Exemple #1
def mpow2(A, n):
    Returns the n-th power of A.
    Here, this is computed using eigenvalue decomposition.
    A : *array*
        the square matrix from which the n-th power should be returned
    n : *integer*
        the power

    B : *array*
        B = A^n

    D, L = eig(A)
    if isreal(A).all():
        return reduce(dot, [L, diag(D**n), inv(L)]).real
        return reduce(dot, [L, diag(D**n), inv(L)])
Exemple #2
def mpow2(A, n):
    Returns the n-th power of A.
    Here, this is computed using eigenvalue decomposition.
    A : *array*
        the square matrix from which the n-th power should be returned
    n : *integer*
        the power

    B : *array*
        B = A^n


    D, L = eig(A)
    if isreal(A).all():
        return reduce(dot, [L, diag(D**n), inv(L)]).real
        return reduce(dot, [L, diag(D**n), inv(L)])
Exemple #3
def fib2ABD(fiber_layup):
    :param fiber_layup: type(fiber_layup)=dict, Mandatory: numbers from 1 to n_layer where n_layer is the number of layers. n_layer
    :subparam fiber_layup[i_layer]: type(fiber_layup[i_layer])=dict, Mandatory fields: E1, E2, nu12, G12, angle, thickness, z_start, z_end. Optional fields: fiber_type,
    :return fiber_layup["ABD"] = ABD: ["thickness"] = sum(fiber_layup[i_layer]["thickness"])
    :subfield fiber_layup[i_layer]: ["S_l"] = S_l, ["Q_l"] = Q_l, ["Q_G"] = Q_G, ["A"] = A, ["B"] = B, ["D"] = D

    A = py.zeros((3, 3))
    B = py.zeros((3, 3))
    D = py.zeros((3, 3))

    for i_fib in range(1, fiber_layup["fiber_nr"] + 1):
        # Setting up local compliance matrix (S) for each fiber
        fiber_layup[i_fib]["S_l"] = get_compliance_matrix(fiber_layup[i_fib])

        # Getting local stiffness matrix (Q) - (Q = inv(S))
        fiber_layup[i_fib]["Q_l"] = py.inv(fiber_layup[i_fib]["S_l"])

        # Make transformation matrix for each fiber (T_lg, local->global - inv(T_lg)=T_gl, Global->local)
        fiber_layup[i_fib]["T_L2G"] = get_transform_Local2Global(
        fiber_layup[i_fib]["T_G2L"] = py.inv(fiber_layup[i_fib]["T_L2G"])

        # Make global stiffness matrix
        fiber_layup[i_fib]["Q_G"] = py.dot(
            py.dot(fiber_layup[i_fib]["Q_l"], fiber_layup[i_fib]["T_L2G"].T))

        # Make global A, B, D
        A += fiber_layup[i_fib]["Q_G"] * (fiber_layup[i_fib]["z_end"] -
        B += fiber_layup[i_fib]["Q_G"] * 1.0 / 2.0 * (
            fiber_layup[i_fib]["z_end"]**2 - fiber_layup[i_fib]["z_start"]**2)
        D += fiber_layup[i_fib]["Q_G"] * 1.0 / 3.0 * (
            fiber_layup[i_fib]["z_end"]**3 - fiber_layup[i_fib]["z_start"]**3)

    # Collect ABD matrix
    fiber_layup["A"] = A
    fiber_layup["B"] = B
    fiber_layup["D"] = D
    ABD = py.zeros((6, 6))
    ABD[:3, :3] = A
    ABD[:3, 3:] = B
    ABD[3:, :3] = B
    ABD[3:, 3:] = D
    fiber_layup["ABD"] = ABD
    fiber_layup["abd"] = py.inv(fiber_layup["ABD"])
    fiber_layup["E_x"] = 1.0 / (fiber_layup["abd"][0, 0] *
    fiber_layup["E_y"] = 1.0 / (fiber_layup["abd"][1, 1] *
    fiber_layup["G_xy"] = 1.0 / (fiber_layup["abd"][2, 2] *
    return (fiber_layup)
def stackElements(S1, S2):
    # Reursive relations, eq (59-62) in "A combined three-dimensional finite element and scattering matrix
    #  method for the analysis of plane wave diffraction by bi-periodic, multilayered structures"
    #  (Dossou 2012a)
    RIn1, TIn1, TOut1, ROut1 = StoRT(S1)
    RIn2, TIn2, TOut2, ROut2 = StoRT(S2)
    I = pl.identity(RIn1.shape[0])
    RIn = RIn1 + TOut1 * RIn2 * pl.inv(I - ROut1 * RIn2) * TIn1
    TIn = TIn2 * pl.inv(I - ROut1 * RIn2) * TIn1
    ROut = ROut2 + TIn2 * ROut1 * pl.inv(I - RIn2 * ROut1) * TOut2
    TOut = TOut1 * pl.inv(I - RIn2 * ROut1) * TOut2
    return RTtoS(RIn, TIn, TOut, ROut)
Exemple #5
def kalman(F,G,H,u,y,x0,Px0,Px,Py):
    computes the discrete-time Kalman-Filter
        F - system matrix [m x m]
        G - input matrix   x(k+1) = F*x(k) + G*u(k) [m x d_u]
        H - observation matrix  y(k) = H*x(k)
        u: input vector [d_u x n]
        y: observations [d_y x n]
        x0: initial estimate [d_x,]
        Px: (initial) covariance matrix of x
        Py: covariance matrix of y
        Q: covariance of dynamical noise (can be 0)
        (state, state_cov) the state and the state covariance matrices
    Implementation according to Geering: Regelungstechnik, Springer (2004),
    p. 259f.
    n = y.shape[-1]
    if y.shape[-1] != u.shape[-1]:
        raise ValueError, 'y and u do not have same length!'
    # reserve space for results
    Px_minus = zeros((Px0.shape[0],Px0.shape[1],n))
    Px_plus = zeros((Px0.shape[0],Px0.shape[1],n))
    x_minus = zeros((x0.shape[0],n))
    x_plus = zeros((x0.shape[0],n))
    Px_minus[:,:,0] = Px0
    x_minus[:,0:1] = x0
    # compute for each time frame
    for k in xrange(n):
        Px_plus[:,:,k] = Px_minus[:,:,k] - reduce(dot,
                         [Px_minus[:,:,k], H.T, 
                          inv(Py + dot(H,dot(Px_minus[:,:,k],H.T))), H,
        L = dot(Px_minus[:,:,k], 
                dot(H.T, inv( Py + dot(H, dot(Px_minus[:,:,k],H.T)) )))
        x_plus[:,k:k+1] = x_minus[:,k:k+1] + dot(L,
                          (y[:,k:k+1] - dot(H,x_minus[:,k:k+1]) ))
        if k < n-1:
            #print 'k = ', k, 'x-plus: ',x_plus.shape,'u',u.shape, 'x_minus:', x_minus.shape         
            Px_minus[:,:,k+1] = (dot(F, dot(Px_plus[:,:,k],F.T)) +
                                 dot(G, dot(Px,G.T)))
            x_minus[:,k+1:k+2] = dot(F,x_plus[:,k:k+1]) + dot(G,u[:,k:k+1])
    return x_plus, Px_plus
Exemple #6
def kalman(F, G, H, u, y, x0, Px0, Px, Py):
    computes the discrete-time Kalman-Filter
        F - system matrix [m x m]
        G - input matrix   x(k+1) = F*x(k) + G*u(k) [m x d_u]
        H - observation matrix  y(k) = H*x(k)
        u: input vector [d_u x n]
        y: observations [d_y x n]
        x0: initial estimate [d_x,]
        Px: (initial) covariance matrix of x
        Py: covariance matrix of y
        Q: covariance of dynamical noise (can be 0)
        (state, state_cov) the state and the state covariance matrices
    Implementation according to Geering: Regelungstechnik, Springer (2004),
    p. 259f.
    n = y.shape[-1]
    if y.shape[-1] != u.shape[-1]:
        raise ValueError, 'y and u do not have same length!'

    # reserve space for results
    Px_minus = zeros((Px0.shape[0], Px0.shape[1], n))
    Px_plus = zeros((Px0.shape[0], Px0.shape[1], n))
    x_minus = zeros((x0.shape[0], n))
    x_plus = zeros((x0.shape[0], n))

    Px_minus[:, :, 0] = Px0
    x_minus[:, 0:1] = x0

    # compute for each time frame
    for k in xrange(n):
        Px_plus[:, :, k] = Px_minus[:, :, k] - reduce(dot, [
            Px_minus[:, :, k], H.T,
            inv(Py + dot(H, dot(Px_minus[:, :, k], H.T))), H, Px_minus[:, :, k]
        L = dot(Px_minus[:, :, k],
                dot(H.T, inv(Py + dot(H, dot(Px_minus[:, :, k], H.T)))))
        x_plus[:, k:k + 1] = x_minus[:, k:k + 1] + dot(
            L, (y[:, k:k + 1] - dot(H, x_minus[:, k:k + 1])))
        if k < n - 1:
            #print 'k = ', k, 'x-plus: ',x_plus.shape,'u',u.shape, 'x_minus:', x_minus.shape
            Px_minus[:, :, k + 1] = (dot(F, dot(Px_plus[:, :, k], F.T)) +
                                     dot(G, dot(Px, G.T)))
            x_minus[:, k + 1:k +
                    2] = dot(F, x_plus[:, k:k + 1]) + dot(G, u[:, k:k + 1])

    return x_plus, Px_plus
Exemple #7
    def estimate_kernel(self, X, P, M):

        """estimate the ide model's kernel weights from data stored in the ide object"""

        # form Xi variables
        Xi_0 = pb.zeros([self.model.nx, self.model.nx])
        Xi_1 = pb.zeros([self.model.nx, self.model.nx])
        for t in range(1, len(X)):
            Xi_0 += pb.dot(X[t - 1, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1), X[t, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1).T) + M[
                t, :
            ].reshape(self.model.nx, self.model.nx)
            Xi_1 += pb.dot(X[t - 1, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1), X[t - 1, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1).T) + P[
                t - 1, :
            ].reshape(self.model.nx, self.model.nx)

