def plot_greens(self, shear_normal='shear', greens_ary=None, fnum=0, do_sort=True, y_scale='log', x_scale='linear'): ''' # default prams: (self, shear_normal='shear', greens_ary=None, fnum=0, do_sort=True, y_scale='log', x_scale='linear') # # note that this can memory-explode for large greens files. it might be better to use plot_green_hist with (cumulative=True) parameter # and bins= or n_bins={something reasonable} . ''' # if greens_ary == None: shear_normal = shear_normal_aliases(shear_normal) if shear_normal=='greens_shear': g_data = self.get_shear() if shear_normal=='greens_normal': g_data = self.get_normal() # sh_0 = g_data.shape g_data.shape = (1, g_data.size) # plt.figure(fnum) plt.ion() plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xscale(x_scale) ax.set_yscale(y_scale) if not do_sort: ax.plot(xrange(g_data.size), g_data[0], '.') #plt.vlines(xrange(g_data.size), g_data[0], numpy.zeros(len(g_data[0]))) # else: # and a distribution: # (but note, as stated above, for large arrays, this can be a problem; consider using plot_greens_hist() ). # #print "lens: ", len(X), " ", len(Y) ax.plot([x+1 for x in xrange(len(g_data[0]))], sorted(g_data[0]), '.-') # del(g_data)
def main(): pylab.ion(); ind = [0,]; ldft = [0,]; lfft = [0,]; lpfft = [0,] # plot a graph Dft vs Fft, lists just support size until 2**9 for i in range(1, 9, 1): t_before = time.clock(); dsprocessing.dspDft(rand(2**i).tolist()); dt = time.clock() - t_before; ldft.append(dt); print ("dft ", 2**i, dt); #pylab.plot([2**i,], [time.clock()-t_before,]); t_before = time.clock(); dsprocessing.dspFft(rand(2**i).tolist()); dt = time.clock() - t_before; print ("fft ", 2**i, dt); lfft.append(dt); #pylab.plot([2**i,], [time.clock()-t_before,]); ind.append(2**i); # python fft just to compare t_before = time.clock(); pylab.fft(rand(2**i).tolist()); dt = time.clock() - t_before; lpfft.append(dt); pylab.plot(ind, ldft); pylab.plot(ind, lfft); pylab.plot(ind, lpfft);; return [ind, ldft, lfft, lpfft];
def InitializePlot(self, goal_config): self.fig = pl.figure() lower_limits, upper_limits = self.boundary_limits pl.xlim([lower_limits[0], upper_limits[0]]) pl.ylim([lower_limits[1], upper_limits[1]]) pl.plot(goal_config[0], goal_config[1], 'gx') # Show all obstacles in environment for b in self.robot.GetEnv().GetBodies(): if b.GetName() == self.robot.GetName(): continue bb = b.ComputeAABB() pl.plot([bb.pos()[0] - bb.extents()[0], bb.pos()[0] + bb.extents()[0], bb.pos()[0] + bb.extents()[0], bb.pos()[0] - bb.extents()[0], bb.pos()[0] - bb.extents()[0]], [bb.pos()[1] - bb.extents()[1], bb.pos()[1] - bb.extents()[1], bb.pos()[1] + bb.extents()[1], bb.pos()[1] + bb.extents()[1], bb.pos()[1] - bb.extents()[1]], 'r') pl.ion()
def hinton(W, maxWeight=None): """ Draws a Hinton diagram for visualizing a weight matrix. Temporarily disables matplotlib interactive mode if it is on, otherwise this takes forever. """ reenable = False if P.isinteractive(): P.ioff() P.clf() height, width = W.shape if not maxWeight: maxWeight = 2**N.ceil(N.log(N.max(N.abs(W)))/N.log(2)) P.fill(N.array([0,width,width,0]),N.array([0,0,height,height]),'gray') P.axis('off') P.axis('equal') for x in xrange(width): for y in xrange(height): _x = x+1 _y = y+1 w = W[y,x] if w > 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,w/maxWeight),'white') elif w < 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,-w/maxWeight),'black') if reenable: P.ion()
def cmap_plot(cmdLine): pylab.figure(figsize=[5,10]) a=outer(ones(10),arange(0,1,0.01)) subplots_adjust(top=0.99,bottom=0.00,left=0.01,right=0.8) maps=[m for m in cm.datad if not m.endswith("_r")] maps.sort() l=len(maps)+1 for i, m in enumerate(maps): print m subplot(l,1,i+1) pylab.setp(pylab.gca(),xticklabels=[],xticks=[],yticklabels=[],yticks=[]) imshow(a,aspect='auto',cmap=get_cmap(m),origin="lower") pylab.text(100.85,0.5,m,fontsize=10) # render plot if cmdLine: else: pylab.ion() pylab.plot([]) pylab.ioff() status = 1 return status
def show_results(path, S, costs, animated=0, target_speed=.1, save_output=None): P.ion() fig1 = P.figure(0); fig1.clear() ax = fig1.add_subplot(1,1,1) ax.axis('scaled') ax.axis([-1,1,-1,1]) if path: draw_path(ax, path) if animated: animate_car(ax, S, remove_car=True, sleep=animated, save_output=save_output) else: animate_car(ax, S, remove_car=False, sleep=0, save_output=save_output, alphas=linspace(0.1,.5,len(S))**2) if costs is not None: # show summary statistics fig2 = P.figure(1); fig2.clear() ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(2,1,1) ax3 = fig2.add_subplot(2,1,2) ax2.plot(costs, label='state cost'); ax2.set_ylabel('Controller score') ax3.plot([speed for _,_,_,speed,_ in S], label='actual') ax3.plot([0, len(S)], [target_speed, target_speed], 'k--', label='target') ax3.legend(loc='best') ax3.set_ylabel('speed')
def test_path(): "generate and draw a random path" path = genpath() P.ion() P.clf() draw_path(P.gca(), path) P.draw()
def makeimg(wav): global callpath global imgpath fs, frames =, wav)) pylab.ion() # generate specgram pylab.figure(1) # generate specgram pylab.specgram( frames, NFFT=256, Fs=22050, detrend=pylab.detrend_none, window=numpy.hamming(256), noverlap=192, cmap=pylab.get_cmap('Greys')) x_width = len(frames)/fs pylab.ylim([0,11025]) pylab.xlim([0,round(x_width,3)-0.006]) img_path = os.path.join(imgpath, wav.replace(".wav",".png")) pylab.savefig(img_path) return img_path
def __init__(self, window_size, easting_offset, northing_offset): self.rad_to_deg = 180.0/pi # Get parameters self.plot_pose = plot_pose self.plot_gnss = plot_gnss self.plot_odometry = plot_odometry self.plot_yaw = plot_yaw self.trkpt_threshold = 0.1 # [m] # Initialize map self.offset_e = easting_offset self.offset_n = northing_offset self.window_size = window_size self.map_title = map_title self.odo = [] self.gnss = [] self.pose_pos = [] self.odo_yaw = [] self.gnss_yaw = [] self.ahrs_yaw = [] self.pose_yaw = [] self.wpt_mode = 0 self.wpt_destination = False self.wpt_target = False self.pose_image_save = True # save an image for time-lapse video generation self.pose_image_count = 0 ion() # turn interaction mode on
def InitializePlot(self, goal_config): # default self.fig = pl.figure() pl.xlim([self.lower_limits[0], self.upper_limits[0]]) pl.ylim([self.lower_limits[1], self.upper_limits[1]]) pl.plot(goal_config[0], goal_config[1], "gx") # Show all obstacles in environment for b in self.robot.GetEnv().GetBodies(): if b.GetName() == self.robot.GetName(): continue bb = b.ComputeAABB() pl.plot( [ bb.pos()[0] - bb.extents()[0], bb.pos()[0] + bb.extents()[0], bb.pos()[0] + bb.extents()[0], bb.pos()[0] - bb.extents()[0], bb.pos()[0] - bb.extents()[0], ], [ bb.pos()[1] - bb.extents()[1], bb.pos()[1] - bb.extents()[1], bb.pos()[1] + bb.extents()[1], bb.pos()[1] + bb.extents()[1], bb.pos()[1] - bb.extents()[1], ], "r", ) pl.ion()
def __init__(self, ca, cmap=None): """ CAPlotter() constructor keeps a reference to the CA model, and optionally a colormap to be used with plots. Parameters ---------- ca : LandlabCellularAutomaton object Reference to a CA model cmap : Matplotlib colormap (optional) Colormap to be used in plotting """ import matplotlib # Set the colormap; default to matplotlib's "jet" colormap if cmap is None: self._cmap = else: self._cmap = cmap # Keep a reference to the CA model = ca # Initialize the plot and remember the grid type plt.ion() plt.figure(1) if type(ca.grid) is landlab.grid.hex.HexModelGrid: self.gridtype = 'hex' else: self.gridtype = 'rast'
def qqplotfromq(qnull,qemp): ''' Given uniform quartile values, and emprirical ones, make a qq plot ''' pl.ion() pl.plot(qnull, qemp, '.',markersize = 2) addqqplotinfo(qnull,qnull.flatten().shape[0])
def drawModel(self): PL.ion() # bug fix by Alex Hill in 2013 if self.modelFigure == None or self.modelFigure.canvas.manager.window == None: self.modelFigure = PL.figure() self.modelDrawFunc() self.modelFigure.canvas.manager.window.update() # bug fix by Hiroki Sayama in 2016
def bistability_analysis(): f2_range = linspace(0, 0.4, 41) t = linspace(0, 50000, 1000) ion() ss_aBax_vals_up = [] ss_aBax_vals_down = [] for f2 in f2_range: model.parameters['Bid_0'].value = f2 * 1e-1 bax_total = 2e-1 # Do "up" portion of hysteresis plot model.parameters['aBax_0'].value = 0 model.parameters['cBax_0'].value = bax_total x = odesolve(model, t) figure('up') plot(t, x['aBax_']/bax_total) ss_aBax_vals_up.append(x['aBax_'][-1]/bax_total) # Do "down" portion of hysteresis plot model.parameters['aBax_0'].value = bax_total model.parameters['cBax_0'].value = 0 x = odesolve(model, t) figure('down') plot(t, x['aBax_']/bax_total) ss_aBax_vals_down.append(x['aBax_'][-1]/bax_total) figure() plot(f2_range, ss_aBax_vals_up, 'r') plot(f2_range, ss_aBax_vals_down, 'g')
def qqplotp(pv,fileout = None, pnames=pnames(), rownames=rownames(),alphalevel = 0.05,legend=None,xlim=None,ylim=None,ycoord=10,plotsize="652x526",title=None,dohist=True): ''' Read in p-values from filein and make a qqplot adn histogram. If fileout is provided, saves the qqplot only at present. Searches through p until one is found. ''' import pylab as pl pl.ion() fs=8 h1=qqplot(pv, fileout, alphalevel,legend,xlim,ylim,addlambda=True) #lambda_gc=estimate_lambda(pv) #pl.legend(["gc="+ '%1.3f' % lambda_gc],loc=2) pl.title(title,fontsize=fs) #wm=pl.get_current_fig_manager() #e.g. "652x526+100+10 xcoord=100 #wm.window.wm_geometry(plotsize + "+" + str(xcoord) + "+" + str(ycoord)) if dohist: h2=pvalhist(pv) pl.title(title,fontsize=fs) #wm=pl.get_current_fig_manager() width_height=plotsize.split("x") buffer=10 xcoord=int(xcoord + float(width_height[0])+buffer) #wm.window.wm_geometry(plotsize + "+" + str(xcoord) + "+" + str(ycoord)) else: h2=None return h1,h2
def hinton(W, maxWeight=None): """ Source: Draws a Hinton diagram for visualizing a weight matrix. Temporarily disables matplotlib interactive mode if it is on, otherwise this takes forever. """ reenable = False if pl.isinteractive(): pl.ioff() pl.clf() height, width = W.shape if not maxWeight: maxWeight = 2**np.ceil(np.log(np.max(np.abs(W)))/np.log(2)) pl.fill(np.array([0,width,width,0]),np.array([0,0,height,height]),'gray') pl.axis('off') pl.axis('equal') for x in xrange(width): for y in xrange(height): _x = x+1 _y = y+1 w = W[y,x] if w > 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,w/maxWeight),'white') elif w < 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,-w/maxWeight),'black') if reenable: pl.ion()
def plotDirections(aabb=(),mask=0,bins=20,numHist=True,noShow=False,sphSph=False): """Plot 3 histograms for distribution of interaction directions, in yz,xz and xy planes and (optional but default) histogram of number of interactions per body. If sphSph only sphere-sphere interactions are considered for the 3 directions histograms. :returns: If *noShow* is ``False``, displays the figure and returns nothing. If *noShow*, the figure object is returned without being displayed (works the same way as :yref:`yade.plot.plot`). """ import pylab,math from yade import utils for axis in [0,1,2]: d=utils.interactionAnglesHistogram(axis,mask=mask,bins=bins,aabb=aabb,sphSph=sphSph) fc=[0,0,0]; fc[axis]=1. subp=pylab.subplot(220+axis+1,polar=True); # 1.1 makes small gaps between values (but the column is a bit decentered)[0],d[1],width=math.pi/(1.1*bins),fc=fc,alpha=.7,label=['yz','xz','xy'][axis]) #pylab.title(['yz','xz','xy'][axis]+' plane') pylab.text(.5,.25,['yz','xz','xy'][axis],horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',transform=subp.transAxes,fontsize='xx-large') if numHist: pylab.subplot(224,polar=False) nums,counts=utils.bodyNumInteractionsHistogram(aabb if len(aabb)>0 else utils.aabbExtrema()) avg=sum([nums[i]*counts[i] for i in range(len(nums))])/(1.*sum(counts)),counts,fc=[1,1,0],alpha=.7,align='center') pylab.xlabel('Interactions per body (avg. %g)'%avg) pylab.axvline(x=avg,linewidth=3,color='r') pylab.ylabel('Body count') if noShow: return pylab.gcf() else: pylab.ion()
def plotSpectrum(spectrum,filename=""): pylab.ion() pylab.figure(0) pylab.clf() pylab.plot(spectrum) pylab.draw() pylab.savefig(filename)
def plotSpectrum6(spectrum1On,spectrum2On,spectrum3On,spectrum4On,spectrum1Off,spectrum2Off,spectrum3Off,spectrum4Off,thetaL,thetaR,filename=""): pylab.ion() pylab.figure(0) pylab.clf() pylab.grid() pylab.subplot(321) pylab.plot(spectrum1On,'r') pylab.plot(spectrum1Off) pylab.title('Channel1') pylab.subplot(322) pylab.title('Channel2') pylab.plot(spectrum2On,'r') pylab.plot(spectrum2Off) pylab.subplot(323) pylab.title('Channel3') pylab.plot(spectrum3On,'r') pylab.plot(spectrum3Off) pylab.subplot(324) pylab.title('Channel4') pylab.plot(spectrum4On,'r') pylab.plot(spectrum4Off) pylab.subplot(325) pylab.title('ThetaL') pylab.plot(thetaL,'r') pylab.subplot(326) pylab.title('ThetaR') pylab.plot(thetaR,'r') pylab.draw() pylab.savefig(filename)
def save_plot(self, filename): plt.ion() targarr = np.array(self.targvalue) self.posi[0].set_xdata(self.wt_positions[:,0]) self.posi[0].set_ydata(self.wt_positions[:,1]) while len(self.plotel)>0: self.plotel.pop(0).remove() self.plotel = self.shape_plot.plot(np.array([self.wt_positions[[i,j],0] for i, j in self.elnet_layout.keys()]).T, np.array([self.wt_positions[[i,j],1] for i, j in self.elnet_layout.keys()]).T, 'y-', linewidth=1) for i in range(len(self.posb)): self.posb[i][0].set_xdata(self.iterations) self.posb[i][0].set_ydata(targarr[:,i]) self.legend.texts[i].set_text('%s = %8.2f'%(self.targname[i], targarr[-1,i])) self.objf_plot.set_xlim([0, self.iterations[-1]]) self.objf_plot.set_ylim([0.5, 1.2]) if not self.title == '': plt.title('%s = %8.2f'%(self.title, getattr(self, self.title))) plt.draw() #print self.iterations[-1] , ': ' + ', '.join(['%s=%6.2f'%(self.targname[i], targarr[-1,i]) for i in range(len(self.targname))]) with open(self.result_file+'.results','a') as f: f.write( '%d:'%( + ', '.join(['%s=%6.2f'%(self.targname[i], targarr[-1,i]) for i in range(len(self.targname))]) + '\n') #plt.savefig(filename) display(plt.gcf()) clear_output(wait=True)
def image_loop(self, decay): import pylab fig = pylab.figure() pylab.ion() img = pylab.imshow(self.image, vmax=1, vmin=-1, interpolation='none', cmap='binary') if self.track_periods is not None: colors = ([(0,0,1), (0,1,0), (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (1,0,1)] * 10)[:len(self.p_y)] scatter = pylab.scatter(self.p_y, self.p_x, s=50, c=colors) else: scatter = None while True: #fig.clear() #print self.track_periods #pylab.plot( #pylab.hist(, 50, range=(0000, 15000)) img.set_data(self.image) if scatter is not None: scatter.set_offsets(np.array([self.p_y, self.p_x]).T) c = [(r,g,b,min(self.track_certainty[i],1)) for i,(r,g,b) in enumerate(colors)] scatter.set_color(c) if display_mode == 'quick': # this is much faster, but doesn't work on all systems fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() else: # this works on all systems, but is kinda slow pylab.pause(0.001) self.image *= decay
