if self.should_resize_image:
            self.image = scipy.misc.imresize(self.image, 0.5)
            self.image = self.image / 255.0

        # window size, taking padding into account
        self.sz = pylab.floor(target_sz * (1 + self.padding))
        self.pos = pos

        # desired output (gaussian shaped), bandwidth proportional to target size
        output_sigma = pylab.sqrt(pylab.prod(
            self.sz)) * self.output_sigma_factor

        grid_y = pylab.arange(self.sz[0]) - pylab.floor(self.sz[0] / 2)
        grid_x = pylab.arange(self.sz[1]) - pylab.floor(self.sz[1] / 2)
        #[rs, cs] = ndgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
        rs, cs = pylab.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
        self.y = pylab.exp(-0.5 / output_sigma**2 * (rs**2 + cs**2))
        self.yf = pylab.fft2(self.y)

        # store pre-computed cosine window
        self.cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(self.sz[0]),

        # get subwindow at current estimated target position,
        # to train classifer
        x = get_subwindow(self.image, self.pos, self.sz, self.cos_window)

        # Kernel Regularized Least-Squares,
        # calculate alphas (in Fourier domain)
        k = dense_gauss_kernel(self.sigma, x)
        self.alphaf = pylab.divide(
            self.yf, (pylab.fft2(k) + self.lambda_value))  # Eq. 7
        self.z = x

Exemple #13
    def _istftm(self,
            Inverse short-time Fourier transform magnitude. Make a signal from a |STFT| transform.
            Uses phases from self.STFT if Phi_hat is None.

            X_hat - N/2+1 magnitude STFT [None=abs(self.STFT)]
            Phi_hat - N/2+1 phase STFT   [None=exp(1j*angle(self.STFT))]
            pvoc - whether to use phase vocoder [False]      
            usewin - whether to use overlap-add [False]

             x_hat - estimated signal
        if not self._have_stft:
            return None
        X_hat = self.X if X_hat is None else P.np.abs(X_hat)
        if pvoc:
            self._pvoc(X_hat, Phi_hat, pvoc)
            Phi_hat = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat
            self.X_hat = X_hat * P.exp(1j * Phi_hat)
        if usewin:
            if self.win is None:
                self.win = P.ones(
                    self.wfft) if self.window == 'rect' else P.np.sqrt(
            if len(self.win) != self.nfft:
                self.win = P.r_[self.win, P.np.zeros(self.nfft - self.wfft)]
            if len(self.win) != self.nfft:
                    "features_base.Features._istftm(): assertion failed len(self.win)==self.nfft"
            self.win = P.ones(self.nfft)
        if resamp:
            self.win = sig.resample(self.win,
                                    int(P.np.round(self.nfft * resamp)))
        fp = self._check_feature_params()
        self.x_hat = self._overlap_add(P.real(P.irfft(self.X_hat.T)),
        if self.verbosity:
            print("Extracted iSTFTM->self.x_hat")
        return self.x_hat
    def initialize(self, image, pos , target_sz ):
        if len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] > 1:
            image = rgb2gray(image)
        self.image = image
        if self.should_resize_image:
            self.image = scipy.misc.imresize(self.image, 0.5)
            self.image = self.image / 255.0

        # window size, taking padding into account
        self.sz = pylab.floor(target_sz * (1 + self.padding))
        self.pos = pos

        # desired output (gaussian shaped), bandwidth proportional to target size
        output_sigma = pylab.sqrt(pylab.prod(self.sz)) * self.output_sigma_factor

        grid_y = pylab.arange(self.sz[0]) - pylab.floor(self.sz[0]/2)
        grid_x = pylab.arange(self.sz[1]) - pylab.floor(self.sz[1]/2)
        #[rs, cs] = ndgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
        rs, cs = pylab.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
        self.y = pylab.exp(-0.5 / output_sigma**2 * (rs**2 + cs**2))
        self.yf = pylab.fft2(self.y)

        # store pre-computed cosine window
        self.cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(self.sz[0]),

        # get subwindow at current estimated target position,
        # to train classifer
        x = get_subwindow(self.image, self.pos, self.sz, self.cos_window)

        # Kernel Regularized Least-Squares,
        # calculate alphas (in Fourier domain)
        k = dense_gauss_kernel(self.sigma, x)
        self.alphaf = pylab.divide(self.yf, (pylab.fft2(k) + self.lambda_value))  # Eq. 7
        self.z = x

Exemple #15
def smoothed_histogram_window(ax, pdf, bins):

    wsize = 20
    bins = 0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:])
    # for wsize in range(5, 30, 5):
    # extending the data at beginning and at the end
    # to apply the window at the borders
    ps = plt.r_[pdf[wsize-1:0:-1], pdf, pdf[-1:-wsize:-1]]
    w = plt.hanning(wsize)
    pc = plt.convolve(w/w.sum(), ps, mode='valid')
    pc = pc[wsize/2:len(ps)-wsize/2]
    pc = pc[0:len(bins)]
    # plt.plot(bins, pc)
    # plt.fill_between(bins, 0, pc, alpha=0.1)

    return pc, bins
    def _istftm(self, X_hat=None, Phi_hat=None, pvoc=False, usewin=True, resamp=None):
            Inverse short-time Fourier transform magnitude. Make a signal from a |STFT| transform.
            Uses phases from self.STFT if Phi_hat is None.