            # form Upsilon and upsilons
        Upsilon = pb.zeros([self.model.ntheta, self.model.ntheta])
        upsilon0 = pb.zeros([1, self.model.ntheta])
        upsilon1 = pb.zeros([1, self.model.ntheta])
        for i in range(self.model.nx):
            for j in range(self.model.nx):
                Upsilon += Xi_1[i, j] * self.model.Delta_Upsilon[j, i]
                upsilon0 += Xi_0[i, j] * self.model.Delta_upsilon[j, i]
                upsilon1 += Xi_1[i, j] * self.model.Delta_upsilon[j, i]
        upsilon1 = upsilon1 * self.model.xi
        Upsilon = Upsilon * self.model.Ts * self.model.varsigma

        weights = pb.dot(pb.inv(Upsilon.T), upsilon0.T - upsilon1.T)

        return weights
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, x_wc, K):
        self.x_wc = x_wc
        self.x_cw = coord_xfms.ssc.inverse(self.x_wc)

        # camera calibration matrix
        self.K = K

        # camera center
        self.C = self.x_wc[0:3]

        # transforms points in world frame to points in camera frame
        self.wHc = coord_xfms.xyzrph2matrix(self.x_cw)
        # transforms points in camera frame to points in world frame
        self.cHw = coord_xfms.xyzrph2matrix(self.x_wc)

        # the stupid [R t] notation that I absolutely hate
        self.Rt = self.wHc[0:3, :]

        # projects points in world frame to image plane of camera
        self.P = K.dot(self.Rt)

        # used for normalized image points
        self.invK = pl.inv(K[0:3, 0:3])

        # used in back-projecting points to rays
        self.pinvP = pl.pinv(self.P)
Exemple #9
    def __init__ (self, x_wc, K):
        self.x_wc = x_wc
        self.x_cw = coord_xfms.ssc.inverse (self.x_wc)

        # camera calibration matrix
        self.K = K
        # camera center
        self.C = self.x_wc[0:3]

        # transforms points in world frame to points in camera frame
        self.wHc = coord_xfms.xyzrph2matrix (self.x_cw)
        # transforms points in camera frame to points in world frame
        self.cHw = coord_xfms.xyzrph2matrix (self.x_wc)

        # the stupid [R t] notation that I absolutely hate
        self.Rt = self.wHc[0:3,:]
        # projects points in world frame to image plane of camera
        self.P = K.dot (self.Rt)

        # used for normalized image points
        self.invK = pl.inv (K[0:3,0:3])

        # used in back-projecting points to rays
        self.pinvP = pl.pinv (self.P)
Exemple #10
def affineTransform(image, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, M, N):
    # Construct the matrix M
    mat_M = array([[x1, y1, 1, 0, 0, 0], \
                   [0, 0, 0, x1, y1, 1], \
                   [x2, y2, 1, 0, 0, 0], \
                   [0, 0, 0, x2, y2, 1], \
                   [x3, y3, 1, 0, 0, 0], \
                   [0, 0, 0, x3, y3, 1]])
    # Construct vector q
    q = array([[0], [0], [M], [0], [M], [N]])
    p = lstsq(mat_M, q)
    a, b, c, d, e, f =  p[0][0][0], \
                        p[0][1][0], \
                        p[0][2][0], \
                        p[0][3][0], \
                        p[0][4][0], \
    # A is the resulting matrix that describes the transformation
    A = array([[a, b, c], \
               [d, e, f], \
               [0, 0, 1]])
    # Create the new image
    b = array([zeros(N, float)] * M)    
    for i in range(0, M):
        for j in range(0, N):
            old_coor = dot(inv(A),([[i],[j],[1]]))
            b[i][j] = pV(image, old_coor[0][0], old_coor[1][0], 'linear')
    return b
Exemple #11
	def _filter(self,Y):

		## initialise
		# filter quantities
		xfStore =[]

		#calculate the weights

		for y in Y:
			#calculate the sigma points matrix, each column is a sigma vector
			#propogate sigma verctors through non-linearity
			#pointwise multiply by weights and sum along y-axis
			#measurement update equation

		return xfStore,PfStore
def get_projection_transformed_point(src_x_values, src_y_values, dest_width,
                                     dest_height, target_point_x,
    sx1, sy1 = src_x_values[0], src_y_values[0]  # tl
    sx2, sy2 = src_x_values[1], src_y_values[1]  # bl
    sx3, sy3 = src_x_values[2], src_y_values[2]  # br
    sx4, sy4 = src_x_values[3], src_y_values[3]  # tr

    source_points_123 = pl.matrix([[sx1, sx2, sx3],
                                   [sy1, sy2, sy3],
                                   [1, 1, 1]])

    source_point_4 = [[sx4], [sy4], [1]]

    scale_to_source = pl.solve(source_points_123, source_point_4)

    l, m, t = [float(x) for x in scale_to_source]

    unit_to_source = pl.matrix([[l * sx1, m * sx2, t * sx3],
                                [l * sy1, m * sy2, t * sy3],
                                [l, m, t]])

    dx1, dy1 = 0, 0
    dx2, dy2 = 0, dest_height
    dx3, dy3 = dest_width, dest_height
    dx4, dy4 = dest_width, 0

    dest_points_123 = pl.matrix([[dx1, dx2, dx3],
                                 [dy1, dy2, dy3],
                                 [1, 1, 1]])

    dest_point_4 = pl.matrix([[dx4],

    scale_to_dest = pl.solve(dest_points_123, dest_point_4)

    l, m, t = [float(x) for x in scale_to_dest]

    unit_to_dest = pl.matrix([[l * dx1, m * dx2, t * dx3],
                              [l * dy1, m * dy2, t * dy3],
                              [l, m, t]])

    source_to_unit = pl.inv(unit_to_source)

    source_to_dest = unit_to_dest @ source_to_unit

    x, y, z = [float(w) for w in (source_to_dest @ pl.matrix([

    x /= z
    y /= z

    y = target_point_y * 2 - y

    return x, y
Exemple #13
def get_transformation_matrix(matrix):
    # Get the vector p and the values that are in there by taking the SVD.
    # Since D is diagonal with the eigenvalues sorted from large to small
    # on the diagonal, the optimal q in min ||Dq|| is q = [[0]..[1]].
    # Therefore, p = Vq means p is the last column in V.
    U, D, V = svd(matrix)
    p = V[8][:]

    return inv(array([[p[0],p[1],p[2]], [p[3],p[4],p[5]], [p[6],p[7],p[8]]]))
Exemple #14
def JointValuesFromTransform(robot, Tdesired):
    Find the dummy joint values such that the Transform of the baselink is
    Tdesired. T0 is the initial Transform of the baselink.
    R = dot(inv(robot.baselinkinittransform[0:3, 0:3]), Tdesired[0:3, 0:3])
    [h1, h2, h3] = AnglesFromRot(R)
    offset = dot(R, robot.baselinkinittransform[0:3, 3])
    [s1, s2, s3] = Tdesired[0:3, 3] - offset
    return [s1, s2, s3, h1, h2, h3]
Exemple #15
def JointValuesFromTransform(robot, Tdesired):
    Find the dummy joint values such that the Transform of the baselink is
    Tdesired. T0 is the initial Transform of the baselink.
    R = dot(inv(robot.baselinkinittransform[0:3, 0:3]), Tdesired[0:3, 0:3])
    [h1, h2, h3] = AnglesFromRot(R)
    offset = dot(R, robot.baselinkinittransform[0:3, 3])
    [s1, s2, s3] = Tdesired[0:3, 3] - offset
    return [s1, s2, s3, h1, h2, h3]
def MLEf(x,x_data,y_data):
    X = x_data.numpy()
    Y = y_data.numpy()
    X = np.array([np.concatenate((np.array([1]),X[i,:])) for i in range(X.shape[0])])
    B = pl.inv(X.T@X)@X.T@Y
    s = 0
    N = X.shape[1]
    for i in np.arange(N):
        s = s + B[i]*(x**(i))
    return s,B.reshape(1,-1)
Exemple #17
def setup_asr_step_methods(m, vars, additional_stochs=[]):
    # groups RE stochastics that are suspected of being dependent
    groups = []
    fe_group = [n for n in vars.get('beta', []) if isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic)]
    ap_group = [n for n in vars.get('gamma', []) if isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic)]
    groups += [[g_i, g_j] for g_i, g_j in zip(ap_group[1:], ap_group[:-1])] + [fe_group, ap_group, fe_group+ap_group]

    for a in vars.get('hierarchy', []):
        group = []

        col_map = dict([[key, i] for i,key in enumerate(vars['U'].columns)])
        if a in vars['U']:
            for b in nx.shortest_path(vars['hierarchy'], 'all', a):
                if b in vars['U']:
                    n = vars['alpha'][col_map[b]]
                    if isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic):
        #if len(group) > 0:
            #group += ap_group
            #group += fe_group
    for stoch in groups:
        if len(stoch) > 0 and pl.all([isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic) for n in stoch]):
            # only step certain stochastics, for understanding convergence
            #if 'gamma_i' not in stoch[0].__name__:
            #    print 'no stepper for', stoch
            #    m.use_step_method(mc.NoStepper, stoch)
            #    continue