def run(): colors = [ 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'b--', 'g--', 'r--', 'c--', 'm--', 'y--', 'k--', 'bo', 'go', 'ro', 'co', 'mo', 'yo', 'ko', 'b+', 'g+', 'r+', 'c+', 'm+', 'y+', 'k+', 'b*', 'g*', 'r*', 'c*', 'm*', 'y*', 'k*', 'b|', 'g|', 'r|', 'c|', 'm|', 'y|', 'k|', ] plots = defaultdict(list) heap_size = [] order = ['Heap change'] manager = pylab.get_current_fig_manager() manager.resize(1400, 1350) pylab.ion() for entry in read_data(): heap_size.append(entry["after"]["size_bytes"]) pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1) pylab.plot(heap_size, 'r', label='Heap size') pylab.legend(["Heap size"], loc=2) pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2) plots["Heap change"].append(entry["change"]["size_bytes"]) for thing in entry["change"]["details"]: if thing["what"] not in order: order.append(thing["what"]) plots[thing["what"]].append(thing["size_bytes"]) for what, color in zip(order, colors): pylab.plot(plots[what], color, label=what) pylab.legend(order, loc=3) pylab.draw()
def run(self): plts = {} graphs = {} pos = 0 plt.ion()'ggplot') for name in sorted(self.names.values()): p = plt.subplot(math.ceil(len(self.names) / 2), 2, pos+1) p.set_ylim([0, 100]) p.set_title(self.machine_classes[name] + " " + name) p.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) X = range(0, NUM_ENTRIES, 1) Y = NUM_ENTRIES * [0] graphs[name] = p.plot(X, Y)[0] plts[name] = p pos += 1 plt.tight_layout() while True: for name, p in plts.items(): graphs[name].set_ydata(self.loads[name]) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.05)
def sintest(self, AMP=0.5, FREQ=1, TIME=5, mode='velocity'): # freq in hertz # amp in radians self.tstart = time.time() t = time.time()-self.tstart self.setpos(0) pylab.ion() print('**Running Sin Test**') while t<TIME: t = time.time()-self.tstart ctrl = AMP*np.sin(FREQ*2.0*np.pi*t) if mode == 'velocity': self.setvel(ctrl) output = self.getvel() if mode == 'pos': self.setpos(ctrl) output = self.getpos() pylab.plot([t],[output],color='blue', marker='*') pylab.plot([t],[ctrl],color='red') pylab.draw() self.stop()
def __init__(self, net, task, valueNetwork=None, **args): = net self.task = task self.setArgs(**args) if self.valueLearningRate == None: self.valueLearningRate = self.learningRate if self.valueMomentum == None: self.valueMomentum = self.momentum if self.supervisedPlotting: from pylab import ion ion() # adaptive temperature: self.tau = 1. # prepare the datasets to be used self.weightedDs = ImportanceDataSet(self.task.outdim, self.task.indim) self.rawDs = ReinforcementDataSet(self.task.outdim, self.task.indim) self.valueDs = SequentialDataSet(self.task.outdim, 1) # prepare the supervised trainers self.bp = BackpropTrainer(, self.weightedDs, self.learningRate, self.momentum, verbose=False, batchlearning=True) # CHECKME: outsource self.vnet = valueNetwork if valueNetwork != None: self.vbp = BackpropTrainer(self.vnet, self.valueDs, self.valueLearningRate, self.valueMomentum, verbose=self.verbose) # keep information: self.totalSteps = 0 self.totalEpisodes = 0
def plotInit(Plotting, Elements): if (Plotting == 2): loc = [i.xy for i in Elements] x = [i.real for i in loc] y = [i.imag for i in loc] x = list(sorted(set(x))) x.remove(-10) y = list(sorted(set(y))) X, Y = pylab.meshgrid(x, y) U = pylab.ones(shape(X)) V = pylab.ones(shape(Y)) pylab.ion() fig, ax = pylab.subplots(1,1) graph = ax.quiver(X, Y, U, V) pylab.draw() else: pylab.ion() graph, = pylab.plot(1, 'ro', markersize = 2) x = 2 pylab.axis([-x,x,x,-x]) graph.set_xdata(0) graph.set_ydata(0) pylab.draw() return graph
def histoCase( self ): print "Building Histogram" header = self.histoAxis.get() if ( self.filterNum.get() == "None" ): data = self.dataInstance.getNumericAxis( self.histoAxis.get() ) else: labels = [] data = [] for set in self.main.histoCols: labels.append( set[0] ) data.append( set[1] ) pylab.ion() if ( self.filterNum.get() == "None" ): pylab.hist( data, bins=self.bins.get(), label=header ) else: pylab.hist( data, bins=self.bins.get(), label=labels ) pylab.legend() pylab.xlabel( header ) pylab.ylabel("Frequency") pylab.title("Histogram" )
def animate_1D(time, var, x, ylab=' '): """Animate a 2d array with a sequence of 1d plots Input: time = one-dimensional time vector; var = array with first dimension = len(time) ; x = (optional) vector width dimension equal to var.shape[1]; ylab = ylabel for plot """ import pylab import numpy pylab.close() pylab.ion() # Initial plot vmin=var.min() vmax=var.max() line, = pylab.plot( (x.min(), x.max()), (vmin, vmax), 'o') # Lots of plots for i in range(len(time)): line.set_xdata(x) line.set_ydata(var[i,:]) pylab.draw() pylab.xlabel('x') pylab.ylabel(ylab) pylab.title('time = ' + str(time[i])) return
def __init__(self,file): # Task parameters self.running = True # Class variables self.origin = Vector(0,0) self.position = Vector(0,0) self.position_list = [] # init plot self.fig = pyplot.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 8), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') self.area = 2 ion() # Init transform = tf.TransformListener() = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.quaternion = np.empty((4, ), dtype=np.float64) # Init node self.rate = rospy.Rate(10) # Init subscriber self.imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/fmInformation/imu', Imu, self.onImu ) # Init stat self.file = file self.deviations = []
def saveHintonDiagram(W, directory): maxWeight = None #print "Weight: ", W """ Draws a Hinton diagram for visualizing a weight matrix. Temporarily disables matplotlib interactive mode if it is on, otherwise this takes forever. """ reenable = False if pylab.isinteractive(): pylab.ioff() pylab.clf() height, width = W.shape if not maxWeight: maxWeight = 2**numpy.ceil(numpy.log(numpy.max(numpy.abs(W)))/numpy.log(2)) pylab.fill(numpy.array([0,width,width,0]),numpy.array([0,0,height,height]),'gray') pylab.axis('off') pylab.axis('equal') for x in xrange(width): for y in xrange(height): _x = x+1 _y = y+1 w = W[y,x] if w > 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,w/maxWeight),'white') elif w < 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,-w/maxWeight),'black') if reenable: pylab.ion() pylab.savefig(directory)
def evolve(nx, kappa, tau, tmax, dovis=0, returnInit=0): """ the main evolution loop. Evolve phi_t = kappa phi_{xx} + (1/tau) R(phi) from t = 0 to tmax """ # create the grid gr = grid(nx, ng=1, xmin=0.0, xmax=100.0, vars=["phi", "phi1", "phi2"]) # pointers to the data at various stages phi =["phi"] phi1 =["phi1"] phi2 =["phi2"] # initialize gr.initialize(20, 1) phiInit = phi.copy() # runtime plotting if dovis == 1: pylab.ion() t = 0.0 while (t < tmax): dt = estDt(gr, kappa, tau) if (t + dt > tmax): dt = tmax - t # react for dt/2 phi1[:] = react(gr, phi, tau, dt / 2) gr.fillBC("phi1") # diffuse for dt phi2[:] = diffuse(gr, phi1, kappa, dt) gr.fillBC("phi2") # react for dt/2 -- this is the updated solution phi[:] = react(gr, phi2, tau, dt / 2) gr.fillBC("phi") t += dt if dovis == 1: pylab.clf() pylab.plot(gr.x, phi) pylab.xlim(gr.xmin, gr.xmax) pylab.ylim(0.0, 1.0) pylab.draw() print(t) if returnInit == 1: return phi, gr.x, phiInit else: return phi, gr.x
import numpy as np import pylab as py import pickle as pk import covariance_utils as cu import fisher.forecast.fisher_util as ut py.ion() theory_file = 'camb_spectra2/params_LCDM_planckbestfit_r_0.01_lensedtotCls.dat' tell, tTT, tEE, tBB, tTE = ut.read_spectra(theory_file, raw=False) nsims = 10 sim_runs = 1 #simlength = 100 simlength = len(tell) delta_bin = 50 fft_scale = 16 map_scale = 4. window_scale = 32. noise_scale = 0.00001 #ratio of signal_scale signal_scale = 1.0 order = 3 apply_window = True noise_off = False ################################################################################# x = np.arange(simlength + 1, dtype=float) / (simlength) * 10. * np.pi #Truncate input spectra to be in multiples of delta_bin extra = np.mod(len(tTT), delta_bin)
get_ipython().magic('load_ext autoreload') get_ipython().magic('autoreload 2') except NameError: print('Not IPYTHON') pass import sys import numpy as np import psutil import glob import os import scipy from ipyparallel import Client # mpl.use('Qt5Agg') import pylab as pl pl.ion() #%% import caiman as cm from caiman.source_extraction.cnmf import cnmf as cnmf from caiman.components_evaluation import evaluate_components from caiman.utils.visualization import plot_contours, view_patches_bar from caiman.base.rois import extract_binary_masks_blob #%% c, dview, n_processes = cm.cluster.setup_cluster(backend='local', n_processes=None, single_thread=False) #%% is_patches = True is_dendrites = False #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with NEST. If not, see <>. ''' NEST Topology Module Example Create layer of 4x3 iaf_psc_alpha neurons, visualize BCCN Tutorial @ CNS*09 Hans Ekkehard Plesser, UMB ''' import nest import pylab import nest.topology as topo pylab.ion() nest.ResetKernel() l1 = topo.CreateLayer({ 'columns': 4, 'rows': 3, 'extent': [2.0, 1.5], 'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha' }) nest.PrintNetwork() nest.PrintNetwork(2) nest.PrintNetwork(2, l1) topo.PlotLayer(l1, nodesize=50)
z = z * z + c if (z.real * z.real + z.imag * z.imag) >= 4: return i return 255 @autojit def create_fractal(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, image, iters): height = image.shape[0] width = image.shape[1] pixel_size_x = (max_x - min_x) / width pixel_size_y = (max_y - min_y) / height for x in range(width): real = min_x + x * pixel_size_x for y in range(height): imag = min_y + y * pixel_size_y color = mandel(real, imag, iters) image[y, x] = color return image image = np.zeros((1024, 1024), dtype=np.uint8) #image = np.zeros((500, 750), dtype=np.uint8) imshow(create_fractal(-2.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, image, 20)) jet() ion() show()
def orthview( map=None, fig=None, rot=None, coord=None, unit="", xsize=800, half_sky=False, title="Orthographic view", nest=False, min=None, max=None, flip="astro", remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, gal_cut=0, format="%g", format2="%g", cbar=True, cmap=None, notext=False, norm=None, hold=False, margins=None, sub=None, return_projected_map=False, ): """Plot a healpix map (given as an array) in Orthographic projection. Parameters ---------- map : float, array-like or None An array containing the map. If None, will display a blank map, useful for overplotting. fig : int or None, optional The figure number to use. Default: create a new figure rot : scalar or sequence, optional Describe the rotation to apply. In the form (lon, lat, psi) (unit: degrees) : the point at longitude *lon* and latitude *lat* will be at the center. An additional rotation of angle *psi* around this direction is applied. coord : sequence of character, optional Either one of 'G', 'E' or 'C' to describe the coordinate system of the map, or a sequence of 2 of these to rotate the map from the first to the second coordinate system. half_sky : bool, optional Plot only one side of the sphere. Default: False unit : str, optional A text describing the unit of the data. Default: '' xsize : int, optional The size of the image. Default: 800 title : str, optional The title of the plot. Default: 'Orthographic view' nest : bool, optional If True, ordering scheme is NESTED. Default: False (RING) min : float, optional The minimum range value max : float, optional The maximum range value flip : {'astro', 'geo'}, optional Defines the convention of projection : 'astro' (default, east towards left, west towards right) or 'geo' (east towards roght, west towards left) remove_dip : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the dipole+monopole remove_mono : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the monopole gal_cut : float, scalar, optional Symmetric galactic cut for the dipole/monopole fit. Removes points in latitude range [-gal_cut, +gal_cut] format : str, optional The format of the scale label. Default: '%g' format2 : str, optional Format of the pixel value under mouse. Default: '%g' cbar : bool, optional Display the colorbar. Default: True notext : bool, optional If True, no text is printed around the map norm : {'hist', 'log', None} Color normalization, hist= histogram equalized color mapping, log= logarithmic color mapping, default: None (linear color mapping) hold : bool, optional If True, replace the current Axes by an OrthographicAxes. use this if you want to have multiple maps on the same figure. Default: False sub : int, scalar or sequence, optional Use only a zone of the current figure (same syntax as subplot). Default: None margins : None or sequence, optional Either None, or a sequence (left,bottom,right,top) giving the margins on left,bottom,right and top of the axes. Values are relative to figure (0-1). Default: None return_projected_map : bool if True returns the projected map in a 2d numpy array See Also -------- mollview, gnomview, cartview, azeqview """ # Create the figure import pylab if not (hold or sub): f = pylab.figure(fig, figsize=(8.5, 5.4)) extent = (0.02, 0.05, 0.96, 0.9) elif hold: f = pylab.gcf() left, bottom, right, top = np.array(f.gca().get_position()).ravel() extent = (left, bottom, right - left, top - bottom) f.delaxes(f.gca()) else: # using subplot syntax f = pylab.gcf() if hasattr(sub, "__len__"): nrows, ncols, idx = sub else: nrows, ncols, idx = sub // 100, (sub % 100) // 10, (sub % 10) if idx < 1 or idx > ncols * nrows: raise ValueError("Wrong values for sub: %d, %d, %d" % (nrows, ncols, idx)) c, r = (idx - 1) % ncols, (idx - 1) // ncols if not margins: margins = (0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02) extent = ( c * 1. / ncols + margins[0], 1. - (r + 1) * 1. / nrows + margins[1], 1. / ncols - margins[2] - margins[0], 1. / nrows - margins[3] - margins[1], ) extent = ( extent[0] + margins[0], extent[1] + margins[1], extent[2] - margins[2] - margins[0], extent[3] - margins[3] - margins[1], ) # extent = (c*1./ncols, 1.-(r+1)*1./nrows,1./ncols,1./nrows) # f=pylab.figure(fig,figsize=(8.5,5.4)) # Starting to draw : turn interactive off wasinteractive = pylab.isinteractive() pylab.ioff() try: if map is None: map = np.zeros(12) + np.inf cbar = False ax = PA.HpxOrthographicAxes( f, extent, coord=coord, rot=rot, format=format2, flipconv=flip ) f.add_axes(ax) if remove_dip: map = pixelfunc.remove_dipole( map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True, verbose=True ) elif remove_mono: map = pixelfunc.remove_monopole( map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True, verbose=True ) img = ax.projmap( map, nest=nest, xsize=xsize, half_sky=half_sky, coord=coord, vmin=min, vmax=max, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, ) if cbar: im = ax.get_images()[0] b = im.norm.inverse(np.linspace(0, 1, im.cmap.N + 1)) v = np.linspace(im.norm.vmin, im.norm.vmax, im.cmap.N) if matplotlib.__version__ >= "0.91.0": cb = f.colorbar( im, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.05, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v, format=format, ) else: # for older matplotlib versions, no ax kwarg cb = f.colorbar( im, orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.05, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v, format=format, ) cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) ax.set_title(title) if not notext: ax.text( 0.86, 0.05, ax.proj.coordsysstr, fontsize=14, fontweight="bold", transform=ax.transAxes, ) if cbar: 0.5, -1.0, unit, fontsize=14,, ha="center", va="center", ) finally: pylab.draw() if wasinteractive: pylab.ion() # if return_projected_map: return img