            X_hat - N/2+1 magnitude STFT [None=abs(self.STFT)]
            Phi_hat - N/2+1 phase STFT   [None=exp(1j*angle(self.STFT))]
            pvoc - whether to use phase vocoder [False]      
            usewin - whether to use overlap-add [False]

             x_hat - estimated signal
        if not self._have_stft:
            return None
        X_hat = self.X if X_hat is None else P.np.abs(X_hat)
        if pvoc:
            self._pvoc(X_hat, Phi_hat, pvoc)
            Phi_hat = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat
            self.X_hat = X_hat * P.exp(1j * Phi_hat)
        if usewin:
            if self.win is None:
                self.win = P.ones(self.wfft) if self.window == 'rect' else P.np.sqrt(
            if len(self.win) != self.nfft:
                self.win = P.r_[self.win, P.np.zeros(self.nfft - self.wfft)]
            if len(self.win) != self.nfft:
                    "features_base.Features._istftm(): assertion failed len(self.win)==self.nfft")
            self.win = P.ones(self.nfft)
        if resamp:
            self.win = sig.resample(
                self.win, int(P.np.round(self.nfft * resamp)))
        fp = self._check_feature_params()
        self.x_hat = self._overlap_add(
            P.real(P.irfft(self.X_hat.T)), usewin=usewin, resamp=resamp)
        if self.verbosity:
            print("Extracted iSTFTM->self.x_hat")
        return self.x_hat
def track(input_video_path):
    notation: variables ending with f are in the frequency domain.

    # parameters according to the paper --
    padding = 1.0  # extra area surrounding the target
    # spatial bandwidth (proportional to target)
    output_sigma_factor = 1 / float(16)
    sigma = 0.2  # gaussian kernel bandwidth
    lambda_value = 1e-2  # regularization
    # linear interpolation factor for adaptation
    interpolation_factor = 0.075

    info = load_video_info(input_video_path)
    img_files, pos, target_sz, \
        should_resize_image, ground_truth, video_path = info

    # window size, taking padding into account
    sz = pylab.floor(target_sz * (1 + padding))

    # desired output (gaussian shaped), bandwidth proportional to target size
    output_sigma = pylab.sqrt(pylab.prod(target_sz)) * output_sigma_factor

    grid_y = pylab.arange(sz[0]) - pylab.floor(sz[0] / 2)
    grid_x = pylab.arange(sz[1]) - pylab.floor(sz[1] / 2)
    # [rs, cs] = ndgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
    rs, cs = pylab.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
    y = pylab.exp(-0.5 / output_sigma**2 * (rs**2 + cs**2))
    yf = pylab.fft2(y)
    # print("yf.shape ==", yf.shape)
    # print("y.shape ==", y.shape)

    # store pre-computed cosine window
    cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(sz[0]), pylab.hanning(sz[1]))

    total_time = 0  # to calculate FPS
    positions = pylab.zeros((len(img_files), 2))  # to calculate precision

    global z, response
    z = None
    alphaf = None
    response = None

    for frame, image_filename in enumerate(img_files):

        if True and ((frame % 10) == 0):
            print("Processing frame", frame)

        # load image
        image_path = os.path.join(video_path, image_filename)
        im = pylab.imread(image_path)
        if len(im.shape) == 3 and im.shape[2] > 1:
            im = rgb2gray(im)

        # print("Image max/min value==", im.max(), "/", im.min())

        if should_resize_image:
            im = scipy.misc.imresize(im, 0.5)

        start_time = time.time()

        # extract and pre-process subwindow
        x = get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window)

        is_first_frame = (frame == 0)

        if not is_first_frame:
            # calculate response of the classifier at all locations
            k = dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x, z)
            kf = pylab.fft2(k)
            alphaf_kf = pylab.multiply(alphaf, kf)
            response = pylab.real(pylab.ifft2(alphaf_kf))  # Eq. 9

            # target location is at the maximum response
            r = response
            row, col = pylab.unravel_index(r.argmax(), r.shape)
            pos = pos - pylab.floor(sz / 2) + [row, col]

            if debug:
                print("Frame ==", frame)
                print("Max response", r.max(), "at", [row, col])



        # end "if not first frame"

        # get subwindow at current estimated target position,
        # to train classifer
        x = get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window)

        # Kernel Regularized Least-Squares,
        # calculate alphas (in Fourier domain)
        k = dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x)
        new_alphaf = pylab.divide(yf, (pylab.fft2(k) + lambda_value))  # Eq. 7
        new_z = x

        if is_first_frame:
            # first frame, train with a single image
            alphaf = new_alphaf
            z = x
            # subsequent frames, interpolate model
            f = interpolation_factor
            alphaf = (1 - f) * alphaf + f * new_alphaf
            z = (1 - f) * z + f * new_z
        # end "first frame or not"

        # save position and calculate FPS
        positions[frame, :] = pos
        total_time += time.time() - start_time

        # visualization
        plot_tracking(frame, pos, target_sz, im, ground_truth)
    # end of "for each image in video"

    if should_resize_image:
        positions = positions * 2

    print("Frames-per-second:", len(img_files) / total_time)

    title = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(input_video_path))

    if len(ground_truth) > 0:
        # show the precisions plot
        show_precision(positions, ground_truth, video_path, title)