            #print 'finding Normal Approx for', [n.__name__ for n in stoch]
            if additional_stochs == []:
                vars_to_fit = [vars.get('p_obs'), vars.get('pi_sim'), vars.get('smooth_gamma'), vars.get('parent_similarity'),
                               vars.get('mu_sim'), vars.get('mu_age_derivative_potential'), vars.get('covariate_constraint')]
                vars_to_fit = additional_stochs

                raise ValueError
                na = mc.NormApprox(vars_to_fit + stoch)
                na.fit(method='fmin_powell', verbose=0)
                cov = pl.array(pl.inv(-na.hess), order='F')
                #print 'opt:', pl.round_([n.value for n in stoch], 2)
                #print 'cov:\n', cov.round(4)
                if pl.all(pl.eigvals(cov) >= 0):
                    m.use_step_method(mc.AdaptiveMetropolis, stoch, cov=cov)
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                #print 'cov matrix is not positive semi-definite'
                m.use_step_method(mc.AdaptiveMetropolis, stoch)
Exemple #18
def train_readout(states, targets, reg_fact=0):
    # train readout with linear regression
    # states... numpy array with states[i,j] the state of neuron j in example i
    # targets.. the targets for training/testing. targets[i] is target of example i
    # reg_fact..regularization factor. If set to 0, no regularization is performed
    # returns:
    #    w...weight vector
    if reg_fact == 0:
        w = np.linalg.lstsq(states, targets)[0]
        w = np.dot(np.dot(pylab.inv(reg_fact * pylab.eye(np.size(states, 1)) + np.dot(states.T, states)), states.T),
    return w
Exemple #19
	def EM(self,Y,U,eps = 0.000000001):
		converged = False
		l = [1000]
		while not converged:	
			# E step
			X, P, K, M = self.rtssmooth(Y, U)
			Xi11 = pb.sum([Pt + x*x.T for Pt,x in zip(P,X)],0)
			Xi10 = pb.sum([Mt + x1*x.T for Mt,x1,x in zip(M[1:],X[:-1],X[1:])],0)
			# M step
			self.A = pb.inv(Xi11)*Xi10
			converged = abs(l[-1] - l[-2]) < eps 
			print l[-1]
		return l, X, P
Exemple #20
def check_actuated_torques(hrp, q, qd, qdd, tau, J, F_ext):
    """Check actuated torques `tau` computed against the external wrench F_ext
    using Equation (8) from (Mistry, Buchli and Schall, 2010).

    robot -- robot object
    q -- full-body configuration
    qd -- full-body velocity
    qdd -- full-body acceleration
    tau -- active joint torques
    J -- contact Jacobian
    F_ext -- contact wrench

    with hrp.rave:
        _, tc, tg = hrp.rave.ComputeInverseDynamics(qdd, returncomponents=True)
    M = hrp.compute_inertia_matrix(hrp.q)
    S = hstack([eye(50), zeros((50, 6))])
    SMS_inv = inv(dot(S, dot(inv(M), S.T)))
    S_bar = dot(SMS_inv, dot(S, inv(M))).T
    v = dot(S_bar.T, (tc + tg - dot(J.T, F_ext)))
    tau_check = dot(SMS_inv, qdd[:50]) + v
    return norm(tau - tau_check) < 1e-5
Exemple #21
 def compute_readout_weights(states, targets, reg_fact=0):
     Train readout with linear regression
     :param states: numpy array with states[i, j], the state of neuron j in example i
     :param targets: numpy array with targets[i], while target i corresponds to example i
     :param reg_fact: regularization factor; 0 results in no regularization
     :return: numpy array with weights[j]
     if reg_fact == 0:
         w = np.linalg.lstsq(states, targets)[0]
         w = np.dot(
                 pylab.inv(reg_fact * pylab.eye(np.size(states, 1)) +
                           np.dot(states.T, states)), states.T), targets)
     return w
def fit_ellipse(pts):
	D=np.transpose([x**2, x*y, y**2, x, y, np.ones(len(x))])
	C[5,5]=0; C[0,2]=2; C[1,1]=-1; C[2,0]=2
	(gevec, geval)=pl.eig( np.dot(pl.inv(S),C) ) 
	(PosR, PosC)= np.where(geval>0 & ~np.isinf(geval))
	return cm, v[1], v[0], theta
Exemple #23
def normal_equation(x, y):
        Computes the parameters based the training examples and values of the target variables using
        the closed form formula theta = (inverse(X.transpose()*X)*X.transpose())*Y where X.transpose()
        computes the transpose of matrix X and * implies matrix multiplication.
        x - an array of feature vectors
        y - target variables corresponding to the feature vectors
        theta - an array of parameters corresponding to the feature vectors.

    z = inv(dot(x.transpose(), x))
    theta = dot(dot(z, x.transpose()), y)
    return theta
Exemple #24
def perspectiveTransform(image, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, M, N):
    # Construct the matrix M
    x1_a, y1_a = 0, 0
    x2_a, y2_a = M, 0
    x3_a, y3_a = M, N
    x4_a, y4_a = 0, N
    mat_M = array([[x1, y1, 1, 0,  0,  0, -x1_a * x1, -x1_a * y1, -x1_a], \
                   [0,  0,  0, x1, y1, 1, -y1_a * x1, -y1_a * y1, -y1_a], \
                   [x2, y2, 1, 0,  0,  0, -x2_a * x2, -x2_a * y2, -x2_a], \
                   [0,  0,  0, x2, y2, 1, -y2_a * x2, -y2_a * y2, -y2_a], \
                   [x3, y3, 1, 0,  0,  0, -x3_a * x3, -x3_a * y3, -x3_a], \
                   [0,  0,  0, x3, y3, 1, -y3_a * x3, -y3_a * y3, -y3_a], \
                   [x4, y4, 1, 0,  0,  0, -x4_a * x4, -x4_a * y4, -x4_a], \
                   [0,  0,  0, x4, y4, 1, -y4_a * x4, -y4_a * y4, -y4_a]])
    # Get the vector p and the values that are in there by taking the SVD. 
    # Since D is diagonal with the eigenvalues sorted from large to small on
    # the diagonal, the optimal q in min ||Dq|| is q = [[0]..[1]]. Therefore, 
    # p = Vq means p is the last column in V.
    U, D, V = svd(mat_M)
    p = V[8][:]                
    a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i = p[0], \
                                p[1], \
                                p[2], \
                                p[3], \
                                p[4], \
                                p[5], \
                                p[6], \
                                p[7], \
    # P is the resulting matrix that describes the transformation
    P = array([[a, b, c], \
               [d, e, f], \
               [g, h, i]])
    # Create the new image
    b = array([zeros(M, float)] * N)
    for i in range(0, M):
        for j in range(0, N):
            or_coor = dot(inv(P),([[i],[j],[1]]))
            or_coor_h = or_coor[1][0] / or_coor[2][0], \
                      or_coor[0][0] / or_coor[2][0]
            b[j][i] = pV(image, or_coor_h[0], or_coor_h[1], 'linear')
    return b
Exemple #25
		def Kupdate(A,C,P_,Sigma_epsilon,x_,y):
			if (np.rank(A)!=2 or type(self.A)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('A should be rank two array')
			if (np.rank(C)!=2 or type(self.C)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('C should be rank two array')
			if (np.rank(Sigma_epsilon)!=2 or type(self.Sigma_epsilon)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('Sigma_epsilon should be rank two array')
			if (np.rank(P_)!=2 or type(P_)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('P should be rank two array')
			if type(x_)!=np.ndarray:raise TypeError('x0 should be rank two array')
			if type(y)!=np.ndarray:raise TypeError('y should be rank two array')

			# calculte Kalman gain
			K =pb.dot(pb.dot(P_,C.T),pb.inv(dots(C,P_,C.T) + Sigma_epsilon))
			# update estimate with model output measurement
			x = x_ + pb.dot(K,(y-pb.dot(C,x_)))
			# update the state error covariance
			P = pb.dot((np.eye(self.nx)-pb.dot(K,C)),P_);
			return x,P
Exemple #26
	def estimate_kernel(self,X):

			estimate the ide parameters using least squares method
			X: list of ndarray
				state vectors

			least squares estimation of the IDE parameters

		parameters=[float(theta[i]) for i in range(theta.shape[0])]
		return parameters
def findMatrix( uN, dim, nCoeff, ptns, pascale, serendipity ):
    fop = g.PolynomialModelling( dim, nCoeff, pnts )
    fop.setPascalsStyle( pascale )
    fop.setSerendipityStyle( serendipity )
    tmp = g.RPolynomialFunction( g.RVector( fop.polynomialFunction().size() ) )
    tmp.fill( fop.startModel() )
    print "base:", tmp
    G = P.zeros( ( len( pnts), len( tmp.elements() ) ) )
    for i, p in enumerate( pnts ):
        for j, e in enumerate( tmp.elements() ):
            G[i,j] = e( p )
    GI = P.inv( G )
    coef = P.dot( GI, uN )
    print coef
    print P.dot( G, coef )
    tmp.fill( g.asvector( coef ) )
    print coef, tmp
    return tmp
 def compute_readout_weights(states, targets, reg_fact=0):
     Train readout with linear regression
     :param states: numpy array with states[i, j], the state of neuron j in example i
     :param targets: numpy array with targets[i], while target i corresponds to example i
     :param reg_fact: regularization factor; 0 results in no regularization
     :return: numpy array with weights[j]
     if reg_fact == 0:
         # lstsq solves the equation Xw = b for the best w 
         w = np.linalg.lstsq(states, targets)[0]
         # pylab.inv -> inverse 
         # pylab.eye -> identity matrix
         # Note that the inverse of kI_n = 1/k I_n for a scalar k. 
         # This is somewhat related to the least squares equation.
         # A^TA x = A^T b 
         # for vectors x and b 
         w = np.dot(np.dot(pylab.inv(reg_fact * pylab.eye(np.size(states, 1)) + np.dot(states.T, states)),
     return w
Exemple #29
def findMatrix(uN, dim, nCoeff, ptns, pascale, serendipity):
    fop = g.PolynomialModelling(dim, nCoeff, pnts)

    tmp = g.RPolynomialFunction(g.RVector(fop.polynomialFunction().size()))
    print("base:", tmp)

    G = P.zeros((len(pnts), len(tmp.elements())))

    for i, p in enumerate(pnts):
        for j, e in enumerate(tmp.elements()):
            G[i, j] = e(p)

    GI = P.inv(G)
    coef = P.dot(GI, uN)

    print(P.dot(G, coef))
    print(coef, tmp)
    return tmp
Exemple #30
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../../")
# from SBDet import parseToCoo, gen_sigs, mix, select_model
from SBDet import *
import pylab as P
import numpy as np

# tr = zload('./EstBiase-n_num.pk')
tr = zload('./EstBiase-n_num-revised.pk')
n_num, iso_n, PA_para, PA_lk, ER_para, ER_lk = zip(*tr['n_num'])
x = iso_n
y = np.array(PA_lk).reshape(-1) - np.array(ER_lk)
P.plot(x, y, 'r.')
# import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
P.axis([0, max(x), 0, max(y)])