def gnomview( map=None, fig=None, rot=None, coord=None, unit="", xsize=200, ysize=None, reso=1.5, title="Gnomonic view", nest=False, remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, gal_cut=0, min=None, max=None, flip="astro", format="%.3g", cbar=True, cmap=None, norm=None, hold=False, sub=None, margins=None, notext=False, return_projected_map=False, ): """Plot a healpix map (given as an array) in Gnomonic projection. Parameters ---------- map : array-like The map to project, supports masked maps, see the `ma` function. If None, use a blank map, useful for overplotting. fig : None or int, optional A figure number. Default: None= create a new figure rot : scalar or sequence, optional Describe the rotation to apply. In the form (lon, lat, psi) (unit: degrees) : the point at longitude *lon* and latitude *lat* will be at the center. An additional rotation of angle *psi* around this direction is applied. coord : sequence of character, optional Either one of 'G', 'E' or 'C' to describe the coordinate system of the map, or a sequence of 2 of these to rotate the map from the first to the second coordinate system. unit : str, optional A text describing the unit of the data. Default: '' xsize : int, optional The size of the image. Default: 200 ysize : None or int, optional The size of the image. Default: None= xsize reso : float, optional Resolution (in arcmin). Default: 1.5 arcmin title : str, optional The title of the plot. Default: 'Gnomonic view' nest : bool, optional If True, ordering scheme is NESTED. Default: False (RING) min : float, scalar, optional The minimum range value max : float, scalar, optional The maximum range value flip : {'astro', 'geo'}, optional Defines the convention of projection : 'astro' (default, east towards left, west towards right) or 'geo' (east towards roght, west towards left) remove_dip : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the dipole+monopole remove_mono : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the monopole gal_cut : float, scalar, optional Symmetric galactic cut for the dipole/monopole fit. Removes points in latitude range [-gal_cut, +gal_cut] format : str, optional The format of the scale label. Default: '%g' hold : bool, optional If True, replace the current Axes by a MollweideAxes. use this if you want to have multiple maps on the same figure. Default: False sub : int or sequence, optional Use only a zone of the current figure (same syntax as subplot). Default: None margins : None or sequence, optional Either None, or a sequence (left,bottom,right,top) giving the margins on left,bottom,right and top of the axes. Values are relative to figure (0-1). Default: None notext: bool, optional If True: do not add resolution info text. Default=False return_projected_map : bool if True returns the projected map in a 2d numpy array See Also -------- mollview, cartview, orthview, azeqview """ import pylab if not (hold or sub): f = pylab.figure(fig, figsize=(5.8, 6.4)) if not margins: margins = (0.075, 0.05, 0.075, 0.05) extent = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) elif hold: f = pylab.gcf() left, bottom, right, top = np.array(pylab.gca().get_position()).ravel() if not margins: margins = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) extent = (left, bottom, right - left, top - bottom) f.delaxes(pylab.gca()) else: # using subplot syntax f = pylab.gcf() if hasattr(sub, "__len__"): nrows, ncols, idx = sub else: nrows, ncols, idx = sub // 100, (sub % 100) // 10, (sub % 10) if idx < 1 or idx > ncols * nrows: raise ValueError("Wrong values for sub: %d, %d, %d" % (nrows, ncols, idx)) c, r = (idx - 1) % ncols, (idx - 1) // ncols if not margins: margins = (0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02) extent = ( c * 1. / ncols + margins[0], 1. - (r + 1) * 1. / nrows + margins[1], 1. / ncols - margins[2] - margins[0], 1. / nrows - margins[3] - margins[1], ) extent = ( extent[0] + margins[0], extent[1] + margins[1], extent[2] - margins[2] - margins[0], extent[3] - margins[3] - margins[1], ) # f=pylab.figure(fig,figsize=(5.5,6)) # Starting to draw : turn interactive off wasinteractive = pylab.isinteractive() pylab.ioff() try: if map is None: map = np.zeros(12) + np.inf cbar = False map = pixelfunc.ma_to_array(map) ax = PA.HpxGnomonicAxes( f, extent, coord=coord, rot=rot, format=format, flipconv=flip ) f.add_axes(ax) if remove_dip: map = pixelfunc.remove_dipole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True) elif remove_mono: map = pixelfunc.remove_monopole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True) img = ax.projmap( map, nest=nest, coord=coord, vmin=min, vmax=max, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, reso=reso, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, ) if cbar: im = ax.get_images()[0] b = im.norm.inverse(np.linspace(0, 1, im.cmap.N + 1)) v = np.linspace(im.norm.vmin, im.norm.vmax, im.cmap.N) if matplotlib.__version__ >= "0.91.0": cb = f.colorbar( im, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.08, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v, format=format, ) else: cb = f.colorbar( im, orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.08, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v, format=format, ) cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) ax.set_title(title) if not notext: ax.text( -0.07, 0.02, "%g '/pix, %dx%d pix" % ( ax.proj.arrayinfo["reso"], ax.proj.arrayinfo["xsize"], ax.proj.arrayinfo["ysize"], ), fontsize=12, verticalalignment="bottom", transform=ax.transAxes, rotation=90, ) ax.text( -0.07, 0.6, ax.proj.coordsysstr, fontsize=14, fontweight="bold", rotation=90, transform=ax.transAxes, ) lon, lat = np.around(ax.proj.get_center(lonlat=True), ax._coordprec) ax.text( 0.5, -0.03, "(%g,%g)" % (lon, lat), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", transform=ax.transAxes, ) if cbar: 1.05, 0.30, unit, fontsize=14, fontweight="bold",, ha="left", va="center", ) finally: pylab.draw() if wasinteractive: pylab.ion() # if return_projected_map: return img
def sofispec1Dredu(files, _interactive, _ext_trace, _dispersionline, _automaticex, _verbose=False): # print "LOGX:: Entering `sofispec1Dredu` method/function in %(__file__)s" # % globals() import re import string import sys import os os.environ["PYRAF_BETA_STATUS"] = "1" import ntt try: import pyfits except: from import fits as pyfits import numpy as np import datetime import pylab as pl from pyraf import iraf dv = ntt.dvex() now = datenow = now.strftime('20%y%m%d%H%M') MJDtoday = 55927 + ( -, 01, 01)).days scal = np.pi / 180. hdr0 = ntt.util.readhdr(re.sub('\n', '', files[0])) _gain = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr0, 'gain') _rdnoise = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr0, 'ron') std_sun, rastd_sun, decstd_sun, magstd_sun = ntt.util.readstandard( 'standard_sofi_sun.txt') std_vega, rastd_vega, decstd_vega, magstd_vega = ntt.util.readstandard( 'standard_sofi_vega.txt') std_phot, rastd_phot, decstd_phot, magstd_phot = ntt.util.readstandard( 'standard_sofi_phot.txt') outputfile = [] objectlist, RA, DEC = {}, {}, {} for img in files: img = re.sub('\n', '', img) hdr = ntt.util.readhdr(img) _ra = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'RA') _dec = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'DEC') _grism = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'grism') _filter = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') _slit = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'slit') cc_sun = np.arccos( np.sin(_dec * scal) * np.sin(decstd_sun * scal) + np.cos(_dec * scal) * np.cos(decstd_sun * scal) * np.cos( (_ra - rastd_sun) * scal)) * ((180 / np.pi) * 3600) cc_vega = np.arccos( np.sin(_dec * scal) * np.sin(decstd_vega * scal) + np.cos(_dec * scal) * np.cos(decstd_vega * scal) * np.cos( (_ra - rastd_vega) * scal)) * ((180 / np.pi) * 3600) cc_phot = np.arccos( np.sin(_dec * scal) * np.sin(decstd_phot * scal) + np.cos(_dec * scal) * np.cos(decstd_phot * scal) * np.cos( (_ra - rastd_phot) * scal)) * ((180 / np.pi) * 3600) if min(cc_sun) < 100: _type = 'sun' elif min(cc_phot) < 100: _type = 'stdp' elif min(cc_vega) < 100: _type = 'vega' else: _type = 'obj' if min(cc_phot) < 100: if _verbose: print img, 'phot', str(min(cc_phot)), str( std_phot[np.argmin(cc_phot)]) ntt.util.updateheader( img, 0, { 'stdname': [std_phot[np.argmin(cc_phot)], ''], 'magstd': [float(magstd_phot[np.argmin(cc_phot)]), ''] }) # ntt.util.updateheader(img,0,{'magstd':[float(magstd_phot[argmin(cc_phot)]),'']}) elif min(cc_sun) < 100: if _verbose: print img, 'sun', str(min(cc_sun)), str( std_sun[np.argmin(cc_sun)]) ntt.util.updateheader( img, 0, { 'stdname': [std_sun[np.argmin(cc_sun)], ''], 'magstd': [float(magstd_sun[np.argmin(cc_sun)]), ''] }) # ntt.util.updateheader(img,0,{'magstd':[float(magstd_sun[argmin(cc_sun)]),'']}) elif min(cc_vega) < 100: if _verbose: print img, 'vega', str(min(cc_vega)), str( std_vega[np.argmin(cc_vega)]) ntt.util.updateheader( img, 0, { 'stdname': [std_vega[np.argmin(cc_vega)], ''], 'magstd': [float(magstd_vega[np.argmin(cc_vega)]), ''] }) # ntt.util.updateheader(img,0,{'magstd':[float(magstd_vega[argmin(cc_vega)]),'']}) else: if _verbose: print img, 'object' _OBID = (ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'esoid')) if _type not in objectlist: objectlist[_type] = {} if _grism not in objectlist[_type]: objectlist[_type][_grism] = {} if _OBID not in objectlist[_type][_grism]: objectlist[_type][_grism][_OBID] = [] objectlist[_type][_grism][_OBID].append(img) if 'stdp' not in objectlist: print '### warning: not photometric standard' else: print '### photometric standard in the list of object' if 'sun' not in objectlist: print '### warning: not telluric G standard (sun type)' else: print '### telluric G standard (sun type) in the list of object' if 'vega' not in objectlist: print '### warning: not telluric A standard (vega type)' else: print '### telluric A standard (vega type) in the list of object' iraf.noao(_doprint=0, Stdout=0) iraf.imred(_doprint=0, Stdout=0) iraf.specred(_doprint=0, Stdout=0) iraf.immatch(_doprint=0, Stdout=0) iraf.imutil(_doprint=0, Stdout=0) toforget = ['specred.apall', 'specred.transform'] for t in toforget: iraf.unlearn(t) iraf.specred.apall.readnoi = _rdnoise iraf.specred.apall.gain = _gain iraf.specred.dispaxi = 2 for _type in objectlist: for setup in objectlist[_type]: for _ID in objectlist[_type][setup]: listmerge = objectlist[_type][setup][_ID] listmerge = ntt.sortbyJD(listmerge) _object = ntt.util.readkey3(ntt.util.readhdr(listmerge[0]), 'object') if string.count(_object, '/') or string.count( _object, '.') or string.count(_object, ' '): nameobj = string.split(_object, '/')[0] nameobj = string.split(nameobj, ' ')[0] nameobj = string.split(nameobj, '.')