Exemple #18
    ys[ys < 0] = 0
    ys[ys >= im.shape[0]] = im.shape[0] - 1
    xs[xs < 0] = 0
    xs[xs >= im.shape[1]] = im.shape[1] - 1
    # 提取子窗剪切的图像块
    out = im[pylab.ix_(ys, xs)]
    # 将图像像素值从 [0, 1] 平移到 [-0.5, 0.5]
    out = out.astype(pylab.float64) - 0.5
    # 余弦窗口化,论文公式 (18)

    return pylab.multiply(cos_window, out)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    image_path = r'..\data\surfer\imgs'
    image_list = os.listdir(image_path)
    image = os.path.join(image_path, image_list[0])
    img = mpimg.imread(image)
    gray = rgb2gray.rgb2gray(rgb_image=img)
    position = np.array([152., 286.])
    size = np.array([35., 32.])
    cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(size[0]), pylab.hanning(size[1]))
    result = get_subwindow(im=gray,
Exemple #19
def track(input_video_path, show_tracking):
    注意:以 f 结尾的变量表示频率域

    # 目标周围的额外区域
    padding = 1.0
    # 空间带宽,与目标成比例
    output_sigma_factor = 1 / float(16)
    # 高斯核带宽
    sigma = 0.2
    # 正则化系数
    lambda_value = 1e-2
    # 线性插值因子
    interpolation_factor = 0.075
    # 加载视频信息,包括待测试的每帧图片列表,首帧目标矩形框中心点坐标[y,x],矩形框高、宽一半的大小,是否进行图片缩放一半
    # 每帧图片的 ground truth 信息,视频路径
    info = load_video_info.load_video_info(input_video_path)
    img_files, pos, target_sz, should_resize_image, ground_truth, video_path = info

    # 把填充考虑进去,定义为窗口大小。
    sz = pylab.floor(target_sz * (1 + padding))

    # 计算想要的高斯形状的输出,其中带宽正比于目标矩形框大小
    output_sigma = pylab.sqrt(pylab.prod(target_sz)) * output_sigma_factor
    # 平移目标矩形框的高度,以中心点为圆点,得到高度坐标列表
    # 平移目标矩形框的宽度,以中心点为圆点,得到宽度坐标列表
    grid_y = pylab.arange(sz[0]) - pylab.floor(sz[0] / 2)
    grid_x = pylab.arange(sz[1]) - pylab.floor(sz[1] / 2)
    # 把坐标列表边长坐标矩阵,即对二维平面范围内的区域进行网格划分
    rs, cs = pylab.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
    # 论文中公式 (19),计算得到 [0, 1] 值,越靠近中心点值越大,反之越小
    y = pylab.exp((-0.5 / output_sigma ** 2) * (rs ** 2 + cs ** 2))
    # 计算二维离散傅里叶变换
    yf = pylab.fft2(y)

    # 首先计算矩形框高(某一个整数值)的 Hanning 窗(加权的余弦窗),其次计算矩形框宽的 Hanning 窗
    # 最后计算两个向量的外积得到矩形框的余弦窗
    cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(sz[0]), pylab.hanning(sz[1]))
    # 计算 FPS
    total_time = 0  # to calculate FPS
    # 计算精度值
    positions = pylab.zeros((len(img_files), 2))  # to calculate precision

    # global z, response
    plot_tracking.z = None
    alphaf = None
    plot_tracking.response = None
    # 依次访问图像从图像名列表中
    for frame, image_filename in enumerate(img_files):
        if (frame % 10) == 0:
            print("Processing frame", frame)
        # 读取图像
        image_path = os.path.join(video_path, image_filename)
        im = pylab.imread(image_path)
        # 如果图像是彩色图像,则转化为灰度图像
        if len(im.shape) == 3 and im.shape[2] > 1:
            im = rgb2gray.rgb2gray(im)
        # 如果需要进行图像缩放,则缩放为原来一半
        if should_resize_image:
            im = np.array(Image.fromarray(im).resize((int(im.shape[0] / 2), int(im.shape[1] / 2))))

        # 开始计时
        start_time = time.time()

        # 提取并预处理子窗口,采用余弦子窗口
        x = get_subwindow.get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window)

        is_first_frame = (frame == 0)
        # 不过不是第一帧,则计算分类器的响应
        if not is_first_frame:
            # 计算分类器在所有位置上的相应
            k = dense_gauss_kernel.dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x, plot_tracking.z)
            kf = pylab.fft2(k)
            alphaf_kf = pylab.multiply(alphaf, kf)
            plot_tracking.response = pylab.real(pylab.ifft2(alphaf_kf))  # Eq. 9

            # 最大响应就是目标位置
            r = plot_tracking.response
            row, col = pylab.unravel_index(r.argmax(), r.shape)
            pos = pos - pylab.floor(sz / 2) + [row, col]

            if debug:
                print("Frame ==", frame)
                print("Max response", r.max(), "at", [row, col])