# solve least square problem
n = len(x)
# X = np.hstack([np.ones((n, 1)), np.array(x).reshape(-1, 1)])
X = np.array(x).reshape(-1, 1)
beta = P.dot(P.dot(P.inv(P.dot(X.T, X)), X.T), np.array(y).reshape(-1, 1))
xp = np.linspace(0, max(x), 100)
yp = xp * beta[0, 0]
P.plot(xp, yp, 'b--')
P.xlabel('Number of isolated nodes')
P.ylabel('Difference between log liklihood of PA and ER')
xm = max(x) * 0.5
P.text(xm, xm * beta - 500, 'y=%f x' % (beta))
Exemple #31
def setup_asr_step_methods(m, vars, additional_stochs=[]):
    # groups RE stochastics that are suspected of being dependent
    groups = []
    fe_group = [
        n for n in vars.get('beta', []) if isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic)
    ap_group = [
        n for n in vars.get('gamma', []) if isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic)
    groups += [[g_i, g_j] for g_i, g_j in zip(ap_group[1:], ap_group[:-1])
               ] + [fe_group, ap_group, fe_group + ap_group]

    for a in vars.get('hierarchy', []):
        group = []

        col_map = dict([[key, i] for i, key in enumerate(vars['U'].columns)])

        if a in vars['U']:
            for b in nx.shortest_path(vars['hierarchy'], 'all', a):
                if b in vars['U']:
                    n = vars['alpha'][col_map[b]]
                    if isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic):
        #if len(group) > 0:
        #group += ap_group
        #group += fe_group

    for stoch in groups:
        if len(stoch) > 0 and pl.all(
            [isinstance(n, mc.Stochastic) for n in stoch]):
            # only step certain stochastics, for understanding convergence
            #if 'gamma_i' not in stoch[0].__name__:
            #    print 'no stepper for', stoch
            #    m.use_step_method(mc.NoStepper, stoch)
            #    continue

            #print 'finding Normal Approx for', [n.__name__ for n in stoch]
            if additional_stochs == []:
                vars_to_fit = [
                vars_to_fit = additional_stochs

                raise ValueError
                na = mc.NormApprox(vars_to_fit + stoch)
                na.fit(method='fmin_powell', verbose=0)
                cov = pl.array(pl.inv(-na.hess), order='F')
                #print 'opt:', pl.round_([n.value for n in stoch], 2)
                #print 'cov:\n', cov.round(4)
                if pl.all(pl.eigvals(cov) >= 0):
                    m.use_step_method(mc.AdaptiveMetropolis, stoch, cov=cov)
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                #print 'cov matrix is not positive semi-definite'
                m.use_step_method(mc.AdaptiveMetropolis, stoch)
Created on Jun 5, 2016

@author: ahanagrawal
from GradientDescent import ConstructArrays
import pylab
import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':
    array = pylab.loadtxt("ex1/ex1data1.txt", dtype=float, delimiter=",")
    X, Y = ConstructArrays(array)
    X = np.matrix(X)
    Y = np.matrix(Y)
    print(pylab.inv(X.T * X) * X.T * Y)
Exemple #33
def create_cm(dim,eigList1 = None, eigList2 = None):
    returns two real-valued commuting matrices of dimension dim x dim
    the eigenvalues of each matrix can be given; single complex numbers will be
    interpreted as pair of complex conjuates.
    With this restriction, the (internally augmented) lists must have the length
    of dim
    if eigList1 is None:
        eigList1 = rand(dim)
    if eigList2 is None:
        eigList2 = rand(dim)
    # order 1st array such that complex numbers are first
    EL1 = array(eigList1)    
    imPos1 = find(iscomplex(EL1))
    rePos1 = find(isreal(EL1)) # shorter than set comparisons :D
    EL1 = hstack([EL1[imPos1],EL1[rePos1]])
    # order 2nd array such that complex numbers are last
    EL2 = array(eigList2)    
    imPos2 = find(iscomplex(EL2))
    rePos2 = find(isreal(EL2)) # shorter than set comparisons :D
    EL2 = hstack([EL2[rePos2],EL2[imPos2]])
    # now: make eigenvalues of list #2, where a block is in list #1, 
    # pairwise equal, and other way round
    EL2[1:2*len(imPos1):2] = EL2[0:2*len(imPos1):2]    
    EL1[-2*len(imPos2)+1::2] = EL1[-2*len(imPos2)::2]
    if len(imPos2)*2 + len(imPos1)*2 > dim:
        raise ValueError(
           'too many complex eigenvalues - cannot create commuting matrices')

    # augment lists
    ev1 = []       
    nev1 = 0
    for elem in EL1:
        if elem.imag != 0.:
            ev1.append( array( [[elem.real, -elem.imag],
                               [elem.imag,  elem.real]]))
            nev1 += 2
            nev1 += 1
    if nev1 != dim:
        raise ValueError(
          'number of given eigenvalues #1 (complex: x2) does not match dim!')
    ev2 = []
    nev2 = 0
    for elem in EL2:
        if elem.imag != 0.:
            ev2.append( array( [[elem.real, -elem.imag],
                               [elem.imag,  elem.real]]))
            nev2 += 2
            nev2 += 1
    if nev2 != dim:
        raise ValueError(
          'number of given eigenvalues #2 (complex: x2) does not match dim!')

    u,s,v = svd(randn(dim,dim))
    # create a coordinate system v that is not orthogonal but not too skew
    v = v + .2*rand(dim,dim) - .1
    cm1 = dot(inv(v),dot(blockdiag(ev1),v))
    cm2 = dot(inv(v),dot(blockdiag(ev2),v))
    # create block diagonal matrices
    return cm1, cm2
Exemple #34
	def rtssmooth(self,Y):
		## initialise
		# filter quantities
		xfStore =[]

		#calculate the weights

		for y in Y:

			#calculate the sigma points matrix, each column is a sigma vector
			#propogate sigma verctors through non-linearity
			#pointwise multiply by weights and sum along y-axis
			#measurement update equation

		# initialise the smoother

		xb = [None]*T
		Pb = [None]*T

		xb[-1], Pb[-1] = xfStore[-1], PfStore[-1]

		# backward iteration

		for t in range(T-2,-1,-1):
			#calculate the sigma points matrix from filterd states, each column is a sigma vector
			#propogate sigma verctors through non-linearity
			#calculate xb_
			#pointwise multiply by weights and sum along y-axis

			#Calculate Smoother outputs

		return xb,Pb
Created on Jun 5, 2016

@author: ahanagrawal
from GradientDescent import ConstructArrays
import pylab
import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':
    array = pylab.loadtxt("ex1/ex1data1.txt", dtype = float, delimiter = ",")
    X,Y = ConstructArrays(array)
    X = np.matrix(X)
    Y = np.matrix(Y)
    print(pylab.inv(X.T*X) * X.T * Y)
    def Global_Stiffness(self):
        Generates Global Stiffness Matrix for the plane structure
        elem = self.element;
        B = py.zeros((6,6))
        for i in range (0,py.size(elem,0)): 
            #for each element find the stifness matrix
            K = py.zeros((self.n_nodes*2,self.n_nodes*2))            
            el = elem[i]
            #nodes formatted for input            
            [node1, node2, node3] = el;
            node1x = 2*(node1);node2x = 2*(node2);node3x = 2*(node3);
            node1y = 2*(node1)+1;node2y = 2*(node2)+1;node3y = 2*(node3)+1;
            #Area, Strain Matrix and E Matrix multiplied to get element stiffness            
            [J,B] = self.B(el)
            local_k =0.5*abs(J)*py.dot(py.transpose(B),py.dot(self.E_matrix,B))
            if self.debug:            
                print 'K for elem', el, '\n', local_k
            #Element K-Matrix converted into Global K-Matrix format 
            K[py.ix_([node1x,node1y,node2x,node2y,node3x,node3y],[node1x,node1y,node2x,node2y,node3x,node3y])] += local_k

            #Adding contibution into Global Stiffness           
            self.k_global += K
        if self.debug: 
                print 'Global Stiffness','\n', self.k_global, '\n', 'size', py.shape(self.k_global), '\n Symmetry test' , py.dot(py.inv(self.k_global),self.k_global)    
Exemple #37
def dia(r, i, k, w=None, verbose=False, noback=False):
    Computational tool for Difference Image Analysis (DIA)
       R -- reference image.  This should have the highest possible
            signal-to-noise and the sharpest PSF.

       I -- Current image to be analysed.

       k -- 2D kernel basis mask: 1 for pixels to be used, 0 for
            pixels to be ignored

       w       -- weights of the pixel values in I; typically (sigma)^-2

       noback  -- do not fit for a variable background; assume constant.

       verbose -- Print output statements and make a plot or two

    :OUTPUTS:       (M, K, B, C):
       M -- R, convolved to match I

       K -- kernel used in convolution

       B -- background offset

       C -- chisquared of fit. If no weights were specified, weights
            are set to unity for this calculation.


                import pylab as py
                import dia
                # Define reference and blurred images:
                ref = py.zeros((10,10))
                img = py.zeros((10,10))
                ref[3,3] = 1; ref[3,6] = 1;  ref[6,3] = 1
                img[2,3] = 1; img[3,2:5] = 1;  img[4,3] = 1
                img[2,6] = 1; img[3,5:8] = 1;  img[4,6] = 1
                img[5,3] = 1; img[6,2:5] = 1;  img[7,3] = 1

                # Add some noise:
                img += py.randn(10, 10)/10.

                # Define kernel basis
                kb = py.ones((3,3))    

                # Compute Difference Image Analysis:
                m, kern, bkg, chisq = dia.dia(ref, img, kb)

                # Display results:
                py.title('Reference image')
                py.title('Observed image')
                py.title('Optimal kernel')
                py.title('Convolved Reference')
                py.imshow(img - m)

        Best results are obtained with proper registration of the images.

        Also, beware of edge effects.  As a general rule, anything within
        a kernel width of the edges is suspect.