[0] else: nameobj = _object _date = ntt.util.readkey3(ntt.util.readhdr(listmerge[0]), 'date-night') outputimage = nameobj + '_' + _date + \ '_' + setup + '_merge_' + str(MJDtoday) outputimage = ntt.util.name_duplicate(listmerge[0], outputimage, '') print '### setup= ', setup, ' name field= ', nameobj, ' merge image= ', outputimage, '\n' ################# # added to avoid crashing with a single frame # header will not be updated with all info ################# if len(listmerge) == 1: ntt.util.delete(outputimage) iraf.imutil.imcopy(listmerge[0], output=outputimage, verbose='no') answ = 'n' else: if os.path.isfile(outputimage) and _interactive: answ = raw_input( 'combine frame of dithered spectra already created. Do you want to make it again [[y]/n] ? ' ) if not answ: answ = 'y' else: answ = 'y' ################# if answ in ['Yes', 'y', 'Y', 'yes']: if _interactive: automaticmerge = raw_input( '\n### Do you want to try to find the dither bethween frames automatically [[y]/n]' ) if not automaticmerge: automaticmerge = 'yes' elif automaticmerge.lower() in ['y', 'yes']: automaticmerge = 'yes' else: automaticmerge = 'no' else: automaticmerge = 'yes' if automaticmerge == 'yes': offset = 0 offsetvec = [] _center0 = ntt.sofispec1Ddef.findaperture( listmerge[0], False) _offset0 = ntt.util.readkey3( ntt.util.readhdr(listmerge[0]), 'xcum') print '\n### Try to merge spectra considering their offset along x axes .......' f = open('_offset', 'w') for img in listmerge: _center = ntt.sofispec1Ddef.findaperture( img, False) _center2 = ( float(_center) + (float(_offset0) - float(_center0))) * (-1) _offset = (-1) * \ ntt.util.readkey3( ntt.util.readhdr(img), 'xcum') if abs(_center2 - _offset) >= 20: automaticmerge = 'no' break else: offset3 = _center2 offsetvec.append(offset3) line = str(offset3) + ' 0\n' f.write(line) f.close() if automaticmerge == 'yes': print '### automatic merge .......... done' else: print '\n### warning: try identification of spectra position in interactive way ' offset = 0 offsetvec = [] _z1, _z2, goon = ntt.util.display_image( listmerge[0], 1, '', '', False) print '\n### find aperture on first frame and use it as reference position of ' \ 'the spectra (mark with ' + '"' + 'm' + '"' + ')' _center0 = ntt.sofispec1Ddef.findaperture( listmerge[0], True) _offset0 = ntt.util.readkey3( ntt.util.readhdr(listmerge[0]), 'xcum') print '\n### find the aperture on all the spectra frames (mark with ' + '"' + 'm' + '"' + ')' f = open('_offset', 'w') for img in listmerge: print '\n### ', img _z1, _z2, goon = ntt.util.display_image( img, 1, '', '', False) _center = ntt.sofispec1Ddef.findaperture(img, True) _center2 = ( float(_center) + (float(_offset0) - float(_center0))) * (-1) _offset = (-1) * \ ntt.util.readkey3( ntt.util.readhdr(img), 'xcum') print '\n### position from dither header: ' + str( _offset) print '### position identified interactively: ' + str( _center2) offset3 = raw_input( '\n### which is the right position [' + str(_center2) + '] ?') if not offset3: offset3 = _center2 offsetvec.append(offset3) line = str(offset3) + ' 0\n' f.write(line) f.close() print offsetvec start = int(max(offsetvec) - min(offsetvec)) print start f = open('_goodlist', 'w') print listmerge for img in listmerge: f.write(img + '\n') f.close() ntt.util.delete(outputimage) ntt.util.delete('_output.fits') yy1 =[0])[0].data[:, 10] iraf.immatch.imcombine('@_goodlist', '_output', combine='sum', reject='none', offset='_offset', masktyp='', rdnoise=_rdnoise, gain=_gain, zero='mode', Stdout=1) _head ='_output.fits')[0].header if _head['NAXIS1'] < 1024: stop = str(_head['NAXIS1']) else: stop = '1024' iraf.imutil.imcopy('_output[' + str(start) + ':' + stop + ',*]', output=outputimage, verbose='no') print outputimage print len(listmerge) hdr1 = ntt.util.readhdr(outputimage) ntt.util.updateheader( outputimage, 0, { 'SINGLEXP': [False, 'TRUE if resulting from single exposure'], 'M_EPOCH': [False, 'TRUE if resulting from multiple epochs'], 'EXPTIME': [ ntt.util.readkey3(hdr1, 'EXPTIME') * len(listmerge), 'Total integration time per pixel (s)' ], 'TEXPTIME': [ float(ntt.util.readkey3(hdr1, 'TEXPTIME')) * len(listmerge), 'Total integration time of all exposures (s)' ], 'APERTURE': [ 2.778e-4 * float( re.sub('long_slit_', '', ntt.util.readkey3(hdr1, 'slit'))), '[deg] Aperture diameter' ], 'NOFFSETS': [2, 'Number of offset positions'], 'NUSTEP': [0, 'Number of microstep positions'], 'NJITTER': [ int(ntt.util.readkey3(hdr1, 'NCOMBINE') / 2), 'Number of jitter positions' ] }) hdr = ntt.util.readhdr(outputimage) matching = [s for s in hdr.keys() if "IMCMB" in s] for imcmb in matching: aaa = iraf.hedit(outputimage, imcmb, delete='yes', update='yes', verify='no', Stdout=1) if 'SKYSUB' in hdr.keys(): aaa = iraf.hedit(outputimage, 'SKYSUB', delete='yes', update='yes', verify='no', Stdout=1) mjdend = [] mjdstart = [] num = 0 for img in listmerge: num = num + 1 hdrm = ntt.util.readhdr(img) ntt.util.updateheader( outputimage, 0, { 'PROV' + str(num): [ ntt.util.readkey3(hdrm, 'ARCFILE'), 'Originating file' ], 'TRACE' + str(num): [img, 'Originating file'] }) mjdend.append(ntt.util.readkey3(hdrm, 'MJD-END')) mjdstart.append(ntt.util.readkey3(hdrm, 'MJD-OBS')) _dateobs = ntt.util.readkey3( ntt.util.readhdr(listmerge[np.argmin(mjdstart)]), 'DATE-OBS') _telapse = (max(mjdend) - min(mjdstart)) * \ 60. * 60 * 24. # *86400 _tmid = (max(mjdend) + min(mjdstart)) / 2 _title = str(_tmid)[0:9] + ' ' + str(ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object')) + ' ' + str( ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'grism')) + ' ' + \ str(ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter')) + \ ' ' + str(ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'slit')) ntt.util.updateheader( outputimage, 0, { 'MJD-OBS': [min(mjdstart), 'MJD start'], 'MJD-END': [max(mjdend), 'MJD end'], 'TELAPSE': [_telapse, 'Total elapsed time [days]'], 'TMID': [_tmid, '[d] MJD mid exposure'], 'TITLE': [_title, 'Dataset title'], 'DATE-OBS': [_dateobs, 'Date of observation'] }) # missing: merge airmass else: print '\n### skip making again combined spectrum' objectlist[_type][setup][_ID] = [outputimage] print '\n### setup= ', setup, ' name field= ', nameobj, ' merge image= ', outputimage, '\n' if outputimage not in outputfile: outputfile.append(outputimage) ntt.util.updateheader( outputimage, 0, {'FILETYPE': [42116, 'combine 2D spectra frame']}) if _verbose: if 'obj' in objectlist: print objectlist['obj'] if 'stdp' in objectlist: print objectlist['stdp'] if 'sun' in objectlist: print objectlist['sun'] if 'vega' in objectlist: print objectlist['vega'] if 'obj' not in objectlist.keys(): sys.exit('\n### error: no objects in the list') sens = {} print '\n############################################\n### extract the spectra ' # print objectlist for setup in objectlist['obj']: reduced = [] for _ID in objectlist['obj'][setup]: for img in objectlist['obj'][setup][_ID]: hdr = ntt.util.readhdr(img) print '\n### next object\n ', img, ntt.util.readkey3( hdr, 'object') _grism = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'grism') _exptimeimg = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') _JDimg = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'JD') imgex = ntt.util.extractspectrum(img, dv, _ext_trace, _dispersionline, _interactive, 'obj', automaticex=_automaticex) if imgex not in outputfile: outputfile.append(imgex) ntt.util.updateheader( imgex, 0, { 'FILETYPE': [42107, 'extracted 1D wave calib'], 'PRODCATG': [ 'SCIENCE.' + ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'tech').upper(), 'Data product category' ] }) hdr = ntt.util.readhdr(imgex) matching = [s for s in hdr.keys() if "TRACE" in s] for imcmb in matching: aaa = iraf.hedit(imgex, imcmb, delete='yes', update='yes', verify='no', Stdout=1) ntt.util.updateheader(imgex, 0, {'TRACE1': [img, 'Originating file']}) if os.path.isfile('database/ap' + re.sub('_ex.fits', '', imgex)): if 'database/ap' + re.sub('_ex.fits', '', imgex) not in outputfile: outputfile.append('database/ap' + re.sub('_ex.fits', '', imgex)) ########################### telluric standard ############# if 'sun' in objectlist and setup in objectlist['sun']: _type = 'sun' elif 'vega' in objectlist and setup in objectlist['vega']: _type = 'vega' else: _type = 'none' if _type in ['sun', 'vega']: stdref = ntt.__path__[0] + '/standard/fits/' + str( _type) + '.fits' stdvec, airmassvec, JDvec = [], [], [] for _ID in objectlist[_type][setup]: for std in objectlist[_type][setup][_ID]: _airmassstd = ntt.util.readkey3( ntt.util.readhdr(std), 'airmass') _JDstd = ntt.util.readkey3(ntt.util.readhdr(std), 'JD') JDvec.append(abs(_JDstd - _JDimg)) stdvec.append(std) airmassvec.append(_airmassstd) stdtelluric = stdvec[np.argmin(JDvec)] _exptimestd = ntt.util.readkey3( ntt.util.readhdr(stdtelluric), 'exptime') _magstd = ntt.util.readkey3(ntt.util.readhdr(stdtelluric), 'magstd') print '\n\n ##### closer standard for telluric corrections #### \n\n' print stdtelluric, airmassvec[np.argmin(JDvec)] stdtelluric_ex = ntt.util.extractspectrum( stdtelluric, dv, False, False, _interactive, 'std', automaticex=_automaticex) if stdtelluric_ex not in outputfile: outputfile.append(stdtelluric_ex) ntt.util.updateheader( stdtelluric_ex, 0, {'FILETYPE': [42107, 'extracted 1D wave calib ']}) ntt.util.updateheader( stdtelluric_ex, 0, { 'PRODCATG': [ 'SCIENCE.' + ntt.util.readkey3( ntt.util.readhdr(stdtelluric_ex), 'tech').upper(), 'Data product category' ] }) hdr = ntt.util.readhdr(stdtelluric_ex) matching = [s for s in hdr.keys() if "TRACE" in s] for imcmb in matching: aaa = iraf.hedit(stdtelluric_ex, imcmb, delete='yes', update='yes', verify='no', Stdout=1) ntt.util.updateheader( stdtelluric_ex, 0, {'TRACE1': [stdtelluric, 'Originating file']}) ########################################################### # SN tellurich calibration imgf = re.sub('_ex.fits', '_f.fits', imgex) imgf, senstelluric = ntt.sofispec1Ddef.calibrationsofi( imgex, stdtelluric_ex, stdref, imgf, _interactive) if imgf not in outputfile: outputfile.append(imgf) if senstelluric not in outputfile: outputfile.append(senstelluric) ntt.util.updateheader( imgf, 0, { 'FILETYPE': [42208, '1D wave calib, tell cor.'], # 'SNR': [ntt.util.StoN(imgf, 50), 'SNR': [ ntt.util.StoN2(imgf, False), 'Average signal to noise ratio per pixel' ], 'TRACE1': [imgex, 'Originating file'], 'ASSON1': [ re.sub('_f.fits', '_2df.fits', imgf), 'Name of associated file' ], 'ASSOC1': [ 'ANCILLARY.2DSPECTRUM', 'Category of associated file' ] }) ########################################################### imgd = ntt.efoscspec1Ddef.fluxcalib2d( img, senstelluric) # flux calibration 2d images ntt.util.updateheader( imgd, 0, { 'FILETYPE': [ 42209, '2D wavelength and flux calibrated spectrum' ] }) iraf.hedit(imgd, 'PRODCATG', delete='yes', update='yes', verify='no') hdrd = ntt.util.readhdr(imgd) matching = [s for s in hdrd.keys() if "TRACE" in s] for imcmb in matching: aaa = iraf.hedit(imgd, imcmb, delete='yes', update='yes', verify='no', Stdout=1) ntt.util.updateheader( imgd, 0, {'TRACE1': [img, 'Originating file']}) if imgd not in outputfile: outputfile.append(imgd) ############################################################### if 'stdp' in objectlist and setup in objectlist['stdp']: print '\n ##### photometric calibration ######\n ' standardfile = [] for _ID in objectlist['stdp'][setup]: for stdp in objectlist['stdp'][setup][_ID]: stdp_ex = ntt.util.extractspectrum( stdp, dv, False, _dispersionline, _interactive, 'std', automaticex=_automaticex) standardfile.append(stdp_ex) if stdp_ex not in outputfile: outputfile.append(stdp_ex) ntt.util.updateheader( stdp_ex, 0, { 'FILETYPE': [42107, 'extracted 1D wave calib'], 'TRACE1': [stdp_ex, 'Originating file'], 'PRODCATG': [ 'SCIENCE.' + ntt.util.readkey3( ntt.util.readhdr(stdp_ex), 'tech').upper(), 'Data product category' ] }) print '\n### ', standardfile, ' \n' if len(standardfile) >= 2: standardfile0 = raw_input( 'which one do you want to use [' + str(standardfile[0]) + '] ? ') if not standardfile0: standardfile0 = standardfile[0] else: standardfile0 = standardfile[0] print standardfile0 stdpf = re.sub('_ex.fits', '_f.fits', standardfile0) stdpf, senstelluric2 = ntt.sofispec1Ddef.calibrationsofi( standardfile0, stdtelluric_ex, stdref, stdpf, _interactive) if stdpf not in outputfile: outputfile.append(stdpf) ntt.util.updateheader( stdpf, 0, { 'FILETYPE': [42208, '1D wave calib, tell cor'], 'TRACE1': [stdp, 'Originating file'] }) stdname = ntt.util.readkey3( ntt.util.readhdr(standardfile0), 'stdname') standardfile = ntt.__path__[0] + '/standard/flux/' + stdname xx, yy = ntt.util.ReadAscii2(standardfile) crval1 =[0].header.get('CRVAL1') cd1 =[0].header.get('CD1_1') datastdpf, hdrstdpf = pyfits.getdata(stdpf, 0, header=True) xx1 = np.arange(len(datastdpf[0][0])) aa1 = crval1 + (xx1) * cd1 yystd = np.interp(aa1, xx, yy) rcut = np.compress( ((aa1 < 13000) | (aa1 > 15150)) & ((11700 < aa1) | (aa1 < 11000)) & (aa1 > 10000) & ((aa1 < 17800) | (aa1 > 19600)) & (aa1 < 24000), datastdpf[0][0] / yystd) aa11 = np.compress( ((aa1 < 13000) | (aa1 > 15150)) & ((11700 < aa1) | (aa1 < 11000)) & (aa1 > 10000) & ((aa1 < 17800) | (aa1 > 19600)) & (aa1 < 24000), aa1) yy1clean = np.interp(aa1, aa11, rcut) aa1 = np.array(aa1) yy1clean = np.array(yy1clean) A = np.ones((len(rcut), 2), dtype=float) A[:, 0] = aa11 result = np.linalg.lstsq(A, rcut) # result=[zero,slope] p = [result[0][1], result[0][0]] yfit = ntt.util.pval(aa1, p) pl.clf() pl.ion() pl.plot(aa1, datastdpf[0][0] / yystd, color='red', label='std') pl.plot(aa1, yfit, color='blue', label='fit') pl.legend(numpoints=1, markerscale=1.5) # sens function sofi spectra outputsens = 'sens_' + stdpf ntt.util.delete(outputsens) datastdpf[0][0] = yfit pyfits.writeto(outputsens, np.float32(datastdpf), hdrstdpf) ################# imgsc = re.sub('_ex.fits', '_sc.fits', imgex) ntt.util.delete(imgsc) crval2 =[0].header.get('CRVAL1') cd2 =[0].header.get('CD1_1') dataf, hdrf = pyfits.getdata(imgf, 0, header=True) xx2 = np.arange(len(dataf[0][0])) aa2 = crval2 + (xx2) * cd2 yyscale = np.interp(aa2, aa1, yfit) dataf[0][0] = dataf[0][0] / yyscale dataf[1][0] = dataf[1][0] / yyscale dataf[2][0] = dataf[2][0] / yyscale dataf[3][0] = dataf[3][0] / yyscale pyfits.writeto(imgsc, np.float32(dataf), hdrf) ntt.util.updateheader( imgsc, 0, { 'SENSPHOT': [outputsens, 'sens used to flux cal'], 'FILETYPE': [42208, '1D wave,flux calib, tell cor'], 'TRACE1': [imgf, 'Originating file'] }) # ntt.util.updateheader(imgsc,0,{'FILETYPE':[42208,'1D wave,flux calib, tell cor']}) # ntt.util.updateheader(imgsc,0,{'TRACE1':[imgf,'']}) print '\n### flux calibrated spectrum= ', imgf, ' with the standard= ', stdpf if imgsc not in outputfile: outputfile.append(imgsc) else: print '\n### photometric calibrated not performed \n' print '\n### adding keywords for phase 3 ....... ' reduceddata = ntt.util.rangedata(outputfile) f = open( 'logfile_spec1d_' + str(reduceddata) + '_' + str(datenow) + '.raw.list', 'w') for img in outputfile: if str(img)[-5:] == '.fits': hdr = ntt.util.readhdr(img) # added for DR2 if 'NCOMBINE' in hdr: _ncomb = ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'NCOMBINE') else: _ncomb = 1.0 _effron = 12. * \ (1 / np.sqrt(ntt.util.readkey3(hdr, 'ndit') * _ncomb)) * \ np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) try: ntt.util.phase3header(img) # phase 3 definitions ntt.util.updateheader( img, 0, { 'quality': ['Final', ''], 'EFFRON': [_effron, 'Effective readout noise per output (e-)'] }) f.write( ntt.util.readkey3(ntt.util.readhdr(img), 'arcfile') + '\n') except: print 'Warning: ' + img + ' is not a fits file' f.close() return outputfile, 'logfile_spec1d_' + str(reduceddata) + '_' + str( datenow) + '.raw.list'