        # end "if not first frame"

        # 获取目标位置的余弦窗口,用于训练分类器
        x = get_subwindow.get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window)

        # kernel 最小方差正则化,在傅里叶域计算参数 ALPHA
        k = dense_gauss_kernel.dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x)
        new_alphaf = pylab.divide(yf, (pylab.fft2(k) + lambda_value))  # Eq. 7
        new_z = x

        if is_first_frame:
            # 对于第一帧,训练单张图片
            alphaf = new_alphaf
            plot_tracking.z = x
            # 对于后续帧,进行模型参数插值
            f = interpolation_factor
            alphaf = (1 - f) * alphaf + f * new_alphaf
            plot_tracking.z = (1 - f) * plot_tracking.z + f * new_z

        # 保持当前位置,并计算 FPS
        positions[frame, :] = pos
        total_time += time.time() - start_time

        # 可视化显示跟踪的结果
        if show_tracking == "yes":
            plot_tracking.plot_tracking(frame, pos, target_sz, im, ground_truth)

    if should_resize_image:
        positions = positions * 2

    print("Frames-per-second:", len(img_files) / total_time)

    title = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(input_video_path))

    if len(ground_truth) > 0:
        # 画出精确率图像
        show_precision.show_precision(positions, ground_truth, title)
Exemple #20
import pylab as pl

T = 64
t = pl.arange(0, T)
env = pl.zeros(T)

pl.figure(figsize=(8, 3))

sig = pl.sin(2 * pl.pi * (T / 4) * t / T) * pl.hanning(T)

pl.ylim(0, 1.1)
pl.xlim(0, T // 2)
pl.xticks([x for x in range(0, T // 2 + 1, 4)])
pl.stem(t[0:T // 2], abs(pl.rfft(sig) / (T / 4))[0:T // 2], 'k-', linewidth=1)
    def init(self, img, rect ):
        im_width = img.shape[1]
        im_heihgt= img.shape[0]
        ys = pylab.floor(rect[1]) + pylab.arange(rect[3], dtype=int)
        xs = pylab.floor(rect[0]) + pylab.arange(rect[2], dtype=int)
        ys = ys.astype(int)
        xs = xs.astype(int)
        # check for out-of-bounds coordinates,
        # and set them to the values at the borders
        ys[ys < 0] = 0
        ys[ys >= img.shape[0]] = img.shape[0] - 1

        xs[xs < 0] = 0
        xs[xs >= img.shape[1]] = img.shape[1] - 1
        roi = self.get_imageROI(img, rect)

        self.init_frame = img.copy()
        self.canvas     = img.copy()
        #pos is the center postion of the tracking object (cy,cx)
        pos = pylab.array([rect[1] + rect[3]/2, rect[0] + rect[2]/2])
        self.pos_list   = [pos]
        self.roi_list   = [roi]
        self.rect_list  = [rect]
        self.trackNo    = 0
        # parameters according to the paper --

        padding = 1.0  # extra area surrounding the target(扩大窗口的因子,默认扩大2倍)
        # spatial bandwidth (proportional to target)
        output_sigma_factor = 1 / float(16)
        self.sigma = 0.2  # gaussian kernel bandwidth
        self.lambda_value = 1e-2  # regularization
        # linear interpolation factor for adaptation
        #self.interpolation_factor = 0.075
        self.interpolation_factor = 0.01

        self.scale_ratios = [0.985, 0.99, 0.995, 1.0, 1.005, 1.01, 1.015]

        #target_ze equals to [rect3, rect2]
        target_sz = pylab.array([int(rect[3]), int(rect[2])])
        # window size(Extended window size), taking padding into account
        window_sz = pylab.floor(target_sz * (1 + padding))

        self.window_sz = window_sz
        self.window_sz_new = window_sz
        self.target_sz = target_sz

        # desired output (gaussian shaped), bandwidth proportional to target size
        output_sigma = pylab.sqrt(pylab.prod(target_sz)) * output_sigma_factor

        grid_y = pylab.arange(window_sz[0]) - pylab.floor(window_sz[0] / 2)
        grid_x = pylab.arange(window_sz[1]) - pylab.floor(window_sz[1] / 2)
        # [rs, cs] = ndgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
        rs, cs = pylab.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
        y = pylab.exp(-0.5 / output_sigma ** 2 * (rs ** 2 + cs ** 2))
        self.yf= pylab.fft2(y)
        # store pre-computed cosine window
        self.cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(window_sz[0]), pylab.hanning(window_sz[1]))

        # get subwindow at current estimated target position, to train classifer
        x = self.get_subwindow(img, pos, window_sz)
        # Kernel Regularized Least-Squares, calculate alphas (in Fourier domain)
        k = self.dense_gauss_kernel(self.sigma, x)
        #storing computed alphaf and z for next frame iteration
        self.alphaf = pylab.divide(self.yf, (pylab.fft2(k) + self.lambda_value))  # Eq. 7
        self.z = x