        Based on the 2D Bramich (2008) DIA algorithm

        2008-11-18 11:12 IJC: Extrapolating from my 1D algorithm

        2012-04-03 08:19 IJMC: Added example to documentation.
#    """Testing Bramich's algorithm for 2D DIA."""

    from nsdata import imshow

    if noback:
        if verbose: print "Not fitting for a variable background..."

    tol = 1e-10  # tolerance for singularity

    r = array(r, copy=True)
    i = array(i, copy=True)
    k = array(k, copy=True, dtype=bool)
    if len(k.ravel())==1:
        k = k.reshape((1,1))
    elif len(k.shape)==1:
        k = k.reshape((k.shape[0], 1))

    Nrx = r.shape[0]
    Nry = r.shape[1]
    Nr  = Nrx * Nry
    Nkx = k.shape[0]
    Nky = k.shape[1]
    Nk  = k.sum()
    dx  = int(floor(Nkx/2))
    dy  = int(floor(Nky/2))
    ix  = Nrx - Nkx + 1
    iy  = Nry - Nky + 1

    pvec = find(k.ravel())
    pl = pvec/Nkx
    pm = pvec % Nky

    if w==None:
        w = ones(i.shape, dtype=float)

    #ind = arange(Nr-Nk+1, dtype=int)

    if verbose: 
        print "Nrx,Nry,Nr>>" + str((Nrx,Nry,Nr))
        print "r>>" + str(r)
        print "i>>" + str(i)
        print "Nkx,Nky,Nk>>" + str((Nkx,Nky,Nk))
        print "k>>" + str(k)
        print "pvec>>" + str(pvec)
        print "pl>>" + str(pl)
        print "pm>>" + str(pm)
        print "dx,dy>>" + str((dx,dy))
        print "ix,iy>>" + str((ix,iy))

    #b = zeros(Nk+1, dtype=float)
    #for ii in arange(Nk):
    #    b[ii] = (w[ind+dx] * i[ind+dx] * r[ind+ii]).sum()
    #b[Nk] = (w[ind+dx] * i[ind+dx]).sum()

    b = zeros(Nk+1, dtype=float)
    itemp = i[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy]
    wtemp = w[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy]
    if verbose: print "itemp>>" + str(itemp)
    for ii in arange(Nk):
        b[ii] = (itemp * wtemp * r[pl[ii]:pl[ii]+ix,pm[ii]:pm[ii]+iy]).sum()
    b[Nk] = (w[dx:dx+ix] * i[dx:dx+ix]).sum()
    if verbose: print "b>>" + str(b)
    if verbose: print "Made it through 'b' Calculation!"
    U = zeros((Nk+1,Nk+1))
    # This is optimized by only computing the upper diagonal elements...
    for ii in arange(Nk):
        l = pl[ii]
        m = pm[ii]
        if verbose: print "l, m>>" + str((l,m))
        rwtemp = r[l :l +ix,m :m +ix] * wtemp
        U[Nk, ii] = rwtemp.sum()
        U[ii, Nk] = U[Nk, ii]
        for jj in arange(ii,Nk):
            l2 = pl[jj]
            m2 = pm[jj]
            if verbose: print "l2, m2>>" + str((l2,m2))
            U[ii,jj] = ( rwtemp * r[l2:l2+ix,m2:m2+ix] ).sum()
            U[jj,ii] = U[ii,jj]
    if verbose: print "U>>" + str(U)

    U[Nk, Nk] = wtemp.sum()

    if verbose: print "U>>" + str(U)

    if noback:
        U = U[0:Nk, 0:Nk]
        b = b[0:Nk]

    detU = linalg.det(U)
    if verbose: print "det(U) is:  " + str(detU)

    if detU<tol:
        if verbose: print "Singular matrix: det(U) < tol.  Using pseudoinverse..."
        a = dot(linalg.pinv(U), b)
        a = dot(inv(U), b)
    if noback:
        K = a
        B0 = 0.0
        K = a[0:len(a)-1]
        B0 = a[-1]
    if verbose: print "K>>" + str(K)
    if verbose: print "B0>>" + str(B0)
    if verbose: print "find(k.ravel())>>" + str(find(k.ravel()))

    kernel = zeros(Nkx*Nky, dtype=float)
    kernel[find(k.ravel())] = K

    kernel = kernel.reshape((Nkx, Nky))
    # Bramich's convolution is not Numpy-standard, so we do it by hand:
    m = rconvolve2d(r, kernel, mode='valid') + B0

    if verbose: print "itemp.shape>>" + str(itemp.shape)
    if verbose: print "wtemp.shape>>" + str(wtemp.shape)
    if verbose: print "r.shape>>" + str(r.shape)
    if verbose: print "m.shape>>" + str(m.shape)
    if verbose: print "m[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy].shape>>" + str(m[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy].shape)

    chisq  = ( wtemp * (itemp - m[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy])**2 ).sum()
    chisq0 = ( wtemp * (itemp - r[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy])**2 ).sum()

    #if verbose: print "Kernel is:  " + str(kernel)
    if verbose: print "Background: " + str(B0)
    if verbose: print "Phot. scaling: " + str(kernel.sum())
    if verbose: print "For the (" + str(Nr) + " - " + str(Nk+1) + ") = " + str(Nr-Nk-1) + " DOF:"
    if verbose: print "Red. Chisquared (I-R): " + str(chisq0/(Nr-Nk-1))
    if verbose: print "Red. Chisquared (I-M): " + str(chisq/(Nr-Nk-1))
    if verbose:
        cmin = array([i.min(), m.min()]).min()
        cmax = array([i.max(), m.max()]).max()
        subplot(131); imshow(r); title('R'); clim([cmin, cmax]); colorbar()
        subplot(132); imshow(i); title('I'); clim([cmin, cmax]); colorbar()
        subplot(133); imshow(m); title('M'); clim([cmin, cmax]); colorbar()

        cmin = array([(r-i).min(), (m-i).min()]).min()
        cmax = array([(r-i).max(), (m-i).min()]).max()
        subplot(121); imshow(r - i); title('R - I'); clim([cmin, cmax]); colorbar();
        subplot(122); imshow(m - i); title('M - I'); clim([cmin, cmax]); colorbar(); 

        imshow(kernel); title('Kernel'); colorbar()


    return (m, kernel, B0, chisq)
Exemple #38
def solve_inv(A, B):
    return pl.inv(A) * B
Exemple #39
	def rtssmooth(self,Y):
		"""Rauch Tung Streibel(RTS) smoother
		Y : list of ndarray
			 list of observation vectors
		XStore : list of ndarray
			 list of forward state estimates
		PStore : list of ndarray
			 list of forward state covariance matrices
		XbStore : list of ndarray
			 list of backward state estimates
		PbStore : list of ndarray
			 list of backward state covariance matrices	

		# prediction
		def Kpred(A,P,Sigma_e,x):
			if (np.rank(A)!=2 or type(self.A)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('A should be rank two array')
			if (np.rank(Sigma_e)!=2 or type(self.Sigma_e)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('Sigma_e should be rank two array')
			if (np.rank(P)!=2 or type(self.Sigma_e)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('P should be rank two array')
			if type(x)!=np.ndarray:raise TypeError('x0 should be rank two array')
			# predict state
			x_ = pb.dot(A,x) 
			# predict state covariance
			P_ =dots(A,P,A.T) + Sigma_e
			return x_,P_

		# correction
		def Kupdate(A,C,P_,Sigma_epsilon,x_,y):
			if (np.rank(A)!=2 or type(self.A)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('A should be rank two array')
			if (np.rank(C)!=2 or type(self.C)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('C should be rank two array')
			if (np.rank(Sigma_epsilon)!=2 or type(self.Sigma_epsilon)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('Sigma_epsilon should be rank two array')
			if (np.rank(P_)!=2 or type(P_)!=np.ndarray):raise TypeError('P should be rank two array')
			if type(x_)!=np.ndarray:raise TypeError('x0 should be rank two array')
			if type(y)!=np.ndarray:raise TypeError('y should be rank two array')

			# calculte Kalman gain
			K =pb.dot(pb.dot(P_,C.T),pb.inv(dots(C,P_,C.T) + Sigma_epsilon))
			# update estimate with model output measurement
			x = x_ + pb.dot(K,(y-pb.dot(C,x_)))
			# update the state error covariance
			P = pb.dot((np.eye(self.nx)-pb.dot(K,C)),P_);
			return x,P,K

		# smoother quantities
		XStore_ =pb.zeros([len(Y),self.nx])
		PStore_ =pb.zeros([len(Y),self.nx**2])
		XStore = pb.zeros([len(Y),self.nx])
		PStore = pb.zeros([len(Y),self.nx**2])
		x_,P_ = Kpred(self.A,self.P0,self.Sigma_e,self.x0)
		# filter
		for i in range(len(Y)):
			#store predicted states
			# update state estimate with measurement and stored Kalman gain
			x,P,K= Kupdate(self.A,self.C,P_,self.Sigma_epsilon,x_,Y[i])
			# store corrected states and covariance matrices
			# predict new state
			x_, P_ = Kpred(self.A,P,self.Sigma_e,x)

		# initialise the smoother
		XbStore = pb.zeros([T,self.nx])
		PbStore = pb.zeros([T,self.nx**2])
		S = pb.zeros([T,self.nx**2])
		XbStore[-1,:], PbStore[-1,:] = XStore[-1,:], PStore[-1,:]
		# RTS smoother
		for t in range(T-2,-1,-1):
			S_temp= dots(PStore[t,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx),self.A.T,pb.inv(PStore_[t+1,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx)))
			XbStore_temp= XStore[t,:].reshape(self.nx,1) + pb.dot(S_temp,(XbStore[t+1].reshape(self.nx,1) - XStore_[t+1,:].reshape(self.nx,1)))
			PbStore_temp = PStore[t,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx) + dots(S_temp,PbStore[t+1,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx)-PStore_[t+1,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx),S_temp.T)
		# iterate a final time to calucate the cross covariance matrices 		
		M = pb.zeros([T,self.nx**2])
 		M[-1,:]=pb.dot(np.eye(self.nx)-pb.dot(K,self.C), pb.dot(self.A,PStore[-2,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx))).ravel()
		for t in range(T-2,0,-1):
			M_temp=pb.dot(PStore[t,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx),S[t-1,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx).T) + dots(S[t,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx),M[t+1,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx) - pb.dot(self.A,PStore[t,:].reshape(self.nx,self.nx)),S[t-1].reshape(self.nx,self.nx).T)
		return XbStore,PbStore,M
Exemple #40
        if listener.msg_ok:

            H = listener.H.copy()
            A = listener.A.copy()
            B = listener.B.copy()

            # get vertices
            vert = []
            for i in xrange(7):
                for j in xrange(i + 1, 8):  #xrange(8):
                    #if i != j:
                    for u in [A[i], B[i]]:
                        for v in [A[j], B[j]]:
                            # intersection of Ai = Hi.x and Bj = Hj.x
                            x = pl.dot(pl.inv(H[[i, j], :]), pl.array([u, v]))
                            # check constraints: A <= H.x <= B
                            if pl.amin(pl.dot(H, x) - A) >= -1e-6 and pl.amax(
                                    pl.dot(H, x) - B) <= 1e-6:
            print('the number of vertices', len(vert))

            # continue only if enough vertices
            if len(vert) > 2:
                inter = inter + 1
                vert_uns = pl.array(vert + [vert[0]])

                xm, xM, ym, yM = pl.amin(vert_uns[:, 0]), pl.amax(
                    vert_uns[:, 0]), pl.amin(vert_uns[:,
                                                      1]), pl.amax(vert_uns[:,
Exemple #41
def fit_consistent(model, iter=2000, burn=1000, thin=1, tune_interval=100, verbose=False):
    """Fit data model for all epidemiologic parameters using MCMC
      - `model` : data.ModelData
      - `iter` : int, number of posterior samples fit
      - `burn` : int, number of posterior samples to discard as burn-in
      - `thin` : int, samples thinned by this number
      - `tune_interval` : int
      - `verbose` : boolean

      - returns a pymc.MCMC object created from vars, that has been fit with MCMC

    .. note::
      - `burn` must be less than `iter`
      - `thin` must be less than `iter` minus `burn`

    assert burn < iter, 'burn must be less than iter'
    assert thin < iter - burn, 'thin must be less than iter-burn'

    param_types = 'i r f p pf rr smr m_with X'.split()

    vars = model.vars
    start_time = time.time()
    map = mc.MAP(vars)
    m = mc.MCMC(vars)

    ## use MAP to generate good initial conditions

        fit_model.logger.info('fitting submodels')
        fit_model.find_consistent_spline_initial_vals(vars, method, tol, verbose)

        for t in param_types:
            fit_model.find_re_initial_vals(vars[t], method, tol, verbose)

        fit_model.find_consistent_spline_initial_vals(vars, method, tol, verbose)

        for t in param_types:
            fit_model.find_fe_initial_vals(vars[t], method, tol, verbose)

        fit_model.find_consistent_spline_initial_vals(vars, method, tol, verbose)

        for t in param_types:
            fit_model.find_dispersion_initial_vals(vars[t], method, tol, verbose)

        fit_model.logger.info('\nfitting all stochs\n')
        map.fit(method=method, tol=tol, verbose=verbose)

        if verbose:
            from fit_posterior import inspect_vars
            print inspect_vars({}, vars)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        fit_model.logger.warning('Initial condition calculation interrupted')

    ## use MCMC to fit the model

        fit_model.logger.info('finding step covariances')
        vars_to_fit = [[vars[t].get('p_obs'), vars[t].get('pi_sim'), vars[t].get('smooth_gamma'), vars[t].get('parent_similarity'),
                        vars[t].get('mu_sim'), vars[t].get('mu_age_derivative_potential'), vars[t].get('covariate_constraint')] for t in param_types]
        max_knots = max([len(vars[t]['gamma']) for t in 'irf'])
        for i in range(max_knots):
            stoch = [vars[t]['gamma'][i] for t in 'ifr' if i < len(vars[t]['gamma'])]

            if verbose:
                print 'finding Normal Approx for', [n.__name__ for n in stoch]
                na = mc.NormApprox(vars_to_fit + stoch)
                na.fit(method='fmin_powell', verbose=verbose)
                cov = pl.array(pl.inv(-na.hess), order='F')
                if pl.all(pl.eigvals(cov) >= 0):
                    m.use_step_method(mc.AdaptiveMetropolis, stoch, cov=cov)
                    raise ValueError
            except ValueError:
                if verbose:
                    print 'cov matrix is not positive semi-definite'
                m.use_step_method(mc.AdaptiveMetropolis, stoch)


        for t in param_types:
            fit_model.setup_asr_step_methods(m, vars[t], vars_to_fit)

            # reset values to MAP
            fit_model.find_consistent_spline_initial_vals(vars, method, tol, verbose)
        map.fit(method=method, tol=tol, verbose=verbose)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        fit_model.logger.warning('Initial condition calculation interrupted')

    fit_model.logger.info('\nsampling from posterior distribution\n')
    if verbose:
            m.sample(m.iter, m.burn, m.thin, tune_interval=tune_interval, progress_bar=True, progress_bar_fd=sys.stdout)
        except TypeError:
            m.sample(m.iter, m.burn, m.thin, tune_interval=tune_interval, progress_bar=False, verbose=verbose)
        m.sample(m.iter, m.burn, m.thin, tune_interval=tune_interval, progress_bar=False)
    m.wall_time = time.time() - start_time

    model.map = map
    model.mcmc = m
    return model.map, model.mcmc
Exemple #42
def create_cm(dim, eigList1=None, eigList2=None):
    returns two real-valued commuting matrices of dimension dim x dim
    the eigenvalues of each matrix can be given; single complex numbers will be
    interpreted as pair of complex conjuates.
    With this restriction, the (internally augmented) lists must have the length
    of dim
    if eigList1 is None:
        eigList1 = rand(dim)
    if eigList2 is None:
        eigList2 = rand(dim)

    # order 1st array such that complex numbers are first
    EL1 = array(eigList1)
    imPos1 = find(iscomplex(EL1))
    rePos1 = find(isreal(EL1))  # shorter than set comparisons :D
    EL1 = hstack([EL1[imPos1], EL1[rePos1]])
    # order 2nd array such that complex numbers are last
    EL2 = array(eigList2)
    imPos2 = find(iscomplex(EL2))
    rePos2 = find(isreal(EL2))  # shorter than set comparisons :D
    EL2 = hstack([EL2[rePos2], EL2[imPos2]])
    # now: make eigenvalues of list #2, where a block is in list #1,
    # pairwise equal, and other way round
    EL2[1:2 * len(imPos1):2] = EL2[0:2 * len(imPos1):2]
    EL1[-2 * len(imPos2) + 1::2] = EL1[-2 * len(imPos2)::2]

    if len(imPos2) * 2 + len(imPos1) * 2 > dim:
        raise ValueError(
            'too many complex eigenvalues - cannot create commuting matrices')

    # augment lists
    ev1 = []
    nev1 = 0
    for elem in EL1:
        if elem.imag != 0.:
            ev1.append(array([[elem.real, -elem.imag], [elem.imag,
            nev1 += 2
            nev1 += 1

    if nev1 != dim:
        raise ValueError(
            'number of given eigenvalues #1 (complex: x2) does not match dim!')

    ev2 = []
    nev2 = 0
    for elem in EL2:
        if elem.imag != 0.:
            ev2.append(array([[elem.real, -elem.imag], [elem.imag,
            nev2 += 2
            nev2 += 1

    if nev2 != dim:
        raise ValueError(
            'number of given eigenvalues #2 (complex: x2) does not match dim!')

    u, s, v = svd(randn(dim, dim))
    # create a coordinate system v that is not orthogonal but not too skew
    v = v + .2 * rand(dim, dim) - .1

    cm1 = dot(inv(v), dot(blockdiag(ev1), v))
    cm2 = dot(inv(v), dot(blockdiag(ev2), v))
    # create block diagonal matrices

    return cm1, cm2
Exemple #43
def dialin(r, i, k, w=None, verbose=True, noback=False):
    Computational tool for Difference Image Analysis (DIA) with a
       linearly-varying kernel
       R -- reference image.  This should have the highest possible
            signal-to-noise and the sharpest PSF.

       I -- Current image to be analysed.

       k -- pixel mask for kernel; 1 for pixels to be used, 0 for
            pixels to be ignored

       w       -- weights of the pixel values in I; typically (sigma)^-2

       noback  -- do not fit for a variable background; assume constant.

       verbose -- Print output statements and make a plot or two

    :OUTPUTS:       (M, K, X, Y, B, C):
       M -- R, convolved to match I

       K -- kernel used in convolution

       B -- background offset

       C -- chisquared of fit. If no weights were specified, weights
            are set to unity for this calculation.

        Best results are obtained with proper registration of the images.

        Also, beware of edge effects.  As a general rule, anything within
        a kernel width of the edges is suspect.

        Originally based on the 2D Bramich (2008) DIA algorithm

        2008-11-19 21:50 IJC: Trying it out
#    """Testing Bramich's algorithm for 2D DIA."""

    from nsdata import imshow

    if noback:
        if verbose: print "Not fitting for a variable background..."

    tol = 1e-10  # tolerance for singularity

    r = array(r, copy=True)
    i = array(i, copy=True)
    k = array(k, copy=True, dtype=bool)
    if len(k.ravel())==1:
        k = k.reshape((1,1))
    elif len(k.shape)==1:
        k = k.reshape((k.shape[0], 1))

    Nrx = r.shape[0]
    Nry = r.shape[1]
    Nr  = Nrx * Nry
    Nkx = k.shape[0]
    Nky = k.shape[1]
    Nk  = k.sum()
    dx  = int(floor(Nkx/2))
    dy  = int(floor(Nky/2))
    ix  = Nrx - Nkx + 1
    iy  = Nry - Nky + 1

    pvec = find(k.ravel())
    pl = pvec/Nkx
    pm = pvec % Nky

    if w==None:
        w = ones(i.shape, dtype=float)