def drawPlots(): global plots, theWorld, time, times, num_households if plots == None or plots.canvas.manager.window == None: plots = PL.figure(2) PL.ion() PL.figure(2) PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 1) PL.cla() tot = theWorld.food_shared_totals food_shared_avg = [tot[i] / (i + 1) for i in range(len(tot))] PL.plot(food_shared_avg, color='black') PL.plot(theWorld.food_shared, color='pink') PL.plot(theWorld.brn_sharing, color='brown') PL.plot(theWorld.grn_sharing, color='green') PL.title("Food shared each year (BRN, GRN, tot) and average") PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 2) PL.cla() interval = 20 step = 0.5 b = [-interval + step * i for i in range(2 * int(interval / step) + 1)] if theWorld.hh_prestige: PL.hist(theWorld.hh_prestige, bins=b, color='brown') PL.title("hh count by prestige") PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 3) PL.cla() PL.plot(theWorld.populations, color='pink') PL.plot(theWorld.avg_pop, color='black') PL.plot(theWorld.avg_pop_100, color='blue') PL.title("Population, average, and 100-year average") PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 4) PL.cla() PL.plot(theWorld.avg_ages, color='pink') PL.plot(theWorld.avg_adult_ages, color='red') PL.plot(theWorld.avg_hh_age, color='black') PL.title( "Average household(black), forager(pink), and adult forager age (red) at end" ) PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 5) PL.cla() interval = (W.max_founder_kin_span - W.min_founder_kin_span) step = 0.1 b = [(W.min_founder_kin_span + step * i) for i in range(int(interval / step) + 1)] if theWorld.kinship_spans: PL.hist(theWorld.kinship_spans, bins=b, color='blue') # PL.axis() PL.title("population count by kinship span") PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 6) PL.cla() interval = (W.max_founder_kin_span - W.min_founder_kin_span) step = 1 b = [(W.min_founder_kin_span + step * i) for i in range(int(interval / step) + 1)] if theWorld.kinship_spans: PL.hist(theWorld.kinship_spans, bins=b, color='blue') # PL.axis() PL.title("population count by kinship span") PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 7) PL.cla() interval = 10 step = 0.05 b = [step * i for i in range(int(interval / step) + 1)] if theWorld.hh_food_stored: PL.hist(theWorld.hh_food_stored, bins=b, color='cyan') # PL.axis() PL.title("hh counts by food stored") PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 8) PL.cla() interval = max(theWorld.pop_expertise) - min(theWorld.pop_expertise) step = 0.05 b = [ min(theWorld.pop_expertise) + step * i for i in range(int(interval / step) + 1) ] if theWorld.pop_expertise: PL.hist(theWorld.pop_expertise, bins=b, color='cyan') # PL.axis() PL.title("population counts by foraging expertise") PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 9) PL.cla() PL.plot(theWorld.median_storage, color='black') PL.title("Median food stored") PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 10) PL.cla() PL.plot(theWorld.hoover, color='black') PL.title("Hoover index") PL.hold(True) PL.subplot(4, 3, 10) PL.cla() PL.plot(theWorld.avg_food_stored, color='black') PL.title("average food stored") PL.hold(False) plots.tight_layout() plots.canvas.manager.window.update() PL.figure(1)
drt_l_out = np.array(drt_l_out) drt_u_mean.append(np.mean(drt_u_out)) drt_u_std.append(np.std(drt_u_out)) drt_l_mean.append(np.mean(drt_l_out)) drt_l_std.append(np.std(drt_l_out)) drt_u_mean = np.array(drt_u_mean) drt_l_mean = np.array(drt_l_mean) drt_u_std = np.array(drt_u_std) drt_l_std = np.array(drt_l_std) residuals_u = (drt_u_mean - drt_in) / drt_u_std residuals_l = (drt_l_mean - drt_in) / drt_l_std ##- Setup figures plt.ion() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14}) colors = [ '#396AB1', '#DA7C30', '#3E9651', '#CC2529', '#535154', '#6B4C9A', '#922428', '#948B3D' ] ##- Plot bias figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(8, 8)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) ax[0].set_title( fr'$\Delta r$, 1000000 realisations, rt={rt_in}, rp={rp_in}') ax[0].plot(drt_in, drt_in, color=colors[4], ls=':') ax[0].errorbar(drt_in, drt_u_mean, yerr=drt_u_std,
def modified_XOR(kernel, degree, C, sdev): import svm sv = svm.svm(kernel, degree=degree, C=C) #sv = svm.svm(kernel='poly',degree=3,C=0.2) #sv = svm.svm(kernel='rbf',C=0.1) #sv = svm.svm(kernel='poly',degree=3) #sdev = 0.4 #0.3 #0.1 m = 100 X = sdev * np.random.randn(m, 2) X[m / 2:, 0] += 1. X[m / 4:m / 2, 1] += 1. X[3 * m / 4:, 1] += 1. targets = -np.ones((m, 1)) targets[:m / 4, 0] = 1. targets[3 * m / 4:, 0] = 1. #targets = (np.where(X[:,0]*X[:,1]>=0,1,-1)*np.ones((1,np.shape(X)[0]))).T sv.train_svm(X, targets) Y = sdev * np.random.randn(m, 2) Y[m / 2:, 0] += 1. Y[m / 4:m / 2, 1] += 1. Y[3 * m / 4:m, 1] += 1. test = -np.ones((m, 1)) test[:m / 4, 0] = 1. test[3 * m / 4:, 0] = 1. #test = (np.where(Y[:,0]*Y[:,1]>=0,1,-1)*np.ones((1,np.shape(Y)[0]))).T #print test.T output = sv.classifier(Y, soft=False) #print output.T #print test.T err1 = np.where((output == 1.) & (test == -1.))[0] err2 = np.where((output == -1.) & (test == 1.))[0] print kernel, C print "Class 1 errors ", len(err1), " from ", len(test[test == 1]) print "Class 2 errors ", len(err2), " from ", len(test[test == -1]) print "Test accuracy ", 1. - (float(len(err1) + len(err2))) / ( len(test[test == 1]) + len(test[test == -1])) pl.ion() pl.figure() l1 = np.where(targets == 1)[0] l2 = np.where(targets == -1)[0] pl.plot(X[, 0], X[, 1], 'o', markeredgewidth=5) pl.plot(X[l1, 0], X[l1, 1], 'ko') pl.plot(X[l2, 0], X[l2, 1], 'wo') l1 = np.where(test == 1)[0] l2 = np.where(test == -1)[0] pl.plot(Y[l1, 0], Y[l1, 1], 'ks') pl.plot(Y[l2, 0], Y[l2, 1], 'ws') step = 0.1 f0, f1 = np.meshgrid( np.arange(np.min(X[:, 0]) - 0.5, np.max(X[:, 0]) + 0.5, step), np.arange(np.min(X[:, 1]) - 0.5, np.max(X[:, 1]) + 0.5, step)) out = sv.classifier(np.c_[np.ravel(f0), np.ravel(f1)], soft=True).T out = out.reshape(f0.shape) pl.contour(f0, f1, out, 2) pl.axis('off')
def loopEvents(RUNID, boardID, att): DISPLAY = 0 print('DISPLAY = ', DISPLAY) pl.ion() filename = "C" + RUNID + "_b" + boardID + ".data.txt" #datafile = '../data/ulastai/'+filename datafile = '/home/martineau/GRAND/GRANDproto35/data/ulastai/' + filename print('Scanning', datafile) with open(datafile, "r") as f: evts ='-----------------') nevts = len(evts) - 1 print('Number of events:', nevts) time.sleep(1) date = [] board = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(evts)), dtype=np.int32) TS2 = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(evts))) TS1PPS = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(evts))) TS1Trig = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(evts))) SSS = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(evts)), dtype=np.int32) EvtId = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(evts)), dtype=np.int32) TrigPattern = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(evts))) imax = np.zeros(shape=(nevts, 3), dtype=int) Amax = np.zeros(shape=(nevts, 3)) mub = np.zeros(shape=(nevts, 3)) sigb = np.zeros(shape=(nevts, 3)) j = 0 # Index of array filling (because date & data are "append") for i in range(1, nevts + 1): if float(i) / 100 == int(i / 100): print('Event', i, '/', nevts) evt = evts[i] evtsplit = evt.split('\n') if np.size(evtsplit) > 8: # Event is of normal size date.append(evtsplit[1]) IP = evtsplit[2][3:] board[j] = int(IP[-2:]) TS2[j] = int( evtsplit[3][4:] ) # time elapsed since last PPS (125MHz clock <=> 8ns counter) tt = int(evtsplit[4][11:]) # phase in 8ns slot fr trigger TS1Trig[i] = get_1stone(hex(tt)) tpps = int(evtsplit[5][7:]) TS1PPS[j] = get_1stone(hex(tpps)) # phase in 8ns slot for PPS SSS[j] = int(evtsplit[6][4:]) # Elapsed seconds since start EvtId[j] = int(evtsplit[7][3:]) TrigPattern[j] = int(evtsplit[8][12:]) # Data raw = evtsplit[9:][:] #raw data raw2 = raw[0].split(" ") # Cut raw data list into samples raw2 = raw2[0:np.size(raw2) - 1] # Remove last element (empty) hraw2 = [hex(int(a)) for a in raw2] # TRansfer back to hexadecimal draw = [twos_comp(int(a, 16), 12) for a in hraw2] #2s complements draw = np.array(draw) * 1. / 2048 # in Volts nsamples = len(draw) / 4 # Separate data to each channel offset = nsamples / 2.0 thisEvent = np.reshape(draw, (4, nsamples)) #data.append(thisEvent) # Write to data list ... Not needed here if DISPLAY: print('Event ', j, 'at date', date[j]) t = np.array(range(np.shape(thisEvent)[1])) t = t * 10e-3 #in mus pl.figure(j) pl.subplot(311) pl.plot(t[3:], thisEvent[0][3:]) pl.ylabel('Amplitude [LSB]') pl.grid(True) pl.subplot(312) pl.ylabel('Amplitude [LSB]') pl.plot(t[3:], thisEvent[1][3:]) pl.grid(True) pl.subplot(313) pl.plot(t[3:], thisEvent[2][3:]) pl.xlabel('Time [mus]') pl.ylabel('Amplitude [LSB]') pl.grid(True) pl.suptitle('Board {0} Event {1}'.format(board[j], EvtId[j])) raw_input() pl.close(j) for k in [0, 1, 2]: nz = np.where(thisEvent[k][:] != 0) imax[j, k] = np.argmax(thisEvent[k][:]) Amax[j, k] = thisEvent[k][imax[j, k]] mub[j, k] = np.mean(thisEvent[k][nz]) sigb[j, k] = np.std(thisEvent[k][nz]) j = j + 1 else: print('Error! Empty event', i) boards = set(board[np.where(board > 0)]) print('Boards in run:', list(boards)) j = 0 m = np.empty([len(boards), 3]) em = np.empty([len(boards), 3]) for id in boards: sel = np.where(board == id) for k in [0, 1, 2]: pl.figure(1) subpl = 311 + k pl.subplot(subpl) a = mub[sel, k][0] pl.hist(a, 100) if k == 0: pl.title('Board {0}'.format(id)) if k == 2: pl.xlabel('Mean amplitude') pl.grid(True) pl.figure(2) subpl = 311 + k pl.subplot(subpl) b = sigb[sel, k][0] pl.hist(b, 100) if k == 0: pl.title('Board {0}'.format(id)) if k == 2: pl.xlabel('Std dev') pl.grid(True) #Pack up results m[j, k] = np.mean(a) em[j, k] = np.mean(b) print('Channel', k, ': mean=', m[j, k], '; stddev=', em[j, k]) j = j + 1 return {'m': m, 'em': em}
def spectrum_image(avg_num, direction): pylab.ion() [Burleigh_WM, Burleigh_WM_bool] = Initialise_Burleigh_WM() [SpecAn, SpecAn_Bool] = Initialise_HP8560E_SpecAn() #set the spectrum analyser scanning HP8560E_SpecAn_Trigger('FREE', 'CONTS', SpecAn) [SpecAn_BW, SpecAn_Sweeptime ] = HP8560E_SpecAn_Resbandwidth_Sweeptime(resbandwidth, sweeptime, SpecAn) [SpecAn_Centre, SpecAn_Span] = HP8560E_SpecAn_Centre_Span(centre, span, SpecAn) [SpecAn_track, SpecAn_Power] = HP8560E_SpecAn_RF(tracking_gen, RF_power, SpecAn) #need initial x_axis measurements to generate output array x_axis_data = np.arange(centre - span / 2, centre + span / 2, span / 601) #load in the offset from InGaAs detector and Modulator response amplitude_offset = np.loadtxt( "C:\\Users\\Milos\Desktop\\Er_Experiment_Interface_Code\\amplitude_offset.csv", delimiter=",") compensated_array = np.zeros((avg_num, 601), dtype=float) c = 299792453 Burleigh_WM.write("FETC:SCAL:WAV?") laser_wavelength = np.float( #convert x axis from frequency to wavelength if direction == 'pos': wavelength_values = x_axis_data * ((laser_wavelength**2) / (c * 10**9)) + laser_wavelength frequency_values = -x_axis_data + (c * 10**9) / laser_wavelength else: wavelength_values = -x_axis_data * ((laser_wavelength**2) / (c * 10**9)) + laser_wavelength frequency_values = x_axis_data + (c * 10**9) / laser_wavelength #now we collect the data trace for i in range(avg_num): plt.clf() #collect data from spectrum analyser SpecAn.write("TRA?") binary_string = SpecAn.read_raw() hex_string = binascii.b2a_hex(binary_string) spec_data_temp = np.zeros(601) for j in range(601): spec_data_temp[j] = int('0x' + hex_string[j * 4:j * 4 + 4], 0) compensated_data = np.subtract(spec_data_temp, amplitude_offset) compensated_array[i, :] = compensated_data[:] plt.plot(wavelength_values, compensated_data) plt.pause(0.01) #turn off RF so it stops burning [SpecAn_track, SpecAn_Power] = HP8560E_SpecAn_RF('OFF', RF_power, SpecAn) #average the above runs into one array avg_spec_data = np.average(compensated_array, 0) #print avg_spec_data plt.clf() pylab.ioff() foldername = 'spin polarisation image' filename = 'unpolarised-negative direction' if direction == 'pos': save_data(filename, foldername, laser_wavelength, avg_spec_data, wavelength_values, frequency_values) plt.plot(wavelength_values - 1538, avg_spec_data) plt.xlim(wavelength_values[1] - 1538, wavelength_values[-1] - 1538) else: save_data(filename, foldername, laser_wavelength, np.flipud(avg_spec_data), np.flipud(wavelength_values), np.flipud(frequency_values)) plt.plot(np.flipud(wavelength_values) - 1538, np.flipud(avg_spec_data)) plt.xlim(wavelength_values[-1] - 1538, wavelength_values[1] - 1538)
#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: UTF-8 from astropy.table import Table import numpy as np import pylab as pt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages from import EnergyBounds from method_fit import * from method_plot import * import yaml import sys pt.ion() """ ./ "config_crab.yaml" plot la valeur des differentes composantes utilisees pour le fit morpho """ input_param = yaml.load(open(sys.argv[1])) #Input param fit and source configuration image_size = input_param["general"]["image_size"] extraction_region = input_param["param_fit"]["extraction_region"] freeze_bkg = input_param["param_fit"]["freeze_bkg"] source_name = input_param["general"]["source_name"] name_method_fond = input_param["general"]["name_method_fond"] name = "_region_" + str(extraction_region) + "pix" if freeze_bkg: name += "_bkg_fix" else: name += "_bkg_free" for_integral_flux = input_param["exposure"]["for_integral_flux"]
for i in xrange(X.size): griddata.addSample([X.ravel()[i], Y.ravel()[i]], [0]) griddata._convertToOneOfMany( ) # this is still needed to make the fnn feel comfy for i in range(20): trainer.trainEpochs(1) trnresult = percentError(trainer.testOnClassData(), trndata['class']) tstresult = percentError(trainer.testOnClassData(dataset=tstdata), tstdata['class']) print "epoch: %4d" % trainer.totalepochs, \ " train error: %5.2f%%" % trnresult, \ " test error: %5.2f%%" % tstresult out = fnn.activateOnDataset(griddata) out = out.argmax(axis=1) # the highest output activation gives the class out = out.reshape(X.shape) figure(1) ioff() # interactive graphics off clf() # clear the plot hold(True) # overplot on for c in [0, 1, 2]: here, _ = where(tstdata['class'] == c) plot(tstdata['input'][here, 0], tstdata['input'][here, 1], 'o') if out.max() != out.min(): # safety check against flat field contourf(X, Y, out) # plot the contour ion() # interactive graphics on draw() # update the plot ioff() show()
def aux_basic(self, dirname, rc): """Helper function -- to assure that all filehandlers get closed so we could remove trash directory. Otherwise -- .nfs* files on NFS-mounted drives cause problems """ report = rc('UnitTest report', title="Sample report for testing", path=dirname) isdummy = isinstance(report, DummyReport) verbose.handlers = [report] verbose.level = 3 verbose(1, "Starting") verbose(2, "Level 2") if not isdummy: self.assertTrue(len(report._story) == 2, msg="We should have got some lines from verbose") if __debug__: odhandlers = debug.handlers debug.handlers = [report] oactive = = ['TEST'] + debug('TEST', "Testing report as handler for debug") if not isdummy: self.assertTrue(len(report._story) == 4, msg="We should have got some lines from debug") = oactive debug.handlers = odhandlers os.makedirs(dirname) if externals.exists('pylab plottable'): if not isdummy: clen = len(report._story) import pylab as pl pl.ioff() pl.close('all') pl.figure() pl.plot([1, 2], [3, 2]) pl.figure() pl.plot([2, 10], [3, 2]) pl.title("Figure 2 must be it") report.figures() if not isdummy: self.assertTrue( len(report._story) == clen+2, msg="We should have got some lines from figures") report.text("Dugi bugi") # make sure we don't puke on xml like text with crap report.text("<kaj>$lkj&*()^$%#%</kaj>") report.text("locals:\n%s globals:\n%s" % (`locals()`, `globals()`)) # bloody XML - just to check that there is no puke report.xml("<b>Dugi bugi</b>") if externals.exists('pylab'): import pylab as pl pl.close('all') pl.ion() pass