        #return initialization status
        return True
Exemple #22
import pylab as pl

sr = 44100
N = 2048
fc = 1000
w = 500
mask = pl.zeros(N // 2 + 1)
d = int(w * N / sr)
b = int(fc * N / sr)
mask[b - d:b + d] = pl.hanning(2 * d)

pl.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
pl.plot(pl.arange(0, N // 2 + 1) * sr / N, mask, 'k-', linewidth=2)
pl.xlim(0, 5000)
Exemple #23
    def init(self, img, rect):
        im_width = img.shape[1]
        im_heihgt = img.shape[0]
        ys = pylab.floor(rect[1]) + pylab.arange(rect[3], dtype=int)
        xs = pylab.floor(rect[0]) + pylab.arange(rect[2], dtype=int)
        ys = ys.astype(int)
        xs = xs.astype(int)
        # check for out-of-bounds coordinates,
        # and set them to the values at the borders
        ys[ys < 0] = 0
        ys[ys >= img.shape[0]] = img.shape[0] - 1

        xs[xs < 0] = 0
        xs[xs >= img.shape[1]] = img.shape[1] - 1

        self.rect = rect  #rectangle contains the bounding box of the target
        #pos is the center postion of the tracking object (cy,cx)
        self.pos = pylab.array([rect[1] + rect[3] / 2, rect[0] + rect[2] / 2])
        self.posOffset = np.array([0, 0], np.int)
        self.tlx = rect[0]
        self.tly = rect[1]
        self.trackNo = 0
        # parameters according to the paper --

        padding = 1.0  # extra area surrounding the target(扩大窗口的因子,默认扩大2倍)
        # spatial bandwidth (proportional to target)
        output_sigma_factor = 1 / float(16)
        self.sigma = 0.2  # gaussian kernel bandwidth
        self.lambda_value = 1e-2  # regularization
        # linear interpolation factor for adaptation
        self.interpolation_factor = 0.075

        #target_ze equals to [rect3, rect2]
        target_sz = pylab.array([int(rect[3]), int(rect[2])])
        # window size(Extended window size), taking padding into account
        window_sz = pylab.floor(target_sz * (1 + padding))

        self.window_sz = window_sz
        self.target_sz = target_sz

        # desired output (gaussian shaped), bandwidth proportional to target size
        output_sigma = pylab.sqrt(pylab.prod(target_sz)) * output_sigma_factor

        grid_y = pylab.arange(window_sz[0]) - pylab.floor(window_sz[0] / 2)
        grid_x = pylab.arange(window_sz[1]) - pylab.floor(window_sz[1] / 2)
        # [rs, cs] = ndgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
        rs, cs = pylab.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
        y = pylab.exp(-0.5 / output_sigma**2 * (rs**2 + cs**2))
        self.yf = pylab.fft2(y)
        # store pre-computed cosine window
        self.cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(window_sz[0]),

        # get subwindow at current estimated target position, to train classifer
        x = self.get_subwindow(img, self.pos, window_sz, self.cos_window)
        # Kernel Regularized Least-Squares, calculate alphas (in Fourier domain)
        k = self.dense_gauss_kernel(self.sigma, x)
        #storing computed alphaf and z for next frame iteration
        self.alphaf = pylab.divide(
            self.yf, (pylab.fft2(k) + self.lambda_value))  # Eq. 7
        self.z = x

        #monitoring the tracker's self status, based on the continuity of psr
        self.self_status = 0
        #monitoring the collaborative status, based on the distance to the voted object bouding box center,  and on psr also.
        self.collaborate_status = 5

        self.collabor_container = np.ones((10, 1), np.int)
        self.highpsr_container = np.ones((10, 1), np.int)
        self.FourRecentRects = np.zeros((4, 4), np.float)
        #return initialization status
        return True
def track(input_video_path):
    notation: variables ending with f are in the frequency domain.

    # parameters according to the paper --
    padding = 1.0  # extra area surrounding the target
    #spatial bandwidth (proportional to target)
    output_sigma_factor = 1 / float(16)
    sigma = 0.2  # gaussian kernel bandwidth
    lambda_value = 1e-2  # regularization
    # linear interpolation factor for adaptation
    interpolation_factor = 0.075

    info = load_video_info(input_video_path)
    img_files, pos, target_sz, \
        should_resize_image, ground_truth, video_path = info

    # window size, taking padding into account
    sz = pylab.floor(target_sz * (1 + padding))

    # desired output (gaussian shaped), bandwidth proportional to target size
    output_sigma = pylab.sqrt(pylab.prod(target_sz)) * output_sigma_factor

    grid_y = pylab.arange(sz[0]) - pylab.floor(sz[0]/2)
    grid_x = pylab.arange(sz[1]) - pylab.floor(sz[1]/2)
    #[rs, cs] = ndgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
    rs, cs = pylab.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
    y = pylab.exp(-0.5 / output_sigma**2 * (rs**2 + cs**2))
    yf = pylab.fft2(y)
    #print("yf.shape ==", yf.shape)
    #print("y.shape ==", y.shape)

    # store pre-computed cosine window
    cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(sz[0]),

    total_time = 0  # to calculate FPS
    positions = pylab.zeros((len(img_files), 2))  # to calculate precision

    global z, response
    z = None
    alphaf = None
    response = None

    for frame, image_filename in enumerate(img_files):

        if True and ((frame % 10) == 0):
            print("Processing frame", frame)

        # load image
        image_path = os.path.join(video_path, image_filename)

        im = pylab.imread(image_path)
        if len(im.shape) == 3 and im.shape[2] > 1:
            im = rgb2gray(im)

        #print("Image max/min value==", im.max(), "/", im.min())

        if should_resize_image:
            im = scipy.misc.imresize(im, 0.5)

        start_time = time.time()