    #ind = arange(Nr-Nk+1, dtype=int)

    if verbose: print "Nrx,Nry,Nr>>" + str((Nrx,Nry,Nr))
    if verbose: print "r>>" + str(r)
    if verbose: print "i>>" + str(i)
    if verbose: print "Nkx,Nky,Nk>>" + str((Nkx,Nky,Nk))
    if verbose: print "k>>" + str(k)
    if verbose: print "pvec>>" + str(pvec)
    if verbose: print "pl>>" + str(pl)
    if verbose: print "pm>>" + str(pm)
    if verbose: print "dx,dy>>" + str((dx,dy))
    if verbose: print "ix,iy>>" + str((ix,iy))

    xcoords = arange(Nrx) - floor(Nrx/2)
    ycoords = arange(Nry) - floor(Nry/2)
    xx,yy = meshgrid(xcoords, ycoords)
    if verbose: print "xx>>" + str(xx)
    if verbose: print "yy>>" + str(yy)
    b = zeros(3*Nk+1, dtype=float)
    itemp = i[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy]
    wtemp = w[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy]
    iwtemp = itemp * wtemp
    #xtemp = xx[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy]
    #ytemp = yy[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy]
    if verbose: print "itemp>>" + str(itemp)
    #if verbose: print "xtemp>>" + str(ytemp)
    #if verbose: print "ytemp>>" + str(xtemp)
    for ii in arange(Nk):
        l = pl[ii]
        m = pm[ii]
        b[ii]      = (iwtemp * r[l:l+ix,m:m+iy]).sum()
        b[ii+Nk]   = (iwtemp * r[l:l+ix,m:m+iy] * xx[l:l+ix,m:m+iy]).sum()
        b[ii+2*Nk] = (iwtemp * r[l:l+ix,m:m+iy] * yy[l:l+ix,m:m+iy]).sum()

    b[3*Nk] = iwtemp.sum()

    if verbose: print "b>>" + str(b)
    if verbose: print "Made it through 'b' Calculation!"
    # Construct the U_pq matrix; here p is "ii" and q is "jj"
    U = zeros((3*Nk+1,3*Nk+1))
    for ii in arange(Nk):
        l = pl[ii]
        m = pm[ii]
        xtemp = xx[l:l+ix,m:m+iy]
        ytemp = yy[l:l+ix,m:m+iy]
        rtemp = r[l:l+ix, m:m+iy]
        #if verbose: print "xtemp.shape>>" + str(xtemp.shape)
        #if verbose: print "ytemp.shape>>" + str(ytemp.shape)

        # Compute the final row and column:
        U[ii,-1]      = ( wtemp * rtemp ).sum()
        U[-1,ii]      = U[ii,-1]
        U[ii+Nk,-1]   = ( wtemp * rtemp * xtemp ).sum()
        U[-1,ii+Nk]   = U[ii+Nk,-1]
        U[ii+2*Nk,-1] = ( wtemp * rtemp * ytemp ).sum()
        # Compute the guts of the matrix:
        for jj in arange(ii+1):
            l2 = pl[jj]
            m2 = pm[jj]
            if verbose: print "ii,jj, l, m, l2, m2>>" + str((ii,jj,l,m,l2,m2))
            xtemp2 = xx[l2:l2+ix,m2:m2+iy]
            ytemp2 = yy[l2:l2+ix,m2:m2+iy]
            rtemp2 = r[l2:l2+ix, m2:m2+iy]
            #if verbose: print "xtemp2.shape>>" + str(xtemp2.shape)
            #if verbose: print "ytemp2.shape>>" + str(ytemp2.shape)

            wrr2 = wtemp * rtemp * rtemp2

            U[ii,jj] =           ( wrr2 ).sum()
            U[ii+Nk,jj]        = ( wrr2 * xtemp ).sum()
            U[ii+Nk,jj+Nk]     = ( wrr2 * xtemp * xtemp2 ).sum()
            U[ii+2*Nk,jj]      = ( wrr2 * ytemp ).sum()
            U[ii+2*Nk,jj+Nk]   = ( wrr2 * ytemp * xtemp2 ).sum()
            U[ii+2*Nk,jj+2*Nk] = ( wrr2 * ytemp * ytemp2 ).sum()

            if ii>jj:   # Fill out the upper diagonal:
                if verbose: print "Filling upper diag. component " + str((ii,jj))
                U[jj     ,ii     ] = U[ii     ,jj     ]
                U[jj     ,ii+Nk  ] = U[ii+Nk  ,jj     ]
                U[jj+Nk  ,ii+Nk  ] = U[ii+Nk  ,jj+Nk  ]
                U[jj     ,ii+2*Nk] = U[ii+2*Nk,jj     ]
                U[jj+Nk  ,ii+2*Nk] = U[ii+2*Nk,jj+Nk  ]
                U[jj+2*Nk,ii+2*Nk] = U[ii+2*Nk,jj+2*Nk]

    U[-1,-1] = wtemp.sum()

    if verbose: print "U>>" + str(U)

    if noback:
        U = U[0:3*Nk, 0:3*Nk]
        b = b[0:3*Nk]

    detU = linalg.det(U)
    if verbose: print "det(U) is:  " + str(detU)

    if detU<tol:
        if verbose: print "Singular matrix: det(U) < tol.  Using pseudoinverse..."
        a = dot(linalg.pinv(U), b)
        a = dot(inv(U), b)
    if noback:
        K = a
        B0 = 0.0
        K = a[0:len(a)-1]
        B0 = a[-1]
    if verbose: print "K>>" + str(K)
    if verbose: print "B0>>" + str(B0)
    if verbose: print "find(k.ravel())>>" + str(find(k.ravel()))

    kernel  = zeros(Nkx*Nky, dtype=float)
    xkernel = zeros(Nkx*Nky, dtype=float)
    ykernel = zeros(Nkx*Nky, dtype=float)
    kernel[find(k.ravel())] = K[0:Nk]
    xkernel[find(k.ravel())] = K[Nk:2*Nk]
    ykernel[find(k.ravel())] = K[2*Nk:3*Nk]

    kernel  =  kernel.reshape((Nkx, Nky))
    xkernel = xkernel.reshape((Nkx, Nky))
    ykernel = ykernel.reshape((Nkx, Nky))
    # Bramich's convolution is not Numpy-standard, so we do it by hand:
    #m = rconvolve2d(r, kernel, mode='valid') + B0

    #chisq  = ( wtemp * (itemp - m[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy])**2 ).sum()
    #chisq0 = ( wtemp * (itemp - r[dx:dx+ix,dy:dy+iy])**2 ).sum()

    if verbose: print "Kernel is:  " + str(kernel)
    if verbose: print "X-Kernel is:  " + str(xkernel)
    if verbose: print "Y-Kernel is:  " + str(ykernel)
    if verbose: print "Background: " + str(B0)
    if verbose: print "Phot. scaling: " + str(kernel.sum())
    if verbose: print "For the (" + str(Nr) + " - " + str(3*Nk+1) + ") = " + str(Nr-3*Nk-1) + " DOF:"
    #if verbose: print "Red. Chisquared (I-R): " + str(chisq0/(Nr-Nk-1))
    #if verbose: print "Red. Chisquared (I-M): " + str(chisq/(Nr-Nk-1))
    if verbose:
        for ii in range(ndim):
            for jj in range(ndim):
                figure(1); s = subplot(ndim, ndim, 1+jj + (ndim-ii-1)*ndim)
                xind = int(Nrx/(ndim+1.0))
                yind = int(Nry/(ndim+1.0))
                x0 = xx[(ii+1)*xind,(jj+1)*yind]
                y0 = yy[(ii+1)*xind,(jj+1)*yind]
                print "x0,y0>>" + str((x0,y0))
                imshow(kernel + x0*xkernel + y0*ykernel)
                offset = array(centroid(kernel + x0*xkernel + y0*ykernel)) - \
                title(str((x0,y0)) + ':  ' + str(offset))
                #plot([x0],[y0], 'oc')
                #plot([x0, x0+offset[0]], [y0, y0+offset[1]], '-k')
        subplot(121); imshow(r); title('Reference'); #clim([cmin, cmax]); colorbar()
        subplot(122); imshow(i); title('Current Image'); #clim([cmin, cmax]); colorbar()
        #subplot(133); imshow(m); title('M'); clim([cmin, cmax]); colorbar()

#       figure(); 
#       cmin = array([(r-i).min(), (m-i).min()]).min()
#       cmax = array([(r-i).max(), (m-i).min()]).max()
#       subplot(121); imshow(r - i); title('R - I'); clim([cmin, cmax]); colorbar();
#       subplot(122); imshow(m - i); title('M - I'); clim([cmin, cmax]); colorbar(); 


Exemple #44
	def gen_ssmodel(self):

		'''Generates non-linear, Integro-Difference, discrete-time state space model.

		Gamma: ndarray
			Inner product of field basis functions

		Gamma_inv: ndarray
			Inverse of Gamma

		Sigma_e: ndarray
			Covariance matrix of the field disturbance

		Sigma_e_inv: ndarray
			Inverse of Sigma_e

		Sigma_e_c: ndarray
			cholesky decomposiotion of field disturbance covariance matrix
		Sigma_varepsilon_c: ndarray
			cholesky decomposiotion of observation noise covariance matrix

		Phi_values: ndarray  nx by number of spatial locations
			field basis functions values over the spatial field

		psi_conv_Phi_values: ndarray ; each ndarray is nx by number of spatial locations
			convolution of the  connectivity kernel basis functions with the field basis functions
			evaluate over space

		Gamma_inv_psi_conv_Phi:ndarray; each ndarray is nx by number of spatial locations
			the product of inverse gamme withe psi0_conv_Phi

		C: ndarray
			Observation matrix

		Gamma_inv_Psi_conv_Phi: ndarray nx by number of spatial locations
			the convolution of the kernel  with field basis functions at discritized spatial points


		#Generate Gamma
		if hasattr(self,'Gamma'):
			#calculate Gamma=PhixPhi.T; inner product of the field basis functions

		#Generate field covariance matrix
		if hasattr(self,'Sigma_e'):

			#[gamma*phi1 gamma*phi2 ... gamma*phin] 1 by nx
			Pi=pb.dot(self.field.Phi,gamma_conv_Phi) #nx by nx ndarray

		if hasattr(self,'Phi_values'):

			#Generate field meshgrid

			#calculate Phi_values
			#Phi_values is like [[phi1(r1) phi1(r2)...phi1(rn_r)],[phi2(r1) phi2(r2)...phi2(rn_r)],..[phiL(r1) phiL(r2)...phiL(rn_r)]]
			Phi_values=[self.field.Phi[i,0](estimation_field_space_x,estimation_field_space_y) for i in range(self.nx)]
			self.Phi_values=pb.squeeze(Phi_values) #it's nx by number of apatial points

			#vectorizing kernel convolution method
			for i in range(self.n_theta):

			#find convolution between kernel and field basis functions analytically
			psi_conv_Phi=pb.empty((self.nx,self.n_theta),dtype=object)#nx by n_theta
			for i in range(self.n_theta):

			#ecaluate convolution between kernel and field basis functions at spatial locations
			for i in range(self.n_theta):
				for j in range(self.nx):



		#Calculate observation matrix
		if hasattr(self,'C'):
			#Generate Observation locations grid
			sensor_kernel_conv_Phi=sensor_kernel_convolution_vecrorized(self.field.Phi).T #first row 
			#[m*phi_1 m*phi2 ... m*phin]
			for i in range(self.nx):

			print 'Elapsed time in seconds to generate the stat-space model',time.time()-t_total

		#We need to calculate this bit at each iteration	
		#Finding the convolution of the kernel  with field basis functions at discritized spatial points
Exemple #45
def dsa(r, i, Nk, **kw): #, w=None, verbose=False, noback=False):
    Computational tool for Difference Spectral Analysis (DSA)
       R -- reference spectrum.  This should have the highest possible
            signal-to-noise and the highest spectral resolution.