def pvhist(self, ns=0, nbins=20): print "nsamp", self.nsamp[ns] pylab.ion() pylab.hist(numpy.array(self.pvs[ns]), nbins)
def kepbls(infile, outfile, datacol, errcol, minper, maxper, mindur, maxdur, nsearch, nbins, plot, clobber, verbose, logfile, status, cmdLine=False): # startup parameters numpy.seterr(all="ignore") status = 0 labelsize = 32 ticksize = 18 xsize = 16 ysize = 8 lcolor = '#0000ff' lwidth = 1.0 fcolor = '#ffff00' falpha = 0.2 # log the call hashline = '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' kepmsg.log(logfile, hashline, verbose) call = 'KEPBLS -- ' call += 'infile=' + infile + ' ' call += 'outfile=' + outfile + ' ' call += 'datacol=' + str(datacol) + ' ' call += 'errcol=' + str(errcol) + ' ' call += 'minper=' + str(minper) + ' ' call += 'maxper=' + str(maxper) + ' ' call += 'mindur=' + str(mindur) + ' ' call += 'maxdur=' + str(maxdur) + ' ' call += 'nsearch=' + str(nsearch) + ' ' call += 'nbins=' + str(nbins) + ' ' plotit = 'n' if (plot): plotit = 'y' call += 'plot=' + plotit + ' ' overwrite = 'n' if (clobber): overwrite = 'y' call += 'clobber=' + overwrite + ' ' chatter = 'n' if (verbose): chatter = 'y' call += 'verbose=' + chatter + ' ' call += 'logfile=' + logfile kepmsg.log(logfile, call + '\n', verbose) # start time kepmsg.clock('KEPBLS started at', logfile, verbose) # is duration greater than one bin in the phased light curve? if float(nbins) * maxdur / 24.0 / maxper <= 1.0: message = 'WARNING -- KEPBLS: ' + str( maxdur) + ' hours transit duration < 1 phase bin when P = ' message += str(maxper) + ' days' kepmsg.warn(logfile, message) # test log file logfile = kepmsg.test(logfile) # clobber output file if clobber: status = kepio.clobber(outfile, logfile, verbose) if kepio.fileexists(outfile): message = 'ERROR -- KEPBLS: ' + outfile + ' exists. Use clobber=yes' status = kepmsg.err(logfile, message, verbose) # open input file if status == 0: instr, status = kepio.openfits(infile, 'readonly', logfile, verbose) if status == 0: tstart, tstop, bjdref, cadence, status = kepio.timekeys( instr, infile, logfile, verbose, status) # fudge non-compliant FITS keywords with no values if status == 0: instr = kepkey.emptykeys(instr, file, logfile, verbose) # read table structure if status == 0: table, status = kepio.readfitstab(infile, instr[1], logfile, verbose) # filter input data table if status == 0: work1 = numpy.array( [table.field('time'), table.field(datacol), table.field(errcol)]) work1 = numpy.rot90(work1, 3) work1 = work1[~numpy.isnan(work1).any(1)] # read table columns if status == 0: intime = work1[:, 2] + bjdref indata = work1[:, 1] inerr = work1[:, 0] # test whether the period range is sensible if status == 0: tr = intime[-1] - intime[0] if maxper > tr: message = 'ERROR -- KEPBLS: maxper is larger than the time range of the input data' status = kepmsg.err(logfile, message, verbose) # prepare time series if status == 0: work1 = intime - intime[0] work2 = indata - numpy.mean(indata) # start period search if status == 0: srMax = numpy.array([], dtype='float32') transitDuration = numpy.array([], dtype='float32') transitPhase = numpy.array([], dtype='float32') dPeriod = (maxper - minper) / nsearch trialPeriods = numpy.arange(minper, maxper + dPeriod, dPeriod, dtype='float32') complete = 0 print ' ' for trialPeriod in trialPeriods: fracComplete = float(complete) / float(len(trialPeriods) - 1) * 100.0 txt = '\r' txt += 'Trial period = ' txt += str(int(trialPeriod)) txt += ' days [' txt += str(int(fracComplete)) txt += '% complete]' txt += ' ' * 20 sys.stdout.write(txt) sys.stdout.flush() complete += 1 srMax = numpy.append(srMax, 0.0) transitDuration = numpy.append(transitDuration, numpy.nan) transitPhase = numpy.append(transitPhase, numpy.nan) trialFrequency = 1.0 / trialPeriod # minimum and maximum transit durations in quantized phase units duration1 = max(int(float(nbins) * mindur / 24.0 / trialPeriod), 2) duration2 = max( int(float(nbins) * maxdur / 24.0 / trialPeriod) + 1, duration1 + 1) # 30 minutes in quantized phase units halfHour = int(0.02083333 / trialPeriod * nbins + 1) # compute folded time series with trial period work4 = numpy.zeros((nbins), dtype='float32') work5 = numpy.zeros((nbins), dtype='float32') phase = numpy.array( ((work1 * trialFrequency) - numpy.floor(work1 * trialFrequency)) * float(nbins), dtype='int') ptuple = numpy.array([phase, work2, inerr]) ptuple = numpy.rot90(ptuple, 3) phsort = numpy.array(sorted(ptuple, key=lambda ph: ph[2])) for i in range(nbins): elements = numpy.nonzero(phsort[:, 2] == float(i))[0] work4[i] = numpy.mean(phsort[elements, 1]) work5[i] = math.sqrt( numpy.sum(numpy.power(phsort[elements, 0], 2)) / len(elements)) # extend the work arrays beyond nbins by wrapping work4 = numpy.append(work4, work4[:duration2]) work5 = numpy.append(work5, work5[:duration2]) # calculate weights of folded light curve points sigmaSum = numpy.nansum(numpy.power(work5, -2)) omega = numpy.power(work5, -2) / sigmaSum # calculate weighted phased light curve s = omega * work4 # iterate through trial period phase for i1 in range(nbins): # iterate through transit durations for duration in range(duration1, duration2 + 1, int(halfHour)): # calculate maximum signal residue i2 = i1 + duration sr1 = numpy.sum(numpy.power(s[i1:i2], 2)) sr2 = numpy.sum(omega[i1:i2]) sr = math.sqrt(sr1 / (sr2 * (1.0 - sr2))) if sr > srMax[-1]: srMax[-1] = sr transitDuration[-1] = float(duration) transitPhase[-1] = float((i1 + i2) / 2) # normalize maximum signal residue curve bestSr = numpy.max(srMax) bestTrial = numpy.nonzero(srMax == bestSr)[0][0] srMax /= bestSr transitDuration *= trialPeriods / 24.0 BJD0 = numpy.array(transitPhase * trialPeriods / nbins, dtype='float64') + intime[0] - 2454833.0 print '\n' # clean up x-axis unit if status == 0: ptime = copy(trialPeriods) xlab = 'Trial Period (days)' # clean up y-axis units if status == 0: pout = copy(srMax) ylab = 'Normalized Signal Residue' # data limits xmin = ptime.min() xmax = ptime.max() ymin = pout.min() ymax = pout.max() xr = xmax - xmin yr = ymax - ymin ptime = insert(ptime, [0], [ptime[0]]) ptime = append(ptime, [ptime[-1]]) pout = insert(pout, [0], [0.0]) pout = append(pout, 0.0) # plot light curve if status == 0 and plot: plotLatex = True try: params = { 'backend': 'png', 'axes.linewidth': 2.5, 'axes.labelsize': labelsize, 'axes.font': 'sans-serif', 'axes.fontweight': 'bold', 'text.fontsize': 12, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': ticksize, 'ytick.labelsize': ticksize } rcParams.update(params) except: plotLatex = False if status == 0 and plot: pylab.figure(figsize=[xsize, ysize]) pylab.clf() # plot data ax = pylab.axes([0.06, 0.10, 0.93, 0.87]) # force tick labels to be absolute rather than relative pylab.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter( pylab.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)) pylab.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter( pylab.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)) # rotate y labels by 90 deg labels = ax.get_yticklabels() pylab.setp(labels, 'rotation', 90) # plot curve if status == 0 and plot: pylab.plot(ptime[1:-1], pout[1:-1], color=lcolor, linestyle='-', linewidth=lwidth) pylab.fill(ptime, pout, color=fcolor, linewidth=0.0, alpha=falpha) pylab.xlabel(xlab, {'color': 'k'}) pylab.ylabel(ylab, {'color': 'k'}) pylab.grid() # plot ranges if status == 0 and plot: pylab.xlim(xmin - xr * 0.01, xmax + xr * 0.01) if ymin >= 0.0: pylab.ylim(ymin - yr * 0.01, ymax + yr * 0.01) else: pylab.ylim(1.0e-10, ymax + yr * 0.01) # render plot if status == 0 and plot: if cmdLine: else: pylab.ion() pylab.plot([]) pylab.ioff() # append new BLS data extension to the output file if status == 0: col1 = Column(name='PERIOD', format='E', unit='days', array=trialPeriods) col2 = Column(name='BJD0', format='D', unit='BJD - 2454833', array=BJD0) col3 = Column(name='DURATION', format='E', unit='hours', array=transitDuration) col4 = Column(name='SIG_RES', format='E', array=srMax) cols = ColDefs([col1, col2, col3, col4]) instr.append(new_table(cols)) instr[-1]['TTYPE1'].comment = 'column title: trial period' instr[-1][ 'TTYPE2'].comment = 'column title: trial mid-transit zero-point' instr[-1][ 'TTYPE3'].comment = 'column title: trial transit duration' instr[-1][ 'TTYPE4'].comment = 'column title: normalized signal residue' instr[-1]['TFORM1'].comment = 'column type: float32' instr[-1]['TFORM2'].comment = 'column type: float64' instr[-1]['TFORM3'].comment = 'column type: float32' instr[-1]['TFORM4'].comment = 'column type: float32' instr[-1]['TUNIT1'].comment = 'column units: days' instr[-1][ 'TUNIT2'].comment = 'column units: BJD - 2454833' instr[-1]['TUNIT3'].comment = 'column units: hours' instr[-1].header.update('EXTNAME', 'BLS', 'extension name') instr[-1].header.update('PERIOD', trialPeriods[bestTrial], 'most significant trial period [d]') instr[-1].header.update('BJD0', BJD0[bestTrial] + 2454833.0, 'time of mid-transit [BJD]') instr[-1].header.update('TRANSDUR', transitDuration[bestTrial], 'transit duration [hours]') instr[-1].header.update('SIGNRES', srMax[bestTrial] * bestSr, 'maximum signal residue') # history keyword in output file if status == 0: status = kepkey.history(call, instr[0], outfile, logfile, verbose) instr.writeto(outfile) # close input file if status == 0: status = kepio.closefits(instr, logfile, verbose) # print best trial period results if status == 0: print ' Best trial period = %.5f days' % trialPeriods[bestTrial] print ' Time of mid-transit = BJD %.5f' % (BJD0[bestTrial] + 2454833.0) print ' Transit duration = %.5f hours' % transitDuration[ bestTrial] print ' Maximum signal residue = %.4g \n' % (srMax[bestTrial] * bestSr) # end time if (status == 0): message = 'KEPBLS completed at' else: message = '\nKEPBLS aborted at' kepmsg.clock(message, logfile, verbose)
import sys sys.path.insert(0, '..') import numpy as np import pylab as pb from gp import chgp from gp import hgp import kern pb.ion() #build a double-hierarchy HGP #1) construct the data genenames = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bex'] Nrep = 5 Ngene = len(genenames) Nd = [np.random.randint(2, 8) for i in range(Nrep)] X = [np.random.randn(Ndi, 1) for Ndi in Nd] [xx.sort(0) for xx in X] Y = [[ np.sin(xx) + 0.3 * np.sin(xx + 5 * np.random.rand()) + 0.5 * np.sin(xx + 10. * gs) + 0.05 * np.random.randn(Ndi, 1) for Ndi, xx in zip(Nd, X) ] for g, gs in enumerate([np.random.randn() for i in range(Ngene)])] #2) construct the pdata pdata_chgp = np.vstack( [np.tile([[str(i)]], (Ndi, 1)) for i, Ndi in enumerate(Nd)]) pdata_rep = np.tile(pdata_chgp, (Ngene, 1)) pdata_gene = np.vstack( [np.tile([[str(i)]], np.vstack(X).shape) for i in range(Ngene)])
from __future__ import absolute_import import theano import matplotlib if 'MACOSX' in matplotlib.get_backend().upper(): matplotlib.use('TKAgg') import pylab as py py.ion() ## Turn on plot visualization import gzip, pickle import numpy as np from PIL import Image import cv2 import keras.backend as K K.set_image_dim_ordering('th') from keras.layers import Input, merge, TimeDistributed, LSTM, GRU, RepeatVector from keras.models import Sequential, Model from keras.layers.core import Flatten, Dense, Dropout, Activation, Reshape from keras.initializations import normal, identity, he_normal, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform, he_uniform from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization import threading ############# Define Data Generators ################ class ImageNoiseDataGenerator(object): '''Generate minibatches with realtime data augmentation. ''' def __init__(self, corruption_level=0.5): self.__dict__.update(locals()) self.p = corruption_level
def lsm_matching(patch, lsm_search, pointAdjusted, lsm_buffer, thresh=0.001): # source code from Ellen Schwalbe rewritten for Python #x1, y1 of patch (template); x2, y2 of search area (little bit bigger) add_val = 1 px = patch.shape[1] py = patch.shape[0] n = px * py dif_patch_lsm_size_x = (lsm_search.shape[1] - patch.shape[1]) / 2 dif_patch_lsm_size_y = (lsm_search.shape[0] - patch.shape[0]) / 2 p_shift_ini = pointImg() p_shift_ini.x =[1] / 2) p_shift_ini.y =[0] / 2) #approximation U = np.asarray( [[1] / 2),[0] / 2)], dtype=np.float) # #tx, ty, alpha # U = np.asarray([[1]/2),[0]/2), # np.float(0)], dtype=np.float) A = np.zeros((n, U.shape[0])) l = np.zeros((n, 1)) for i in range(100): #number of maximum iterations lsm_search = contrastAdaption(patch, lsm_search) lsm_search = brightnessAdaption(patch, lsm_search) #calculate gradient at corresponding (adjusting) position U count = 0 img_test_search = np.zeros((lsm_search.shape[0], lsm_search.shape[1])) img_test_patch = np.zeros((patch.shape[0], patch.shape[1])) for x1 in range(px): for y1 in range(py): if (U[0] - p_shift_ini.x < -(lsm_buffer + dif_patch_lsm_size_x) or U[0] - p_shift_ini.x > lsm_search.shape[1] + lsm_buffer - 1 or U[1] - p_shift_ini.y < -(lsm_buffer + dif_patch_lsm_size_y) or U[1] - p_shift_ini.y > lsm_search.shape[0] + lsm_buffer - 1): print(count, i) print('patch out of search area') return 1 / 0 x2 = x1 + U[ 0] - p_shift_ini.x + dif_patch_lsm_size_x #shift to coordinate system of lsm_search y2 = y1 + U[1] - p_shift_ini.y + dif_patch_lsm_size_y # #rotation and translation # x2 = x1 * np.cos(U[2]) - y1 * np.sin(U[2]) + U[0]-p_shift_ini.x + dif_patch_lsm_size_x # y2 = x1 * np.sin(U[2]) + y1 * np.cos(U[2]) + U[1]-p_shift_ini.y + dif_patch_lsm_size_y g1 = patch[int(y1), int(x1)] g2 = interopolateGreyvalue(lsm_search, x2, y2) img_test_patch[y1, x1] = g1 img_test_search[int(y2), int(x2)] = g2 plt.ion() #translation x gx1 = interopolateGreyvalue(lsm_search, x2 - add_val, y2) gx2 = interopolateGreyvalue(lsm_search, x2 + add_val, y2) #translation y gy1 = interopolateGreyvalue(lsm_search, x2, y2 - add_val) gy2 = interopolateGreyvalue(lsm_search, x2, y2 + add_val) # #rotation # galpha1 = interopolateGreyvalue(lsm_search, x2, y2, 1) # galpha2 = interopolateGreyvalue(lsm_search, x2, y2, -1) plt.close('all') if g1 < 0 or g2 < 0 or gx1 < 0 or gy1 < 0 or gx2 < 0 or gy2 < 0: print(count, i) print('error during gradient calculation') return 1 / 0 l[count] = g2 - g1 #translation A[count, 0] = gx1 - gx2 A[count, 1] = gy1 - gy2 # #rotation # A[count, 2] = galpha1-galpha2 count = count + 1 #perform adjustment with gradients dx_lsm, s0 = adjustmentGradient(A, l) #adds corrections to the values of unknowns SUM = 0 for j in range(U.shape[0]): U[j] = U[j] + dx_lsm[j] SUM = SUM + np.abs(dx_lsm[j]) # print SUM, U, dx_lsm #stops the iteration if sum of additions is very small if (SUM < thresh): pointAdjusted.x = U[0] pointAdjusted.y = U[1] pointAdjusted.s0 = s0 pointAdjusted.usedObserv = n return pointAdjusted print('adjustment not converging') return -1