        # extract and pre-process subwindow
        x = get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window)

        if debug:
            pylab.title("sub window")

        is_first_frame = (frame == 0)

        if not is_first_frame:
            # calculate response of the classifier at all locations
            k = dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x, z)
            kf = pylab.fft2(k)
            alphaf_kf = pylab.multiply(alphaf, kf)
            response = pylab.real(pylab.ifft2(alphaf_kf))  # Eq. 9

            # target location is at the maximum response
            r = response
            row, col = pylab.unravel_index(r.argmax(), r.shape)
            pos = pos - pylab.floor(sz/2) + [row, col]

            if debug:
                print("Frame ==", frame)
                print("Max response", r.max(), "at", [row, col])



        # end "if not first frame"

        # get subwindow at current estimated target position,
        # to train classifer
        x = get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window)

        # Kernel Regularized Least-Squares,
        # calculate alphas (in Fourier domain)
        k = dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x)
        new_alphaf = pylab.divide(yf, (pylab.fft2(k) + lambda_value))  # Eq. 7
        new_z = x

        if is_first_frame:
            #first frame, train with a single image
            alphaf = new_alphaf
            z = x
            # subsequent frames, interpolate model
            f = interpolation_factor
            alphaf = (1 - f) * alphaf + f * new_alphaf
            z = (1 - f) * z + f * new_z
        # end "first frame or not"

        # save position and calculate FPS
        positions[frame, :] = pos
        total_time += time.time() - start_time

        # visualization
        plot_tracking(frame, pos, target_sz, im, ground_truth)
    # end of "for each image in video"

    if should_resize_image:
        positions = positions * 2

    print("Frames-per-second:",  len(img_files) / total_time)

    title = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(input_video_path))

    if len(ground_truth) > 0:
        # show the precisions plot
        show_precision(positions, ground_truth, video_path, title)

Exemple #25
N = 1024
D = 4
H = N // D
zdbfs = 32768
(sr, in1) = wf.read(sys.argv[1])
(sr, in2) = wf.read(sys.argv[2])
L1 = len(in1)
L2 = len(in2)
if L2 > L1: L = L2
else: L = L1
signal1 = pl.zeros(L)
signal2 = pl.zeros(L)
signal1[:len(in1)] = in1 / zdbfs
signal2[:len(in2)] = in2 / zdbfs
output = pl.zeros(L)
win = pl.hanning(N)
scal = 1.5 * D / 4

for n in range(0, L, H):
    if (L - n < N): break
    frame1 = stft(signal1[n:n + N], win, n)
    frame2 = stft(signal2[n:n + N], win, n)
    mags = abs(frame1)
    env1 = spec_env(frame1, 20)
    env2 = spec_env(frame2, 20)
    phs = pl.angle(frame1)
    if (min(env1) > 0):
        frame = p2r(mags * env2 / env1, phs)
        frame = p2r(mags * env2, phs)
    output[n:n + N] += istft(frame, win, n)
def fts_fft(cts, optv,rate, pks2, length, band=[], hann=False, bolo=0, plt=False,absv=False, phaseb=[], chop=False, crange=[], notquiet=False):
  IF N_PARAMS() == 0:
   print('pro fts_fft, cts, optv,rate, pks2, length, band=band, hann=hann, bolo=bolo, abs=abs, phaseb=phaseb, chop=chop,   crange=crange, notquiet=notquiet'
   print('To be added TC deconvolution'
   print('/abs -> phase corrected interferrogram is from both real and imaginary FFT otherwise phase corrected interferrogram just the real part.'
  #Document the output
  #result = {'freq': freq_a, 'real_FFT': real_a, 'im_FFT': im_a,'abs': abs_a, 'time_scan': timeout, 'whitel': pks, 'xint':   xint_a, 'intf': int_a, 'scan_length':scanl}

  if len(phaseb)==0: phaseb=band

  pks = pl.sort(pks2)
  pos = pl.arange(len(cts))*optv/rate
  time = pks/rate

  for i in range(len(pks)):

                                #grab the data within length of each
                                #white light peak and make scan
                                #symmetric around peak
    dd = pl.where((pos > (pos[pks[i]] - length)) & (pos<pos[pks[i]] + length))[0]
    d1 = pl.where(pos[dd] > (pos[pks[i]]))[0]
    d2 = pl.where(pos[dd]<(pos[pks[i]]))[0]

    mmin = min([len(d1), len(d2)]) #figuring out if one half is shorter than the other
    cts_range = pl.arange(2*mmin) + pks[i]-mmin
    #take out the mean and slope:
    xxtemp = pl.arange(len(cts_range))
    rrtemp = pl.polyfit(xxtemp, cts[cts_range],1)
    yr = cts[cts_range] - rrtemp[0]*xxtemp
    yr = yr - yr.mean()
    #Need even length for FFT
    if len(yr) % 2 != 0 : yr = yr[1:len(yr)]

#deal with possible chopping now:
#basic idea: find the chopper peak frequency - then we'll take
#                                              the FFT, and set this
#chopper peak to 0 frequency. Use the negative side band as our signal (lose 1/2
#the signal, but then don't have to deal with potentially large
#change in frequency response between the two side bands). 

