def get_basic_stats_sql(dimensions):
    Returns the sql computing the number of transactions,
    as well as the total and the average transaction amounts
    for the provided list of column names as dimensions.
    params = {'dim': '\n    , '.join(dimensions)}
    return apply_sql_template(_BASIC_STATS_TEMPLATE, params)
def get_preset_stats_sql(dimensions):
    Returns the sql computing the number of transactions,
    as well as the total and the average transaction amounts
    for the provided list of column names as dimensions.
    params = {'dimensions': dimensions}
    return apply_sql_template(_PRESET_VAR_STATS_TEMPLATE, params)
    {{ dim | sqlsafe }}
    , count(*) as num_transactions
    , sum(amount) as total_amount
    , avg(amount) as avg_amount
group by
    {{ dim | sqlsafe }}
order by total_amount desc

# Apply the template
params = {'dim': 'payment_method'}
print(apply_sql_template(_BASIC_STATS_TEMPLATE, params))

# Multiple columns joined outside of the template:
def get_basic_stats_sql(dimensions):
    Returns the sql computing the number of transactions,
    as well as the total and the average transaction amounts
    for the provided list of column names as dimensions.
    params = {'dim': '\n    , '.join(dimensions)}
    return apply_sql_template(_BASIC_STATS_TEMPLATE, params)

print(get_basic_stats_sql(['store_id', 'payment_method']))