def plotgauge(gaugeno, plotdata, verbose=False): #========================================== """ Plot all requested plots for a single gauge from the computation. The plots are requested by setting attributes of plotdata to ClawPlotFigure objects with plot_type="each_gauge". """ if verbose: gaugesoln = plotdata.getgauge(gaugeno) print ' Plotting gauge %s at x = %s, y = %s ... ' \ % (gaugeno, gaugesoln.location[0], gaugesoln.location[1]) if plotdata.mode() == 'iplotclaw': pylab.ion() try: plotfigure_dict = plotdata.plotfigure_dict except: print '*** Error in plotgauge: plotdata missing plotfigure_dict' print '*** This should not happen' return None if len(plotfigure_dict) == 0: print '*** Warning in plotgauge: plotdata has empty plotfigure_dict' print '*** Apparently no figures to plot' # initialize current_data containing data that will be passed # to beforegauge, aftergauge, afteraxes commands current_data = clawdata.ClawData() current_data.add_attribute("user", {}) # for user specified attributes # to avoid potential conflicts current_data.add_attribute('plotdata', plotdata) current_data.add_attribute('gaugeno', gaugeno) # call beforegauge if present, which might define additional # attributes in current_data or otherwise set up plotting for this # gauge. beforegauge = getattr(plotdata, 'beforegauge', None) if beforegauge: if isinstance(beforegauge, str): # a string to be executed exec(beforegauge) else: # assume it's a function try: output = beforegauge(current_data) if output: current_data = output except: print '*** Error in beforegauge ***' raise # iterate over each single plot that makes up this gauge: # ------------------------------------------------------- if plotdata._mode == 'iplotclaw': gaugesoln = plotdata.getgauge(gaugeno) print ' Plotting Gauge %s at x = %s, y = %s ... ' \ % (gaugeno, gaugesoln.location[0], gaugesoln.location[1]) requested_fignos = plotdata.iplotclaw_fignos else: requested_fignos = plotdata.print_fignos plotted_fignos = [] plotdata = set_show(plotdata) # set _show attributes for which figures # and axes should be shown. # loop over figures to appear for this gauge: # ------------------------------------------- for figname in plotdata._fignames: plotfigure = plotdata.plotfigure_dict[figname] if (not plotfigure._show) or (plotfigure.type != 'each_gauge'): continue # skip to next figure figno = plotfigure.figno if requested_fignos != 'all': if figno not in requested_fignos: continue # skip to next figure plotted_fignos.append(figno) if not plotfigure.kwargs.has_key('facecolor'): # use Clawpack's default bg color (tan) plotfigure.kwargs['facecolor'] = '#ffeebb' # create figure and set handle: plotfigure._handle = pylab.figure(num=figno, **plotfigure.kwargs) pylab.ioff() if plotfigure.clf_each_gauge: pylab.clf() try: plotaxes_dict = plotfigure.plotaxes_dict except: print '*** Error in plotgauge: plotdata missing plotaxes_dict' print '*** This should not happen' return None if (len(plotaxes_dict) == 0) or (len(plotfigure._axesnames) == 0): print '*** Warning in plotgauge: plotdata has empty plotaxes_dict' print '*** Apparently no axes to plot in figno ', figno # loop over axes to appear on this figure: # ---------------------------------------- for axesname in plotfigure._axesnames: plotaxes = plotaxes_dict[axesname] if not plotaxes._show: continue # skip this axes if no items show # create the axes: axescmd = getattr(plotaxes, 'axescmd', 'subplot(1,1,1)') axescmd = 'plotaxes._handle = pylab.%s' % axescmd exec(axescmd) pylab.hold(True) # loop over items: # ---------------- for itemname in plotaxes._itemnames: plotitem = plotaxes.plotitem_dict[itemname] outdir = plotitem.outdir if outdir is None: outdir = plotdata.outdir gaugesoln = plotdata.getgauge(gaugeno, outdir) current_data.add_attribute('gaugesoln', gaugesoln) current_data.add_attribute('q', gaugesoln.q) current_data.add_attribute('t', gaugesoln.t) if plotitem._show: try: output = plotgauge1(gaugesoln, plotitem, current_data) if output: current_data = output if verbose: print ' Plotted plotitem ', itemname except: print '*** Error in plotgauge: problem calling plotgauge1' traceback.print_exc() return None # end of loop over plotitems for itemname in plotaxes._itemnames: plotitem = plotaxes.plotitem_dict[itemname] pylab.title("%s at gauge %s" % (plotaxes.title, gaugeno)) # call an afteraxes function if present: afteraxes = getattr(plotaxes, 'afteraxes', None) if afteraxes: if isinstance(afteraxes, str): # a string to be executed exec(afteraxes) else: # assume it's a function try: current_data.add_attribute("plotaxes", plotaxes) current_data.add_attribute("plotfigure", plotaxes._plotfigure) output = afteraxes(current_data) if output: current_data = output except: print '*** Error in afteraxes ***' raise if plotaxes.scaled: pylab.axis('scaled') # set axes limits: if (plotaxes.xlimits is not None) & (type(plotaxes.xlimits) is not str): try: pylab.xlim(plotaxes.xlimits[0], plotaxes.xlimits[1]) except: pass # let axis be set automatically if (plotaxes.ylimits is not None) & (type(plotaxes.ylimits) is not str): try: pylab.ylim(plotaxes.ylimits[0], plotaxes.ylimits[1]) except: pass # let axis be set automatically # end of loop over plotaxes # end of loop over plotfigures # call an aftergauge function if present: aftergauge = getattr(plotdata, 'aftergauge', None) if aftergauge: if isinstance(aftergauge, str): # a string to be executed exec(aftergauge) else: # assume it's a function try: output = aftergauge(current_data) if output: current_data = output except: print '*** Error in aftergauge ***' raise if plotdata.mode() == 'iplotclaw': pylab.ion() for figno in plotted_fignos: pylab.figure(figno) pylab.draw() if verbose: print ' Done with plotgauge for gauge %i' % (gaugeno) # print the figure(s) to file(s) if requested: if (plotdata.mode() != 'iplotclaw') & plotdata.printfigs: # iterate over all figures that are to be printed: for figno in plotted_fignos: printfig(gaugeno=gaugeno, figno=figno, \ format=plotdata.print_format, plotdir=plotdata.plotdir,\ verbose=verbose) return current_data
0, but_h, fun=callback.Xfrew) bfrew = mybut('<<', fig, button_layout_cursor, y0, 0, but_h, fun=callback.frew) brew = mybut('<', fig, button_layout_cursor, y0, 0, but_h, fun=callback.rew) bshot = mybut('12345', fig, button_layout_cursor, y0, 0, but_h, fun=callback.shot) bfwd = mybut('>', fig, button_layout_cursor, y0, 0, but_h, fun=callback.fwd) bffwd = mybut('>>', fig, button_layout_cursor, y0, 0, but_h, fun=callback.ffwd) bXffwd = mybut('>>>', fig, button_layout_cursor, y0, 0, but_h, fun=callback.Xffwd) if oldinter: pl.ion() # this is sort of initialisation code, but needed to be in a function if HaveTix: ShotWid() callback.redraw()
kwargs = dict(nwalkers=args.nwalkers,nburn=args.nburn, nsteps=args.nsteps,nthreads=args.nthreads, sigmaprior=args.sigmaprior) samples,sampler = mcmc(vel,velerr,**kwargs) mean,std = print '%-05s : %.2f'%('mean',mean) print '%-05s : %.2f'%('std',std) intervals = [] for i,name in enumerate(PARAMS.keys()): peak,[low,high] = peak_interval(samples[name],alpha=alpha) print "%-05s : %.2f [%.2f,%.2f]"%(name,peak,low,high) intervals.append([low,high]) if args.plot: try: import pylab as plt fig = plot(samples,intervals,sigma_clip=4) plt.ion(); outfile = os.path.splitext(args.infile)[0]+'.pdf' warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') plt.savefig(outfile) warnings.resetwarnings() except ImportError as e: msg = '\n '+e.message msg +='\n Failed to create plot.' warnings.warn(msg)
import scipy as sc output = sc.test('all', raise_warnings='release') import pylab as gr import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, Button, RadioButtons import as sio import sympy as sy from analysis1 import GetLocalExtrema gr.ion() x, p = sy.symbols('x p') a, pa, r, xr = sy.symbols('a pa r xr') h = sy.symbols('h') dpAP = a * (pa - p) + h * (1 - p) dxAP = r * x * (xr - x) + p * (1 - x) dp = a * (p - pa) dx = r * x * (xr - x) # Stimulus pars = { 'timeStart': 0.0, 'timeMax': 500.0, 'timeStep': 1e-3, 'tauX': 75.0, 'tauP': 75.0, 'asynX': 1.0, 'asynP': 0.3, 'kP': 0.0,
def performFeatureTracking(template_size, search_area, initCooTemplate, templateImage, searchImage, shiftSearchArea, performLSM=True, lsm_buffer=3, thresh=0.001, subpixel=False, plot_result=False): #template_size: np.array([template_width, template_height]) #search_area: np.array([search_area_x_CC, search_area_y_CC]) #initCooTemplate: np.array([x,y]) #shiftSearchArea: np.array([shiftFromCenter_x, shiftFromCenter_y]) template_width = template_size[0] template_height = template_size[1] search_area_x = search_area[0] search_area_y = search_area[1] shiftSearchArea_x = shiftSearchArea[0] shiftSearchArea_y = shiftSearchArea[1] #check if template sizes even and correct correspondingly if int(template_width) % 2 == 0: template_width = template_width + 1 if int(template_height) % 2 == 0: template_height = template_height + 1 if int(search_area_x) % 2 == 0: search_area_x = search_area_x + 1 if int(search_area_y) % 2 == 0: search_area_y = search_area_y + 1 #get patch clip if plot_result: plt.imshow(templateImage) plt.plot(initCooTemplate[0], initCooTemplate[1], "r.", markersize=10) plt.waitforbuttonpress() plt.cla() plt.close('all') try: patch, _ = getTemplate(templateImage, initCooTemplate, template_width, template_height, True) except Exception as e: # _, _, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() # print(e, 'line ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) print('template patch reaches border') return 1 / 0 #shift search area to corresponding position considering movement direction templateCoo_init_shift = np.array([ initCooTemplate[0] + shiftSearchArea_x, initCooTemplate[1] + shiftSearchArea_y ]) #get lsm search clip try: search_area, lowerLeftCoo_lsm_search = getTemplate( searchImage, templateCoo_init_shift, search_area_x, search_area_y, True) except Exception as e: # _, _, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() # print(e, 'line ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) print('search patch reaches border') return 1 / 0 if plot_result: plt.ion() CC_xy = crossCorrelation(search_area, patch, lowerLeftCoo_lsm_search, plot_result, subpixel) if CC_xy[0] == -999: return 1 / 0 if plot_result: plt.close('all') print(CC_xy) TrackedFeature = CC_xy if performLSM: #perform least square matching (subpixel accuracy possible) try: lsm_search, lowerLeftCoo_lsm_search = getTemplate( searchImage, CC_xy, search_area_x, search_area_y, True) except Exception as e: # _, _, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() # print(e, 'line ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) print('lsm patch reaches border') return 1 / 0 if plot_result: plt.imshow(lsm_search) plt.waitforbuttonpress() plt.close('all') pointAdjusted_ = pointAdjusted() try: result_lsm = lsm_matching(patch, lsm_search, pointAdjusted_, lsm_buffer, thresh) print('sigma LSM tracking: ' + str(result_lsm.s0)) if plot_result: plt.imshow(searchImage, cmap='gray') plt.plot(result_lsm.y + lowerLeftCoo_lsm_search[0], result_lsm.x + lowerLeftCoo_lsm_search[1], "b.", markersize=10) plt.waitforbuttonpress() plt.close('all') TrackedFeature = np.asarray([result_lsm.x, result_lsm.y]) except Exception as e: # _, _, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() # print(e, 'line ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) print('lsm failed') return TrackedFeature
def main(): p = ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('filename', help='Path to csv file containing the results.') p.add_argument('baseline', help='Path to csv file containing the results.') p.add_argument('--accuracy', required=1) p.add_argument('--runtime', required=1) p.add_argument('--data', choices=('train', 'dev'), default='dev') # p.add_argument('--save') args = p.parse_args() df = pandas.read_csv(args.filename) RUNTIME = '%s_new_policy_%s' % (, args.runtime) ACCURACY = '%s_new_policy_%s' % (, args.accuracy) df.sort_values(RUNTIME, inplace=1, ascending=False) [grammar] = df.args_grammar.unique() print 'Grammar: %s' % grammar assert not df.empty print df[[ACCURACY, RUNTIME, 'tradeoff', 'jobid']] rescale = 1 / df[RUNTIME].max() ax = pl.figure().add_subplot(111) #pl.axes(frameon=0) #pl.grid() ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) B = pandas.read_csv(args.baseline) df = df[(df.args_accuracy == args.accuracy) & (df.args_runtime == args.runtime) & (df.args_classifier == 'LOGISTIC')] # filter out points we didn't use from the baseline. used = [] for _, lols in df.iterrows(): [ix] = B[B.tradeoff == lols.args_initializer_penalty].index used.append(ix) B = B.ix[used] lambda_cone(B[ACCURACY], B[RUNTIME] * rescale, ax, c=c_baseline, conesize=0.05) lols_front = [] for _, lols in df.iterrows(): penalty = lols.args_initializer_penalty init = B[B.tradeoff == penalty] assert len(init) == 1 x = float(init[RUNTIME] * rescale) y = float(init[ACCURACY]) tradeoff = lols.tradeoff / rescale # baseline vector (target direction) arrow(x, y, tradeoff, offset=-0.05, c=c_vec_baseline, ax=ax) # baseline point ax.scatter([B[RUNTIME] * rescale], [B[ACCURACY]], c=c_vec_baseline, lw=0, s=9) # LOLS learning curve (squirt) squirt = pandas.read_csv(lols.log) ax.scatter(squirt[RUNTIME] * rescale, squirt[ACCURACY], lw=0, c=c_lols, s=8, alpha=.5) print 'acc iter1: %g init: %g' % ( squirt[squirt.iteration == 1][ACCURACY], init[ACCURACY]) print 'run iter1: %g init: %g' % ( squirt[squirt.iteration == 1][RUNTIME], init[RUNTIME]) assert abs( float(squirt[squirt.iteration == 1][ACCURACY]) - float(init[ACCURACY])) < 1e-3 assert abs( float(squirt[squirt.iteration == 1][RUNTIME]) - float(init[RUNTIME])) < 1e-3 # re-do early stopping early_stop = squirt[ACCURACY] - squirt[RUNTIME] * squirt.tradeoff lols = squirt.ix[early_stop.argmax()] # lols = squirt.ix[squirt.iteration.argmax()] if abs(x - lols[RUNTIME] * rescale) + abs(y - lols[ACCURACY]) > 1e-10: # LOLS vector ax.annotate("", xy=(lols[RUNTIME] * rescale, lols[ACCURACY]), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", lw=2, color=c_vec_lols, connectionstyle="arc3")) else: print colors.yellow % 'no lols vector for this point' print abs(x - lols[RUNTIME] * rescale) + abs(y - lols[ACCURACY]), abs( x - lols[RUNTIME] * rescale), abs(y - lols[ACCURACY]) print 'early stop iteration', lols.iteration print early_stop # LOLS vector end point (early stopping ax.scatter([lols[RUNTIME] * rescale], [lols[ACCURACY]], c=c_vec_lols, s=13) # show ugly read arrow to the last point. if 0: last = squirt.ix[squirt.iteration.argmax()] ax.annotate("", xy=(last[RUNTIME] * rescale, last[ACCURACY]), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", lw=2, color='r', connectionstyle="arc3")) lols_front.append([lols[RUNTIME] * rescale, lols[ACCURACY]]) # LOLS pareto frontier. xx, yy = zip(*lols_front) show_frontier(xx, yy, c=c_vec_lols, alpha=0.4, zorder=10, interpolation='linear-convex', ax=ax) # tick labels. xx = B[RUNTIME] * rescale #xx = np.linspace(xx.min(), xx.max(), 12) if args.runtime == 'pops': ax.set_xlabel(r'runtime (avg constituents built)') elif args.runtime == 'mask': ax.set_xlabel('runtime (avg spans allowed)') elif args.runtime == 'pushes': ax.set_xlabel('Runtime (Avg $|E|$)') pl.xticks(xx, ['%.f' % (x / rescale) for x in xx], rotation=45) # show all learning curves. if 0: pl.figure() for _, lols in df.iterrows(): squirt = pandas.read_csv(lols.log) #pl.figure() #pl.plot(squirt[RUNTIME]*rescale, squirt[ACCURACY]) R = squirt[ACCURACY] - squirt.tradeoff * squirt[RUNTIME] pl.plot(squirt.iteration, R) #xx=B[ACCURACY] #pl.yticks(xx, ['%.3f' % (x) for x in xx]) pl.ion() # # not ready for prime time because axes limits aren't set. # if # save = True # if path( # save = False # print bold % colors.yellow % "File exists (%s)" % # print bold % colors.yellow % "Overwrite existing file [y/N]?", # if raw_input().strip().lower() in ('y','yes'): # save = True # if save: # print bold % colors.yellow % "Saved file %s" % # pl.savefig( t = ['Controlled experiments (dev)'] [G] = df.args_grammar.unique() if 'medium' in G: t.append('small grammar') elif 'big' in G: t.append('big grammar') [RO] = df.args_roll_out.unique() if 'CP' in RO: t.append('$r_{\\textit{CP}}$') elif 'DP' in RO: t.append('$r_{\\textit{DP}}$') elif 'BF' in RO: t.append('$r_{\\textit{BF}}$') elif 'HY' in RO: t.append('$r_{\\textit{HY}}$') if args.accuracy == 'expected_recall_avg': ax.set_ylabel('accuracy (expected binarized recall)') elif args.accuracy == 'evalb_avg': ax.set_ylabel('accuracy (avg single-sentence F1)') #pl.title(', '.join(t)) print B[[ACCURACY, RUNTIME]] ax.figure.tight_layout() pl.ioff()
def create_images_png(filename, outfilename='Default'): """Creates the original, clean, and mask images in single a PNG. Useful for checking how well LACosmic worked. You may want to adjust the size of the "cut" images so to capture your source star. Parameters: filename : string Name of the original FITS image, including the path. outfilename : string, optional Name of the outfile PNG. Returns: nothing Outputs: PNG file. ``<file rootname>.png`` by default. Shows both full frame images and "cut" images of the source. """ pylab.ioff() # create page for plots page_width = 21.59 / 2 page_height = 27.94 / 2 fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(page_width, page_height)) file_clean = (filename.split('.fits')[0] + '.clean.fits') file_mask = (filename.split('.fits')[0] + '.mask.fits') scmax = 7000 # scale_max for raw and clean scmin = 3 # scale_min for raw and clean # Plot the original image pylab.subplot(3, 2, 1, aspect='equal') # 311 image_orig = image_orig_ext = image_orig[1].data image_orig_scaled = img_scale.log(image_orig_ext, \ scale_min=scmin, \ scale_max=scmax) plt_orig = pylab.imshow(image_orig_scaled, aspect='equal') pylab.title('Original (SCI)') # Plot cut of original image pylab.subplot(3, 2, 2, aspect='equal') image_orig_cut = img_scale.log(image_orig_ext[175:275,175:275], \ scale_min=scmin, \ scale_max=scmax) plt_orig_cut = pylab.imshow(image_orig_cut, aspect='equal') pylab.title('Original (SCI)') image_orig.close() # Plot the mask image pylab.subplot(3, 2, 3) #312 image_mask = image_mask_ext = image_mask[0].data plt_orig = pylab.imshow(image_mask_ext, aspect='equal', vmin=-2, vmax=1) #-2, -5 pylab.title('Mask') # Plot cut of the mask image pylab.subplot(3, 2, 4) plt_mask_cut = pylab.imshow(image_mask_ext[175:275,175:275], \ aspect='equal', vmin=-2, vmax=1) pylab.title('Mask') image_mask.close() # Plot the LACosmic-cleaned image pylab.subplot(3, 2, 5) #313 image_clean = image_clean_ext = image_clean[0].data image_clean_scaled = img_scale.log(image_clean_ext, \ scale_min=scmin, \ scale_max=scmax) plt_clean = pylab.imshow(image_clean_scaled, aspect='equal') pylab.title('Clean') #Plot cut of the LACosmic-cleaned image pylab.subplot(3, 2, 6) image_clean_cut = img_scale.log(image_clean_ext[175:275,175:275], \ scale_min=scmin, scale_max=scmax) plt_clean_cut = pylab.imshow(image_clean_cut, aspect='equal') pylab.title('Clean') image_clean.close() if outfilename == 'Default': pylab.savefig(filename.split('.fits')[0] + '.png') else: pylab.savefig(outfilename) pylab.close() pylab.ion()
def view_patches_bar(Yr, A, C, b, f, d1, d2, YrA=None, img=None): """view spatial and temporal components interactively Parameters: ----------- Yr: np.ndarray movie in format pixels (d) x frames (T) A: sparse matrix matrix of spatial components (d x K) C: np.ndarray matrix of temporal components (K x T) b: np.ndarray spatial background (vector of length d) f: np.ndarray temporal background (vector of length T) d1,d2: np.ndarray frame dimensions YrA: np.ndarray ROI filtered residual as it is given from update_temporal_components If not given, then it is computed (K x T) img: np.ndarray background image for contour plotting. Default is the image of all spatial components (d1 x d2) """ pl.ion() if 'csc_matrix' not in str(type(A)): A = csc_matrix(A) if 'array' not in str(type(b)): b = b.toarray() nr, T = C.shape nb = f.shape[0] nA2 = np.sqrt(np.array(A.power(2).sum(axis=0))).squeeze() if YrA is None: Y_r = spdiags(old_div(1, nA2), 0, nr, nr) * ( - ( - ( + C else: Y_r = YrA + C if img is None: img = np.reshape(np.array(A.mean(axis=1)), (d1, d2), order='F') fig = pl.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) axcomp = pl.axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.03]) ax1 = pl.axes([0.05, 0.55, 0.4, 0.4]) ax3 = pl.axes([0.55, 0.55, 0.4, 0.4]) ax2 = pl.axes([0.05, 0.1, 0.9, 0.4]) s_comp = Slider(axcomp, 'Component', 0, nr + nb - 1, valinit=0) vmax = np.percentile(img, 98) def update(val): i = print(('Component:' + str(i))) if i < nr: ax1.cla() imgtmp = np.reshape(A[:, i].toarray(), (d1, d2), order='F') ax1.imshow(imgtmp, interpolation='None', ax1.set_title('Spatial component ' + str(i + 1)) ax1.axis('off') ax2.cla() ax2.plot(np.arange(T), Y_r[i], 'c', linewidth=3) ax2.plot(np.arange(T), C[i], 'r', linewidth=2) ax2.set_title('Temporal component ' + str(i + 1)) ax2.legend(labels=['Filtered raw data', 'Inferred trace']) ax3.cla() ax3.imshow(img, interpolation='None',, vmax=vmax) imgtmp2 = imgtmp.copy() imgtmp2[imgtmp2 == 0] = np.nan ax3.imshow(imgtmp2, interpolation='None', alpha=0.5, ax3.axis('off') else: ax1.cla() bkgrnd = np.reshape(b[:, i - nr], (d1, d2), order='F') ax1.imshow(bkgrnd, interpolation='None') ax1.set_title('Spatial background ' + str(i + 1 - nr)) ax1.axis('off') ax2.cla() ax2.plot(np.arange(T), np.squeeze(np.array(f[i - nr, :]))) ax2.set_title('Temporal background ' + str(i + 1 - nr)) def arrow_key_image_control(event): if event.key == 'left': new_val = np.round(s_comp.val - 1) if new_val < 0: new_val = 0 s_comp.set_val(new_val) elif event.key == 'right': new_val = np.round(s_comp.val + 1) if new_val > nr + nb: new_val = nr + nb s_comp.set_val(new_val) else: pass s_comp.on_changed(update) s_comp.set_val(0) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event', arrow_key_image_control)
def mollzoom(map=None, fig=None, rot=None, coord=None, unit='', xsize=800, title='Mollweide view', nest=False, min=None, max=None, flip='astro', remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, gal_cut=0, format='%g', cmap=None, norm=None, hold=False, margins=None, sub=None): """Interactive mollweide plot with zoomed gnomview. Parameters: ----------- map : float, array-like shape (Npix,) An array containing the map, supports masked maps, see the `ma` function. if None, use map with inf value (white map), useful for overplotting fig : a figure number. Default: create a new figure rot : scalar or sequence, optional Describe the rotation to apply. In the form (lon, lat, psi) (unit: degrees) : the point at longitude *lon* and latitude *lat* will be at the center. An additional rotation of angle *psi* around this direction is applied. coord : sequence of character, optional Either one of 'G', 'E' or 'C' to describe the coordinate system of the map, or a sequence of 2 of these to rotate the map from the first to the second coordinate system. unit : str, optional A text describing the unit of the data. Default: '' xsize : int, optional The size of the image. Default: 800 title : str, optional The title of the plot. Default: 'Mollweide view' nest : bool, optional If True, ordering scheme is NESTED. Default: False (RING) min : float, optional The minimum range value max : float, optional The maximum range value flip : {'astro', 'geo'}, optional Defines the convention of projection : 'astro' (default, east towards left, west towards right) or 'geo' (east towards roght, west towards left) remove_dip : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the dipole+monopole remove_mono : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the monopole gal_cut : float, scalar, optional Symmetric galactic cut for the dipole/monopole fit. Removes points in latitude range [-gal_cut, +gal_cut] format : str, optional The format of the scale label. Default: '%g' """ import pylab # create the figure (if interactive, it will open the window now) f = pylab.figure(fig, figsize=(10.5, 5.4)) extent = (0.02, 0.25, 0.56, 0.72) # Starting to draw : turn interactive off wasinteractive = pylab.isinteractive() pylab.ioff() try: if map is None: map = np.zeros(12) + np.inf map = pixelfunc.ma_to_array(map) ax = PA.HpxMollweideAxes(f, extent, coord=coord, rot=rot, format=format, flipconv=flip) f.add_axes(ax) if remove_dip: map = pixelfunc.remove_dipole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True, verbose=True) elif remove_mono: map = pixelfunc.remove_monopole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True, verbose=True) ax.projmap(map, nest=nest, xsize=xsize, coord=coord, vmin=min, vmax=max, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) im = ax.get_images()[0] b = im.norm.inverse(np.linspace(0, 1, im.cmap.N + 1)) v = np.linspace(im.norm.vmin, im.norm.vmax, im.cmap.N) if matplotlib.__version__ >= '0.91.0': cb = f.colorbar(ax.get_images()[0], ax=ax, orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.05, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v) else: # for older matplotlib versions, no ax kwarg cb = f.colorbar(ax.get_images()[0], orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.05, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v) ax.set_title(title) ax.text(0.86, 0.05, ax.proj.coordsysstr, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold', transform=ax.transAxes), 0.30, unit, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold',, ha='left', va='center') ## Gnomonic axes #extent = (0.02,0.25,0.56,0.72) g_xsize = 600 g_reso = 1. extent = (0.60, 0.04, 0.38, 0.94) g_ax = PA.HpxGnomonicAxes(f, extent, coord=coord, rot=rot, format=format, flipconv=flip) f.add_axes(g_ax) if remove_dip: map = pixelfunc.remove_dipole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True) elif remove_mono: map = pixelfunc.remove_monopole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True) g_ax.projmap(map, nest=nest, coord=coord, vmin=min, vmax=max, xsize=g_xsize, ysize=g_xsize, reso=g_reso, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) im = g_ax.get_images()[0] b = im.norm.inverse(np.linspace(0, 1, im.cmap.N + 1)) v = np.linspace(im.norm.vmin, im.norm.vmax, im.cmap.N) if matplotlib.__version__ >= '0.91.0': cb = f.colorbar(g_ax.get_images()[0], ax=g_ax, orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.08, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v) else: cb = f.colorbar(g_ax.get_images()[0], orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.08, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v) g_ax.set_title(title) g_ax.text(-0.07, 0.02, "%g '/pix, %dx%d pix" % (g_ax.proj.arrayinfo['reso'], g_ax.proj.arrayinfo['xsize'], g_ax.proj.arrayinfo['ysize']), fontsize=12, verticalalignment='bottom', transform=g_ax.transAxes, rotation=90) g_ax.text(-0.07, 0.8, g_ax.proj.coordsysstr, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold', rotation=90, transform=g_ax.transAxes) lon, lat = np.around(g_ax.proj.get_center(lonlat=True), g_ax._coordprec) g_ax.text(0.5, -0.03, 'on (%g,%g)' % (lon, lat), verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', transform=g_ax.transAxes), 0.30, unit, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold',, ha='left', va='center') # Add graticule info axes grat_ax = pylab.axes([0.25, 0.02, 0.22, 0.25]) grat_ax.axis('off') # Add help text help_ax = pylab.axes([0.02, 0.02, 0.22, 0.25]) help_ax.axis('off') t = help_ax.transAxes help_ax.text(0.1, 0.8, 'r/t .... zoom out/in', transform=t, va='baseline') help_ax.text(0.1, 0.65, 'p/v .... print coord/val', transform=t, va='baseline') help_ax.text(0.1, 0.5, 'c ...... go to center', transform=t, va='baseline') help_ax.text(0.1, 0.35, 'f ...... next color scale', transform=t, va='baseline') help_ax.text(0.1, 0.2, 'k ...... save current scale', transform=t, va='baseline') help_ax.text(0.1, 0.05, 'g ...... toggle graticule', transform=t, va='baseline') # Set up the zoom capability zt = ZoomTool(map, fig=f.number, nest=nest, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, coord=coord) finally: pylab.draw() if wasinteractive: pylab.ion()