    if chop != 0:

      if len(crange) == 0:
        chophi = 15
        choplow = 8
        chophi = crange[1]
        choplow = crange[0]
 #fitting chopped signal FFT with a gaussian around the chopper peak 

      def gaussian(x,a0,a1,a2,a3): # Mimics IDL's gaussfit with 'nterms' = 4
        z = (x-a1)/a2
        y = a0*pl.exp(-(z**2)/2) + a3
        return y

      qout = time_fft(yr, samplerate =rate, hann=True)                              ######Does this work?#######
      q2 = time_fft((qout['real']+1j*qout['im']), inverse=True)
      fr = pl.where((qout['freq'] > choplow) & (qout['freq']<chophi))[0]
      fit, pcov = curve_fit(gaussian,qout['freq'][fr],qout['abs'][fr])       ## This fit has inf covariance matrix. Not great.
      pkf = fit[1]  #found the peak response frequency.
      chspec_f = 30.0*pkf/optv  #this is where it maps in GHz
      if notquiet:
        print("Chopper at "+str(pkf)+ " Hz")
        print("Spectra: "+str(chspec_f)+ " GHz")
        print('3rd Harmonic in subtracted scan at ',+str(2*chspec_f)+" GHz")

#Save orignal for comparision with created intf
    yout = yr

    if hann:
      w1 = pl.hanning(len(yr))
      yr = yr*w1

    #Let's get this shifting right:
    yr.rotate(int(-len(yr)/2.0 +1))
    n = pl.arange(len(yr)/2. + 1)
    n2 = pl.concatenate((n, -(n[1:len(n)-1])[::-1]))    #CRAP should this be -2 or-1?
    icm = n2/len(yr)/(optv/rate)
    icm0 = icm
    FFT_r = pl.fft(yr)

    icm2 = icm
    #okay now let's do the shifting and such with the chopper:
    if chop != 0:
      chspec_icm = chspec_f/30.0
      icm = -1.0*(icm-chspec_icm)

    if notquiet:
      pl.plot(30*icm, abs(FFT(yr)), label='Not Demodulated')
      pl.plot(30*icm2, abs(FFT(yr)), label='Lower Side Band')
      pl.plot(-30*icm, abs(FFT(yr)), label='Upper Side Band')
      pl.xlim(50, 300) 
      pl.title('Chopped data, abs value')
      pl.ylim(0, .5)

   #now to take out a phase:
    phase = pl.arctan2(FFT_r.imag, FFT_r.real)
    tt =pl.where((icm > phaseb[0]/30.) & (icm<phaseb[1]/30.))[0]

    def linfit(x,a,b):
      return y    

    if len(tt) == 1 : r = [0,0] 
    if len(tt) != 1 : r,pcov = curve_fit(linfit,icm[tt], phase[tt],sigma = 1/abs(FFT_r[tt])**2)  # 'sigma' here was 'measure_errors' in IDL

    #apply phase correction:

    pc = r[0] + r[1]*icm
    shift_c = pl.exp(-pc*1j)
    FFT_r = FFT_r*shift_c
    FFT_net = FFT_r

    #create the interferrogram to feed back:
    intf = create_interf(30*icm0,pl.fft(yr).real)
    if absv : intf = create_interf(30*icm, pl.fft(yr))
    xin = intf['x']
    intfa = intf['intf']
    length_int =[len(intfa)]
    #pl.plot(intf.x, intf.intf, xr = [-2, 2]

    #keep only positive frequencies:
    qq = pl.where(icm >= 0)
    icm = icm[qq]
    FFT_r = FFT_r[qq]

    #sort this
    qqsort = icm.argsort()
    icm = icm[qqsort]
    FFT_r = FFT_r[qqsort]

    if len(band) == 0 : band = [50, 700]

    ptitle = 'FTS Data for bolo ' + str(bolo)
    if i == 0:
      freqout = 30.0*icm
      realout = (FFT_r[0:len(icm)]).real
      imout = (FFT_r[0:len(icm)]).imag
      sindex = pl.zeros(len(icm))+i
      timeout = [time[i]]
      length_inter = length_int
      xint = xin
      intfg = intfa
      if plt:
         inband = pl.where((30*icm > band[0]) & (30*icm < band[1]))[0]
         if len(inband) == 0 : inband = pl.arange(len(icm))
         if absv == 0:
           pl.plot(30*icm[1:], (FFT_r[1:]).real/max((FFT_r[inband]).real),'k-',label='%.4f cm'%(time[i]*optv))
           pl.plot(30*icm[1:], (FFT_r[1:]).imag/max((FFT_r[inband]).real), 'k--')
           pl.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)')
           pl.ylabel('Normalized Spectra')
           pl.ylim(-0.5, 1)

         if absv != 0:
              pl.plot(30*icm[1:], abs(FFT_r[1:])/max(abs(FFT_r[inband])))
              pl.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)')
              pl.ylabel('Normalized Abs Value of Spectra')
              pl.xlim(-.1, 1)

    if i != 0:
      tfreqout = 30*icm
      trealout = (FFT_r[0:len(icm)]).real
      timout = (FFT_r[0:len(icm)]).imag
      tsindex = pl.zeros(len(icm))+i      
      ttimeout = [time[i]]