       I -- Current spectrum to be analysed.

       Nk -- number of pixels in the desired convolution kernel

       w       -- weights of the pixel values in I; typically (sigma)^-2

       noback  -- do not fit for a variable background; assume constant.

       tol=1e-10 -- if matrix determinant is less than tol, use
                    pseudoinverse rather than straight matrix

       verbose -- Print output statements and make a plot or two

       retinv -- return a fourth output, the Least Squares inverse
                 matrix (False by default)

    :OUTPUTS:       (M, K, B, C):
       M -- R, convolved to match I

       K -- kernel used in convolution

       B -- background offset

       C -- chisquared of fit. If no weights were specified, weights
            are set to unity for this calculation.

       I -- inverse matrix

        Best results are obtained with proper registration of the spectra.

        Also, beware of edge effects.  As a general rule, anything within
        a kernel width of the edges is suspect.

       :func:`dsamulti`    """
#    """Testing Bramich's algorithm for 1D spectra."""
#    Based on the 2D Bramich (2008) DIA algorithm
#    -----
#    2008-11-14 10:56 IJC: Created @ UCLA.
#    2008-11-18 11:12 IJC: Registration now works correctly
#    2008-12-09 16:10 IJC: Somewhat optimized
#    2009-02-26 22:06 IJC: Added retinv, changed optional input format

    defaults = dict(verbose=False, w=None, noback=False, tol=1e-10, \
    for key in defaults:
        if (not kw.has_key(key)):
            kw[key] = defaults[key]
    verbose = bool(kw['verbose'])
    noback = bool(kw['noback'])
    retinv = bool(kw['retinv'])
    w = kw['w']
    if verbose:
        print "kw>>" + str(kw)

    if noback:
        if verbose: print "Not fitting for a variable background..."

    tol = 1e-10  # tolerance for singularity

    r = array(r, copy=True)
    i = array(i, copy=True)
    dx = int(floor(Nk/2))
    Nk = int(Nk)  # length of kernel

    if w==None:
        w = ones(len(r), dtype=float)

    Nr = len(r)  # length of Referene
    ind = arange(Nr-Nk+1, dtype=int)
    wind = w[ind]
    if verbose: 
        #print "r>>" + str(r)
        #print "i>>" + str(i)
        #print "ind>>" + str(ind)
        print ""
    if noback:    
        U = zeros((Nk,Nk), dtype=float)
        b = zeros(Nk, dtype=float)
        U = zeros((Nk+1,Nk+1), dtype=float)
        b = zeros(Nk+1, dtype=float)

    # Build the b vector and U matrix
    tempval0 = w[ind+dx] * i[ind+dx]
    for p in range(Nk):
        b[p] = (tempval0 * r[ind+p]).sum()
        tempval2 = wind*r[ind+p]
        for q in range(p, Nk):
            U[p,q] = (tempval2 * r[ind+q]).sum()
            U[q,p] = U[p,q]

    if not noback:
        b[Nk] = (w[ind+dx] * i[ind+dx]).sum()
        for q in range(Nk):
            U[Nk, q] = (wind * r[ind+q]).sum()
            U[q, Nk] = U[Nk, q]

        U[Nk,Nk] = wind.sum()
    detU = linalg.det(U)
    if verbose: print "det(U) is:  " + str(detU)

    if detU<tol:
        print "Singular matrix: det(U) < tol.  Using pseudoinverse..."
        if verbose: 
            print 'U>>',U
        invmat = linalg.pinv(U)
        invmat = inv(U)

    a = dot(invmat, b)

    if noback:
        K = a
        B0 = 0.0
        K = a[0:len(a)-1]
        B0 = a[-1]

    m = rconvolve1d(r, K, mode='valid') + B0

    chisq  = ( wind * (i[ind] - m[ind])**2 ).sum()

    if verbose:
        chisq0 = ( wind * (i[ind] - r[ind])**2 ).sum()
        #print "Kernel is:  " + str(K)
        print "Background: " + str(B0)
        print "For the (" + str(Nr) + " - " + str(Nk+1) + ") = " + str(Nr-Nk-1) + " DOF:"
        print "Red. Chisquared (I-R): " + str(chisq0/(Nr-Nk-1))
        print "Red. Chisquared (I-M): " + str(chisq/(Nr-Nk-1))
        figure(); subplot(311)
        plot(r, '--'); plot(i, '-x'); plot(m, '-..'); legend('RIM'); 
        subplot(312); plot(r - i, '--'); plot(m - i); legend(['R-I', 'M-I'])
        subplot(313); plot(K, '-o'); grid('on'); legend(['Kernel']); 

    if retinv:
        return (m, K, B0, chisq, invmat)
        return (m, K, B0, chisq)
Exemple #46
	def gen_ssmodel(self):

		#calculate U

		if not(hasattr(self,'U')):

			for i in range(self.nx):				
				for j in range(self.nx):

					if U[i,j].any():

			print 'Elapsed time in seconds to calculate U is', time.time()-t0

		#calculate the inverse of inner product of field basis functions
		if not(hasattr(self,'Lambda_x_blocks_inverse')):
			for i in range(Lambda_x_blocks_inverse.shape[1]):
			print 'Elapsed time in seconds to calculate Lambda_x_inverse is',time.time()-t0

		#calculate Lambda_x 
		if not(hasattr(self,'Lambda_x')):
			print 'Elapsed time in seconds to calculate Lambda_x is',time.time()-t0

		Lambda_theta = pb.zeros([self.nx,self.nx]) 
		for i in self.U_Index:
			Lambda_theta[i] = pb.dot(self.U[i],self.kernel.weights)			
		self.Lambda_theta = Lambda_theta

		#calculate A
		for i in range(A_blocks.shape[1]):
		print 'Elapsed time in seconds to calculate Lambda_theta and A is',time.time()-t0

		# form the observation matrix 
		if not(hasattr(self,'C')):

			for i in range(self.nx):

			print 'Elapsed time in seconds to calculate observation matrix C is',time.time()-t_observation_matrix	

		#calculate Sigma_e_c
		if not(hasattr(self,'Sigma_e_c')):

			#calculate (LAmbda_x )^-1* Sigma_e)
			for i in range(Sigma_e_blocks.shape[1]):
			for i in range(Sigma_e_blocks.shape[1]):
			print 'Elapsed time in seconds to calculate Sigma_e is',time.time()-t0

		#calculate Sigma_epsilon_c

		if not(hasattr(self,'Sigma_epsilon_c')):

		#calculate EM components for speed
		if not(hasattr(self,'Delta_upsilon')):					
			print 'Elapsed time in seconds to calculate Delta_upsilon is',time.time()-t0

		if not(hasattr(self,'Delta_Upsilon')):
			print 'Elapsed time in seconds to calculate Delta_Upsilon is',time.time()-t0
print "***********************"
print "some basic array math and matrix math in 2D"
array1 = pylab.array([[2, 3], [4, 5]])
array2 = pylab.array([[5, 6], [3, 7]])  #このような定義でもOK
vector = pylab.array([1, 2])

print "array1 is:"
print array1
print "array2 is:"
print array2
print "vector is:", vector
print "array1 + array2:"
print array1 + array2
print "array1 * array2:"
print array1 * array2
print "array1 + vector:"
print array1 + vector
print "array1 / vector:"
print array1 / vector
print "pylab.dot(array1, vector)"
print pylab.dot(array1, vector)

array1Inv = pylab.inv(array1)
print "pylab.inv(array1)"
print array1Inv
print "pylab.dot(array1, array1Inv)"
# [[1,0],
#  [0,1]]になる
print pylab.dot(array1, array1Inv)
Exemple #48
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../../")
# from SBDet import parseToCoo, gen_sigs, mix, select_model
from SBDet import *
import pylab as P
import numpy as np

# tr = zload('./EstBiase-n_num.pk')
tr = zload('./EstBiase-n_num-revised.pk')
n_num, iso_n, PA_para, PA_lk, ER_para, ER_lk = zip(*tr['n_num'])
x = iso_n
y = np.array(PA_lk).reshape(-1) - np.array(ER_lk)
P.plot(x, y, 'r.')
# import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
P.axis([0, max(x), 0, max(y)])

# solve least square problem
n = len(x)
# X = np.hstack([np.ones((n, 1)), np.array(x).reshape(-1, 1)])
X = np.array(x).reshape(-1, 1)
beta = P.dot(P.dot(P.inv(P.dot(X.T, X)), X.T), np.array(y).reshape(-1, 1))
xp = np.linspace(0, max(x), 100)
yp = xp * beta[0, 0]
P.plot(xp, yp, 'b--')
P.xlabel('Number of isolated nodes')
P.ylabel('Difference between log liklihood of PA and ER')
xm = max(x) * 0.5
P.text(xm, xm * beta - 500, 'y=%f x' %(beta))