      freqout = pl.concatenate((freqout, tfreqout))  ## Don't know if these are lists,arrays or integers
      realout = pl.concatenate((realout, trealout))
      imout = pl.concatenate((imout, timout))
      sindex = pl.concatenate((sindex, tsindex))
      timeout = pl.concatenate((timeout, ttimeout))
      length_inter = pl.concatenate((length_inter, length_int))
      xint = pl.concatenate((xint, xin))
      intfg = pl.concatenate((intfg, intfa))

      if plt:
        inband = pl.where((30*icm > band[0]) & (30*icm<band[1]))[0]
        if inband[0] == -1 : inband = pl.arange(len(icm))
        if absv == 0:
          pl.plot(30*icm[1:], (FFT_r[1:]).real/max((FFT_r[inband]).real),color=pl.cm.jet(.15*i),label='%.4f cm'%(time[i]*optv))
          pl.plot(30*icm[1:], (FFT_r[1:]).imag/max((FFT_r[inband]).real), '--',color=pl.cm.jet(.15*i))
        if absv != 0:
          pl.plot(30*icm[1:], abs(FFT_r[1:])/max(abs(FFT_r[inband])),color=pl.cm.jet(.15*i),label='%.4f cm'%(time[i]*optv))


#okay, let's get this result in some resasonable form:

  scanl = pl.histogram(sindex, bins = int(max(sindex)-min(sindex)+1))[0] #figure out the lengths of each scan and pad array with zeros if necessary
  maxl = max(scanl)
  scan_index = pl.arange(len(pks))
  freq_a = pl.zeros((maxl, len(pks)))           ##IDL is backwards, had to flip all these from CxR to RxC
  real_a = pl.zeros((maxl, len(pks)))
  im_a = pl.zeros((maxl, len(pks)))
  abs_a = pl.zeros((maxl, len(pks)))

  for i in range(len(pks)):  ## The below all comes from the column-focused IDL. Re-write? ##

    if i == 0:
      if maxl - scanl[i] != 0:  
        zeros_to_add = pl.zeros(maxl - scanl[i])             ## Don't know if these are arrays or integers ##
        freq_a[:,i] = pl.concatenate((freqout[0:scanl[i]],zeros_to_add))
        real_a[:,i] = pl.concatenate((realout[0:scanl[i]],zeros_to_add))
        im_a[:,i] = pl.concatenate((imout[0:scanl[i]],zeros_to_add))
        abs_a[:,i] = pl.sqrt(real_a[:,i]**2 + im_a[:,i]**2)
        new_start = scanl[i]
        freq_a[:,i] = freqout[0:scanl[i]]
        real_a[:,i] = realout[0:scanl[i]]
        im_a[:,i] =imout[0:scanl[i]]
        abs_a[:,i] = pl.sqrt(real_a[:,i]**2 + im_a[:,i]**2)
        new_start = scanl[i]
      if maxl - scanl[i] != 0:  
        zeros_to_add = pl.zeros(maxl - scanl[i])
        freq_a[:,i] = pl.concatenate((freqout[new_start:new_start +scanl[i]],zeros_to_add))
        real_a[:,i] = pl.concatenate((realout[new_start:new_start +scanl[i]],zeros_to_add))
        im_a[:,i] =pl.concatenate((imout[new_start:new_start + scanl[i]],zeros_to_add))
        abs_a[:,i] = pl.sqrt(real_a[:,i]**2 + im_a[:,i]**2)
        new_start = new_start + scanl[i]
        freq_a[:,i] = freqout[new_start:new_start +scanl[i]]
        real_a[:,i] = realout[new_start:new_start +scanl[i]]
        im_a[:,i] =imout[new_start:new_start +scanl[i]]
        abs_a[:,i] = pl.sqrt(real_a[:,i]**2 + im_a[:,i]**2)
        new_start = new_start + scanl[i]

#now to deal with the interferrograms:

  maxl = max(length_inter)
  xint_a = pl.zeros((maxl, len(length_inter)))
  int_a = pl.zeros((maxl, len(length_inter)))

  for i in range(len(pks)):

    if i == 0:
      if maxl - length_inter[i] != 0:
        zeros_to_add = pl.zeros(maxl - length_inter[i])
        xint_a[:,i] = pl.concatenate((zeros_to_add, xint[0:length_inter[i]]))
        int_a[:,i] = pl.concatenate((zeros_to_add, intfg[0:length_inter[i]]))
        new_start = length_inter[i]
        xint_a[:,i] = xint[0:length_inter[i]]
        int_a[:,i] = intfg[0:length_inter[i]]
        new_start = length_inter[i]

      if maxl - length_inter[i] != 0:
        zeros_to_add = pl.zeros(maxl - length_inter[i])
        xint_a[:,i] = pl.concatenate((zeros_to_add, xint[new_start:new_start+length_inter[i]]))
        int_a[:,i] = pl.concatenate((zeros_to_add, intfg[new_start:new_start+length_inter[i]]))
        new_start = new_start +  length_inter[i]
        xint_a[:,i] = xint[new_start:new_start+length_inter[i]]
        int_a[:,i] = intfg[new_start:new_start+length_inter[i]]

  result = {'freq': freq_a, 'real_FFT': real_a, 'im_FFT': im_a,'abs': abs_a, 'time_scan': timeout, 'whitel': pks, 'xint': xint_a, 'intf': int_a, 'scan_length':scanl}

  return result